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- All right, this viewer writes,should a practicing lesbian
be a children's ministrydirector at any church?
- You know, I tell you what,
I have a love,
God loves sinners but He hates the sin.
And like it or not, Paul, you read Romans
and it said,
and therefore God gave themup to unnatural passions
and women left the natural use with men
for being inflamed with other women.
And this was given as a sign of the,
God had given them up.
And I know about civil rights
and all the things thatare out there today,
but you asked me,
should they be involved inyouth ministry at a church?
And I think the answer is no, all right?
- Amen.
Here's Rebecca.
She says, I had been prayingto God for months for help.
Why won't he help me?
I love the Lord, I have faith in Him,
and believe He created us.
I'm thinking I'm not a goodenough person to get a miracle.
How does a person get a miracle?
- You read the Galatians and Paul says,
it is by the hearing of faithor the works of the law.
And the answer is the hearing of faith.
When you believe God
is when you surrender yourself and say,
Lord, I'm going to receive your miracle.
And that's where a miraclecomes from, it's by faith,
it is by faith, it has nothingto do with how good you are,
it has nothing to do aboutthe works you've done,
it has to do with the faith of God.
I am justified by faith and miracles,
God does them by the hearing of faith,
not by works of the law, okay?
- So Rebecca should start proclaiming it,
thanking God for it.
- Thanking God and receivingit and not saying I'm unworthy
'course you're unworthy, we all are.
Wendy's unworthy, I'm unworthy,all of us are unworthy.
So you don't stand before God and say,
well, I deserve a miracle,I don't deserve anything.
But Jesus said havingdone all these things,
they were unprofitable service,we've done our duty, okay?
- Alrighty.
William writes, If RoeV Wade is overturned,
how will it affect the2022 midterm elections?
Will it help Republicans or hurt them?
- I don't know that it's going to help.
Years ago when that wasfinally put in effect.
I said, look, the matter of abortion is,
should be out of the state police power,
this should never have been federalized.
Roe vs. Wade was calledBlackmun's abortion.
And there's a move afoot right now
that there may well bein the Supreme Court,
there's a case coming up
right at this moment from Mississippi
having to do with overturning Roe.
It should have beenoverturned a long time.
And what happens then itgoes back to the states
and it's the question of thelegislatures of the states.
So is it going to helpRepublicans or Democrats?
I don't think it's goingto affect the election
one way or the other,
but it's the questionthen in the legislatures,
how is that going to be?
And that is where theelection will be determined,
but that's a long timedown the road, I think.
All right?
- Any predictions on how the Supreme Court
will rule on that?
- I think it's gonna be overturned.
I believe right nowthere's enough sentiment,
the whole thing, we've had over
50 to 60 million abortions in America
and the mood in the country is,
is for pro-life really.
I mean, the, you know,
even the surviving childrenare saying, look, it's a baby,
you're killing a baby.
And we used to think ofabortion as being murder,
but there's so much of it right now
and of 60 million or more,
I mean it's a shocking thing.
So I do believe that the court will.
But, again it'll be onprocedural grounds that,
that this should neverhave been federalized
in the first place,
it ought to go back tothe state legislatures
and let them determine it, all right?
- All right, Betty writes,
God demands that we ask himfor forgiveness of our sins
before he forgives us.
But then what does he also demand
that we forgive those who sin against us,
even if they never ask us to forgive them?
Isn't this a double standard?
- I think that you putthe cart before the horse.
I don't believe that you saidGod demands that we do this.
God will forgive us,
we come to him and askfor forgiveness, period.
What he says is if you haveought against any, forgive
that your heavenly father may forgive you.
But that has to do withasking for miracles.
If you want to have your prayers answered,
you have to forgive.
You cannot be in a stateof being born again
or having access to the father,
if you yourself will refuse to give
blessing to somebody else,
but that does not have todo with your salvation.
When you come to the Lord, youcome as a sinner, all right?
- All right, forgivenessis a good idea, no matter.
- Yeah, well you know,when you stand praying,
if you have ought against any, forgive,
that your heavenlyfather might forgive you.
But that forgiving has to do
with getting your prayersanswered, all right?
- Amen.
All right here's Joan's question,
I was asking God every dayto forgive me of my sins
and then someone told me
God would have to die allover again to do that,
that since he died on the cross for us,
our sins are already forgiven.
I knew this, but we still sinevery day in little things.
So is it wrong to askGod to forgive us daily?
- John Wesley was a realman of God and he said,
there's not one day goes by
that I don't plead the blood of Jesus.
I come before the Lordmyself and I say, Lord,
I ask you to cleanse meof that which I've done.
Let the words of my mouth andthe meditation of my heart
be acceptable in thy sight.
So I think it's a question,
sometimes in these questions,
we lump too many things together.
- Yeah.
- All right, what else?
- And you know, the prayerthat Jesus gave us to pray.
- Yeah well, forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those whotrespass against us.
- That's the daily prayer.
- That's the way it works.
But I do believe that we'reasking for the same standard
that we give to somebody else.
But I think we have to have,
how can you come before God and say,
I want you to forgive me,
but I'm not gonna forgivethat sucker down the road
who mistreated me, no way, all right?
- All right, here's Susan.
My husband passed awayin January from COVID.
I know God and Jesus could havesaved him, but they didn't.
This is such a loss for our family
and has challenged my faith
as well as some of our children's.
How do I accept God's decisionto take Mark at the age of 56
and leave us so lost and broken?
- Oh, you know, I'm going to say that
God didn't necessarily take Mark.
God, I mean Mark died of COVID
and where did that virus come from?
God didn't give us COVID,that didn't come out of God,
I mean, you might blame the devil for it,
but I don't think you blamed God for it.
So in a sense, he died.
You know, we are mortal, theword M O R T means death.
And we're mortal, we're subject to death
and all of us die, all of us die.
Some of us are gonnalive to be a long time,
I've lived a long time,
and some people die at theage of six or 10 or 15 or 20,
they die in automobileaccidents and so forth.
But I don't think I wouldattribute any of those to God.
I think it's a question of human activity
and the world we live in.
So, you know, I would justrejoice and live with the Lord
and not blame him for thedeath of your loved one.