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Recognizing the Spiritual Battles of Life

700 Club Interactive’s Ashley Key and Gordon Robertson discuss spiritual warfare and how Christians can recognize the spiritual battle while not ignoring what’s happening in the natural. Read Transcript

- All right, well,welcome back to the show

and welcome to another segmentof Q and A with Gordon,

by the way, it's his birthday.

Happy birthday.

- Thank you very much.

- All right, well, we arecontinuing our conversation on.

- We'll these questions back to you.

- No we're gonna ask you.

- The anointed Ashley is going to answer.

- Last week, we talked about,

actually a couple of weeks ago,

we talked about spiritual warfare,

and what it really was,

and you explained how

basically what it is

and how it affectsChristians and believers.


- And we all have to keep in,

and just to refresh,

we all have to keep in mind,

the main battlefield is in your mind.

It's what you think.

And are you influencedby negative thoughts?

Where do feelings come from?

And can you control your feelings?

And the answer is no, butfeelings come from thoughts.

Where do thoughts come from?

And that's something youmay not have inquired about,

but can thoughts come from God?


Can thoughts come from the enemy?


Can thoughts come from your flesh?


Can thoughts come from your will?


And so you have to discernwhere they're coming from

and that's where the main battle is.

- Yeah, and I thinksometimes as a believer,

I think we can neglectsome of the practical ways

we can come about spiritual warfare.

So I don't know, that'sreally my question,

how do we recognize thatthere is a spiritual battle

but that also doingpractical things can help us

whether that's, if we're facing anxiety,

because anxiety is alsovery physical, you know,

but it's also in ourmind, so how do we like.

- To the degree anxiety is a feeling,

where does that feeling come from?

And so recognize what am Ispending my time thinking about?

So if you're spending yourtime thinking and worrying,

the Bible says very clearlybe anxious for nothing.

It only makes it worse.

And that's a direct,

I mean that's directly that,

you know, it's okay.

So if it's making it worse,

you spending more timeworrying about your problem

means you're not turning tothe solution for your problem.

And so when you put your mind on him,

the scriptures are are very clear

it's the renewing of our mind,

and it's the renewingof our thought process.

There's a spectrum hereand a spectrum of behavior.

I think in today's world,

many people have no awarenessat all of the supernatural.

And so to even talk about these things,

they're going, what is this?

And you're imagining things,or this is just sort of loony.

And so they tend to dismiss it.

On the other side of the spectrum

are people who are actively pursuing it,

whether it's that woman inthe story we just watched,

and how she pursued the occult

and had incredibleencounters with the occult.

For Christians, you can,

I really caution people,don't go demon hunting.

Don't say I'm constantlyin spiritual warfare,

I'm constantly trying to battle.

All you're confessing,

is that the battlehasn't already been won.

- Wow, yeah.

- Satan is a defeated foeand treat him that way.

Don't give him power.

Now, what does he have left?

Well, he has left the ability to lie.

He can lie to you, he can deceive you.

And in that lying and deceiving,he's trying to destroy you,

he's trying to get you separated from God

and convince you thatsome behavior pattern

that you already know is not godly

is somehow going to lead to pleasure

or lead to self satisfactionor self fulfillment

or all these promisesthat really aren't true.

So recognize that he's trying to deceive

his tactics don't change too much.

They can be very subtle from, did God say?

You know, trying to introduce doubt,

as opposed to God did say this

and God meant what he said.

So that battlefield in your mind,

hold fast to the victory that'salready been accomplished.

That's the good news.

It's a report from the battlefield,

Christ won the war, not just a skirmish.

He won the whole thing.

And he has won you and me

and we're his now, we'rebought with a price.

The price has already been paid.

It's no longer I, it'sChrist who lives in me.

And that anointing breaks every bondage,

it breaks every yoke,

it brings every thought intothe captivity of the anointing.

And when you have that going on,

well, then you don't needspiritual warfare anymore,

'cause you've won.

You know, when you've already won,

you don't need the warfare.

The battle is controlling your thoughts.

That's why Paul says fightthe good fight of faith.

You know, whatsoeveris not of faith is sin,

so fight the good fight of faith

to believe in the good news.

- Yeah, I've always heard you say like,

don't give the enemy too much credit,

or you don't like to givethe enemy too much credit.

So what does that look like?

- He's defeated.

- Why give him power?

- Yeah, that's true.

- You know, if he'sdefeated, then he's defeated.

If the victory is alreadywon, then what am I doing?

- Yeah.

- The mere fact that I am trying say,

well, I'm engaged in spiritual warfare.

Well, what warfare is neededif the battle's already won?

- Yeah.

- All I need to do is believe that

and now I take the authority

that has been given to me as a believer,

that authority freely comes

and it's the acknowledgement of,

Jesus has already won this for me.

I don't need to,

what can I possibly add to thecross and the resurrection?

It's been done?

And so it's finished.

He announced it'sfinished and he meant it.

It's done.

I can't add anything to it.

All I have to do is believe that,

and then make sure in my mind,

I'm thinking thoughts that are scripture,

I'm thinking thoughts that are anointed,

I'm taking the dominion that he's given me

as a child of God.

Satan has no business withthe redeemed of the Lord.

- Amen.


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