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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - July 19, 2021


- Matt says, "Hi, Pat."

"What do you think about people

who call themselves aprophet/prophetess or apostle?

"A woman gave me her business card

"with her title prophetess,and that seemed odd to me.

"Then I remembered Paulintroduced his letters

"with Paul called to be an apostle.

"What do you think?"

- There are ministrygifts, supernatural gifts,

and there are also offices in the church.

There's an apostle and there's a prophet

and there's an evangelistand there's a teacher

and so forth.

These people are gifted byGod to do certain things.

So the question is, is it real?

I know one particular person who said,

"God spoke to me, and Hetold me that there's a place

"where I need to go and help some people

"and here's the address."

And I said, "All right,let's go see what it is."

So we got to that addressand lo and behold,

it was an empty lot.

And the (indistinct) here is,

if he says that he's speaking for God

and what he says doesn't come to pass,

then you don't have to fear him.

So is he really hearing from the Lord?

And I think some of that goes along

with a gift card saying I'm a prophetess.

I have a great deal ofsuspicion about that.

I know my office.

I know what God called me to do,

but the job of the apostleis to lay the foundation

and to build things,

and he lays the foundationfor the works that come.

And the prophet is one whohas a revelation from God.

But I think most of the revelationis already in the Bible,

and so I questionsomebody who's got a card

that says I am a prophetess.

But, yeah, that's my opinion.

All right, Kristal.

- All right, here's Kristal.

She says, "Does God reallyget rid of the lake of fire

"in the end and build us a new world?"

- I don't, I think the lakeof fire is gonna be forever.

It's one of those things,the Bible says it's forever.

The torment of Satan is gonna be forever,

but He's gonna, you know, anew heaven and a new earth.

It doesn't say anythingabout that, all right?

- All right, here's Meg.

She says, "My older sisterhas tried to tell me

"a doctor using applied,"kin, how do you say that?

- [Pat] Kinesiology.

- [Wendy] "Kinesiology is wrong.

"She feels this is along thelines of embracing witchcraft

"and feels it is wrong basedupon what the church says.

"I disagreed as it's a science,

"and I told her to go to the Bible

"as God cannot violate His Word.

"I have yet to read anything in the Bible

"that would discredit appliedkinesiology from being used.

"Who's correct?"

- Oh, look, there are pressurepoints on somebody's foot

that controls other parts of the body,

and I think acupuncture and so forth,

I mean, finding pathways that...

I think when we get into thesuperstition of yin and yang

and it gets beyond that,

then I think we are going into witchcraft.

But as far as kinesiology,

of looking at certainpressure points in the body

that release endorphins and so forth,

there's science behind that.

- Yeah, if it works, I'm all for it.

- As long as you don'thave to have a mantra

where you're speaking in Hindi- [Wendy] Yes.

or praying to Hindu gods.

- Yeah, that's what youwanna watch out for.

All right, Harvey says,

"Why don't more Christiansrun for office?"

Political office.

- Well, I'll tell you what.

When you go into public office right now,

the Democrats have aphilosophy of self-destruction.

They go after everythingthat's ever happened.

They tear somebody's reputation apart.

They try to destroy his or her business.

And so why don't morepeople, well, you say,

well, why don't people hit their head

against the wall over and over again?

I mean, it is tough.- [Wendy] It is.

And so you have to have acalling from God Almighty

before you get into that arena

because it is the politicsof self-destruction

and that's what's out there, all right?

- And it's getting worse, not better.

- [Pat] It is indeed.

- Well here's Teresa.

She says, "I was checking outat a store and only had cash.

"When I got to the checkout,

"the cashier asked ifI had cash or a card.

"I said cash and was toldI had to have exact change

"or it would be rounded up tothe next dollar and donated.

"I was in a hurry and had exact change,

"so I didn't press the issue.

"I couldn't help but think,they can't do that, can they?

"If not, what can I do about it?"

- I have no idea what you...

You know, I kinda like that, you know,

if I'm checking out and it's a $5 charge

and they say, actually, it's 4.60

but if you wanna give us $5and the change goes to charity,

well, you drop it in a bucket.

I mean, I don't have anyproblem with that, okay?

- I think she just didn't like the fact

that it was mandated.

- She didn't want it to beimposed on her, but I mean...

- It's nice to have the choice.

- A lotta people don'thave change running around,

so, you know, okay.

- I like that when I go to thegrocery store and they say,

especially if it's goingto the local food bank,

you know, I feel like, ohyeah, this is a great way

to give a little bit.

- It is, if the money's really going.

All right, last time.

- All right, Diane says,

"Since God knows ourend from the beginning,

"doesn't He get bored knowingwhat will happen next?"

- I don't, God's eternal, Idon't think he gets bored.

He's got a universe thatis a billion trillion stars

the size of our sun.

He's got a lotta things going on.

There are billions of people to look after

and their concepts.

I don't think we have toworry about God Almighty

who's the eternal (indistinct)mind getting bored.

You know, I love your questions.

I don't mean to denigrate,

but I sure would like something

a little deeper than this, okay?

All right.


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