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- This viewer says, dearPat, a close friend of mine
that has been married 20 years
discovered that her husband
has been unfaithful multiple times,
so she decided to divorce him.
However, through someagreement with each other,
they are trying toconceive a second child,
although divorce proceedingswill move forward
and it's been made clear
a marital reconciliation won't happen.
She asked my opinion andI have a hard time wording
what I think without sounding judgmental.
Please help.
- I think that concept is crazy.
They don't like each other,
they're going to get a divorce,
the husband's been unfaithful,
and yet they wanna bringa child into the world,
but he's going to not haveeither a mother or a father,
he will not have an intact home.
I think that's a terrible thingthat they're trying to do.
They wanna conceive a child,but they hate each other.
It's kind of a hard deal.
- [Wendy] Yeah, I don't get it.
- It's hard to comprehendpeople who think that way,
but I don't concur with it, all right?
- Amen, amen.
Well, here's Pam.
She says, I don't know what to do
between my husband and son,
and I feel like I'm in the middle,
my son does drugs,
my husband threw him out.
I wanna save my son, what do I do?
- Well, that's the questionof, what does your son need?
Sometimes you can be an enabler,
and if you go along, he's taking drugs,
and so you say, well, ohsweetie, I'm gonna be nice to you
so come on home and make it good,
and your husband's saying, you know,
I love him, but I want to tough love.
I think the two of youneed to get together,
but in all seriousness,
let the husband do whathe thinks he's doing right
and sometime when that kid goes out
and he's on his own and he hits bottom,
then he'll come back and say,
I'll come to the Lord.
But that's between you and God,
and who am I to tell you how to behave?
That's a difficult situation,
and every situation is different.
So tough love means you throw him out.
You know, compassionate love
means you throw your arms around him.
Each person is different,
that's the nice thing aboutus, we're all different,
all right?
- All right well, here's Ann.
She says, when you are praying for people,
how do you have a word ofknowledge by the Holy Spirit?
Is it an impression in yourmind or do you see a person?
- Well, you know, I don't,
some people see thingsand you feel things.
You know, a lot of thingsyou can have senses,
but it's called a word of knowledge,
it's the word to your mind,
and it has to do withsomething that's going on
and it's something else and it's a gift,
one of the enablements of the Holy Spirit.
The other is called a word of wisdom.
It gives you somethingabout the future, all right?
- Amen.
Here's Ronda.
She quotes Luke 21:32.
It says, this generationshall not pass away
till all be fulfilled.
In other words, Jesus saidall the end time things,
along with his return, wouldhappen in a generation.
What is your definition of a generation?
- You said, it's always, in other words,
you know, you're given, the word is ginya
and ginya can mean generation,
or it can mean a race or a nation.
And what Jesus was saying,
this race of peoplewill not pass away till,
not this generation,
It's the wrong translation.
- Interesting.
- But be very careful when you say,
well, this is what issaid here in other words.
People are always doingthat in other words stuff
and they're always getting it wrong.
So just take what's there and read it
and don't say it in other words,
but that's what guinea means.
So it means the race,
I think the Jewish racewill not pass away.