Magna Carta Comes to Museum of the Bible to Reveal Biblical Basis for the Freedoms We Enjoy Today
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- Just in time forAmerica's Independence Day,
the Museum of the Bibleis displaying two versions
of the Magna Carta and much more.
- Everybody knows about Magna Carta,
but most people, I wouldassume, don't know that
the first clause of Magna Carta
is about the freedom of the church,
and that one of theauthors of Magna Carta is
an Archbishop, Stephen Langton,who was a biblical scholar
and used his theologicalknowledge and expertise
to use the Bible to argueagainst what the king was doing.
- [Jennifer] The Magna Cartawas revised several times.
The museum has theversion from the year 1300
which was viewed by Americanfounding father, Thomas Paine,
author of "Common Sense"and the 1217 version that
started something spectacular.
- The 1217 document is onethat essentially goes on
to become English law.
- [Jennifer] Also on display?
The Charter of the Forest thatre-established certain rights
for the lower classes of the period,
and were issued in conjunctionwith each Magna Carta.
There's also a medieval sword,
a replica of King John'sbejeweled clothing,
and a lawyer's referencecopy of early English law.
Despite the Magna Carta's message
of individual freedom,the exhibit also points
out the extreme anti-Semitism of the time.
In 1217, the king's regentissued a dire directive.
- Which made it a lawthat the Jews in England
had to wear a badge on theirclothes to identify themselves.
And so England becomes thefirst country in Europe
to make this a legal requirement.
- [Jennifer] The exhibitincludes the Codex Val Madonna,
which dates from 1189,the only known Jewish text
to survive the eventual expulsion of Jews
from England in 1290.
- And so again, part of our story is that
rights need to bedefended and justice needs
to be continuously fought for.
- [Jennifer] It's thetype of mega attraction
tourism officials inWashington, DC and cities
across the country hope drawin badly missed tourists.
- It's exciting to bewhere we are, but to,
to really look at the economic hit that
we've taken as an industry hasbeen a very difficult road.
- [Jennifer] In Washington,tourism generates
$8 billion and accounts for 80,000 jobs.
Typically, the city hosts morethan 20 major conventions.
This year, they'll host three.
Tourism officials aremarketing to people who live
within driving distance of the city
and Ferguson points outwhile most cities are open
for business, touristsshould expect some changes.
- Keep in mind that ifyou're coming to the city
and you're traditionallyaccustomed to going
into the Smithsonian or the zoo,
which is also Smithsonian, you now have
to go online to get time tickets.
So you don't wanna showup without a ticket.
- And here, at the Museum of the Bible,
curators are excited to show visitors
the biblical basis for the Magna Carta
which inspired the freedomswe enjoy in America, today.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.