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With COVID Striking the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Here's How to Strengthen Your Immune System

With COVID Striking the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Here's How to Strengthen Your Immune System Read Transcript

- A new survey released this week shows

President Biden's approvalfell 10 points since June,

from 62% to 52% as thegovernment pushes new vaccine

and mask mandates.

Tuesday, the President calledfor tighter restrictions

to combat the highlycontagious Delta variant.

- All federal workers mustreport their vaccination status

or be subject to strict requirements.

I directed my administration to take steps

to apply similar standardsto all federal contractors.

If you wanna do businesswith the federal government,

get your workers vaccinated.

And I also directed the Pentagonto look at adding COVID-19

to the list of vaccinationsthat are required

for our troops.

- While COVID cases are reaching levels

not seen since Februaryvaccinations are also up 24%

in the last two weeks.

That pushes the totalnumber of vaccinated adults

past the 70% mark.

Now, however, more vaccinated people

are testing positive for COVID.

Although most of these breakthrough cases

avoid hospitalization and death.

While the majority ofdoctors say vaccination

offers the best protection,

another layer includesa strong immune system.

80% of our immune systemresides in the intestines,

home to trillions of bacteria.

Doctors say too muchbad and not enough good

can lead to pre-existing conditions

that put COVID patients at greatest risk.

- A altered microbiomecauses high blood pressure,

causes auto-immune disease,

I'm convinced that itcauses heart disease,

and certainly is a major causeof diabetes and pre-diabetes.

And this unbelievable obesityepidemic that we have.

- [Lorie] On the other hand,building up favorable bacteria

can lead to a long and happy life.

One new study out of Japancould have found evidence

to bear that out.

It compared the intestinalmakeup of 160 centenarians,

average age of 107, tothat of two younger groups,

one age 85 to 89 andthe other age 21 to 55.

Turns out those who live to age 100

and beyond appear to havea special gut bacteria

that produce byproducts whichhelp ward off infections

that the younger folks didn't carry.

- Well a lot of people don'treally connect gut health

to immunity and also to brain health,

but they're totally interconnected.

- [Lorie] Psychiatrist DanielAmen says the so-called

gut-brain axis alongthe vagus nerve means,

for better or worse,our microbiome directly

affects our moods.

- When it becomes unhealthywe're sad or we're more anxious

and we don't fight offillnesses, like COVID-19,

nearly as effectively as ifwe have a healthy microbiome.

- [Lorie] So while thecoronavirus pandemic rages on

health experts say there's nobetter time than the present

to strengthen our immune system.

Step one, build a better gut.

- Well, the angel I spokeabout is you, Miss. Lorie.

The secret the angel hadthat's going to give health,

happiness, long life, andcertainly reduced weight

is all found in the savior.

You don't have to go up to heaven

to get it, it's in your gut.

- Absolutely, and you wereso right when you said

God put these wonderfulthings on our planet for us.

And you know, there areseven areas in the world,

they're called blue zones, andthey are areas in the world

that have high concentrationsof centenarians,

people who live beyond age 100.

There's only one of themin the United States,

Loma Linda, California.

I went to Loma Linda andinterviewed all these centenarians.

And you would have thoughtthey were in their seventies.

But what's their secret?

They are vegetarian, primarily.

Sometimes they'll eata little bit of fish.

But they're very into the thingsthat God put on this earth.

And they talk about howin the Bible it says

that God put all these fruitsand vegetables on the earth.

And these are the types ofthings that build up your gut.

- All right, well now let'stalk about the gut biome.

What exactly is it?

- So the gut microbiome islike a little ecosystem.

Think of a forest and youhave all these different

kinds of animals in there.

And if it's healthy, ifan ecosystem is healthy,

these things are allkeeping each other in check.

So you have the good microbiomes

are keeping the bad ones in check.

And so it's this wonderful balance.

But if that microbiome getsout of balance, in other words,

if too many bad bacteria start taking over

that's when you start having problems.

- We've got this, wellit's a crisis of obesity.

What is causing this obesity?

Is this part of it.

- Absolutely, 100%.

And the reason is because of the food.

So I talk to diet experts,I talk to doctors,

I've been doing it for 13 years now.

By the way, the obesitycrisis has gotten much worse.

And every person I've ever spoken

to about why do we havesuch an obesity crisis?

They all say one thing, it's our food.

It's the food that we eat.

It's our food chain.

And it's because so manypeople eat processed food

more and more and more.

In fact, 80% of most people's calories

come from processed foods.

And these are very bad for the gut.

- All right, you gotthis little gut biome.

How many of these littlecritters do you have?

Are we talking aboutbillions or trillions of 'em?

- Trillions of them, and verymany different species too.

And they say that the amountof bacteria in our gut

makes up about two pounds.

There are that many.

And so they're very prevalent.

And so what we want are a diverse amount,

lots of different types,and a lot of them.

So think of a garden, youwanna plant all different

kinds of things but youalso need to fertilize

that, you need to water it.

And a lot of people run into problems

when they'll put the goodbacteria in, let's say they take

a probiotic, but theydon't do anything to feed

the good bacteria in their gut.

Remember, these are bacteriaand they're living creatures

and they need food andif you don't feed them,

they will not flourish.

- All right.

Let's look at this stuff you've got.

Let's say somebody's watching this program

and he says, "You've got my attention.

I wanna be healthy.

I wanna live a long life.

I wanna have a happiness in my life.

I wanna lose weight."

All right, let's start, whatdo you do to help that guy?

- All right, so you wanna make sure to put

those good bacteria in there.

- All right.

- So the foods and things thathave the actual live bacteria

that you wanna put in yourgut are called probiotics.

- All right.- Probiotics.

Now you can take a probiotic supplement.

I take this supplement, but believe me,

there are lots of 'em outthere that are very good.

You wanna get one that has a lot

of different types of bacteria.

You know, a wide variety.

- That's a hundred billionlittle critters in it?

A hundred billion.- Right.

And this is why I like it so much.

But there are, people don'thave to get this exact one.

There are a lot of great ones out there.


But also it's a greatidea to have some foods

and drinks that containthese live bacteria.

Yogurt is a great choice

as long as it's, there's no sugar in it.

You have to watch out, someyogurts have a lot of sugar.

Just get the unsweetened plain kind.

And if you wanna jazz it up a little,

put some blueberries in with it,

that'll sweeten it up a little bit.

Now here's something called kefir,

which is basically like drinkable yogurt.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- It has a wonderfulprobiotics, the live bacteria.

This is another powerhouse.

Most of the experts that Ispeak to about wonderful things

to eat and drink, to putgood micro or good probiotics

in your gut is this.

It's a version of kimchi.

It is a fermented vegetable.

And there are many, many,many different varieties

of fermented vegetablesin the grocery store.

This is something I put onmy salad every single day.

- Well is this kraut?

I mean it's, sauerkraut is...

- Great thing, sauerkraut is fantastic,

as long as it's in therefrigerated section.

- Okay.- When it's been pasteurized

and it's in the can, the goodbacteria have been killed.

- Well now I, just this morningI had bran for breakfast.

Bran is, it feeds the little fellas?

They like bran?

- They do like bran, andit's because bran is fiber.

The good bacteria in our gut love fiber.

And so bran has fiber in it.

- I fed the little fellas this morning.

- And they're happy.

- And they're happy.

What's that?- Another good thing that...

This is called kombucha.

A lot of people have probably heard of it.

It's pretty good.

It's, it also has the good bacteria in it.

So these are the things thatput the bacteria in your gut.

But as I just got donesaying, that's not enough.

You have to feed them fiber.

So as you said, I mean,we could talk all hour

about the things that have fiber in them,

but this is another somethingthat I take every day.

And the reason I do it is because so many

of these health experts

recommend it.- Psyllium?

- Yeah, this will keep you regular.

Right, Pat?

- Yeah, okay.- This is good stuff.

I only take a teaspoon of this a day,

but it's a wonderful fiber.

This is flax seed, ground flax seed.

Wonderful fiber.

Now try to have any kind of leafy green,

but probably the bestas far as a prebiotic

are dandelion greens.

And then also asparagus are wonder...

These are all called prebiotics.

Prebiotics are the types of foods...

And you can even getprebiotic supplements.

But the prebiotics are whatthe bacteria love to eat.

You have to have prebioticsif you're gonna keep

those little guys alive.

- So you want to keepthose little fellas happy.

And how about oatmeal,is oatmeal good or not?

- That's good fiber.

As long as it's not thekind that's in the packets

with a lot of sugar.

- Oh, yes. I like the old-fashioned.

- Yeah, rolled oats.

Yeah, that's good fiber too.

- All right, so you gotbran, you got psyllium husk,

you've got asparagus andyou've got leafy greens.


- But, you know, we could...

Anything in the producedepartment has fiber in it.

So all of those things are good.

And it's nice to kind ofmix it up a little bit.

- All right, now that's the good stuff.

Now what are people doingall the time to destroy

these friendly bacteria in the gut biome?

- So I've asked so manyexperts about this,

and there are tons ofarticles on the internet too,

from experts who say, you know,the worst thing you can do

to your gut is, unfortunately,take an antibiotic.

Now antibiotics save lives.

Sometimes antibiotics are necessary.

And so this is whereit gets a little dicey

because antibiotics are goodwhen you really need them.

But the problem is they'reoverprescribed too many times.

- The average dentist,for example, doesn't...

I mean you got an infection in that tooth

so they give you antibioticswhich kills the...

It actually kills thoselittle fellas in your gut.

I mean, it kills them dead, right?

- It absolutely does.

And so, for example, Ihad surgery in February

and my doctor made me take an antibiotic

ahead of the surgery just in case.

And I was like, "I really don'twanna take that antibiotic.

Do I have to?"

And he said, "Yes, you do.

Because you could get an infection

and that would be a lot worse

than having your gut microbiome ruined."

But when doctors areprescribing antibiotics

for viral infections, that'swhere we to run into problems

because antibiotics donot cure viral infections,

they only cure bacterial infections.

And a lot of times whenyou go into the doctor

and you have cold like symptoms,

they'll just give you anantibiotic on the chance

that it might be a bacterial infection,

when actually it'sreally a viral infection.

- Well how about little babies,

we're giving them antibiotics,just standard stuff,

it would mean they started life

without the gut biome appropriate.

- Right, I feel bad.

My daughter's in that category

because she used to haveear infections all the time.

So I was, she was onantibiotics constantly

for like three years becauseshe'd get over an ear infection

and she'd get another one.

And that was, standard carewas to prescribe antibiotics.

But the thing is, Pat,before we start getting mad

at these doctors, this is new information.

- Yeah.- You know, back in the 1990s,

when my daughter waslittle, we didn't know this.

We didn't know thisabout the gut microbiome.

This is new stuff.

- All right, well let's talknow about the things people

do to hurt themselves.

Of course we know antibiotics,

but the people drink a lotof diet Cokes, diet Pepsis,

that sort of thing.

What does this do to them?

- So we know sugar is an enemy of the gut.

It's very, very bad.

It's one of the worst things you can do.

But also people say, "Oh, good.

Well then I'll just have the fake sugar."

Actually that's worsebecause the chemicals

that are in these artificial sweeteners

actually cause an overgrowthof the bad bacteria.

So some of these gut expertsthat I've spoken to say

actually sugar is better thanthese artificial sweeteners,

but really you should do without both.

- Well I used to take Sweet'n Low

and I realized that that's terrible.

Sweet'n Low is bad.

- I know.- Yeah.

- I used to have a lot of bad habits too.

- But, I mean, think ofthings that are offered

as sweeteners that areso-called low calorie.

- Right.

And so we just need to tell people,

those artificial sweeteners are unhealthy.

They're bad for your gut microbiome.

Very bad.

- I use Stevia.

Stevia doesn't seem to hurt you, is that-

- Stevia's not as bad as faras your gut microbiome goes,

but the problem with Steviais it just kind of makes you,

the more sweet you have on your taste buds

the more you're going to want them.

But you seem to havea lot of self control.

I'm one of these peoplewho, if I have a little bit

of sweet, I can't stop.

I think I'm a sugar addict.

So I'm kind of these one people

that has to go off it completely.

- All right.

Well now people are, forexample, the diet Pepsis

and these other things, theythink they can drink them

'cause they're lowcalorie and that's okay.

- That's right.

And actually, this is really interesting.

Studies have shown thatpeople who drink diet drinks

actually gain more weight.

And it's probably becauseit stimulates your urge

and, you know, your pleasure center.

It makes you want sweet.

And so you'll eat more sweets.

So diet drinks are off.

You know, a lot of peoplehave, are addicted to soda

and really have a difficulttime coming off of it.

And I wanted to say that alot of health experts say

go to the bubbly seltzer water

because a lot of people drink sodas

because they like the fizz.

And you can have seltzer waterwithout the dangerous sugar.

- All right, now you'vegot all these things here.

This is, this is hamburger healthy.

Helper.- Healthy?

Don't call it hamburger healthy,it's the opposite of that.

- This is mac and cheese.

That's a standard for many people.

- Yeah.

- What's the deal on that?

- The deal on those is that's...

Those are a perfectexample of processed foods.

A lot of people arelike, "You keep talking

about processed foods, what do you mean?"

I'm talking about sortof like pre-made foods,

foods like this that havealready been partially

or all the way made for you.

They have lots of ingredients.

Look at the ingredients on a package

and if the ingredients,it's a very long list

and if you can't pronounce half of them,

that's a red flag.

And so there is very little tono fiber in processed foods,

and that's where we run intoproblems is the lack of fiber.

Another thing, Pat, ispeople look at foods

that are processed andthey don't seem sweet,

but there's actually sugar in them.

There are these additivesthat they put into,

even foods that aren't sweet,that have the same effect

on your body as sugar.

We could go on and on aboutsome of these additives

that people put into food,

but they're almost all really unhealthy.

- There's one thing that you pointed out,

that I didn't realize,this is something for acid.

If people have got acidstomach and they take Prevacid,

what are some of the others that they...

- The other antacids, Prilosec.

But they're, these are the antacids.

And they're very bad for you long-term.

By that I mean longer than two weeks.

Doctors say don't takethem longer than two weeks.

- [Pat] What does thatdo to your gut biome?.

- Well it takes away the acid.

It reduces the acid.

And the acid is something that helps keep

your microbiome balanced.

And also when you don't haveenough acid in your stomach,

your stomach doesn't break down the food

the way it should.

And so some people take these antacids

like candy, for years.

And also, Pat, aside from the problems

with the gut microbiome, theyhave been linked to dementia.

So people should really try to avoid,

certainly using those, the antacids,

for more than two weeks.- Someone's having a birthday.

It looks like that's a birthday cake.

What is this?

- That's an example of sugar.

Just flat out sugar.

Too much sugar is very,very bad for the gut.

It causes the bad gut bacteriato grow out of proportion.

- Well the deal, as I understand,once the good bacteria

is overwhelmed by the badbacteria the bad bacteria

is then telling your brain,up through the vagus nerve,

feed me, feed me, feed me.

So it sets up a cravingfor those sweet things.

Is that right?

- It absolutely is right.

And that's a huge problem.

I actually interviewed a doctorin New York City who helps

people with sugar addiction.

That's a real thing.

I think I'm a sugar addict.

How do I know?

It's when I have a little tiny piece

of sugar, I cannot stop.

I really can't.

I mean, to only have one.

One, just one cupcake.

Just one piece of cake.

I can't do it.

I've noticed that you can.

And you've told mebefore you have one piece

of dark chocolate every day.

I can't do that.

I will eat the whole bar.

- That's good for your blood pressure.

- Yeah, one piece, not the whole bar.

So anyway, he said theway that you go off sugar,

like you were saying,that having so much sugar

makes you want more and so-

- Well you've got badbacteria taking over your gut

so that gut is talking again to your mind.

- Absolutely.

And so if you can push through,

and again, this is somuch like other drugs,

if you can push through thatwithdrawal period, three days,

you know where your body'sscreaming, "I want sugar."

If you can, the cravings stop.

And I'm here to say, I'velived through this before.

I mean, there have beendays that I've thought,

"I could never go without sugar."

And I have, I hear people say this,

"I could never go withoutsugar, or white bread."

But you think that, but if you go without

it for like three days,you'll stop craving it.

- You're talking about pasta,

you're talking about white bread,

you're talking about all kinds of cereal.

Every cereal, Cheerios and all those,

they're loaded with sugar.

- They are.

And I'm really glad you pointed that out

because anything that's pretty much white,

like white bread, or whitepasta, your body reads

that as sugar.

Your body responds to itas if it was just sugar.

- Well the thing that we're talking about

is your immune system, about80% of your immune system

is in your gut.

So this keeps you, and youmentioned that survey they did,

I think in Japan, ofcentenarians and they found

that the good gut broughtforth some chemicals

that kept these bad thingsfrom hurting people.

Talk about a little bit.

- So what we know is thatthe way this all works

is these bacteria producecertain things, chemicals,

and they respond different ways

depending on which bacteriaare producing them.

So remember what makes bacteria so good

are the things that they produce.

Remember we feed them, and then they,

after that they produce it.

Just like we eat things and then produce.

So that's what we're talking about.

And these bacteria, they produce things

that have been shown tohelp people avoid disease.

What's interesting is that we want to have

a lot of different types of bacteria

and this exact strainthat was so prevalent

in these centenarianswas missing in the guts

of younger people.

So we want to try, and we'regetting back to the probiotics.

We want to try to introduce a lot

of different kinds ofbacteria into our gut.

So in other words, don'tjust have yogurt every day,

mix it up.

Have some kimchi.

They also have fermented beets,they have fermented carrots.

I've seen fermented lemons.

You can make it at home.

I was making my own kimchi for a while.

My house was like a sciencelab and it was really fun.

But you want to have a lot ofdifferent variety of bacteria.

- Well, you know, the thingof it is when people are sick,

we're talking about 80%of your immune system,

it's not just COVID,it's all of the diseases

that come on human beings.

I mean, you look at these peopleand you see advertisements

for various types of medicine,on people whose intestines,

you know, irritable bowelsyndrome and all that.

It's all caused because thegut isn't working right.

- I've spoken to someexperts on the microbiome

and they say a lot of intestinal problems

that people have arebecause of this condition

called a leaky gut.

Years ago many doctors weresaying that's pseudoscience,

there's no such thing as that.

But now the research is bearing that out.

That if you continuallyabuse your gut microbiome,

that the lining in your intestines

starts to have big holes init and things can get out

of your intestines and thenyour immune system thinks

that they're foreign andstarts attacking them

and starts attackingother things in your body

that look like them, like your thyroid.

So basically this leaky gutsyndrome is causing a lot

of people to be sick,especially having GI problems.

So the way to cure a leakygut is obviously to increase

your gut health.

But some say that alsocollagen is a really good idea

because collagen is reallywhat makes up a good portion

of the lining of our intestines.

You can get collagen as supplements.

Or also bone broth.

I make my own bone broth at home.

I drink it every day.

- I listen to this stuff that,you know, these medicines

they sell and irritable bowelsyndrome and all these things

and I think most of it hasto do with this gut flora.

And ladies and gentlemen, Ijust don't want you to die.

And I want to keep youlong and old and healthy.

And you're looking at somebody right now

who's 91 years old and just going strong

because I look after myself.

I pay attention, you know.

And we have a littlebook that when we offered

this the last time it wasthe most popular thing

we have ever offered to this audience.

And we'll give it to you free.

It's called "How to Build a Better Gut."

And all these principles thatLorie's been talking about,

about antibiotics and meat and all the,

when you look at sugars behaving badly

and read the fine print onthe things that you read

and when we wait for aminute is find a center.

We'll give this to you free.

You don't have to pay a pennyfor it, we'll send it you.

Just because it's our service to you.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

And, Lorie, as our angelhas come from heaven

to give us the answer.

You know, you know, they said,who has to go up to heaven?

The answer is inside of you,that God has placed within you

the secret of health.

The secret of health arethese little critters,

trillions of them, insideof your intestines.

If you got the right ones,they're gonna keep you healthy

and keep you young.

And I don't know about thosethings with the Japanese study,

but I don't understand this testing.

I don't see any hands.

I mean, you just keep on going.

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- Moses hit 120 and I'm going for Moses.

- Yes, I know.

Well you're going strongand I've never known anyone

as disciplined about their diet as you.

And so you're quite an example.

I have good days and bad days,

but you seem to have all good days.

- Well I mean, for example,they put these growth hormones

into meat, into chickens.

And so you buy the meat

and you're buying somebody's hormone.

So we make, I make surethat we get, meat that I eat

is from Whole Foods, sothey take that stuff out.

You've gotta be careful.

You've gotta read the label.

My wife was, you know, had a problem

and she was eating these Cheerios

and I looked at the thingand the amount of sugar

and I'm like...

They have three kinds.

They've got sugar and they'vegot high fructose corn syrup,

and they've got something else.

And you look at the percentage of sugar.

Read the labels, folks.

You are responsible, and Iwant you to stay healthy.

And Lorie, an angel has come among us

with the treasure from heaven.

- Glory to God.

And I have just had a lotof, a lot of these experts

that I talk to are alwaystalking about the importance

of a healthy gut.

But I will tell you, Pat,I wanna just reiterate

that doctors are not saying this type

of thing should be instead of a vaccine,

but rather in addition to the vaccine.

- Yeah, okay.

All right, "Build a Better Gut."

Again, that number is on your screen.


Or you can do

It's a free booklet andyou really need to get it.

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