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The Rest of the Story: Louis Zamperini's 'Path to Redemption' Told in Sequel to 'Unbroken'

The Rest of the Story: Louis Zamperini's 'Path to Redemption' Told in Sequel to 'Unbroken' Read Transcript

- To get in a train for London,you have to do it right.

Just go nice and easy,see if you can make it

all the way around.

- You think you can runa four seven mile again?

- I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't.

I don't run to run, I run to win.

- [Narrator] LouisZamperini's real life story--

- Cut, perfect, moving on, next job, guys.

- [Narrator] Is made for the movies.

He was an Olympic distance runner,

a World War Two veteran, anda surviving prisoner of war.

- You will never escape me.

Wherever you go, I will find you.

- Are you sleeping well?

You having any night sweats or nightmares?

- I just thought I'd beable to forget everything.

I wanna go home.

- There is no home.

- [Narrator] His storyreturns to the big screen,

in Unbroken: Path to Redemption,a long awaited follow-up

to Angelina Jolie's 2014epic war drama, Unbroken.

- Yes, nighttime sky, right?

- [Narrator] HaroldCrump directs this film,

alongside producer, MatthewBaer, who worked with Jolie

on the first film.

- The first film was a horrific,

tragic story of, you know,his fight for his life.

And the second film is,you know, his struggle

to save his soul.

- There's nobody moreinspirational than Louis Zamperini,

especially as portrayedin the film, with all the

terrible things that he goes through.

- When I was a kid, I lived near Torrence.

- Are you kidding me?

- You still have those scars from where

those runners spiked you?

- You know they got me pretty good.

- And that?

- The Jap did that one.

- [Narrator] This chapterintroduces audiences

to Louis' Cynthia.

- Hey, would you like to--- Yes.


- What took you so long to ask?

- The war is over, but arewe seeing a war played out

on screen in this family's life?

- Oh, yes we are.- Yeah, absolutely.

- Yes, yes, yes.- I mean,

he physically left prison,but he's very much in prison

in his head, and--- Yeah.

- It causes a lot of strugglebetween the two of them.

- Yeah, yeah.

What's nice about this too isthat, oftentimes you'll see

war movies, and then they try and--

It's very important to showthe human element of war films

so that people can relateto the experience that,

let's be honest, mostof us will never have,

or have never had.

What's nice about this movie, is that it's

a human experience that we've all had

in some form or some capacity.

- He said that we were at war, you know,

but it didn't feel like war.

Not to me.

It wasn't until I wasstationed in San Diego.

One day, this hospitalship comes steamin' in

carrying all these guys,missin' legs and arms.

They were all torn up,

blind, burnt, and that's whenthe war became real to me.

- Luke, how would youdescribe this chapter

of your dad's life inseeing it on the screen?

- This is the climax to thestory of my father's life.

All that he went throughbefore with the, you know,

the athletics and theOlympics and the life raft,

and the prison camp.

The climax is when, afterhim spiraling out of control

with post traumatic stressdisorder, that he's able

to come to faith on thatevening in October 1949,

and change his life.

It is the climactic partof his entire story.

- With vintage cars, likethis pretty red Ford,

the stage is set for the 1940's.

A young Lou Zamperiniand his wife, Cynthia,

are coming here to the tentsyou see in the distance

to hear from a youngevangelist, who has not quite

made a name for himselfon the national scene.

- I do not believe thatany man, that any man,

can solve the problems of life--

- [Narrator] EvangelistBilly Graham, who's grandson,

Will, portrays him in the film.

- I believe that God isstill healing hearts.

I believe that God isstill transforming lives.

- I feel like if you closeyour eyes and don't look,

you really think you'relistening to Billy Graham.

- That's the way it waswhen we first met with him.

That was what Haroldand I spoke about was--

- We watched--- It's just like him.

We watched a screen testand Matt couldn't believe

he sounds exactly like his dad.

- Yeah, it was just fantastic.- Or grandpa.

- But there's a lifeline.

Just reach out.

- I knew the story from Unbroken.

I knew the story frommy Granddaddy's tales.

So I know the story pretty well.

And I've seen the movieand every time I see it,

and I've seen it aboutthree or four times now,

every time I see it, I'm crying.

- [Narrator] That camp meeting also

began a lasting relationship.

- They had a great friendship,lasted a whole lifetime.

Two lifetimes really.

We're grateful how God broughtthese two men together.

- [Narrator] Efrem Graham,CBN News, Los Angeles.

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