A woman experiences a terminal case of cancer and death is ready to take her away. Watch as she enters the battle of her life. Plus, CBN News has an update on the age-old hunt for the Ark of the Covenant on today’s 700 Club.
Read Transcript
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up, the hunt for
the Ark of the Covenant.
Are we about to unearth thegreatest find of all time?
- We're really gonna see ithopefully in our lifetime again.
- [Wendy] Then, a terminal case of cancer.
- You will die from this.
- [Wendy] And death wasready to take her away.
- [Abigail] Knowing thatthe Grim Reaper was standing
at the foot of my bed.
- [Wendy] Watch as she entersthe battle of her life.
- [Abigail] I simply had no options.
- [Wendy] On today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
Blowback against the White House
for colluding with Facebook to flag posts
they claim promotemisinformation about COVID.
Critics are crying government overreach
and suppression of freedom of speech.
Meanwhile, COVID is spikingagain in nearly every state.
Our George Thomas has the story.
- The White House facing backlash
after calling on socialmedia companies to flag
what they considermisinformation about COVID-19.
This as cases of the virusin nearly every state
are on the rise.
The nation is averaging25,300 new cases each day,
more than double that of a few weeks ago,
but far below the worst of the pandemic.
- Now is our moment to really double down
on our vaccination efforts and our other
prevention interventions.
- [George] Los Angeles County,the largest in the nation,
is now reinstating itsindoor mask mandate.
- We will be implementing an order
requiring masking indoors,regardless of vaccination.
- [George] 160 millionAmericans are fully vaccinated
and so far the vaccinesare proving effective
against the Delta variant.
Health officials say themajority of people getting sick
are not vaccinated andthe White House blames
what it calls misinformationcirculating on social media.
- Today I issued aSurgeon General's Advisory
on the dangers of health misinformation.
- [George] Two thirds ofpeople not vaccinated, he says,
believe common myths.
- Myths like you can getCOVID from the vaccine,
which is absolutely not true.
- [George] Now, Press Secretary Jen Psaki
says the White House is inregular contact with Facebook
about flagging posts seen as problematic.
- We're flagging problematicposts for Facebook
that spread this information.
- [George] And askingthe social media giant
to step up enforcement.
- There's about 12 peoplewho are producing 65%
of anti-vaccine misinformationon social media platforms.
All of them remain active on Facebook.
- [George] Critics slammed the move,
saying it infringes onthe First Amendment,
pointing out experts havefrequently been wrong,
like the theory COVIDstarted in a Chinese lab,
once banned from some online discussions,
but now considered credible,
even by the World Health Organization.
- As you know, I was alab technician myself,
I'm a immunologist, andI have worked in the lab
and lab accidents happen, it's common,
I have seen it happening.
- Conservative commentator,Katie Pavlich, tweeted,
"Reminder: Fauci workedwith Facebook to ban
the lab leak theory, which is factual,
for more than a year."
Journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted,
"This is the union ofcorporate and state power,
one of the classic hallmarks of fascism,
that the people whospent five years babbling
about fascism support."
The White House says it's careful not to
politicize the vaccine, but critics argue
their latest move is another expansion
of government power, thistime over free speech.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thanks, George.
In other news, a new technology
might help stop a future pandemic.
It's a tiny sensor andguess where it sits?
Right under your skin.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.
- That is right, Wendy.
The tiny hydrogel sensorwas originally developed
to help treat diabetes, butfor the Department of Defense,
it's a way to stop the spread of infection
dead in its tracks.
CBN's national securitycorrespondent, Caitlin Burke,
has the story.
- Investment in this kind of technology
has been going on foryears, all with one goal,
to protect the soldiers protecting us.
- What we do is we say, "Well,the science is interesting,"
but we're translating that.
We're translating that intoapplication and benefit
and it's something, frankly, I think
the Department of Defensedoes really, really well.
We can see science, but we say,
"We have mission, we have anational security mission."
- [Caitlin] In March of 2020,the USS Theodore Roosevelt
made headlines when more thana thousand sailors on board
tested positive for COVID-19.
For two months the outbreak kept the ship
and its crew of 4,800sailors from their mission
of defending our nation.
Dr. Matthew Hepburn says he'sdevoted his entire career
to prevent that from ever happening again.
- That what we want todo is detect an infection
as early as possible, beforesomeone even spreads it
to another person, to tryto prevent that infection
in the first place, sothat it never happens,
but if it does, we detect and treat,
and what we also might want to do
is then make sure everybodyelse is protected.
- [Caitlin] That dream,now appears possible
thanks to this tiny hydrogel biosensor.
Placed under the skin, itmeasures what's going on
at a tissue level.
For example, the amountof lactate in your body.
- The level of lactate at the tissue level
is a really good indicator that someone
is starting to get sick.
It's one of those things thatwe see go up pretty early
in severe infection, called sepsis.
- [Caitlin] The sensor doesn't identify
what infection you mighthave, it's more of an alert.
Hepburn compares it toa check engine light.
- Like, a check engine light doesn't say,
"There's a problem, you're out of oil,"
or something like that, it just says,
"There's something wrong,there may be something wrong
with your engine, so take a closer look."
So the idea of the sensor ischeck engine light goes off,
then you need to dosome more specific tests
to figure out if you have COVID
or something else wrong.
- [Caitlin] This nextgeneration technology
was invented by Profusa.
The private sector company created it
to help treat diabetes.
Now, through a partnershipwith the Department of Defense,
the sensor has been developed
for a number of other purposes.
Besides detecting infection,
it can also measure oxygen levels.
- [Matthew] So you canthink of, like, a pilot,
you'd want to know tissue level hypoxia,
or low oxygen, as an early signal
that you're not gettingenough oxygen to your tissues.
- Currently in clinical trials,
this, like all othervaccines and treatments
provided by the Department of Defense,
must get FDA approval.
This one appears to be well onits way to that achievement.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Technological breakthroughs.
Thanks, Caitlin.
Well, people of faith around the world
are targeted daily from violent attacks
to so-called polite persecution,
putting limits on how theycan express their faith.
But as Jennifer Wishon reports,
a growing number of peopleare joining forces to stop it.
- Most people in the world, 80%,
live in countries wheretheir religious activity
is restricted by their government
and, increasingly, thatpersecution is severe.
This week people from across the globe
representing 30 different faith traditions
are gathering here in Washington
to promote religious freedom.
- Please keep praying for my brother.
Thank you so much.
- [Jennifer] Some came toadvocate for loved ones,
survivors told their stories.
- Persecution is very hard.
Mariam Ibrahim madeheadlines when she refused
to recant her Christian faith,
despite a death sentence in Sudan.
- It's a choice that, you know, I'm,
because we are the Christian,
we know our freedom is in Jesus.
- [Jennifer] TursunayZiyawudun is a Uyghur Muslim
who managed to escape from aconcentration camp in China.
(speaking foreign language)
Her pain is palpable.
She and other women were regularly raped,
subjected to electric shock and humiliated
for the crime of their faith.
Now she can't escapethoughts of her people
continuing to suffer.
- [Tursunay's Interpreter]Sometimes I think
it would be better if I wereback in the homeland with them,
even if it meant death.
I'm so shocked that the world
is just sitting by and watching.
The Chinese government hasabsolutely no shame about this.
- [Jennifer] The type of surveillance
the Chinese CommunistRegime uses against Uyghurs
has been exported tomore than 80 countries.
- That means that the government
and those dystopian regimes,
the bad actors, can usethat technology to monitor
who's going to what church,saying what during the sermon.
- [Jennifer] Despite growing awareness
of global persecution,sometimes not even genocide
garners enough aid or attention.
Seven years after ISIS nearly wiped out
Iraq's Yazidi community,much of their homeland
remains uninhabitable.
- And there's peopledying of hunger and thirst
and it's like people, likeI said, offer sympathy,
but it's like, at the end of the day
I was just exhaustedand my family and people
were still suffering and dying
of lack of medical aidand thirst and hunger.
- [Jennifer] For the Hungarian government,
helping persecuted Christiansis a moral obligation.
- Christians are the mostpersecuted religious group
in the world.
- [Jennifer] Tristan Azbejserves as state secretary
for Christian aid.
In four years, Hungary hassupported a quarter million
persecuted Christians, helpedreconstruct 67 churches
in Lebanon and rebuilt theChristian town of Telskuf, Iraq
after it was decimated by ISIS.
- 900 buildings were damaged.
The church, that wasused for target practice
by the jihadists.
- [Jennifer] No matter their motivation,
religious freedom advocates agree
they receive much more than they give.
- They have a messageto keep our identity,
to keep our faith in Christ.
- There's no downsideto religious freedom.
Countries that practice tolerance
enjoy greater stability and prosperity.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.
- Thanks, Jennifer.
Shining the light on such anincredibly important issue.
- Absolutely, thanks, John.
And of course the Bible says in Hebrews
to remember those in prisonand those being mistreated,
so let's all remember topray for persecuted believers
around the world.
Well, up next, you're gonnameet a real life Indiana Jones.
He's on a quest to track down
the long lost Ark of the Covenant
and he thinks he knowsexactly where to find it.
So why does this explorer believe
we'll see the Ark in our lifetime?
He'll tell you himself, coming up.
Plus, imagine trying to sleep
with the Grim Reaper atthe foot of your bed.
That happened to thismother after being diagnosed
with terminal cancer.
So how did she cheat death?
Find out later on today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
Movie makers, archeologistsand even the Queen of England
all have been fascinated by the search
for the Ark of the Covenant.
Some legends claim the Ark is as far away
as Ethiopia or Ireland.
But one explorer believesit lies behind a giant rock
at Judaism's holiest site.
Why is he so convinced?
Chris Mitchell explains.
- [Chris] Researcher andauthor, Harry Moskoff,
took CBN News throughthe Western Wall tunnels
up to the ramparts of the Temple Mount
and into the chambers surroundingJudaism's holiest site.
His book, "The A.R.K. Report",
chronicles his two decade questto find the legendary icon.
- [Harry] So here we areapproaching the three arches.
- [Chris] He says onetheory is that it was taken
out of the Temple and carriedto Jericho 18 miles away.
- It says in Jeremiah that someof the vessels in the Temple
were exited, sort of escaped as it were,
through this area at thedestruction of the First Temple.
- [Chris] But Moskoff took us to the spot
where he believes the Ark lies.
- This particular sectionof the Western Wall
is really fascinating, actually,
because this stone is 570 tons.
- [Chris] Moskoff believesa key clue lies behind
this giant rock and sayshigh tech search tools
give credence to his theory.
- There were tests done bythe University of Nebraska,
sonar tests, et cetera,using electromagnetic waves
and they actually found what's called
a storage space across from here.
So, actually, there was a purpose
for putting this giant stone,this massive slab here.
One of the reasons, in my opinion,
is to protect whateverit is on the other side.
And according to my theory,the Ark actually was buried
by King Josiah, I think it was 568 B.C.,
in back of these boulder,these massive stones.
- [Chris] In fact,underneath the Temple Mount
lie dozens of undergroundtunnels and chambers.
- Back then, 150 years ago, Charles Warren
went in and actually did a survey,
nothing's really been donefor political purposes,
obviously, unfortunately.
- Since then?
- Since then.
No one's been allowed toeven put a shovel, nothing.
- Yeah.
- But, basically, they were the ones
that surveyed the wholearea and they were the ones
who picked out the tunnels, et cetera.
They couldn't find the Ark, but.
- Maybe it wasn't time.
Warren, a British explorer,documented those tunnels
at the request of Queen Victoria.
Just one of many throughouthistory looking for the Ark.
- When people like the Crusadersand the Knights Templar,
even the Palestine Exploration Fund,
which was originallycommissioned by Queen Victoria,
came over the centuriesto look for the Ark,
what they were looking for wasa golden box with the staves,
but what they really shouldbe looking for is a room.
They could've been rightup against the wall
and on the other sideof the wall is the Ark.
- [Chris] Moskoff says theoriginal Holy of Holies
had another chamber directly below it.
- Actually, the blueprintitself of the First Temple,
a chamber should bebuilt exactly the same,
Holy of Holies, exactlythe same level of holiness
as the one right above it.
It was set up right from the beginning
to house the Ark with agolden floor and everything.
- [Chris] That's how Solomon built it,
constructed, so the Arkitself could go down?
- Right, could go down, yeah.
- Do you feel like there's a time
when the Ark itself,when the time is right
will be revealed?
- I do.
Timing is incredibly important,incredibly significant.
Obviously it's agroundbreaking, game changing,
biblical type of discovery.
My personal opinion isthat when it does happen
it won't be in a clandestine way
where we're sneakingthrough these tunnels,
you know what I mean,and we're bringing it out
under cover of darkness.
It will be a greatoccasion and it will help
bring the Messiah, it'llbe something that's,
all nations will really rejoice in.
- [Chris] Moskoff creditsIndiana Jones and the Lost Ark
for the renewed interest.
- There are some thingsthey've gotten right about the,
you know, the power of the Ark, et cetera,
and it's destructive forces shouldn't get
into the wrong hands and itknows where it is, so to speak,
it suddenly became a thing, you know?
Oh, what is the Ark ofthe Covenant, you know?
What is that?
Oh yeah, it sort of put itinto the face of the public
and maybe that was it's best success.
I loved it, personally,you know, it's Hollywood.
- What do you think is the main takeaway
people need to know aboutthe Ark of the Covenant?
- It's a real thing.
Just like it did 2,700 yearsago, it still exists today.
It's got the broken tabletsthat Moses crashed down there
at Mount Sinai and the second tablets.
It really does exist.
We're really gonna seehopefully in our lifetime again.
It is a catalyst for the Messiah to come.
- [Chris] Until it is revealed,the Ark of the Covenant
built by Moses in the wilderness
will continue to fascinate the world.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News,
the Western Wall tunnels, Jerusalem.
- One thing's for sure, Godknows exactly where it is
and in his perfect timing,all will be revealed.
What a day that will be.
Well, at CBN we are committed
to blessing the nation of Israel
and one of the mostimportant ways we can do that
is through prayer.
Psalm 122:6 reminds us to prayfor the peace of Jerusalem.
And in this free guide, "TenWays You Can Pray For Israel".
You'll learn spiritual lessonsfrom Israel's patriarchs,
prophets and New Testament leaders.
You'll also discover specificways to pray for Israel today.
So, to get your free copy,just call us, 1-800-700-7000
or you can go to CBN.com/PrayforIsrael
to get your free copy, "TenWays You Can Pray For Israel".
Well, still ahead,millions of fans know her
as Ashley Abbott on TheYoung and the Restless.
So what is actress, singer and author,
Brenda Epperson, doing now?
She'll tell you herself, coming up.
But first, a PET scanturns into a glory scan.
This cancer patient'sdoctor calls her a miracle.
So what caused her total healing?
You'll find out right after this.
(upbeat music)
Her life was flashing before her eyes
and getting a glimpse of her own funeral.
Terminal cancer stalkedAbigail every waking moment.
"You will die from this,"that's what her doctor told her.
So why is Abigail stillalive to tell her story
and completely cancer free?
You're about to find out.
- I had those moments wakingup just in a cold sweat,
knowing that the Grim Reaper was standing
at the foot of my bed, like,"I have a right to be here."
"I took your dad out,took your grandparents,"
I never even knew my grandparents.
"I have a right, I'mhere to get you, too."
- [Narrator] All her life,Abigail Holt-Jennings
had braced herself for thismoment, a battle with cancer.
She had watched her dadfight it for 10 years
until he passed away when she was 16.
Now 42 years old, she'd been diagnosed
with an aggressive formof metastatic cancer.
- I think the lord was preparing me,
like, "You're about to enter a battle,
but I am with you."
- [Narrator] Less than a year earlier,
she'd undergone a double mastectomy
after learning she hadstage three breast cancer.
She thought she was in the clear.
But six months later,at a follow-up PET scan
with her oncologist...
- He said, "This is what Ifeared, it's moving to your lungs
and you see these places?"
He's like, "These areplaces I cannot get to."
"This is terminal andyou will die from this."
- [Narrator] The treatmentshe did offer were extreme
and would only put off the inevitable.
- That is when that Grim Reaper,
I could feel, I could feel that thing,
that spirit of deathand that spirit of fear
walk in the room.
And then I felt wonderful Jesuswalk in the room, as well,
and he said, "But whodo you say that I am?"
And it was in that momentthat something rose up
inside of me and I rememberanswering him in my mind,
"This is gonna be a greatline in my book one day."
In other words, I knowyou're gonna hear me
and I'm gonna write about this one day.
- [Narrator] Abigaildeclined the treatments
and decided she would fight cancer
taking a natural and dietary approach
and, above all, praying andbelieving God for healing.
- As believers, thereis a hope inside of us.
And so, now, did I just walk around like,
huh, you know?
I didn't know how God was gonna do it,
but I knew my eyes were on him.
- [Narrator] Enlisting the prayers
of her family and friends,Abigail, a single mom of two,
talked openly with herchildren about her health.
- And I remember my little girl, Lily,
came up to me with a magazineand she opened the magazine,
and she loved American Girl dolls,
they now have a, an AmericanGirl doll with no hair,
and she said, "Mom, maybe Ineed to get this one this year
in case you lose your hair."
And I said, "Honey, you willnot have to order that doll
because mommy is not losing her hair."
- [Narrator] Three monthslater, another PET scan
showed the cancer wasspreading aggressively
in her lymph nodes.
Holding onto hope was becoming harder.
- I simply had no options.
I was just getting morescared and more frustrated
and would wake up with dreams,
seem like a movie screen, my funeral.
- [Narrator] Then, a couplemonths after getting that news,
Abigail went to the Dominican Republic
to visit a friend, a doctor,and take time to rest
and seek God.
Abigail remembers showing herfriend the PET scan results.
- The look on her face whenshe read that last one,
and I had never seen her look like that.
That did rattle me.
All I know to do is seekGod with all my heart,
that's all I know to do.
- [Narrator] She would spendmany hours that week in prayer,
seeking God's will.
Late one night nearthe end of her visit...
- I got out there and Isaid, "God, I need to know
am I gonna die?"
"What do you have to say about this?"
It was just me and God.
That is when I felt Jesuswalk in, if you will,
and I felt his presence.
He said, "Abigail, I came tohave a conversation with you,
I came to actually go on a walk."
- [Narrator] Abigail says shethen saw a vision of herself
with Jesus in Jerusalem.
He walked her past thecross and into the tomb
where he lay down.
- And he said, "Watch this," and he sat up
and he said, "Abigail,when I sat up, you sat up."
And then he walked tothe entrance of the tomb
and I will never forgetthis as long as I live,
he said, "When I walked out of the tomb,
did I have cancer in my lungs?"
I said, "No, Jesus, you didn't."
He said, "So, do you have tohave cancer in your lungs?"
And I said, "No, Jesus, I don't."
And in that moment, Iknew, I am cancer free.
- [Narrator] A few weeksafter she came home,
Abigail faced yet another PET scan.
She says that morningJesus spoke to her again.
- "Good morning, this is the glory scan."
And I went, I went in that tube,
you know, I hate those things,
and I just sang, not a fear, not nothing.
- [Narrator] Later that day anurse called with the results.
- And she goes, "Abigail, Idon't really know what to say,
but, uh, there's nothing here."
"Like, there's nothing here."
And I was like, "I know, I know."
- [Narrator] At the follow-up appointment,
her oncologist confirmedthat Abigail was cancer free.
- He goes, "I don't needmy degree on my wall
to see that this is a miracle."
- [Narrator] That was 2017 and Abigail
has been cancer free ever since.
To anyone who's fighting abattle, her message is clear,
"Keep your eyes on Jesus."
- He was trying to tell me,
"This doesn't have to do with you."
"I took care of sin at the cross,
I took care of every disease,
I took care of every sickness."
He is entirely the healer, entirely.
- I love Abigail's story so much
because she had a choice,to believe the Grim Reaper,
who said, "You're gonna die from this,"
and even her doctor said,"You're gonna die from this,"
or to believe the spirit ofJesus Christ, the healer,
who said, "Who's reportare you gonna believe?"
"Did I have lung cancer whenI came out of the grave?"
And she chose to believethat she was healed
according to the word of God, which says,
"I have forgiven all of your sins
and healed all of your diseases."
You know, there's somebody today
and you need this story so much
because you've had that bad report
and you're believing that lie.
I remember, myself, 20 years ago,
I had, I got diagnosed with melanoma
and they'd already cut it out of my arm
and the place on my legand I was recovering
and I really didn't even understand
how serious melanoma could be,
and I'm laying in bedand I hear, "Cancer,"
and I knew that I knew thatwas the voice of the enemy
telling, trying to get me to own it,
trying to get me to think I have cancer.
Let me tell you what happened.
I got out of that bed and Itold that enemy where to go
and that I would never again get cancer,
in the name of Jesus, never again.
You have to get in the enemy's face
and tell him, "I am a child of God,
this is not my inheritance, this is not
what God has for me."
And like Abigail, she was a fighter.
Man, I just love her testimony so much
because it was a grim diagnosis.
She felt the Grim Reaper in her room,
but Jesus said, "You are healed."
So today, believe, choose todaywho are you gonna believe.
Because God wants to heal you.
He went to the crossso you could be healed.
Receive it today, believe the truth today.
And also, we have apraise report from Barry
from Rogersville, Tennessee,
was told that the resultsof a CAT scan showed cancer
throughout his liver.
Before another day wentby, Barry called us
at CBN's prayer line toagree for complete healing.
Then he went in for a biopsy.
Just as the needle was about to go in,
the doctor asked Barryif he was the same person
who was in the other day.
And the doctor wasamazed because there was
no sign of cancer, praise Jesus.
Jesus wants to wipe it out completely,
he doesn't heal you half way,
he wants to wipe it out completely.
So let's pray really quick today.
I know there's so many of you right now
just needing that healingtouch, needing that miracle.
So, Lord, we thank you thatyou are the God of miracles.
What you did for Abigail,what you did for Barry,
God, you're no respecter of persons.
Lord, I pray right now forthat miracle healing virtue
to touch every viewer who's watching,
everyone who's raisingtheir hands right now
and saying, "That's me,that's what I need."
And, Lord, that their next doctor's visit,
God, they're gonna get thatclean slate, that clean report.
God, I believe with them,Lord, for that miracle
and we thank you in advance.
In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
Well, still ahead, full transparency,
childhood rape, divorce,cancer, multiple miscarriages,
actress Brenda Epperson endured them all.
How did she rise up toovercome severe setbacks?
Find out after this.
Plus, the raging wildfire that threatened
to wipe out Brenda's ranch.
What miracle did she seerise up out of the ashes?
All this and more, comingup on The 700 Club.
(lighthearted music)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN newsbreak.
At least 110 people havedied in devastating floods
across parts of WesternGermany and Belgium.
As rescue crews and operationsand searches continue
for hundreds of missing people,
Germany's president said he'sstunned by the devastation
and pledged to support,pledged support, rather,
for the families of thosewho have been killed.
Along those lines,CBN's Operation Blessing
is helping people facingdisasters around the world.
Six year old Mosonilives in an area of Kenya
hit by severe drought.
Her mother is a farmworker and has struggled
to provide for her children.
With little water andsometimes nothing to eat,
Mosoni would complain ofstomach and head pains so bad
she thought she would die.
She prayed to God to send them food
and thanks to OperationBlessing's partners,
Mosoni and her family enrolled
in an Operation Blessing school nearby.
She now gets free educationand two meals a day
with access to a watersystem built near the school.
And her mother joined theOB Agriculture Program,
helping to provide for her family.
They both thank God and OB'spartners for their help.
Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting ob.org.
Wendy will be back withmore of today's 700 Club
right after this.
(upbeat music)
Fame, fortune, devoted fans,
actress Brenda Epperson had them all.
So, why was it never enough?
- [Narrator] For threedecades, Brenda Epperson-Moore
captured the hearts of herfans as a singer, author
and film and television actress.
She's best known for her recurring role
as Ashley Abbott onthe popular soap opera,
The Young and the Restless.
But Brenda's journeyto fortune and success
was filled with setbacks and losses.
Yet, this courageous, unstoppable woman
would not give up on her dreams.
She tells her personal storyof overcoming disappointment
and discovering joy inher new book, "Rise Up!".
- And welcome back to The 700 Club,
my friend, Brenda Epperson-Moore.
Hey Brenda, great to see you.
- Hi, good morning.
It's so good to see you,too, Wendy, I adore you.
- Likewise.- Thank you for having me on.
- Absolutely.
Well, Brenda, you landed the prime role
on the hottest soap withvirtually no acting experience.
- Yes.- How did you do that?
- That was a miracle, honestly.
It was miracle number, youknow, 3,000 in my life.
I'll tell you, I moved toLos Angeles from Oregon
to sing 'cause I'm a singerand I ran into a girl
who played this part onThe Young and the Restless
and everybody said, "Oh,you look just like her,"
and when I saw her, she goes,
"You should audition for thepart," and I went, "Sure."
So, I thought, "Let mejust call the office."
I started calling the casting office,
one thing led to another,started to going in
on auditions and got a screen test
and God just opened those doors.
You know, he purposed for meto be there at that studio
and on that show, forsure, it was a miracle.
- Yeah, well, you were anatural, a natural born actress.
- Thank you.
- So, why was fame, though,and fortune not enough for you?
I mean, you had it all.
- Well, you know, it's interesting
because, you know, what I talkabout in my book, "Rise Up!",
I talk about so many things and, you know,
God really called me to ignite his people
when I wrote this bookand I'm so passionate
about people understanding the purpose
and the calling on their life.
And this book is foranyone who's been afraid
or abused or hurt or lonelyor touched darkness, like me.
And at the end of each chapter,
I give you challengequestions that will help you
uncover those limitedmindsets and thinking
that are holding you back.
Because when I was on the show,
what the world has to offer is temporal,
but what God has to offer, Jesus Christ,
who died for our sins, is eternal.
We will never be able to findour purpose or our passion
in the world, we haveto plug in to Christ.
And, you know, being on theshow and being on the set
was wonderful and it taught me so much,
but then it became a verytoxic environment, Wendy,
and it was very clear tome that I needed to go.
And God opened another door for me.
I signed with Sony TriStar Music
and I was able to open for Lionel Richie
all over Europe.
And even on the set ofThe Young and the Restless
and being at CBS, I leda cast member to Christ
and prayed for people.
So God used me at that platform,
but when he puts us in places
and pivotally puts us these places,
sometimes it's for a long time,
but often it's a seasonand that season was over.
So, it's up to us to knowwhen God is moving us on
to the next thing.
- Well, before you everbecame Ashley Abbott,
you were so, you had a greatrelationship with your father,
you adored him and he diedwhen you were very young
and then you actually wereraped by a little boy,
when you were only, what, six years old?
Was it six years old?
- Seven, yeah.
- Seven, and I know all these things,
you know, affected you so much and,
but your mom was a devoted Christian,
why did you rebel againstGod when you were young?
- Well, you know, you know, again,
I talk about in my book, "Rise Up!",
how, you know, and I love CBN, by the way,
if you're not a partner at CBN,
I just tell you to be a partner
because every blessing that CBN does
and gives to so many people,that's your blessing, too,
and I'm so passionate aboutCBN and all that you guys do,
thank you so much.
You prayed one time andmy mother was healed,
so, you know, God doesgreat things through CBN,
Wendy and everybody there.
- Thank you.- You know, when my,
yes, when my father died,I, my life and my world
was turned upside down, we had no money,
no life insurance policyand we lost our home,
where we lived, you know,we moved out of the state
and we lived with my auntand I was also carrying
a deep dark secret ofbeing raped as a young girl
and my innocence was takenaway, my youth was stolen
and I was so angry with Godbecause I didn't understand,
as a young girl, holding that secret,
that when I said, "I hate you, God,"
that I opened the door forthat hate and that anger
and that unforgivenessto penetrate into my soul
and I began to hate myself and, and-
- Brenda?
When did you finally, youknow, surrender to Jesus?
Because you were going through so much.
- Oh, I was going through so much
and I just hated myself andthe world was telling me
I was ugly, I was abused, I was abandoned,
I would never measure up, andthen, at a candlelit service,
I was standing there andI felt the love of Christ
and a warmth over mybody, like that woman said
in the story earlier, then Jesus walked in
and her life was transformedand she was healed,
and my soul was healed fromthat hate and that anger
and the abuse and all ofthe ugliness melted away
and I accepted him intomy heart and that's when
my life changed in a momentand that's what God can do
for everybody and that'swhat I talk about,
the emotional healing that I underwent
and the practical dailysteps that I give people
in my book, "Rise Up!", that they can take
to overcome those limitedmindsets and bondages
that are holding you back and move you
and propel you forward into the future
and the calling and thehope and the life of freedom
that God has for each one of us.
- Amen.
Well, you know, I've got several copies,
I've been giving it away.
I love this book and Iwant everyone to read it.
Brenda's book, again,it's called "Rise Up!",
it's available wherever books are sold.
Get your copy, it's agreat read for this summer
while your on the beach,you will absolutely love it.
Brenda, thank you so much,God bless you, my friend.
- Thank you.
God bless you, thank you.
- Well, wildfires are currently ravaging
the Pacific Northwestand Brenda knows exactly
what it's like to be in thepath of a raging inferno.
In 2018, the roaring flamesleaped up to the fence
of her family's propertyin Southern California.
So, what happened next?
Nothing short of a miracle.
- [Narrator] Hollywoodactress, singer and co-founder
of a Ascend Women, BrendaEpperson has been following Jesus
most of her life.
But her faith took a turn notlong after she and her husband
moved their three daughtersinto their California home.
- When we first moved in,I remember this sense of,
"You gotta pray over this property,
you gotta pray over the land,
you gotta pray over the horses,
you gotta pray over every inch."
- [Narrator] This was theperfect home for their family.
A beautiful location in the Agora Hills
with land and stables fortheir daughters' horses.
But from the day they moved in,
Brenda felt an inexplicable urge to pray
that would go on for a year and a half.
- I would find myself waking up
and just walking around the property,
standing up on the hills behind me,
crying out to God, falling on my knees,
declaring his love and his promises
and professing that thisproperty was a safehaven,
this property would be a beacon of light.
- [Narrator] Brenda not only prayed,
she felt inspired to writescripture on wooden stakes
and put them around the property.
- I'm pounding stakes in the ground,
declaring God's favor,declaring Psalms 91,
Isaiah 54:17, "No weaponformed against this land
will prosper," and I thought, "I'm insane,
what is going on?"
But I felt so compelled tojust speak life over death.
- [Narrator] Then came a morning
when she woke with an unshakeableheaviness in her heart.
- I said, "Lord, what isthis heaviness that I feel?"
I went to go get my kids and there it was,
a plume of smoke and all ofthe sudden I went (gasps),
"Something's wrong."
- [Reporter] A trio of wind-driven fires
exploding in California.
- [Narrator] On November 8, 2018,
one of the three destructivefires to hit California,
the Woolsey Fire, beganto consume Los Angeles
and Ventura Counties, takinglives and hundreds of homes
in its wake.
- [Reporter] Obliteratingentire neighborhoods.
- Turned on the news andthe loss and the devastation
and the people's homes being burned
and the land that wasbeing swallowed up by fire,
I knew this was bad.
- [Narrator] Right then,Brenda received a frantic call
from a friend whosehome was in direct line
of the fire and desperatelyneeded a safe place
to evacuate her family and animals.
(ominous music)
- I said, "Honey, we'vegotta go get our friends."
So we grabbed the trailer, the truck
and then I grabbed my truck.
- [Narrator] After turningtheir home into a shelter,
the Eppersons began settling everyone in
when a nearby boarding stable called
looking to relocate their35 horses upon evacuation.
- And I took a deep breath and I thought,
"Okay, God, this is happening."
- [Narrator] That night,Brenda couldn't sleep.
She hadn't noticed the boarding stable
had already brought the horses and left.
Then it dawned on her.
- And I'm going, "Oh mygosh, they've evacuated."
- [Narrator] Stirring up thehouse in preparation to leave,
she and her friend immediatelydrove to the gas station
to make sure they had afull tank in their trucks.
- It's dark, there's only onelight on in the gas station,
thank God they left the gas station on,
and I hear the police driving,
"Evacuate, everybody now, evacuate,"
over the bull horn andit's just apocalyptic,
like, the end of the world.
So we get back to the houseand we looked at each other
and I said, "We've gotta go."
I can either pray or panic,I can either be in faith
or in fear, and I chose prayer and faith.
And I said, "Lord, evenif everything goes,
I'm still gonna give you glory,
I'm still gonna trust you."
- [Narrator] After cramming three horses
and as many other animals as they could
into their trucks andtrailer, they hosed the area
around the remaininghorses and fled to Malibu.
But they had to evacuate again.
Eventually, they found safety
at a friend's house in Burbank.
- We turn on the news andthe hills around our home
are on fire now.
And I said, "You know what,we're gonna turn the TV off
and we're gonna trust God."
- [Narrator] After a coupledays, Brenda and her husband
decided to venture home.
They passed through apolice point and went on
to their neighborhood.
- It was apocalyptic.
There was just smoke everywhere,
there was spot fires everywhere,
you couldn't breathe, it was dark.
- [Narrator] Then through thedevastation, hope appeared.
- And I fell on my knees because the fire
had come to our door.
And then, I looked and I saw how it burned
the entire mountain all the way down
to our fence and stopped.
And I just sobbed and sobbed and I said,
"Lord, I'm gonna usethis property for you,
I give it even more to you,whatever you want to do,
your will be done.
- [Narrator] As promised,Brenda and her husband
opened their home to whomever needed help
and gave an encouragingword to victims of the fire.
But it didn't stop there.
- This fire, this tragedy has caused me
to no longer be quiet about my faith
and about the hard times,but also the amazing miracles
that God has sent in mylife and God really does use
things that are meantfor evil and for harm,
for good and for his glory.
And when you're surrounded by fire,
surrounded by circumstances,you're surrounded by evil,
you don't think you can stand up,
you don't think you could rise up,
there's no hope in sight,God will come through for you
and God will raise you up out of fire
and he'll make it evenbetter and more beautiful
than what you can imagine.
- God will come through for you,
he came through for Brenda,he's no respecter of persons.
If you need a miracle, if you need prayer,
we have something that will encourage you,
this prayer sheet, it's called
"Answered Prayer: God'sPower In Your Life",
it's free, we'll send it to you,
just give us a callright now, 1-800-700-7000
or go to cbn.com to get your free copy.
Well, up next, multipledeployments to war zones,
like Bosnia, Albania and Iraq,
this veteran served hiscountry for 29 years,
so where did he turn when he and his wife
had trouble paying the rent?
Find out after this.
(upbeat music)
You can be a blessing to the families
of those serving in the military
by sending them a SuperbookSummer Celebration Box.
Each box contains DVDs,toys, fun activities,
books and more.
For your gift of $25 or more,
Superbook and Helping the Home Front
will deliver a Summer Celebration Box
to an active duty military family.
Just visit cbn.com/blessmilitary
or give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
You can also textBlessMilitary, all one word,
BlessMilitary, to 71777.
Serving for 29 yearsin multiple war zones,
Kevin always put the welfareof his soldiers first.
His wife, Richa, keptthe home fires burning.
Then, Kevin retired from the military
and the couple faced a new challenge,
where were they going to getthe money to pay the rent?
- Anytime, you know, a war zone,
there's a possibilitythat anything can happen.
And so whatever feelings or whatever fears
I might've had, I had to suppress that
and make sure that I bestrong for my soldiers.
If I had to die so they cancome back to their families,
then I was willing to make that sacrifice.
- [Reporter] For ArmyStaff Sergeant Kevin,
placing the warriors whoserved under him first
was always his priority.
He deployed multiple times to war zones,
like Bosnia, Albania and Iraq.
Each time, leaving behind his wife, Richa,
and their children.
- Is that gonna be thelast time I talk to him?
You think about your children,
you think about things thatyou don't want to think about.
Everything has to be inorder when they leave,
so just in case if they don't come back.
Richa relied on her faith to sustain her
through the multiple separations
that ranged between six months to a year.
- Prayer, it helped me stay grounded,
it helped me not to worry,it helped me to have peace.
- [Reporter] After 29 years, it was time
for Kevin to retire.
The couple felt God was calling them
to start and pastor their own church.
But they had to get throughsome financial hurdles first.
After leaving the army,paying rent was a challenge,
since they no longer hadfree military housing.
Then, both of their vehiclesneeded major repairs,
totalling several thousand dollars.
- Where's the money gonna come from?
What if we don't have enough?
You know, all those different things.
- [Reporter] Despite the challenges,
Kevin felt God would provide.
- My faith in God, in his word,
has helped me to staycalm and keep my sanity.
So, for me, it's everything.
- I believe I'm able to sithere and smile and not worry
'cause I believe that God isgonna get us through this.
- [Reporter] The coupleconfided in their pastor,
Tommy Leonard, with New SeasonChurch in Anchorage, Alaska.
He immediately contactedCBN's Helping the Home Front
to ask if we could assist.
- When they first presentedthe situation to me,
it was a bit overwhelming.
I knew this was somethingthat, as a church,
we couldn't just write a check for.
But to be able to have a resource
like Helping the Home Front,it's a dream come true.
- [Reporter] Pastor Tommysat down with the couple
to share some big news.
- New Season Christian Center,in partnership with CBN,
want to help with some of the pressures
that you're feeling rightnow in your transition.
And so, we're gonna take care of
the first two months of your rent.
- [Kevin] Wow.
- We don't want you just to get to a point
of getting things done,we want you to get ahead.
And then, since you have aissue with your vehicles,
we're gonna take your vehicles
to Alaska Sales and Serviceand we're gonna take those
and get them repaired for you today.
- This is overwhelming.
All I can say is thank you.
- The Bible says, "Godis a reward of those
who diligently seekhim," and this is a part
of his reward package for you.
- [Reporter] Their vehicleswere fixed right away,
CBN paid their rent for two months
and Kevin and Richa's dream came true,
they now pastor theirown church in Anchorage.
- I'm overwhelmed with gratitude,
thanking God for NewSeason Christian Center,
as well as CBN.
- It changes a lot right now, it does.
Thank you, CBN.
- [Kevin] Yes, thank you.
- It's worth trustingand believing in God.
I'm so thankful to Godfor this blessing today.
- Our military families are so deserving.
I love seeing their faces when they're
getting blessed like that and, you know,
if you're a CBN partner,a part of your gift
goes to Helping the Home Front
and blessing our military families
and, boy, they've done so much for us,
it's the least we can do.
If you would like to join The 700 Club,
I'd like to invite you togo to your phones right now
or go onto cbn.com and justsay, "Yes, I want to be a part
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It's so easy, it's just $20a month, 65 cents a day,
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that's where your bank does all the work,
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So, again, 1-800-700-7000is the number to call
or you can go onto cbn.comor you can text CBN to 71777,
easy number to remember tojust help hurting people
all over the world and ourwonderful military families.
Well, it's been fun being with you,
being with you all weeklong and we leave you
with these words from Galatians 6:9,
"Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper timewe will reap a harvest
if we do not give up."
One of my favorite scriptures.
Thank you so much for watching today.
God bless you and havea wonderful weekend.
(upbeat music)