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700 Club Interactive - July 27, 2021

Rebekah Schafer talks about her battle with bulimia and how God helped her overcome addiction. She now lives the life about which she has always dreamed Read Transcript

(quick music)

- Well welcome to the show.

Thanks for joining us today.

We're going to start offwith American troops,

they're pulling out ofAfghanistan under orders

from the Biden administration.

This'll end one of thelongest wars in US history.

As the mission ends, theTaliban are now moving in

and retaking much of the country.

- CBN contributor

Chuck Holton has spent almost two decades

covering the conflictand brings us this story.

- [Chuck] The Taliban hasmoved swiftly to control parts

of Afghanistan after coalitiontroops abandoned bases

they've used for decades.

The US Chairman of JointChiefs of Staff, Mark Milley.

admits it doesn't look good.

- There clearly it isa narrative out there

that Taliban are winning.

In fact, they are propagatingan inevitable victory

on their behalf.

They're dominating a lot of the airwaves

on that sort of thing.

- [Chuck] And Afghanswho worked for NATO fear

for their lives.

- We are not safe.

The Taliban, they telling usyour brothers leaving soon,

your country, and wewill kill all of you guys

that have worked with the US forces.

- [Chuck] Hundreds of Afghaninterpreters are begging

for asylum outside the lastremaining US base in Kabul.

And the former commanderof Bagram Air Base says

they've earned it.

- We have got to move thoseinterpreters or translators,

all the people that aidedAmerica for 20 years,

move them out of that country

and give them a life in America, right?

They earned it.

- [Chuck] Schloesser detailshis 15 months in Afghanistan

in his new book Marathon War.

- We effectively decidedthat we were going

to end the combat portion ofthe war several years ago.

- [Chuck] And his outlook on the future

of Afghanistan is grim.

- Civil War, Talibanregains a lot of the control

of the country.

Eventually it will haveall, but I think over time,

maybe a year, maybe two years,

I don't think that the Afghanarmy will be able to hold

against the Taliban,

but you're going to seethis human diaspora,

much larger than the one

that we are currentlycontemplating with our interpreters

and their families.

- [Chuck] Despite the Taliban resurgence,

Schloesser doesn't believe American blood

and treasure were wasted there.

- [Jeffrey] For 20 years,we have not been attacked

by Al-Qaeda on our soil.

That alone meant sacrificesthat were important.

And we should not forget that.

- Well, Chuck Holton joins usnow for more on this story.

And Chuck, Afghanistanseems to be once again,

the place where empires go to die

and we're pulling out andwe can't declare victory.

So what's going to happento the people there

when the Taliban takes total control.

- Well Gordon, I think part of the reason

we can't declare victory is

because we never clearly definedwhat victory looked like.

If we thought it was going tobe a Jeffersonian democracy

in a culture that stillhasn't figured out,

light bulbs and beds and paved roads,

I think we were alwaysgoing to be disappointed.

What's going to happenis exactly what happened

the last time the Talibanhad control of the country.

It's going to be very, they're going to be

persecuting their own people.

And it's going to be veryhard life for those people.

And as the General said,

we're going to see a large number

of those people fleeingAfghanistan for Europe

and the United States.

- Well will Afghanistan againbecome a training ground

for international terrorism?

- I think it very well could.

However we know Afghanistan pretty well.

And we've got a lot of resources as far as

signals intelligence andsatellites and things like that.

I think maybe what weshould do the second time is

what we should have done the first time.

And that is say to the Taliban,

you can recreate yourcountry any way you want,

but the minute you become athreat to the United States,

we will come in and reset your country.

If you remember, we went in the first time

and in a matter of really weeks,

about a platoon of specialoperators took down the Taliban.

We could easily do that again.

And I think that needs tobe the threat going forward.

- Well what's going tohappen to the interpreters?

I'm actually watching the story and going,

"Why is there even in debate?"

I mean, they're facing inmy view, certain death,

if they're left behind.

So are they going to begiven asylum in the US?

- Yeah, they definitely are facing danger

and even death if they get

left behind.

And we, I don't thinkthat anybody is saying

we shouldn't take them.

I think the issue is thatthere's so many of them,

literally thousands of themthat the United States's,

you know, process is so backed up already

because of all theillegal migrants come in.

You know, there's onlylike 400 immigration judges

in the United States, sothey're already years behind.

And so what they're talking about doing,

the Biden Administration'sopening up military bases

in order to house some ofthese migrants in the meantime,

while they wait for theircases to be adjudicated

in the court.

- All right.

Well, Chuck, thanks for joining us.

You can always get thelatest news on this and more

by downloading the CBN News Channel app.


- Well coming up,

this military couple hasbeen through combat together,

but the toughest battle was still to come.

See how Helping the Homefrontwas there during their time

of need when we come back.

(slow music)

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- Well, George and Corey haveboth served their country

as Marines, but theirbiggest battle has been

on the home front,

helping their youngestdaughter fight a rare disease

of the pancreas.

This fight has taken ahuge toll on the couple

emotionally, physically, and financially.

- [Narrator] US Marines George and Corey

were not only fellow squadron members,

they are husband and wife.

Both were sent into battle after 9/11.

- I knew it was going to change everything

because females were going in

and there hadn't been females going

into combat previously to this point.

And so myself and a couple ofothers were the first females

to go forward in combat and actually fly.

- [Narrator] Afterreturning from Afghanistan,

they started a family.

In 2018 George retiredand began a new career.

Just a few weeks later,

their daughter Tilly wasdiagnosed with a rare disease

of the pancreas and sentacross the country to Boston

to see a specialist.

- Living out of a hotelroom for a month at a time,

eating three meals a day is definitely,

it definitely became a ooh,

because we're still feelingour three children at home.

- [Narrator] In addition toflights, hotels, and meals,

the couple also paid forCorey's parents to fly

to California to look aftertheir other three children.

- We're still having to makesure that we've left everything

in place for the kids to survive

and to have what they need

while we're still maintaininga whole other household

on another coast.

- [Narrator] Tilly stabilizedand they returned home,

but required multiple doctor'svisits back in California.

Plus another trip to Boston.

They prayed about what to do next.

- I quit my job.

I had a job up in LAand it was too far away.

So I just quit my job.

And then that way I could bethere to kind of help out Tilly

and everybody.

- [Narrator] That decisionwould mean a substantial loss

of income.

- Thinking about finances was stressful.

If I have to take all mysavings and all my money

out of my IRA and everything else,

that was going to happen.

- [Narrator] Thankfully,the family didn't have to,

because North Coast Churchcontacted Helping the Homefront.

Tracy Moss invited thecouple over to tell them

CBN would reimburse thethousands of dollars

they incurred due to Tilly's illness.

- We want to make surethat we get the help

that you need so thatyou can focus on Tilly

and focus on your kids.

And so we want to be here for you.

- Thank you very much.- Thank you.

- We want to help supportand pay for that trip

back to Boston andparents' trips back here.

- I don't even know how to honestly,

to put it into words.

It's a relief, honestly.

So thank you very much.

- [Narrator] This Marinefamily can now focus

on keeping Tilly healthywithout financial stress.

- [Corey] It's going to make it easier.

It takes away that stress,that worry, that burden

of what if, what's next,and what do we need to do?

So we can't think CBN enoughfor the financial support.

- That thank you goes to you.

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And if you want to designate your gift

to Helping the Home Front,

we have a special designatedfund just for that,

to help active duty militaryfamilies who run into trouble,

run into financial difficulty

and trying to make it on amilitary salary is very tough.

And we want to be there for them.

We want to show that thewhole family is serving

when a parent, a spouse isserving active duty military,

the whole family gets involved

and we want to show our support.

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- Well coming up, she wasa pastor's kid in a family

with eight other siblings,

and she constantly feltlike she was being ignored.

- I was ugly, fat, disgusting,

and angry at myself.

Something about me wasn't lovable.

I felt invisible.

- [Terry] That feeling ledto a six year long struggle.

And it's one that tookher to her breaking point.

Hear her amazing story of recovery.

That's next.

(quick music)

When Rebekah was a teenager,she started dieting.

Soon she started gettingcompliments on her looks.

Well that started thecycle that took Rebecca

down a dark path and it led herinto a face to face showdown

with a demon.

- [Rebekah] I would look inthe mirror and just be like,

"Oh, you're so disgusting.

You're so gross.

You're putrid."

That's what I would see.

I would never find someonethat would love me the way

that I am.

Even though we were all closeand I knew that I was loved

by my parents and I knew thatI was loved by my family,

I felt invisible and that I wasn't seen

and that the things thatwere important to me,

weren't important to anyone else.

So I got involved in worship ministry.

I started singing.

I made straight A's in school.

I babysat.

I cleaned.

I did anything that Ithought would earn attention.

Something that said, "I see you.

I know you. I love you."

I remember even at five and six,

just believing that somethingabout me wasn't lovable.

I just felt like there wasno way I was ever going

to be loved by anybody.

Accepting the love of Godand seeing him as my father,

that was for other people.

I had decided that He wasn't there for me.

Even at seven and eight,I was a large girl

and by the time I was a teenager, I was,

I was very overweight.

I was ugly, fat, disgusting,

and angry at myself

that I had allowed this totake control of my life.

I was getting comments from everywhere.

Oh my gosh, what are you doing?

You look so great.

You've lost so much weight.

I was like, "Oh, I feel so confident now

and I'm getting attention.

I'm getting hit on.

Everybody likes me now.

This is great."

I measured my value by what size I wore.

I measured my value bythe number on the scale.

Be like, "Okay, well, I'll feel pretty

if I just lose a little bit more."

I became addicted to losing weight.

Whatever I took in, came right back out.

I felt relief.

Anytime that I would purge, I felt relief.

But inside I still, anytimeI looked at the mirror,

I still felt those same thingsthat I felt when I was young

and overweight, ugly,disgusting, putrid fat.

Even though I pretended tobe happy, I was so miserable.

I out and I bought some celery

and I was eating the celery

and I remember looking it up online

to see how many caloriesare in a stalk of celery.

And I saw that there was sodium in celery

and I remember having a mental breakdown.

I was calculating where I could go

and exactly how long Ihad to get this celery

out of my system so thatI didn't gain weight

or water weight or whatever.

And it was kind of like I had this moment

where I stepped outside of mybody and I looked at myself,

freaking out over celery.

And I was like, "I'm going todie if I keep going this way."

I discovered that

every everything I had thoughtmy whole life was a lie.

I was taught to write down every lie

that I believed about myself.

And for every lie,

I had to research theBible and find a verse

that spoke the oppositeof what I believed,

which was the truth.

I am a daughter of the Most High God.

I am beloved.

He is the God who sees me.

He's the God who knows me.

(slow music)

One day I was outside replacingthe lie with the truth

and all of a sudden,

I just felt like I wasin a fairytale movie.

I could hear all thesebirds chirping and singing.

And I closed my eyes and Ijust felt God's presence,

tears streaming down my face.

I couldn't control them.

He said to me in that moment,

"I've always been right here.

I've always been this close."

I remember knowing that He loves me

and not just saying it,but really knowing it

and becoming so happy.

You're getting fat again.

You're unlovable.

Look at this.

Look at that.

There's no way that anyonecould ever love you.

We're just praying andinterceding for the new year

for the ministry and for thepeople that we worked with.

It's like something cameover me and it's like,

I saw the demon thathad been tormenting me

for so many years.

It's still was just likehaunting me and tormenting me.

And I got angry andsomething just came over me

and I just stood up andI started rebuking it.

And I just said,

"You're not welcome in my life anymore.

Enough is enough.

I command you go in the name of Jesus.

You're not going to stealone more moment of my life."

♪ How deep the Father's love for us ♪

♪ How vast beyond all measure ♪

♪ That He would give His only son ♪

♪ To make a wretch His treasure ♪

♪ How great the pain ♪

- I just felt completelylight and completely free.

And just, I felt that heaviness

and that bondagecompletely break off of me.

I had been completely renewedto the fact of who I was.

I am a daughter of the most high God.

I am beloved.

♪ To glory ♪

One of the things that I love the most

about John is that I'm ableto be completely, 100% myself.

- On this day- On this day

- I marry my best friend.

- [Rebekah] I feel completelysafe and completely free

to just share with himexactly what's on my heart,

exactly what I'm going through,

exactly what I'm feelingexactly what I've been through.

God has done so much healing.

I'm just like, you know what?

When you're free, you are free.

I am a new person.

That person who did thosethings doesn't exist anymore.

I know that I am seen and not just by God,

but I am seen by the man who loves me.

I know that I am lovable.

And I know that I am loved.

I love myself.

- Jehovah Rohi.

I am the God who sees you.

You know, sometimes we canfeel lost in the crowd,

lost in the circumstances,

lost in our own perceptions of ourselves.

I see so many of us who are believers

who walk around in quiet bondage.

We sing the songs.

We say the right things.

We, we do what we think we're supposed to,

but we do it all withoutever really experiencing

that freedom thatRebekah is talking about.

That freedom that knowsI am a child of God.

God is who He says He is.

And His promises arenot for everybody else.

They are for me too.

And I can experience them in my life.

Listen, God is so relational.

You were created to bein relationship with Him.

You were created to love, to be loved,

to be able to communicateyour feelings, your thoughts,

your needs.

He's there all the time.

That's what He said to Rebekah,

I've always been here.

He's always been with you too.

You know, sometimes whenthings don't go the way

we want them to, or we suffer loss,

or we suffer hurt of some kind,

we think will, well, God can't be in this.

God is in it all.

And His promise is to useit all for His purposes.

The secret to that isfirst you have to let go

of your plan and your purpose.

You have to say, "God,I want you above all.

I want everything thatyou've purposed for my life.

I want to embrace that.

I want to know that.

I want the freedom of being held close

to you, of knowing that nomatter what life brings,

it doesn't change who you are

and it doesn't change how much I love you

and walk with you."

God can do that in your life.

If you've never invitedJesus Christ into your heart,

if you've never given Him your life,

then that's the beginning.

It's the beginning foreach and every one of us.

That doesn't change.

You ask Him in, you confess your sins,

you acknowledge that you want to change

and that you were created to be with Him

and you've been walking independently.

We call it surrender.

You have to surrender, wavethe white flag and say,

"Jesus, I'm here. I'm yours. Come in."

If you've already invitedChrist into your life

and you're not experiencingthe kind of freedom

that Rebekah is talking about,

then you need to have a heart to heart

with your Heavenly Father.

You need to lay down all the things

that have been keeping you from that.

Why don't you do whatRebekah did, you know,

get out a pencil andpaper and start writing

down the things that you seeabout you that are flawed.

And then go into the word of God

and begin to write downGod's promises to you.

Bible says to His people,

all God's promises are yes and amen.

Live with that.

That's your inheritance as a child of God.

Don't live with less.

Listen if you need topray with someone today

about a special need in your life,

our prayer line is always open.

There it is.


There's a friend on theother end of that line

who's invited Christ into their lives.

Who knows the freedom of walking with God

and who would just loveto pray with you today.

Don't go one second longerwithout experiencing everything

that you were created for.

It's eternal.

Everything is eternal.

And that's where you'removing with the one

who loves you more thananyone else ever will.

Speak to Him about that today.


- He is the God who sees you.

And we leave you with thisscripture from 1 Peter

" For the eyes of theLord are on the righteous

and His ears are open to their prayers."

Don't think you're not righteous.

Give Jesus the ability to give you all

of His righteousness.

He wants to do it.

Well tomorrow, the big man on campus,

the girls wanted to him to be with him

and he wanted to be with the girls.

What stopped this secret love?

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