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Studio 5: Dummer Expectations - August 4, 2021

Singer & songwriter Elias Dummer shares the story behind his new music project, The Work, Vol II, and performs Expectations. Lin Manuel Miranda reveals his newest movie musical, Vivo. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to "Studio 5."

Singer and songwriter Elias Dummer is here

for a sit-down and a performance.

And Lin-Manuel Miranda hasactually four musical movies

coming out this year,

we're gonna take a look at the latest.

But let's begin as we do each week,

counting down the topfive stories in the world

of uplifting entertainment.

Here's number five and four.

(transition effects)At number five.

(theme music)- [Announcer] Simone Biles

is back on the Olympic medal podium,

taking home the bronze for balance beam.

China awarded the gold and silver.

Simone's routine was nearlyflawless except for one wobble,

finishing with a Double Pike dismount.

Once finished every beamcompetitor hugged her.

She withdrew from theteam final a week ago

and then one by one each individual event,

vault, bars and floor.

Instead taking on therole of team cheerleader,

making room for some of the other members

of team USA to shine.

(transition effects)

- [Efrem] At number four.

- Sir don't be alarmed, I'm coming down.

- Oh thank you, thank you, thank you

the rescue team is here.

(cable stopping)

A dog?

- Actually, sir, I'm a puppy.

- [Efrem] A "Studio 5" firstlook at the famous voices

behind the highly anticipated"Paw Patrol: The Movie."

Ahead of it's August 20th release.

- Liberty reporting for duty.

- Here are some dogs thatjust won't roll over.

(boy howling)- What do we have here?

- You like totally youmess with the wrong dogs.

(man howling indefinitely)(transition effects)

- We'll return to thecountdown in just a little bit

and pick it back up at number three.

But first let's begin withworship leader, Elias Dummer.

He's making headlines with his new music

and his call for thechurch to be a safe space

for people to ask tough questions.

If you don't know Dummer by name,

you probably know his music.

He helped to create one of Canada's

most acclaimed worshipbands, the City Harmonic.

And he has a new solo album,it's called "The Work Vol. 2."

He's also a husband and father of five.

(effects whooshing)

(gentle music)

♪ I am not what I make ♪

♪ I am who you have made me to be ♪

- [Efrem] Now checkingout your social media,

you describe yourself, Jesus, family words

and overthinking?- Yeah.

- [Efrem] What's theoverthinking? (laughs)

♪ What you believe ♪

- When you write worship songs,

you're writing songs thatpeople will one day pray.

You're writing songsthat people will want,

that may one day shape their theology,

their view of the world and all of that.

And I really feel that weight of that.

♪ I am not who I know ♪

♪ I am known by the King of all Kings ♪

- [Efrem] Folks may nothave known your name

because you were singingwith The City Harmonics.

So you're like in, youknow, group setting there

("Manifesto")and then a song

that's really popular for,for your group "Manifesto."

What's the story behindhow that came to be?

- Well, it's funny becausethe story of that song

is really the same storybehind the band named

that band and much of what we tried to do.

♪ We believe ♪

♪ In the one true God ♪

- [Elias] We're froma city called Hamilton

in Ontario, Canada, whichfor many years was like

that the target of Canada's joke.

It was, it was kind ofvery, it was a steel city

that didn't make steel anymore

and kind of became afairly rundown, poor place.

In fact, I grew up two blocks

from what was called thered zone at the time,

which was the poorest urbanneighborhood in the country.

In the midst of thatdowntown was abandoned

and a few churches, small,

relatively small churchesstarted working together.

They would say, "Working together

"for the good of the city."

And The City Harmonicarose out of that movement

of churches working together.

And in that time, in about 10 year-span,

Hamilton went from thered zone to one of the top

real estate investmentcities in the country.

♪ A-a-amen, yeah ♪

So Manifesto was really just,"What's our common ground?"

How do we...

What can we stand on thatwe all as Christians.

Can stand on and knowing firsthand

the difference that can make in the world.

- What surprised you aboutthat particular song?

It's certainly lasted a long time.

What surprised you guys about it?

- Well, as a guy who overthinks things,

(Efrem laughs)it's relatively simple songs.

(laughs) So.

♪ We'll be free ♪

And I think in a sense it's a little bit

of a bummer as a lyricist.(both laughs)

Exactly everyone gets reallywrapped up on this simple song.

When the song was firstselected by our radio promoter

at the time, we argued with them.

Like, for like weeks. Yeah.(Efrem laughs)

We said, no, this is not,this is not the song.

And he stuck to his guns, thank goodness

and off we go.♪ A-a-amen ♪

- The buzz and the conversation now

is around the drop of "Expectations?"

("Enough")- It was interesting because,

we wrote it before the pandemic

and everything that came along with it.

And, at my own church,

we went through the season of resting.

I'm like, "Okay, we've got folks

"from all kinds of different places,

"coming together in worship every week."

And to what extent are weoffering them a call to worship.

Where, not only are theyencouraged to expect

that God can do somethingin their life here and now

but that they see themselves in the song.

Maybe you're coming withchild-like wonder and trust,

and you're in a great position.

Or maybe frankly you'reat the back of the room

with your arms crossed and you're,

you're not sure why you're there

and you're filled withquestions and doubt and hurt

and all these things.

And, we all know in thewake of the pandemic,

that many people are coming tochurch in exactly that place.

- What a unique time to be living

- (laughs) Yes, yeah.- in this country? (laughs)

As, you know, comingfrom, coming from Canada

or anywhere in the world.- [Elias] Yeah.

- Coming from Canada.

- Yeah, wow. Yeah.

No, it's, it's been interesting for sure.

I often feel like I getto play the foreign card

in conversations because Ican't vote in this country.

And I, you know, I don't havea, for lack of a better word:

I don't, I don't have adog in the fight, right?

I'm, I'm looking at this andseeing that we're very divided,

you know, in this country.

I've been here long enough,I say we. We're very divided.

I mean, the church is divided

over a million different issues and,

and I'm grateful not to go full circle.

But I'm grateful in a sense

for what I saw happen in my hometown.

I know that if we canstand on our common ground,

that a real difference canbe made in the world in terms

of how we treat each other

and how we approach theproblems of the world.

♪ Jesus my everything ♪- You actually write about

and have studied the scientific benefits

of corporate singing?

- Yeah,(Efrem laughs)

definitely. Yeah.

So I, I've been into kindof science and neuroscience

and that kind of stuff for a long time.

♪ With nothing, ♪

♪ I still have everything. ♪And one of the things

that's really cool...♪ Jesus ♪

About worship in particular is,

and I think is often overlooked,

is that really singing together,

just the machinery of singing together.

In some ways accomplishessome of what Jesus says,

"Love the Lord, your God,the heart, soul, mind,

"and strength and loveyour neighbor as yourself."

♪ I still have everything, ♪Singing together

♪ Jesus. ♪releases oxytocin

in the brain, which is oftencalled the love hormone.

♪ Jesus ♪

So there's this sense in which,

when we literally sing together,

just the machinery aloneis a discipleship tool.

And I think that's just anincredible thing that we,

you know, the world ought to know.

We do this thing and it matters.And it makes a difference.

♪ Jesus, you are enough for me ♪

(transition effects)

- That very first singlefrom Elias's sophomore album

is called "Expectation."

It was released back in July

and he's grabbing hisguitar and coming back

for an in-studio performance of the tune,

in just a little bit,

stick around for that.

(transition effects)- [Announcer] Still ahead.

(suspenseful music)- Hey, Vivo. Are you scared?

You know, my dad used tosing to me when I was scared.

- [Efrem] We have a look

at Lin-Manuel Miranda'slatest movie-musical.

- It really was aboutmusic and friendship and,

and in a weird way, grief,

but in a way that felt very accessible

to people of all ages.

- [Efrem] He's takingStudio 5 inside the making

of Vivo, it's coming up next.

(transition effects)(transition effects)

- Orphans Promises committed(inspiring music)

to loving and serving at risk children.

To helping keep families together

and to creating opportunities for strong

and sustainable communitiesaround the world.

We're working in over 60countries around the world

and with your help, we can do even more.

There's an old Africanproverb by love that says,

"If you want to run fast, run alone.

"But if you want torun far, run together."

At Orphans Promise we want to run far,

so we can touch thelives of as many orphaned

and vulnerable children as possible.

But we don't wanna go alone.

We're out to change theworld, one child, one family,

one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(chime effects)(children laughing)

(transition effects)

- [Efrem] At number three.(upbeat rock music)

- Somebody's gotta host it, that's me.

Somebody's gotta watch it, that's you.

On Pure Flix.

- [Efrem] Emmy winning,Dirty Jobs' host, Mike Rowe,

is on a mission with a newshow, "Somebody's gotta do it."

- I'm Mike Rowe and I'm on a mission

to find somebody on a mission.

(coach shouts)(group feet stomping)

Somebody, (startled) who's got a passion.

For a scale of one to 10. Howmuch do you like what you do?

- 25.- There we go.

Somebody, (shouts) who's got a calling.

Pretty excited.

Somebody(goat screams)

who's making our worlda little bit brighter.

- I love to make thingsthat make people smile.

- [Mike] A little bit bigger.

Who is with me?(group applauds)

A little bit better.

- What has the opportunity

to spend time with thesepeople? What's that done to you?

- Personally, I'm stilltrying to, to calculate it.

I mean, for me personally,when the dust settled.

It was all just a big reminder

that when you're fundamentally grateful,

it's very difficult tofeel anxious or angry

or bitter or resentful.(transition effects)

- [Efrem] At number two.

♪ And I- I will always love you , oh ♪

Dolly Parton pen the tuneWhitney Houston made famous.

And now she sharing what she did,

with the earnings fromWhitney's recording.

- What is the best thing thatyou bought or invested in,

with money from your "I willalways love you" royalties?

- I bought my big officecomplex down in, in Nashville.

And so I thought, "Well, thisis a wonderful place to be."

I brought, I bought a property down in,

what was the black area of town

and it was mostly just black families

and people that lived around there.

And it was just off thebeaten path from 60th avenue.

And I thought, "Well, Iam gonna buy this place,

"if the whole strip mall."

And I thought, "This is theperfect place for me to be,"

considering it was Whitney's.

And, so I just thought this was great.

I'm just gonna be downhere with her people.

Who are my people as well.

And so, I just love the fact that I spent

that money on a complex.

And I think this is thehouse that Whitney built.

(transition effects)- Welcome back to Studio 5.

We now have just one more story

to share in this week's countdown.

We'll pick it back up in just a moment.

Hamilton-creator Lin-ManuelMiranda has four movie musicals

coming out this year.

The newest is out this weekand it stars a kinkajou,

a honey bear. Here's yourStudio 5 first look at Vivo.

(transition effects)(seagulls squawking)

♪ Come down from the tree. ♪(Vivo squeaks)

♪ You can stay with me. ♪

- My name's Lin-Manuel Miranda.

I am the songwriter onVivo and I also play Vivo.

- When it came to music,(intense music)

Andrés and I became so insync.(upbeat music)

Not a moment out of place.

Until the letter came.

- Marta.

- It is a love letter to the two things

that I think live forever.

(soft guitar music)Like music and love.

- Nothing would meanmore to me than for us

to sing together, again.

- [Andrés] See you guys were like a duo,

she was also the love of my life.

But I never told her how I felt.

All my love, I put it into a song.

- Vivo is a kinkajou, whichare not common to Cuba,

but he sort of found himself there

through an accident of circumstance

and was rescued by thisincredible musician named, Andrés.

- Vivo, you must deliverthis one to Marta.

She needs to know that I love her.

- Marta, here I come.

- On the way, he meets Gabi.

(Gabi and Vivo screams)

- Marta needs to hear this song

and I'm gonna get youthere. Get in my bag.

- [Lin-Manuel] And this friendship forms

between Vivo and Gabi.

- [Gabi] The mission for love, is on.

- Can we pet him?- No.

- Go to town, his name's Vivo.

He is a possum.- Huh?

- Gabi, it's a kinkajou.

- [Lin-Manuel] It reallyis kind of a road movie.

("Keep the beat")Sort of like,

when life throws changesat us, how do we adapt?

And how do we keep going?

But it is, it is theirjourney to deliver that song

from havana to, to Marta.

- [Gabi] Marta, here we come.

- [Vivo] What are you doing?

- Sometimes, you gotta improvise.

- For him to meet someone like Gabi,

who was never found arule she couldn't break,

is quite the odd-couple pairing.

When his life is offended,how do you adapt to that?

Like there's a lessonin that for all of us.

- [Gabi] We don't have much time.

(woman screams)

- [Lin-Manuel] Adapt when,

when life changes.

- I don't know, but sometimesyou gotta improvise. (screams)

(water splashes)And just-- (Gabi laughs)

- [Lin-Manuel] Life willthrow you curve balls

and Vivo rises to the occasion.

- [Gabi] Unbreakable bonds,

that's the way that.♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Is play on, play on ♪

- [Woman] That love, got your love?

Our love lives forever, in your heart.

- Talks about love and reallyopen and uncomplicated way.

♪ Play on, play on ♪

♪ And keep the beat ♪

♪ Pum-Pa-Pam-Pa ♪(Vivo sighs)

- Come on, you can't stop now.

Let's keep the beat going, partner.

(transition effects)- Well there you have it.

Vivo begins streamingto Netflix this Friday.

That is August 6th, 2021.

And while we await that release,

here's something you don'thave to wait for, any longer.

It's this week story and pictures,your Studio 5, Snap Shot.

(transition effects)

(upbeat music)- [Announcer] Happy birthday

to a creation thatchanged the world of music

and television. You couldsay it married the two.

MTV is celebrating 40 years.

These are just a fewmemorable images and exhibits,

honoring this cultural phenomenon.

And together they are thisweek's Studio 5, Snap Shot.

I still want, my MTV.(transition effects)

Coming up next.

♪ Blessing and honor ♪♪ Glory and power ♪

♪ Beauty and wisdom forever and ever ♪

- [Announcer] Elias Dummer returns

to render us all speechless,with his musical gift.

(transition effects)

(water splashes)(man grunts, yawns)

(woman sighs)(grill sizzles)

(man yawns)- [Narrator] Life is better

with a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect your Sleep!

- [Narrator] As the world watches

(upbeat dramatic music)from the outside.

- [Chris] It's a bigdiplomatic tug of war here

in the middle east.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could chase the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell

and get the biblicalperspective on the event,

shaping the world.

- [Woman] What starts in Israel,

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

(mellow music)- [Narrator] Life,

it's meant to be lived, fully.

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,"

"life to the fullest."

Life in your family,life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind and spirit.

Life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover, life.


Live it fully. music)

(upbeat techno music)- And welcome back

to Studio 5,

time now to take you back to Nashville

for a Studio 5 sessionsperformance from Elias Dummer.

Here he is with "Expectations."

(transition effects)("Expectations")

♪ Come with faith like a child ♪

♪ Bring trust and wonder ♪

♪ And hands lifted higher and higher ♪

♪ 'Cause you know he'll carry you home ♪

♪ Come with faith like the young ♪

♪ Bring dreams and vision ♪

♪ And a heart that burns with desire ♪

♪ To see the kingdom come ♪

♪ It burns with desire ♪

♪ To see the kingdom come ♪

♪ Expectation ♪

♪ Our God is here with us ♪

♪ Holy Spirit, ♪

♪ Meet us as we are ♪

♪ Awake in us your Holy fire ♪

♪ All we want is all you are ♪

♪ Here in expectation ♪

(guitar playing intensifies)

♪ Come with faith by a thread ♪

♪ Bring doubt and hurt ♪

♪ The questions that echo in your head ♪

♪ God can take it ♪

♪ Come with faith like the old ♪

♪ Dreams and wisdom ♪

♪ The heart that knows the difference ♪

♪ Between doubt and the love grown cold ♪

♪ Still learns with desire ♪

♪ To see the Kingdom come ♪

♪ Expectations ♪

♪ Our god is here with us ♪

♪ Holy Spirit ♪

♪ Meet us as we are ♪

♪ Awake in us your Holy fire ♪

♪ All we want is all you are ♪

♪ Here in expectations ♪

(drum playing intensifies)

(transition effects)

- Thank you, Elias Dummer.

Again, that is the first single

from his second solo project,

which is called "The Work Vol. 2".

Keep your ears open for thatrelease in the coming weeks.

And we are checking in withElias for one more time.

We're gonna get his finalword, in just a little bit.

But before we get to that,

we have made it to the finalstory in this week's countdown

of the five best storiesin uplifting entertainment.

Here's number one.(transition effects)

- [Narrator] At number one,

- What if you hit two balls?

- All right. So tell me your names again.

- I'm Venus.- I'm Serena.

(rackets hitting)

- So, what'd you think?

- [Efrem] The lives of tennis stars,

Venus and Serena Williamsare coming to the big screen.

- [Richard] What's goingon? Everybody okay?

- They got a call, said therewas trouble in the house.

- Okay, okay.- [Woman] Yeah.

- [Richard] You all need to look around?

- [Efrem] The film iscalled "King Richard"

and stars Will Smith as theWilliam sisters' father.

Who introduced them to the game

and was their very first tennis coach.

- [Richard] I wrote me a 78-pageplan for the whole career

before they was even born.

- [Woman] Yeah, baby. Yeah! (laughs)

- This girl's so great. Howcome I've never heard of 'em?

- They're from Compton.

- It's okay, they did not used to seeing

good-looking people like us.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪- [Richard] She's nervous.

- Take a step up. (racket bangs)

- Maybe she want to takea few more steps up.

Just get some place safe.

- I think you might justhave the next Michael Jordan.

- I'm no brother, man. I'vegot to be the next two.

- [Efrem] King Richardhits theaters in November.

- [Richard] This nextstep, you've got to take.

You're not going to justbe representing you,

you're going to be representingevery little black girl,

on earth.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- I'm not gonna let you down.

(transition music)

(upbeat music)- [Narrator] Introducing

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(theme music)- Welcome back to Studio 5.

This week's soundtrack comes courtesy

of Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak,

better known these days as Silk Sonic.

Take a listen and see why Skateis What's playing in my Ear.

(transition effects)("Skate")

♪ Skate to me baby (skate) ♪

♪ Slide your way on over(slide your way on over) ♪

♪ Skate to me baby ♪

♪ Skate ♪

♪ I wanna get to know ya(I wanna get to know ya) ♪

(transition effects)

- Skate, Silk Sonic does it again

with another fun summer tune.

On the musical note, it'stime to take a look ahead

to next week's edition of Studio 5.

(transition effects)

- I know what you're doing

- Like singers and songwriters?

- The other thing--

- [Efrem] Going behind the scenes

of Aretha Franklin's Respect.

- What was your connection to Aretha?

Did you have a chance to,

to interact with her before passing?

With the film's director.

- Aretha, we used to climb up on the roof.

And sing as loud as wecould to drown them out?

- [Efrem] And the film star.

- Right after I am askedfor the Dreamgirls,

she wanted to meet me.

And it was a New York and it was now,

what maybe 15 years ago?

- [Efrem] The wait isover and it's time for.

♪ What you want (oh) ♪

♪ Be I get (oh) ♪

♪ What you need (oh) ♪

♪ You know I got it (oh) ♪

♪ All I'm asking (oh) ♪

♪ Is for, RESPECT! ♪

(transition music)

- And we are excited tobring that to you next week,

before we say goodbye today, though.

We want to allow singerand songwriter Elias Dummer

to have the final word.(transition effects)

- [Efrem] If you could go back in time

(serene music)and speak to,

young Elias Dummer.

Well, (laughs) what advice

would you give him? (laughs)- [Elias] Whew!

- Man, uh.

I would say, something along the lines

of "It's okay to take your time."

It's okay, you're...

To be patient with yourself

and the people around you.

I'm a person with highexpectations of myself

and high expectationsand hopes for the world.

And, and for the church, honestly.

And at times that's leftme, maybe not at my kindest.

And I think if, if there'sone thing that I wish I had,

you know, learned youngeris patience and kindness.

And, in helping people and myself,

get to where maybe things need to be.

(transition music)- Thank you, Elias.

That is a great final wordfor this edition of Studio 5.

And this week's look atuplifting entertainment,

until next time, make timeto uplift someone around you.

And then please come on back

and see what Studio 5 takes you next week.

Bye, bye. Thank you so much for watching.


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