Is COVID Virtual Learning the Same as Home Schooling? What Parents Need to Know
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- The COVID-19 pandemic hitour educational system hard,
and one of the major effectscame in homeschooling.
A census report foundhomeschooling doubled during COVID.
Here with us for more on that
and how parents can be prepared
for homeschooling is AnnMiller, the executive director
of the Home EducatorsAssociation of Virginia.
Thank you so much for being here.
So, tell us more about howCOVID affected homeschooling.
What changes did we see as a result?
- Well, your reference tothe census was remarkable
in that homeschooling for the20-21 school year doubled.
An interesting fact thatthat US census found,
and that census was alsojust released in March,
they also found that the number of black
or African American familiesincreased five times,
- Wow.- which is amazing
because, in homeschooling,
there's long been a stigmaagainst homeschooling
in some black communities.
But homeschooling, blackchildren are thriving,
and research shows thatthey're 42 percentile points
ahead in language artsand 26 percentile points
ahead in math scores comparedto public school students,
homeschooled black students.
So we're just seeing people understanding
the benefits of homeeducation and the growth.
And you know, we see the Lord
turning the hearts of theparents to the children
and they want to do what'sright for their kids,
and they're finding that homeschooling
has been a tremendous option.
Here in Virginia, ourhomeschooling's increased 48%.
- [Efrem] Wow.
- Yeah.
- Now children, ofcourse, have been taught
because of the school shutdowns.
How is this differentfrom the virtual learning
many families have experiencedover the last year?
- Yeah, well, virtual learning
can actually be a componentof home education.
- Okay.- Home education
is really about parent-directed,parent-led education,
so parents can use whateverworks for their kids.
And homeschooling also,it's a wonderful way
to disciple our children,
and you know there's a battle raging
for the hearts and the minds of our kids.
- [Efrem] Absolutely.
- And it's an opportunity for parents
to instill their values and their beliefs
as well as academics.
Homeschoolers, the research shows
they do phenomenally well academically,
but homeschooling, Efrem,is about so much more
than just academics.
And for those who are worried,
(Efrem chuckles)
colleges love homeschoolers.
Every homeschool parent,
they have a preschoolerand they want to know,
"Can my kid get into college?"
- [Efrem] Absolutely.
- We do an annual convention
and we have over 12,000people who attend every year,
and the college fair part,
the preschool parents are there, like,
"Can my kids get into college?"
Colleges actually arerecruiting homeschoolers,
and we have one college that told us
that they are puttingtheir marketing budget
into recruiting homeschoolers
because they've changed theatmosphere on their campus.
- Oh, wow.- So,
the results speak for themselves.
But in the end, homeschoolingis about a lot more
than academics; it's about relationships.
It's about relationshipswith our children,
with each other, and ultimately,
our relationship with the Lord.
And so parents have that opportunity
through educating their children at home
to disciple them in the ways of the Lord,
and also, the worldbecomes your classroom.
- Yes, indeed.- You know,
it's age integrated learning
in kind of an outside the box way.
- I love it, so you can takeeducation on the road with you
if necessary.- Yeah, yeah.
Road schooling is actually, is a thing.
Well, the world doesbecome your classroom,
- Indeed.- and you have,
you're not limited to a set of textbooks
or a certain curriculum.
And struggling learners,
homeschooling is especiallygood for struggling learners
because parents can remediate,
and that's one thing thatparents found out from COVID.
- Yeah.- They didn't know why
their kids were struggling in school.
And they were involved parents
and then they found out, like,
(gasps) they don't know their math facts.
- Yeah.- So they were able
to stop everything, remediate,and let them catch up,
mastery learning.- Love it.
Before we let you go, we'rejust about out of time,
you got a conference coming up,
Homeschooling withConfidence: Unstoppable.
- Yes.
- Tell us who this is for andwhy it's important right now.
- This is for any parent or grandparent
who's interested in teaching
and training their children at home.
And the conference is filled
with practical, relevant tips, ideas,
helping parents think outsidethe box about education,
because we're used toone model of education
- Yeah.- and homeschooling
is a completely different model.
So we want to equip and encourage parents
to have the confidenceto teach their children.
- Indeed. Thank you so much, Ann Miller.
Confidence is what we need
'cause I know I'm a parent as well
and I didn't think I was qualified
to homeschool until this last year,
- Yes, most parents don't,- so thank you.
- but it grows us as well.
But it's a wonderful thing and there is,
it's so important for today
because there is a battle
for the hearts and theminds of our children,
and we don't want them tobecome collateral damage.
- Absolutely.
Thank you so much.
Want to let you know at home
that you can find out more
about going to the homeschooling-
- Ooh, and it's free.
- And it's free.- It's all free.
- Very good.- How did I forget that?
It is all free.
- Go to,
you can find it.
As you just heard, it is
- [Both] All free.
- Thank you so much, Ann.
Much appreciated.
- You are very welcome.