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News on The 700 Club: August 5, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” August 5, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

When I first went to China,there were no cars on the road.

Everybody rode bicycles.

The only clothes that men had

was either a gray Maosuit or a blue Mao suit.

I went to a trade fair

and all I saw was primitivepieces of machinery.

It was an unbelievably backwards society.

And now what's happening?

It's real and it's here,

the most complex, pernicious,

aggressive threat ournation has ever faced.

What is it? The long arm of China.

Yesterday, the SenateIntelligence Committee

revealed alarming new evidence

of China's pervasive penetration

into almost every area of American life.

And what's even a greaterdanger, their nuclear arson.

Listen, they claim tohave at least 350 warheads

that the Pentagon expects todouble over the next decade.

I can't believe the transformation

that's happened in these last 30 years.

Here's George Thomas withthe shocking details.

- [George] New satelliteimages show a major expansion

of China's missile program.

- Xi Jinping has one goal,

to be the geopolitical military

and economic leader in the world period.

- Researchers with theFederation of American Scientists

uncovered 250 suspectednuclear missile silos,

represented in this image by dots.

They're under construction in a desert

in China's Western Xinjiang province.

That's the same region wherehuman rights groups believe

Beijing is holding more thanone million Muslim Uighurs

in massive concentration camps

as part of the communistgovernment's genocide

against the ethnic minority group.

- The members of this committee having,

because of the role they play,have a very unique insight

into this horror show that's playing out

before our eyes in the 21st century.

- [George] Images taken of avast site in northern China

also reveal multiplesilos under construction.

They would likely houseintercontinental ballistic missiles,

with each capable ofcarrying multiple warheads.

- [Narrator] The men andwomen of US Strategic Command

are always ready.

- [George] US Strategic Command,

overseer of America's nuclear arsenal,

responded to these alarming revelations,

tweeting, "The public has discovered

what we have been saying all along

about the growing threat the world faces

and the veil of secrecy that surrounds it.

China already has 350 nuclear warheads,

an arsenal the Pentagonbelieves will double

over the next decade.

- This rapid buildup hasbecome more difficult to hide

and it highlights how the PRC appears,

again, to be deviating from decades

of nuclear strategy basedaround minimum deterrence.

- [George] It's more evidence

of China's increasinglyassertive military ambitions

under president Xi Jinping.

- He is deadly earnest aboutbecoming the most powerful

military force in the world,as well as the largest

and most prominent economy in the world

by the mid '40s, the 2040s.

It's real.

- [George] China'sgrowing nuclear stockpile,

just one of many threatshighlighted by a Senate

Select IntelligenceCommittee hearing Wednesday.

- China is focusing ontargeting key US technologies

for both acquisition and development.

These include aerospace,advanced manufacturing,

AI, biotech, data analytics,semiconductors, renewables,

all in order to ensurethe PRC's future dominance

in these areas.

- [George] Committeemembers heard witnesses

tell how China is borrowinginto almost every facet

of American life.

From academia to Hollywoodand private enterprises

to state and local governments,

experts say Beijing'sinfluence runs deep and wide.

- The title of this hearingis The Long Arm of China.

Long Arm of China is notsome futuristic threat.

It's already here.

- [George] A former high-ranking official

with our nation'scounterintelligence community

calling China America'sgreatest existential threat.

- And it is the most complex,pernicious, aggressive,

and strategic threat ournation has ever faced.

- And it's time to wake up.

Today, China is already carrying out

the biggest illegal wealth transfer

from one nation to anotherin the history of mankind.

- [George] Primarilythrough American technology

and intellectual property.

- They have weaponized our openness,

they have weaponized our decency,

and they have weaponized a corporate lust

for profits against us.

- Following Wednesday's hearing,

Senator Rubio reintroduceda bipartisan bill

to combat China's politicalinfluence operations

in the United States and around the world.

Senator Rubio saying our nation, quote,

"must have the tools necessaryto combat Beijing's malicious

and coercive political influence."


- George, you know, wehear all the rhetoric,

but what is the Bidenadministration actually doing

to counter China's global advances?

- Yeah, Pat, one way the administration

is attempting to counter China's advances

is to encourage European nations and Japan

to counter Beijing'sBelt and Road Initiative.

Pat, as you know, China hasbeen on a spending spree

in recent years, lending and investing

hundreds of billions of dollarsto help developing nations

across Africa, Latin America,Asia, ad in fact, also Europe.

The president is urging wealthy nations

to offer an alternativeto Beijing's initiative,

but it has been a tough sell though.

There is deep disagreementamong the United States

and its allies about how torespond to China's rising power.

But the president has been clear.

He has framed China's riseas a fundamental struggle

between democracies and autocracies.

- George, what's the flashpoint?

What part of the worldshould we be watching?

- Yeah, Pat, American officials fear

that a Chinese invasion ofTaiwan is closer than we think.

China's government regardsthe island as a renegade state

and has repeatedly vowed to take it back

by force, if necessary.

Beijing continues to stage wargames off the coast of Taiwan

in what is widely seen as adress rehearsal for an invasion.

Pat, by the way, the vicechairman of the Joint Chiefs,

General John Hyten, saidrecently that the United States,

his words, "failedmiserably after US forces

staged a fake battle over Taiwan."

To quote the general, hesaid, "an aggressive red team

that had been studying the United States

for the last 20 yearsjust ran rings around us.

They knew exactly what we were going to do

before we did it."

The blue team, they lostaccess to its entire networks

almost immediately.

- Frightening.

Well, one of the greatestthreats is a cyberattack.

Are we ready for a cyberattack?

- Well, according to a new report, Pat,

from the Senate HomelandSecurity Committee, we are not.

It found federal agencies

tasked with securing sensitive data

have failed to implement someof the most basic defenses

against cyberattacks.

Eight agencies, includingthe State Department,

Social Security Administration,

and Department of Homeland Security

were evaluated, graded, andgiven so-called report cards.

Well, most of them got Cs and Ds.

Only DHS showed improvementover the last two years.

Clear evidence, as we havebeen talking on this show,

that personal informationof millions of Americans

continue to be at grave risk.

- Oh, it's frightening.

Thank you, George.- You're welcome.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the United States is thegreatest nation on earth,

but our liberties that allof us enjoy are under attack,

and it looks like weare furthering it away.

What are we spending our time on?

We're spending our time on the impeachment

of a governor in New York.

We're spending our time watching news.

We're spending our time on all this fluff

we're arguing about,while at the same time,

the same time, our enemiesare building up to destroy us.


In other news, pressurefrom within his own party.

Is that what drove the presidentto announce a 60-day freeze

on eviction from areashit hardest by COVID?

And is such a thing even legal?

CBN News correspondent BrodyCarter has the answers.

- Pat, after initiallydeciding it had no authority

to extend the moratorium, theWhite House then exercised

a controversial show of executive power.

Now that the presidentordered new protections,

critics argue he's not onlyoverstepping his power, Pat,

he's breaking his oath of office.

- This eviction moratorium

by the Centers for Disease Control

is unlawful and is unconstitutional

because the CDC does not have the power

to impose such a moratorium.

Congress never gave the CDC that power.

- [Brody] Biden, however, faced criticism

and political theaterwithin his own party,

like Cori Bush sleepingon the Capitol steps,

demanding the governmentact swiftly to save lives.

- It's our work as humansto end human suffering

and then to fight againstany in any way, any place

where we see the possibleperpetuation of it.

- [Brody] So the administration

had the CDC issue a new moratorium

rather than go againstthe Supreme Court ruling

that there could notbe a fourth extension.

- The bulk of theconstitutional scholarship says

that it's not likely topass constitutional muster.

Number one.

But there are several keyscholars who think that it may

and it's worth the effort.

- Despite this move,billions of unspent dollars

in federal aid remain available.

Virginia working to spend that cash,

giving out $223 million totenants and landlords in need.

While at homeless shelterslike Union Mission

here in Norfolk, Virginia,it's close to full capacity.

Now even though the presidentinitiated another 60 days,

hopeful to give protections to people

set to lose their homes,that doesn't necessarily mean

that it's smooth sailing from here.

- You're more than your address

and so when someone's homeless,

a profound impact hascome upon that person

or that family and the extended family.

- [Brody] With nearly 3.5million evictions filed each year

in non-pandemic years, ReverendJohn Gray with Union Mission

knows all too well thetoll homelessness has

on people they serve.

- Saved my life.

He's saving lives.

I mean, what they do here's wonderful.

- [Brody] John Haley currently trying

to get out of this situation.

- I think it's likeorganizing in your head

what you have to do, stepsto get out of that situation,

quieting your mind.

This is a great place to quiet your mind.

- Well, your heart certainlygoes out to the homeless.

And after living on thestreets of Washington DC,

John knows he's one of thelucky ones getting help.

He understands millions of Americans

will soon face the same fateof living on the streets.

And now homeless shelters and ministries,

they face the same 60-day deadline

to prepare for a possible rise

in the homeless population seeking refuge.


- Brody, we've hadCOVID, now the potential

for a mass of homeless people.

You got the Union Mission.

Are they coping properlywith these challenges?

- They certainly are, Pat.

It's faith over fear.

When I think of, the Bible verse

that comes to mind, Psalm 34:4,

"I sought the Lord, He answered me

and He rescued from all my fears."

That seems to be how themission is operating, Pat,

at this point in time.

Obviously looking forcreative housing options

for the future.

We've only got 60 days

to get our ducks in arow, so to speak, Pat.

But the mission occupancyis down 50% due to COVID-19.

They have every reason in theworld, Pat, to be fearful,

but they're holding on to that faith

as they move forward with the coming days.

And at the end of the day,it is faith over fear.

They've been serving thecommunity since the 1890s.

And now Reverend Gray, he told me that,

at this point in time, heunderstands God has brought them

through so much, so what's to say

God isn't gonna do it again.


- (chuckles) Well, He will do it.

Thank you, Brody.- Amen.

- Ladies and gentlemen,you've got to realize

that one of the fundamental rights we have

in the United States is to own property.

And if you take awaythe right of a landlord

to collect rents, what isthe landlord going to do?

Say the guy's got a two-family home

and he lives in one half of it,

but he needs the rent to pay his mortgage.

So the Biden administrationsays, "I'm sorry.

We're going to cancel yourright to collect rent,"

so he loses his property.

And all across America, therewould be economic chaos.

And then who would want to rent?

That's the thing.

Why would you let somesquatter come into your house,

into your apartment, into your dwelling

if indeed you couldn't throw him out?

And so it's gonna ultimately hurt the poor

and the less fortunate.

(coughs lightly)

But it's going to destroythe housing of America.

You cannot violate the Constitution.

And the Biden administration

says, "Well, we'll find a few scholars

who maybe think we can andthen we'll act on them."

You don't do that when the Supreme Court

has made it clear it's wrong.


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