A husband is rushed to the ER after experiencing partial paralysis and the doctors don’t know why. Witness an impossible turnaround on today’s 700 Club.
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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up;
Her husband was rushed to the ER.
- His entire left side wasparalyzed. He couldn't move it.
- [Gordon] Doctors didn't know why.
- They did not have anyanswers at that time.
- [Gordon] And time was running out.
- He had slipped into a comaand he wasn't waking up.
- [Gordon] Now see animpossible turnaround.
- It gave me so much hope to know
that he was gonna be okay.
- On today's "700 Club".
(bright upbeat music)
Welcome to the "700 Club",and thanks for joining us.
Our first story is allabout the White House,
pointing a finger at Facebookand trying to crack down
on the social media giant.
The president has even accusedFacebook of 'killing people'.
- The administrationis pushing the platform
to clamp down on what it considers
misinformation about COVID.
So is this censorship orprotecting public health?
Here's CBN White Housecorrespondent, Eric Phillips.
- To be clear, the White Househas not demanded Facebook
or any other social mediaplatform to do anything.
Although it has madespecific recommendations.
Some say, no matter how it's done
a White House recommendationcan come off as a mandate
and in this case, one thatcould stymie free expression.
A few words as the presidentleft the White House last week
touched off a firestorm.
- What's your message toplatforms like Facebook?
- They're killing people.
I mean they're really...
Look, the only pandemic wehave is among the unvaccinated,
and they're killing people.
- [Eric] Critics said the president
was vilifying social media,and Facebook in particular,
that his administration is bullying them
and attempting tointerfere with free speech.
Biden clarified Monday.
- My hope is that Facebook,
instead of taking it personally
that somehow I'm sayingFacebook is killing people,
that they would do somethingabout the misinformation.
They have outrageousmisinformation about the vaccine.
- [Eric] Admits stagnantvaccination rates,
the administration isgoing on the offensive
against what they considerCOVID misinformation.
- I Issued a surgeon General's advisory
on the dangers of health misinformation.
- [Eric] A rare move
reserved for urgent public health threats.
- Modern technology companieshave enabled misinformation
to poison our information environment,
with little accountability to their users.
- We're flagging problematicposts for Facebook
that spread this information.
- [Eric] The White House,
making a number of asks of Facebook,
including that the platform disclose
the reach of COVID 19misinformation to the public.
That it creates an enforcementacross all of its companies.
That it removes misinformation quicker,
and that the platform promotesquality COVID information
in its algorithms.
Psaki points to the so-calleddisinformation dozen.
12 people believe to be responsible
for 73% of all anti-vaccinecontent on social media.
- All of them remain active on Facebook,
despite some even beingbanned on other platforms,
including ones that Facebook owns.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know, you can't get these platforms,
you can't urge theseplatforms to reign in speech.
- John Schweppes is the Director
of Policy and Government Affairs
at the American Principles Project.
- We have a long tradition in this country
of respecting free speechand free expression,
even when it's ugly,
even when it's frustrating.
When they put this pressureon these private companies
to censor and to remove content,
it's definitely a question mark
when it comes to the first amendment.
It kind of comes across as,
"Hey, that's a nice company you got there,
it would be a shame ifsomething happened to it."
I mean, it is a threat.
- [Eric] For its part,Facebook defended itself
against the administration'saccusations with this blog,
which says in part;
"Since the beginning of the pandemic,
we have removed over 18 million instances
of COVID-19 misinformation.
We have also labeled andreduce the visibility
of more than 167 millionpieces of COVID-19 content
debunked by our network offact checking partners."
But the White House remains dogmatic.
- The concern though,
I think for a lot of people on Facebook
is that now this is bigbrother watching you.
- They're more concerned about that
than people dying across thecountry because of a pandemic
where misinformation is travelingon social media platforms.
That feels unlikely to me.
If you have the data to back that up,
I'm happy to discuss it.
- Conservatives are rallying together
against what they see asa threat to free speech
coming from the White House.
The Media Research Centeris circulating a letter
that they're asking people to sign
urging the Biden administration
to change its course of action.
In Washington, Eric Phillips, CBN News.
- Well, that's a great report from Eric,
and thanks for that.
In terms of free speech,
even speech that you don't agree with,
even speech that isfalse can be protected.
If it's slanderous, thenthere can be a civil lawsuit,
but the government shouldn't be involved
in this kind of thing.
Our government officialsshouldn't be out there
saying, you're allowing misinformation
into the public square
and therefore we're goingto do something about that.
Government officials should never do that.
They should always honor the constitution
and honor the right of the people,
for freedom of speech,and freedom of press,
freedom of assembly.
The whole issue is access,
and in the access andfull unfettered access,
the principle behindthat is the best ideas
always come to the surface.
The truth always wins out.
Keep in mind, Mark Twain famously said,
"A lie can go around the world
before the truth has achance to get its pants on."
But at the same time, ultimatelythe truth will come out.
Ultimately you'll see free speech win.
And anytime you try to regulate that,
and we're seeing that on these platforms,
we're seeing an attempt to regulate speech
and to censor speech.
It should never happen.
In terms of the vaccine,let us all keep in mind
that there was an emergencyauthorization for this.
This thing was fast trackedthrough the trials and the tests
Right now, the U.S Militarycannot mandate troops
receiving the vaccine
because of the emergency authorization,
until it finally clearsall the FDA hurdles.
So if you can't even mandate for troops
that are going to betogether on a ship at sea,
which is a very contagiousenvironment, if you will.
If you can't mandate that,
then the government should spend time;
What's the final approval process?
How do we get this fullycleared, fully tested?
And then you can talkabout misinformation.
But until then,
those who are cautiousabout taking the vaccine,
I understand it, Iunderstand your caution.
At the same time,
if you're in a high riskgroup for getting COVID 19,
please get vaccinated.
Your life is in danger, andso please understand the risk,
but the risk of gettinginfected I think is greater
than the risk of the vaccineat this point in time.
Well, in other news, thehighly contagious delta variant
is being blamed for most ofthe new COVID infections.
97% of the people whoare catching the virus
have not been vaccinated.
John Jessup has more
from our CBN News bureauin Washington, John.
- Thanks, Gordon.
Although there is still arisk of severe symptoms,
the majority of thosenew cases have been mild.
And for now the CDC issticking with its guidance
that vaccinated peoplecan go without masks.
A small cluster of states
are driving the numbers of new cases.
Heather Sells brings us this report
from one of the hotspots, Nevada.
- In recent weeks,
Las Vegas has emergedas a COVID epicenter.
State officials who hadbegun to relax restrictions
are now talking with arenewed sense of urgency
about fighting the virus.
- I understand all the risks
and I definitely wanna getvaccinated at some point.
- [Heather] Nevada nowranks in the top five states
with the most new COVIDcases in the last two weeks.
Epidemiologist, BrianLabus, advises the governor
on the virus and says severalfactors have led to the surge.
- Our vaccination rates are low
compared to the rest of the country.
When you take that and youadd the delta variant to it,
you add the fact thatpeople aren't wearing masks
and that were open at 100%,
we have the right conditionsfor people to spread the virus.
- [Heather] It's whysome resorts and casinos
are again requiring workers to wear masks.
- People are a lot more distanced
than I thought and anticipated and stuff,
the people are very respectful.
- [Heather] State health officials
now also want folks to wearmasks in public indoor spaces.
In Los Angeles, authoritiesare warning people
not to travel to Nevada.
Labus argues, touristsare not the big problem.
The state's jump reflectsonly local cases,
and most tourists go homebefore they can transmit.
- We have hundreds of thousands of people
who come to town every week,
they stay about three and a half nights.
And the disease takes alittle longer than that
to actually develop.
So a lot of the people,if they get infected here,
would already be home beforethey were able to spread
the disease to others.
So that helps keep thingsa bit under control.
- [Heather] Nevada is betting
that it can improve its vaccination rate,
especially among 20 and 30 somethings.
- We're basically at that point
where we're trying to vaccinate people
who don't necessarily wanna be vaccinated.
- [Heather] To that end, it'spulling out every trick it can
from a lottery with prizes,to federal teams coming in.
The big worry that the uptick in cases
will result in morehospitalizations and deaths
in the weeks ahead.
Reporting in Las Vegas,Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Thank you, Heather.
Turning overseas, Israeliarcheologists have uncovered
an amazing discovery with a connection
to the time of the biblical judges.
CBN's Chris Mitchell shows us
why a 3000 year old inscription
is getting so much attention.
- This is Khibert El-Raiin Southern Israel,
where archeologists say theyfound a piece of pottery
with a rare inscription.
This is the seventh yearfor the excavation site.
This year archeologistsare talking about finds
from the biblical book of Judges.
- The most excitingdiscoveries and inscription,
which is from around 1000 to 100 BC,
the time of the judges.
We know very little about this period
from archeological point of view,
and we don't have anymeaningful inscription
from this period.
- [Chris] Then they discoveredpart of a jar handle
in a storage pit in the ground.
The name, Jerubbaal,
Jerubbaal in English waswritten on it in ink.
- And this is the first time
that we have an inscriptionfrom the time of the judges,
with a meaning.
And in this case, even thesame name appear in both,
on the inscription and inthe biblical tradition.
- [Chris] Excavation Director,Professor Yossy Garfinkel,
says they've found about100,000 pot shards at the site.
- But why this is so important,because it was inked.
And we have here five letters,
we have (indistinct)
And when you read it, youget the name, Jerubbaal.
- [Chris] Gideon's father Joash,
calls his son Jerubbaalin the book of Judges,
because he tore down the alter of Baal,
and then defeated the Midianites.
Archeologists say theowner likely wrote his name
on the small jar.
They don't have proof that the inscription
refers to Gideon of the Bible,
but Garfinkel says it's significant
because it highlights
the historical connection to the Bible.
- [Garfinkel] So it's indicationsof historical memories
embedded in the biblical text
and passed from generation to generation.
- [Chris] Several years ago,Garfinkel told CBN News,
he believes potterydating back to King David
and other findings,point to Khirbet El-Rai
as the Philistine town of Ziklag,
where David escaped King Saul.
(sand clatters)
This year about 25 localuniversity students
had to replace 100 volunteers
kept away due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Most are studying archeologyand are happy to be here.
- It's fun when you go into the field
and then you see, oh, I doknow, you know what I mean?
You pick up something and you'relike, I know what this is.
I studied it in classand I know what it is.
- [Chris] And they seethe biblical connection.
- Dr. Yossy Garfinkel is doing a great job
in actually proving that the Bible
is actually historical storyand not just mythology.
- [Chris] This was meantto be the last season
for excavating at the site.
But Garfinkel says, ifthey find more artifacts,
they may keep digging.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
- Well I say, keep digging.
Gordon, what an amazing ancient find.
- It is incredible.
And over the last 170 years,
literally since the beginningof archeology in Jerusalem,
archeologists have uncoveredthousands of artifacts
and not one of them hasever contradicted the Bible.
You can learn about someof these discoveries
in CBN's latest documentary,
it's our latest in our seriescalled, "Written In Stone",
and the latest is, "TheSecrets Of The Temple".
It will reveal the secrets ofthe first and second temple,
some of the treasures that werelost and now have been found
And all of it is yours,
for a gift of any dollar amount
you can get instant 4k streaming access.
We'll also send you the DVD as well,
so you can have both of them.
To get it, all you have to dois call us, 1-800-700-7000.
And say, "I want tohave "Written In Stone",
and here's my gift."
Again, it's just any dollar amount.
What we're doing with your gift
is we're putting thatinto the production costs.
We're in production right now in Israel,
on the "Oracles of God".
How did we get the Bible?
Our first in that series
is going to be on the Old Testament.
And again, we're in production now,
we need production fundsto finish this project.
So if you wanna be a part ofthat, call us, 1-800-700-7000.
"Here's my gift of any dollar amount,"
and you'll get instant 4k access
to the latest "Written InStone, Secrets Of The Temple".
Again, we'll send you a DVD copy as well.
You can also text secrets to 51555,
or go to cbn.com/writteninstone.
Then later on today's program,
we're going to be talking tothe writer, director, producer,
behind this series, Erin Zimmerman.
She's going to tell us aboutsome of the treasures found
in and around the Temple Mount.
- Very exciting.
Well up next, an all terrain wheelchair.
See how this unique vehicle
is taking the disabledto the great outdoors,
and meet the people whoare making it possible.
Plus, a man falls into a coma
after a blood clot in his brain.
Medics said if he woke up,
he might never walk or talk again.
Stay tuned for a miracle thathelped heal a whole hospital,
later on today's show.
(bright upbeat music)
(bright upbeat music)
- An all terrain one-wheeled chair.
That's the discovery that'senabled a pastor in Cincinnati
to introduce people withdisabilities to hiking
in the great outdoors.
And at the same time, he'sreaching a group of individuals
who might never dock inthe door of a church.
Well, Heather Sells has the story.
- [Heather] Deep in thewoods of a Cincinnati park
an adventure for those whose lives
are normally, heavily restricted.
- Big tree root coming up.
- Doug Frank is all infor every twist and turn.
So are Diane, Mary, and a handful of kids.
These hikes are 45 minutes long,
they're in the middle of the woods,
putting those withdisabilities in situations,
they normally would not bealong with the shepherds,
the volunteers, who are carrying them.
- He likes that he's hanging with friends.
- Hi. Are you ready?
You guys ready?
- [Woman] Have fun, Mr. Doug.
- [Heather] It's Doug's fourth hike
and he and his mom are sold.
- All of these people at this church
are the most amazing group of people.
They all befriend him.
They don't just do the typical chatter
that you get from strangers,they want to know him.
- [Heather] And for a man usedto battling cerebral palsy,
the woods offer a welcome challenge.
- He's almost looking forwardto getting a little hurt
because that's what everybody else...
They'd come home and they'dsay I had this great time,
but I hurt my elbow ortwisted my ankle or something.
And to him, that would be agood reason to hurt your body
instead of just therapy.
- [Heather] Pastor Kevin Schwieger
started Luke5Adventuresright before the pandemic,
His aha moment, returning from a hike
and realizing a wheelchairbound friend might be hurt
if he talked about his fun time.
- It Just haunted me and hurt my heart
to realize that she would neverever be able to experience
this side of heaven,what I had experienced.
And that just bothered me to the core.
- [Heather] On a quest tohelp not only his friend,
but others like her,
Schwieger discovered anall-terrain one wheeled chair,
it's made in France and popular in Europe,
but unknown here at home.
He also discovered more
about the country's disability community,
with more than 60 millionadults and 3 million kids.
Landmark research on these children
shows those with chronic health conditions
often never become partof a church community.
One in four with developmental delays,
learning disabilities or anxiety,
never attend a service,
as well as one in threewith brain injuries,
autism or speech problems.
- The world of familiesliving with disabilities
is a lonely island ofdespair for most of them.
And there is literally zero chance
for them to get off thesidewalk, out of the bedroom.
- [Heather] The ministry namedafter the men in Luke five,
who carried their friendto Jesus, does just that,
carrying those with disabilitieswhere they cannot go.
The simple concept hasproved life-changing
for both those in thechair and their families.
Laura and her husband have two children
with chronic health conditions
and say the hikes providemuch needed fellowship
and a break, as the volunteerscare for their kids.
- To not have to worry wherethis wheelchair needs to go
or without it falling,
or what path can we take,
but we're out there.
And we're able to just relax
and be at peace witheach other and converse,
and just be quiet.
- [Heather] Many hikers andtheir families also recognize
that time in God'screation is restorative.
Whitney Blackstone'seight year old daughter
can't see or talk, butshe loves the outdoors.
On one hike that meant plungingher tiny hand into a stream.
- She experiences God's creationthrough hearing the birds,
hearing the insects, and feeling nature,
the trees, the leaves.
She actually asks to goas often as she can go.
- [Heather] Luke five hasstrategically partnered
with the Cincinnati Children's Hospital
and the parks foundation tobroaden support and expertise.
The faith based nonprofittrains its volunteers
to safely transport hikers,
and that includes carefullystrapping them in at the start.
- You know, we're leaning them one way,
and the others we go around the trails,
or we're going down and up,sometimes very steep inclines.
And we've been in placeswhere it's very steep.
And as you can see, ourchair is a one seat fits all.
- [Heather] The day we visited
the team took extra caresecuring Betty, a former hiker,
who now battles ALS.
Moments later, the smiles and joy
show just what it all meant.
- It's not rocket science, it's love.
- [Heather] Schwieger hasa vision for Luke Five,
and it's multiplication.
Churches across the countryreaching these unreached people
and their families through a ministry
that draws people together
in the most beautifulplaces in their communities.
Reporting in Southwest Ohio,Heather Sells, CBN News.
- That is wonderfully inventive,
to come up with theidea for a single wheel
so that you can go through the forest,
you can go on forest trails asopposed to prepared pathways,
and you can have a whole new breakthrough
for people with disabilities.
I applaud the ingenuity,
I applaud the love behind it, the concern.
How can I make a difference?
How can I be a help to people in need?
It's one of the best things you can do.
I like to remind people, ifyou want to be spiritual,
the best way to do thatis to help somebody else.
It's the greatest spiritualthing you can ever do.
And so when you set your mind,
how can I be a help to others?
How can I do on to othersand help them and love them?
Then you're honoring God,because whatever you do,
to the least of these, mybrethren, you're doing onto me.
Those are the words of Jesus.
When we have that in mind, wecan change the world, Terry?
- What a great program.
Well up next, take a journey back in time,
along the same road as Jesus.
How did the Jewish peoplelive during the first century,
and what secrets lie inand under the holy land?
Explore the latest from CBN's"Written In Stone" series,
that's coming up.
(bright upbeat music)
- Well, there's an old Jewish saying
that Israel is the center of the world.
Jerusalem is the center of Israel,
and the temple is the center of Jerusalem.
For thousands of years,
the temple was seen as the place
where heaven and earth overlap.
And in the latest entry intothe "Written In Stone" series,
CBN Films uncovers its secrets.
- It is the most importantarcheological site,
and nevertheless it hasnever been excavated.
- [Narrator] An almost impossible task.
- Temple Mount was thelargest religious compound
in the ancient world.
- [Barkay] It is the mostpoliticized piece of real estate
in the world.
- [Narrator] Leads to an improbable bind.
- There is an ancientroad, also 2000 years old.
- [Barkay] That is the building,
which is referred to in the new Testament.
- [Narrator] That is confirmingthe stories of the Bible.
- Where did Jesus walk?
There is no question hewalked on these steps.
You can see it, there'sno way to refute that.
They existed, they walkedhere, they talked here.
- [Narrator] See the evidenceleft by an ancient witness.
- He lived there, he sawit. He knew the details.
- It's like the crown of our discoveries.
- [Barkay] It may cause a rewriting
of the history of the Temple Mount.
- [Narrator] And discover what was.
"Written In Stone, Secrets Of The Temple".
Get your copy today for agift of any dollar amount.
Available now.
- Well, the writer and director
behind the "Written In Stone" series,
Erin Zimmerman, is here with us now.
And Erin, thanks for being with us.
- Thanks for letting mecome. I appreciate it.
- Let's just talk abouthow difficult it is
to do any kind of archeologicalwork on the Temple Mount.
You would think it's the most important
archeological site in the whole world,
but yet you can't dig there, why?
- Well, you say difficult,
but really the word is impossible.
You just can't,
because the Muslim authoritywill not allow you.
They've been (indistinct) Ottomans
and different Muslim authorities
have been in charge ofit for 1500 years now,
and so it's hands off.
But they can go ahead anddig whatever they want,
and they are doing it.
So archeologists...
But I think they've done an amazing job,
the Israeli archeologists,of digging around it.
So you sort of get a littletaste of what's around it
and what could be under it,
but who knows if we'll ever see that.
I would love to see that.
- Tell us about Charles Warren.
He was the first one to even attempt it.
It was about 170 years ago.
And what imaginative thing did he do
to sort of get around, ifyou will, the restrictions.
- I love this guy,
'cause I love anybody who cankind of get around the rules
and keep the letter of thelaw, but not the spirit.
They told him you can't dig within 40 feet
of the Temple Mount.
So he said, okay.
He measured 41 feet thenhe went straight down
and across into the Temple Mount.
So he technically obeyed their rules,
but then he went down under.
So they used to call himthe mole for that reason.
And he used to bribe theguards that would be there
to do it and all kinds things.
- Okay. Let's talk about someof the modern discoveries,
modern day, so let's go to Pilate's Road.
That's the road thatthe pilgrims would take
in the first century.
In all likelihood, Jesuswalked on this road,
(indistinct), all theway to the Temple Mount.
So what have they found there?
- I think what's amazing,
the most amazing thingsthey've found under the road
and not actually on it.
And under that roadthere's a drainage channel
and people used to hide therewhen the temple was destroyed
and the Romans were coming in AD 70,
the Jewish people thoughtthey could hide down there
and maybe the Romans would look for them
and not find them and go away.
And they stayed down there
sometimes for days, weeks, months.
Josephus writes that halfof them died of starvation.
We've now found cookingpots, we found Roman daggers.
I mean, they were camped down there.
But I think the most spectacular thing
is this little golden bellthat's shaped like a pomegranate.
And it was really unusual,
and so the archeologists who found it,
looked back in the Bible and said,
"Well, who would havebeen wearing this bell?"
And of course the answerwas, the high priest
in the Jewish Temple.
You read back in the old Testament
where it has the descriptions,
you have a gold bell and a pomegranate,
and they picked it up andit's a little round gold bell,
it's shaped like a pomegranate,
but it still rings when they pick it up.
So I think that's amazing.
You can just picture somepriest walking up this road
and, you know, his robesnagged on a rock or something
and it fell down into this drain,
and 2000 years later we have it.
- Tell us about the personalities involved
in the archeology.
One of my favorites is GabbyBarkay, who's in the film.
How did you first meet him?
- I love him.
I first interviewed him 2008,
about this Temple Mount siftingproject that he's doing,
where he's taking the trash and the dirt
that the Arabs have thrownaway off the Temple Mount,
they dump it into the valley,
and he said, well, that's valuable.
And so he got a bulldozer,got all the dirt,
put it in a pile and they dig through it.
And what they found is just amazing.
But the first time Iinterviewed him about this
was years ago,
and I'm gonna say I didn'tprepare maybe as well
as I should have.
Before I left on that trip,I had bought a necklace
with some Hebrew words on it.
Terry Meeuwsen sister wasactually selling them.
And being the shallow person that I was,
I picked the one whosedesign I liked the best,
I didn't bother to find out what it said.
I just said, "I likethat one, that's pretty."
So I wore it to Israel andI wore it to this interview,
and I didn't know what it said.
So here's Mr. Barkay and he'sjust staring like this at me.
And I'm going, I was alittle uncomfortable,
why he was staring at my neck.
He said, "Where did you get that?"
And I said, "Well, from afriend of mine that sells them."
And he said, "Do you know what that says?"
And I said, "No."
What it said, it had theAaronic blessing on it,
you know, the Lord bless you and keep you,
et cetera, et cetera.
- [Gordon] Wow.
- What I didn't know at the time
and that I should have done my research,
Gabby Barkay's greatestdiscovery of his life
was a silver scroll,
that is today the oldest biblicaltext we have in the world
with the Aaronic blessing,
"The Lord bless you and keep you,
the Lord make his face toshine upon you," all of that.
So I think he must'vethought I was, number one,
trying to impress himby wearing this necklace
to this interview becausehe discovered that.
But then when he found out Ididn't have a clue what it was,
I thought, boy, this guymust think I'm an idiot.
But, you know, we'veinterviewed Gabby several times.
He's in this film, he'sgonna be in our next film
about the Bible.
So he keeps coming back, sowe have a good relationship.
- Well, anytime we talk about the temple,
we gotta talk, now,about the Magdala stone.
So what is that showing aboutthe first century temple?
- The Magdala stone is amazing.
It's up north in the Galilee,
so far away from Jerusalem and the temple.
And it's a table that wasused to hold torah scrolls.
But on that table is adepiction of various things
in the temple.
And previously, the onlydepiction we had of that
was from the Romans onthe arch of Titus in Rome.
So we didn't have a Jewish depiction
of what was in the temple.
So now we have this beautifulpicture of a menorah,
and we have these other symbolic things
like the chariots of fire
that are talked aboutin the book of Ezekiel.
And it's just an amazing thing
'cause it's from the time of Jesus.
So you picture these reallyprobably wealthy people
up in the Galilee,building their synagogue,
and saying, "Hey, we wanta little bit of the temple
up here with us."
So they hired somebody
and obviously they didn'thave photographs back then.
So obviously they had hired somebody
who had seen inside the templeand had seen this menorah,
and had seen what the veillooked like in the temple
and portrayed it for them,
which I think is just astonishing.
So that's really theoldest depiction we have
of what would be in the temple.
You're getting readyto go to Israel again.
- Yes.
- And do another project,tell us about that.
- This project is called "Oracles Of God".
And that's taken fromthe verse in Romans 3:2,
where Paul's explaining
what's important about the Jewish people,
he's explaining to his Gentile audience.
And he says, "Much in every way,
for to them were giventhe Oracles of God."
Meaning that God valued them so much
that he trusted them with the Bible,
and no other people on earth.
So this is gonna be a lookat how the Bible was created,
from Genesis to Revelation.
And there'll be two films;
We're doing the Old Testament one first.
And so this will takea good look at most...
We'll focus on the Dead Sea scrolls,
but this will take youfrom Genesis to Malachi,
and say, how was it writtenas best as we can say,
by whom was it written,when was it written,
how was it put together?
So that by the timesomebody sees this film,
they can have a good ideaand they can be confident
that what they are reading iswhat God intended us to have.
- What we read today
is what Jesus was readingin the first century.
- Exactly. And thank heaven wehave the Dead Sea scrolls now
And the dead sea scrollswere from the era of Jesus,
and that's exactly-
- What he read in the synagogue,
he read from the sametext that we have today.
- Exactly. And when youlook at the King James now,
and you compare it,
and there have been othertranslations in between,
you look at different ones and you go back
to the Dead Sea scrolls and it's the same.
- Okay. And on top of it,
"Secrets Of The Temple" will show you
that what is written inthe Bible about the temple
is actually also written in stone.
Archeology is provingthe truth of the Bible.
And if you wanna watchit, you can get a DVD copy
and also instant streaming access
for a gift of any dollar amount.
And the reason we're asking for a gift
is to help support this production cost
of this new film called "Oracles Of God".
So if you want to get "Written In Stone",
go to cbn.com/writteninstone,
and all about the secrets of the temple.
You can call us, 1-800-700-7000,
say, I'd like to get "Written In Stone".
We'll send you the DVD and then a key
so you can get instant streaming access.
So do it right now.
Erin, thanks for being with us.
- My pleasure.
- We'll be back right after this.
(bright upbeat music)
Still ahead, they thoughthe was having a migraine.
The truth was much worse.
- [Stacey] The doctor had told me
there were several different clots
that were still in the brain.
- [Gordon] See the crisis in the ICU.
- He could not guarantee thathe was going to walk again.
They could not guaranteethat he was gonna talk again.
- [Gordon] And the healingsthroughout the hospital.
- [Stacey] People thatwere in comas before,
and they're waking up.
- [Gordon] Later, on today's "700 Club".
(bright upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News Break.
The Supreme Court shouldoverturn Roe vs. Wade,
the 1973 ruling legalizing abortion.
Mississippi's Republican attorneygeneral made that argument
Thursday in court papers saying,
"Nothing in constitutionaltext, structure,
history or tradition supportsa right to abortion."
The court will hear acase involving a state ban
on abortion at 15 weeks.
Well, CBNs Operation Blessingis providing clean water
around the world.
Even though a river runsnear this school in Mexico,
the water there is dirty and can't be used
for drinking, cooking, or washing.
Many students walk longdistances in the heat
with nothing to drink at school.
But thanks to its partners,Operation Blessing installed
a state-of-the-art rainwater,
harvesting and filtration system.
And more of those systemswere added in the classroom
with water bottles for each student.
Now giving them a chance
to get all the clean water they want.
Well, you can find out more
about Operation Blessingby visiting ob.org.
Gordon and Terry will beback right after this.
(bright upbeat music)
- Just imagine being thesingle father of two daughters,
and both of your girls havelife-threatening heart problems.
That's exactly what a dad in China faced.
He promised his daughters
he would take care of them, but how?
He didn't have the money forone surgery, much less two.
Mr. Gow is a single dadwho loves his daughters,
and calls them his two angels.
But it's been hard to raise them alone.
He's poor, and his youngest daughter
was born with health problemsand ended up in a coma.
- My wife told me she was too tired
to take care of a sickchild, and she divorced me.
I looked into the crying faces of my girls
and told them, "You lost your mother,
but you still have your fatherand I'll take care of you."
- [Terry] He's secretlywondered how he'd do it.
Especially when he found out
that Xin Yan had holes in her heart,
and she started having heart attacks.
- She was really thin.
Sometimes she was lifeless.
And when she cried her face turned blue
and her lips turned purple.
The doctor said she needed anoperation as soon as possible.
Otherwise the holes in herheart would grow bigger
and she could die of heart failure.
- [Terry] Xin Ron, tried tomake Xin Yan feel better.
- She knew her sister was sick
and didn't want to leave her alone.
They picked flowers in the fields and sand
and drew pictures together.
- [Terry] Xin Ron danced forher sister to cheer her up.
But as she was dancing, she fainted.
- I rushed to hold her,
her face was pale andher mouth was purple.
She was covered with sweat.
- [Terry] It turned out that Xin Ron
had serious heart trouble too.
- Both my daughters were very weak.
They didn't eat and had no spirit.
Sometimes when I touched theirwrists, I just felt bones.
I was helpless and hopeless.
I couldn't afford surgeryfor one of my daughters.
How could I pay for two?
- [Terry] Then someone at a health clinic
told him about CBN.
We partnered with a localhospital and made it possible
for both sisters to receive free surgery.
- CBN visited us at the hospital.
They told me not to beafraid and prayed for us.
- [Terry] Today, Xin Yan andXin Ron are healthy and happy.
- Now they are full of energy.
They dance for me
and always go out toplay with their friends.
CBN saved my whole family.
They told me they helped us
because Jesus loves us unconditionally.
So I thank God and I'm willingto accept this great love.
Words can't describe my gratitude.
- Well, you can feel thedesperation of that dad
as he tells his need inthis story, can't you?
And then can you imaginethe unbelievable joy
of discovering that notone, but both of his girls
were going to get surgery
that would make them completely healthy?
That's because you, 700 Club members,
stepped into the midstof a very needy situation
and you brought love, you brought faith,
and you brought the answer to their need.
We just wanna say thank you to you.
Listen, to those of you whohave watched this program
for a long time,
but maybe never gone toyour phone and called.
This is a greatopportunity for you to join
with the rest of us in touching the world
with the love of Jesusin very practical ways
in people's lives.
Will you do that now?
Our number is toll free,right there on your screen.
You can also go to cbn.com.
Just call if you will, and say,
"I'd like to join the 700 Club,"
you can make such a difference.
When you do, this is our thank you to you.
"God is for us."
These are verses ofsalvation, peace and victory
that path has read fromthe book of Romans.
We think it will be agreat blessing to you,
and it's your gift,
well, it's our way of saying thank you
for caring about others, Gordon.
- Well, up next, an impossible recovery.
How was this paralyzed man ableto walk out of the hospital?
Well, you're gonna find out
and then we're goingto be praying for you.
Don't go away.
(bright upbeat music)
The first one hit him likea baseball bat to the head.
Another one left him throwingup in the middle of the night.
Leto thought he was having acluster of terrible migraines
until a few hours later, whenhe had to be rushed to the ER.
- Even if my husbandwasn't able to talk again,
wasn't able to walk again,
we were still gonna trust God.
- [Narrator 2] April 11, 2018,
started out a typicalday for Stacy Garcia.
As a phlebotomist, she wasworking onsite at a blood drive
when she got a frantic messagefrom her daughter, Emily.
Stacey's husband, Leto, whosuffered from chronic migraines
was in the ER.
- His entire left side wasparalyzed, he couldn't move it.
- [Narrator 2] Stacy called her mom
to pick her up from work,
and they rushed to St. Anthony's Hospital
in Lakewood, Colorado, over an hour away.
While her mom drove Stacycontacted family, friends,
and their church, asking for prayer.
- We were praying allthe way to the hospital.
I was very frustratedbecause I wasn't there
and I couldn't help my children
take care of their dad.
- [Narrator 2] Leto's family and friends
gathered at the hospitalwhile doctors ran tests
to find the cause of his paralysis.
He was taken to the ICUand kept under observation.
- They did not have anyanswers at that time.
They were giving him medications
and putting him on any type of medication
that was gonna help him.
- [Narrator 2] Stacy wasrelieved to see Leto alert
and full of confidence.
- He was just telling me, youknow, you need to stay strong.
God has this, we're gonna be okay,
and we're gonna get through this.
I said, good night tohim, and that I loved him
and I wasn't leaving, but Iwould see him in the morning.
- [Narrator 2] Then, later that night
Leto began having seizures.
So doctors ordered another MRI.
By the next morning...
- He had slipped into a comaand he wasn't waking up.
And at that moment I knewI had to go tell my family.
I just took a deep breath,
and I said, "God, I knowyou're doing something.
I don't know what it is, butI'm still gonna trust you."
- [Narrator 2] The MRIrevealed that a blood clot
had traveled to Leto's brain and ruptured
causing his brain to swell.
His doctor performedan emergency procedure
to remove the clot and alsoput him on a ventilator.
He wasn't sure Letowould ever fully recover.
And the crisis wasn't over.
- The doctor had told me therewere several different clots
that were still in the brain
that they needed to have broken up
before they could safely wake him up.
He could not guarantee thathe was going to walk again.
He could not guarantee thathe was gonna talk again.
The most of my prayers were,
God, I know that you're doing something.
I don't know what you're doing,I just have to trust you.
- [Narrator 2] All Leto's family
and friends could do was wait.
A couple of days later,
they had a prayer service at the hospital.
- All of us who were in the waiting room.
And we were all just worshiping God.
At that moment, you couldjust feel that God was there.
My husband's nurse came and she said,
"You don't understand,on the cardiology side,
the cardiac patients are stabilizing.
In the neurology side,
we have people that were in comas before
and they're waking up.
We had somebody come in last night
and he was in a motorcycleaccident, broken bones,
they didn't expect him to live.
He woke up and he wants food."
- [Narrator 2] Yet Letowas still in a coma.
His family continued to prayfor his complete recovery
and he slowly began to improve.
Four days later, Leto woke up.
- I asked him, do you remember me?
My heart kind of sank a little bit
because he just stared at me.
And the look on his face that he gave me,
I couldn't tell if he was tryingto process what I asked him
or if he did not remember me.
- [Narrator 2] Leto was still intubated.
So Stacey, wasn't sureabout his brain function.
Then a couple of days later.
- He actually wrote that hismom and I needed to remember
that as long as he hasbreath in his lungs,
that I can do the impossible.
It gave me so much hope,so much more happiness
to know that he was gonna be okay.
- [Narrator] The nextday the vent was removed.
Leto was able to talk.
He still was paralyzed on his left side,
so his family continue to pray.
Leto began gaining new ground each day,
and a couple of weeks later.
- I would look at my foot, theone side that wasn't working,
and I would just look at itand I would say move, "Move."
Move, and then there was a jerk.
Then I would just go back and forth.
And then before long, I wastelling my knee to bend.
- He would say, "Babe, guess what?"
And he would pull his knee up,and he would move his knee.
Those little tiny thingsthat he was doing daily
were so exciting.
All the time he was doingsomething different.
- [Narrator 2] After just overthree weeks in the hospital,
Leto was able to walk out on his own.
He and his family have no doubt
his healing was the result of prayer.
- I'm here by the power ofGod and the product of prayer.
And I tell individuals I'mhere 'cause you prayed.
- Prayer is a powerful thing,
that we're not fightingagainst flesh and blood,
but we're fighting a spiritual battle
and we're fighting againstsomething that we can't see.
Prayer is the best way for usto get through those things.
- [Narrator] Now, Leto is back at work
and enjoying the things heloves to do with his family.
- God made it happen.
I didn't know if my husbandwas ever gonna wake up again,
to now being able toenjoy a motorcycle ride
and being able to continueto share life together.
- As long as you havebreath in your lungs,
you can do the impossible.
- What an amazing story.
As long as you have breath in your lungs,
just hold onto that, aslong as you have breath.
Now, who put that breath there?
Well, God did.
God breathed on Adam andhe became a living soul.
You have breath, you have life,
and with that, you canbelieve for the possible.
Abraham believed God
and it was accounted tohim for righteousness.
You don't have to doanything other than believe.
Get rid of all kinds of workoriented thought patterns,
where I've gotta be good enough,
or I've gotta make somekind of bargain with God,
or I haven't prayed enough,or I haven't fasted enough,
or I haven't tithed enough,
or I haven't done enough good things.
No, no, no, no, no.Get rid of all of that.
Abraham believed God.
And it was accounted tohim for righteousness.
Realize God wants you to havethe righteousness of Christ.
He wants to give it to you;
A gift, free gift. You have it.
And with that free gift ofrighteousness, you praise him.
What was the key to that miracle?
It was a group of peoplegetting together in the hospital
and you heard what she said,"All we did was worship.
And in our worship, thepresence of God came down."
And it wasn't just Leto who got healed.
Did you hear the testimony?Everybody in the hospital.
You know, the nurse coming in,
"You don't understand,
the cardiac unit is having miracles.
The people who were incomas are waking up.
Someone who was injured in ahorrible motorcycle accident
and we didn't expect him to recover,
he's up, he's asking for food."
Miracles were happeningbecause we decided to worship,
aint that incredible?
Just worship him.
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, andforget not all his benefits.
When we worship, when we bless him,
well then all our iniquitiesare forgiven, aint that great?
All of them are forgiven, andhe heals all your diseases.
These aren't my words.
You can look them up, Psalm103, it's right there.
Right there in black andwhite, you can believe it.
And when you believe it,
it's accounted to you for righteousness,
and miracles just start to flow.
We're gonna pray,
before we pray here aretwo incredible miracles;
For 10 years, I hope I'mpronouncing the name right,
Michelle of Wallace, Idaho,
suffered with chronic stomachpain from Crohn's disease.
And it caused severe halitosis.
Doctors will tell you, Crohn'sdisease is real hard to cure.
So Terry said, "There is somebody,
you have digestion stomach issues,
you're going to know this is you
because you have an odd side effect,
terrible breath issues, halitosis.
God is healing that condition.
Just lift up your handsand praise Him now."
Praise is the key.
Exercising faith inGod, Michelle believed.
She is pain-free.
- [Terry] Unbelievable.Well, this is Gregory;
He lives in New Carrollton, Maryland.
He started experiencingsignificant knee troubles,
nothing he tried took awaythe excruciating pain.
He was watching thisprogram on July the 9th,
and Gordon, he heard you say,
"You're laying hands on both knees,
there's tremendous pain in both knees.
All of the pain is dissipating away,
all the cartilage andcushioning in the knee
is being restored.
There will be full and complete function
from this moment forward."
As Gregory believed it was for him,
just like that, the painwas completely gone.
- Gregory believed, Michellebelieved, Leto believed.
You believe, and let's pray.
Lord, we come into yourpresence with Thanksgiving.
We thank you for forgiving us.
We thank you for removingall our transgressions.
We thank you, we receive it now.
And now we ask for healing,for everyone who is sick,
who is listening right now,
stretch forth your hand to domiracles, signs, and wonders.
Heal them now, in Jesus name.
Terry, God's giving you something.
- There's kind of a chroniccondition that you have,
it's with your fingernails,
like they're almostpeeling and disintegrating
on the very ends.
God's healing that condition for you.
Your nails are gonnabecome firm and strong
just as they used to be, andthis is gone in Jesus' name.
- Someone, you've had a crushinjury across your chest.
I believe a car fell on you,
and ribs are broken,your sternum is broken,
God's healing, and he is restoring.
Breathe in now and receivethat right now, in Jesus name.
Amen and amen.
If you've been healed, let us know.
Give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
For with God,
nothing will be impossible.
(bright upbeat music)