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The 700 Club - July 29, 2021

A voice of hope prevents a desperate woman from ending her life. Plus, China is ditching it’s yuan and going digital. It’s not Cryptocurrency. It’s communist control and it’s coming for your wallet. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Reporter] Coming up,say goodbye to cold cash.

- [Narrator] China is about to launch

one of the most revolutionaryfinancial projects

in the world.

- [Reporter] China is ditchingits yuan and going digital.

- China has said forawhile that it expects

to pretty much be a cashlesssociety in the future.

- [Reporter] It's not cryptocurrency,

it's communist control.

- [Erik] The People's Bankof China is gonna be able

to look, peer inside ofevery single transaction.

- [Reporter] And it'scoming for your wallet

whether you like it or not.

- It's something that thegovernment has never had before.

- [Reporter] On today's 700 Club.

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

A reckless tax and spending spree

that could propel thiscountry off a fiscal cliff.

President Biden's budget plans

would increase the national debt

to a staggering 40 trilliondollars within 10 years.

So, what risky move arerepublicans planning

to stop this massive hemorrhage?

Abigail Robertson explains.

- Republicans say democratsare in a spending free for all

and argue they'll only supportraising the debt ceiling

if democrats promisemajor spending reforms.

With the current debt closingin on 29 trillion dollars,

republicans want to see substantial cuts

in projected governmentspending over the next 10 years.

President Biden's budget plans

would take the nationaldebt well over 40 trillion

within 10 years and republicanswarn that's dangerous.

- In fact, we're playing Russianroulette with our economy

by continuing to pour trillionsof dollars into our economy.

- [Abigail] The TreasuryDepartment says they will need

to take extraordinarymeasures to avoid defaulting

before they run out of cash,likely in October or November.

House Speaker NancyPelosi argued republicans

addressed the debt limit threetimes under President Trump

with democratic supportand accused McConnell

of playing partisan games.

- He's always been thereto be an obstruction

to a democratic president.

The full faith and creditof the United States

is never to be placed in doubt.

- [Abigail] President Joe Bidenclaims it's not new spending

that's the problem.

- The reason for the significant debt

is because of their debt, their tax limit,

their, their, excuse me, their tax cut.

- [Abigail] EconomistStephen Moore told CBN News's

Faith Nation he believes thedemocrats' proposed spending

will lead us off a fiscal cliff.

- And the idea that we're gonna spend

another four trillion dollars this year,

adding onto the trillions ofdollars Biden and the democrats

have always added to the budget already

is, is really frightening to me, frankly.

- [Abigail] And he argues thefirst thing Washington must do

is stop the huge spending.

- I can't imagine anyrepublican would vote for,

you know, this massiveincrease in our debt

without, you know,incredible spending reforms.

- If democrats don't get thesupport of 10 GOP senators,

they could be forced toincrease the debt limit alone

through their upcomingBudget Reconciliation Bill,

which only needs a simplemajority to pass the senate.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Well, CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody

joining us there.

David, I understand thebipartisan infrastructure bill

is moving ahead, but what about

the three and half trillionsocial infrastructure?

Did that take a hit last night?

- It did.

Kyrsten Sinema, a democratsenator from Arizona

say she is not down at allwith this 3.5 trillion dollars

that the democrats want tospend on social infrastructure.

Just to kind of back everybody up, right,

you've got the hard infrastructure deal,

that's that 1.2 trilliondollar bipartisan deal

and then you've got the3.5 trillion dollars

in human infrastructure,social infrastructure,

goofy infrastructure,whatever you want to call it

because we've never seen this before,

but that's exactly whatdemocrats want to do

and they want to jam it througha budget reconciliation.

And Kyrsten Sinema said,"No, I'm not gonna do that,

not at 3.5 trillion, for sure,"

and so democrats are ina tough spot right now

because it's important thatthe hard infrastructure bill

that's being negotiatedright now in the Senate,

in essence, kind of accompany that,

that 3.5 trillion dollar bill,

they kind of go up togetherto the House at some point,

that's the only way theHouse is gonna vote for it,

so it's a bit complicated, but right now,

Kyrsten Sinema is against it.

What does that mean?

That means democrats wouldcome up one vote short

because, remember, theywould only need 50 votes

under budget reconciliation to do

the social infrastructure bill, Pat.

- Well, David, it looks like

the political deal is inflation.

People are paying morefor everything they have

and will they, I mean,what else will they do

in terms of an election aboutall this messy spending?

- Well, Joe Biden's pollnumbers are underwater big time.

Only a 39% approval ratingwhen it comes to the economy,

a lot of people are concerned,

specifically as it relates to high prices,

now, obviously not just gas, but food

and you just go down thesupply chain, if you will,

and so this is a real big problem.

I think the problem here for republicans

is that as much as theywant to talk about democrats

and all of their spending habits,

look, the republicans haveno real moral standing

to say much of anything.

You know, what DonaldTrump did in four years

in terms of increased spending,George W. Bush before him,

I mean, look, the days of Ronald Reagan

and this idea of federalspending run amuck

and deficit reduction and all that,

I mean, that is down by the wayside, Pat.

I mean, if you look at the polls today,

you have a majority of Americans,

and this is a, this is a centrist poll,

but it's also a majority of Americans,

about 55%, saying they wantgovernment to do more, not less,

and I think that's thelarger problem here,

that, in essence, for many people,

their god has become government, not God,

and I think that's wherewe're going in society

and that goes right to thefederal spending issue.

- Well, David, Iappreciate it and we look,

I mean, it must be scary to think

if we lose our reserve currency status,

we're in a heap of hurt, aren't we?

- Mm hmm, yeah, no,for sure and, you know,

of course, Janet Yellenand over at the fed,

they say that's not gonna come to that

as it relates to the debt ceiling, they,

what I believe and mysources are telling me

is that this, you know,they always talk about

the debt ceiling, right, all the time,

"Oh, you gotta raise the debt ceiling,"

and then republicans here are saying,

"No, we're not gonna dothat," but you know what?

The democrats would basicallypass the debt ceiling increase

as part of budget reconciliation anyhow,

so you're not gonna seeAmerica default at this point.

My guess is this will go into October,

they'll do a two monthextension on the debt ceiling,

then eventually have a full,full debt ceiling increase

sometime in December.

- David, thank you very much.

- You bet.- So, in other news,

what may lead to a shooting war

between the UnitedStates, Russia and China?

The answer, a major cyber attack.

So, what's the president saying about it?

CBN's senior international correspondent,

George Thomas, has that.

- Pat, the president met with members

of our U.S. intelligencecommunity this week

and suggested that if Americawere to end up in a real war,

he believes it would be becauseof a major cyber attack.

As you know, Pat, a number of recent hacks

against key government agencies

and critical infrastructures,such as an oil pipeline

and major meat packing plants,

have shown the extent ofAmerica's cyber vulnerabilities.

The president said these and other attacks

revealed just how damagingcyber threats are.

Take a listen.

- You know, we've seen how cyber threats,

including ransomware attacks,increasingly are able

to cause damage anddisruption to the real world.

I can't guarantee this andyou're as informed as I am,

but I think it's more than likely

we're gonna end up, well,if we end up in a war,

a real shooting war with a major power,

it's gonna be as aconsequence of a cyber breach

of great consequence.

And it's increasingexponentially, the capabilities.

- The president didn't say whowe might go to war with, Pat,

but the administration hasaccused Russian and China

of orchestrating someof the recent attacks.

- You know, an excellentreport on the vulnerability

of our power grid, how exposedare we, in your opinion?

- Yeah, Pat, it's a big challenge.

The biggest challenge isthat many of America's,

you know, vulnerabilities,their vulnerabilities are very,

the electricity systems weren't designed

to protect against cyberthreats or EMP attacks.

The experts I've spoken to, Pat,

say Russia, China, North Korea and Iran

all have a plan for a combined arms attack

on the U.S. electric power grid

as a way of winning World WarIII quickly and decisively,

in essence, paralyzingU.S. military powers,

so that they don't even haveto do battle with our forces.

One study assessed that an attack

on just nine of 2,000transformer substations

could cause a nationwideblackout, lasting more than a year

and the consequences, as you can imagine,

would be devastating, no running water,

no lights, no electricity.

In 72 hours, as emergencygenerators failed,

there would be massive food spoilage,

threatening our national food supply.

We could also see paralysisof police, hospitals,

emergency services, government military,

and, Pat, finally, in seven days,

after emergency generators run out of fuel

and batteries fail, the nation's100 nuclear power plants

will go Fukushima.


- George, how frightening.

Ladies and gentlemen, wehave been warning for years

about this and an interesting thing,

the big transformersthat can get knocked out

are made, you guessed it, in China

and it would take abouta year to get them.

We should be stockpiling if, you know,

the government's up there yacking away

about all these minorthings and this big crisis

is looming overhead and we'renot doing anything about it.

It would take a littlebit of money to fix it,

but if we don't do it, whatGeorge said could take,

could come to pass and don't you think

that our enemies aren'taware of our vulnerabilities.

Well, lawlessness is takingover the streets of America

with the city of Seattle, Washington

in the bullseye over the weekend.

Police departments havebeen sorely depleted

in the wake of the, quote,"defund the police" debacle.

Just how bad is the crisis?

Gary Lane explains.

- Pat, good to be with you.

The nation's cities saw morethan 900 shootings last week.

Seattle, Washington, one ofthose caught in the surge

over a devastating three hours on Sunday.

Three people died, five were injured

in a series of shootings.

So far this year, more than 200 residents

have been killed orinjured in gun violence.

Seattle's mayor, this week,citing a depleted police force,

calling out the city's council's plans

to make drastic cuts in the police budget.

- Over the past 17 months,the Seattle police department

has lost 250 police officers,

which is the equivalent ofover 300,000 service hours.

Not unexpected, losingthese number of officers,

when city leaders talk aboutcutting a department by 50%,

you will lose employees.

- Pat, among those 250officers who left the force

in the past year, the chief of police.

- Gary, the mayor ofSeattle isn't the only one

speaking out, how many other city leaders

are frustrated by thesecuts of the police?

- Well, we're startingto see it nationwide.

In Chicago, the police chiefthere, Police Chief Brown,

is blaming the courts,lenient courts, he says,

for the surge in crime there.

In Washington D.C., Police Chief Contee

says it's bad actors whoreturn to the streets

to commit more crimes.

And then, of course, Pat, Ithink we're going to see this

as an issue in the 2022 campaign.

Already candidates in Michigan,you're seeing James Craig,

the former police chief of Detroit,

speaking out about crime,he's running for governor,

and then in New York City, theformer Guardian Angels head,

Curtis Sliwa, he'srunning for mayor there,

so we're seeing morecandidates come forward

tough on crime, that'll be an issue.

- Thanks, Gary.

And ladies and gentlemen, believe me,

they're trying to blame it on guns.

It isn't guns that make the problem,

it's the people that hold the guns

and the people who hold the guns

will do what they needto do if they don't think

there's any restraining force.

And all across the country,this isn't just one city,

not just Seattle, butit's city after city.

Portland, Washington is a war zone

because of this move to,quote, "defund the police",

it was insanity.

Well, as they say in the Bible,

"We have sown the wind, nowwe're reaping the whirlwind.


- Coming up, China's latestbid for world domination,

a cashless currency controlledby its communist party

and eventually, even the United States

will be forced to use it.

What could this mean forAmericans and the free world?

We'll have the explosive report, up next.

(upbeat music)

She had two warring voices in her head,

one telling her to endit all and the other

to stay her hand.

How did she silence them all?

She's gonna tell usherself, so stay with us.

(upbeat music)

- It's a nightmare scenario for America

and the entire free world.

China is creating a digital currency

to replace cash and coins.

It will also tell the Communist Regime

exactly how the Chinese peopleare spending their money.

So, why is this such a perilous threat

to the U.S. and the West?

George Thomas has more.

- [George] The Chinesewere the first in the world

to invent paper money backin the Seventh Century.

Now more than 1,400 years later,

China is again on the cusp of creating

a new form of government currency

that some say could posea serious economic threat

to America and the West.

- [Narrator] China is about to launch

one of the most revolutionaryfinancial projects

in the world.

- They're not cryptocurrencies,

they're not so-called staple coins,

in effect, they are thenational physical currency

of a country, justrepresented in a digital form.

- [George] Erik Bethel is theformer U.S. executive director

of The World Bank.

- Bitcoin near recordhighs, crossing 23,000.

- [George] He says while the world fixates

on private cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin.

- [Reporter] The digitalyuan isn't a payment system,

it's actual money.

- [George] Beijing is busybuilding a digital version

of it's own currency, the yuan,also known as the renminbi,

to control its citizensand eventually threaten

the dominance of the U.S. dollar.

- They've pretty much createdall of the building blocks

that will allow a central bankdigital currency to flourish.

- [George] And YayaFanusie, a former economic

and counter-terrorism analyst in the CIA,

says China's goal is to replacecash with a digital currency

that's controlled by thecommunist government's

central bank.

- China has said forawhile that it expects

to pretty much be a cashlesssociety in the future.

So, the idea is that cash notes, coins

will no longer be aroundand the people will be using

digital currency that'sgonna be in their wallets.

- [George] That digitalcurrency will also be issued

by the government bank, allowing what

Congressman MichaelMcCaul, the top republican

on the House Foreign Affairs Committee,

says is unprecedented access

to people's financial transactions.

- This will give them data on behavior,

on people, how they spend.

- [George] And giving Beijing the power

to track that spending in real time.

- There will be a point wherethe People's Bank of China

is gonna be able to look, peer inside of

every single transactionthat everyone does

24 hours a day, seven days a week.

- Which means if you area human rights activist

or a Christian, authoritiescan now use this new technology

to punish you if you engage in activities

they consider anti-government.

- And they've got a camera everywhere,

social credit system, and ifthey get their money digitized,

where there's no physicalcurrency anymore,

they will be able totrack every transaction

that's made with Chinesecurrency and can shut you off,

just shut you off if they decide

they don't like who youare or what your faith is.

- This technological ability is something

that the government has never had before.

It always had to go to companies to say,

"Okay, cut off this person."

Now, the Chinese government, I think,

with sort of the proverbial,"The flick of a switch",

could make people fall in line

by cutting off their access to money.

- [George] Eventually, U.S.and other foreign companies

doing business in China will be required

to use the government's newdigital currency payment system.

- There's a competitiveissue, there're, I'd say,

even cybersecurity issues, privacy issues.

You're handing over your data

to the Chinese CommunistParty by participating

in this digital currency system.

The U.S. dollar is the world'sdominant reserve currency.

China's renminbi is number eight.

Beijing's ambition isto eventually supplant

the dollar's global dominancewith the digital yuan.

- The big concern is, internationally,

especially for the U.S.,is in the longterm,

this is an important step,this is what I would call

a FinTech, a financialtechnology development,

and the issue is that China isthinking decades in advance,

it's not thinking about thenext two to three years,

you know, per say.

- [George] In June, thecommunist government

handed out more than sixmillion dollars worth

of its digital currency to its citizens

as part of a series oftrials around the country.

The first kicked off in Beijing,

allowing residents there touse two government bank apps

to test digital payments.

China then plans to make itsbig digital currency splash

at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Now that the world'slargest authoritarian regime

has launched this first of a kind

sovereign digitalcurrency, some in the U.S.,

like Congressman Mike Waltz,worry Beijing will use

this form of payment to alsoskirt economic sanctions.

- The Chinese governmentconvinces countries

like Burma, Iran, North Korea, and others

to do business in thatChinese digital currency,

it'll also allow China and those countries

to work around one ofour most powerful tools,

which is sanctions.

- [George] Based on history,Waltz believes China

is only too happy to share the technology

with other world regimesthat seek to enhance

their own surveillancecapabilities over their citizens.

- So that those other countries in Africa,

the Middle East and elsewherecan dominate their people

in line with the Chineseversion of government,

but that data then comes back to Beijing

so that they will literally,

through facial recognition,be able to monitor the globe.

- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.

- CBN's national editor, Drew Parkhill,

joins us now for more.

Drew, we hear a lot about Bitcoin,

what's the difference between Bitcoin

and what China's doing right now?

- It's a big difference, Pat.

Bitcoin was designed, it cameout of the financial crisis

of 2008 and a lack of trustin the global financial system

and it's designed to be private,

so you and I can get together and say,

"I want to buy your car and I'll give you

so much Bitcoin for it," wecould do it with a smart,

what's called a smart contract,

but it's designed to be private.

This, and I have a graphichere to explain this,

this is what's called,what China is doing,

what the U.S. is lookingat, is what's called a CBDC,

a central bank digital currency, okay.

What that means is itwould be put out by the fed

or some other government authority,

but it's very different from Bitcoin,

Bitcoin is private, thisis government authority.

- Well, what other countriesare working on this

beside the U.N. and what about us?

- Well, okay, around theworld there are 81 countries

working on this rightnow, believe it or not,

they represent 90% ofthe global economy, okay?

Five have already implemented it.

In the Bahamas, theycall it the sand dollar.

14 more have a pilot project going on.

Now, you asked about the U.S.,

I want to show you whatFederal Reserve Chairman

Jerome Powell told 60Minutes a few months ago,

take a look.

- Is the fed working on a digital dollar?

- We are actually evaluating that.

Most major countries are nowlooking at the possibility

of having digital currency.

- And definitely the U.N.,they're taking it slow.

George talked about thepossibility of China replacing us

as a reserve currency,the fed doesn't think

that that's going to happen, but this is

a very important thing,Pat, this is revolutionary.

You know, we have a Bible verse here

that's one of the mostfamous in the whole Bible

from the Book of Revelationwhere it talks about

how in the future, nobodywill be able to buy or sell,

it's in Revelation 13, nobodywill be able to buy or sell

unless they have the mark.

This, all this, Pat,about digital currency

is revolutionary.

If there's ever, this may bethe biggest biblical prophecy,

if you believe in biblicalprophecy, as many of us do,

this may be the biggestfulfillment of biblical prophecy

since the creation of Israel in 1948.

- Drew, thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,this is a scary thing,

but the Bible says it's going to happen,

you can't buy or sellwithout the mark of the beast

and it looks like, you know,the Bible also talks about

the River Euphratesdrying up then to make way

for the Kings of the East to come in.

You know, who would've thought that China,

who was known as the Middle Kingdom,

would suddenly be emergingas this terrifying force

that has given over100% to militant atheism

and to hegemony beyond anythingthe world has ever known

and now they're creatingthis monstrous currency?

I mean, it is a frightening scenario,

but I tell you what, my hopeis in the Lord, Jesus Christ,

and I think your hopeshould be there, too.

Whatever happens in the world, believe me,

God still has his hand on this Earth.


- Well, still ahead, aprisoner pleads for mercy

and gets more than he expected.

How did he find hope in the jailhouse?

Stay tuned to find out.

(upbeat music)

Abused, addicted to drugs and homeless,

Elizabeth just couldn't take it anymore.

That's when she began to hear voices.

One told her to end it all,the other said to hold on.

So, which one did she choose to follow?

Take a look.

- I just thought, "What's the point?"

Life is so, I just remember saying,

"Life sucks, it's painful, it's hard."

- [Narrator] Life'sdifficulties started early

for Elizabeth Verver.

At age nine, her fatherleft and never returned.

By age 15, Elizabethbegan numbing her pain

with drugs and alcohol.

After high school,Elizabeth sought purpose,

only to find her substanceabuse taking its toll.

- Internally, I was a messand I didn't know what to do

or where to turn.

- [Narrator] Elizabethreceived a glimmer of hope.

Some family members offeredto let her stay at their home

while she attendedcollege at their expense.

- Okay, I'm finally gonnaget out of this mess,

I'm gonna get to do something, be somebody

and so I was very excitedabout having the opportunity

to go to college.

- [Narrator] But allthat changed one night

when a family member did the unthinkable.

- He had brought me adrink, I never thought,

you know, anybody, especially family,

would ever do anything to hurt you

and so, I didn't think anything about it.

I took the drink and I justremember feeling very strange.

And I do remember, you know, at one point,

being held down and that happening

and it was almost like I was lifeless,

like I didn't fight it.

It was complete shockbecause you don't think that

anything like that would ever happen.

But it did.

- [Narrator] Elizabethleft the home and college.

She met Frankie, who helpedher escape from pain,


- He made me laugh, he mademe forget about everything

and I thought, "Man, if Icould just feel like this,

I'm gonna be okay."

But then, it would spiral.

- [Narrator] Frankie andElizabeth began dating,

but both were drinkingheavily, addicted to drugs

and even at one point, homeless.

Frankie was sent to jail for a DUI.

- And I just remember being all by myself

and just crying til Icould not cry anymore,

I mean, I can't take it anymore.

- [Narrator] Elizabeth decidedshe would end her life.

She heard one voice telling her to do it,

but another voice told herthings would get better

if she didn't do it.

- And I was like, "What?"

But at that point, I believed it

and that's the point thatI actually started to hope.

- [Narrator] Frankie began hoping, too.

In jail, he met a man that led him

into a relationship with Christ.

- One night I pulled ablanket over my head,

I'm in a bunk, fixing to go to sleep,

and I just start askingGod, "God come be with me

as much as you can,"that's all I knew to say

and the power of God came over me,

which I know now, youknow, was the Holy Spirit

coming to visit me andshow me that he was real.

- [Narrator] Elizabethvisited Frankie in jail

and noticed a big change in her boyfriend.

- He was saying such nice things,

he was like, "When I get out of here,

we're gonna, we're gonna get married

and I'm gonna serve the lordand we're gonna be happy,"

and I was just like, "Areyou doing drugs in there?"

I'm like, "What are you talking about?"

- [Narrator] Frankie keptpraying for Elizabeth

and arranged for her to stay

with his mentor's mother-in-law.

Mama Kay, as she's called, left a Bible

on the dresser for Elizabeth.

I just glanced over and I was like,

"Okay, there's the Bible, but I've tried

to read that crazy book, itdoes not make any sense at all,"

but for, you know, this particular night,

I decided to.

- [Narrator] That night,God spoke to Elizabeth

through his word.

- All of the sudden, my eyes were open.

I knew what was wrong with my life

and I knew what wasmissing, who was missing.

I got on my knees and I prayeda simple, honest prayer.

I said, "God, if you'rereal and you can do anything

with my mess of a life,I'm gonna give it to you."

- [Narrator] Frankienoticed an immediate change

in Elizabeth.

- From the way she dressed tothe way she started speaking,

I could see the hope in her eyes

and, I mean, it was, itwas a instant change.

- [Narrator] Today, Elizabethand Frankie are married

and have four children.

Frankie is a youth pastorand Elizabeth leads

the women's ministry at their church.

She's also the author of abook called "No More Darkness"

and tells the story of God's deliverance

through her most difficult times.

Elizabeth is thankfulthat God forgave her,

which allows her now to forgive others

and heal her past hurts.

- Look at how much you have done for me

and look at how you have forgiven me

and I don't deserve it and I when I begin

to understand that, he said,"That's what will empower you

to forgive and really set you free."

I was like, "Lord, I'll never stop telling

what you've done in my life,

I'll never stop telling how you can change

a person's heart."

- Things happen in our lives, don't they?

Sometimes when we're children,

sometimes when we're young,sometimes when we're adults

and things are done to usthat we can't always control.

And then, the hooks ofanger and bitterness,

resentment, even fearget caught in our hearts

and, you know, Jesus said, "I came to set

the captives free," becausehe understands all of that.

In this scenario, Elizabeth was,

was contemplating taking her own life.

That can seem like suchan easy out, you know?

It's a very permanentsolution to what sometimes

is a temporary problem.

And then the other voice saying,

"No, hang in there, thingsare going to get better."

You know, she just hung in there,

not even believing reallythat things would get better,

but God had a plan.

He had a plan for her and for her life

and he does for you, too.

And it doesn't matter what'sbeen done to you in the past,

as hurt as you may be, Godcan redeem that for you.

He is the redeemer, theone who takes what was lost

and redeems it back, theone who sets you free

from bitterness andresentment and anger and fear,

so that you can live life abundantly.

Jesus said that, too,"I've came that, I've come

that you might have lifeand have it abundantly."

Not to live halfway, not tolive feeling squashed down

by people, by circumstances,but to live it abundantly.

If you're not experiencing that,

then you don't knowthe one who created you

with intention and purpose.

But you can today, you can right now.

You know, so much of thisis based around trust

and also that magic word that was used

in Elizabeth's story, hope.

I want to give you hope today as we talk

that there is someone who loves you

beyond your understanding or imagining,

who forgives you, nomatter where you've been

or what you've done andwho, then, empowers you

to live a different life and it begins

with coming to the endof yourself and saying,

"Jesus, I'm a sinner, I know I'm a sinner,

I know you know I'm a sinner,

I need a savior and I'masking you to be my savior,

to be the lord of mylife, to forgive my sins,

as far as the East is from the West,

you know each and everyone, I'm asking you

for a new beginning, I'm asking you

to come into the middle of my life,

into the center of myheart and I am surrendering

all that I am and all that I have to you."

"Make me yours, teach me your ways,

change the way that I think,help me to hear your voice

when you speak to me, tosee you at work in my heart

and my life, open up your word to me

as I read it, so I canknow the promises of God

and receive them for myself."

"I ask for the gift of eternal life

and I thank you, Jesus, for loving me

while I was still a sinnerand for waiting for me

all this time."

"Today, I'm coming hometo the heart of God

and I'm asking you to livein my heart for all eternity

and I ask this in Jesus' mighty name."


It's that simple.

What do you do now?

Well, we've got a wonderful packet

that Pat's put together for you,

it's called "A New Day",it's filled with information

on how do you follow Jesus,how do you walk with him?

This is yours for free.

Call our toll free number,it's 1-800-700-7000,

we'll get this out to you right away,

Just say, "I'd like the New Day packet."

Well, still ahead, finding his voice.

How did this man overcomea lifelong stutter

and crippling anxiety tobecome a successful attorney?

And then, later on, time foranother round of your questions

and some honest answers.

Brenda writes, "When a person is young,

time goes slowly."

"And when a person isold, time goes fast."

"Can you explain why?"

Pat's gonna tackle thatand more, stay with us.

(upbeat music)

CBN's latest documentary series

is called "Written in Stone:Secrets of the Temple"

and this all new DVDreveals fascinating secrets

of the Jewish Temple.

It also delves into many of the treasures

that were lost and thenfound after its destruction.

For your gift of any dollar amount,

you can get exclusive streaming access

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We'll also send you a DVD copyof "Secrets of the Temple".

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You can also text SECRETS to 51555.


- Good.

30 years old, a college dropout,

and working a menial job, Dan Koblitz

was going nowhere fast.

But how did Dan wind up tobe a successful attorney?

This is a wonderful success story, watch.

- [Narrator] To see Dan Koblitz today,

a successful lawyer, leader,husband and soon-to-be father

with two graduate degreesfrom Regent University,

one might never guessthat for much of his life,

he had no confidence, no purpose

and no hope for a bright future.

- To see where I was,having low self esteem,

I didn't think I wasgoing anywhere in my life,

never gonna get married,to be where I am today

is nothing short of a miracle.

- [Narrator] You see, Dangrew up with a sever stutter.

For years, he was the targetof teasing and bullying

that destroyed his confidence

and created a debilitatingfear of speaking in public.

- The shame and the fearthat goes along with that,

just an inability todo what you want to do.

- [Narrator] A speechtherapist would help Dan

eliminate much of his stuttering.

He began to thrive inschool and even qualified

for the National HonorSociety in high school.

What he couldn't conquer washis fear of speaking in public,

causing him to drop out of college

when a course requiredhim to speak in class.

Moving back home and taking a factory job,

he found the comfort of alcohol.

- My life was not in a good place,

I was not in a good place.

I just didn't like who I was and,

but I never made eye contactwith anybody hardly at all.

I had a hard time actuallylooking at myself in the mirror.

I really actually hated my life.

- [Narrator] Then, finally, at age 30...

- I remember looking at my life

and saying, "This isn't theperson I want to be anymore."

- [Narrator] Again, he started working

with a speech pathologist.

She was a Christian whoseencouragement and influence

prompted Dan to go back to college

and inspired him to attenda college Bible study.

- That is where I gave myself to Christ.

From that, God gave me thecourage to do so many things.

It really opened up my eyesto another way of living,

another way of life and that's when I felt

that God was, had some kindof a plan for me, I believe.

There was something more.

It changed me tremendously.

It just gave me hopeto keep moving forward

and coming out of my comfortzone and doing new things

that I never thought possible.

- [Narrator] After earning his bachelor's

in political science, Danenrolled in Regent University's

graduate program to pursue a joint degree

in divinity and law.

- They kind of looked at thelaw through a Christian lens.

I wanted to learn how allthis can be tied together,

you know, my faith and law,and they helped me do that.

Dan says by his second year,he realized he was there

to get more than a Christian education,

he was there to hear from God.

- I sensed that the lordtold me that I am loved

and he is with me, Iwas perfect in his eyes

and it was the most amazingexperience of my life.

As I look back, until I could love myself

the way Jesus loves me,I couldn't, I couldn't,

couldn't love others and Ithink that was a turning point.

- [Narrator] Dan says as his faith

and relationship with God deepened

and with the support of professors

and the student community,he found a sense of purpose

and the confidence to pursue it.

- It caused me to look inwardly at myself,

to grow, I think, with Christ,

in a way that I had not, not known before.

I started to gain peace at who I was.

I had a lot of people believe in me

and, well, I started to believe more in me

that I could these many different things.

- [Narrator] Dan also cameto terms with his stutter,

that while largely under control,

still intrudes hisspeech from time to time.

- Jesus has really removedthe negative aspect

of stuttering for me.

I may not ever become fully fluent,

speaking where I neverstutter, and that's okay.

Jesus loves us just as we are.

- [Graduation Announcer]Daniel C. Koblitz.

- [Narrator] Since graduating in 2016,

earning a master's in divinityand a juris doctorate degree,

Dan opened a thriving law practice,

married Keona and isnow starting a family.

Together, they trust what God has planned

and marvel at what he's already done.

- I have a beautifulwife, a wonderful wife,

I have a child on theway, it's just amazing

what God can do in someone's life.

You know, there's no limits, really,

there is no limit, so I neverrule anything out anymore.

God has allowed me to do things in my life

that I never thought possible

and Regent University reallyhelped me to get there.

- Hey, isn't that great?

Hey, listen, there'ssomething about Regent Law,

we've got 3,300 graduates,they practice all in 49 states

in over 20 nations, they serveas distinguished lawyers,

judges, professors and government leaders

and the school is now offering a JD,

that's a doctorate of jurispardon, juris prudence,

an MA in law, an online MAand financial planning in law,

so it's a pretty good school.

- It's amazing.

Well, how wonderful, also,to see how the community

that exists at Regent had such

a powerful impact in his life.

- Well, you know, this is a place

where the power of theHoly Spirit is magnified.

I mean, it's just amazing,the people are praying,

they're loving one another,it's a community of people

who care for each other.

And if you're interested, by the way,

they're still takingapplications at the law school

and we have Honorable Mark Martin,

he's a former North Carolina chief judge,

we've got three circuit court judges

and one supreme court judges on the AXA.

But the United States Supreme Court

has an adjunct faculty member

and we're hoping to get a second one,

I mean, it's kind of nice, so, yeah.

Here's the, you say,"Well, how do I apply?"

It's 1-866-910-7615 oryou can do

and I imagine that the enrollmentis coming in right now,

you can get a three year juris doctor,

which I happen to ownfrom Yale University, so.

- It's an excellent,excellent place to study

and as he said, to find out how to take

all the things of lifeand blend them together

in a way that makes sense.

- It's integrated, amen.- Yes.

- All right, what do we have next?

- Well, still to come,we've got your questions

and he's got some honest answers for you.

Peggy says, "Should I be concerned

because I do not speak in tongues?"

"Will that gift eventually come to me?"

Wonder what Pat will say to that.

Stay tuned and you'll find out.

(upbeat music)

A few tortillas and a little salt

or sometimes nothing but coffee,

that's all a widow fromGuatemala had to feed herself

and her two sons.

What she needed was away to make a good living

for her family.

That's exactly whatshe got and it's thanks

to people like you.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] After Martina became a widow,

she had to rely on heronly skill as weaver

to provide food for herselfand her sons, Julio and Eliah.

- [Martina's Interpreter] Onthe days I sold something,

I have enough to buy corn and wood.

That lasted a few days.

- [Narrator] This is eight year old Eliah.

- [Eliah's Interpreter] Most of the time

we only had tortillas and a little salt.

- [Narrator] Other daysare more challenging

and they have only alittle coffee to drink

for their evening meal.

- [Martina's Interpreter]It broke my heart

not to be able to feed my kids.

Sometimes I couldn't bring any food home.

- [Narrator] So, OperationBlessing provided some help.

First, we trained Martinahow to raise chickens.

Then, we built a coop for them

and gave them 200 chicks, alongwith feed and antibiotics.

Julio and Eliah couldn't wait to help out.

- [Eliah's Interpreter]I like to see my chickens

drinking water and Igive them food everyday.

- [Narrator] Soon the business took off.

- [Martina's Interpreter] We are producing

around 120 eggs a day.

I sell them to peoplewho buy them at the house

and I have started sellingthem to nearby businesses.

- [Narrator] Martina nowearns enough from the business

to provide everythingshe needs for her family.

- [Martina's Interpreter]The boys eat very well now,

much better than before,thanks to the people

who support Operation Blessing.

Because of you, I canprovide for my children.

- [Eliah's Interpreter] I amhappy because we can eat eggs

everyday if we want.

Thank you for blessingus with the chickens.

- Martina happens to be from Guatemala,

but there is no mother anywhere

who doesn't share the pain that she shared

if they found themselvesin that circumstance.

Coffee, the only thing youhave to give your two children

for the entire day.

Listen, I want you to see in this story

what opportunity exists whenwe all stand up and say,

"I want to make a difference."

When you join The 700Club, you're a part of this

and you're not just doingit in Martina's life,

it's happening all around the world,

as well as here at home.

Will you help us to touch people

right at their point of need?

65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member

and we welcome you to thefamily of ministries here.

Our number's toll free,couldn't be easier to call,

it's 1-800-700-7000.

Say you want to join.

Our way of saying thankyou for caring about others

is to send you this.

Pat has recorded verses ofsalvation, peace and victory

from the Book of Romans andit's entitled "God Is For Us!".

Just listening to thiswill bless your life.

I want to tell you what Donna says.

She's from Kingman, Arizonaand she's already listened

and she said, "Iespecially enjoy listening

to God Is For Us! in the evening."

"It settles my thoughts and brings me into

the presence of my lordas I listen and pray

before the day's end."

We know it's going to bless you

and it's our way of saying thank you

for caring about others,so will you call right now?


Pat, time for some email.

- All right, let's go.

- Let's do it.

Your questions, honest answers.

This is Brenda who says,"When a person is young,

time goes slowly."

"And when a person isold, time goes fast."

"Is this written in the Bible?"

"And can you explain why this happens?"

- Well, the Bible says that the days go by

like a weaver's shuttle.

It was guy named Lucon DeNuy who came up

with the solution to this.

Here's the deal, when you're one year old

and you live another year,that's 100% of your life

and so it just seems like100% just takes forever.

So, when you're 10,it's 1/10 of your life.

When you're 50, it'sone 1/50 of your life.

When you get to be 80 or 90 or 100,

it's just 1% of your lifeand so that year becomes 1%

and that's how come it's so much faster.

But the perception of the passage of time,

DeNuy had it right, that'sexactly what happens.

So, the days go by fasterthan a weaver's shuttle

is what the Bible says, all right.

- It's not your imagination.

- [Pat] It's not yourimagination, absolutely.

- This is Peggy, Pat, who says,

"I do not speak in tongues."

"I know it's a gift from God and Jesus."

"Should I be concerned becauseI do not have that gift?"

"And will that gifteventually come to me?"

- You know, it's an enablement cause

and I thank my god I speakwith tongues more than you all,

but how do you do it?

You cannot speak in thevernacular and in another language

at the same time.

So, people are alwayssaying, "Oh, God, bless me,

bless me, bless me, blessme," and as they're saying it

in the vernaculartongue, whatever that is,

you can't be speaking in the spirit.

So, I recommend you let thelord have his way with you

and then begin to speakas the lord gives utters.

That's what the Bible says, they spoke

as the lord gave utterance, all right?

- This is Joanne who says, "Please explain

what Revelation 3:10 in the NIV means,"

quote, "'Since you've kept mycommand to endure patiently,

I will also keep youfrom the hour of trial

that's going to come on the whole world

to test the inhabitants of the Earth.'"

- Well, it's the Church of Philadelphia

that's one of thosechurches and it was to them,

you have kept the word of my patience.

In other words, you've been faithful,

you're listening to me, therefore,I'm going to protect you.

Now, you remember, he didnot say I'm going to take you

out of tribulation, hesaid I'm gonna keep you

in the midst of it andthat's what it means,

I'm gonna look after youin the midst of trouble

and because you've keptthe word of my patience,

therefore, I'm going totake you, take care of you,

that's what it says, all right?


- Okay, Sabrina says, "Onceyou pray to God about healing

or anything else, do youkeep asking God for that?"

"Or do you just pray it,then believe it, receive it,

and wait for God to answer?"

- Well, it's a little of both.

You know, you know, the Bible talks about

an importunate guy who kept, he says,

"Keep on seeking, keep on knocking,

keep on asking, keep on."

And it's the Greek present,which means continuous action,

you keep on knocking, keep on knocking

and then, when God says, "Okay,I'll give you an answer,"

then start thanking him for it.

But it's nothing wrong withkeep on asking, you know?

That's what the Bibletells, keep on knocking,

keep on asking and then,you know, when God says,

"Okay, here's youranswer," then stop asking

and thank him, all right?

- This is Fred who says, "Hi,Pat, I go to a large church

and our pastor is an excellent preacher."

"Lately, when he doescommunion, he doesn't say that

it represents the bodyand the blood of Jesus."

"He just says to hold up thewafer and think of three things

to thank the lord for, andthe same with the cup."

"He says he just wants to focus

on the gratitude part of it."

"To me, that's not the lord's meal."

"What do you think?"

- Well, when I give communion,it's exactly what you say,

"This is my body, which is broken for you,

this cup is the newtestament in my blood,"

there's not a question of justsaying, "Well, thanks a lot."

I mean, that's what communion is,

it was the lord in his, the Last Supper,

he broke the bread and he said,

"This bread is my body,which is offered for you,"

and so, I think to take that away,

you're missing somethingreally great in communion.

But, who am I to criticize your pastor?

I don't know anythingabout him, all right?

But that's my, you asked for my opinion,

that's what it is.

We leave with our powerminute from Isaiah,

"You will keep him in perfect peace,

whose mind is stayed on youbecause he trusts in you."

And tomorrow we've got whatis called The Great Texodus,

why are so many people goingto Texas, the Lone Star State?

I hope we can give you theanswer on Thursday's 700 Club.

So, until then, for all ofus, this is Pat Robertson,

see you later.

Bye bye.

(upbeat music)


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