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Thankful Service - The Superbook Show

The Superbook Show hosts share the things they do for others to say thanks to the Lord. Read Transcript

- Praise the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.

His faithful love endures forever.

(logo swooshes)

This is the time of the yearwhen we focus on being thankful

for all the great thingsthat God has done for us.

At my church, we hold afood drive for the poor,

around Thanksgiving.

I think that makes sense.

So we show how thankful we are to others

by being examples of His generosity.

Not because we're goodbut because God is good.

Not because we have to or are told to

but because we want to.

Here are some ways thatour Superbook Show family

reflects, in small ways,the goodness of God.

- Hey guys, I'm here with my youth group

at Judeo-Christian Outreach Center

and tonight we are servingdinner to about 50 guests.

(gentle music)

- Hey guys, I'm in Norfolk, Virginia

at Garden of Prayer Church

and we just did a flash mob

and are giving away shoesto people that need them.

(gentle music)

- For my volunteerservice, my family and I,

are a foster family for dogs.

We foster for a local dogrescue so we take care of dogs

until they have a forever home.

These are our two rescues that we adopted

and we host a foreign exchange student.

This is my foreign exchange sister.

Her name's Paula and she's from Spain.

- My name's Lawrence and I'mhere at Christ Chosen Church

and my act of serviceis playing the drums.

I've been playing thedrums since I started

when I was about fiveand I wasn't very good.

Like at all and so I startedplaying for my church

as an act of service.

It was kind of rough in the beginning

but over time God really used me

and I was able to growand be a great drummer.

(drums bang)

- Hi, I'm in Norfolk Virginia

and I'm having so much funteaching kids about God

and answering all their questions.

(gentle music)

- Hi everyone.

I'm here at the CommunityWe Serve celebration.

I'm helping OperationBlessing pass out many meals

and it's a wonderful experience

and I'm so grateful toGod for this opportunity

to serve others as theBible calls us to do.

- Hey guys, I'm John and thisis my little brother Jack

and we're here at the JDRF One Walk event.

Which is an event toraise awareness and money

for type 1 diabetes.

Jack was diagnosed with type1 diabetes at 15 months old

and diabetes is a diseasethat infects the pancreas

and basically means that hecannot produce insulin anymore.

Which means that there is nothing to limit

the sugar intake in his body.

So we're here with the rest of my family

and a bunch of friends

to help him and raiseawareness for the disease

that has just immenselyaffected our entire family.

And it's really just a blessing

and we're just here to help other people

and share love to other peoplethat have the same disease

that my little brother has had

through basically his entire life.

- How about you?

In what ways do you like toshow your thankfulness to God?

How do you serve as a wayto reflect God's goodness?

Let us know in the comments below.

His word is forever alive.

(logo swooshes)

By the blessings we enjoyif all that is a gift,

it makes us want to spread.

- Stand still.

- I'm (muffled speaking)

- You're like going like.

- I'm like one of those balloon people.

- Yeah, the balloon thingsat a car dealership.

- No, we're not doing that.

- My family and I are a,

what was I gonna say?

What are we, a foster family,that's what we are. Okay.

- Hi, welcome to theSuperbook Show, uh, uh, uh,

I'm so used to starting offwith that, like it's, okay.

- Tonight we are servinggu-dinner to about 50 of our

of guests. How about 50 guests. (giggles)

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