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The 700 Club - July 30, 2021

A 9-year-old girl is pulled from the water unresponsive. Minutes go by and she’s not breathing. Watch as she is rushed to the hospital and beyond on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)- [Announcer] The following

program is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, a nine-year-old

is pulled from the water.- She was just drooped

over his arms.

- [Gordon] And the drownedgirl was this woman's daughter.

- During the CPR, I noticed that Annie

was blue from the chest up.

- [Gordon] Minutes goby, she's not breathing.

- She looked so lifeless,she was lifeless.

- [Gordon] Watch as sheis rushed to the hospital.

- I couldn't do anything to help her.

- [Gordon] And beyond.- I just felt it

all around me.- On today's "700 Club".

(dramatic music)

Welcome to the "700 Club".

"An American tragedy,"that's what President Biden

has called the pandemic,saying people are dying

who don't have to die.

Well, in response, the presidentis now issuing strict rules

on vaccinations for Federal employees.

- The president's order hasalready received pushback,

and frustration is growingover mixed messages

from the White House about masks,

with several states making it clear

they won't go back to mask mandates.

Here's Jennifer Wishon.(air whooshing)

- The Delta variant is being blamed

for a surge in new casesand hospitalizations,

leading to numbers similarto what we saw last summer.

Now, President Biden is using his office

to pressure more Americansto get vaccinated,

starting with the government.

- Every Federal government employee

will be asked to attest totheir vaccination status.

Anyone who does not attestor is not vaccinated

will be required to maskno matter where they work,

test one or two times a week to see

if they've acquired COVID.

- [Jennifer] The order impacting more

than 4 million Federal workers,

pushback was immediate fromthe Postal Workers Union,

several teacher unions and others,

but more Americans areprotecting themselves

against the Delta variant,

last week some 3 millionpeople getting shots,

up nearly 20% over the previous week.

Still frustration over mixedmessaging from the White House

is growing after the CDCissued new guidance this week,

suggesting even vaccinatedpeople wear masks indoors.

- I don't think mass mandates work.

We had the president

of the United States tellingall Americans, begging 'em,

get your vaccine, take your mask off.

Now, that guidance is different.

What does that tell people?

Mixed messages from the government.

- [Jennifer] On Capitol Hill,it's a tale of two houses.

In the Senate, masks are recommended,

in the House, they're required.

- We ought to go around and see, okay,

we can't come to the floor.

I can't execute my constitutionalduty unless I wear a mask,

which is it, vaccines or masks?

- Seven states have alreadybanned mask mandates.

At the same time, vaccine requirements

are appearing in the private sector,

Google, Facebook, and Netflixrequiring most employees

to be vaccinated before returning to work.

(upbeat music)Entry into this music festival

in Chicago requires proof ofa vaccine or negative test.

And while vaccinated Americans

are still testing positive for COVID,

their cases tend to be mild.

Well-known Christian authorand pastor Max Lucado

recently caught the virusdespite being vaccinated himself

and wrote, "Though miserable, the misery

"would have been worsewith no vaccination."

But as cases rise, it'sclear the debate over

how to treat this latestsurge is far from over.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- Well, for more on this story,

our CBN news medical reporter,Lorie Johnson, is with us.

So Lorie, why has the Delta variant caused

such a spike in cases?- Well, it's far

more contagious than any other thing

that we've seen up until this point.

It's really hardly even the same virus.

Health experts say it is oneof the most contagious viruses

now that they've ever seen

as it is as contagious asEbola and the chicken pox.

Yesterday, Admiral BrettGiroir, who is a physician

and was one of PresidentTrump's health advisors says

if you haven't been vaccinated

and if you haven't already had COVID-19,

it's just a matter of time

before you get this Delta variant.

It carries 1,000 times more viral load

than any of the variantswe've seen so far.

- Is it airborne, can you justget it from breathing air?

Do you have to be close tosomeone else who's infected?

- Yes, it is stilltransmitted person to person,

but when a person has 1,000times more viral load,

it is extremely easy to catchif you are near someone.

- I read a report just last week saying

that we're only one mutation away

from having a variant that's even worse

that could get throughall the vaccinations.

What can you tell us about that?

- Well, viruses mutate, thatis the very nature of viruses.

They always mutate.

Anytime they are passedfrom person to person

as viruses spread, that's how they mutate.

Sometimes the mutationsaren't that big of a deal.

Sometimes they are a very big deal.

So we already know thisis the Delta variant.

We already know that the Lambda

and the Gamma variants are out there

and we don't know what they will do.

So the best way to avoidvariants is, of course,

to avoid the spread of disease.

- Well, are vaccines stillthe best defense against this?

Yeah, I go back in historywhen the virus first appeared,

the CDC was saying in March,you don't need to wear masks.

Now you need to wear a mask.

The advice we're getting seemsto be all over the board.

So is vaccination the best way to do it?

Or should we go back intosome kind of personal lockdown

where you literally don't expose yourself?

- Well, masks and lockdowns

are like shooting a bullet at this virus,

whereas vaccines are like a cannon.

So yes, vaccines are the best solution,

according to almost all health experts.

And when people decidewhether or not they want

to get the vaccine, I know for me,

one of the things that Ithought about was long COVID.

Long COVID is extremely serious.

It's affecting hundredsof thousands of Americans.

So many people have long COVID

that it has been now beendeclared a disability

because it actually prevents you

from living your regular life.

You have body aches, brain fog,enormously serious fatigue,

and it doesn't seem to be getting better.

But Gordon, people whohave long COVID generally

were people who had onlymild cases of COVID.

And now, scientists are telling us

that there's a very real possibility

of long-term permanentneurological problems,

such as Alzheimer'sassociated with COVID-19.

And this would not be surprisingbecause this is what we saw

with the Spanish Flu, thepandemic 100 years ago,

10 years after the pandemic ended,

there was a huge surge inAlzheimer's among people

who had mild cases of the Spanish Flu.

So when people say, I don'twant that vaccine in me,

you also have to askyourself the question,

do you want the virus in you?

We know that viruses hangaround inside our bodies

and can later turn into terrible things.

The chicken pox virus can hang around

in your body for decades, andthen you can get shingles.

And if you've ever knownanyone who's had shingles,

it's excrutiatingly painful.

- Yeah, I'm one that's had shingles,

and now I'm getting the shingles vaccine.

So it's one of the problemswith novel viruses.

We just don't know what they're gonna do.

What do you think about the report

that there's a link to a diminished IQ

if you've had COVID-19?

- Well, see there again, we'rehearing all this reporting

of neurological problems frompeople who have had COVID-19

and still have long COVID.

And then now that thereare surfacing these things

that may indicate long-term

or permanent neurological problems,

which is what you're talking about.

So for me personally,

when I was deciding whetheror not to get vaccinated,

I was never worried about dying from COVID

or even being hospitalized.

But I don't want that virus in me

because of what you just said,the neurological problems,

because my brain isreally important to me.

And so again, people say, Idon't want that vaccine in me,

that's your choice, but doyou want the virus in you?

That's what you have to weigh.

And again, every medicaldecision is risk, benefit.

You have to weigh therisks and the benefits.

- All right, well, Lorie,thanks for the insight.

Let's turn now to another story.

This is from the Middle East.

Archeologists in Jerusalemrecently uncovered part

of the ancient city wallfrom 3,000 years ago.

It was uncovered just days

before the Jewish fastmarking the destruction

of the first and second temples.

So why is that a keypart of this discovery?

Well, Chris Mitchellexplains from Jerusalem.

(air whooshing)- [Chris] Finding this part

of the wall in the City ofDavid archeological site

provides a key to understandingthe first temple era

of ancient Jerusalem.

- In the '60s, famous Britisharcheologist, Kathleen Kenyon,

just a few meters north ofhere uncovered 30 meter section

of the same wall.(chattering)

Then she claimed already,

this is the wall of Jerusalemduring the time period.

- [Chris] Then accordingto Dr. Vukosavovic,

about a decade later,

Israeli archeologist Yigal Shiloh

found another section further south,

but a piece of thepuzzle remained missing.

- [Filip] For number of years,

we attempted to find additionalsections of this wall,

and we couldn't.

So much so that we started doubting

the existence of this wall.

- [Chris] That brings us to the discovery

of two more sections, whichclears up the mystery.

- So now we can conclusively say that yes,

the City of David, atleast, had one massive wall

that surrounded the City of David.

- The wall behind me would'veprotected ancient Jerusalem

for about 200 years

from about the eighth centuryB.C. until about 587 B.C.

In 600 B.C., the Babyloniansbesieged the city,

which is described inthe book of Second Kings.

The Bible says, "Nebuzaradancame to Jerusalem.

"He set fire to the temple of the Lord,

"the royal palace and allthe houses of Jerusalem.

"Every important building, he burned down.

"The whole Babylonian army

"under the commanderof the Imperial Guard,

"broke down the walls around Jerusalem."

Archeologists foundevidence of that burning

just inside the wall.

This part apparently wasn't destroyed,

possibly because of thesteep hill below it.

In addition to the wall,

archeologists found artifactsindicating what life was like

in the kingdom of Judah in those days.

- And we found right here where I stand,

a bulla of a person called Tsafan,

which is an abbreviationof "Tsafania, Zephaniah,"

which we find in the Bible as well.

Just a few centimeters away,

we found a Babylonian stamp seal.

- [Chris] The jar handles were stamped

with rosettes and circles, and "L'melech",

meaning, "Belonging to the King."

- To find the really beautifulwall, in so many ways,

you touch something, oryou walk on something,

or you lean against something

that you know somebody did thesame thing 2,600 years ago.

So it's emotional.

- [Chris] For now, theexcavation will continue

as the archeologists try to understand

how the nearby Gihon Springand other sites fit together.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News,the City of David, Jerusalem.

- Well, for the past 150 years,

archeologists have beendiscovering all kinds

of artifacts in Israel.

And whether that's from the Temple Mount,

from the City of David, fromMagdala on the Sea of Galilee,

and every single one of thediscoveries proves the Bible.

It's amazing how theseartifacts are showing

that the biblical record isan accurate record of history,

history of the Jewish people,

history of the kings of Israel,

history of the prophets,history of the temples.

If you wanna know more aboutit, we have something for you.

It's called "Written in Stone",

where it's a whole seriesof archeological films,

where you can get educatedon the discoveries

that are happening right now in Israel.

So if you'd like to get a copy

of the latest segment of that,

it's called "Secrets of the Temple".

It goes into the first and second temple,

the archeology showing the existence,

all the wonderfuldiscoveries that are coming,

and it's yours for a giftof any dollar amount.

So for that gift, you'll getinstant 4k streaming access.

And then we'll sendyou a DVD copy as well.

If you'd like it, call us, 1-800-700-7000,

or you can go to"Written in Stone",

or you can text "Secrets" to 51555.

Now, the reason we're asking for a gift

is we're in production right now

of a new documentary called"The Oracles of God",

showing the proofs of the Bible.

How did we get the texts?

How did we get the translations?

All of that is being produced right now.

We have a production teamactively working on it in Israel,

and we need your supportto make it happen.

So if you'd like to be a part of that,

get "Written in Stone,Secrets of the Temple",

call us now, 1-800-700-7000, Terry.

- Well, still ahead,blue from the chest up,

eyes rolled back in her head.(dramatic music)

This nine-year-old drownedin a swimming pool.

What happened to herduring the emergency flight

to a trauma center?

You'll see for yourself, that's coming up.

Plus more and more Americansare making a Texodus,

more than half a million people

are fleeing democraticstrongholds, like California,

flooding into the Lone Star state.

So what are Texans doingto keep Texas Texas?

Find out after this.(dramatic music continues)

(upbeat music)- Half a million,

that's how many people arepouring into Texas annually.

And they're not just visiting.

They're putting down rootsin the Lone Star state.

So what's the main attraction

and how do the localsfeel about the influx?

Well, Tara Mergener has the story.

(air whooshing)- According to the numbers,

more Americans are on themove now than ever before,

many looking for a placewith lower taxes, less crime,

and a bigger bang forthe real estate buck.

Texas is high on the listwith its smaller communities

especially in high demand.(upbeat music)

- Ain't it great to bein Texas tonight, yeah?

- [Tara] Texas loud.

♪ Nobody wants to go to Austin anymore ♪

Texas proud.

♪ Nobody wants to goto Austin like before ♪

- Over here, we like freedomand we like our guns.

We don't like to be coddled

and we like our governments limited.

(upbeat music)(birds chirping)

(dog barking)

- [Tara] These days, moreand more outta-Staters

like the sound of Texas too,

with more than a half millionpeople pouring in annually.

(vehicle droning)

Stats show most arrive from California.

- In California, jobsare so hard to come by.

Everything's really expensive.

- We're close enough to the city.

We can drive in, it's 10 minutes,

but we're far enough awaythat you're not suffocated.

- [Tara] While high homeprices and recent crime spikes

in urban areas are a driving factor,

this so-called Texodus isstill seeing folks flocking

to bigger cities here.

♪ Now the bluest eyes in Texas ♪

♪ They're haunting me tonight ♪

The numbers also show more transplants,

including musician Dave Innis

are singing a new tunein less populated areas.

- We wanted to get out of Nashville.

But we just wanted somethingthat felt more, I don't know,

just more community ofjust small town vibe,

and where we live here is old Waco.

- [Tara] Located in central Texas,

Waco is already known fora hit reality TV show.

- You've got it.(upbeat music)

(woman yelling)- [Tara] Inventing Dr. Pepper.

♪ I'm a pepper, he's a pepper ♪

♪ She's a pepper, we're a pepper ♪

And celebrity transplants.(energetic music)

(vehicle droning)Post pandemic, the area

is exploding with average home prices up

about 13% over a year ago.

That means nonstop construction

and real estate oftensnatched up site unseen.

- I'd love to help you sell your house.

Where's your home located?

- [Tara] Are you surprisedat what has happened

in such a short amount of time?

- Unbelievable, just a yearago, it would sit on the market

for at three or four months,

and we would not have anyoffers at all at first,

but now we have people fighting to get in

and multiple offers.(vehicle droning)

- [Tara] Area schools aregrowing at warp speed.

- Right now we have ourhighest enrollment ever.

We've talked about that,we're at 1,600 students

in the district.

And so, a few challengesthere, we're having

to add personnel to accommodate that.

(siren ringing)

- [Tara] So as local law enforcement.

- Being available toanswer calls for service

when 911 rings or somebodycalls a non-emergency number,

being able to respond,having the personnel.

So we're having to look at adding staff

to keep up with the demands.(upbeat music)

- [Tara] This region is saddling up

for thousands of new jobs too,

giants like Amazon movingin and SpaceX expanding.

- [Announcer] Vehicles pitching downrange.

- [Tara] Credit to thestate's pro growth policies

and no state income taxfor luring businesses

and billionaires from one tipof the state to the other.

There is a potential side effectbecause much of this screen

is mainly pouring in forblue cities and states.

- Yeah, people are really worried

about all the folks likeme moving from California.

- [Tara] That means morefood for political fodder.

- [Joe] Don't turn thisplace into what you fled.

- That's exactly right.

- [Tara] From YouTube parodies.

- I'm from California.- California,

I thought a smell communism.- [Tara] To t-shirts

and the governor himselfurging outsiders to vote right

to keep Texas Texas.

- [Greg] Complete abandon.- [Tara] With the

changing demographics, thislong Republican stronghold

is arguably growing more purple.

(vehicle honking)It's long been a fear

of conservatives and agoal of left-wing Texans

that these blue new comers

will bring along their voting habits

and tip the political scale.

- It's not clear that that'swhat's happening in Texas.

Again, lots of red state,

red leaning people fromblue states are coming in

and certainly some blueleaning people as well,

but it's not clear that theblues have a critical mass.

- [Tara] Still, on the ground,

local Republicans aren'ttaking any chances.

- Educating whole population

to draw clearly the lines of demarcation

between our conservativepolicies of the Republicans

and the liberal policies,

the liberal socialist communist policies

in the Democrat party.- [Tara] As Democrats

seize the day, you see opportunity here?

- We do massive voter registration drives.

We have people in every precinct

that are getting to know thosefolks that are moving in,

and we're engaging them one-on-one.

♪ Done like before ♪

- No Texas two-step around it

as a more popular andpopulated Texas takes shape,

change is in the air, wherever it leads.

(energetic music)Analysts agree

the long-term impact of thisso-called mass migration

remains to be seenpolitically and otherwise,

but don't believe itwill end any time soon.

In central Texas, I'mTara Mergener, CBN News.

- Thanks for that report.

I think this is all an impact from COVID

as people are realizingthat you can work from home,

and when you can work from home,

that means you can live anywhere.

So why live in a hightraffic, high tax state?

Why not go to some place thatdoesn't have an income tax

and the real estate isa whole lot cheaper?

So that's what's fueling this.

And I think we're goingto see more and more of it

as our workplaces change,not just from the pandemic,

but because people realize inan internet information age,

well, you can indeed work

from a lot of different places, Terry.

- Still ahead, he learned how(dramatic music)

to play chess in a homeless shelter.

And within a year, he won aNew York State Championship

at the age of eight.

So how did a miracle liftthis boy from Nigerian refugee

to chess champion?

Stay tuned to find out.

But first, an inventor's eureka moment,

what idea saved thisman from financial ruin?

You've gotta see it tobelieve it, right after this.

(dramatic music continues)

- Today, the Cartwrights aresuccessful entrepreneurs.

Not long ago, they wereliving on food stamps

and needed help to put gas in their car.

So how did they make an amazing U-turn?

Well, you're about to find out.

(placid music)- [Reporter] Tom Cartwright

is a self-employed inventor,

who's always coming up withcreative ideas for products,

like the Antigua ceiling fan.- There's leaves in my yard.

And I saw a leaf, and I sketched it,

and made up the fan blade from that.

- [Reporter] But being an entrepreneur

hasn't always been easy.

There were times Tomcouldn't provide the basics

for his wife and children,

like when one of his foreignbusiness deals went bad.

- And the headline said,

"Bank Summa loses U.S. 600 million."

And I came back and kinda lost everything.

- We had one car and peoplewere helping us put gas

in our tank.

This is back in the day

when there was a lot offood stamps around, I guess,

people were giving ussome of their food stamps.

It was very, very humbling.

- [Reporter] Tom and Annastarted going to church.

- [Anna] We both agreed we needed help.

- I said, "Okay, I don't careif I work at a gas station,

"God first, my family, and then my job."

- [Reporter] The couplelearned that putting God first

included tithing 10%.(placid music continues)

- So we began to tithe,

believing that God would multiply the seed

that we would sow.

And shortly thereafter,

I came up with anotherinvention or products,

and we had a good income.

- [Reporter] Tom'smedical hygiene invention

called Wash and Care waswidely used in hospitals

and became very profitable.

Through the years as theCartwrights kept tithing,

the inventions and income kept coming.

At one point, some big names stores bought

into an affordable gametable Tom designed.

He and Anna took out asecond mortgage on their home

to finance production.

Then the market crashedand there was no way

to pay back the loan.(placid music continues)

- It was devastating, it was confusing.

- [Reporter] Tom's daughter,Alison, works with him.

She remembers having tolay off all their employees

and how they had to put thecompany's future in God's hands.

- You really get to the barebones of what do you believe,

are are you gonna believe the Word?

Are you gonna have faith?

Or are you gonna fallapart and go to pieces?

- When the temptation wouldcome to not tithe or not give,

I would be like, it would bringtears to my eyes being like,

I don't trust this world,

I don't trust how smart we are,

I don't trust, I trust God.

- [Reporter] So despite uncertain times

and multiple threats of foreclosure,

Tom and Anna never stopped tithing.

They believed in whatthey call tithing rights.

- Your barn will not be empty,your basket will be full.

Those kinda things,those are tithing rights.

- [Reporter] They evengave above their tithe

to do help a couple from church.

- Yeah, I was taking a showerone morning, and God said,

"I want you to pay offtheir second mortgage."

I talked to Anna and we said,

"You know, what you do forothers, God will do for you."

(placid music continues)- [Reporter] Shortly after

they paid off the other couple's loan,

their own financialsituation turned around.

Some valuable real estatethe Cartwrights had

on the market for years

was suddenly purchased by a cash buyer.

The company's excess inventoryof pool tables also sold.

The combined income made it possible

for the couple to payoff their second mortgage

and stay in their home.

- I can say with assurancethat when you tithe,

God always provides for you,He multiplies that seed sown.

And that's a functional absolute.

- [Reporter] Today, Tom and Alison

run a coaching company for inventors.

The Cartwrights love to share

how tithing and giving haveaffected their success.

- What people spendtheir money on shows you

what's truly in their heart.

And so, number one, are you tithing?

Because if you're not tithing,

then that might be why you'rein a financial situation

or God is not opening doors.

- God doesn't twist your arms to do it,

but He has a lot of promisesand wonderful things for you

when you do tithe.- It's like do you

wanna trust yourself forthe rest of your life

or do you wanna lean on another source,

that is the God of the universe?

When you just be obedient,

you cannot out-give Him, no way.

He will always outdo you (laughs)

in more than you can imagine.(placid music continues)

- There's a new phrase isfor you, what she said,

tithing rights, that when you tithe,

you enable yourself tohave certain rights,

and those rights are spelled out

in the third chapter ofMalachi, "Prove Me now in this,

"if I will now open foryou the windows of heaven

"and pour out for you a blessingthat you can't contain."

On top of it, He promises,

"I will rebuke thedevourer for your sakes.

"I will give you so much,

"and then I'll preventdisasters from happening to you

"so that you will have plenty."

That's what God Almighty is promising.

That's what a tithing right is.

When you tithe, you haverights to claim that.

Now how does God openup windows in heaven?

That's a good question.

He's got lots of ways to do it,

but one of the ways He does it

is he gives you creative ideas.

He's got a lot of very,very, very good ideas

and He'll give them to you.

All you have to do is ask.

So when you give, expectto have the right,

and when you have that,

and you're doing itfaithfully and consistently,

that's when the blessings come.

This isn't some getrich quick kinda scheme.

That's not the deal here.

The deal is when you live inaccordance with God's Word

and you let Him help you,then you will have abundance.

If you wanna start doing that,

give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.

Just say, "I wanna join 'The 700 Club'."

If you're interestedin preaching the gospel

around the world, a portion of every gift

goes into the work of CBNInternational to do just that.

We're in over 50 languages now,

we're trying to reach the world

with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you wanna help people,

another portion goes into thework of Operation Blessing

to do that, to help people very tangibly,

food for people withoutfood right here in America,

medical care aroundthe world, clean water,

all kinds of livelihood programs,

all of these things made possible

because people care enough to give.

So if you wanna join withus, call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Make sure you ask for a Pledge Express,

electronic monthly giving,

bank doing all the work,

and we can send as our giftto you "Power for Life",

monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those, ask forPledge Express when you call

or just go to,

when you give monthly on the giving page,

you automatically sign up.

We have something new for you

where you can text threeletters, CBN to 71777,

and you'll automaticallysign up for Pledge Express.

Either way, do it rightnow, 1-800-700-7000, Terry?

- Well, still to come,

this eight-year-oldbeat 73 seasoned players

at the New York State Chess Championship.

Just two years earlier, he and his family

were fleeing Nigeria for their lives.

So how did he do it?

And could he become theworld's youngest grand master?

You'll find out, that's coming up.

Plus a nine-year-old diedon an emergency flight

to the hospital, whatdid she see in heaven?

She's gonna tell us herself after this.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"

for this CBN News break.

288 Republicans in the House and Senate

are asking the U.S. SupremeCourt to overturn Roe vs. Wade,

the 1973 decision legalizing abortion.

The signers of the Amicus Brief

included Senate minorityleader, Mitch McConnell,

House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy,

and other members of the GOP leadership.

The High Court will hear a case next term

on Mississippi's ban on mostabortions after 15 weeks.

CBN's Operation Blessing has helped people

around the world to recoverfrom natural disasters.

People who live near TaalVolcano in the Philippines

experienced a powerful eruption.

Smoke and Ash flew into the atmosphere

and lava poured down the mountain side.

Dozens died and crops andlivestock were destroyed.

Fishermen lost their sourceof food and income overnight.

But thanks to its generous supporters,

Operation Blessing provided a fisherman

with a brand new boat,

and he and his neighborsgot new fishing nets

and resources to rebuild their homes.

The fisherman thanked the Lord

and all the people whoHe used to help them.

You can learn moreabout Operation Blessing

by visiting its website,

Gordon and Terry are backwith more today's "700 Club".

It's all coming up right after this.

(dramatic music)

- Using paper piecesheld together with tape,

that's how Tani Adewumibegan playing chess

with his brother in Nigeria.

A couple of years later,Tani took top prize

at the New York State Chess Championship,

beating 73 players.

Tani was only eight years old.

No wonder this amazing boy wants the world

to know I believe in miracles.

(air whooshing)(dramatic music)

- My first thought is how do I beat them?

I don't think about anything else.

- [Reporter] In the world of chess,

Tani Adewumi is a rising star.

He was eight years old

when he won the 2019 NewYork State Championship

in the K through third grade division.

He'd been playing less than a year.

- I had the confidence,

but after I won three games in a row,

then I started to really build up

that good, good, good, stable confidence

that never goes away.(dramatic music continues)

- [Reporter] Chess teamcoach, Shawn Martinez.

(dramatic music continues)

- It doesn't happen every year

where you see a student

who learned a game after just one year

and they're performing

in the toughest scholastic tournament,

probably in the country,not only in the state,

performing pretty muchperfectly, he's undefeated.

- [Reporter] Tani's unlikely victories

spread quickly throughout the media.

The story of the young boywho found his love for chess

while playing with hisbrother in Abuja, Nigeria.

- My brother made paper pieces with tape.

And we just started to move pieces around.

We'd move illegal moveseverywhere around the board,

but it was always fun.(somber music)

- [Reporter] Then the wholestory began to unfold.

Just a year earlier, hisfamily had fled Nigeria,

threatened by terroristswho vowed to kill them.

- The Boko Haram, they are killing,

they are bombing the market, the mosques,

the church, everywhere.

(somber music continues)(fire crackling)

- [Reporter] Despite theviolence, Tani's father, Kayode,

had been able to run his printing business

until the day he refused todo work for the terrorists.

Then they showed up at their home.

- One pointed a gun atme, I was on the floor.

One said, "Let's use her asa message to her husband."

I can't really say what theyare saying, what they mean.

It might be rape, might be killed,

or so many things can happen.

I don't know what to do.

But to me, I was just praying to God

that, "God, please saveme, save my children."

(somber music continues)- [Reporter] Thankfully,

they left without incident.

Still, the threats and visits continued,

and Kayode moved thefamily to Akure, Nigeria.

- And they just knocked and came in again.

That they even come out and say that,

"We traced you to Akure.

"Now, they will get you tonight.

"You will go and meet your God today."

(somber music continues)

- [Reporter] Finally,the family secured visas

and a flight to Texasto stay with relatives.

(aircraft droning)- In the plane, we don't know,

we don't even think aboutwhatever we have lost in the past.

- [Kayode] We don't look back.- We don't look back.

The only thing that we would have

that thank God we have somewherewhere we can put our head.

We are safe, nobody coming toour door any day to harass us.

(vehicle honking)- [Reporter] In December,

2017, after a short staywith their relatives,

they landed in a homelessshelter in Manhattan.

Tani, now in third grade,joined the chess club.

At once, his coaches saw he had talent,

passion and a work ethic helearned from his parents.

- He worked his butt off.

And that was one thing thatreally separated him from many

was when it was time to havefun, he wanted to practice.

And when it was time to play,

he was the first one there at the board.

- I was always pushing,even if there was no prizes,

I just wanted to have thatfeeling that I'm doing well.

(placid music)- [Reporter] As Tani ventured

into the tournament arena,victories were scarce.

His mother, Oluwatoyin,would pray with her son,

explaining that it takes patience

and prayer to find success.

- And when he was praising God,

"I want to come back home with trophies,"

because he used to seetrophies in their chess room,

I said, "Yes, God has heard your prayer,

"but this might not be your time."

(placid music continues)- [Reporter] The time

and success was coming as hestarted racking up the wins.

- I don't really think about who I play.

I just play the game,and go to the next round,

play the game, go to the next round.

(chattering)(placid music continues)

- [Reporter] With the New YorkState Championship coming up

in March, 2019, Tani's coaches decided

to take him with the team.

Even then, he wasn't expected to go far.

However, miracles do happen.

Out of 73 players, eight-years-oldTani came out on top.

(placid music continues)- The coaches say,

"Tani, did you know what you just did?

"Did you know what just happened?"

So the director justgrabbed him, throw him up.

- [Reporter] Tani understoodwhat his mother had said

about God's timing and prayer.

- He helped me with chess,He gave me the confidence.

I prayed to Him and He answered.

- That was just the beginning

of something really phenomenal.

- [Reporter] Thatsomething would reach far

beyond the chess tournament.

As Tani and his family'sstory captivated the media,

it also grabbed the hearts of the public.

Tani's coaches set up a GoFundMe site

that raised over $250,000 in 10 days.

(placid music)- One family just called me

and gave me a brand-new car.

And another person rented theirapartment for us for a year.

God let the whole world know

that He can broughtsomebody from destruction.

- [Oluwatoyin] Yeah, from nothing.

- [Kayode] From nothing.- To something.

- God still have something to do.

That He want the whole worldto see that He's all God.

He is the truly God.

- [Reporter] They launched theTanitoluwa Adewumi Foundation

to help families in need.

Tani plans to keep working and praying

to achieve the coveted title

of world's youngest grand master.

He and his parents sharetheir journey in their book,

"My name is Tani and IBelieve in Miracles".

- God is always with usand it gives me a sign

that more things are gonnabe ahead of us, good things.

(placid music)

- I want you to knowthat since our interview,

Tani has reached a new milestone.

At the age of 10, he achievedthe title of National Master

at the Fairfield County Chess Championship

that's in Connecticut.

His book is called "My name is Tani

"and I Believe in Miracles", great story.

And it's available nationwide.

That's fun to watch (laughs).- Unbelievable.

What an incredible story.

And you know what the Bible says,

He takes you from the ash heap

and He sits you among theprinces of the people.

What an incredible story.

Oh, we've got another incredible story.

Annie Powell needed a miracle.

The nine-year-old drownedin a swimming pool.

And she doesn't remember.

Annie doesn't remembermuch about the accident.

So what does she recall?

Her trip to heaven.(water splashing)

- [Reporter] Pool season is officially--

- [Reporter] Saturday, June 9th, 2018,

a day of fun at a parkswimming pool turned

into a nightmare.- And I noticed that a man

was bringing out a young girl,

and she was just drooped over his arms.

And he was asking for help.(tense music)

He goes, "Help me, help me."(water splashing)

- [Reporter] As a lifeguardjumped in to begin CPR,

pastors Dave and Cathy Powellrealized the drowned girl

was their nine-year-old daughter, Annie.

- During the CPR,

I noticed that Annie wasblue from her chest up.

And her eyes were rolled back in her head.

She looked so lifeless, she was lifeless.

And she was my littlegirl, she was only nine.

And I felt very helpless and asking God,

"Please, don't takeher, let her come back."

- I was at her feet and just praying

that the CPR would work.

We're just praying that shewould come back to life.

(siren ringing)- [Reporter] When an ambulance

arrived, they gave Annie oxygen

and rushed her to ahospital two minutes away.

When the Powells arrivedat the emergency room,

doctors told them althoughshe was stabilized,

Annie was still critical.(tense music)

She had suffered cardiacarrest and respiratory failure.

Now in a comatose state,

Annie needed to be life-flighted

to JW Ruby Memorial Hospital,

a level one trauma center inMorgantown, West Virginia,

for specialized care.(aircraft droning)

- I was really concerned about her.

And I think that's when itreally started to click,

that she's not perfectly okay,even though she's breathing,

and wondering what is going on there,

and if she would ever be the same.

(vehicle droning)- [Reporter] On the drive,

the Powells prayed, calling on friends

and members of theirchurch to pray with them.

- Prayers to God, please raise my Annie.

Please give her back to me.

(placid music)(chattering)

- [Reporter] After the chopper landed,

doctor said the next72 hours were critical.

Now in a medically induced coma,

her blood and oxygen levelswere dangerously low.

(placid music continues)(chattering)

The extended time without oxygen

might have caused irreversible damage

to her heart and brain if she survived.

Even then, Dave and Cathy held onto hope.

- She looked like a little robot (laughs).

She had a cap on herhead, all these wires.

And I found out that thatwas for measuring seizures.

She had a trait, and Ijust felt so helpless

because I couldn't doanything to help her.

(placid music)- [Reporter] By now,

dozens of people filledthe hospital waiting room,

praying for a miracle.(placid music continues)

- But all we could do isjust lean on God and pray,

"Lord, just help us,help Annie at this point,

"you know, even helpthe doctors, you know,

"give them the wisdom and help them

"to be able to help herto get back to normal."

- [Reporter] The following day, Sunday,

the Powell's home churchheld a special time of prayer

for Annie and her family.- [Congregation] Annie, arise.

Annie, arise.- They were saying,

"Rise, Annie, rise, Annie,"and that touched my heart.

And from that point on, I knew,

I knew in my heart that she would be okay.

(placid music continues)- [Reporter] Prayers continued

throughout the day and into the night.

The next day at the hospital,

Dave and Cathy got the good news.

Annie's oxygen and bloodlevels have started to improve.

Two days later on Wednesday afternoon,

doctors brought Annie out of her coma.

As she awoke, doctors askher to move her fingers,

looking for signs shewas aware and could move.

(placid music continues)- The doctor was leaning

down like this, and Anniethrust her fist in her face.

And from then on, the doctor said,

"She's gonna be okay, Cathy."

I knew my feisty Annie was back.

- Obviously an answer toprayer, we're thanking Jesus,

thank you, God, thankyou, Lord, thank you, God.

We're just praising God.(placid music)

- [Reporter] While Anniedoesn't remember much,

she does remember going to heaven.

You see, while in the helicopter,

Annie died and had to be resuscitated.

(aircraft droning)(placid music continues)

- I saw butterflies and theyare all different colors.

They weren't justregular, everyday colors.

They were colors youcouldn't even imagine.

I felt very happy andjoyful and very loved.

And I just felt it all around me.

- [Reporter] She says shealso remembers someone

helping her in the pool.- There was a man in white

who was helping me in the pool.

And I think maybe it wasJesus or maybe an angel.

(placid music)- [Reporter] Just five days

after drowning, Annie wasreleased from the hospital

with no cognitive or physical impairment

and no memory loss.

Today, Annie is happyand doing well in school.

She and her parents tell everyone nothing

is impossible when you trust God.

- I'm very happy todaybecause I get to do hobbies

that I like, like ridingmy bike or reading books.

When I pray to God andthink of my miracle,

I always say, "Thank youGod for letting me live."

- [Dave] We can trust and rely on Him

that no matter what we go through,

God is there to help us through.

- I just wanna encourageeverybody that He is the God

that can make the impossible possible.

(placid music continues)

- He can make the impossible possible.

And He wants to do that for you.

Here's what the scripture says.

"All things are possibleto them that believe."

Now, let me spell it out for you.

It's not to them that haveit all figured out (laughs).

It's to them that believe.

Now, for the people praying for Annie

who were praying, "Rise, Annie, rise,"

did they have it figured out

as to how that was going to happen?

For the parents, did theyhave any of it figured out,

did the doctors have it figured out?

No, they were doing thebest that they knew how,

they were doing the best thatmedical science could do,

but God intervened.

God, the One who is able to create

just from the sound of His voice,

He calls things into being,

things that have never existed before,

He can do the impossible,and all things are possible

when you believe that,when you walk into that,

when you say, "I can't dothis, Lord, but You can.

"And here's my prayer, here's my plea."

And you keep on asking,

you keep on knocking through the days,

and then suddenly fivedays after drowning,

five days after death, Anniecomes back, Annie rises,

just what they asked for,just what they prayed for.

No consequences, no impact,no impairment, perfect.

What an amazing miracle, can I explain it?

No, I can't, because if Icould, it wouldn't be a miracle.

Now, all things are possibleto them who believe,

get that straight.

Do you believe, do you believein the One that God sent,

do you believe that Helived a sinless life,

do you believe that Hedied on the cross for you,

do you believe that by His stripes,

you are healed, you were healed?

Do you believe in the resurrection?

Do you believe that sameresurrection power is in you?

These are incrediblethings that the Bible says.

We believe them, and whenwe walk into that belief,

then truly all things are possible.

Now, Terry and I aregoing to pray for you.

Here's another verse for you.

"When two or more agree,touching anything,

"it shall be done."

Let Terry be your two, I'llbe your more, two or more.

And we'll agree with you, andwe'll let God do all the rest.

Let's pray, Lord, for anyoneneeding a miracle right now,

we declare over themall things are possible.

For anyone lying in a hospitalbed, anyone on a ventilator,

anyone where the doctors say,

"We don't know what to do anymore,"

all things are possible.

So stretch forth Your hand to do miracles.

And we say to them now,

rise up by the authority given

to us as believers in JesusChrist, rise and be whole,

and be restored now in Jesus name.

Let there be no morepain, no more impairment.

Anyone in a coma, wake upnow in the name of Jesus.

We receive it from you, Lord,

because we believe in whatYou have already done.

Terry, God's giving you something.

- Someone, you have an eye condition,

it's something to do withthe muscles of your eye,

not having enough tension in them,

and it's affecting your vision.

God's correcting that for you right now.

Your eyesight's gonna beperfect, in Jesus name.

- Well, there's someoneyou have a brain tumor

and it's impaired your cognitive ability.

God's able to shrink that tumor

and then grow cells again, in Jesus' name,

be healed and be made whole.(upbeat music)

If you've been healed, let us know,

give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.

Here's a word from Psalms.

"Bless the Lord, oh my soul,

"and forget not all His benefits,

"who forgives all your inequities,

"who heals all your diseases."(upbeat music continues)


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