Slammed by a stroke, one man’s life was slipping away. See how this patient was divinely healed and the impact that had on the hospital staff on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Male Announcer] The following program,
is sponsored by CBN.
Coming up.
- I screamed and I fell to the floor.
- [Male Announcer] Slammed by a stroke.
- It felt like somethingexploded in my head.
- [Male Announcer] Hislife was slipping away.
- I said, "Call 911."
- [Male Announcer] A patient is healed.
- And I felt myself getting whole again.
- [Male Announcer] And hiswasn't the only miracle.
- She said, "God must havesent you here for me."
- [Male Announcer] Thestory on today's 700 Club.
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
For today's top headlines,
let's go over to the CBN News desk.
- Gordon, this could be ahistoric moment in Israel,
the end of Benjamin Netanyahu's term
as the country's longestserving prime minister.
Sunday, Naftali Bennett announced,
he will join another Israelipolitician, Yair Lapid,
to form a wide-rangingcoalition government made up
of people with differing views.
But there are questions about
whether such a governmentwill be able to survive.
Chris Mitchell brings usthe story from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] Naftali Bennett,a right wing former ally
of Netanyahu told the nation
that the proposed coalitionwould bring unity back
to Israeli politics.
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] A governmentlike this will succeed only
if we work together as a group.
Not I, but we.
We will bring back the we thatwas Israel's secret weapon,
since the day of its establishment.
All parties are invitedto join the government.
For the government to succeed,
we all need all partners in negotiations,
and after that to show restraint.
- [Chris] Minutes afterBennett's announcement,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuwarned the new government,
would put Israel in danger.
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] I call on the members
who were elected withthe right wing votes.
I call on those who have aconscience and who have a path,
go on with this path.
Don't establish a leftist government,
a government like this is a danger
to the security of Israel,
and it's also a danger tothe future of the State.
- [Chris] According to the agreement,
between Bennett and Lapid,
they would rotate theoffice of prime minister
with Bennett going first.
Lapid is considered a keyfigure of the secular left,
while Bennett is more of aleader of the religious right.
They have until Wednesdayto finalize the deal,
with parties from the right, center, left,
along with the support ofan Arab Islamist party.
This is the so-called change block
in order to oust Prime Minister Netanyahu.
- But when you have a rightwing and a left wing party
that is coming together,not based on issues,
but based on trying to get ridof a particular personality,
that results in a fairlyunstable government.
And generally, they don't last very long.
So there's a good chance
that there will be more electionsin Israel before you get
to the midterm elections in the US.
- [Chris] PoliticalAnalyst Elie Pieprz says,
"If Lapid and Bennett succeedin forming a new government,
it will be tested."
- Israel's enemies will belooking for Israel's weaknesses,
looking for weaknessesin a coalition government
that is really not based on very much,
very easily to knockdown this house of cards.
So it is something that willencourage Israel's attractors,
Israel enemies in the world
to try to take advantageof this new weakness.
- Any new government will facea set of daunting challenges.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran's nuclear program,
internal tension between Jews and Arabs,
and the rise of antisemitismaround the world,
along with the US Administration,
not legally as friendly as the last one.
That's why Pieprz and otherssay, "It's a vital time
to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem."
Chris Mitchell, CBS News, Jerusalem
- Back here at home in Americais marking Memorial Day,
it's annual day to remember those
who gave their lives for their country.
And Americans have beenon the go this weekend,
traveling like they haven't,
since before the COVID pandemic began
because now there are fewercases, increased vaccinations,
and declining restrictions.
Heather Sells has the story.
- [Heather] Americans havestayed at home for over a year,
but no more.
This Memorial Day weekend,
more than 37 million aretraveling up 60% from last year.
- I remember last year was like empty,
and now is, all seats are full.
- It brings a sense of freedom,and just to get out again.
- So I haven't been home in two years,
so whatever I gotta do to get home,
I'm gonna do to get home.
- [Heather] One key reasonpeople are out and about,
they are clearly less anxious.
A new Yahoo news poll Fridayshows only 15% of Americans,
are very worried about COVID-19.
They're feeling safer in partbecause of plummeting cases.
The daily number is down nearly70% in the last six weeks.
Plus Americans are getting vaccinated,
over a half have receivedat least one shot.
Helping to drive that,the recent eligibility
of 12 to 15 year olds.
- The real game changerhas been the vaccine.
- [Heather] With Americans more confident,
the airlines are gearingup for a busy summer.
- 2020 obviously became theworst year we've ever had.
Now, 2021 is right here in the middle,
and regrowing back towards 2019 levels.
- [Heather] It's also helpingbig cities like Chicago
and New York,
and big States likeMassachusetts and Minnesota,
lifting COVID restrictions.
One plot twist this weekend,some downright cold weather
in parts of the Northeastand Mid-Atlantic.
- It is absolutely disappointing.
- [Heather] But temperatures are expected
to start climbing againtoday in many places.
Across the country, Americansare remembering those
who died while serving their country
from Watertown, Massachusettsto Sacramento, California.
- Every year, the VFW organizesput in crosses and flags
on the graves of veterans to honor those
who have served in the military.
- [Heather] People areenjoying get togethers
that are long overdue,
and hoping to put COVID19 in the rear view mirror
as summer begins.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- President Biden marked hisfirst Memorial Day weekend
as Commander-in-Chief by honoring those
who sacrifice themselves for the nation.
The president made his annual appearance
at the commemorationin New Castle, Delaware
not far from his home.
The president also rememberedhis late son, Beau,
who served in the National Guard in Iraq
and died from cancer six years earlier
to the day of the president's speech.
- Because as a nation,
we must always remember, always remember.
We must remember the price that was paid
for our liberties.
We must remember the debt, weowe those who have paid them.
The families left behind.
My heart is torn in half bythe grief, the communities,
and never whole again.
Voted and die in the line of duty,
but he was serving atDelaware National Guard Unit
in Iraq for a year.
That was one of the proudestthings he did in his life.
- Biden has attended the ceremony,
nearly every year for decades.
Turning now to Washingtonin the Museum of the Bible
where they're observing this Memorial Day
in their own special way.
Jenna Browder brings us that story.
- There is a lot to see hereat the Museum of the Bible,
and in line with Memorial Day,
there are several Bibles thataccompanied soldiers into war.
They tell powerful stories.
- This is our Bible in America gallery,
where we talk aboutthe impact of the Bible
from the pilgrims all theway down to the present day.
- [Jenna] Meet Dr. Jeffrey Kloha,
the museum's chief curatorial officer.
- We several objects thatrelate to really both sides
in the civil war and howthe Bible was a source
of comfort and encouragement to soldiers
on both sides on a personal level.
- [Jenna] In this particular case,
items belonging to George Room,
who served on one of the firstAfrican-American regiments.
- [Jeffery] He's posedin his military uniform.
- [Jenna] Yeah, wow.
- So pretty cool that we have all
from one individual like that.
- It's neat to put a faceto some of these artifacts.
- Yeah, I mean, there's the guy in 1864,
who's using this Bible, right?
- [Jenna] There's also a veryfamous piece of Americana.
- The Battle Hymn ofthe Republic was yeah,
a civil war song.
It was written by Julia Ward Howe.
- [Jenna] Is that her right there?
- [Jeffery] That's her there, yeah.
And she wrote this actuallyjust about a mile away
from here at the Willard Hotel.
- [Jenna] A song she wroteto bolster the troops.
- And partly she says, "Toreplace the less than pious songs
that they were singing, right?
- [Jenna] Behind the scenes,
Jeff takes us beneath the museum
where they keep even more wartime Bibles.
This letter written by PresidentWoodrow Wilson in 1917,
encouraging soldiers to read the Bible.
- Now, this proclamation,
would be printed insidethese little pocket Bibles,
which would be distributed to soldiers.
- [Jenna] And then there's this one.
- Yeah, a little bit of character.
Now, this is a civil war era Bible,
and it's actually in German.
- [Jenna] What's unique about it?
- You see that stain there?
That's almost certainly a bloodthat ended up on the Bible,
and left the stain, you know,
from the civil war.- Wow.
- So again, it shows the cost of war
and the price people paidto to maintain our freedom.
- [Jenna] One Bible isparticularly special to Jeff.
- Yeah, this one I threw in here.
Now, this is not actuallyin the museum collection.
It was owned by mygrandfather, John Flack,
who served in the second world war.
- Jeff's grandfather foughtin the Battle of the Bulge.
- This was given to him by his pastor.
It's a leather cover, and youcould tell it's quite worn.
He must've carried it allover in his battle gear.
- [Jenna] Back upstairs,more one of a kind Bibles,
including those donatedby past presidents.
A President Donald Trump, andthe museum's newest edition,
a Bible from President Jimmy Carter,
received just a few weeks ago.
- [Jeffery] Inside the front cover,
is the name and phone numberof the Sunday school teacher
from first Baptist Church here in DC.
And we know from presidential archives
that he attended that church60 times during his presidency.
- And if you can't make it to the museum,
several of these Bibles are featured
on the museum's website.
Just go to the Collections taband you can find them there.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- America honors those whodefend it and have died for it.
But even before it was anation, soldiers were gathering
to take up the cause ofthe American colonies,
against their British overlords.
Yet, they would be led by men
whose first businesswasn't war, but prayer.
Paul Strand tells us theirfirst coming together
in Philadelphia, and how it was under God.
- [Paul] Feeling the lashof British oppression,
colonial representatives first met
at Philadelphia'sCarpenters' Hall in 1774.
But no one was sure how tobegin a Continental Congress.
Firebrand Samuel Adams jumped
in with a controversial proposal.
- So let's open in prayer.
Isn't that amazing?
America is opened up witha proposal for prayer,
and it begins with the debate over prayer.
We can't pray.
- [Paul] Because historianPeter Lillback points out,
they were Catholics or Protestants
from a wide array of denominations.
- [Peter] They never prayed together.
They all thought they werefrom different religions.
They thought were biblical or were true,
and they're not.
- [Paul] Adams was a congregationalist,
basically a Puritan like thosewho under Oliver Cromwell,
fought a vicious civil waragainst England's Anglicans.
- [Peter] And the Puritanshad chopped off the head
of the head of the Anglican Church.
He's called Charles I, the king.
- [Paul] But Adams made arevolutionary statement.
- I can pray with anyman who loves his God
and loves his country.
So here he is a congregationalist,
and he says, "I hearthere's just such a man over
in that church over there,the Anglican Church."
- [Paul] He proposedhis Pastor Jacob Duché
opened the Congress in prayer.
- It was at that moment
that Samuel Adams created theAmerican ecumenical spirit,
where in the public square,
we can walk over ourdenominational boundaries.
Literally, if you will,he stepped over the aisle.
- [Paul] Duché came, but all dressed up
in fancy priestly robes.
- He came in his full pontificals,
which meant he was really decked out
with the very things that Puritans hated.
- [Paul] He held the AnglicanBook of Common Prayer,
with Puritans load.
But then Duché beganthe reading set long ago
for that day in the book.
With a possible war looming,
the Congress felt it wasa totally prophetic moment
as the reading was fromPsalm 35 about being loyal
to an elder who suddenly betrays.
- That we had been loyalto the mother country,
and they're turningagainst us and harming us.
- [Paul] It started out,"Fight against them,
that fight against me,"
John Adams wrote to his wife.
- [Peter] You would havethought in God's providence
that was put into theBook of Common Prayer just
for this day for us.
- [Paul] Duché's prayerthen ask God for freedom
from the rod of America's a oppressor,
and ended in the name of Jesus Christ.
- It's quite a remarkable moment
that that's where the American story began
in prayer as opposite sides came together
for a greater good in the name of Christ.
- [Paul] Paul Strand, CBN news,
Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia.
- Those are today's topstories from CBN News,
Gordon and Terry back withmore of today's 700 club.
It's coming up right after this.
(upbeat music)
- When Ödön Rácz was born,
his father brought a musicalinstrument to the hospital
to put in his hands.
And that was the beginning ofa childhood steeped in music.
Over the years,
Ödön's amazing career hastaken him all over the world.
Dale Hurd brings us the storyof this remarkable musician
from Budapest, Hungary.
- [Dale] As a member of Hungary'sRoma or Gypsy community,
Ödön Rácz has knowndiscrimination and obstacles,
but his tremendous musicalability has taken him
from one of the lowestrungs in Hungarian society
to the pinnacle ofEuropean classical music
as the principal double bass
for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Born into a family of talented musicians,
Ödön's career path was alreadyset before him at birth.
- [Interpreter] When I was born,
my father brought a tiny musicalinstrument to the hospital
to see if I would take it into my hands.
From my childhood, musicwas the most important thing
in our family.
Music surrounded us.
- [Dale] Ödön began to playthe double bass at age nine.
By 13, he had performed hisfirst public solo concert
at the Music Academy of Budapest.
He was a teenager when his cousin shared
with him the message of salvation.
At first, he resisted.
- [Interpreter] I was not interested
in what they were talking about,
but my cousin started to pray.
And then I started to pray too.
I started crying and Icouldn't stop crying.
- [Dale] And when hewent to a church service,
and the altar call was given,
he and his mother went forward.
He asked us if he could play one
of his favorite gospel songs for us,
"You Are My Hiding Place."
(orchestral music)
The Romani have lived inHungary for centuries,
having migrated from Northern India.
They're the largest minority in Hungary.
They were victims of the Holocaust,
and still facediscrimination across Europe.
- [Interpreter] The Romapeople should not be excluded
from society but included,
so that we can sharewith them the love of God
so that they can be saved.
- [Dale] And Ödön says,
"God has given the Romani special gifts."
- [Interpreter] The Romapeople have a special talent
for arts and dance and music,
and especially for improvised music.
This is something that can't be taught,
we are born with it.
- [Dale] His career hastaken him all over the world,
but he says one of hisfavorite cities is New York,
where at Carnegie Hall he has met
and worked with such names
as Yo-Yo Ma and Michael Tilson Thomas.
Ödön says, "When he plays,
he offers his music as a sacrifice to God.
And that makes a realdifference in his performance."
- [Interpreter] When I goon stage, I tell the Lord,
"I want to serve you with my music.
Let it be a great sacrifice to you."
And then an artist plays like this,
it's a special experiencefor the audience.
(orchestral music)
- [Dale] Dale Hurd, CBN News, Budapest.
- And amazing people, amazing gifts,
amazing spirituality inthe Roma communities.
And whether that's thecommunities in India or Ukraine
or Russia or Romania,or here from Hungary,
absolutely amazing, thegifting that has been given
to them and the praise that they have.
It's a wonderful story,and it's a worldwide story.
- Yeah, they perform and they dance
with such intensity, that's wonderful.
Well, up next, "Like atransformer exploding in my head,"
that's the sensation one man felt,
the moment he was having a stroke.
So how was he able to walkout of a hospital just a day
and a half later?
You'll find out the answer,
plus, we're gonna be prayingfor you when we come back.
(upbeat music)
- Maurice Hilliard stumbledon his way back to bed.
His head felt like it exploded.
His speech was slurredand his balance was shot.
Maurice had just suffered a stroke,
and what followed next wasnothing short of supernatural.
- I put my hand on thecounter instead of myself.
And that's when it feltlike something was happening
in my head, like a transformer explodes.
It felt like somethingexploded in my head.
- [Female Announcer] May 3rd, 2019,
Maurice Hilliard was going back
to bed after using thebathroom, but then--
- I felt sparks comingall through my head,
and I was totally out of control.
I screamed and I fell to the floor.
- I woke up and I lookedtoward the bathroom,
there was my husband,Maurice, on the floor.
And I noticed he couldn'tspeak, he couldn't move.
Immediately, I started to pray,
and I prayed the word of God for healing.
- [Female Announcer] Losinghis ability to speak,
Maurice knew he was in trouble.
- I said, "Call 911."
- [Female Announcer] Paramedicsrushed Maurice and Earlene
to nearby Chesapeake GeneralHospital in Virginia.
Maurice was disoriented, hadslurred speech and chest pains.
- The main concern
that the doctors had whenthey first bought in,
they thought I'd had a stroke.
- I prayed that he be completely healed
from the top of his headto the soles of his feet,
and that he would have no side effects
or anything like that.
- I was beginning to just tosay, "God, you got to help me."
- [Female Announcer] Mauricewas wheeled back immediately
for a CT scan.
Then as the technician wasinjecting an imaging dye
into his brain, Mauricefelt something change.
- I began as that dyewent in, to feel like,
"Hey, I've coming back again."
The dye is washing, and I feltmyself getting whole again.
- [Female Announcer] Of course,
he knew it wasn't at dye work.
- I just said, "Lord, you've done this.
Whatever happened to my body, I'm healed."
- [Female Announcer]The preliminary CT scan,
was inconclusive, so doctors kept Maurice
at the hospital for observation
and ordered an MRI for that afternoon.
Meanwhile, Maurice'sspeech and mind continued
to clear as he began tellingeveryone about his miracle.
- You know, the nursesand people who came in
to clean the room, all I gotto say, "We have a good God,
and I served and that how healed me so."
- [Female Announcer] The next day,
the MRI results confirmedMaurice had had a stroke.
- It was on the left side of his brain,
so that will affect the rightside of your body typically.
When he came for his MRI,
he really didn't have any deficits,
saying, "It all subsided."
- When I got the results,I just rejoiced so much.
I was so thankful that God had healed me.
I even told the doctor,"No, God has healed me."
- [Female Announcer] Thensomeone else found healing,
but not in the physical sense.
As Maurice talked about God's goodness,
Ashley began to share her pain,
the pain of a troubled heart.
- She began to say, "I'm angry with God.
I lost my father.
God took my father."
- I was really unhappy withmy relationship with God
because I didn't understandwhy my dad got taken from me.
I almost was so angry, likeI could feel it everyday,
like I was carrying it with me.
- And I say, "Oh, Ashley,your father is still alive.
He's still in you."
I just told was how muchlove God had for her.
- [Female Announcer] Aftermonths of anger and resentment.
- Like it just all washed away.
This man is here, this is your angel.
He's been sent to you to letyou know that God is all around
and everything has happened theway it's supposed to happen.
It was just amazing.
- She says, "I'm not angry anymore."
She said, "God must havesent you here for me.
God must have sent you here for me."
- [Female Announcer] That afternoon,
after several more tests,
Maurice was discharged witha clean bill of health.
- And the doctor says, "You'll got to go."
I walked out of the hospital
that I had gone in 35 hours earlier.
- [Female Announcer] Today,Maurice is symptom-free
and healthier than ever.
He thinks back to his time in the hospital
as he continues to try and bean encouragement to others.
- He's still here, he'sstill able to walk.
He's still able to talk.
And that's what's so great about God,
that you can give yourtestimony and encourage others.
- I know that God is with me everyday,
and you just never know whensomething's gonna happen to you
to change your life.
By me, talking to Mr. Hilliardfor a half hour, maybe,
you know, I helped him buthe changed my life forever.
- And Ashley could say, "Godsent you by here for me."
And I had a miracle.
And if today, God foryou to take the glory.
God, it was worth it all.
It was worth it all.
- For Maurice to say, "It was worth it all
to have that kind of devastating effect."
And then 35 hours laterget completely released.
That is absolutely a miracle,
but then the greater miracleto be able to be a witness
in the middle of whatyou're going through.
Maurice say, "Well, this wonderful nurse,
is more important than me.
I've got to witness to her.
I've got to get her through this."
If you're suffering withany anger, resentment,
if you're blaming God for things,
then just check your heartright now with this story
and realize, God is your answer.
And he is working all thingstogether for your good,
for those that love him
and are called according to his purpose.
So realize your call.
Now, you need to know, do you love him?
And when you do, suddenly, you break free,
you break free of anger, resentment,
bitterness, unforgiveness,all of those things,
which are actually destroying you
and destroying your health,destroying your life,
destroying your outlook.
Look to Jesus, he is the authorand finisher of your faith.
Does Jesus know rejection?
Does Jesus know doubt?
Does he know pain?
The answer is absolutely yes.
He's been through it all.
He's been through worst.
So look to him and realize, you can say,
just as he said, "This isthe day the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it."
You find that in Psalm 118,
that's the last Psalm of a Seder service.
Jesus and his discipleswould have song that Psalm
at the last supper, the nightbefore he was crucified.
So if Jesus can do that, what can we do?
So right now, just leave all that anger,
all that bitterness,turn it all over to him.
Look to him and realizehe has resurrection power.
He has healing power.
And by his stripes, we were healed.
It's already happened.
It's not something youhave to beg God for.
It's not something youhave to bargain for.
The bargain has already been made.
The covenant in his bloodhas already been made.
All we have to do is agree with it,
and say, "Jesus, that'sfrom me, and that's from me.
Today, I claim it.
I claim the heavenly breakthrough I need."
And when you do that, you'restanding on very solid ground
because God watches overhis word to perform it.
Now, Terry and I, aregoing to pray for you.
Before we pray, we've gotsome wonderful miracles
that have happened.
Here's Albert from Boston, Kentucky.
He had severe kidney pain.
Watching this show, Terry said,
"Someone has kidney issues, be healed!
in Jesus' name it's gone."
And then I followed up.
"It's in your right kidney, it's inflamed,
and you're having terrible pain.
God has healed you.
He has taken all of it away.
You felt the touch gointo your right kidney.
You are being healed and set free."
Well, Albert, here's the secret.
Albert believed, soon after,
he realized the pain was completely gone
and hasn't returned.
- Wow, that's wonderful.
Well, this is Valda who livesin Indianapolis, Indiana.
She had a left eye that wasred and puffy for weeks.
It wasn't getting any better,so she saw her doctor.
He wasn't able to diagnoseany reason for it.
Valda was watching thisprogram and Gordon you said,
"Someone, you have a severeinfection in your left eye.
God has taken that infection away.
He's removed the redness.
Your eye will be completelyhealed and made whole now."
She believed the word was forher and went about her day.
The next morning she wokeup the eye was perfect.
- God cares for you.
Realize that he cares for you.
And he cares, he numbersevery hair on your head.
He numbers every eyelash.
All you have to do is believein his unfailing love.
Believe in the covenantthat was made for you.
It's made expressly for you.
Jesus leaves the 99 togo look for the one,
that means he's looking for you right now.
The eyes of the Lord going toand fro over the whole earth
to show himself strong.
So let's have that breakthrough now.
The Bible says, "When two ormore agree touching anything,
it shall be done for themby my Father in heaven."
These are the words of Jesus.
So let's believe that.
What I want you to do in an act of faith,
touch that area of thebody that needs healing.
We'll agree, you touch,
we'll all come together,God will do the rest.
Let's pray.
Lord, we just lift those whoare reaching out right now,
reaching out in an act of faith,
laying hands on that area ofthe body that needs healing.
We joined with them in faith,
and we speak to these bodies now.
Be healed now, in Jesus' name.
Be every bit whole.
Let all disease, all cancer,
all infirmity, all pain,leave your bodies now,
in the name of Jesus.
There's a man, your name is Leonard.
You're laying your hand on your left knee.
And God has just healed that knee.
Well, the pain, the discomfort,
the inability to move it,all of it that is gone,
just get up and realize you can test it.
You can lean on it and youcan put your weight on it.
God has healed you andrestored in Jesus' name.
Terry.- Yeah, there's someone else,
you're a wine drinker and youactually drink too much wine,
and you've excused it becauseyou drink a white wine
and you feel like it's not thesame as being an alcoholic,
but really you are a social alcoholic.
God wants to set you free today.
Receive this in Jesus' name.
Just lift your hands.
It's done, now.
- There's a woman named Mary,
and you're suffering with confusion.
It's like, there's thiscloud in your thoughts,
and you can't break throughto clarity of thought.
There's also some memory lapses,
and you're worried about dementia.
God is healing your brain,and he's healing your mind.
He's giving you a right mind.
Clarity of thought.
Clarity of purpose.
Clarity of memory is yoursright now in Jesus' name.
Just receive it.
It's a miracle happeningfor you right now.
- There's someone else named Alan,
you have a financialneed for your business.
God has heard your request,and the answer is in process.
Believe him for this and beginto worship and thank him now,
even before you see it.
- Lord, we thank you, and we worship you.
And we declare this isthe day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Bring gladness to your people today, Lord,
for we ask it in Jesus'name, amen and amen.
If you need prayer, we're here for you.
We're here for you 24-hoursa day, seven days a week.
All you have to do is pick up the phone,
and call us 1-800-700-7000, Terry.
- Well, still to comethe secret to success,
according to a pair of financial planners,
what is their number one piece of advice?
And then doomed for eternity,
this young woman says, "Shedid something so terrible.
She had no chance at salvation."
What did she do?
And how did she get a second chance?
You'll see, it's alllater on today's show.
(upbeat music)
- And welcome back to The 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.
Long time actor, Gavin MacLeod,
who achieved fame on two majortelevision shows has died
at the age of 90.
MacLeod played Murray Slaughter
on "The The Mary TylerMoore Show" in the 1970s.
After been a guest star on many shows,
and playing in movies foryears, co-star, Ed Asner,
tweeted, "My heart is broken,"
after Mary Tyler MooreMcLeod took on the lead.
And the hit series, "The Love Boat,"
playing captain Merrill Stubing,
McCloud once said, "Thecritics weren't kind,
but the viewers loved the show."
- The worst was willsink like the Titanic.
It's gonna be because of a lot of you.
When everybody that watchedthose show made it a hit,
we did not sink like the Titanic.
44 years later, we'restill out there doing it.
- MacLeod died at his homeapparently from natural causes.
He had dealt with a drinking problem,
but he became a born againChristian in the 1980s,
and he and his wife alsohosted a Christian radio show.
CBN recently completed its 10-day telethon
in the Philippines.
It was called "Boundless Peace,"
and was featured on The 700 Club, Asia.
This broadcast and online campaign
on Facebook and YouTubefocused on trusting God
and overcoming fear and anxietyduring the global pandemic.
The telethon featuretestimonies from donors,
beneficiaries of Operation Blessing,
and life-changing storiesfrom the prayer center.
Despite the economicuncertainty in the country,
many viewers responded to the call
to support CBN Ministries in Asia.
Viewers also shared, "Theyfound comfort and hope,
while watching the program."
You can always learn more about
what CBN is doing around the world,
by going to
Gordon and Terry are backwith more of today's 700 Club.
It's all coming up right after this.
- Christine Hall (indistinct)
and her father Wallaceare financial planners.
They've spent their careers managing money
and helping people plan for their future.
Now, Christine and Wallacewant to tell you the secret
to financial freedom.
- [Male Announcer] WallaceVoege and Christine Halchak,
are a father/daughter team
at a successful financialplanning firm in Tampa, Florida.
Both enjoy being partners at the firm.
- Seeing the clients atdifferent stages of their lives,
and then helping themthrough some of the choices
that they need to make.
And we know we did our joband we took care of them
and they're thankful.
It's just a very rewarding profession.
- Christine is married witha family of her own now,
but as a child, she rememberslearning important lessons
from her parents, includingabout tithing and giving.
She noticed when they shared stories
that couldn't be explained as coincidence.
Like the time her fatherpledged to give 1,000 dollars,
he didn't have.
- About two weeks later,I received a commission
on an investment that I was unaware of.
The gentlemen was goingto invest in that way.
And it came out that I had a commission
of approximately 1,000 dollars.
So it was returned.
And the more we are blessed,the more we can give.
And it's more joyful togive than to receive.
- [Male Announcer] One of the places
where Wallace and Christine give is CBN.
- It's phenomenal thatthey have the Well Project.
It's just a wonderfulgift to those communities
that are very remote.
- [Wallace] OperationBlessing is always there.
The trucks roll and people are helped.
- [Christine] The program"Helping The Home Front,"
is a phenomenal new program,
to work with these military families
and encourage their faith.
- [Wallace] Superbook,I was very impressed
on the spreading of thegospel throughout the rural
- Orphans Promise is doing a beautiful job
of helping these orphansthat otherwise would be left.
And instead now they're the chosen.
- [Male Announcer] Thisfather-daughter team plans
to keep giving to CBNfor a long time to come.
- The gift is for the giver.
It's not about the organizationthat's asking for the funds.
It's about doing the right thing
that the Lord has put on your heart to do.
It's important to open yourmind and open your pocketbook,
and let the Lord in,because he's an amazing God.
- This is absolutely the time to test God
with your tithes and your offerings.
I encourage everyone to live by
what I call the 80 10 10 rule,
where you live on 80% of your income.
You save 10% of your income.
And then most importantly,you give 10% of your income.
You tithe, because when you tithe,
you walk into this wonderful promise
that God will open the windows of heaven
and pour out a blessingyou cannot contain.
God always watches overhis word to perform it.
It's the only time we get to test him.
We get to test him withour tithes and offerings.
If you want to do that rightnow, call us 1-800-700-7000,
and say, I want to start giving.
If you're already a 700 Club member,
I encourage you to consider increasing.
Right now, the opportunities that we have
to preach the gospel to a hurting world
or the greatest that they've ever been
in my lifetime.
And we want to take advantageof these opportunities,
but we need finances to do it.
So if you wanna be a part of that effort,
whether it's Superbook,
Orphans Promise, Operation Blessing,
providing food to peopleright here in America,
or preaching the gospel in locallanguages around the world,
you're a part of all of itwhen you join the 700 Club.
Now, how much is it?
It's just $20 a month, at 65 cents a day.
Some can join at $40 amonth at 700 Club gold,
and then we have 1,000 Club,
that's $1,000 a year thatbreaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level, doit now, 1-800-700-7000.
Now, when you call,ask for Pledge Express,
that's electronic monthly giving,
the bank doing all the work.
There's no cheques towrite, nothing to mail in,
and we can send as our gift to you,
"Power for Life," monthly teaching CDs.
So if you'd like thoseasked for Pledge Express,
when you call or go to,
when you give monthly on the internet,
you automatically signup for Pledge Express.
do it now, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, up next to a cycle of addiction,
this woman endured years of drugs, alcohol
and toxic relationships.
So, how did she end her pain, overnight?
Find out after this.
Dana Goodrum cravedher father's attention,
until he showed up dead drunkat one of her softball games.
After that, Dana, startedlooking for love elsewhere,
leading her to a toxic cycleof bad relationships and abuse.
- I had my master's degree.
I was exceptional whenit came to education.
I was fantastic when itcame to moving up the ranks
in any profession.
But when it came torelationships, I was a disaster.
- [Female Announcer] DanaGoodrum's life was torn,
between two worlds.
Raised Catholic, sheunderstood what it meant to be
and do good, but more than that,
there was a deep longingto be seen and affirmed,
especially, by her alcoholic father.
- I constantly just tried to impress him.
I tried to get his approval.
I did well in school.
My sports were exceptional,
and it wasn't enough.
- [Female Announcer] However, it was one
of her middle schoolsoftball games that served
as a turning point in her heart.
When she decided to lookelsewhere for acceptance.
- He showed up so wastedand I was pitching.
And he stood behind the backstop.
- [Man] Come on now!
- And he was rattling the cage.
And he was like, "Come on, Dana Joe,
pitch the ball!"
And he was cursing,
and I just thought about all the times
that I wished she wasthere and now he's there.
And I wanted nothing, butfor him to just leave.
Because of that, I rememberseeking approval elsewhere.
I was doing hard drugs at 14.
And the drinking group is unfortunately
where I found my relationships with men.
- [Female Announcer] From her early teens,
until her sophomore year of college,
Dana struggled with drugs and alcohol,
but quit when she met a man
whom she eventually had herson with and then married.
Despite his verbal abuse and cheating,
she stayed with him for two years,
until they divorced.
- This is the man who issupposed to protect me,
protect my feelings, my confidence.
And I completely just shrunk into myself.
It was that feeling of rejection,
and I went right back into panic mode.
- [Female Announcer] Eventhough her world was shaken,
Dana went back to collegeand received her masters,
which helped her land a good job.
She also landed in anotherabusive relationship
and had her daughter.
She left him after two yearsand continued the cycle
with yet another abusive man.
- I didn't care about anything.
I didn't think that lifeitself could get any worse.
- [Female Announcer]Unfortunately, it did.
Dana lost her job.
Then shortly after ending
what would be her last toxic relationship,
she found out she was pregnant.
In desperation, she got an abortion.
- I knew at that momentI was going to hell.
I think that people assumethat it is an easy decision,
and it is not.
I was in a fog, I was terrified
- [Female Announcer]Jobless, and at rock bottom,
she and her children were now living
in a one-bedroom apartment
in a bad neighborhood, just surviving.
- I had applied to 152 jobs,
and got rejected by every single one.
- [Female Announcer]Finally, Dana called her mom
who shared how Jesus hadrecently changed her life.
Then she told Dana hecould do the same for her,
and all she had to dowas lift up her hands
and give it all to God.
- I listened to my mom.
I got down on my knees.
I lifted up my hands to theceiling and I just said,
"God, I know you wereprobably so mad at me.
I cannot do this on my own anymore."
I said, "I just can't."
And I started crying.
Everything was just coming out.
I was crying about the abortion.
I was crying about the guys.
I was crying about my dad.
I was crying about my kids.
You know, the people thatI had let around them,
the situations that I had put them in,
and I just released it all.
I started to follow him that night.
I woke up the next day,and I got two phone calls
with job offers, the very next day.
But bigger than that,
it was me knowing one, that God heard me,
and two, that he wasn't mad at me.
That I hadn't exceeded his grace,
that I hadn't surpassed his mercy,
that I wasn't going to hell,
and that was bigger than any job offer.
And all of a sudden, my entire perspective
and outlook shifted.
And I started to understandhis reckless pursuit for me.
- [Female Announcer] Danabegan attending church,
got baptized and nowcontinually inspires others
with her testimony.
Through giving her life to the Lord,
she's come to understandthe deep affirming love
of her Father in heaven, andthat there's no need to search
for any other approval than his.
- Even though my earthlydad may have failed me,
my Father in heaven waswith me the entire time.
I can stand here firm in my faith,
and be able to speak to other women
and speak to childrenwho are in that place,
and tell them confidently andboldly who their father is,
even when their earthly parents fail them.
- God is not mad at you.
He's not mad at you.
He waits for you.
Can you imagine that the onewho created the universe waits
for you and for me to decide?
We're done trying to do it ourselves,
we're done trying to find our own methods,
our own roads of opportunityand never come to him.
You know, he loved you so much
that he gave everything,everything 2000 years ago,
when he suffered anddied for you and for me.
The Bible says, "He wasso marred by the beating
and what had been done to himthat he was unrecognizable."
Why did he do that?
He did it because he lovesyou, and he loves me,
and because he has a planfor us, not just for here,
but a plan to be with him for eternity.
And he waits for us
because his mercy is beyondour understanding really.
Who can know the heart and mind of God?
He's so different than we are.
And sometimes when we do what Dana did,
we attribute anger to God orthat he's going to reject us.
It's because we hate whatwe're doing ourselves,
and yet in the middle of it,
there he is standing and waiting.
And this is the message that he says,
"I stand at the door and knock.
Anyone who opens the door, I will come in
and have fellowship with him."
He will live in your heart.
He will change your thinking.
He will change yourwoundedness in your need,
just like he did for Dana.
And it's as basic as this,Jesus, I am a sinner,
in need of a savior, be my savior.
And I want more than that, God,
for you to be the Lordof my life, change me.
I want to belong to you and I give it all.
And I ask it in your name.
Pray that prayer.
If you'd like to know how do Igrow once I pray that prayer?
We've got a little packetcalled "A New Day" for you.
It's completely free, sois the number to get it.
It's 1-800-700-7000, just call and say,
"I just prayed that prayer.
And I'd like the "New Day" packet.
We wanna leave you
with these words from Psalm 91:11,
"For He shall give Hisangels charge over you
to keep you in all your ways."
He is a good, goodfather, and he loves you.
God bless you.
See you next time.