Author Jodie Berndt encourages you to pray the scriptures for your life. Plus, CBN News delivers a surprising look at how the ‘woke’ crowd is discouraging certain types of adoptions because of race.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up...
Is this the end of colorblind adoptions?
- That to me, is really destructive.
- [Narrator] Families arebeing told to hold off
on bringing a child to their loving home.
- They have been dissuaded from adopting,
simply because they're white or
because they don't have acertain quota of black friends.
- [Narrator] So why are some advocates
pushing for parents to get, Woke?
- [Woman] A white parentshould have the tools,
about how to help a child of color
grow into a healthy racial identity.
- [Narrator] On today's, 700 Club.
(uplifting music)
- Do you remember the song, "Imagine"?
I want you to imagine something today,
you can't make a telephone call.
You can't have power in yourhouse, no lights, no heat.
You can't buy groceries.
Your car doesn't start.
You are faced with a hideous blackout.
Is America destined for a dark new age?
North Korea now has a super-weapon,
that could annihilate our electric grid,
crippling our whole country.
Hackers are just keystrokes away
from plunging our cities into darkness.
And catastrophic solar-storms,
could fry our nation's power supply.
So how can we as a nationstop this doomsday nightmare?
George Thomas has an explanation.
- [George] From naturalphenomena to cyber hacks
like the massive SolarWinds Operation,
and recent attack to theColonial Gas Pipeline,
security experts warn, it's clear,
that most businessesand key infrastructure,
like power grids across this country,
are woefully unpreparedto meet such threats.
- They went after our gas andthey went after our hotdogs.
No one is out of boundshere, everyone is in play.
- [George] Lawmakers,like Senator Bob Hall,
of Texas, also worry.
That means hackers could bejust a few keystrokes away
from turning the lights out,
in cities around our country.
- We are certainlyvulnerable, across the board,
to natural and manmade threatsto our electrical grid system
that could render itunrepairable in our lifetime.
- Paul tells CBN News, thathe's especially concerned
about an electronic magnetic pulse,
or EMP attack, against the grid.
- It entails a simplyone small nuclear weapon,
being detonated above the centralpart of the United States,
over Nebraska, Kansasarea would create a pulse,
from coast to coast and border to border,
that would totally annihilateour electric system.
- There's really no excuse,
for the country to be vulnerable to EMP.
- [George] Dr. Peter Pry, aformer CIA intelligence officer,
sits on the Departmentof Homeland Security's
EMP task force.
He's out with a report this week,
concluding that NorthKorea is now in possession
of EMP weapons so strong,
that no electric grid couldsurvive from such an attack.
- North Korea almost certainly
has developed super EMP weapons.
These are nuclear weapons thatare specialized to produce
extraordinarily powerfulelectromagnetic pulse effects
and it would make it, alongwith Russia and China,
one of the few nations in theworld, that has these weapons.
- [George] San Antonio,Texas, is now leading
the Nation's efforts
to defend against suchelectromagnetic threats.
In collaboration
with the Air Force'sJoint Base San Antonio,
retired Brigadier General Guy Walsh,
along with teams ofresearchers, scientists,
and security experts, arestudying grid vulnerabilities
and deploying measures toprotect them from getting fried.
For obvious security reasons,Walsh won't devolve specifics,
but says their goal is...
- To really look acrossthe board, at training,
at education, and the technologies
that are going to helpmake the electrical grid
both resilient to attack, butable to recover more quickly.
- [George] Meanwhile, grid operators
in some regions of the country,
are also heeding warnings,to prepare for solar storms
and sunspots blastingparticles into space,
called, coronal mass ejections.
William Murtagh's group,at the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA,
maintains a direct line withall the electric companies,
in the event of a geomagnetic eruption.
- When we see one of these large eruptions
occurring in the sun, andthey are what we call,
a coronal mass ejection,coming towards earth,
we initiate this hotline call.
And we make communication, withessentially the entire grid,
owners, operators, across the nation.
- [George] Researchers withthe US Geological Survey,
released this map last year,
showing grid systems in theMidwest and Eastern seaboard,
that are particularlyvulnerable to solar storms.
Murtagh says, electricity operators
are now constantly assessingareas of vulnerability.
- If there's vulnerabilityto certain equipment,
maybe they can modify that equipment,
the manufacturing of thatequipment, to make it harden,
to make it better protectedagainst the geomagnetic storm.
There are many differentactions they can take,
to ensure that the gridstays up and running,
during these big geomagnetic storms.
- Still, the big challenge is,
that many of America's electricity systems
weren't designed orbuilt, with the thought
of being protected againstcyber threats or EMP attacks.
- The systems themselves,are very antiquated,
they're very old.
Security is very difficult todo on these types of devices.
And we've seen in prior attacks,
where Russia hasinfiltrated our power grid,
from a military preparedness perspective.
Which means, in the eventthat there is a conflict,
could Russia impact our grid?
- [George] Former NSA hacker,David Kennedy, tell CBN news,
that only a few of them are even prepared
to handle today's levelof hacking sophistication,
especially those attackscoming from China.
- China is very pressing,
because they have a very long-term view.
They're very focused onintellectual property theft
as well as their military capabilities
from a cyber-warfare perspective.
I mean, they are handing it to us,
here in the United States,
from a cyber-warfare perspective.
And they're definitely scary.
- [George] The energy industry
is the third most targetedsector for cyber-criminals,
behind only finance and manufacturing.
And according to the energy department,
hackers have the capability
to shut down America's power grid.
- There are very malignactors, who are trying,
even as we speak, thereare thousands of attacks
on all aspects of the energy sector
and the private sector, generally
- [George] Studies aboutcosts, run the gamut,
from more than 25 billiona year to protect the grid
to as much as $7 trillion to upgrade
and modernize the whole system.
A new survey this weekfrom the nonpartisan group,
Protect Our Power, founda majority of people
support more federal funding to secure
our nation's electric grid,ahead of potential catastrophe.
- It so often is the case,when we face challenges
or threats on the horizon,we're better off dealing with it
before it hits, asopposed to after it hits.
- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.
- We're looking at something
that's right around the corner folks.
And you know, we're talkingabout a green new deal,
that may take a 8, 9, $10 trillion
to take everything away fromfossil fuels and go green.
That has nothing to dowith what we're facing now.
Well, I asked our staff to find out
what it might cost to protectthe grid, to get it said,
one study pointed out, part ofit, is the first line, quote,
"The prospective cost andbenefits of protecting
the US electric grid from an EMP,
have been largely missingfrom public discourse."
The study goes on, to put thecost for necessary protection,
get this, 25 billion a year,just 25 billion that's for
both solar storms and apotentially nuclear detonation.
And most of that goes tothe huge generation plants
and get this, it willcome at an annual cost
of $79 per year, per capita,less than $80 a person,
to avoid trillions in damages
and the destruction of theentire American economy,
that's all it'll take.
But don't you wish somebodyin Washington would say,
25 billion is chicken feed,
compared to the trillions we're spending.
But that ladies andgentlemen, it is at hand
and with the sun spot activity going on,
a solar mass ejection is highly possible.
And don't think the North Korean's
won't use what they've got, one low yield,
nuclear explosion over the Midwest,
fry's our entire electric grid.
Oh man!
I don't mean to scarepeople, but it's real.
I mean, we've really got to deal with it.
Well, in other news, President Biden,
killed the Keystone Pipeline,
which would have helped America.
So why is he backing a Russian pipeline,
that will hurt America?
Efrem Graham has more...
- Pat, the corporation behindthe Keystone XL Pipeline
is shutting down for good.
This comes after Canadianofficials failed to
convince President JoeBiden to keep it alive.
Biden canceled a key permitfor the 1,200 mile pipeline,
on his first day in office,citing climate change.
The move costs thousandsof US construction jobs
and will impact the nation'soil and gas production.
The pipeline was projected to deliver,
35 million gallons of Canadian crude
to Nebraska every day,upon its completion.
Meanwhile, House Republicansare criticizing the President
for supporting a Russia-backed,
natural-gas pipeline in Europe.
The President lifted sanctions
on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline,from Germany to Russia.
House minority leader,Kevin McCarthy, and others,
call that a gift to RussianPresident, Vladimir Putin,
as it hurts American economic
and political influence in Europe.
McCarthy also calledthe President's support
for Nord Stream 2 baffling,
in light of his oppositionto the Keystone Project.
- You know, the thing with it is,
if you want to protect your environment,
you don't want to sendoil around in rail cars
and that oil is goingto come out of Canada
and so where's it going to go?
Well, you guessed it,
it's going to wind up going to China.
Why would we do that?
Take away union jobsand kill the Keystone,
and the people back in Keystone say,
we've had enough, we're going forward,
we're going to cancel the Project.
It's horrible to contemplate,
that we would give Russia a boost
and at the same time kill something
that would help America.
- Pat, energy andagriculture in the Southwest
are suffering, as the water supply
in a major reservoir is dwindling.
Lake Mead, provides waterfor 40 million people
in seven States, across theSouthwestern California.
Over the past two decades, the water level
dropped by 130 feet, it'snow down to 37% capacity
and will reach itsall-time record low today.
The shortage, affectingfarmers who can't plant crops
as well as hydroelectricpower from the Hoover Dam,
forcing a nearly 25% cut in output.
Turning now to politics,
and the race for governor,right here in Virginia.
Democrat, Terry McAuliffe,a former Governor,
is facing Republican, Glen Youngkin.
As senior Washingtoncorrespondent, Tara Mergener
shows us, the election couldsignal where voters stand,
after the bitter 2020 presidential race.
- Most analysts agree,Democrats have the advantage
going into this race, with thestate's left-leaning trend.
But they also say,
Republicans may benefitfrom the political climate,
with a race considered to be abellwether of things to come.
(crowd cheering)
Beating out four other candidates,
who argue the party needs new blood,
former Governor andlong-time democratic fixture,
Terry McAuliffe, will takeon Republican businessman
Glen Youngkin, in theNovember general election.
- And I've said, we've got to go big.
We've got to be bold.
And we need seasonedleadership to move us forward
and to lift up all Virginians.
- [Tara] The 64-year-old,who was Virginia's Governor
from 2014 to 2018, capturingmore than 60% of the vote
during the campaign touting his record,
which includes expandingvoting rights for felons.
- This was remnants of JimCrow and it needed to end.
- [Tara] Youngkin, the GOP'snewly minted-down minae says,
he's confident he will beat McAuliffe
to become the firstRepublican in 12 years,
to win a State-wide race.
- So many Virginians recognize,
that what Terry McAuliffe stands for,
which is the left liberal,progressive agenda.
- [Tara] Youngkin, a businessman,
who has never held public office,
is pro-life and pro guns,
and believes he'll benefitfrom a political climate
similar to the one that helpedRepublican, Bob McDonald,
win the governorship under Obama in 2009.
- We see our economy and jobmarket in a state of chaos.
We see our schools in a state of chaos.
- [Tara] The race isexpected to be a tight one.
Many analysts seeing it asa test for both parties,
ahead of next year's midterms.
When Republicans try tocapture control of Congress.
- Before we look at the midterms,
I think we should look notfar from DC and Virginia.
Where you are probably goingto see a very, very tight
gubernatorial election, in a swing State
that has friended muchmore blue in recent years.
- In addition to the traditional battles
that will play out on the campaign trail,
pundits also say thisrace is a culture war,
happening in Virginia and otherplaces around the country.
A test of where votersstand on social issues,
like critical racetheory and gender policy.
In Washington, I'm TaraMergener, CBN News.
- McAuliffe and Youngkin in Virginia,
will be a race to watch.
- Well, we'll keep our eyeson Virginia, where we live.
And I'm amazed at what's happened
but I think it's going to shift.
And I do think the Democratsare racing as fast as they can
to put in a series of a socialist policies
because they know without question,
with the redistricting and the new census
and all the other stuff that's going on,
plus Democrat retirements,
the chance of the Republicans winning back
the control of the Houseof Representatives,
it's a done deal.
So when everybody goesto the poll and votes,
but we're talking aboutthis fall's election.
And once that happens,
Nancy Pelosi is no longer the speaker.
And some of the ultra-liberalthings that are being proposed
will no longer be on the table.
So they are rushing as fast as they can,
to push through a socialist agenda,
before the electorate shifts.
And Nancy Pelosi is no longer the leader
and the House will no longer be
in the hands of the Democrats.
That's what's coming up,so keep your eyes on it.
But it's a big thing coming up.
And when you look at thecurrent Vice President,
at the mess that she madedown in South America,
and her interview with Lester Holt of NBC
was just unbelievable.
And (laughing) you wonder if Biden goes,
then we have Kamala Harrisas the new President.
And if she goes, thenyou've got Nancy Pelosi
as the next candidate.
So I mean, that's the succession,
is President, Vice-Presidentand Speaker of the House.
- So vote.
- Vote. (laughing)- Seriously.
- I mean, it's very, veryimportant to register and to vote.
But those in Virginia, just keep in mind,
that they've set the tablenow, of who the candidates are.
The election comes up in November.
- Well, coming up today, thenew trend of "Woke" adoptions,
what exactly is it?
And how could it backfireon the very children
it's claiming to protect?
And then later robbed ofher life for 20 years,
this woman was afraid to leave her house.
What was wrong?
And how was she healed?
Stay tuned, you'll havethose answers coming up.
(upbeat music)
(uplifting music)
- Well, what is called,the "Woke" movement,
has now invaded the adoption process.
One leading adoption agencywants race to be a factor
in placing children with parents,
despite a law that prohibits it.
So what's really at stake here?
And how could it backfire,
on the very childrenit's claiming to protect?
Caitlin Burke has that story.
- There's a federal law on the books,
that prohibits race frombeing a factor in an adoption.
The Multiethnic PlacementAct, or MEPA, is intended
to remove barriers, toadopting children of color.
Now, one major evangelicaladoption agency,
wants the law changed.
Bethany Christian Services,
says the law limits propereducation of parents,
before a transracial adoption.
That's because under the law,
all adoptions must be treated the same,
whether white parents areadopting white children
or children of color.
Following the death of George Floyd,
there was an outcry from Bethany families,
who wanted help talking aboutrace with their children.
For now, parents who want more resources,
can attend optionaltrainings, put on by Bethany
or outside organizations,like Be The Bridge.
- From the very beginning, from jump,
a white parent, should have the tools
and they should have the language
and the understanding abouthow to help a child of color
grow into a healthy racial identity,
grow into a healthy senseof who God made them to be,
in all God made them to be.
- [Caitlin] Tiffany Henness, helps provide
trans-racial adoptiontraining at, Be The Bridge.
She's also Asian-American andwas adopted by a white family.
- What really strikes me, whenI think back over my life,
is that my parents tried to encourage me
to have a positive identity,but they didn't know
some of the things that werein the environment around us,
that was teaching me to hate the Chinese
or Asian part of myself.
Because that's what made me different.
That's what made medifferent from my family.
- [Caitlin] Henness says,
that while her family did their best,
she feels their colorblindphilosophy, was short-sighted.
- I could not educatethem at four-years-old,
or eight-years-old, or 16-years-old,
I only knew so much.
So if my parents had had some training,
if they had had relationshipswith Asian-Americans,
who were helping themunderstand the context
of some of the comments,or the jokes, or the...
They would have been ableto be proactive as parents,
to help guide me through those things.
- [Caitlin] Still not everyone
in the adoption community,agrees this kind of
special training should be required.
- You want to learn more,
so that's kind of a natural thing,
you don't need an agencyto force you into this.
This is like, it's the natural curiosity,
because you want to know howbest to parent that child.
- [Caitlin] Ryan Bomberger, co-founder
of the Radiance Foundation,
was also raised in a trans-racial home.
Adopted in 1971, hisparents defied restrictions
about black children beingplaced with white families.
- They understood, thatthey were called to love,
first and foremost.
They didn't set out toadopt a black child,
a Vietnamese child, a Native American.
They just wanted to adopt those,
that the world said, wouldbe unwanted and unloved.
- [Caitlin] Statistically,
there are more black childrenlanguishing in foster care,
than there are black familiesvolunteering to adopt them.
Bomberger is concerned Bethany's desire
to not only consider race in adoption,
but also assess prospective parents,
will act as a barrier to white families,
which he says, couldmake it nearly impossible
for them to adopt children of color.
- I have a lot of parentswho've come up to me
in all the events,
that The Radiance Foundationdoes, across the country,
and they have beendissuaded from adopting,
simply because they're white or
because they don't have acertain quota of black friends
or a certain quota of Asian friends.
And that to me is really destructive.
- [Caitlin] Other critics,
claim Bethany is bowingto the Woke Movement,
being influenced by critical race theory
and shifting towards the left.
In a statement to CBN News, Bethany said,
it will continue to celebratetransracial adoptions.
And that what they'retrying to do is, quote,
"Equip families who areadopting trans-racially,
to understand their adoptivechildren and support them
as they develop a sense of who they are."
Henness says, she's focused on those
who want to listen and learn,
because she knows all toowell, what's at stake.
- You can discredit, ornot listen, or whatever,
because it's a Woke Movement thing.
But I'm a person whois trying to understand
who God made me to be,
and how come I experiencethe world this way,
and what my place is here.
And that's really what it comes down to.
- Bethany is calling for allUS child welfare policies
to be updated, to ensureall children in the system
reach an equal outcome.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Thanks, Caitlin.
You know, The Woke will destroy everything
if they get their hands on it.
So do everything you can,
to be vigilant againstsome of these policies.
- Well, still ahead,she's the mother of four,
a grandmother, and the prolific author,
of a series of books on,Praying the Scriptures.
So how can prayer helpyou be more productive?
Jodie Berndt sharesher secrets, coming up,
but first, jumping for joy,
that's what this grandma's doing.
Why? Because she can pickup her grandkids and play.
What made that possible?
After six failed surgeries,you'll find out...
Plus, we're going to be prayingfor you, so don't go away,
we'll be right back.
Well, you should hurry,
you can start celebratingfather's day with us right now
on CBN Family.
You'll find there are comedy specials,
from Thou Shalt Laugh,
plus exclusive features, from Michael Jr
and Kristin and Danny Adams.
And if you're looking for adelicious meal to cook for dad,
join Gordon, as he shares his secrets
for a perfectly cooked steak.
It's easy to watch,
all you have to do, isgo to CBNFamily.COM.
Or you can download the CBN Family app
to your smart device, butdo it now, start early.
- Well, we're looking forward to that.
Oh man, okay.
Well, Patty Lloyd had six surgeries
and every one of them failed.
For 20 years, Pattywas anxious, depressed,
and felt terrible all the time.
So what was her problem?
And why is Patty now jumping for joy?
Take a look...
- [Narrator] For years,
Patty Lloyd was afraid to leave her home,
because she often sufferedembarrassing accidents
from incontinence.
- For 20 years, I couldn'tdo anything, nothing.
I had to stay close toa bathroom at all times,
or have Depends, on.
If we went to those things,always anticipating,
I never could sit still.
- [Narrator] Although doctorsprescribed medications
through the years, she saysthey only made things worse.
Six bladder surgeries,
also failed to alleviate her incontinence.
- I felt terrible at all times.
I couldn't enjoy my grandkidsbecause I couldn't lift them.
I couldn't laugh with them,
because I would have a problemimmediately, right then.
I prayed to God, that it would stop.
I prayed continually.
And I thought that having that issue,
I would be that way the rest of my life,
even though I prayed.
- [Narrator] Then, on October 28th, 2020,
while Patty was watching the700 Club, as she does every day
Pat and Wendy werepraying, when Wendy said...
- There's a lady and you've had
serious, chronic issues,with your bladder.
Anyway, put your hand rightthere, God is touching you.
And this pain and thisirritation is leaving.
You are receiving a supernatural touch,
in Jesus name, thank you God.
- And I said, "That's me."
When I heard that word,I anticipated a healing
but yet the human side of me
was scared, elated, and hopeful.
- [Narrator] Patty saysfrom that point forward,
her incontinence improveda little every day.
- I would say that it took two weeks,
and then I realized I was healed.
And I was just like jumping around,
and laughing, and soexcited, and praising God,
saying, thank you Father,because you really do
care about each and every one of us.
- [Narrator] Patty hasbeen able to enjoy life
with her family ever since
- I am a free human being,
that freedom has allowedme to pick up my grandkids,
to laugh at anything.
We go walking, we can go anywhere now,
it doesn't matter how long the trip is,
I'm able to be free.
I always believed in Him,but I never in my life,
thought I was that important to Jesus,
and I really, really was, he loves me
and he cares about me, little old me.
- I love it, "I never realized
that I was that important to Jesus."
I want you to know right now,you are important to Jesus.
You are important.
Now here are a couple of others,who are equally important.
Gilbert, who lived in Warren, Ohio,
had been suffered laboredbreathing and lung issues.
He was watching this program, Terry said,
"You've got a problem with breathing.
It's like you're breathing clearly,
but you never get a full breath.
And take a deep breath, breathe it
and in the exhale youwere completely healed."
Gilbert exercised his faith inGod and was able to breathe.
He called the CBN prayerline, and he is praising God.
- [Terry] Well, here'sanother, for four years,
Martha of Elizabeth City, North Carolina,
suffered with chronic bowel obstruction.
While watching this program,Pat, she heard you say,
"Somebody has a bowelobstruction and it is bad."
Right now, the Lord is causingthat whole part of your body,
the large intestine, to function.
Everything is coming togetherin the name of Jesus,
right now.
Martha believed the word was for her.
And she was completely healed.
- Folks, you know, God isno respecter of persons,
he loves you, whoever you are.
Now, all I'm asking you to do, as we pray,
please don't sit there and say,
"Look, he doesn't love me, Ican't get that thing done."
There's nothing impossible with God.
Terry and I are going to join hands,
we are going to believe God, for you.
So all we're asking is,please pray with us.
Father, thank you, thankyou for what you're doing
for these people, thank you, Lord.
That each one is special,
let them know how much you love them.
Thank you, Lord.
Somebody, I believe the name's George,
you've got a hole in your heart.
And it's one of those smallthings, that you need surgery
and you haven't been able to get it.
So you're weak all the time.
Put your hand on your chest.
In the name of Jesus, heal him.
That hole is closed, yourheart is functioning properly.
- Yeah, there's someone else,
you have an issue with your teeth.
You're not elderly either, butyour teeth are loosening up.
I mean your dentalphysicians are involved.
God's changing all of that for you,
it's all going to becomestrengthened again,
your bones are going to be healthy
and your teeth are going to be secure.
- And it looks like, Mary,you've had a broken hip
and you've some things put together,
but it hadn't healed properly.
Right now, put your hand on it,
that hip has healed in thename of Jesus, touch her.
- Someone else with bones in your feet.
I don't know if they'remisinformed or what it is,
but you have a lot of pain.
As you've aged, getting the right shoes
is difficult for you.
God's healing that for you right now.
You're going to just feel likea warmth come into your feet
but you're going to noticethe difference when you walk,
there is no more pain for you.
- There's somebody namedNina, and you have again,
we saw something about a bladder problem
and you have a prolapsed uterus.
And right now, God is just doing surgery
and lifting everything together.
And you are completelyhealed in the name of Jesus.
Now, Father, we again,pray for this Nation.
We see the awful terror that is facing us,
without God we can't survive.
And Lord, we pray thatwe might be a Nation
that will be worthy of your grace.
Lord, we've sinnedagainst you as a nation.
We know it and you know it,and please Lord forgive us,
but also bring us to a place
where we can be worthy of yourgrace, for we need you, Lord.
Protect this Nation, in Jesus name, amen.
- [Terry] Amen.
- And amen.
Please give us a call,we'd love to hear from you.
It's always a thrill forus to have your calls.
And if you need prayer, somebody'son the phone, right now,
who will be glad to pray for you.
All right?
- Well, still to come, loving-hard people,
extending forgiveness,persevering and marriage.
What's the key to unlocking God's power
and provision in your life?
You'll find out after this,
plus, another round of your questions
and Pat's honest answers.
Eugene asks,
"What do I have to do to findthat special woman in my life.
I'm tired of living alone in life.
It's been 56 years, please help me, Pat."
We'll see what Pat has tosay, and how he plays Cupid.
That's coming up.
(relaxing music)
- Welcome back to the 700Club, for this CBN News break.
The US Park Police, did notclear protesters from a park
outside The White House,for that photo op,
of President Donald Trump holding a Bible
in front of a church last summer.
This is according to a report,
from Inspector General, Mark Greenblatt.
The US Park Police made thedecision to clear the park
hours earlier, in orderto install fencing,
after protesters got tooclose in previous days
That report does fault theUSPP, for failing to provide
dispersal warnings loudenough for everyone to hear.
Worship leader, Sean Feucht, says Facebook
has been censoring andsuppressing his pages
for the past five months.
Feucht told CBN News, "Facebook'sheavy-handed censorship
has me squarely in thecrosshair for months.
Facebook has reduceddistribution on my page,
because they claim I shared false news.
I can't turn ads, promoting my albums,
or causes, that are nearand dear to my heart.
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Pat and Terry are back, withmore of today's 700 Club.
It's all coming up, right after this...
(dramatic music)
(tranquil music)
- How would you like
to have an ongoing conversation with God?
Better yet, how about spending 31 days
abiding in his presence, hisprovision, and his power.
As author Jodie Berndt showsus, it really is possible.
Take a look.
- When we look around at allthe problems in the world,
hunger, injustice, disease, we may wonder,
is it okay to pray for yourself?
Yes, our Heavenly Father,knows what we need.
And when we come to him and let his words
shape our thoughts and desires,
our prayers start to lineup with the good things
that he wants to do.
Praying the Scriptures forYour Life, is a 31-day journey,
into the presence,provision, and power of God.
- Well, joining us now viaSkype, is Jodie Berndt.
Jodie, we welcome youback, to the 700 Club.
- Hey Terry, thank you somuch, so great to be with you.
- You begin your book, withan invitation to abide,
you know, that's a word we don't use often
in our popular conversation today.
Talk a little bit aboutwhat it means to abide.
- You know, that's agreat kickoff question
and one that was a hurdle for me,
as I began working on this book.
Because I was reading in John 15,
and I saw where Jesuscalls us to abide in him,
some translations say, remain in him,
11 times in just 10 verses.
And I thought, I don't evenreally know what that means,
what that looks like in real life,
it sounds like an old fashionedword, a theological word.
But really, what I've come to understand,
and I've interviewed a lot ofpeople way smarter than I am
and read a lot of fabulousauthors like Andrew Murray,
and Warren Weirsbe, and others.
I think what Jesus is calling us to,
is just to a life of connection.
We accept Him as our Lord and Savior
and we begin walkingwith Him through life.
But you and I both know, andI know your viewers know,
we also have anopportunity to daily yield,
to surrender, to stay connected,
trusting that He does have good plans
and good purposes for our lives
and partnering with Him,really, through our prayers,
to see these things come to reality.
- All of your books,
and you've written so manywonderful books about prayer,
are so encouraging, becausewe certainly need it.
But I think if we ask ourselves,
if God knows what wewant and what we need,
why does He ask us to keep asking him,
over, and over, and over again?
What's the purpose of that?
- That's another greatquestion, because I do,
I talk to people all the timewho hold back on praying,
because they're like, okay, He loves me,
He's just going to do what He wants.
So why pray?
And honestly, the story that you all ran,
just a little bit ago in the show,
where the woman said, "Hecares about me, He loves me."
That just almost brought me to tears
just as I was watching the show
because He really does care about us,
and He loves us, and He wants us to ask.
And you know, God could havejust started dispensing things
like a vending machine, in over our lives,
but what He really wants,is a relationship with us.
And yes, when we ask Him for things,
prayer is the way thatHe releases his provision
and His blessings in our lives.
But it's not just to get the stuff,
it's really at the heartof it, to get the Jesus,
to get the God, to getthat intimacy with Him.
That we get through,as you said at the top,
that ongoing conversation with Him.
- I think one of the other questions
people ask all the time, iswhat about unanswered prayer?
What does that mean?
Does God not care about my situation?
The Bible says sometimes we'reasking with the wrong motives
but how can we be sure ourprayers are pleasing to God?
- You know what a beautiful question too,
because I think probablyeveryone watching,
including me, has wrestled with that.
We think we know somethingthat's really good.
We think we know something
that's in accordance with His will
and we ask for it and it doesn't happen
or it doesn't happen inthe timing that we want.
And I'll tell you, Godreally dealt with me
in a gentle way about that.
One of the things thatI was praying about,
and it wasn't happening.
And I thought, God, I've been writing
and speaking about prayer for 25 years,
I should have more faith.
Why am I so discouraged?
Why am I so disappointed?
And you know, God said to me
and I would say thisto all of your viewers.
We can bring those questions to him.
We can bring our disappointment to him,
our confusion, even our anger,
and we can say, I don't understand this.
And God will say, youknow what, that's okay,
come close to me, let me comfort you.
I don't want you to trust in your agenda
or what you think you need,I want you to trust in me.
And I love what TimKeller says about prayer,
he talks about how much God loves us
and how, when we pray, Godwill either give us what we ask
or what we would have asked. (coughing)
Excuse me.
If we knew everything that He knows.
And there's such a freedomin that, go ahead and ask.
But trust that He willprovide what we need
- In your latest book, Prayingthe Scriptures for Your Life,
it's a 31-day adventure to take.
Each of your...
- Adventure, I love that word,
we should have put that on the cover.
- Each of your prayer days are structured
around the three R's, talk about those.
- Well, it's a little different
than the other books in the series,
if folks have seen those.
Because I wanted this to really be a time
to initiate conversation with God.
So at the end of each shortlittle chapter or day,
there's a time to read a fewBible verses and then reflect.
Reflect on how you see thingsunfolding in your life.
What you might want God to do,
what you might sense the Holyspirit nudging you to do.
And then there's a placewhere we can respond,
with a dozen or so scripture based prayers
about whatever the topic is.
I know in your setup piece, you talk about
loving hard people, forgiving people,
prayers for our marriage, our finances,
overcoming worry and fear.
The great thing about Godis, whatever our need is,
he's got us covered.
He's got those plans,he's got those purposes
and he's got those promises in His Word,
that we can tap into.
- And loving each otheris, after we draw close
and learn to abide inHim, loving each other is
really the instruction we're given by Him.
- Yeah, the two thingslove God, love others,
and that's how people knowthat we're Christians, right?
That's what makes peoplesay, I want what she has.
I want what he has, becauseof our love for one another.
- Well, I want to say,
I keep every one of Jodie'sbooks at my bedside,
this latest one...(Jodielaughing) it's true.
This latest one, is called
Praying the Scriptures for Your Life,
31 days of Abiding in the Presence,
Provision, and Power of God,
and it's available nationwide.
Jodie, thank you so much.
It's always a treat to haveyou with us, bless you.
- Thank you, Terry, thank you so much.
- Well, coming up, we've got your email.
Jason writes, "When we sin
and we ask the Lord for forgiveness,
does this mean a personis supposed to be perfect?
How can we stay away from all sins?
It's almost impossible."
That question and more,and some honest answers,
after this...
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- No soap, no toilet paper, andno money to feed her family,
that's what Jessica was facing
after the pandemic shut down her job.
Nothing hurts the single mom as much,
as seeing her children go hungry.
So how did she and her family survive?
Well, take a look.
- [Narrator] Jessica is a single mom.
She'd been able to providefor her two children
until the Covid pandemic hit Mexico.
Without income, she wonderedhow long they could last.
- I started crying and I told my children
I did not know how wewill buy food to eat.
I was really scared.
- [Narrator] Then the family'sfood supply nearly ran out.
- All we had left were a few beans.
We had no soap or toiletpaper, we had nothing.
How is it possible that Icould not feed my children?
- [Narrator] Eight-year-old Mateo,
described what beinghungry felt like to him.
- After a while, it hurts right here.
- Nothing in my life has hurt me as much,
as not having any foodto give to my children.
- [Narrator] Jessica prayedand asked God for help.
- And I opened the Bible to Isaiah 54,
there, God says, I am your provider.
I am father to your children.
At that moment, Iremembered my grandmother
used to prepare and sell donuts.
- [Narrator] So Jessica borrowed $5,
to buy some flour, oil and sugar.
- I started making just a few donuts.
I sold them all in half an hour.
I could only make a few
because I didn't have theright tools and ingredients.
- [Narrator] Then CBN's Orphan's Promise,
learned about Jessica and her children.
We bought a new, largerfrying pan, more ingredients,
including a large sack offlour, and a rack with trays,
all that made it possible for Jessica
to make more donuts faster.
As a result, her income has increased,
even during the pandemic.
- I feel happy, becausewhen I see the donuts,
I know we will sell them all in one day.
- [Narrator] And now thatthey have new protective gear,
also provided by Orphan's Promise,
they said they feel safer as they sell.
- Thank you for allowing God, to use you,
to bless my family.
- I know, you like me, haveseen stories of people,
here in the United States,that have struggled
through this whole pandemic thing as well.
You know, one of the things we have here,
are safety nets within our governments,
within our churches, and our communities,
but in other countries,there's no safety net.
And so we want to say, thank you to you,
if you're a 700 Clubmember, because you allow us
to step right over thebarriers that creates
and touch people's lives,
like the little family you just saw.
That's a mom, who's a hard worker,
who loves her children,who wants to provide.
She just didn't have the meansand lost the one job she had.
Thank you, because youlet us come into her life
and allow her to flourish.
And you have changed her lifeand the life of her children.
To join The 700 Club, is 65cents a day, $20 a month.
You can change the world if you want to,
come along with the rest of us,
that's that we're out todo, with the love of Jesus.
And you do it by callingour toll free number.
It's 1-800-700-7000,
$20 a month, sign up right now,
become a part of a movementthat's touching the world.
And when you do, we want to say thank you,
by sending you Pat's latest.
This is a reading from Romans,
verses of salvation, peace, and victory,
it's called, God is For Us.
Here's why we want you to have it,
because Sally, in Urbana, Ohio, has it.
And this is what she says,
"God is For Us, is exactly what I needed.
As a lung cancer patient, ithas brought me great comfort.
Also, my son is in thehospital with Covid-19,
with a long recovery time ahead.
I took Pat's reading, ofGod is For Us, to his room
because he loves Dr. Robertson.
Thank you very much."
We want you to beblessed by this, as well.
And we want you to bea blessing to others.
So join the 700 Clubright now, you can call.
- I'm so glad thatpeople like that reading,
it's just a thrill.- Yes, they love it.
It brought the scriptures alive.
Okay, here we go.
- Let's go.
- This is Jason, who says, "Hi, Pat,
when we sin and we askedthe Lord for forgiveness,
and we're supposed tostay away from that sin,
does this mean a personis supposed to be perfect?
How can we stay away from all sins?
It's almost impossible."
- Jason, you're exactlyright, it is impossible.
You know, only the Lord isperfect and God, you know
Jesus said, you don't call me perfect,
only God, the Father is perfect.
We will continue to sin, you know?
But the first John says,
if we say we have notsinned, we make God a liar.
So of course we've sinned,but when you are forgiven,
you are forgiven in that particular area.
And if you were born of the spirit of God,
you don't keep on sinning,whatever you're into,
you just don't keep on doing it.
But I think that answersyour question, all right?
- This is Eugene, who says,
"What do I have to do to findthat special woman in my life?
I'm tired of living alone in life.
It's been 56 years, please help me Pat.
I read the Bible, butit never seems to help.
I love all you guys and enjoy your show."
- You remember Willie Sutton,
they said, "Willie, why do you Rob banks?"
He said, "That's where the money is."
(both presenters laughing)
If you're looking for amate that is compatible,
go where they are.
I mean, you join asingles-group somewhere,
there may be some activityin a community center.
There may be somethingthat you can do together.
I mean, look for where they are.
And God puts the lonely into families.
He is the author of all families.
So he'll give you thespouse you're looking for.
So ask him, and if you havewhat you're looking for,
why don't you write it down?
What you want.
And, you know, one woman said,
"I asked God for somebodywho was a handsome guy,
who would provide for me, look after me,
and be a good father."
But he said, I didn't ask you
for somebody that didn't run around.
So you asked him for exactly what you..
- Be careful what you're asking.
Okay, this is Phillip, who says,
"What does it mean to'take every thought captive
and make it obedient to Christ'?"
- You know, we have stuffgoing on all the time
in our minds, we really do.
There are all kinds of thoughts.
I mean, you read books,you watch television,
you see advertisements, all this material,
and you literally have totake charge of your mind
and say, "I let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in your sight."
That means, take controlof your mental processes.
Don't let your mind justgo wandering around.
That's essentially whatit...make your thoughts captive.
You have a will, exercise it.
- This is Paul, who says,
"Hi, Pat, can a person who believes
they've been healed, lose their healing?"
- Oh, absolutely, they can lose it.
I've heard of one particular story,
there's so many of them,but there was this kid,
who was crippled and he was wearing braces
and he asked for healing andsomebody laid hands on him
and he was miraculously healed.
So he's walking around without braces.
And somebody said, "Well,don't you think George,
that you should put your braces back on?"
And he says, "Okay."
So he put them back on and...
- The healing was gone.
- The healing was gone
So absolutely, you can lose it, yeah.
- This is a viewer who says,
"When someone is struggling with shame,
how can they get free from thosefeelings once and for all?"
- You have to read the Bible
and see what the Bible says about you.
As far as the East is from the West,
that's how far I'vetaken your sin from you.
And confess it, you know,what are you ashamed of?
The Bible says, "He madea show of them openly,
triumphing in his cross."
If you cover these things up, you know,
I did this, I was homosexual,I had an abortion,
I cheated on my husband, and Iwas disobedient to my prayer,
or whatever you have, confess it
and bring it before the Lord, and say,
"This is what I did,Father, I ask forgiving."
All right?
- This is Gail, who says,"I've heard you use the phrase,
'God is no respecter of persons'.
I'm confused as to what thatmeans, could you explain?"
- Well, a respecter of persons,
means a particular personhas a privilege with God.
And God says, "No, no,they're all equal before me.
I love them all."
So you think, well, he's special.
You know, this guy'son TV, so he's special,
God's no respect to report.
He does not respect anyparticularly individual.
I guess that's...thankyou for your question.
We leave you today, withthese words from Lamentations,
"I say to myself, the Lord is my portion.
Therefore, I will wait for him.
Tomorrow, a Black Militiais rising up in America,
who are they?
And what is their agenda?
Oh, man, I want to watch that myself.
I don't know what it's going to be.
We'll see you tomorrow, bye, bye.