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Work Your Gifts - The Superbook Show

Alex and Lawrence talk about how we need to take our God given gifts, use them, work on them, and do things that make our gifts stronger. Read Transcript

- Hey, you!

Yeah, you.

Thanks for watching ushere at The Superbook Show.

- Thank you!


- Why are you running in place?

- I've been working out all day.


And I haven't seen any results yet.

(swooshing sound effect)

- A whole day?

- Well, more like half an hour.

(sad trombone sound effect)

- You know, it takes longer than

that to get in the shape, right?

- I don't know, I clickedon the YouTube video

and the guy said if I follow the workout

I'd be shredded in no time.

- I think that was a figure of speech.

- Figures.

- Anything worth having takes time to get.

- Tell me about it!

That's a half hour I'll never get back.

- Well, okay, anything worthhaving takes time to get.

And then you have to work to maintain it.

- You're telling me I have to work hard

just to do more working hard?

- Kind of.

- What's this whole life thing about, man?

- It's a lifelong journey to improvement

and closeness to God.

- Okay, but what about this?

Jesus said He gave us peace as a gift.

- He did.

- Right, but we don't haveto, like, work for our gifts?

- True, but, the Bible also says

to seek peace and work to maintain it.

- Really, maintain?

- Let me ask you this,is salvation a gift?

- Yes?

- It is, but in Philippians,it says to work hard

to show the results of your salvation.

- Wait, work?

- Yeah, as in cultivate or work on it.

- I gotta read more.

- God gives us all kinds of gifts.

It's up to us to use it, work on it,

and do the things thatmake that gift stronger.

- So I'm not earning the gifts,

but I'm being a goodcaretaker by exercising them?

- That's a great way to put it!

- So, in other words, God gave me

the energy and ability to work out,

but if I want to be asshredded as that YouTube guy,

I'm gonna have to put inmore than a half hour.

- In a short answer, yes.

- Okay, so we gotta startworking out these gifts,

like cardio or weight training.

- That's an interesting way of putting it.

- Start jogging.

- Then, we gotta feed these gifts

a well-rounded diet ofvitamin-packed dishes.

- Okay, but...

- And then, after all that,we've got to be consistent.

Make it a part of our everyday routine

to see the best results.

- Uh-huh.

- And then we've gotta have balance.

In the pursuit of anything,it requires us to have rest.

- Rest, whew!

Okay now you're talking.

- Hey!

- Yeah?

- If you want to see results,

you're going to have to workmore than a few minutes.

- His word is forever alive.

(both panting)

(upbeat music starts)

(swooshing sound)

(upbeat music continues)

- Check out

to learn more about working your gifts.

- Work your gifts!


- As in work on it or cultivate.

As in cultivate it

or work on it.- I gotta read more.

- Yeah, all right.


It's a lifelong journey tocloseness and improvement to God.

Flip that.

There are some times where I say hi,

it sounds like a question.

Like, he did? He did? He did? He did?

I don't know, he did.

Okay, there we go, therewe go, there we go!

I convinced myself on that one.


True.- Really?

- Oh, sorry, I cut you off.

- A well-rounded diet ofvitamin-packed dishes.

- Okay.

(crew murmuring)

(swooshing sound effect)(upbeat music)

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