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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - June 15, 2021


- This is a viewer who says, "My wife

and her mother believed that she is

a true prophetess of God.

However, her teachings aremixed with occultism and

New Age practices, along with the Bible.

Recently, my mother-in-law told my wife

that I need to repent of my sins,

or God is going to kill me!

I am often going back to Scripture,

but I cannot see anywhere I am sinning.

They are even forbidding me togo to church and pay tithes!

What should I do?"

- You know, in the OldTestament, somebody like that,

they said you stone them to death.

I know that sounds kind of hard.

We don't do that in thisculture, but get out from

under the teaching of that mother-in-law.

She is evil and what she'strying to impose on you is evil.

You don't have to receive it.

And I think your wifeneeds to come with you

and leave that woman whois trying to take you away

from the things of God andaway from the word of God.

You don't want that, all right?

- Okay, this is Susan who says,

"I've been praying forsalvation for my grown sons -

who are in their early 40s -for years, always believing

that if we pray inGod's will, He hears us,

and we have what we ask for.

If it's God's will that all should come

to the saving knowledge of Jesus,

why hasn't it happened for my sons?"

- Look, God is not going tooverride somebody's free will.

If your sons want to sin, God'snot going to reach in there

and force them to do something different.

But what will happenthough, you know, there's

a guy named George Müllerwho had these orphanages

in England, and he wasa great praying man.

And he prayed for thesalvation of somebody

and he kept praying and praying,

and then George Müller died.

After his death, thisguy came to the Lord.

So what you want to do,though, is not say, "I would

like our sons to find Jesusbecause that'll make me happy,"

but what you want to do issay, "He's a rebel against God.

He's sinning against you, God.

And I ask that you would change him

because for your glorynot for my satisfaction."

Pray it that way, for your glory.

This man is a rebel againstyou and he's hurting you,

so please do something, andthat's the way you ought

to pray, all right?

- This is Teresa, Pat, whosays, "For years I've wondered

about God's promise to KingDavid to always have one

of his descendants on the throne.

I believe this is fulfilledthrough Jesus Christ,

but it seems that during the exile,

his descendants died off.

What happened, and does David still have

living descendants?"

- Well, I don't know aboutthe offspring of David,

but if you go back andlook at Jesus himself,

they call him the son of David,

and he was consideredin the heir and you look

at his genealogy, and it goesall the way back to David,

and then before that, toothers of the patriarchs.

So the answer is, I thinkthere's still people,

but, and now we arespiritual heirs of David,

we're spiritual heirs ofAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We share in that heritage becausewe have accepted by faith,

maybe not by blood, butby faith, all right?

- This is Steve who says, "Hi, Pat.

Not a Philly lawyer, butwhat are your thoughts

on rewards in heaven?

In the vineyard workers parable,

everybody got the same wage."

- Well, there's theother way the Bible talks

about we'll all stand beforethe beam of the judgment seat

of Christ, and we receivewhat we've done in our body.

I don't believe it's going to be

the same deal for everybody.

I think those who have been faithful

in serving the Lord will receivegood things from the Lord.

Those who have been unfaithful, you know,

unto whom much is given,much will be required.

So we'll see what happens,but I don't think it's going

to be, this isn't some heavenly socialism.

But what is a reward in heaven?

The greatest reward isbeing near the Lord.

And so if we get the beatific vision,

we get to look at the Lord.

That's the greatest thing,and those who have served

him better will havea clearer view of him.


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