After falling asleep at the wheel a woman drives off the road at the wheel and the medics worry she’ll never wake up. Watch as a supernatural recovery unfolds on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up.
- I kept calling her over and over again.
- [Narrator] Asleep at the wheel.
- Your wife's been in an accident.
- [Narrator] And the medicsworried she'd never wake up.
- She said yes sir, it seems bad.
- [Narrator] Watch, as thisman's wife is rushed to the ICU.
- Her body, her liver andher organs are shutting down.
- [Narrator] And see hersupernatural recovery.
- You've heard the voice of God.
- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club".
(upbeat music)
- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club".
The stock market has taken a nose dive
while consumer prices havespiked the most since 2008.
Is a surge in COVID cases the culprit
or is something else drivingthis plunge in the market?
What's the president's responseto the economic free fall?
And what does it mean to your wallet?
Jenna Browder explains from Washington.
- Yesterday stocks skid asvirus fear shook the markets.
The Dow falling 2.1%,
the S&P down 1.6% after settinga record the week before.
In another sign of worry,
over the past year consumerprices have jumped 5.4%,
the most since 2008.
- We also know that as oureconomy has come roaring back,
we've seen some price increases.
Our experts believe, and the data shows
that most of the priceincreases we've seen
were expected and areexpected to be temporary.
- [Jenna] At the White House,President Biden hit back
at what he called doomand gloom predictions
and defended his record on the economy.
- Six months into my administration,
the US economy has experienced
the highest economic growthrate in nearly 40 years.
- [Jenna] Conservatives argueBiden inherited an economy
already making a strong recovery
from the 2020 COVID shutdowns.
The president called on Congress
to pass a $1.2 trillionbipartisan infrastructure package
aimed at fixing roads,bridges, and broadband.
- We should be united in one thing,
passage of the bipartisaninfrastructure framework,
which we shook hands on.
- [Jenna] On Capitol Hill,Republicans and Democrats
are battling over thedetails of that bill.
They have until Wednesdayto make it happen
before Senate MajorityLeader, Chuck Schumer
forces a Senate vote.
- We're still working on it,
Chuck Schumer with all due respect
is not writing the bill, noris Mitch McConnell, by the way.
So that's why we shouldn't have
an arbitrary deadline of Wednesday.
- [Jenna] Of greaterconcern is the $3.5 trillion
social infrastructure plan,
which pours federal dollars
into entitlements like childcare,
college tuition andgreen energy initiatives.
Republicans are solidlyopposed to the plan
and economic experts
believe it will harm theeconomy in the long run,
Republicans stand unifiedin their opposition
to the social infrastructure plan
and even some Democrats areexpressing their concerns.
The White House needs everyDemocrat vote to bypass the GOP
and pass it through reconciliation.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- You know, folks, weall want infrastructure,
we want good roads,
we want the airplanesto fly appropriately,
we don't want a bunch of potholes,
we don't want bridgesbreaking and falling down.
I mean, there obviously is some problems.
So we've gotten the deal together,
a bipartisan group hassaid, okay, we'll pass it,
but the trouble is,
the Democrats want to slip along with this
so-called budget reconciliation
and put through an enormouspackage of social deals
where these children areput into public schools,
free tuition in colleges,
all kinds of supposed socialist spending
and the Green New Deal.
And the American people don't want that.
As somebody said,
we didn't vote for socialismand that's socialism.
Well then let's take alook at the stock market.
CBN Financial Editor, DrewParkhill's with us right now,
and Drew look, is this amomentary pause in a bull market
or is this something more serious?
- No, this is a momentarypause in a bull market.
How long that pause is gonnalast, Pat, we don't know.
The media was blaming it on COVID
and I knew they were gonnablame it on something.
I thought they probably blamedit on the big spending bill,
which they did and they said,
oh, it's the rising COVID cases,
well, they're not at that level yet,
but Pat, you know howthe market works, I mean,
the excesses have been building up,
the Russell 2000, which I know you follow,
which is smaller stocks forpeople out there in TV land,
that's been going down for a while.
So there was fewer andfewer stocks going up
and that's always a sign thatyou're gonna have a drop.
We did Monday, we may havesome more sideways moves,
wild up and down swings for a while,
but longer term, the market's gonna go up.
It's not gonna be a ragingbull market necessarily,
but it's gonna keep goinghigher over the years ahead.
- You have forecast TheDow is gonna hit 10,000,
what do you think?
- A hundred thousand, yeah, it's gonna go,
before this is over.
Now this is down the road,this is not next week.
This bull market will top outand you can quote me on this
around 155,000 on The Dow,
plus or minus 10,000 or 5,000 points
between 150,000 and 160,000.
- So if people are watching this, I mean,
the market is funny, I mean,it's individual stocks,
so do you say stay investedor get out or what?
- No I think longer term,
I mean, you can have an ETF,
which is basically thewhole market in one stock
like SPY or QQQ, or it canhave individual stocks,
I mean, it's up to everybodywhat they wanna do,
but longer term, the overallmarket's gonna go higher,
individual stocks willhave their own, you know,
ups and downs, but overall,
the market is gonna go higher no question,
depending on some of the problemswe see out of Washington.
- What about this crazyspending of trillions of dollars
that Biden wants onso-called entitlements,
they'll never go away,
what kind of impact willit have on the economy?
- Bingo, that's a big problem.
I want to,
look, here's the problem, Pat,
I've got a graphic Iwanna show in a second,
but before I say that,I wanna point this out,
these programs, as you justsaid, they never go away,
they become institutionalized,
they become part of the government.
So let's say the Republicans
take the House next year and the Senate,
and a Republican wins in2024 or 2028 and whenever,
and he wants to make somecuts to these programs
that Biden and theDemocrats want to create,
the media will go crazy,the Democrats will go crazy,
you'll hear the wholeheartless Republican thing,
so what you're gonna have isbigger and bigger government
and more and more programs.
Now I want to show you this quote
from the "Wall Street Journal" yesterday,
talking about Biden's programs.
Every new Biden program isa burden on the economy,
reducing its natural market-driven ability
to create high paying jobs
while entrenching state-run,impossible to kill
zombie entitlements.
That was an opinion columnin "The Journal" yesterday,
which really sums it up the waya lot of people are thinking
because Pat, the bigbattle in Washington now,
or this three and a halftrillion dollar bill
is not gonna be Republicans and Democrats,
it's gonna be Democrats versus Democrats
because a lot of moderate Democrats
are really worriedabout this big spending,
and they're reallyworried about these taxes,
every time I turn around,
I'm reading about a new taxincrease they're talking about,
and there's no way you canget all these and sustain
an economy that would be asstrong as it would be otherwise.
- Drew, thanks for your insights.
Drew Parkhill our economics editor,
and ladies and gentlemen,have you heard it here,
and I believe in what he says.
Well in other news,
this is not your typical summer camp,
the youth of Gaza or gathering
in what are called killer camps,
run by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
And they're definitely notplaying around like swimming
and playing tennis and volleyball.
These boys and young menare equipped with AK47s,
antitank weapons and videosimulations for target practice.
And what's the goal of these youngsters?
You guessed it,
the annihilation of Israel.
Chris Mitchell brings us thisalarming story from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] They call themthe Pioneers of Liberation
and the sort of Jerusalem summer camps
run by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
These videos posted by MEMRI,
the Middle East Media Research Institute
show what the youth ofGaza are doing this summer.
- We did not come here toenjoy ourselves or to play
or anything like that,
we came with our souls,our blood, our martyrs,
and our wounded to sacrificeourselves for Palestine
and for our people.
- [Chris] This promotionalvideo urges students
from primary school, high schooland college to participate.
In the camp, targetpractice involves AK47s,
anti-tank weapons and video simulations.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- So that in the nextphase, Allah willing,
these boys will be able toconfront the plundering enemy
and disfigure its face in the next war.
- [Chris] In May, Hamas and Islamic Jihad
called the 11 day war withIsrael, the sword of Jerusalem,
their goal, preparing the nextgeneration for the next war.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- We say to the enemy,
these children picked up these weapons
and we train them how to use them
as well as how to take security measures
so that they will follow inthe footsteps of their fathers
and take up arms, Allah willing.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- I chose to spend my vacation
in the "Pioneers ofLiberation" summer camp
in order to continuethe path of my father,
the martyred commanderWalid Shamaleh Abu Bilal,
in order to strengthen our determination
and to liberate Jerusalem, Allah willing.
- [Chris] These young men and boys
learn antisemitism at an early age.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- We asked Hitler why heleft some of you alive.
He did so in order to showus how wicked you are,
we will come to you from under the ground
and hammer fear into your hearts
and above the ground wewill tear your bodies apart
with our rockets.
Scram into the shelters, you mice,
you sons of Jewish women.
- [Chris] MEMRI has beenmonitoring these summer camps
for 10 years.
- [Yael] The videos andthe images from those camps
illustrates and reflectthe way Hamas is operating
and deepening its control.
In 10, 15 years from now, thekids will be adults or parents
and maybe even an officialin Gaza and decision-makers,
so the extremism inGaza, will be even worse.
- [Chris] Hamas took overthe Gaza Strip 13 years ago
in a bloody battle withthe Palestinian Authority.
- [Yael] So since birth, thisgeneration has been raised
only on the values ofthese terrorist movement.
This is of course onlydeepening the crisis there,
forfeiting any chance fora dignified, peaceful life
for the kids and for allthe residents of Gaza.
- [Chris] She feels theinternational community
needs to speak up about these camps.
While these kids are in camp,
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh
is visiting nations like Mauritania,
pledging to continuethe war against Israel.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Let me tell you my brothers and sisters,
the sword of Jerusalemwill not be sheathed
until the blessed Al-AqsaMosque is liberated.
- [Chris] Given these summer camps,
it appears clear the goal isthat the battle for Jerusalem
will continue into the next generation.
- Chris is joining us now from Jerusalem.
Chris, let me ask you something,
how can there possiblybe a two-state solution
when Hamas is building upsuch hatred toward Israel?
There's no way that Israel
can go along with something like that.
- No, when you seesomething like this Pat,
you know, a two-statesolution seems like a dream.
You said years and yearsago, I was at Shamira
and it's not just HamasPat, it's also Fatah.
If you look at some of their social media,
they talk about annihilating Israel,
they talk about takingover all of Palestine
from the river to the sea,
which means the elimination of Israel.
So a two-state solutionseems like a dream right now.
When you see this indoctrinationof the next generation,
what struck me in our interview with that
MEMRI person that monitorsthis kind of a recruitment
is that the next generation, think of it,
13 year old kids in Gaza,
have never known anything but Hamas
and right now in 10 years, 15 years,
they're gonna be the next generation
making decisions in Gaza,
and I don't think it's gonnabe a two-state solution, Pat,
I think they're lookingfor a one-state solution.
- You know, it looked likewhen those Abraham Accords
were put through, they bypassed the PLO,
just said, let's not even consider them.
And how can any intelligentgroup of international statesmen
consider Hamas and the PLO as is anybody
that should be allowedto engage in peace talks?
- You would think Pat, thatthe international community
would be outraged about this,
the UN would be outraged about this,
actually UNICEF andpart of the UN says that
if you're recruiting, you know,
kids under 18 or under 15,it's actually a war crime.
So you would think thatthe international community
would be outraged about this,
and this goes hand in handwith some of the curriculum
that they find in schools,many of them funded by the UN.
And I would add Pat, thatone role that goes into this
whole scenario is thatwhen Hamas took over
from the Palestinian Authority,
they took over thePalestinian Authority in 2007.
Two years prior to that,
that's when Israel withdrew,called the disengagement,
they withdrew from all of these places,
they had, 8,500 Jews wereliving in at 21 communities
within the Gaza Strip and wewere there reporting on it,
you remember that well Pat,
and it was supposed to bringpeace, this disengagement,
we remember a spokesmantold us at the time,
listen, we're the fingerin the dyke of terrorism,
don't pull us out.
And since then, Hamas took over,
and now for the last 14 years,
this is what we've had,
more Hamastan and now fourwars in the last 14 years.
- It was Sharon that forcedthose Jewish settlers
out of that area,
they actually uprooted themand the pointed the gun
and forced them to give uptheir property, is that correct?
- That's exactly what happened.
This whole idea was Ariel Sharon's idea,
along with many in theinternational community,
the US was supporting it as well,
the whole idea was that
if Israel has unilaterallypulled out of the Gaza Strip,
there'll be peace.
That's exactly what didn't happen,
it's really become Hamastan.
We were there at the border
when they were evicting these 8,500 Jews
out of these 21 communities.
It was really, to my mind,one of the saddest chapters
we're seeing in the last 20 years here,
and also it goes to the lesson, Pat,
when Israel pulled out of South Lebanon,
back in May of 2000,
and then when Israel pulled out
unilaterally in 2005 out of Gaza Strip,
it filled the vacuum withHezbollah on the Northern border,
Hamas on the Southern border,
and now we have episodeslike in May, 11 day war,
4,300 rockets from Hamas and Islamic Jihad
fired into Israel, supported by Iran.
- Chris, thank you so much.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're told to pray forthe peace of Jerusalem,
if there was ever a time,
Israel is under assault throughoutthe nations of the world
and the United Nations andthe, the so-called UNRWA,
which should have beendisbanded a long time ago,
now Hamas is a breeding ground for terror.
But as I said some time ago,
the Muslims believe inthe Mahdi, the 12th Imam,
and they do believe that ultimately,
before the Mahdi shows up,
there's going to be adestruction of Israel, chaos,
and that's what theybelieve in their hearts,
and they're going to pursue it,
and anybody who thinks thatthey're gonna be brought
to the peace table is just in a chimera,
it's just crazy that anybodywould think that way, Terry.
- Well, still ahead,
a heart attack in themiddle of the highway.
This woman blacked out andcrashed into the median.
She was dead for 28 minutes.
So what brought her back to life?
Her supernatural survival,that's coming up.
Plus, one vote for one candidate,that's the American way,
but maybe not for long.
Ranked choice voting is gaining steam.
What is it, and how couldit affect your vote?
Find out after this.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- What does it say?
The inmates have taken over the asylum,
it's just unbelievable.
We keep being assaulted
by the nonsense that's being brought up.
Well, now they've got a new one.
You know, we usually think youhad one vote for a candidate
and that's the American way,
but that could be changed, andguess what they want to do?
They want to have ranked choices
where you rank severalcandidates by your preference
and the ballot, and thenthey're having what's called
an instant runoff.
So you talk about confusion,it is confusion of square.
Jennifer Wishon explains.
- Ranked choice voting letsvoters rank candidates,
giving them control over their second,
third, fourth, evenfifth choices for office,
but it's not without controversy.
- [Narrator] The attendingelection official
admits him to the machine.
- [Jennifer] The technology Americans use
to cast their ballots haschanged over the years.
- I pull the lever back to the left,
and then your vote is cast.
- Please allow me to introduceyou to the ESNS DS200
and the Dominion ImageCast.
- [Jennifer] What hasn'tchanged is most Americans
still cast just onevote for one candidate,
but a growing number of localitiesare opting to let voters
rank every candidaterunning in an election.
- And ranked choice voting
embraces allowing more than two choices,
accommodates the reality that we often
do have more than two choices,
whether it's a primary election
or a non-partisan city election,or our general elections.
- [Jennifer] Ranked choicevoting lets voters rank
all the candidates running,
once the votes are tallied, ifno candidate wins a majority,
the candidate with the leastvotes drops off the list.
Voters who ranked thatlast place candidate
as their first choice,
then have their second pick moved up
to count as their first, inwhat's called an instant runoff.
That process keeps goingfor multiple rounds
until finally onecandidate gets a majority.
- If that sounds confusing, it is.
- [Jennifer] Criticslike Hans Von Spakovsky,
senior legal fellow atThe Heritage Foundation
argue the methoddisenfranchises some voters
because of what's calledballot exhaustion,
where some votes are rejected.
Here's how it works.
If it takes several rounds to get a winner
and a voter hasn't rankedevery candidate running,
then their ballot gets thrown out.
The ninth round of tabulation
in the recent New YorkCity mayoral primary
left more than 117,000 ballots discarded,
about 12% of the vote.
And Spakovsky points to anumber of other examples,
like the first time the state of Maine
used ranked choice voting fora 2018 congressional race.
- They had to do several rounds
and by the time they were over,
the ballots of over 14,000people had been thrown out
because they hadn't ranked all four people
who were running for Congress.
- [Jennifer] On election night
at the Democratic primary inthe New York City mayoral race
candidates found themselvesexplaining to supporters
why there wasn't a winnerand wouldn't be for weeks.
- 50% of the ranked choicevote has not yet been counted.
- We know there's going tobe twos and threes and fours,
we know that.
- [Jennifer] And despitethe painfully long
two week vote count, apoll by CBS New York finds
77% want to use it again.
83% ranked more than one candidate,
95% found the ballot simple to complete.
And its popularity is slowlygrowing across the country.
According to Fair Vote,
the method is being usedon some level in 29 states.
- Just this year alone,
where we've seen a doubling of cities
that have decided to use it,
we now have ranked choicevoting for two states
for presidential elections.
- [Jennifer] But manyRepublicans remain skeptical.
Ranked choice voting is a corrupt scam,
tweeted Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton.
House Minority Leader, KevinMcCarthy called it woke.
- On one hand we have voter ID
that doesn't disenfranchise anyone,
and on the other hand, wehave ranked choice voting,
which definitely disenfranchises voters
and yet no one's referringto it as Jim Crow 2.0.
- [Jennifer] And critics say
candidates aren't winning a majority
if tens of thousands of ballotsare routinely not counted
after multiple rounds of tabulations.
Jason McDaniel, AssociateProfessor of Political Science
at San Francisco State University
examined 2,500 precinctsover five elections
and found turnout amongboth African-American
and white voters dropped
when the city adoptedranked choice voting,
and ballot errors increased.
Still, Ritchie predicts within a decade
ranked choice voting will become the norm.
- I think that as we adapt,
I think there'll be sortof the collective sigh
of relaxation and relieffor some like, oh,
it's actually pretty easy, right?
Which I think is true.
- It's not just voters,
this method makes candidateschange their strategies too.
If a candidate isn't polling well,
he or she may campaign tobe a voter's second choice.
Advocates say it alsoreduces negative campaigning
because candidates arevying for a good rank,
although observers in theNew York City primary say
that wasn't the case.
Either way, if it hasn't already,
ranked choice voting could sooncome to your local precinct.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- You'd be amazed, theleft screamed so loudly
about a Georgia, fairly obviousvoter identification law,
they called it Jim Crow onsteroids, 2.0 and so forth,
and now they've gotsomething much, much worse
that will disenfranchiselarge numbers of voters
and lead to total confusion in elections.
And yet they want to put it in.
Why does everybody want to destroy
this great democracy we've got?
It's the greatest experiment of government
in the history of mankind, butthe left wants to destroy it
and this is just one more shot, Terry.
- Well still ahead,
this young woman got the shock of her life
from her birth mother.
What was it, and howhas her stunning story
resonated around the world?
You'll find out coming up.
But first, the words nohusband wants to hear,
your wife might not makeit through the night.
So where did this manturn for a second opinion?
See for yourself after this.
(upbeat music)
A heart attack behind the wheel.
Kim Gustin blacked out and her car
smashed into the highway barrier.
For 28 minutes, Kim had no heartbeat.
At the hospital, her husband said goodbye,
thinking she was dead.
So what happened next?
Well, you're about to find out.
- [Narrator] It was a hot summerafternoon in Argyle, Texas
when Gerald Gustin got an unusual message
from his wife, Kim.
She goes, I don't like theway I feel, I'm gonna go home
- [Narrator] She never made it there.
(car crashing)
(phone ringing)
- I kept calling her over and over again,
and finally, somebody answered the phone.
Your wife's been in an accident.
Right now CPR is beingadministered to her.
Is it bad?
And she said, yes, sir, it's bad.
- [Narrator] Kim hadpassed out at the wheel
and brushed the highway barrier.
The woman who'd answered was a nurse
who had stopped to help.
Gerald stayed on the phone
as she and a police officer performed CPR,
trying to get a pulse.
- Reality sank.
I'm like, she's dead.
Lord, just let me get to her,
let me get to her, let me seeher don't let this happen.
- [Narrator] Kim was takento Medical City Denton,
where she was intubated andtreated for cardiac arrest.
It was estimated she hadbeen without a heartbeat
for 28 minutes.
Gerald remembers talking to the doctor
soon after he arrived.
- Her body, her liver and herorgans were shutting down.
One thing they needed to do
is control the bleeding in her lungs
and get the lungs stabilized.
We're not sure that she'sgonna make it to the night.
- [Narrator] Already, Geraldwas trying to come to terms
with losing his wife.
- To say, I release you, I'll let you go.
If God really wants you,this is the ultimate.
I mean, you can't choosebetween this place and heaven.
- [Narrator] Even then, Geraldand their friends and family
put their hope in God.
- I said, you're theGod of the impossible.
I remember saying your wordsays in Second Corinthians that
your grace is sufficient and that
your power is madeperfect in our weakness.
I said, I'm begging you for miracle.
- [Narrator] Although Kim survived night,
she was still in critical condition.
As Gerald prayed in the coming days,
he says God spoke to him.
- He said, I'm doing a miracle.
I'm answering your prayer.
If he tells me this iswhat's going to happen,
it doesn't matter what man says,
this is what's gonna happen,
you just hold onto it.
- [Narrator] Kim began to stabilize
and doctors ordered an MRI.
The results proved worrisome.
- She's had a stroke onher left side of her brain
is scattered over to the right side,
we don't know what we're looking at,
it's highly likely thatshe's gonna be a vegetable.
I kind of broke downafter he left, I'm like,
this can't be acceptable for me, please.
- [Narrator] Though herheart and lungs had improved,
there was no way togauge Kim's mental state
until they took her off the ventilator
and brought her out of the coma.
That day soon came.
Gerald held onto God'spromise of a miracle.
- Remember what he's told you,
and cling to what he's told you,
and know that hispromises are yes and amen.
And his word says he has begun a good work
and will bring it to completion,so if he says something,
when God speaks, I don't careif he just, if he says, no,
you've heard the voice of God.
- [Narrator] After beingextubated the next day,
Kim was awake, she couldn't talk,
but her family knew she waswell on her way to healing.
- 24 to 36 hours she was up in her bed
and looking at her phone andI thought, this is remarkable.
Me and my son would stand over her
and she would followour voice in our face.
And we're like, this is awesome.
I mean, I was just like,man, let's just go,
let's just bring her home.
- Hello.
- What do you really wanna tell them?
- Feed the dogs.
- [Narrator] On August 4th,
three and a half weeks after her accident,
Kim left the hospital tocontinue her journey to healing
through prayer and rehab.
- Literally the daythat I left the hospital
and I was transported there,I remember that whole day,
and I realized that itwasn't gonna be a quick fix.
You know, it was gonna be a journey
and it was gonna besomething that with God
I would have to do.
- [Narrator] Kim wouldspend several weeks in rehab
before finally coming home
with most of her functionality returned.
And though she nearly diedthat afternoon in July,
today, Kim enjoys time with her family
as they give thanks for thelife she's been given back.
- And I'm thankful that theywere able to see God work
and see the miracles that alot of people don't get to see.
He completely restored
what was supposed be taken away from me.
- Kim is a living proof of a resurrection.
We see it every day.
She lives a resurrected body.
- God is a miracle worker, isn't he?
28 minutes without oxygen and here she is,
her story to her family.
- A stroke and all of that,
another miracle ladies and gentlemen.
Listen, here's some others though,
we want to pray for you right now
'cause you see these things,
you say, why not me?
Well, why not you?
Beth, on the email said I've been dealing
with that unusual bleedingfor over a month and a half.
Followed my doctor's instructions,nothing seems to help.
I was watching "The 700 Club"
with faith to receive his touch.
And Terry said God was going to heal me,
said, I believed it, and sincethen the bleeding stopped
and I have canceled my followupand she's completely healed.
What else you got?
- Well, here's another,
this is Marcia, she says eversince she was a little girl,
she lives in new Fairfield, Connecticut.
She was gripped by fear and worry
and Pat, on June 7th of this year,
she decided to watch this program
and during our prayersegment, she heard you say,
you've been afraid sinceyou were a little child,
I believe the name is Mercy.
You are just scared of everything.
The Lord is lifting that from you,
the spirit of fear isleaving you right now.
Marcia believed that Godwas speaking to her by name
and she felt something lift from her.
She has not felt any fear or worry since.
- You know, folks, I don'tknow Marcy, but God knows her
and God knows her name and where she lives
and she knows you and he knows your need,
he knows everything about you.
And what he's asking for is,
all you can do is just trusthim and the Bible says,
Abraham believed God,
and it was counted tohim for righteousness.
Terry and I are gonnajoin hands right now,
we're going to believe God for you.
Let's pray together.
Father, thank you for this report,
thank you for the healing ofthis woman who had a stroke
and was near death,
thank you for healing, Marcia,thank you for healing others.
Thank you for touchingthe lives of people.
Lord, we praise you in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord.
Now we pray that youwould touch people's lives
all over this audience.
As faith is rising, all thingsare possible with the Lord,
with you all things are possible.
Somebody right now, you got a neck brace,
I think the name is George,
you have had a serious accident and
it may have injured one of your vertebrae
and if you just put yourhand in that area right now
in the name of Jesus, touch him.
An electricity just went through you
and you are completely healed, Terry.
- And I don't know ifthis is George or not,
but someone you have hadan injury to your throat.
And as you saw Marcy speaking,and kind of whispering there
it just made your desireto have your voice back,
God's restoring your voice to you.
Just begin to speak gently atfirst, but it will come back.
- There's a fellow, name's Tom or Tommy,
you've had your right kneehas been twisted severely,
and there may be that you don't have
the appropriate meniscus, Idon't know what all is going on,
but right now God is justworking inside of you
and that knee is completelyhealed in Jesus' name, Terry.
- There's someone else, you have,
I think you'll know this is you,
I don't know what this means,
but you have episodes like,
brain episodes that kind of throw you off.
God is healing your brainactivity right now in Jesus name,
just lift your hands andpraise him and receive that.
- May the anointing of the Holy Spirit
come upon this audience,
may you sense the power of God,
may the anointing ofthe spirit be upon you.
And Lord once again, we pray for Cuba,
we pray for the peoplestruggling against tyranny.
Lord send help to them, causethe leaders of this nation
to come to their rescue,
and Lord we pray for deliverance.
Let a miracle take placewhere that great island
with those wonderful people is set free
in the name of Jesus, we speak that word
and we thank you Lord in Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.
Praise God, he's doing wonderfulthings, today is your day
and so keep on praising
and if you need further prayer,
even though this programis not on the air,
you might not see this show anymore,
the folks are at thetelephones 24 hours a day
and you can call in, wewanna hear your answers,
we want to have your questions,
we wanna do everything we can to help you.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
It's easy to remember andtoll free so you can call in,
even though this program is no longer,
I mean, not beingbroadcast at that moment,
folks are the phone's righthere right now, Terry.
- Well coming up, your questionsand Pat's honest answers.
Bobby wants to know,
should I tithe on the monthlychild stimulus payments
that are going out?
Stay tuned for Pat's answer, plus others.
And then, this survivor wantedto thank her birth mother
for choosing life.
But when she did, her birthmother dropped a bomb.
What was it?
You'll never guess, so stay tuned.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to "The 700Club" for the CBN news break.
Potential severethunderstorms are threatening
the large wildfire spreading in Oregon,
but it's a bit of a mixed blessing.
Oregon officials are asking wildfire crews
to prepare for additionalfires due to lightning strikes.
Right now, the Bootleg fireis spanning 537 square miles
and burning three milesSoutheast of Portland
at about a third of thesize of Rhode Island.
At least 70 homes and over 100 buildings
have gone up in flames,
so far 2000 homes have been evacuated.
Well, the first January 6th Capitol rioter
to be convicted of a felony
was sentenced to eightmonths in prison Monday.
Police arrested Paul AllardHodgkins of Tampa, Florida
more than a month after video footage
showed him carrying a Trumpflag on the Senate floor.
He pleaded guilty to onecount of obstruction,
rather, obstructing anofficial proceeding,
which carries a maximumof 20 years in prison.
Hodgkins who did notengage in any violence
or property destruction told the judge
he regretted entering the Capitol
and the hurt caused tothe country he loves.
Prosecutors sought an 18 month sentence,
but the judge said he deserved leniency
for quickly pleading guiltyand giving a sincere apology.
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Terry will be backwith more of "The 700 Club"
right after this.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- A fairy tale relationship.
That's what Claire Culwell was envisioning
with her birth mother.
Claire thanked her birth momfor choosing life for her.
So what happened next?
A stunning revelation.
- [Narrator] Claire Culwellwas adopted as an infant
and grew up in a loving home.
When she decided to meether biological mother,
what she was told was shocking.
- They told my birth mother,
that she had been pregnant with twins
and that I had survived her abortion.
- [Narrator] In her new book, "Survivor"
Claire shares how she chose forgiveness
and found redemption.
(soft music)
- Please welcome to "The700 Club" Claire Culwell.
Claire, it's great tohave you with us today.
- Thank you so much for having me.
- You were adopted intoa very loving home,
tell us about your mom and dad.
- I was,
I was adopted as soon as I wasreleased from the hospital.
In fact, my sister and I are both adopted
and so we were adopted byTexans who loved the Lord.
They spoke such encouragementover us as adopted children,
we knew that we were wantedchosen and loved by them,
but also by God,
and so meeting our birthmothers one day we knew was,
could possibly be part of our story,
but we knew that circumstancesdidn't define us,
it was what our family said about us
and what God said about us,
so it was an incredible experience.
- So what made you wantto meet your birth mother?
And what did you expect from her?
- My sister had actuallymet her birth mother,
and so that moment that Imet my sister's birth mother
and saw how much they looked alike
and how much they acted alike,
it got me thinking aboutmy own birth mother.
I knew that I was so gratefulfor my sister's birth mother
because she gave me my sister.
And so I decided I wantedto meet my birth mother
and I just hoped that I could thank her
for giving me my life,
I obviously hoped
that she would want arelationship with me,
but I didn't know what I was walking into.
Ultimately, I just wanted to thank her
for giving me my family and my life.
- So it was the second meeting with her
that was really a challenging one for you,
talk about what happened.
- I walked into the shock of a lifetime.
I had met her just a couple months before
and we had this incrediblereunion, I brought my family,
she brought her family,
I remember the moment she opened the door
and it was like looking in the mirror,
I knew that I instantly loved and adored
my birth mother, Tonya.
And so the secondmeeting I kind of thought
would go the same way,
I would fly to Oklahomawhere she lived from Texas
and I would thank her again
for giving me my life and my family
and continue to get toknow her, but what happened
is when I thanked herfor giving me my life,
she broke down into tears,
and I sat face to facewith my birth mother,
as she describes beingpregnant at 13 years old
and her mother telling her thatthere was one choice for her
and that was to have an abortion,
and so my birth motherdescribed this experience
of going through this, this gruesome DNE,
which is a dismembermentabortion at 13 years old,
and when it failed,
she had to go to Kansas totry to have a second one,
and then when that didn't workbecause they turned her away
due to possible infection,she placed me for adoption.
And so I found out in that moment
that I was unwanted,rejected and even aborted,
and that I had been a twin,
that I had survived to mybirth mother's abortion
and had been living mylife without my twin,
because my twin was successfully aborted.
But her tears, her tears are what
every single day gets me up in the morning
and helps me to share my story because
I knew instantly that I forgave her,
and I knew instantly thatI wanted to fight for her
and for people like my twinand myself and generations
who are being affected by abortion.
- So here you are sittingwith your birth mom
with the understanding thatshe chose to give you life
and then you learn that you'rethe survivor of an abortion,
what was your immediate response to that?
- Gosh, I couldn't believe it.
I mean, I felt like I was in this movie
having this like outer body experience
that this can't really be me.
I mean, I lived my lifeas a Christian thinking,
I would never be the type of person
who had been affected by abortion,
but here I was, learning thatI was the face of abortion
and so it was absolutely shocking,
but like I said, my birth mother's tears
were so loud in that roomthat day that I knew that I,
God's fingerprints were all over this
and this was an opportunity for me
to model the love and theforgiveness of Christ that I knew
that I grew up knowingabout, hearing about,
being modeled for me,
because I knew that that was available
for my birth mother too,
what Christ did on the crossfor me, he did for her too,
and so I embraced her and I forgave her.
- One of the thingsthat forgiveness is does
is sets us free.
Do you feel like your birthmom was able to receive that?
- She was, a few years later,it took her a little while,
you know, I was for a long time,
the reminder of what happenedto her at 13 years old
and that was reallyhard for her and for me,
but she has come to know the Lord,
she's come to accepthis forgiveness of her
and she did say to me, thefirst time she shared her story
on a program similar tothis, she said, Claire,
thank you so much for thisopportunity, I feel free.
And that was the freedomthat she found in the Lord
and his love and forgiveness for her.
- Do you have arelationship with her today?
- I do, I do, I have arelationship with her, her family,
I have three half sistersthat she kept and raised,
and so I have a relationship with them
and I'm just so grateful.
You know, the first timethat I was on your show was
right after I met my birth mother,
and I said then, and it's still true today
that she is my hero
because she didn't have to tellme this story, but she did,
and because of thatlives are being changed.
- Absolutely,
thank you for being so candidand sharing your story.
I want to share with you Claire's book,
it's called "Survivor".
It's available where books are sold,
a tremendous story offorgiveness and redemption.
Great to have you back again, Claire,
thank you for being with us.
- Thank you so much for having me.
- Well, still ahead,
inspirational, informative,and always unpredictable,
your questions and Pat's honest answers.
Karen asks, what about statins?
My doctor wants me to start them,
but the side effects are memory loss,
diabetes, and muscle loss.
What's the alternative?
Pat will tell it like it is after this.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back, we've donesome tremendous things,
still coming up in this program for you,
I want to introduce you to acouple, Ed and Cindy Avilas,
they've been running
a successful small business for decades,
so what happened to them when COVID hit?
Instead of barely survivingEd and Cindy are thriving.
So what's their secret?
It's something they heardright on this very program.
- [Narrator] Ed and Cindy Avilas
have been businessowners for over 30 years.
As independent contractors forLowe's, they won many awards.
- For a small business,we did extremely well.
We were always, achievementlevel was at gold level.
- It just continued to multiply,
they would give us more stores.
- [Narrator] During a slow period in 2005,
they were watching "The 700 Club".
- Pat had said, I'm challengingall of you to give in faith
and you shall see how God will multiply,
he says in his word.
She handed me the phone
and I called in and I made my pledge.
And not even 20 minuteslater, the phone rang
and the customer said, youknow, I'm ready to go ahead and
go ahead with the proposed work
that Ed had given me an estimate on.
Once we signed a contract and I went back
and I crunched all the numbers,
we profited probably close to$5,000 on that one job alone.
- [Narrator] They became CBN partners,
and in 2011 opened an Italian restaurant.
They were able to purchaseone with no money down
and say, God even sent them a chef.
- I didn't know anythingabout the kitchen,
so a gentleman walkedin and off the street
and he said, I wanna be your chef.
He came in the next day, hehelped me to create a menu,
he gave me the recipes, he hadeverything that I had needed.
- [Narrator] When Ed andCindy sold the restaurant,
they were offered positionsmanaging a mobile home park.
She would do the bookkeepingend of the business,
and I would do the groundskeeping.
And we ended up
taking over that mobilehome park as managers.
- [Narrator] And theycontinue to partner with CBN.
- I love Operation Blessing.
When a disaster happens,
Operation Blessing isthe first to be there.
- If we don't give asChristians, then who is?
Who is gonna reach out?
- [Narrator] Ed and Cindy believe
that because of theirwork ethic and faith,
God has prospered them.
- From the beginning when I began tithing,
I have seen God's faithfulness.
We're so grateful to the Lordfor what he's done for us.
He's been so faithful through the years.
You can never out-give God, never.
(soft music)
- She said it right.
You know, I wanna point out something,
God, isn't some beggar,some old man with a tin cup
asking you to throw a littlefew of scraps his way.
We have to give,
because if we don't, we miss a blessing.
It's just that simple,
give and it'll be given unto you,
pressed down, good measure, running over
will men heap, heap into your bosom.
So with God, it's a multiplication.
The Lord has everything,he's got everything.
The world is his, thecattle, the gold is his,
the silver his, the cattleon a thousand hills,
it's all his.
So what he says in order to
tap into the blessing thatI have, I want you to give.
And as you give, I will give unto you.
And as you give more, I will give more,
and those that give deliberatelywill reap liberally,
that's what the Bible says, all right?
Now the Avilas have a blessing,
there were multiple blessings.
And they joined "The 700 Club"
then they were upgrading to the founders,
and I think they became,I don't know what else,
how many membership,
but we have $20 a month, $40 a month,
we have a hundred dollars a month
and we have thousanddollars and we have 5,000,
and whatever you want to do,
because we're big enough
to take care of a whole lot ofthings and we need your help.
So everybody that participates
is part of an army of thousands
to make this a better world to live in
and to help those who are less fortunate.
Now I'll ask you, if you would, call in
and say, you can count onme as a "700 Club" member,
$20 a month or double 40,whatever it is, you know?
And when you join, I wantto send you something
I hope will bless you.
This is a teaching, I mean,it's a reading, actually, I did
called God For Us, Verses ofSalvation, Peace and Victory
from the book of Romans.
And we're also going to bedoing something pretty soon
on Ephesians as well.
But I hope this is a blessing.
- Well, it sure has been to Henry.
He lives in Knoxville,Tennessee, and he says,
Pat's reading of Romansin "God is For Us",
was very helpful inexplaining the Christian faith
and God's plan of salvation
and how we can share it withpeople we come in contact with.
So Henry loved it.
- Amen, okay, well, pick up the phone,
it's an easy number toremember 1-800-700-7000.
We'd love to count on you
as a honored member of our "700 Club".
Okay, let's take some questions.
- Okay this is Audi who says,
should I tithe on the monthlychild stimulus payments
that are going out?
- Here's the deal, shouldyou, or should you not?
I think the more you're able to,
if God puts more money into your hand,
it gives you something you can give away.
It means you're sowing aseed that will come back
and be blessed, so should you have to?
You shouldn't have to do anything.
Do you want to?
Of course you do.
- Okay, this is Karen whosays Pat, what about statins?
My doctor wants me to start them,
but the side effects are memory loss,
diabetes, and muscle loss,what's the alternative?
- Look I am an anti-statin person.
Statins, they, you know,
our nurse expert say,they're vitamin muggers,
they take away from you
the essential CoQ 10 that's necessary
to keep your heart in place.
The whole idea of a statin isbecause cholesterol is bad,
actually cholesterol is goodand it keeps your brain going.
Cholesterol is if you want to load,
your problem with whateverit is that's there,
you've got a high bloodpressure, what have you,
start eating right.
Stop eating sweets, stop eating flour,
stop eating all that kind of stuff
and eat fresh fruits and vegetables,
and everything'll take a, you know, right,
but I'm not a doctor,
so please I can't give medicaladvice, but I, for one,
I think statins are the pits.
And I think everybody is,
if the whole idea isto reduce cholesterol,
as if cholesterol is bad.
But I mean, I eat eggs, I love eggs,
egg's not gonna hurt you.
- No.
- But they've got cholesterol in them.
- Yes.
But you eat right the rest of the time.
- Absolutely I have great forbeans and all the rest of it.
Okay, what else?
- Diane says, Pat, the word of God states,
no one knows the day nor thehour when the son of man cometh
only the father and not the son.
How can this be?
Since our God is one but three persons,
how can one know somethingand not the other?
- I think, what Jesus sayswhile he was here on earth,
is that, this is a thingthat is kept in the father.
So Jesus, as a man,didn't know the exact time
that he was coming back,but only the father knew it.
But of course in the Trinity,
I mean, they don't keepwords from one another,
but I think we're talkingabout the fleshly Jesus,
as opposed to the eternal.
Well today's powerminute is from Psalm 27.
The Lord is my light and my salvation,
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life,
of whom shall I be afraid?
From Terry and all of us,this is pat Robertson,
and listen tomorrow, wegot a special vox populi,
you don't wanna miss it,
see you then bye-bye.
(upbeat music)