'A Battle for People's Souls': Two Pastors Fight Chicago's Deadly Gun Violence with Power of Prayer and the Gospel
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- According to the DefenseDepartment between 2001 and 2020
more people were killed in Chicago
than in the combined conflictsin Afghanistan and Iraq.
Spiritual leaders in thecity are joining together,
hoping to change that narrative
and their weapon is thepower of the Gospel.
- [Narrator] Chicago isback in the national news
with 74 people shot and 12 fatalities,
this is now one of thebloodiest weekends on record.
- [Charlene] Pastor Dimas Salaberrios,
a former drug dealer from New York,
knows firsthand thereality of gun violence.
While fasting 40 days foran end to the violence,
he felt compelled to takeAmerica where it happens,
in his film "Chicago:America's Hidden War."
- Were killed in front of my face
and what am I supposed to do?
Go hide in the closet? I don't think so.
- [Charlene] Salaberrios spent two years
filming in the city and tells CBN News
he sees what's happeningthere as a spiritual battle.
- I would say in Chicago,
there is definitely a demonic presence
that I sense when I'm praying
and interacting with people on the street.
- [Charlene] Pastor Corey Brookswho heads a ministry there
called Project Hood agrees.
- There's a real spiritual battle going on
in the City of Chicagofor the lives of people.
There seems to be a spirit ofmurder throughout the city.
- [Charlene] Brooks explainshow evil works its way
into the lives of young people.
- Some of it is gang-related.
You have a bunch of splinter groups
who are part of organizations
and these splinter groups go
from block to block andneighborhood to neighborhood
and it makes things very difficult.
- How can it get to myself.
I could be the next one.
To get shot. Dead.
Anywhere. Right here.
- Gone.
- In Englewood.
- Forever.
- [Charlene] Children areamong the many victims.
- We're halfway through the year
and over a hundred childrenhave been shot already.
We have a child in our film, Quincy,
who sleeps under his bedbecause he feels like
he can get shot.
He realized from the bulletholes on the walls of his house
from many drive-bys in the neighborhood,
that where his, the level of his bed,
if he slept in his bed, he would be shot.
- [Charlene] That paralysisof fear is spreading.
- We have a lot of parents who are leery
about just allowing thechildren to go out and play.
In our neighborhood alone,
we had to McDonald's of all things,
to close because of the violence.
But I've done so manyfunerals, unfortunately,
too many to even count.
- Father God, I just prayin the name of Jesus,
that you would bringpeace to this city, God.
- [Charlene] Salaberrios's documentary,
which became eligiblefor an Academy Award,
showcases how the churchis combating the darkness
through prayer and evangelism.
- [Corey] They're having marches.
They're going door to door.
They're doing things thatthey have not normally done.
- [Charlene] Through his ministry
Brooks reaches outdirectly to gang members.
- We have a violence prevention team
of 10 full-time employees.
They go out into theneighborhood to help to make sure
that there's no retaliation for violence,
to make sure that wehave conflict resolution
with individuals who are participating
in that type of lifestyle.
- [Charlene] Pastor Salaberrios says,
a similar effort saved him
from a life of crime and violence.
- There were Christian, threewomen reached out to me,
when I was a street god
and one of the largest drug dealers.
Three women reached out to me and said,
"Can we pray for you?"
I didn't know what that was.
When they laid hands on me,
the power of God knocked me to the floor.
Demons come manifesting out of me.
They started praying in the name of Jesus.
I felt a peace come overme like never before.
And I quit selling crack cocaine.
- [Charlene] Brooks believesthat same power and peace
can now make a difference in his city.
- At the end of the day,we can try to supply jobs.
We can try to supply counseling.
We can try to give all kindsof different resources,
but I really do believe ultimatelyit's a spiritual warfare
and a battle that we're in.
And it's the battle for people's soul.
As the enemy is out to kill, steal.
and destroy people in our community.
And we have to do everything we can
to push back the darkness,to push back the evil.
And the way that we do thatis showing the love of Christ
in very practical, meaningful ways.
- [Charlene] And the word is getting out
with help from Hollywood of all places.
Recently Academy Award winningactor, Denzel Washington,
Mark Burnett, Roma Downey,and other celebrities
rented out movie theaters
to help spread the message of the film.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.