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CBN NewsWatch AM: July 27, 2021

Extreme weather out West has turned deadly with Wildfires and severe weather. The highly contagious Delta variant is being blamed for most of the new COVID infections. COVID is responsible for more than one million children around the world ... ... Read Transcript

(logo whooshes)

- And welcome to "CBN Newswatch"

for this Tuesday, July 27, 2021.

Wildfires and severe weather out west

causing lots of devastation in the area.

We'll give you the latest information


Nevada is now a hotspot forthe COVID-19 Delta variant,

sending state leaders on an urgent search

for ways to fight back against infections.

- We're basically at that point,

we're trying to vaccinate people

who don't necessarilywant to be vaccinated.

- [Efrem] See how they're doing this next.

And then,

water as a weapon.

Iran's government withholdswater from its people

in an ethnic war.

- They use the water as a weapon to force

or they forcibly migratingthe Ahwazi people.

- CBN News reports on the growing turmoil.

All this and more next.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."

- We begin with extreme weather out west.

It's turned deadly, fromsand storms and flash floods

to wildfires burning hundredsof thousands of acres.

CBN's Jenna Browder brings us the latest

on the worsening conditions.

- It's a dire situation out west.

From from to flooding,

the extreme weather is only worsening.

(tree trunk thuds)

In Northern California, theDixie fire has exploded in size,

now burning in two counties,

destroying at least a dozen homes

and threatening as many as 10,000.

(fire roars)

The Dixie fire is oneof nearly 90 wildfires

raging in 11 states.

In Oregon, the Bootleg fire now scorching

more than 400,000 acres andburning so hot and so fast

officials say it created itsown tornado over the weekend.

This as at least 75 million Americans

face drought conditions andmonsoon storms turned deadly.

In Utah, nearly two dozenvehicles crashed on I-15

after winds kicked upa blinding sand storm.

At least eight people,including children, died.

And north of Phoenix, thesearch is on for a teen

who was swept away by flash flooding.

Officials say 16-year-oldFaith Moore called 9-1-1

when her car was strandedin knee-high water.

She was swept out of the car

as first responders tried to rescue her.

- I want to stress again to the public

how dangerous these water crossings can be

even when it looks shallow.

A simple decision to cross the road

with this running watercan quickly turn tragic.

- And farther south,officials recovered the body

of a four-year-old girl whowas swept away by floodwaters.

Rescuers pulling fivefamily members from the car,

but the water swept the vehicle away

before they could reach the little girl.

Dry lightening is now themajor threat out west.

Thunderstorms from the monsoons

are pushing up toward the fires

and officials worry theycould spark new fires.

Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Jenna, thank you.

The highly contagious Deltavariant is being blamed

for most of the COVID-19 infections,

and 97% of the people whoare catching the virus

have not been vaccinated.

Although there is still arisk of severe symptoms,

the majority of thosenew cases have been mild.

And for now the Centersfor Disease Control

is sticking with its guidance

that vaccinated peoplecan go without masks.

Heather Sells brings us this report

from one of those hotspots in Nevada.

- In recent weeks, Las Vegas has emerged

as a COVID epicenter.

State officials, who hadbegun to relax restrictions,

are now talking with arenewed sense of urgency

about fighting the virus.

- I understand all the risks

and I definitely want to getvaccinated at some point.

- [Heather] EpidemiologistBrian Labus advises the governor

on the virus and says severalfactors have led to the surge.

- Our vaccination rates are low

compared to the rest of the country.

When you take that, you addthe Delta variant to it,

you add the fact thatpeople aren't wearing masks

and that we're open at 100%,we have the right conditions

for people to spread the virus.

- [Heather] It's whysome resorts and casinos

are again requiring workers to wear masks.

- People are a lot more distanced

than I thought and anticipated and stuff.

People are very respectful.

- [Heather] State healthofficials now also want folks

to wear masks in public indoor spaces.

In Los Angeles, authoritiesare warning people

not to travel to Nevada.

Labus argues touristsare not the big problem.

The state's jump reflectsonly local cases,

and most tourists go homebefore they can transmit.

- We have hundreds of thousands of people

come to town every week.

They stay about 3 1/2 nights,

and the disease takes alittle longer than that

to actually develop.

So a lot of the people,

if they get infected here,would already be home

before they were able tospread the disease to others,

so that helps keep thingsa bit under control.

- [Heather] Nevada is betting

that it can improve its vaccination rate,

especially among 20 and 30-somethings.

- We're basically at that point,

we're trying to vaccinate people

who don't necessarilywant to be vaccinated.

- [Heather] To that end,

it's pulling out every trick it can,

from a lottery with prizesto federal teams coming in.

The big worry, that the uptick in cases

will result in morehospitalizations and deaths

in the weeks ahead.

Reporting in Las Vegas,Heather Sells, CBN News.

- COVID is responsible formore than one million children

around the world beingorphaned after losing one

or both of their parents.

Another 500,000 lost agrandparent or relative.

The study comes from the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention.

Faith-based organizations say

the study should encourage Christians

to mobilize in finding waysto care for these children

who are dealing with loss.

President and CEO Chris Palusky

of Bethany Christian Services says,

"We urge Christians to support efforts

to strengthen vulnerablefamilies and communities,

reunify families, and placechildren without caregivers

in loving families so that children

never have to live in orphanages."

In other news, new vaccinemandates in the works

for government employeesand healthcare workers

in New York City.

Mayor Bill de Blasioannounced all city workers

would need to be vaccinatedor be tested weekly

for the coronavirus.

The mandate takes effect for mid-August

for foster care workers and by September

for the remaining city workers.

Also at the federal level,

Secretary of VeteransAffairs Denis McDonough says

the department will require allfrontline healthcare workers

to get vaccinated withinthe next two months.

A House committee looking into the origins

of the January 6th CapitolHill assault gets underway.

But as Senior Washington Correspondent

Jennifer Wishon explains, theirwork begins under a cloud.

- The goal of the House select committee

is to get to the bottom ofwhat happened on January 6th

and ensure it never happens again.

But before committeemembers ask any questions,

their results are mired in controversy.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi hasappointed two Republicans

to the 13-member panel:

Liz Cheney, once thenumber three Republican

stripped of her leadership role,

and Adam Kinzinger, a vocalcritic of President Trump.

In a statement, he writes,

"I'm a Republican dedicatedto conservative values,

but I swore an oath to upholdand defend the Constitution.

When duty calls, I will always answer."

- Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney

would lose a Republicanprimary anywhere in America

that you would throw a dartand it would hit the map

and so it seems bizarre

that they are representing Republicans

in this highly significant venture.

- [Jennifer] Pelosi's appointments come

after she refused to seat twoof the five members nominated

by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy,

Jim Jordan and Jim Banks,two staunch supporters

of President Trump, so McCarthywithdrew all his picks.

- People said to me, "Put 'em on,

and then when they actup, you can take 'em off.

I said, "Why should we waste time

on something as predictable?"

- [Jennifer] A move McCarthysays taints the committee.

- And it shows exactly what I warned

back at the beginning of January,

that Pelosi would play politics with this.

- [Jennifer] The panel is chaired

by Democrat Congressman Bennie Thompson,

who, like all members, hashorrific memories from that day

inside America's hallowed halls.

- And then we get to the western side

and somebody said, "Get on the floor."

And they said, "Take your pinoff because if they break in,

they trying to kill members of Congress."

- [Jennifer] Authoritiessay about 800 people

broke through securitybarriers to enter the Capitol.

Some 550 have been charged with crimes.

Four police officers there that day

will be the first to testify.

- I'm a big believer insharing with the public

what we're doing, how we're doing it

when something bad happens.

Bad news doesn't get anybetter by just sitting on it.

- It's unclear whether the committee

will uncover anythingnew about January 6th,

but it could revealunexpected information.

Remember, Hillary Clinton'sprivate email server

was uncovered during a hearing

looking at the attack againstthe US Embassy in Benghazi.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- In the news right now,

a court in London threw away a case

against a preacher, Joshua Sutcliffe.

Last year, he and a friend ministered

and passed out leaflets inthe area to people outside.

He was surrounded and detainedby four police officers

saying he violated governmentlockdown COVID restrictions.

Anne Graham Lotz is asking for prayer

for her son, Jonathan Lotz.

He was hospitalized with COVIDand is in critical condition.

She says her son hasbeen focused on his faith

and ministering to others.

Whistleblower David Johnsonclaims toy manufacturer Hasbro

has mandatory critical race training

that teaches that even babiesharbor racist ideologies.

He says he opposes that indoctrination

and felt more peopleneeded to know about it.

You can read more on this story

by visiting our website,

Coming up, it's chaos in Iranas water is being withheld

in parts of the country.

You're gonna hear why.

It's all coming up next.

(dramatic music)

(light music)

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- [Announcer] "On the Homefront."

- Thanks for joining us forCBN's "On the Homefront,"

where we highlight with the men and women

of America's military doto defend our country.

CBN honors the men andwomen in our military

with an initiative calledHelping the Home Front.

It partners with churchesacross the country

to meet the needs oftheir military families

from repairing homes towiping out medical bills

for wounded veterans.

- [Announcer] Wednesday at3:00 on the CBN News Channel.

(patriotic music)

(inspirational music)

- [Announcer] Too often, wecarry baggage from our past.

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- Massive protests in one Iranian province

have now spread to otherparts of the country.

As Chris Mitchell now reports,

the demonstrations beganover a lack of water,

but now have grown tocalls for regime change.

(protesters shouting)

- [Chris] Thousands of angry Iranians

are marching through the streets

of southwestern Ahwaz,also known as Khuzestan.

The people accusing the government

of diverting water from theirland as part of an ethnic war.

- They use the water as a weapon to force

or they forcibly migratingthe Ahwazi people

because Ahwaz land is the heartbeat

of Iranian economy such as oil, gas.

- [Chris] Faisal Maramazi

of the Ahwazi Center for Human Rights

calls the severe water shortage

an environmental catastrophe.

Thousands of dead fish, dry riverbeds,

and devastated farmland.

This shepherd says his flocks

won't drink the sewage-filled water.

For humans, it's amatter of life or death,

as illustrated by this desperate woman

drinking from a puddle.

- The Ahwazi woman wastelling the popular committee,

"Please don't stop coming to our village.

We are dying because there is no water.

Please do come regularly to us."

That's the lady telling.

Imagine, in 21st century,

Ahwazi people are nearly going to die

because of the severe water crisis.

(gun blasts)

- [Chris] In a violent crackdown,

Iranian police are firing live ammunition,

killing some protestorsand injuring hundreds.

Still, the protests continue.

- Ahwazi people has nothing to lose

because everything been taken from them.

- [Chris] Outgoing President Rohani

dismissed the demonstrations.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] A few hundred people

are not the people of Khuzestan.

(protesters shouting in foreign language)

- [Chris] And others are springing up,

like this in Tehran's metrocalling for the overthrow

of the government anddeath to the dictator.

US Senator Marco Rubio tweeted,

"The US should stand insupport of the protesters

instead of negotiating a deal

with the evil regime in Tehran."

That nuclear deal being renegotiated

by the Biden administrationwould give the regime

billions of dollars in sanctions relief

and some say clear theway for a nuclear Iran.

It would also enable Iran fullaccess to the oil markets,

which could increase the speed

of environmental destruction in Ahwaz.

In what could be asignificant development,

these internet posters arecalling on the country's

second largest ethnic group,the Azeri people in the north,

to join the protest.

- If the south AzerbaijaniTurks will come to the streets,

everything will change in Iran

and could collapse the Iranianregime in the nearest future.

(protesters shouting in foreign language)

- [Chris] It remains to be seen

how far this movement willspread, and some remain skeptical

of any regime collapse at this time.

Meanwhile, in an ominous sign,

the government has shut down the internet

in the Ahwazi province.

After that move with protests in 2019,

the regime killed 1,500 demonstrators.

(protesters shouting in foreign language)

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Still ahead, restoration and prayer

for survival in our land.

- Electric.

It was filled with the presence of God

with a massive group ofaggressive worshipers

and intercessors andpeople that came there

to believe God to heal our land.

- [Efrem] Hear more about the prayer

at the Heart of America event

coming up right after this break.

(dramatic music)

(driving music)

(protesters shouting)

(foot stomping)

- But having sex beforeyou're married is a bad idea.

- [Man] Don't tell me there'sno such thing as gun violence.

- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.

- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics

that test your faith onthe next "Faithwire,"

Monday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- [Announcer] "The Global Lane"takes you around the world,

providing facts over fiction.

- What might rising tradeand geopolitical tensions

mean for you on the home front?

- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,

award-winning journalist Gary Lane

brings you the truth from a global angle.

- What about the issue of immigration?

- [Announcer] World news analysis

you won't see anywhere else.

- And it's all right hereon "The Global Lane."

- [Announcer] Thursday night at 8:30

on the CBN News Channel.

(upbeat music)

♪ And where there's joy, there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ Moving on, more satisfaction ♪

♪ I know the way is joy ♪

♪ Makes me move ♪

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

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- Welcome back.

Christians from across the country

gathered in the heart ofthe nation last Friday

to pray for restorationand revival in America.

It was all part of an event called

Prayer at the Heart of America.

Nearly 3,000 met in Lebanon, Kansas

to cry out for God to heal our land.

People from all 50 states were present

as well as several from other countries.

One of the prayer leaders for the event

told "The Prayer Link" the ultimate goal

is to see 33 millionpeople receive Jesus Christ

as their Savior.

Take a look.

- Tell us about the prayerof this wonderful mission

that the Prayer at theHeart of America had.

Talk about that.

- Well, thank you.

It was a visionary mandate that we sensed,

Holy Spirit deposited in theheart of a prayer leader.

And we yoked with thatvision and the whole intent

and motivation was to cometo the heart of America

and pray for the healing of our land.

We established it as prayingfor the heart of America

at the heart of Americawith the determination

to see a tithe of America's population

be swept into the kingdom ofGod through a fresh awakening.

- Garry, people traveledfrom all over the US,

as well as internationally, to be there.

Talk about that and whyso many felt compelled

to take part in this prayer event.

- Well, we believe there wasa magnetism by Holy Spirit

that drew the people ofGod, the family of faith

that had a real concern for our nation.

We called on the family of God to come,

those who had a fear for Godand a concern for America.

And we had what was calledeight plus one prayer routes.

One route took their teamaround the entire circumference

of the United States of America

and they traveled almost 10,000 miles,

stopping every 150 miles praying,

declaring revival across the nation.

And then we had eight otherinternal prayer routes

from the four corners of the nation

into the four compass points,

all coming across the nationand gathering there in Lebanon

at the geographic center ofthe contiguous 48 states.

And we're believing thatthey were blazing trails,

this was kind of the prophetic insight,

blazing trails of gloryfor the presence of God

to permeate the nation.

- And Garry, what was the atmosphere like?

I've seen the pictures.

I saw a little bit of the video.

What was it like there, just to be there?

- Oh, wow.

Well, literally we weresetting in 60 acres

that was defined as a cow pasture.

There was a vision that wasgiven last year during COVID

that this very event would take place

by a prophetic intercessor.

They knew nothing about thescheduling of the event.

And the vision said thata tent would rise up

out of the ground in a cow pasture.

Literally, that took place.

And so the atmosphere, theenvironment was very unique,

very distinct, but it was electric.

It was filled with the presence of God,

with a massive group ofaggressive worshipers

and intercessors andpeople that came there

to believe God to heal our land.

- And we know that Godloves boots on the ground.

Of course, our prayers can go the distance

no matter where we are, butthere's something about,

you know, being geographic,God is into geography

and boots on the ground.- Yeah.

- And I'm guessing thatthe goal is revival.

- Absolutely.

That is the absolute drivingintent and determination.

We remain postured in a position

to believe God for this fresh awakening.

And we also prophetically anticipate

that the greater dimension and the impact

of this national call to prayerwill be the ripple effect

as the prayer warriors travelback across the nation,

back to their hometowns, theircities, their local churches,

their spheres of influence.

Already getting calls and requests,

"Can we do this in our state?

Can we do this in our county?

Can we do this in our city?"

as we drive toward bringinghealing to the heart of America.

And our posture is we're contending

for the heart of our nation.

What the greater intent is forthe souls of its population,

again, a tithe, 33 million people

being swept into the graceof the Lord for salvation,

new names written down in glory.

That is our prayer.

- Amen, and you've certainlyanswered our next question.

The fruit that you're hopingto see come from this event

is certainly for the hearts and the minds

of people in America andaround the world to come,

and especially here in America,to turn to Jesus Christ.

Because He is the answer.

- He is.- Yes, ma'am.

- He is the answer.

- And you can receivemore from "Prayer Link"

and encouragement by watching"The Prayer Link," rather.

You can catch it on the CBN News Channel.

It begins at 6:30 Eastern Standard Time

and on the CBN News Channel app.

It's the Tuesday Tweetableup next, but first,

here's a look at somestories trending right now


(dramatic music)

(inspirational music)

- I am Regent's firstROTC graduate student.

(women laughing)

- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5."

Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists

at the forefront of entertainment

and explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Wednesday night at 8:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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- Worship leader EliasDummer is using his music

to encourage the churchto offer a safe place

for asking tough questions.

His album asked many questions

and says the answer ishaving trust and confidence

that Jesus is who He says He is.

He told The Christian Post

the church created an environment

discouraging people fromasking difficult questions.

He says, "At the end of the day,

our unity is to a person in Jesus

that's crucial for us toremember in all of our dealings.

It will allow us to havea better relationship

with thoughtful questioningand great discussion."

It is not a bird and it's not a plane.

It's actually a rare meteorite.

Take a look at this.

Residents in southern Norwaysaw what astronomers say

is a large meteorite plummet to the earth.

It is described as abig light that went out,

followed by white smoke.

The hunt for that mysteriousspace rock now is underway,

as you can imagine.

Time now for your Tuesday Tweetable.

This is a message I pray will bless you

and I encourage you to bless others

by posting, tagging,tweeting, and sharing it

with those who are inyour circles of influence.

It's a word I often heardpastors share as a child.

God's Word is alive and full of power

and His Word will work for you.

Hold fast to that Word knowing it is true

yesterday, today, and forever.

That is gonna do it for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."

You can always find moreof our news programs

on the CBN News Channel.

You can find them there at any time

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as well as the CBN News app.

We'd love to know what you think

about the stories you've seen here today.

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Make it a terrific Tuesday.

We'll see you tomorrow.

(dramatic music)

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