Joél and Josh share how we can witness to others about our faith in Jesus without saying a word.
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(upbeat music)
- Ah.
- Oh my goodness.
Why are you dressed like that?
- Well, I heard today'stopic was about witnessing.
(upbeat music)
- Okay. But why are you?
- So, where were you at? 6:00 PM,
Sunday, at the scene of the crime.
- Oh no, no, not that kind of witnessing.
We're talking about witnessingto people by telling them
about Jesus.
- Oh, see, I'm not very good at that.
I want to tell people about Jesus,
but I don't really know where to begin.
And then once I start talking,
I get so nervous that Idon't even know what to say.
- Well, I tell people about Jesus
without even saying a word.
I like to call it silent witnessing.
- Without a word? wow.It's like a superpower.
- You know, you can bea silent witness too.
- Really? I could tellother people about my faith
without saying anything?
- Yeah. By showing them your faith.
I mean, it's great totell people about Jesus,
but you can also witness topeople through your actions,
by living like Jesus.
- Okay. Wait,
do you really think that peoplewill notice if I live like
- Absolutely.
Have you ever heard of thephrase actions speak louder than
- That phrase always confusedme. How can actions speak?
- Okay. Look at it like this.
Imagine if I told you I can doa handstand for five minutes.
Would you believe me?
- I don't know, man.It's a pretty long time.
- Okay. Now imagine if I didit, then would you believe me?
- Well, I'd have to believe you then.
- Exactly. Because actionsspeak louder than words.
- Oh, I get it now.
So, I want to see this handstand.
- I can't actually do a handstand.
That was just the firstthing I thought of.
- Oh, that's too bad.
- Anyways. If we say that Jesuscan change people's lives.
They may or may not believe it.
But if we show them thathe's changed our lives,
they'll be more likely to believe it.
Hey, doesn't the Bible sayhow we should live like Jesus.
- I believe it does.
Let's check it out on the Superbook app.
(phone typing)
- Ah, here's one, "He whosays he abides in him,",
that is Jesus, "ought himself also
to walk just as he walked."
- That's a great one.
I found another,
"Therefore be imitators of Godas dear children and walk in
love, as Christ has also lovedus and given himself for us,
an offering and a sacrificeto God for a sweet smelling
- You know, it makes sensethat if we imitate Jesus,
it'll allow other people tosee who Jesus is through us.
- That's so true. And if wefollow Jesus and not the world,
then it's like shining a bright,
welcoming light into the dark.
- like Jesus said,
"You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be heard."
- Hey, he also said thatin the Sermon on the Mount,
let's watch a clip fromthat Superbook episode.
- What did The Lord mean whenhe said "You are the light of
the world", we're just hisfollowers. Jesus is the teacher.
- Jesus also said, "I amthe light of the world.
He who follows me shallnot walk in darkness,
but have the light of life."
- Do you think he meanswe should all be like him,
bringing our light to darkplaces as he would do.
- You know, it's really great
that we can be a light like Jesus and the
Bible tells us how Jesus livedso we know how to imitate
- That's so true.
In fact, if you show Jesus'love to people around you,
they'll probably going to askyou why you're so kind and so
loving, and then you canshare the gospel with them.
- That's great. Hey,
thanks for telling meabout silent witnessing.
I can't wait to witnessto those around me.
- You're welcome.
- His word is forever alive.
I love the Superbook show,
but actions speak louder than words.
So I'm going to like this video.
- I'm also going to let my actions speak
by subscribing to the Superbook show.
- Remember you can be a witnessto those around you without
even saying anything.
- I can tell other peopleabout my faith without saying
- Yeah.
That's not my line.
- He who abides in him.
Oh wow.
Right as she says, don'tscrew up the scripture.
You're in my head, bro.
You got real estate in my head.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
What was I doing with my hands?
Did you see that? I was like.
- Into the dark
- Superbook show.
- Into the dark.
- [Director] Then your line
- That was your cue.
- [Director] That's your cue.
- Oh, that was my cue.I thought he was, okay.
His word is alive, is alive? Wow.
- His word is alive.
- It is. But it's alive forever.
(upbeat music)
- Ya, ya, ya.
- I'm Sherlock and Holmes,detectives in the tall.