A robbery goes wrong and a crook gets busted. He did the crime, now see who was by his side the whole time. Plus, Fox News star Jesse Watters looks back at his unlikely rise to the top.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Coming up,how Watters saved the world.
- You have two weeks to turnit around or you're fired.
- [Announcer] The Fox News star looks back
at his unlikely rise to the top.
- Nowhere to go except up from there.
- [Announcer] Plus, a robbery goes wrong.
- [Logan] This isn't something
you can just brush underthe rug and forget about it.
- [Announcer] And this crook gets busted.
- [Logan] Now I gottaface the consequences.
- [Announcer] He did the crime.
Who was beside his side the whole time?
- God, please keep my baby safe.
- [Announcer] On today's "700 Club."
(warm instrumental music)
- "700 Club," a deadly strike at sea.
Iran is being blamed for a drone attack
on an Israeli-run shipoff the coast of Oman
that killed two men.
"A grave mistake," that'swhat Israel's Prime Minister
is calling this latest attackin the war between wars.
So what happens next?
And what impact will Iran's new president,
so-called Hangman of Tehran,have on negotiations?
Here's Chris Mitchell with more.
- [Chris] Israel saysan Iranian suicide drone
armed with explosives hitthe Mercer Street ship,
killing its Romanian captainand a British security officer.
An Israeli-owned companymanages the vessel.
Then on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister,
Naftali Bennett warned Iran.
(Naftali speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] So Istate here absolutely,
Iran is the one that carried out
the attack against the ship.
Iran's aggressive behavior is dangerous,
not only for Israel but alsoharms international interests,
the freedom of navigation,and the international trade.
The intelligence evidence for this exists
and we expect the internationalsystem to make it clear
to the Iranian regime thatthey have made a grave mistake.
In any case, we know howto convey the message
to Iran in our own weight.
- [Chris] In a statement,US Secretary of State
Antony Blinken blamed Iranfor the attack and stated,
"We are working with our partnersto consider our next steps
and consulting with governmentsinside the region and beyond
on an appropriate responsewhich will be forthcoming.
While Iran denied responsibility,the attack is the latest
in a series of strikes atsea between Iran and Israel.
In the meantime, EbrahimRaisi will be sworn in
as Iran's new president on Thursday.
Called the Hangman ofTehran for his involvement
in the death of thousands ofIranians, it remains to be seen
what impact he will have onnegotiations over the renewal
of the Iranian nuclear deal.
Talks have been suspendedfor the past six weeks.
US Secretary Blinken says thedelay can't go on forever.
- The ball remains in Iran's court.
And we will see if they'reprepared to make the decisions
necessary to come back into compliance.
We are committed to diplomacy,
but this process cannotgo on indefinitely.
- And many believe the election of Raisi
could mark the beginning ofan even more dangerous period
between Israel and theIslamic Republic of Iran, Pat.
- Chris, tell us about this new president.
Why is he considered so dangerous?
- Well, Pat, he's called the butcher
or the Hangman of Tehran for a reason.
He's responsible for maybe3,000, some believe as many
as 30,000 deaths in 1988of political prisoners.
He also reflects theSupreme Leader's stance
to take a more hard lineapproach against the West.
A big test, Pat, is comingup to see how he's gonna deal
with the nuclear talks.
He's skeptical of those talks,
and he'll have a new negotiating team.
And it remains to be seenhow that's gonna work out.
But Pat, he's also a firm believer
in the return of theMahdi, the Shiite Messiah.
And he says, the Mahdiis the savior of mankind
and he's looking for his appearance.
- Well Chris, Iran isincreasingly using these drones.
What role do these weapons play
in this so-called war between wars?
- Well Pat, they're a big part
of their conventional arsenal.
They have a range sometimesof up to 1,600 kilometers
or about 1,000 miles.
We were in Saudi Arabiain September of 2019.
They call that the PearlHarbor of drone warfare
where they had multiple drones
attacking Saudi Arabia'slargest oil refinery.
We were there, Pat, to see that.
And it's really just onepart of a shadow covert war
between Iran and Israel right now.
As you said, it's calledthe war between wars.
Earlier today, we had a briefingwith General Amos Yadlin.
He's a retired general.
And he said, it's really all dimensions.
It's on all fronts.
It's maritime, it's cyber, terror attacks,
Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria.
It's all over the Middle East,Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon.
And so both sides are attackingeach other, but so far,
both sides don't want a full-scale war.
But one day Pat, you know, itcould break out into a war.
And we say this a lot, butit's one reason why we believe
it's very important to be praying
for the peace of Jerusalem.
- Chris, thanks for your insights.
We appreciate it.
Chris Mitchell in Jerusalem.
Well, at long last, senators unveiled
a nearly $1 trillion bipartisaninfrastructure package.
So what's in it and will it pass?
And what is AOC threateningto do with the deal
if it doesn't make the House?
Here's Dale Hurd.
- Pat, the 2,700 page infrastructure bill
cost about $1 trillion and wouldimprove the nation's roads,
bridges, power grid,internet, and drinking water.
But it also includes 66billion for passenger railways
and 21 billion for what'scalled environmental concerns.
But for Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
and progressive Democrats,it's not enough.
Next up is $3.5 trillion ina budget reconciliation bill
that includes massive new social programs.
While moderate Democrats aren't yet ready
to sign off on that bigger bill,
progressives say they're ready
to scuttle the bipartisan deal without it.
- And I said, we willgo on budget resolution.
Let's look at the wholebill, but don't forget,
we've got inflation, we'vegot a $28.6 billion debt.
We have $4 billion a day growing in debt.
All of this should be consideredbefore we just jump in.
- There is not a reconciliationbill in the House.
And if the Senate does notpass the reconciliation bill,
we will uphold our end of the bargain
and not pass the bipartisan bill
until we get all of these investments in.
- This morning, anotherheadache for Democrats.
The moratorium on evictionsexpired over the weekend
meaning millions of Americans
could be forced out of their homes, Pat.
- Dale, how many millions of Americans
may be facing eviction under this problem?
- By one study, as manyas 15 million Americans
are behind on their rentand perhaps between three
and 5 million face immediate eviction.
So courts could be very busy today.
Now on the other sideof that are landlords.
Some of them, as you know,are not wealthy people.
And throughout this process,they've been out a collective,
I think $20 billion,
but they've had to continue paying taxes
and in some cases, mortgages.
Congress has allottedsome rental assistance,
probably enough to cover this problem,
but states have been slow to dole it out.
- Dale, thank you very much.
Well, in other news, President Trump
put three conservativejustices on the Supreme Court.
So conservative votes rule, right?
Well, not exactly.
Jennifer Wishon explains.
- Pat, this latest termof the court has taught us
that not all conservativesare created equally.
Instead of seeing this six-three split
between conservative and liberal justices,
some of the courts biggest decisions
have shown more of athree-three-three split.
- I think the most conservativemembers are Justice Thomas
and probably next Justice Gorsuch
and close by is probablyJustice Samuel Alito.
- [Jennifer] In the middle,
making up a more centrist coalition,
Chief Justice JohnRoberts, Brett Kavanaugh,
and the newest justice, Amy Coney Barrett.
- We learned thatJustice Amy Coney Barrett
was not the judicial torpedothat a lot of Democrats
believed she was going tobe on things like Obamacare.
- [Jennifer] In that case led
by the more centrist conservatives,
the court chose consensus
over striking at the heart of the matter.
Likewise in Fulton versusCity of Philadelphia,
the court ruled unanimouslythat the city was discriminating
against a Catholic fostercare agency, but stopped short
of addressing the largerissue of religious liberty.
That led a frustratedJustice Alito to write,
this decision might as well be written
on the dissolving papersold in magic shops.
- Their job is to decidewhatever case is before them
and not create these cockamamie schemes
of what will happen in a decade.
- [Jennifer] A recent Gallup poll
shows 49% of Americans approve of the job
the Supreme Court is doing.
Republicans and Democratsview it similarly,
revealing Americans are both pleased
and frustrated with its rulings.
Finding that equilibrium of public opinion
is what some observers saydrives the middle of the court
to issue narrow opinions
and decline some controversial issues.
Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett
joined the three liberal justicesto refuse hearing the case
of Barronelle Stutzman,a Washington florist
forced to use her art tocelebrate a same-sex marriage.
Meanwhile, Gorsuch joinedthe three centrists to block
hearing a transgenderbathroom case out of Virginia.
- The court's conservatives,at least three or four of them,
do not want to get boggeddown in the transgender issue.
I think they want to stay away from it.
- [Jennifer] Still, next term,
the court will tackleseveral hot button issues
like New York's handgunlaw and an abortion case
out of Mississippi that strikesat the heart of Roe v. Wade.
- The fact that they haverelegated this decision
to one question on whether ornot pre-viability restrictions
are constitutional indicatesto us that they are going
directly to the heart of the matter
and will make a determination
as to whether or not Roe was good law.
- [Jennifer] So howwill this new alignment
on the court play out?
Blackman has a prediction.
- I don't think there are enough judges
with the backbone to do it.
- And Pat, this case out of Mississippi
is exactly what pro-lifesupporters have been waiting for
as a vehicle in hopesthat the court will use it
to overturn a constitutional right
to abortion in this country.
- Jennifer, you know, yearsago, when that ruling came down,
it was so palpable that thepolice power of the states
under the Constitutioncontrols about abortion.
That should not haveever been federalized.
Roe versus Wade wascalled Blackmun's Abortion
and that it was based on the material
from Planned Parenthood.
So what do you think the moderatesare trying to accomplish?
It looks like a coupleof 'em, Kagan for example
was Dean of the Harvard Law School.
What do you think?
- Yeah, well, you know, Pat,it looks like they're looking
at the long game here.
They're taking this incrementalapproach, baby steps
toward where they thinkthe law ought to be.
But in the meantime youhave American suffering.
I mean, I pointed out BarronelleStutzman in the story,
Jack Phillips the cakemaker in Colorado
that we've reported on a lot.
You know, these people are having
their constitutionalrights infringed upon,
spending years of their life,
draining their savingsaccount defending themselves
while the court is taking this approach.
And so some of the people I've talked to
have called it an arrogant approach.
Them saying that basicallythey have more power
than they think they do, andthat they need to go ahead
and get this done because,
Look, Pat, the Constitutionisn't changing.
It hasn't changed.
It was written 200 years ago.
And so they need to just take the case
that's in front of them, applythe Constitution and move on
instead of worrying about public opinion.
- Jennifer, I talked to alegal scholar and I said,
"What's wrong with Roberts?
He's supposed to be a conservative."
And he said, "Two words, Chevy Chase.
The Chevy Chase Club has gotten to him,
and he's trying to please them."
Did you think that's maybethe case or do you know?
- Well, it could be.
I mean, I think we certainlysaw him change a bit
when he was Justice Roberts
and then when he becameChief Justice Roberts.
And we see, Pat, I mean,
you look at the Fulton versusCity of Philadelphia case.
It looks like he was really trying
to build consensus around this case.
That was a unanimous decision,
but it only applied tothat narrow circumstance
in the City of Philadelphia where
this Catholic foster agency wasbeing discriminated against.
And so that's why we sawJustice Alito being frustrated,
saying, look, this is notworth the paper it's written on
because it doesn'taddress the bigger issue
of religious liberty, andyou could go down the line
at other cases like that.
Chief Justice Roberts, by the way,
was the person who wrote that opinion.
And so we've also seen himstaunchly defend Obamacare,
and a lot of people can't figure that out.
And so I think you maybe right about that.
- Well, Jennifer, I appreciate it
and we'll keep watching and praying.
I mean, we've got a presidentwho's nominated a number
of conservatives to the Supreme Court.
And yet at the same time,
they don't seem to wantto take a bold stand.
And the biggest time when they passed
was in ruling on the last election.
They refused to even consider it.
They said that the plaintiffs,
although they representedabout 30 different states,
they didn't have quote, "standing"
and therefore the justiceswouldn't consider it.
So you just say, you know,
has anybody got some intestinal fortitude?
Well, let's go to Terry, now, Terry?
- Well, up next, confrontingsex offenders and revelers
on spring break, just anordinary day in "Watters World."
Fox News host Jesse Watterstalks about his tell-all book.
How did he become a conservative?
And why did he almost getfired by Bill O'Reilly?
Find out, that's all coming up.
Plus, detox and a death wish.
This addict wanted to end it all.
Who was the stranger he called for help,
and how did she save his life?
Stay tuned to see for yourself.
(warm instrumental music)
- [Announcer] Stay connectedwith CBS News all day
across our platforms.
- Holding a book that isthe number one bestseller
of "The New York Times."
The back of it says, thisis the back of his book,
Jesse Watters is even more stupid
than I originally gave him credit for.
I mean, surprisingly ignorant.
Well, I kinda knew, butstill, Soledad O'Brien
And another one says, Jesse Watters
is officially out ofcontrol, "Washington Post."
Whoever wrote a book like that
and put that stuff on the back cover?
Well, he's loved by the rightand he's loathed by the left.
Jesse Watters is a Fox News superstar
and the author of a brandnew book all about himself.
So where did this guy come from
and why is he such a lightning rod?
Jenna Browder caught up with him
for this exclusive interviewabout this new book,
"How I Saved the World."
(logo swooshing)
- He's smart, he's funnyand politically savvy.
And now Fox News's JesseWatters is taking that talent
to the pages of a new book,"How I Saved the World."
- My wife picked the title, andwe were going back and forth
and she came up with itso I have to give my wife
full credit, which Ithink you would understand
is very important in a relationship.
- Oh, absolutely.
Well, I noticed youalso dedicated it to her
and something about timing is everything.
- It was important to dedicate it to her
for so many reasons, but timingis everything in this life.
And when you get the timingright, great things can happen.
- [Jenna] And he got thetiming right at Fox News, too
although Jesse didn't start at the top.
In fact, it all began in the basement.
- I believe I was making minimum wage,
and my job consisted of being handed tapes
and then taking a Sharpieand then writing the label
of the footage on the tape,
closing it up, and giving it to someone.
It was arts and crafts, Jenna.
And that's what I did.
And there was nowhere togo except up from there.
- [Jenna] And up he went,
landing a production assistant role
on "The O'Reilly Factor."
He didn't stay behind thecamera for long, though.
- My producer said, "Bill,this is Jesse Watters.
You just hired him to be yournew production assistant."
And he said, "Okay, go, what do you got?"
And I pitched and I bombed,
and I was pulled into my producer's office
later that afternoon and my producer said,
"Jesse, Bill does not thinkyou're articulate enough
to work in television.
You have two weeks to turnit around or you're fired."
So I stared into the abyss.
I turned it around anda couple months later,
I pitched a story abouta bad judge in Alabama
who had given a softsentence to a sex offender.
And Bill hears that and hesays, "All right, Watters,
you're gonna go down to Alabamaand confront the judge."
- In Back of the Book segmenttonight, Watters' World
as you surely know.
- [Jenna] That eventually led
to his Watters' Worldsegments and now show.
- They also did somehard hitting reporting
on Biden's favorite Gatorade flavor.
- And of course "The Five."
Jesse writes about it all,
including how he became a conservative.
What was appealing to youabout the conservative message?
- I was in college andI was in my dorm room
watching TV late at night.
And I saw C-SPAN and you know,you get all these senators
and congressmen up there
and they're pontificating about some bill.
And I just started listening,as a history major,
the Republican senators sounded more
like they had a better grasp
of what the founders had intended,
which was limited government
and personal freedom and responsibility.
And that kind of clicked with me.
And after that, I startedlistening to Limbaugh
in my dorm room, which I don't think
anybody else did in college.
- [Jenna] Regarding PresidentTrump and a possible 2024 run.
- He's gonna play a bigrole in 2022 in the midterms
fundraising and campaigning.
And after that, he's gonnaget the lay of the land
and he's gonna make anassessment after those midterms,
am I gonna take another shot?
He'll look at Biden,he'll look at the economy.
He'll look at inflationand the border and see,
is there an opening forme to get back and run?
- If not him, is theresomeone who you think,
who you personally think wouldbe a really strong candidate?
- DeSantis is making a bigplay for me personally.
I've seen his leadership down in Florida.
He gets it, he's tough.
He doesn't bow to the press,and he's unapologetic.
And that's the kind ofleadership Republicans respond to
is kind of an aggressive leaderwho makes quick decisions
but decisions based on the facts.
And that's the kind ofguy I see in DeSantis.
- [Jenna] Jesse knows aboutbeing attacked himself.
Take a look at the back of the book.
"The Washington Post,"
Jesse Watters isofficially out of control.
"The Daily Show," "A smug, unfunny goon."
And Jessie's mom, "Where is Dana Perino?
She is desperately needed."
All jabs Jesse seems to relish.
- This is a hilarious book.
This has all thesestories of me being sent
to survival camps by my liberal parents.
These are stories about having dinners
at the White House with President Trump
and all these crazy things that happened,
inside stories about FoxNews and jumping out of cars
and confronting villains
and interviewing springbreakers on the beach.
- And it'll make you think.
And we should mention,Jesse has twin daughters
and he and his wifejust welcomed Jesse Jr.
He says they plann tohave Jesse Jr. baptized
in a New York City church.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Well, I congratulate Jesse.
He is a lot of fun.
The big thing is, heseems to be enjoying life.
And I think that's what peoplewant more than anything else.
Well, Jesse Watters' newbook is called quote,
"How I Saved the World,"
and you can find itwherever books are sold.
And it has become a "New York Times"
number one bestseller already,
and it's got more to come, Terry?
- Up next, he wasted yearsof his life on drugs.
How did a voice on TV help set him free?
And after getting clean,
why did this addict return to the streets?
He's gonna tell ushimself, that's coming up.
(warm instrumental music)
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- Thanks.
Homeless and hooked on heroin.
Logan Lambert was livingon the mean streets
of the City of Baltimore.
Five stints in rehaband one in state prison
couldn't help him come clean.
So how did a voice on this TV show
help him kick his addiction for good?
Take a look.
- I was just depressed, I was hopeless,
and I get into thisrelationship with this girl
and we're together for a while.
- [Reporter] LoganLambert had just graduated
from high school in 2010 when he lost
what he believed was the love of his life.
- We break up and I was devastated.
You know, I was wantingto die, I was suicidal.
- [Reporter] It wasn't the first time
Logan felt the sting of rejection.
It had started when he was 10,
and his single mom started drinking
and spending more time with her friends.
Before that she was a doting mom
who even took her kids to church.
- Just wanting that loving relationship
that I had when I was younger with her.
I remember, you know, as akid, you know, upset, and hurt.
My mom's hanging withthe neighbors drinking
and wanting to spend timewith her and things like that.
So, Logan sought other friendships
that landed him constantly in trouble.
Soon he started smokingweed and skipping school.
- Being around some other kids, accepted,
wanting to be cool, wanting to fit in.
Like, hey, I got some friends now.
- [Reporter] In highschool, he met the girl
who made him feel loved.
Yet after they broke up,things drastically changed.
- I really went into a dark place
and really started tofill that void with drugs.
I hated life.
I felt absolutely worthless,that I've ruined life.
I didn't want to live, I was so depressed.
- [Reporter] Before long,
Logan was addicted topain killers and heroin.
Over the next four yearshe drifted aimlessly,
living on the streets of Baltimore.
In that time, he triedfive different rehabs.
Still, he always went back to drugs.
- Even though I got offdrugs, I still was depressed.
I still was, you know, empty.
I still didn't feel any hope.
- [Reporter] Then in2014, Logan was arrested
and sentenced to 14 months in jail
for attempting to rob a gas station.
- Now I gotta face the consequences.
I mean, this isn't something
you can just brush underthe rug and forget about it.
You know, this isserious, and I was scared.
Around that time his mom, Barbara,
turned her life over to God.
She prayed often for her son,and even sent him letters
and a Bible while he was in jail.
- I can just rememberlying awake at night,
praying so deep, "God,please keep my baby safe."
- [Reporter] Logan, however,
was only interested in one thing.
- I tried to do everything that I could.
I tried to live as best as I could.
But in my mind, I always thought, man,
I can't wait to get out of here
'cause I'm gonna get high, you know?
- [Reporter] Which is exactly what he did
a few months after his releasefrom jail in July of 2015.
Caught violating hisparole, Logan was sent
to a year-long recovery program.
There he met a fellow addict, Donna.
After completing the program,they moved in together
and it wasn't long beforethey were shooting heroin.
Then Donna got pregnant.
- My prayers at that timefor Donna and Logan was,
"Lord, just make yourselfknown to them to the fullest.
Wake 'em up, shake 'em, Lord,
and break the desiresof the drug addiction."
- [Reporter] Despite Donna's drug use,
their daughter was bornhealthy in October 2017.
However, social workersplanned to take the child away
until they struck a dealthat allowed Logan, Donna,
and the baby to live withBarbara under her supervision.
- She would witness to us all those times
and was praying for us andGod started to really draw me.
- [Reporter] With detox treatment,
Logan had been weaned offof heroin by February 2018.
However, without the drugs,his depression returned.
A week later he was again having thoughts
of taking his life.
Finally, Logan cried out to God.
- I just said, "Jesus,if you're real, show me.
Just show me."
- [Reporter] Just then,Logan heard a voice
coming from the TV in another room.
"The 700 Club" was on, and someone said,
"If you need prayer, dialthis number" so he did.
- A lady answers the phone.
I said, "I'm hopeless, I'mdepressed, I'm empty, I'm broken.
My daughter's downstairs.
I want to die.
I just want to know if Jesus is real.
Would you please pray for me."
I don't remember what she prayed at all,
but when I hung the phone up,
God melted me to my bedroom floor.
And all I'm saying is, "God, forgive me.
Forgive me for not believing.
Forgive me for not believing.
You're real, you're real, you're real."
I met Jesus Christ inmy bedroom that morning
and everything changed.
You know, that pain, thatbrokenness, that hopelessness,
that void that I was tryingto fill my whole entire life,
it was filled.
- [Reporter] Not long after that,
Donna also got clean andsurrendered her life to Jesus.
Then on March 22, 2018she and Logan married.
- God did answer that prayerthat I prayed with them
to become the Christian parents,
and now they could raise their children
knowing Jesus as well.
- I've never had one desireat all to ever get high.
The suicidal thoughts, thedepression, the burden,
the brokenness, it was gone.
It was like God liberated mysoul and lifted it off of me,
and I mean, I felt free.
- [Reporter] Today,Logan is fully employed
and raising a happy family.
A few times a week he's backon the streets of Baltimore.
However, these days, he'snot looking for drugs.
He and Donna are sharing theunconditional love they found
in a relationship with Jesus.
- No matter how bound up in sin you are,
no matter if you're suicidal,empty, depressed, broken,
Jesus Christ can set you free.
We want to give peoplehope that, hey, look,
Jesus Christ is real, He's alive.
He saved us and He can save them as well.
- You know, it's so simple,Jesus Christ is real.
And it doesn't matter how broken you are.
It doesn't matter whatyou've gone through.
It doesn't matter how suicidal you are.
It doesn't matter how deeplyaddicted you are to drugs
or any other addiction.
God Almighty will set you free
because He's came toset the captives free.
And he said, the Spiritof the Lord is upon me
because He has anointed me.
And one of the things that He's come to do
is to rescue those who arebound and to set them free.
Now, some of you are watching me right now
and you've been bound up.
You know, you hate your life.
You don't feel loved.
You don't feel that anybodyreally cares about you,
and you've made a lot of mistakes.
Then you just come beforethe Lord and you say,
I've made so many mistakes.
And the thing that Hewants you to do is to say,
well God, I'm sorry, andI ask You to forgive me.
And if you will come to theLord with a repentant heart,
a broken and a contritespirit thou wilt not despise.
And if you come to Him and say, God,
I just can't make it anymore,
He will hear an answer andgive you a brand new life.
Now, if you want to know Him,
I want you to do something real simple.
Just don't go anywhere.
Just right now, don't touch the dial.
Just wait a minute.
I want you to pray with me.
And if you want peace, if you want joy,
if you want forgiveness,
I want you to pray with me right now.
These words, you pray alongwith me, if you would.
Lord Jesus, that's right, Lord Jesus,
I'm a sinner, and Ifeel hopeless right now.
And I've made so many mistakes,
and I've been hurt in my life.
You know what's been done to me
and You know what I've done to others
and You know what I've done to myself.
But right now, Lord, I knowthat You died for sinners
and You died for me.
And I ask You, Jesus,come now into my heart.
Live Your life in meand from this moment on,
I will live for You and I will serve You.
Thank you.
Now, if you prayed that prayer with me,
I want to pray for you right now.
Just be still and just pray.
Father, in Jesus' name, foreveryone who prayed that prayer,
may the anointing of theHoly Spirit come upon them.
May all the shackles be broken.
May Satanic bondage bebroken, and may you be free
in Jesus' name and filled with His power.
Touch 'em, amen and amen.
Now, if you prayed with me, Iwant you give you something.
Now, there's no money.
I'm not talking about any money
so don't even think about it.
I want to give you somethingcalled "A New Day."
And in the "New Day" is a CD
you can play on your CD player.
And there's a little bookletof scriptures right here.
It's called "A New Day,"and I'll give this to you,
but I want you to call in and say,
look, I just prayed with that guy on TV.
I prayed with Pat, and I havegiven my heart to the Lord.
And if you will do that, God Almighty,
He's going to reach in right now
and give you a brand new start.
Pick up the phone, 1-800-700-7000, okay.
Call in right now.
Somebody's here who loves you, Terry.
- Well, you just saw a powerful testimony
of a praying mother and coming up,
another mother shares thekeys to raising godly sons.
How do you motivate
and not manipulate theyoung men in your life?
Find out when author RhondaStoppe joins us live.
That's just ahead.(warm instrumental music)
(stirring instrumental music)
There's a battle raging
for the hearts and minds of boys today.
This generation is facingpressures like never before.
So how can moms raise theirboys to become godly men?
Take a look.
- [Reporter] Rhonda Stoppeis an author, speaker,
and mother of four who is dedicated
to helping women livelife with no regrets.
With over 30 years ofexperience as a mom, mentor,
and pastor's wife, sheunderstands the challenge
of raising sons in today's culture.
In her audiobook, "MomsRaising Sons to be Men,"
Rhonda shows you howto set clear boundaries
and create an environment
that helps your boys growinto spiritually strong men.
- Joining us now viaSkype is Rhonda Stoppe.
Rhonda, great to have you with us.
- Good morning.
- You are the mom of twosongs and two daughters.
So what's the difference
between parenting boys versus girls.
- (laughs) Right?
How much time do we have?
When I had my daughters,it wasn't a mystery to me
that they were gonna grow up and be women.
But I remember holding my son and knowing,
this little guy is gonnagrow up and be a man.
Our oldest son, Tonydidn't come to our family
until he was 15 years old.
He was in one of our youth groups
when we had planted achurch in Austin, Texas,
we're in California now,but looking into their faces
and knowing I want them to grow up
to be a godly man is intimidating.
And I knew I wasn't the momthat I hoped I would be.
In fact, my family rode theemotional roller coasters.
My motive for raisinggodly sons and daughters
became more about what Ididn't want them to become
rather than what I did wantto guide their hearts toward.
So I looked for mentors.
I knew I needed help.
I needed someone to teachme what they learned.
The Bible, Titus 2 says olderwomen teach the younger.
That's the journeymenand apprentice program
that God provides for us.
- What are some of thechallenges to doing that, Rhonda?
What are some of the things
that we traditionally make mistakes in,
especially in the world today?
- I think the thing thatwe have to be aware of is,
there is a real enemy that wants to kill,
steal and destroy the futures,the lives of our children.
And for sons there's, you know,
let me go to the skateboard park
and I'm gonna hang out with my friends.
I remember my youngest son asking that.
It's like, no, that's whereyou're gonna get meth.
You're not gonna go do that.
Video games is a hugedistraction for young men.
There is a God-given zeal in young men
to conquer, to accomplish.
You think of David, He was 17 years old
when he was like, about Goliath, like,
I'll fight him, I'll fight him right now.
And that zeal can be taken away virtually
when our sons just fillthat void with video games.
And I'm not saying no video games.
That's between you and the Lord.
But I am saying that in themany years that my husband and I
have been in ministry,there's a lot of young men
who get married, grow up,
and expect to not playvideo games all the time
when they're with theirfamilies and they do.
And pornography is aterrible destructive source
that is stealing the heartsand minds of our young men.
- Well, you stress the need
to motivate rather than manipulate.
How do you do that?
- (laughs) You know, here'sthe interesting thing.
I always tell moms, the first 10 years
of your little boy's life,love the snot out of him.
Mommy loves you, mommyloves you, mommy loves you.
But when they hit about adolescent age,
they start pushing mama away.
And if we try to manipulatethem to do the things
that we want them to do, thatwill breed in them rebellion.
That will cause themto want to push us away
instead of motivating them.
I know the man you want to be.
I know the man you want to become
I think of a story, my son, Brandon.
He is a musician, and aphenomenal musician growing up.
And when he was saying,
"Why can't I listen to this secular music
or that secular music?"
And I remember telling him,
"We see the man God's calling you to be.
We see the music He's put inyour heart to play for Him.
And if the Bible says whata man thinks in his heart
so is he, if we let youfeast only on secular music,
that will be the music that you write.
So until you're mature enoughto understand this vision,
this hope that God is puttingin your heart and guard it,
we're gonna come alongside of you
and we're gonna help you do that."
And Brandon later, he's33 years old now, he said,
"I wanted to argue withyou on that point,"
but I trained his brain.
That's a section in "Moms Raising Sons"
to think through the process,
the why of what we door don't want them to do
rather than just manipulating them.
- You list seven principlesfor raising godly sons.
Could you just give us the top two?
- Well, the first one is,
when you teach your sonto respect your authority,
they will know how torespect God's authority.
The second one, have a clearidea of the kind of man
God calls your son to be.
And then the third one is,
guide your son toward independence.
I feel that our sonsthink, especially as moms,
that we're trying to control them.
In fact, there's a sectionin "Moms Raising Sons"
called Control Freaks Raise Freaks.
The more they push us away,
the more we try to hold on tighter.
And for our sons, there'sno real coming of man ritual
in our culture, exceptdon't be a momma's boy.
So when our little adolescentson starts pushing us away,
we have to make a decisionthat we're gonna hand them
their manhood rather thanmake them fight us for it.
- Well, your sons are now adults.
Has your approach to parentingchanged as they've aged?
- My prayers have changed.
You know, there's a fun story.
Tony is a fighter pilot in the Air Force.
He's a Lieutenant Colonel.
He grew up and went to A&M University
and became a fighter pilot.
And I remember talking tohim when he moved in with us
about girls and abouthis hopes and his dreams.
And you know, men don't listen eye to eye
as much as they do shoulder to shoulder.
So when they're little,you look in their face,
you tell them what you want them to know.
But when Tony was 15, hewas working on a Jeep.
I'd go sit out in theJeep and just talk to him
about all the things thathe wanted to talk about.
And he listened.
And the same way with my son, Brandon.
When they're younger, they'lllisten in a different way,
but when they're mature men,
we have to teach them howto listen side by side,
shoulder to shoulder,
and we're training them for their spouse.
There's a story in "Moms Raising Sons"
that talks about Brandon,and he would wink at me
from the stage whenever he was singing
at a Christmas programat school or whatever.
Years later, a woman who was reading
"Moms Raising Sons to be Men"
was sitting behind his wife, Jessie,
when he was in Nashville andBrandon was on stage playing.
And the wife, the friend ofmine sent this picture of Jesse
with Brandon on stage andshe said he winks at her now.
And I love that story
'cause that's what we're raising them for.
- Well, I just want allof our viewers to know
that if you'd like more great advice,
Rhonda Stoppe has an audiobook.
It's called "Moms Raising Sons to be Men,"
and it's available throughaudio on amazon.com.
She also has a free sampleavailable on her website.
So take a visit to noregretswoman.com.
Rhonda, thanks so muchfor being with us today.
Great to visit with you.
- Thanks, I appreciate it.
- Well, still ahead, we'vegot time for your questions
and some honest answers.
Teresa writes, my motherholds Jesus responsible
for the death of my sister.
What words can I say to my mother
to help her heal theanimosity toward Jesus?
Pat tackles that and more right after this
so don't go away.(warm instrumental music)
- Well, Krishna was behind on her bills.
Krishna also owed four months of rent,
and no one wanted to help her
and she lost her will to survive.
So how did she find hope andhelp just in the nick of time?
Take a look.
- [Reporter] Krishna lost her job
due to COVID-19 lockdowns in India.
As a single parent,
it was hard for her totake care of her family,
and she incurred a lot of debt.
(Krishna speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] I owed mylandlord four months rent,
and I have to take care ofelectric bill and food expenses.
Nobody wanted to help us.
I had lost all my hope to survive.
- [Reporter] Krishna foundhope when she was offered a job
in an Operation Blessingmask making center.
- [Interpreter] I am very happy
that I found some help to earn money.
Now I can take care of my children.
- [Reporter] We sawhow hard Krishna worked
to support her familyso Operation Blessing
gave her her own sewing machine.
- [Interpreter] Now I can work faster
because this is aprofessional sewing machine
with the latest technology.
I am able to make betterdesigns and save a lot of time.
It has helped me to increase my income.
I have already paid back all the debts
that I had incurred due to pandemic.
Today, I am confident
that I can face any kindof problems in my life.
May God bless those who hadgifted the sewing machine.
- You say, I didn't know I'dgone to India, I wasn't there.
Yes, you were because you helped us,
and Operation Blessing helped Krishna.
How wonderful to give life and hope
to somebody wherever they are.
It's just a joy, you know,
it's more blessed to give thanto receive, and it really is.
I mean, to see the joy thatcomes about in somebody's faith,
just a little bit.
All she needed was a sewing machine
and suddenly she'stransformed and she's so happy
because she's able to supportherself and her family.
And that's what you do whenyou join "The 700 Club."
What does it take?
It's $20 a month.
That isn't a whole lot of money,
but altogether 65 cents aday, we can make a difference.
And all of us working together,we can change the world
because we can help peopleone of the time, like Krishna.
Now, if you want to be a part,I ask you to call right now.
The telephone number's on your screen.
And when you do, I wantto give you something.
It's called "God is For Us!
Verses of Salvation, Peace, & Victory"
taken from Paul's letter to the Romans.
And there's a reading of them.
And you can put it inwherever you have a CD player,
DVD, whatever it is,and there it is for you.
And we'll give this to youas our gift, "God is For Us!"
So please call right now, Terry.
- Well, I want you to knowhow much Angie loved this.
She lives in Tucson, Arizona.
She said, "First, I wantto thank you so much
for sending me 'God is For Us!'
I loved it.
I sat listening with tears.
I love the book of Romans.
I learned so much as Ilistened over and over.
I want to walk with God forever.
God bless you."
So Angie, really enjoying her copy.
- Amen, okay, some questions.- Yes, there you go.
Okay, it's time for your questionsand Pat's honest answers.
(dramatic instrumental music)
Okay Pat, this first onecomes from Kris who says,
I've recently been workingharder on my relationship
with God and my anxietyhas been getting worse
the more I read the Bible.
I worry that my sins may be unforgivable,
and it keeps me up at night.
What do you think, Pat?
- Well, the Bible says it isn't God's will
that any should perishbut that all should come
to the knowledge of the truth.
And God is a gracious, forgiving God.
And the Bible says, bless the Lord,
O my soul and all that is within me.
Bless His holy name whoforgives all their sins
and heals all their diseases.
God will forgive you ofeverything you've done.
And He wants to blessyou because He wants you
to be part of His family.
And I don't know what to say
except that you must trust the word.
The word is there for you to believe it.
And you believe it, all right?
- This is Teresa who says Pat,
recently I was vacationing with my parents
and found out that my motherholds Jesus responsible
for the death of her daughter,my sister, back in 2012.
My mother said, "I don't love Him,
He took my daughter from me."
What words can I say to my mother
to help her heal theanimosity toward Jesus?
She's getting up in age,
and I'm very worried about herrelationship with the Lord.
Thank you.
- Well, first of all,she holds a bad concept.
I don't know what it is, but I do believe
that what you need todo is to say, listen,
Jesus Christ died on the cross for you.
He was suffering for you.
He was nailed to the cross, He was beaten.
He had a spear thrust in his side.
What do you mean, He took your daughter?
He gave his entire life for you.
And that's what she needs to understand
is the death of Jesus,where He Himself was beaten.
He had a crown of thornspressed onto his head
and He suffered morethan you could imagine
because He loves you.
And why do you think Hewould take somebody else away
from you when He died to save you?
And I don't know what,
if your mother doesn't believe the Bible
it's gonna be a problem,but if she doesn't,
she's condemning herselfto a life of torment.
- Okay, this is Alan whosays, Pat, in the Bible
does the word whirlwindhave a special meaning?
When we've prayed abouta situation we're facing
in which evil people are concerned,
we heard the word whirlwindover our situation.
- Well, you know, whenthe disciples were praying
on the day of Pentecost,
there was the sound of a rushing wind.
The wind is a symbol of the Spirit.
It's wind or breath, it's(speaking in foreign language)
and so there was a fire and wind.
The great prophet was caughtup to Heaven in a whirlwind.
And there's something about that.
It's as if to say, that's the Holy Spirit
and that's the breath of God.
And so what significance, I mean,
if that's what God's saying to you,
take that interpretation.
If you can think of somebody, that's fine,
but do know that one ofthe great prophets of God
was caught up to Heavenin a whirlwind, all right?
- Okay, this is Dulla who says, in Mark 9,
"New King James Version,"
when a man brought hisson to Jesus to be healed,
Jesus said, "If you can believe,
all things are possibleto him who believes."
The father said, "Lord, Ibelieve, help my unbelief."
How can you believe and thennot believe at the same time?
Can you explain that to me?
- Well, there are degrees of belief.
In other words Jesus said,"If you could believe."
Well, he's asking himto believe for a miracle
to raise a dead person orsomebody that had epilepsy,
whatever he had or casting out demons.
And he said, look, I dobelieve and help my unbelief.
And he's saying is, I don'treally have enough faith.
And Jesus talked about having faith
as much as a grain of mustard seed
and we can move mountains.
But Paul said, if you havefaith enough to move mountains,
so this is, there aredegrees of faith, all right.
- Okay, this is Marie who says,why do some Scriptures say
that we're all saved byJesus dying on the cross
and it's a gift from Godand some Scriptures say
that some of us will notenter the Kingdom of Heaven?
I thought we are all saved
but will have differentlevels of rewards in heaven.
I'm confused.
- I'm not as sure exactlywhat you're saying.
I think you're confusingsome things together,
but I do think that thosewho believe in the Lord
are passed from death into life.
If you don't believe in theLord, it's a different matter.
We're not talking aboutuniversal salvation
for everybody in the world.
The Bible never teaches that.
There's some people who doteach it, but it's wrong.
We'll leave you with thisword from the Psalms.
Be strong and courageous,
all you who will putyour hope in the Lord.
We'll see you tomorrow, and God bless you.
(warm instrumental music)