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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - June 30, 2021


- Let's get to questions.

We've got this one.- All right, let's do it.

"I've been divorced for awhile and I feel very lonely.

"I am in a relationship witha man and we're having sex.

"I feel very bad and I know it's wrong.

"Will I go to heaven if I die?

"What are the consequences?

"It's horrible to feel bad.

"I only have this man,there's no one else."

- Well, look, you know there's a song,

"Looking for Love inAll the Wrong Places."

We all wanna be loved.

Everybody wants to be loved.

You need somebody.

You need a partner.

God said it's not rightthat man should be alone.

So in your case, if youreally love each other,

why don't you get married?

You don't have to stay single.

You say, well, there maybe some consequences.

Well, economics or whatever,

but you're having a physical relation.

Will that mean you're going to hell?

I don't think so.

But it is a sin in termsof what the Bible says,

so I recommend you don't.

But are you going to be condemned forever?

I don't really think so, but I, you know,

if you're guilty in your heart, you know,

if we regard iniquity in ourheart, the Lord won't hear us,

so you're missing out onall the blessings of life.

So I know you're havinga physical relationship

and it's kind of nice for every so often,

but at the same time,heaven is more important.

That's what's really important.

And you don't wanna miss out on heaven.

So whatever you're doing,

I'm not saying you're going to hell

or you're not going to hell.

That's for God to decide.

But for you to be happy,

you want to be in themiddle of God's will, okay?

- You know, the devil lies to you

and says that you can't behappy, but you can have it all.

I mean, she could pray,

"Lord, send me a guy that will marry me

"and then we can have sex insideof marriage and be happy."

- Remember the old song"You Can Have It All?"

(both laughing)

- Antoine...

Now I want you to sing it.

Okay, Antoine writes,

"Both of my parents were negative

"and now I catch myself beingnegative all the time, too.

"How can I overcomehaving a critical spirit?"

- Well, you've gottastay away from negativity

because it's like a poison.

I mean, you really wouldn'twant somebody every day,

going to your neighbor next door

and taking some slop and garbage

and pouring it on your head every day.

You say, "Well, I wouldn'tlet them do that."

Well, if you let somebodywho's negative stay around you,

it'll be the same thing.

"You can't do this.

"You can't do the other.

"Isn't this bad?

"Isn't life horrible?"

You know, you need a joyful spirit.

This is the day the Lord hath made

and I rejoice and areglad in it, am glad in it.

You need to have a rejoicing spirit,

so stay away from people like that.

You don't have to be involvedwith people like that.

You say, well, if they'rerelatives and so forth.

Well, you don't have tohave as many contacts

with them as you do.

If you stay in the presenceof people like that,

they will tear you down, all right?

- They really will. That's a good word.

All right, here's Beth.

"Hi, Pat.

"I feel like our family is being attacked.

"We have financial andserious health issues,

"relationship issues.

"It is one thing after the next.

"We think we are doingthings right and healthy.

"We are Christians and Ipray continuously for help.

"Please tell me how I canpray so God hears me."

- I think you don't need to be praying.

A man shall eat good bythe fruit of his lips.

You need to confess victory.

If you continually confess problems,

you will continue to have problems.

So you confess blessing.

I am blessed of God.

Today I'm a child of God

and God is going to blessme day after day after day,

and you eat good by the fruit of your lips

or you can eat bad bythe fruit of your lips.

So it looks like you're under attack,

but you may be bringing iton yourself by what you say.

So confess with your mouth victory

and then continue, and thenlive under that victory.

- Amen. Great word.

Lori says, "A friend of mine believes

"that you can lose your salvation.

"He states once saved,always saved is unbiblical.

"He gave me about 30 versessupporting his ideology.

"I read all the verses he gave

"and I don't see or interpretthe verses the way he does.

"It's hard to believe

"that God would give usthe gift of salvation

"and then turn His back

"and say you did thisor that wrong, sorry.

"What do you think?"

- Well, the Bible says ifyou continue in the faith,

these things are yours ifyou continue in the faith.

I mean, I don't thinkwe can rely on something

like once saved, also saved.

I went forward at a meeting,I shook the preacher's hand,

I listened to somebody ontelevision, I prayed the prayer,

therefore I can do what Iwant to the rest of my life

and I've got it made.

It doesn't work that way.

It's like riding a bicycle.

You've gotta keep going or you fall off.

And I think with the thingsof God, you have to keep on.

You know, I know we sin,but at the same time,

you don't want to rely on some doctrine

that somehow you're home free

because you made a decision 20 years ago.

You know, it's day to day to day.

Every day I need the power of God.

Every day I need to call on the Lord.

Every day I need to walk with Him.

Every day I ask God's forgiveness

and His mercy in my lifethat He might lead me.

That's what you need,

not some doctrine alongthe way, all right?

- Amen, okay, here's Ethel.

She says, "In Matthew 27:53,whatever happened to the people

"that came out of their gravesafter Jesus' resurrection?

"Are they still wanderingaround the earth today

"or did they ascend to heaven?"

- I think they're wanderingaround in some TV movie,

"The Death of the Body Snatchers."

No, they came up, but theywere not in the resurrection.

They were resuscitated.

Somebody comes out of the grave,

but he is resuscitated.

The resurrection you'vegot a whole new body,

a whole new life, okay?

All right, there's one more.- Wow.

- Can you imagine if that happened today?


Aaron says, "Why are there times

"when God seems like He's silentor even absent altogether?"

- He's not silent.

He's listening to you,but sometime, you know,

you don't have to ascendup to heaven to get God.

He's in your heart.

And so look within and listen to the word

and then confess the word andHe will be there with you.

He's not silent.

He knows who you are and Heknows exactly what's going on,

so communicate with Him whatever you feel.

It's not feeling, it's faith.


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