John was the only survivor of a terrible car accident, and his family was told he has a zero percent change of living. If he did live, he would most likely be paralyzed. Hear how prayer changed everything.
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- My cell phone rang and the nurse said,
do you know a John Futural,and I said, yes, ma'am,
that's my husband.
- [Narrator] Even halfawake, Debra Futural
knew and early morningcall from a hospital
couldn't be good.
- And then I just asked her, was he dead.
- [Narrator] Her husband,John wasn't dead.
He had been airliftedto VCU Medical Center
in Richmond, Virginia,100 miles from their home
in Murfreesboro, North Carolina.
Not long after, Debra and her son, Brent
were racing towards Richmond.
- How is he?
Is he gonna live?
How bad is it?
I mean, all that was going through me
on the way to Richmond.
I prayed all the way.
- [Narrator] By then they hadlearned John and two coworkers
were on the way to work whentheir truck ran off the road,
hit a tree and caught fire.
John was the only onewho survived the crash.
- He's always been the backbone for this.
I just cried out to the Lord and I said,
Lord, you know, and he just can't die.
- [Narrator] With Brent driving,Deborah contacted everyone,
family, friends, and theirchurch asking for prayer.
Their pastor, Sandy Outlawof New Vision Ministries
rushed to meet them at the hospital.
- It was very heart wrenchingto hear this news of John,
not only a congregation member,
a strong member, a pillar in our church,
but as a good friend.
Yes, very emotional time for me.
- [Narrator] An hour and a half later,
Debra and Brent who were at the hospital,
the doctor told them therewas little hope for John.
- He says, well, he's got a broken neck,
broken back, broken shoulder,
10 broken ribs, broken sternumand third degree burns.
Our youngest son Brent, he said,
what's his chances of living?
She says zero.
She said, if he makes it 24 hours,
he's gonna have to be a strong man.
And he said, well, my dad is a strong man.
And he'll make it.
- The first time I saw himlaying in the hospital bed,
it was tough.
It was really tough.
Is this the last timeI'm gonna see my father?
- [Narrator] By then theirolder son, Jonathan had arrived.
- That's when I hit my knees.
I said, ain't nothing Ican do physically but pray.
I said, God, we can't do nothing.
You control these doctor's hands.
You do what you got to do totake care of him and my mom.
- [Narrator] Although it was touch and go,
John did survive the first 24 hours.
At the 48 hour mark, he had stabilized
and doctors put him in amedically induced coma.
However, John couldn't lie on his stomach,
which had third degree burns
preventing doctors from operating
on his broken neck and back.
If they couldn't operate soon,
it likely John would be paralyzed.
There was little anyone coulddo except wait and pray.
- There was a lot ofprayer going up for John
during this time.
And so we were confidentthat God was with him
and that no matter the outcome for John,
John was gonna be okay spiritually.
Of course, we wanted hisphysical body healed,
and that's what we were praying for.
- [Narrator] Over the next three weeks.
John underwent 10 surgeries to repair
the damage from his burns.
In the meantime, people continued praying
and John's heartbeat grew stronger.
A few days later, John'sneurosurgeon shared
some amazing news.
John's neck and backhad completely healed.
- He said, look at the x-rays.
He's healed on his own laying in the bed.
I said, thank you, Jesus.
He did not have surgery.
- [Narrator] John was soonbrought out of his coma
and after 41 days in the hospital,
he was well enough to betransferred to a rehab center
where he still had a long way to go.
- I hadn't slept, couldn't sleep.
The pain, I mean, bodybrace that I had to wear,
it was just more than Icould take emotionally.
- [Narrator] He says it was the prayers
and faith of his family and community
that gave him the strengthand hope to keep going.
- I was begging God that Iwould not be left like this.
- We believe in the miracleworking power of God.
He's still God.
He hasn't changed.
And so we just believed that.
And so we had a greatanticipation and expectation
that God would be a healing John
and he would come out of this.
- [Narrator] Sure enough,over the next three weeks,
John improved rapidly.
- I mean, that was justa weight taken off.
When I first saw him walk,that was the end of it then.
I knew right then I said,
this is just a matter of time.
He'll be fine.
- He was a strong, man.
He was gonna do it.
He's not going to lay in that bed.
He wanted to get up and do it.
- On May 19, just over twomonths after the accident,
John was finally released to go home.
- Oh gosh, it was one of the most happy,
joyous feelings I ever had.
- It made me feel wonderful.
And the children and him, too, I believe.
The Lord gave him back to me.
- [Narrator] Today, John's back to work
as a full-time logger.
He's made a completerecovery from the accident
and attributes it allto the power of prayer.
- There was so many people lifting
prayer up to God on my behalf.
I believe that was the moststrongest thing involved
in my recovery, my healing.
- Prayer worked, 'causehe'd have never made it
if it weren't for prayer.
- There is a God and prayer does work.
- I think prayer wasinstrumental in saving him,
I really do.
- No matter what your situation,no matter where you are,
prayer works, prayer changes things,
and God is still in themiracle working business.