A patient is bleeding to death and no one knows why. Relive the frantic rush to the operating room and the miracle along the way on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
Coming up.
- This was getting worse.
- [Narrator] A patient bleeding to death.
- I would put his statistics at dying
around 70, 80%.
- [Narrator] And no one knew why.
- Distraught is the onlyword I can think of.
- [Narrator] The frantic rush to the OR.
- He was barely hangingon to consciousness.
- [Narrator] And themiracle along the way.
- I felt God's peace inthe back of that ambulance.
I believe God healed me.
- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.
(ethereal music)
Welcome to the stage 700 Club.
Let's go over to the CBNnewsroom for today's top stories.
- Gordon, an epidemic ofviolence was unleashed
in the United States over the4th of July holiday weekend
with more than 180 peoplekilled and 516 injured
in shootings across the country.
Charlene Erin has this story.
- [Charlene] It was a deadlyweekend of gun violence
as America celebrated its independence.
In Ohio, a mass shooting duringa 4th of July block party
left a 17 year old deadand 11 others injured.
In Chicago, 100 people,including two police officers
were shot, 18 people were killed
and at least a dozen children injured.
A one month old baby isin critical condition
at a local hospital after beingshot in the head on Friday,
frustrated residents say enough is enough.
- When are we really gonna say enough?
When are we really gonna get out here
and stop this ourselves?
You know, we need help on all ends,
you know, all levels.
So start at turning these individuals in,
that's where we start andthen we'll go after them
to prosecute them .
- [Charlene] The city'spolice superintendent
addressed the violence.
- There are too many violent offenders
and too little consequences in our courts.
There are too many illegal guns
in our city.
- [Charlene] In New York city,at least 35 people were shot
in 29 shooting incidents
from Friday through Monday, killing two.
According to the gun violence archive
in the first five days of July,
they were a whooping 20 massshooting across the country
bringing 2021's total to 336.
May saw 72 mass shootings
and June saw 76.
The 14 mass shootings overthis past holiday weekend
are the most of any weekend in 2021
the organization said in a tweet.
New York, Governor, AndrewCuomo issued the first
in the nation executive order
declaring gun violence in NewYork as a disaster emergency.
- People are dying every day out there.
Time is not on our side.
Begin by acknowledging the problem.
And you know what the problem is?
It is a statewide problem,
and it is an emergency.
And I want the people of thestate to understand that.
And I want them torespond to the emergency
for the way it is.
So today, first state in the nation
is going to declare a disasteremergency on gun violence.
- [Charlene] And in Philadelphia,two children were killed
adding to the increasingnumber of children
dying by gun violence.
- This is the secondchild less than a week
to die from an incident on gunshot wounds.
- [Charlene] The deadlyweekend was the latest example
of this surge in violentcrime across the country.
And there doesn't seemto be an end in sight.
Charlene Aaron CBN News.
- Hurricane Elsa weakenedinto a tropical storm
as it threatened Florida's Gulf Coast,
the storm moving north almost parallel
to the state's West Coastaccording to forecasters.
They expected it to come ashore sometime
between eight and nine this morning.
A tropical storm warning was in effect
for a long stretch of the coastline.
After hitting Florida,
the storm is expectedto move on to Georgia,
the Carolinas and Virginiain the next few days.
The storm comes as the search for victims
of the condominium collapsein Surfside, Florida
reaches its 14th day today.
The death toll at threedozen as the day began
with more than 100 peoplestill unaccounted for,
eight more deaths were announced Tuesday
and authority sounding more and more grim.
- You know, unfortunately we'renot seeing anything positive
that continues in that sense.
You know, the key things we're looking for
all throughout in regards tovoice space, livable spaces,
you know, we're not coming across that.
- [Efrem] The debris is now being sorted
at a nearby warehouse.
- We're in a search and rescue mode.
It's an active investigation and that's,
and we're focused right now.
Our primary goal right now
is to bring closure to the families.
- Authorities still hopeto find more people alive,
but no one has been rescued from the site
since the building collapse on June 24th,
when many of its residents were asleep.
Turning overseas, thedeadline for US withdrawal
from Afghanistan is set for September
and religious minorities in the region,
including Christians are bracing
for even more violence by the Taliban
and other Islamic extremist groups.
Jennifer Wishon brings us the story.
- Since may the Taliban has seized about
a quarter of Afghanistan's districts.
Now Christians are asking for prayer
as they and other religious minorities
find themselves easy targets of extremist.
- The withdrawal will makethese vulnerable communities
even more vulnerable,it's as simple as that.
- [Wishon] Security conditions have failed
religious minorities as Islamic extremist
run rough shot across the country.
- They are under fairly serious attack
by extremist groups,
particularly ISIS K and the Taliban.
- [Wishon] In a hearing this week,
the US Commission onInternational Religious Freedom
discussed the plight ofnon Sunni Muslim Afghans.
The Sikh population is nearly extinct
dropping from 250,000 in the 1990s
to just 200 today.
- It is devastating
and thousands of worshipDagra of the Sikh community
are constantly destroyed,
religious services are attacked.
- Women and girls heavily traumatized.
Young girls have limited or no education.
Our families worry aboutthe future prospects.
- [Wishon] The commissionrecommends US injected protections
for religious freedomin peace negotiations
between the Taliban and Afghan government.
Add Afghanistan to the statedepartment special watch list
for tolerating violationsof religious freedom
and put US tax dollarstowards specifically
protecting religious minorities.
- When we hear Taliban spokespeople
discussing plans toIslamicize the country,
the international communityneeds to recognize
the vulnerability thatminorities are exposed.
- [Wishon] As you, as servicemembers pack up their gear
leaders aren't optimistic.
This graphic video reportedlyshowing Taliban fighters
firing on Afghan soldiers in the north.
- We're starting to create conditions here
that doesn't, won't look goodfor Afghanistan in the future
if there's a push for a military takeover.
- So far the US Afghandeal hasn't led to peace,
religious freedom advocateshope keeping a spotlight
on the situation will help.
Jennifer Wishon CBN News.
- Turning now intohealth news here at home.
An epidemic of exhaustion
that's what millionsof Americans are facing
even millennials.
So what is the sourceof this energy crisis?
Something deep inside.
Medical reporter, Lorie Johnson explains.
- [Lorie] Americans are dealing with
a new kind of energy crisis.
- Fatigue and tiredness now isan epidemic in this country.
Well, over 50% of people
actually complain of chronic tiredness
and that includes Millennials.
And that's certainly not ourexperience in years past.
- [Lorie] What's changed?
According to Dr. Steven Gundry
author of "The Energy Paradox
What to Do When YourGet-Up-and-Go Has Got Up and Gone"
it's all about looking inside ourselves.
More people have an unhealthygut today than in the past.
And that's the primarycause of our energy crisis.
- Two o'clock in the afternoon,
all of a sudden kind of allsystems seem to go on pause.
You don't feel like working anymore.
You don't feel like doinganything with the kids anymore,
and you just wanna lay down
or, you know, reach for anenergy bar, get another,
you know, pick me up a cup of coffee.
- [Lorie] Dr. Gundrysays this zaps our energy
because of holes thatdevelop in the gut lining.
- If you're tired andfatigued you got a leaky gut.
- [Lorie] And that leakingcauses inflammation,
which can drain huge amountsof our precious energy.
- Inflammation is actuallyour white blood cells,
our immune system, ourfoot soldiers, if you will
attacking threats thatactually come into our body
primarily through the lining of our gut.
- The good news is wecan repair a leaky gut
and reverse other gut issues
by consuming lots of differenttypes of good bacteria
called probiotics, thenfeeding those good bacteria,
lots of fiber richfoods called prebiotics,
causing the bacteriato thrive and multiply.
These probiotics can befound in supplements,
foods like yogurt and kimchiand drinks like kombucha.
Then it's important totake so-called prebiotics
found in supplements orfoods like fresh vegetables.
These literally feed the good bacteria,
helping it reproduce.
- They actually communicate
to the energy producing organelles
and all of our cellscalled the mitochondria
to make more energy.
So probiotics that youmanufacture by eating prebiotics,
literally turbocharges your energy.
- [Lorie] And it's alsoimportant to stay away
from foods that deplete energy
that includes the usualsuspects of too much sugar
and processed foods,
which can also damage the gut.
Gundry further recommendsresisting the temptation
to overmedicate.
- Please, please, please tryto avoid taking antibiotics
for simple things like runnynoses or scratchy throats.
Try to avoid eating animals
that have been raised withantibiotics from factory farms.
It turns out antibiotics killoff most of the good bugs
in our intestines that actuallyprotect us from leaky gut.
- [Lorie] And don't take certain heartburn
and acid indigestion medicineslonger than two weeks.
- We now know that these actually stop
the energy producingorganelles, the mitochondria
from working because they interrupt
how mitochondria produce energy,
which is called proton pumping.
- [Lorie] Dr. Gundry sayspeople suffering from low energy
usually need more vitamin D.
He recommends a 5,000 IU daily supplement
and going outside.
- We actually produce ATPenergy from sunlight exposure.
- [Lorie] Lastly, inorder to feel energetic
during the day, we needa good night's sleep.
However, blue light comingfrom our electronics
can keep us from falling asleep.
Dr. Gundry recommends turningthem off hours before bedtime
or wearing blue light blocking glasses.
Lorie Johnson CBN News.
- And those are today'stop stories from CBN News.
Gordon and Terry are backwith more today 700 Club,
it's coming up right after this.
(ethereal music)
- And the Bible is goingback to public schools.
It may surprise you, butthat's not against the law.
A teacher in Virginia is on a mission
to put Bibles in schoollibraries across the country.
And it's not just any Biblethese are "Action Bibles".
Mark Martin explains.
- But God did a miracle.
He protected Daniel'sfriends from the fire.
Not one of them was burned.
So it was like worse thanbeing in a fireplace.
- [Martin] Brianna Jimenez is reading
"The Action Storybook Bible" to students
at this afterschool programin Richmond, Virginia.
It contains Bible stories
and is designed like a graphic novel.
The creation story is thefavorite of fourth-grader,
Kimberly Rodriguez.
- Because it shows how God made things,
by just like he just spokeand then they appeared.
- [Martin] Even as a young third grader
Didier Madrid believes reading the Bible
has changed his life for the good.
- And I used to like say alot of bad words and stuff
with my friends,
we used to do bad stuff
like breaking intopeople's houses and stuff.
And then after like Istarted reading the Bible
I didn't do that no more.
- Hi, my name is Hannah Sailsbury
and I'm an elementary teacher in Virginia
in a public school.
- [Martin] Public schoolteacher Hannah Sailsbury says,
God, put it on her heart to donate
"The Action StorybookBible" to school libraries.
Her mission also includesgetting the Bible in classrooms
and after school programs.
- I started to prayerwalk around our school.
And as I would pass everywindow in our school,
I would pray for my coworkers by name.
And I would pray for the students
that entered the building.
And it was one particular daythat I prayed that Jesus' name
would be mentioned in the classrooms
and hallways of our school.
And little did I know thatthat prayer got answered
in bigger ways than I could have imagined.
- [Martin] One bigger way came in April
when Sailsbury launchedthe nonprofit organization,
Bibles in Schools.
- And God really opened my eyes
to realize if we have thisold Bible in our school,
how come we don't have a moreengaging Bible that's fun
and that has pictures in it.
- The movement has nowspread to 18 counties
in Virginia and seven states.
Since people started donating the Bibles,
Sailsbury says around 125 students
had checked them out from their libraries.
You might be asking yourself
is a Bible even allowed on the shelves
of a public school library,
or am I even allowed to donatea Bible to a public school.
On her website Sailsburyurges you to know your rights
and then to you use them
- Anybody can donate anythingto their library at school.
It is, if they take other donations,
then they have to acceptthe Bible donation.
But the librarian does nothave to put it on their shelf.
So that's where prayer really comes in.
As teachers, if you have other literature
on your school shelves,
you can have the Bible on your shelf.
- [Martin] Art teacher Chelsea Joyner
believes God woke her up early one morning
and planted the idea to puta Bible in her classroom.
- You know, just 3:00 AM,I can't even explain it.
Like it just, you need to put one of these
on your bookshelf.
And I was like, okay, let's do it.
- [Martin] "The Action Bible"is also available in versions
for middle and high school,
which means Levi will beable to stay in the word
through graduation.
Why do you like this Bible?
- 'cause God is in it andI'd like to learn about God.
- [Martin] Why do like to learn about God?
- 'cause he's the best and does good.
I like the part where he diedon the cross to take our sins
and came back alive.
- [Martin] Mark Martin, CBNNews, Richmond, Virginia.
- Congratulations to Hannah,
what a wonderful idea, very creative.
And if you wanna get involved,
here's an easy way to do it.
For more information on Bibles in School
and "The Action Bible"all you have to do is
go to our website, cbnnews.comand be a part of it.
Let's get Bibles placed inevery school in America.
- What a great idea.
And it looks like it's reallyfun to go through and read.
Way to go, Hannah.
Well, still ahead, she was onceon welfare and food stamps.
So how did this savvy senior
become the president of herown real estate company?
The secret to her success is coming up.
But first his chances of dying
on the way that the hospital 80%,
what happens to this man duringhis 30 minute ambulance ride
and what shocked thedoctors upon his arrival.
(ethereal music)
A frantic trip to the hospital,
a supernatural encounter in the ambulance
and a total shocker upon arrival.
These events made news anchor, Scott Swan,
part of the headlineshimself, take a look.
- Scott Swan.
- [Narrator] April 26th, 2017
news anchor Scott Swanhad just powered through
another mid newscast forWTHR in Indianapolis,
but now he could no longer ignore the pain
that had plagued him for days.
- I went into the bathroomand felt very clammy.
I felt lightheaded.
I just felt this enormouspain down in my stomach.
And just knew that, youknow, this was getting worse,
progressively worse.
- [Narrator] Scott's wife,Janae was in Mexico on business.
When he texted her, thepain had gotten worse.
- And that's when I finallyshot him the text, all caps,
you know, go to the doctor today.
I just knew it wasn't gettingbetter, he needed to go.
- I don't know if I felt fear.
I just felt pain
and I just wanted the pain to go away.
- [Narrator] Still hewaited until after work
to check into an emergencyroom near his home.
After finding Scott's bloodpressure dangerously low
doctors ordered a CT scan.
Vascular surgeon, Dr. Randy Irwin was home
when he got a friend hadcalled from the ER doctor.
- And he had called me even before Scott
got out of the CT scanner
and found that he wasbleeding into his belly.
He was barely hanging on to consciousness.
We knew he was bleeding todeath, but we didn't know why.
- [Narrator] What they did know was
that Scott needed surgeryas soon as possible.
- I immediately triedto get them flown down
to the big hospital at St.Vincent on 86th Street,
but we couldn't do it
because of an impending storm coming in.
So we had to bring him down by ambulance,
even though his blood pressure
was kind of between 60 and 80.
I would put his statistics at dying
on the way down to see meprobably around 70, 80%.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Janae was trying
to get a flight home from Mexico.
With spotty cell service
all she knew was that Scotthad checked into an ER,
but now needed to betransferred to another hospital.
- I had no idea really theseverity of what was going on.
I'm not getting information.
It was very hard to communicateand I just, I was stuck.
I couldn't leave.
All I just want to do was sit and pray
and like I was just,
I guess, distraught is theonly word I can think of.
- [Narrator] But Scott nowin a 30 minute ambulance ride
and running out of time
was having a much different experience.
- I don't remember feelingthe pain at that point.
I just knew that, I sensedthat God was with me
and while I couldn't speakand I couldn't open my eyes,
I felt God's peace in theback of that ambulance.
- [Narrator] By the time Scott arrived
at St. Vincent's Hospital,Dr. Irwin was waiting
and had him wheeled straight into the OR.
He had been receivingupdates on Scott's condition.
- His blood pressure was very low.
At one time it was down through the 50s
and when it gets that low,
it's hard to get enoughblood flow to your brain
and he lost a lot of blood.
I would say he probably lost
two to three liters of blood.
- [Narrator] At once.Dr. Irwin tried to locate
the bleeding artery using a catheter
instead he made a startling discovery.
- But it looked like Scotthad stopped bleeding.
It stopped on its own,
but we could clearly seesome arteries inside there
that were not normal.
And then after that, wekind of stopped everything.
- [Narrator] As surgerywas no longer needed,
Dr. Irwin sends Scott to intensive care.
The next day he inserteda coil into Scott's artery
to prevent further bleeding.
Having finally found a flight home,
Janae arrived at thehospital later that same day,
slowly the details ofScott's brush with death
began to unfold.
- He was in ICU at that point
and I just ran into the room
and I was just so excited to see him.
You know, he's been my bestfriend for almost 40 years
and just really hit me how,
how close he was to die.
- [Narrator] After 12days, Scott went home.
By then doctors had discovered
he had a rare autoimmune disorder
that attacked the arteriesaround his stomach.
It could be controlled by medication,
but some things callfor another explanation.
- He had no other complications.
And his CT scans recentlyhas shown that the,
the arthritis or polyarthritis nodosum
has completely gone away.
And I think there's no doubt
that if Scott didn'tstop bleeding on his own,
that he probably would have died
before he got down here to see me.
- To me, there's nogood medical explanation
to why that artery sealed
and why I stopped bleeding.
As a Christ follower, Ibelieve God healed me.
- [Narrator] Scott andJanae say this experience
has revealed God's power to them
in ways they've never seen before.
- I know that the Lord takes something
and just makes it better
and that's what he'sdone with the situation
by creating a miracle, saving him
and now for him to havea platform like this,
to go and spread the goodnews and to encourage others.
- You know, I read through scriptures.
God is my rock.
God is my fortress.
God is my healer.
Those were just words before,
but I've experiencedall of those firsthand.
God is my healer.
God is my savior.
He is my God of miracles.
And I want people to know
that whatever you'regoing through in life,
that God is with you.
- I hope that today youcan receive that word
because it's for all of us.
He is our rock, our healer, our savior.
He's there in time of need.
He's there in the good times.
He's there in the bad times, he's there.
He's got plan and purposefor your life and power.
And so today on the heelsof this amazing testimony
of what God did for Scott,we wanna pray for you.
We don't know what your needs are,
but we know that many of you have things
that you're asking God to intervene in,
to touch, to change, to heal.
And so we wanna encourageyour faith further.
Gordon, this is an email from Julie.
She says my husband and Ido an annual mission trip
to Guatemala each July.
He is a retired physicianand I was a surgical tech.
We spend much of our time helping
to build cinder block homes for families
that live around the Guatemala City dump.
I was extremely grieved when Ideveloped extreme joint pain,
especially in my wrist
and a recent diagnosisof rheumatoid arthritis.
Just a few days prior toour trip to Guatemala,
my husband and I werewatching the 700 Club
when Gordon had a word of knowledge
about someone with arthritic pain,
especially in the hands.
I jumped up saying, "That's me."
I ripped off my wrist guards
and although my wrist stillfelt weak at that moment,
by the next day, all the pain was gone.
We traveled to Guatemala
and I was out therewith all the young ones
shoveling and filling a bucket,
singing praises to ourwonderful Lord, hallelujah.
- Hallelujah, here's another hallelujah.
This is Brenda from Live Oak, Florida.
She had been treated for stomach ulcers
since she was 12 years old,recently was hospitalized.
And then one day she wasflipping through channels,
came across the 700 Club and hears Terry
and Terry's praying.
"There's someone's sufferingwith ulcerative colitis.
It's so painful and nothingthat doctors do for you
seems to alleviate your pain.
Today is your day, Jesus is healing you,
it will be more than a little bit better,
it will be gone in Jesus' name."
Well, Brenda received the word.
Normally after eating she'shad trouble swallowing
and felt a terrible burning sensation.
Brenda had breakfast without any issues.
The symptoms left have stayed gone,
since 12 years old she had that.
- Wow!- Now it's gone.
Today is your day.
It's your day.
Today is the day of salvation.
Realize that Jesus is there for you.
He is your very presenthelp in your time of need.
And just start visualizingJesus right before you,
Jesus above you.
I'll use the great prayer of St. Patrick,
Jesus above you, Jesus below you,
Jesus to the left of you,Jesus to the right of you,
Jesus behind you
and then Jesus in you.
For in him, we live andmove and have our be.
You don't have to wonder,
can he come down fromheaven again for you?
He's right there.
So Terry and I are going to pray
and the Jesus who is right there with you
is going to answer.
You can reach out and touch him
and you can get your healing today.
Let's pray.
Lord, we lift those who have needs.
And we just ask that
your manifest presence would be with them
That they would sense you all around them
and in them right now
and how you are the sameyesterday, today and forever.
You are able to heal,you are able to deliver,
you are able to restore.
So Lord God almighty manifest yourself
in their bodies right now.
There's someone you've got tumors
and they have spread
and you're beyond stage four.
God almighty right now isdissolving those tumors.
They are all going away.
You are having a tremendousmiracle throughout your body
to stretch forth your hands and receive it
and begin to praise him forwhat he is doing for you.
Tumors, be gone now, burnaway now in Jesus name,
let there'll be no morecancer, no more reproduction
in the name of Jesus, Terry.
- Yeah, and keeping with that,
there's someone you have atumor is behind your right ear,
but it's inside your head
and it's blocking your hearing
and bad prognosis for you.
But not anymore, todayJesus has healed you
as quickly as that came isgoing to simply melt away.
- Someone else you have agrowth by your right eye,
and God's able to take that away.
It's obscuring your vision.
And in the name of Jesusbe healed and be restored.
Someone else you've got a detached retina
and you're having vision problems from it.
And God is healing that,he's able to restore it.
Someone else you've got problems with the,
the internal jelly in the eye
and just God is able to heal all of them,
in Jesus' name, be healed.
Eyes are made to see,see now, see perfectly,
see gloriously in the name of Jesus.
- Someone else, you have a painful lump
under your right arm,very concerned about it.
Large enough for you to easily feel.
God is healing that for you right now.
It's just going to dissolveand be gone in Jesus' name.
- There's many peopleyou've seen the stories,
you heard the reports about colitis
and you heard the report about
the healing of thearteries in the stomach.
You've got bleeding ulcers.
There's several who have colitis
and you're saying, pleasesay those things for me.
So we're saying them for you right now,
colitis be healed.
Let there be normaldigestion, no more pain,
no more doubling over in pain.
God heal in Jesus name.
Anyone with an ulcer, be healed.
All of that infection,all of that discomfort,
all of that burning sensation be gone now
in the name of Jesus be healed.
- Someone else with kidneyissues be healed in Jesus' name.
It's gone.
- Lord, we thank you.
We thank you, you are the healer
for by your stripes we are healed.
You come, you forgive all our inequities
and you heal all our diseases
in the name of Jesus we receive it now
in the fullness of it in Jesus' name.
I just wanna repeat that kidney word.
It's in your rightkidney and it's inflamed
and just terrible pain.
God has healed and he'sjust taken all that away.
You felt a touch gointo their right kidney
and you're being healed,you're being set free.
Lord, we thank you.
We thank you.
- Amen.- Amen.
If you've been touched by God,let us know, give us a call.
And if you need prayer,we're here for you.
All you have to do is pickup the phone and call us.
- Well, still ahead, she's in her mid 70s,
but nowhere near retirement.
This Zumba instructorand real estate mogul
has the energy of someone half her age.
Her secret will surpriseyou and that's coming up.
Plus he was a terrifying rage-aholic.
She hung out with HellsAngels and the Mexican mafia.
Any hope for their hot mess marriage?
Stay tuned to find out.
(ethereal music)
- Welcome back to the 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.
Israel will bid farewellto President Reuven Rivlin
as he marks the end ofhis seven year term today.
The Israeli presidency islargely a ceremonial role.
Rivlin served in manypublic and political roles
before being elected in 2014.
He was known for trying tobring Israelis together.
His office said Rivlin workedto protect Israel's character
as a Jewish and democratic state,
and to ensure freedom ofreligion to all religions.
Here in the United States,
New York city is honoringessential workers
who fought against COVID-19
during the height ofthe pandemic in the city
during the spring of 2020.
That includes employees fromthe city's electric company,
the city will celebrate the workers
with a ticker tapeparade in Lower Manhattan
through the iconic Canyon of Heroes.
It will feature flows fora wide variety of people,
including healthcareworkers, first responders
and many more.
I would like to remind you,
you can always get thelatest from CBN News
by going to our website, it's cbnnews.com.
Gordon and Terry are backwith more of today's 700 Club.
It's all coming up right after this.
(ethereal music)
- At one time Maria Millercouldn't open a checking account
or get a credit card.
She was also on food stamps.
Well, today she lives in her dream home,
runs her own real estate business.
What caused the reversalof fortune, take a look.
- [Narrator] Maria Millermay be in her mid 70s,
but she has more energy thansome people half her age.
- I do a lot of Zumba,
usually three times aweek, an hour each time.
I really enjoy it so much
so I decided to become an instructor.
- [Narrator] And that's not all she does.
Maria is also the president ofher own real estate company.
She loves helping peoplefind their dream home
and remembers when there was no way
she could buy one herself.
After her divorce, shehad leans against her.
She couldn't open a checking account
or get it credit card.
- I was left with three kids to raise
so there wasn't much money at all.
We struggled just to pay rent.
And for a time I was on section eight
and food stamps.
We ate a lot of rice, a lot of hamburger.
- [Narrator] Friends helped her get a car
and her parents used theirsocial security income
to pay her rent.
Still Maria needed afinancial breakthrough.
She gave at church andwatched the 700 Club.
While she'd supported CBN at times
now as a single mom working on commission,
she didn't think she could afford it.
Then one day, someone fromCBN called to check in on her
and Maria mentioned her money problems.
- She said, "Well, why don'twe pray for your finances?"
I'm like, "Why don't we, thank you."
So then she prayed for me, you know?
And so after I hung up, I was like,
I need to go back and youknow, start giving again.
- [Narrator] So by faith,Maria started consistently
giving $20 a month to CBN.
Before long she became atop producer in her office
making twice what she'dmade the year before.
- The only reason I can think of is
those extra $20 a month.
I was like, whoa, this works.
- [Narrator] Other agents started asking
where her success was coming from.
- Tell you my secret.
You know, you have to giveabove and beyond your tithe
to further God's kingdom.
- [Narrator] With her increased income,
she paid off her debt andfaithfully gave even more.
Once she gave $1,000 to CBN.
- It was like, the HolySpirit said, do it.
And I just kept making more sales.
And I thought, well,I wonder if I can buy,
you know, a home.
- [Narrator] Soon when shewas a first time homeowner.
Now, years later, she ownedseveral rental properties
and continues to give to CBN.
- Anytime I see, whereas CBNeven buys a sewing machine
for somebody to make themselves sufficient
and to get out of the poverty.
It just touched my heart
to bring water to people
that are drinking from this disgusting.
That's all that moneyrepresents is being able
to help people.
- [Narrator] Maria encourages other
who are financially stuckto follow in her footsteps
and give.
- You just got to trust God,
you give above your titheto further God's kingdom.
That's it.
You can't outgive God.
The more I give him, the more I have
and the more gratefulI am so the more I give
so it's just never ending.
- I love Maria's story
and I encourage it to adopt what she did.
Here's what she did.
She started praying for her finances
and that started breakthroughafter breakthrough.
When you start praying over your job,
when you start praying over your finances,
it will lead you automatically to say,
I want to be known as generous.
And then when you start that
the law of reciprocitywill kick in for you.
Give and it will be given unto you.
These are the words of Jesus.
I'm not some kind of prosperity preacher,
but I am a preacher ofthe gospel of generosity.
For God so loved the world that he gave.
And when you start a lifestyle of giving
and generous and cheerful giving
wonderful things will happen.
God always stands byhis word to perform it.
He will perform it for you.
If you just follow the same principles.
Now, if you wanna starta life of generosity
over and above and say, Iwant to be known for that.
Give us a call.
and just say, I wanna join the 700 Club.
Just like Maria, it's $20 a month.
That's just 65 cents a day.
If you can join at a higher level,
we have 700 Club Goal, that's $40 a month.
We also have 1,000 Club.
That's $1,000 a year thatbreaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level call right now.
And when you call, ask for Pledge Express,
that's electronic monthly giving
the bank is doing all the work
and we can send as our giftto you, Power for Life,
monthly teaching CDs.
So if you'd like thoseask for Pledge Express,
when you call or just go to cbn.com,
when you give monthly on the internet,
you're automatically signingup for Pledge Express.
Do it now, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, up next, after twoweeks, their honeymoon was over.
No surprise here.
Two toxic people makean explosive marriage.
How did they hide it inside the church?
And how did a suckerpunch blow their secrets?
(ethereal music)
Tommy had a raging temper.
Michelle had trafficked guns and drugs
with Hells Angels and the Mexican mafia.
The two of them got marriedjust four months after meeting.
And the combination quickly became toxic.
- [Narrator] When Tommy andMichelle Hunter met in 2008,
they were both new Christianshealing from troubled pasts.
Growing up they'd bothbeen victims of emotional,
physical and sexual abuse,leading them to lives of anger,
brokenness and violence.
- My mom was a single mom.
She dated a few guys
who were extremely physically abusive.
And I specifically remember one time,
a guy coming in the houseand beating my mom up.
And I mean, I must'vebeen three years old,
I think at the time.
And I remember takinga plastic machine gun
and beating him over the back,
trying to get him off of her
and him throwing me across the room.
You know, for what Iwas trying to figure out
for 40 years was why was I so mad?
Why was I so dysfunctional?
And why things around mealways seem to fall apart?
- Most of my life, I just, Iwas involved in drugs and guns
and you know, I worked withHells Angels and Mexican mafia.
And I just really was very purposeful
at going the opposite direction from God.
And when I was 30, everythingpretty much caught up with me.
And I was looking at avery long prison sentence
and God rescued me out ofall of that miraculously.
When I was let out of jail
and didn't have to spend 20something years in prison,
I made a decision that Ineeded to change my life.
- [Narrator] After four monthsof dating, they married,
but after only two weeks,their honeymoon was over
and the reality of theirunresolved pain was revealed.
- Yeah, the physical andverbal abuse that I experienced
created a mindset
that women were good for two things,
one, for sex, two for abuse.
- Tommy would get mad.
He would, his rage and angerwould just overtake him.
He was all about intimidating.
And so there was a lotof screaming and yelling
and shaking his fist at me
and pretending likehe's gonna headbutt me.
So he'd get real close
and just like roar rightin my face, you know?
- [Narrator] Michelleturned to prescription drugs
to cope with her husband's rage.
- I felt like if I was really numb,
I could keep from myselffrom being really upset
or I could stay in control of myself,
meaning I wouldn't lash out at him.
I wouldn't start crying.
I would just be like, don't care.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile, the couple managed
to mask the tension at home
while serving as trustedministry leaders at their church.
- There was a perception in our church.
I think when peoplelooked at us that we were,
you know, this great couple
and my husband was so charismatic
and he was a great preacher.
We would go to churchand we would play church
and then we would go home andit would be very destructive.
- [Narrator] As the years wentby the arguments escalated.
One after dinner and drinks,the violence became physical.
- What happened in the car was
because of the language that I was using
Michelle reached over andjust started punching on me.
- There was such chaos
and craziness happening in our car.
When he actually reached overand punched me in the face,
of course, I was just, I was hysterical.
- [Narrator] Police arrestedTommy and he was taken to jail.
Once released, he reunited with Michelle.
A month later, she foundout she was expecting
and gave up prescription drugs.
Five months into her pregnancyshe caught Tommy cheating,
filed for a separation and movedfrom California to Arizona.
Without Tommy by her side,
Michelle gave birth to a stillborn baby,
distraught and desperatefor a better life.
Michelle cried out to God.
- I've been through areso much in my life before.
And I considered myselfto be such a strong person
that nothing that everhappened to me would break me.
But I was really broken.
I got ahold of some teachingsabout the love of God.
Like, who am I?
Like I'm not just a wife or a mother,
like who is Michelle?
Who am I?
And I started really like chasing
intensely after the love of God.
It was like I was resting and relaxing
and just his presence.
So it wasn't a show anymore.
It wasn't about going to church
and doing the Christian thing.
It was about being a Christianalone in my room with him.
- [Narrator] Now divorced
as Michelle allowed God to heal her heart.
Tommy was finally dealing with his anger.
- When I started looking at it,
and I really broke down 1 Corinthians 13
and so many other scriptures about love
that this was what I haddesperately been searching for
my entire life because he was so patient
and because he was so kind,
it was that I knew that hewas for me and he had my back
and that he wasn't mad at me
and he wasn't disappointed in me.
He just saw me as his son
and he loved me so much.
And he had such, such a greatjourney for me ahead of me.
And there was a true repentancethat came in that moment
or in that timeframe.
- The love of God filledme with compassion,
understanding that myhusband was very broken.
That it wasn't that hewas an awful horrible man.
It was that he was justas broken as I was broken
just in different waysand it looked different.
And I just knew that no matter what
I was gonna beatfrustration of my marriage.
- [Narrator] Michellereached out to Tommy,
committed to showing himthe love God had shown her.
As God healed them both
they longed to bereconciled with each other.
When Tommy asked Michelle tomarry him again, she said, yes.
Tommy and Michelle vowed
to never engage in physical abuse again.
Today they find freedomand healing and wholeness
as they share theirtestimony around the world.
Together, they lead a ministry
and they're pastors of His Place Church
in Long Beach, California.
- My marriage is the most amazing thing
I've ever experienced in my life.
I'm married to a big teddy bear
who just loves God
and who loves me and loves himself.
- 'cause you know, you can't give away
something you don't have.
And for the first time I really have loved
and so I'm able to give itto her and everybody else.
I see Jesus in our marriage today
as the center of our marriage
'cause then when wewake up in the morning,
our goal is to be Jesus to each other.
It's to love like he loved.
- Today, I just can't imaginelife being any better.
- That's the goal is forChrist to live in us,
not just for us to know about him,
not just to make a commitment of words,
but to open up our hearts and our lives
for him to live within us,
to operate through us, to change us.
And then as other see what he's done
for them to desire to be changed as well.
You know, we can't controlthe things that happen to us
when we're children.
And as Tommy said,
I wondered why my wholelife I was so angry.
Well, when things happento us in our childhood,
we have to go back and inviteJesus into those places
and let him heal them, sowe can be whole now today.
It's so easy to say we are believers.
It's easy to say that we trust Christ.
It's another thing to give it all to him.
That's why we call it surrender.
It's a laying down of who we are
and a grabbing hold of who he is
so that his spirit can fill us.
The Bible says the steadfastlove of the Lord never changes.
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning.
That's your inheritance ifyou are a Christ follower.
How do you begin that process?
You just come to him andsay, God, I have so blown it.
I've blown it in the past.
I've made promises to you Ihaven't kept, I've blown it.
Now I'm coming to you today saying
I wanna be done with me andI wanna be filled with you.
Please forgive me, fill me withyour power and your presence
and teach me your way soI can live differently.
Holy spirit, come into myheart, my mind, my spirit.
I give everything that I am to you.
And then get into the word of God
and watch him begin to change you.
Don't settle for anything less.
This is God's promise to you.
If you have a special need in your life
and you'd like to pray with someone
I want you to know ourphone lines are always open.
The number is toll free, itdoesn't cost anything to call.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
There's a friend on theother end of that line
who's prayed that prayergiven their lives to Christ
and would love to pray with you today.
We leave you with thesewords from 1 Corinthians.
Love bears all things,believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.