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The 700 Club - May 27, 2021

HGTV star Eric Eremita felt the power of prayer in his fight against COVID-19. Plus, meet the missionary who is fighting for her country and seeing miracles unfold before her eyes. Read Transcript

- [Male Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Female Narrator]Coming up, inside one of

the most dangerous places on the planet.

- [Translator] They were killing us.

They were burning houses andthey were taking our children.

- [Female Narrator] WhereISIS linked fighters

pillage towns and roam free.

- [Heidi] Their homes werebeing burned, as well,

their crops were being burned.

- [Female Narrator]Now, meet the missionary

who's fighting for her countryand seeing miracles unfold

before her eyes.

- I'm telling you, inthe midst of the tragedy,

God is doing the mostincredibly beautiful things.

- [Female Narrator] On today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

The heat is on and President Biden

is caving in the pressure.

In a stunning turnaround, he'sordering U.S. intelligence

to get to the bottom of theorigins of the coronavirus

and he wants to get itdone within 90 days.

Did an accident happen in the Wuhan Lab?

If not, where is thehost and does Dr. Fauci

know more than he's disclosing?

CBN's Abigail Robertson has the latest.

- The leaders of theNational Institutes of Health

remained united in theirtestimony Wednesday

that they strongly believeCOVID-19 originated naturally.

- I think the most likely reason,

mechanism by which SARS‑CoV‑2 arose

was a natural process of transfer

from an animal to humans.

- [Abigail] But Dr. Francis Collins,

head of the NIH did concede he wants

every possibility explored.

- We cannot exclude the possibility

of some kind of a lab accident.

- [Abigail] With recent reports,

three Wuhan Lab employeeswere hospitalized

in November of 2019 withCOVID-like symptoms.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio

questioned Dr. AnthonyFauci's quick dismissal

of the lab leak theory.

- I didn't dismiss anything, I just said

it's a high likelihood thatthis is a natural occurrence.

- [Abigail] Lawmakers pressed Fauci,

"If it's natural, where is the host?"

- Have we found anyanimals that carry COVID-19

that could've been thesource of the transmission

to humans thus far?

- Thus far, not.

- [Abigail] On FaithNation, Senator Mike Braun

said he was pleased with Fauci's openness

to look at all the information.

- So, when it comes to Dr. Fauci,

that is as much as you'regonna ever get him pinned down

and I tried to do it to where I got him

to agree with transparency.

- [Abigail] Republican Senator Rand Paul

told CBN News doctors like Anthony Fauci

might have a motive fordownplaying the lab theory.

- I think that he's not being honest

with the American public.

- [Abigail] Raising concernsabout the NIH's involvement

with the Wuhan Virology Institute.

- NIH and Dr. Fauci havebeen funding Wuhan research.

They do it through anintermediary called EcoHealth.

Interestingly, when they investigated

whether this virus came out ofa lab or occurred naturally,

they hired the head of EcoHealth

to be in charge of the investigation.

- [Abigail] While Dr. Fauciacknowledged the funds,

he categorically deniesthat any U.S. money

went towards supervirus studies in China.

- You didn't give money to the Wuhan Lab

to do gain-of-function research?

- [Dr. Fauci] That is correct.

- [Abigail] And he stoodby the grant to the lab.

- The SARS‑CoV‑1, clearly thebats that have the viruses

that are the coronaviruses are in China,

as I said a couple of times.

It's not in Fairfax County, Virginia

or is it in New York, it's in China.

- Even if Fauci's telling the truth,

on Tuesday, the Senate passedSenator Paul's amendment

banning any future U.S. funds

going towards gain-of-functionresearch in China

to ensure it's never possible again.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- I think it looks clear thatDr. Fauci lied to Congress,

he obfuscated for the news that term

and he's broken the law.

And this guy was supposedto be the great expert

and he clearly was passing money on

to manipulate these bat viruses.

They, in the natural order,they haven't found anything

that transmits it andthen we were being told,

"Well, it was a wet lab in Wuhan

and they were messingaround with these animals

and then this thing jumped onto people,"

but that's not the way it happened.

They were taking bats and,dead bats and their blood,

then they were looking at that

and then they were doing whatwas called gain-of-function,

they tried to give it a neurofunction

and that function iswhat has killed people

all over the world.

And it's a shocking thing,but it was funded by

your tax dollars.

And I think, frankly, theman ought to go to jail,

I think he's destroyedthe economies of people

and now in India, they're still suffering

and still burning bodiesand it's out of control.


Because some funded laband for the Dr. Fauci

to sit in front of the Senate committee

and just downright lie tothem, it's not fair to the law.

And I, for one, thinkthat there's no punishment

that we can conceive ofthat would be appropriate

to somebody that's done thisto the whole world we live in.

Well, fortunately, theBiden Administration

at least is going to open the pages

to see if we can't get to it,

but hopefully there isn'tanother obfuscation.

Well, in other news,Christian churches destroyed

and millions of Muslims in labor camps,

China's human rights record is atrocious.

So what happened to an American

who called out the Chinese government?

John Jessup has that.

- That is right, Pat.

China sanctioned theReverend Johnnie Moore

for harshly criticizingthe communist government's

human rights abuses.

Until his term expired a few weeks ago,

Moore served on the U.S. Commission

for International Religious Freedom.

On CBN's Faith Nation program,

he said one reason China targeted him

is because he urged theBiden Administration

to focus on the regime'shuman rights abuses.

- I advised the Biden Administration

to continue in the path ofthe Trump Administration,

but to take a page from America's rivalry

with the Soviet Union a generation ago,

which was to put religious freedom

and human rights front and center.

And we have to do this.

And, I mean, the veryfact that they've taken

a desperate measure, which isa publicity stunt, basically,

to sanction someone like me,

demonstrates that they are sensitive.

They are weaker than they wantus to believe that they are

and we have to make a decision now,

all Americans, democrats and republicans,

that we are not handingour future generation

to the Chinese Communist Party

to do what they want with innocent people.

- Moore also said heconsiders it a, quote,

"high honor to be sanctioned by China"

and he'll never stop speaking out

for the country's Christians, Muslims

and other persecuted minorities.

Well, authorities in San Jose, California

are still looking for the motive

behind Wednesday's mass shooting

that left nine peopledead at a city rail yard.

The suspect, a 57 year old employee,

allegedly open fired shortly after

6:30 in the morning local time.

That's when members of themidnight and day shifts overlap.

Police responded to thescene within minutes,

running to the building from their offices

just across the street.

Officials believe thesuspect set fire to his house

before carrying out the attack,

combing through his house andthe crime scene for evidence.

There have been morethan 200 mass shootings

in the United States so far this year.

Well, turning now to the economy.

As the job picture is still improving,

the government reportingtoday that jobless claims

fell to 406,000, that's thelowest since the pandemic began,

as layoffs, again, slowed downwith the economy improving.

Still, Pat, back to you.

- Well, folks, we've showed it here,

we've said it all along, thegovernment is paying people

large sums of money not to work,

so people are not going towork if they can stay home

and enjoy themselvesand still get a check.

And the Biden Administrationhas steadfastly refused

to acknowledge that theyare causing the problem.

So, there are many states now,

Florida among them, particularly,

who have said, "No more, no how,

we're not gonna give thisout, go back to work."

And I remember seeing one man

who ran a high end restaurant,

he had one in Florida andhe had one in New York.

The one in Florida, after theystopped giving out bonuses

not to work, he said hisphone was ringing off the hook

with people who wanted jobs.

The one in New York, hestill couldn't open up

as he wanted to on Mother'sDay to the full extent

because he couldn't find workers.

And now it's even gotten intoStarbucks and other places,

they can't serve their customers,

they've got to have limited hours.


Because the government iscompeting for business.

And it's time that the American people

get after these congressmenand the president

and say, "Look, enough already,

you are ruining the economy."


- Pat, you set up thisnext story perfectly.

You might have noticed alot more help wanted signs,

which shows some businesses are struggling

to find new workers.

Many blame the monthlyfederal unemployment benefits,

that's why a number ofrepublican governors

plan to cut them off next month.

Senior National Affairscorrespondent Heather Sells

has more on the current job market

and what it means for the economy.

- Across the country, as businesses emerge

from the pandemic, they'refacing a labor shortage.

It's affecting everythingfrom main street retail

to the corporate world.

- This market has, I've notseen anything like this market.

- [Heather] ExecutiveRecruiter Kristin Jiles

says employers struggle thesedays to find top talent.

- 'Cause I have employers that I work with

that are wanting to see, you know,

three, four, five, six candidates

before they make a decisionand, unfortunately,

there aren't three, four,five, six quality candidates.

- [Heather] The same story is playing out

across other sectors, like retail.

- Well, we are gonna beshort of workers for awhile

and people are doing everycreative thing they can

to get people back.

- [Heather] That makesthis a worker's market

and they want more.

- From financial to benefits,

we're getting requests forour health care program

is at an all time high.

- [Heather] And businessesare digging deep.

New hires at Amazon geta $1,000 signing bonus.

McDonald's, Target andCostco have also agreed

to signing bonuses or higher wages.

Chipotle will offer free college tuition.

So, many are asking, "Whyis it so tough to hire

when 16 million Americansremain on unemployment?"

A major concern is that the weekly $300

in federal unemployment givepeople a reason to stay home.

And research shows nearlyhalf of those unemployed

receive more income from jobless benefits.

- Unemployment paid memore than I would make

in a crazy week.

- [Heather] It's why22 republican governors

are ending those benefits,starting next month.

- Those benefits, really,instead of providing

a safety net, are providingmore of a hammock for people.

- [Heather] Unemployment numbers

are beginning to drop, thanksto increased vaccinations,

more schools reopeningand the hope that people

will continue returning to good health.

And here's a promisingsign, consumers are spending

at a healthy rate.

Many economists predictthe economy will expand

by 7% in 2021, the fastest annual growth

in more than 30 years.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- A positive picture there.

Thank you, Heather.

Pat, back to you.

- There's a strain ofincompetence that's coming down,

incompetence at theborder, we're being flooded

with illegal immigrantsand now they're being flown

or bussed into thecentral part of America.

Incompetence because werefuse to close the border

and make the appropriate deal with Mexico.

Incompetence in terms of workers.

There are so many mistakes being made

and it's getting worse and worse

and now there's a question that

are they going to try topack the Supreme Court?

Are there other things being done

and especially H.R. 1,are they going to try

to change the election?

It's just extraordinary howthese people are filing out.

Not to mention, the crime wave

that the United States is experiencing

because of Defund The Police.

And you ask yourself, "Isthere gonna be an end?"

Well, in my opinion, yes,there's going to be an end

and the end is going tocome in the fall elections

when it's gonna take just a few seats.

As a matter of fact, about five seats

in the House of Representatives,

will flip the majority from the democrats

to the republicans and then Nancy Pelosi

will no longer be the speaker.

And these elections,including the one in Virginia

that's coming up very shortly,

are going to make a big difference

and the people need to speak out.

And I think it's going to happen

and I believe that our country,

the lord isn't goingto destroy America yet,

but, boy, they sure are, it's like

the hand is on the throttlefull speed ahead to chaos

and we don't want that for ourchildren and grandchildren.


- Well, still ahead, threeweeks in the hospital,

two of them on a ventilator.

Doctors didn't think he'd survive.

So how did this HGTVstar make it out alive?

Eric Eremita will tell you himself.

That's coming up.

Plus, 2,600 people brutallybutchered by terrorists

and 700,000 displaced.

Mozambique is one of themost dangerous places

on the planet.

So, why is this Americanmissionary living there?

See for yourselves after this.

(upbeat music)

- Amena watched herhusband savagely butchered

by Islamic terrorists, thenfamily members and neighbors

were forced to bathe in his blood.

Abominable atrocities, suchas this one, happen repeatedly

in one of the mostdangerous places on Earth.

So, why would an American missionary

choose to live in such a place?

And what miracles is Heidi Baker seeing

in the midst of the horror?

George Thomas has this incredible story.

(clapping and chanting)

- [George] Heidi Baker lives

in one of the poorest countries on Earth,

and now considered to beone of the most dangerous,

though you wouldn't knowit by talking with her.

- It's the greatest time to be alive

for such a time as this.

- [George] The 61 yearold American missionary

lives in Mozambique'sCabo Delgado province

where, since 2017, ISIS linked militants

have killed more than 2,600 people

and displaced 700,000 in their quest

to establish an Islamic caliphate.

- If you're a believer in Jesus,

you're one of the firstwho's right on the list.

- A group known as AlShabab is responsible

for dozens of these terror attacks.

This map pinpoints the numberof attacks in Cabo Delgado

in just the past eight months.

- The churches have been burned and anyone

who's not agreeing with thisspecific group of terrorists,

whatever faith they have, their homes

are being burned, as well,their crops are being burned.

- [George] On March24th, Al Shabab conducted

one of the worst Islamic terror attacks

in all of Southern Africaas hundreds of fighters

stormed the town of Palma,North of Baker's home,

sending thousands running for their lives.

- [Translator] I was working in a company

where the attack took place.

I escaped and went intothe forest to hide.

- [George] Dozens of civilians,

including 12 foreigners, killed.

Some, beheaded on the beaches of Palma.

- [Translator] They were killing us.

They were burning houses andthey were taking our children.

- [George] Governmentforces recaptured the terror

from the Islamists,following a 10 day siege.

Two months later, tens ofthousands of Palma residents

have yet to return.

Islamic militants havelaunched several more attacks

in recent weeks.

- Al Shabab is, they'rea frightening bunch,

so I don't, I don'twant to get chopped up,

so I'm not gonna be phony, Idon't want to get chopped up,

I don't want to be kidnapped.

I want to continue topreach this glorious Gospel

for many more decades.

- [George] Baker, who runs Iris Global,

a Christian humanitarian organization,

has lived in Mozambique for over 25 years,

seeing firsthand the devastation and pain,

yet she says the lord ismoving powerfully here.

- I'm telling you, inthe midst of the tragedy,

God is doing the mostincredibly beautiful things

and he's wiping away the tears.

- [George] She's heard countless stories

from survivors who've escaped the clutches

of the Jihadists, likea woman named Amena,

whose husband was murderedby radical Muslims

because he refused to deny Christ.

- He was killed in front of her

and the neighbors were told that,

and the cousins, family members,

that they needed to bathein the blood of her husband

or they would have worsetorture themselves.

- [George] And the miracle of Filisado,

who Baker says wascrucified, then set on fire,

but survived the torture.

- They thought he wasdead and they got him down

from the cross, he's very, very scarred,

physically scarred, butnow he leads logistics

for our team.

- [George] She's preached the Gospel

across much of Cabo Delgadoand surrounding provinces

with hundreds of thousands of people

accepting Jesus Christ.

Baker family believes thelord moved her to Mozambique

for such a time as this.

- Not knowing that Godwould be preparing us

to be the right people in theright place at the right time

to share the radical love ofa beautiful savior, Jesus,

who asks his people to behis hands and his feet,

extended on planet Earth.

- [George] More than a yearafter the defeat of ISIS

in Syria and Iraq, the terrorgroup is turning its sights

on Africa, especiallyChristian dominated countries,

like Mozambique.

- So, we always kind oflook at ISIS and Al-Qaeda

as a product ofAfghanistan, Syria and Iraq,

but what you're seeing, George,

is that rise of radical Islamist terror

in Africa now.

- Congressman MichaelMcCaul is the top republican

on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

He tells CBN News that a lack of security

across much of Africa is a chief factor

in fueling the Jihadist movement.

- So, anywhere you have a failed state

or weak governments, itgives them a safehaven

for terrorist activities to prey on

the young people, aswell, they recruit them.

And ISIS is more than happyto give them their banner

and their cause againsttheir own governments.

- [George] Mozambique, now among a handful

of African countries, witnessinga spike in terror attacks.

U.S. Special Forces areengaged in the fight,

deploying troops to Mozambique last month

to help the government therebattle Islamic insurgency.

The E.U. and 16 African countries

are also preparing to send troops.

Meanwhile, the March attack did little

to deter Baker's humanitarian outreach,

as she continues to minister to thousands

who fled Palma.

- We've ramped up our efforts,

now we're feeding 34,310 individuals a day

and mostly comforting the broken,

holding them in ourarms, praying with them.

- [George] And Baker sayswhen threats of danger arise,

she tells her team to be wise,

taking necessary precautions and...

- Don't be afraid, butfix your eyes on Jesus,

he takes away the fear and he puts

relentless courage in you.

- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.

- Aren't you humbled when yousee somebody like Heidi Baker?

What an amazing woman andwhat a remarkable thing.

But you know, in the bigger picture,

anybody that says Islamis a religion of peace

is just a deluded fool.

Islam is, it doesn't meanpeace, it means submission,

and they are killing and slaughtering

and have killed and slaughteredChristians for centuries.

And to talk about the Muslim brotherhood

and having a fair and counselin the highest counsel

of our government is just insane.

You know, it's too bad, but, you know,

it looks like, you know, it's a religion

and you shouldn't talk badabout somebody else's religion.

This isn't a religion,it's a government of terror

that has brought terror for centuries.

And what's happening in Mozambique

is just one more exampleof what these people do.

What they have done inMaafa or what they have done

all over the world andthis is one more place

and ISIS is a prime example of those

who are following Islam.


- Well, up next, raised at the races.

Justin Allgaier dreamedof making it to NASCAR.

What devastating blowalmost derailed his dream

and how did a 24 hourmiracle save the day?

You'll find out, coming up.

Plus, Pat takes the hotseat for another round

of your question with some honest answers.

Cheryl says, "Pat, my grownchildren are doing drugs."

"I never did street drugs, butI take prescription drugs."

"Am I just as bad as my children?"

Pat tells it like it is, after this.

(upbeat music)

Justin Allgaier had a dream of one day

becoming a professionalstock car racing driver.

And by the time he was20, he was well on his way

to achieving that dream.

Then Justin was dealt a devastating blow.

What was it and how did itlead to a 24 hour miracle?

Reporter Will Dawsonbrings us the answers.

- I don't remember life without racing.

- [Will] Justin Allgaierwas raced at the races.

His dad, Mike, sold racing tires

and young Justin dreamed of one day

getting behind the wheel.

- I remember some of the earliest days,

going to the racetrackas a really young child

and just remembering thefeeling of what that was like.

And I have a buddy, weintroduced ourselves

and we'd make jokesabout one of these days,

we're gonna be there andwe're gonna be doing that.

- [Will] His racing debutcame at the age of five,

driving a quarter midget roadster.

By age 12, Justin became a five time

quarter midget champion.

The racing was important,but the Allgaier's priority

was their faith.

- Even though we traveled a lot

and even though we were gone a lot,

you know, Sunday morning,we did everything we could.

If we had to drive allnight, we drove all night,

Sunday morning we weresitting there in church.

- [Will] In 2006, at age 20,Justin began racing full time

in the ARCA racing series,NASCAR's minor league.

- You continued to climb the ranks.

What did you want out ofthis sport as a young guy?

- I never got into racing because of fame

or because of money orbecause of the perks

that might come with it,for me it was all about

going to the racetrack, competing,

competing at a highlevel, and using the gifts

that, you know, I had been given.

- [Will] While Justin's NASCAR aspirations

were fueled by his passion for the sport,

the financial cost ofracing began taking its toll

and threatened his dreams.

- We were scrapping together every dollar

that we could put togetherto go to the racetrack.

And I knew that somethingwas stressing my dad out,

I could kind of see it,I could kind of feel it.

He said, "Hey, listen, yourmom and I are out of money,

we've spent every dime wecould spend to go racing,

we've done everything we can do

and it's just not meant to be,

so, you know, make the mostof everything we got right now

because I don't know if we'll ever

be able to do this again." And,you know, having aspirations

of obviously making it to the Cup Series

and being in NASCAR, that waskind of a devastating blow.

- [Will] Justin says he asked God for help

and got an immediate answer.

Before his next race, he was introduced

to the director ofcompetition at Penske Racing,

one of the largest teamsin the sport of NASCAR.

- You know, we went out, I raced

and of all days, I endedup winning that day.

It was a fantastic race for us.

A racetrack that we shouldn't have won at,

but I ended up winning that day

and 24 hours later,literally 24 hours later,

I was sitting in Detroit,Michigan with Roger Penske,

going over, on a legal pad, writing down

different things that, you know,

would ultimately end up being my contract

and opportunity to racefull time in NASCAR.

- [Will] Justin says Godaffirmed his racing dreams

and it was even better than he imagined.

- God closed the doors all the time,

and you know, as selfish as we are,

we're typically not willingto let that door close, right?

But, on the other hand,there's a lot of times

where you make peacewith closing that door

and then the door kicks wide open

and it's even, you know,tenfold of what you thought

it was going to be.

- [Will] Today Justin isone of the premier drivers

in NASCAR's Xfinity series,driving for JR Motorsports.

In March of this year,he won the EchoPark 250

at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.

Justin is thankful for boththe gifts and opportunities

God has given him.

- I have no reservation aboutwhere my talent comes from

and the opportunities that I'm given,

where they come from.

You know, it's definitely a gift of God

and you can see trophies behind me

and those are awesome andI love looking at trophies

and reminiscing at oldstories from different races,

but, on the other hand,they're just pieces of metal

and when I'm gone, they'regonna tarnish and rust

and probably get thrownto the trash someday.

You know, when it's all said and done,

you have to be thankfulfor the opportunities

and the people that youmeet and the opportunities

that you're given.

I'm extremely blessed and Idon't take that for granted.

What I want people to know is just

that I'm a believer of Christ,

that's just been my goalsince I started racing

and it's carried out with you.

- What an incredible story.

You know, God gifts us for certain things

and he does want us todo exactly what he did,

to turn around and give themback to him for his glory.


- That's a great story.

- Time for some emailquestions, you ready?

- All right, let's go for it.

- This is Cheryl, who says,"Pat, my grown children

are doing drugs and I raisedthem to be Christians."

"I never did street drugs,but I had an alcohol binge

in my late teens."

"I take prescription drugs now."

"Am I just as bad as my children?"

"I don't want themheaded for destruction."

- Cheryl, I can't understand exactly what

a prescription drug is.

I mean, are you takingdrugs because a doctor

told you to take them and if so,

are they addictive?

I don't exactly know whatyou're talking about.

But, I think God says our temple,

the body's a temple of the Holy Spirit

and we should not abuseit, whether it's by alcohol

or drugs or any othersubstance of that nature.

But you say, "Am I as bad as my son,"

I don't know what you're taking, so.

But I, I think, you know,I think Elvis Presley died

and he was being given drugs by people

and you find a lot of these people who,

some doctor is, keepsprescribing things for them

because they want tosleep or they're nervous

or what have you andthey get hooked on them.

So, I just think if you'readdicted to anything,

you ought to get off, all right?

- This is Jamari, whosays, "Should I be scared

of my death?"

"I believe that there is heaven and hell,

but what will we see when we die?"

"I don't want to see just a black void."

"I want to know it will be peaceful

and I will see Jesus and God."

- If you know the lord now, when you die,

the angels of heaven willtake you to Abraham's bosom

to the place of heaven, you'llbe in paradise with Jesus.

There's not gonna be some blackness,

so you don't have to fear death.

Death is, you know, somethingwonderful for the Christian.

For somebody who doesn't know the lord,

there'll be terror, there'll be torment,

there'll be screams, there'll be agony

and yes, there'll be dark blackness.

So, all I can say is make sure

that you have given your heart to Jesus

and you're living for him, okay?

- 'Kay, Ed says, "Supposea Christian knows something

is a sin, but says to himself,

'I'll commit this sintonight and I'll just ask God

to forgive me in the morning.'"

"Can this person expect to be forgiven?"

"I would think not."

"What are your thoughts?"

- I ask you, are you asking for yourself

or are you asking for somebody else?

You know, if you sin willfully,

the Bible makes it very clear,

"He that is born in the spirit of God

does not continually sin."

You just can't keep on.

And the idea that says,"Well, I'm going to sin

and that grace made abound

because I'm going to bewonderfully forgiven,"

Paul said, "Your condemnation is just,"

I don't know exactly what you said,

what you're asking,but I think if you know

you're going to, you know,there's such a thing,

a sin is hamartia, whichmeans missing the mark.

There's also somethingthat's transgressing,

which goes against whatyou know to be true

and if you're going against what you know

to be true, deliberately,why would you, you know,

put your whole futureand destiny in peril?

I wouldn't advise about it.

- Okay, this is a viewer who says,

"Hello, my mother watchesyour show every night."

"She's going through ahard time with my brother."

"I wanted to see if youcould answer this question

on the show, so she might see it."

"Have I really forgiven someone

if I keep remembering their wrong?"

"How long should I keep goingback to these family members

if they constantly do the same things

that hurt me over and over again?"

- Well, I really think that you ought

to stay away from them.

You don't have to be exposed to somebody

who's always abusing you.

You just, there's nothing in the Bible

that says you've got to do that.

So, I just believe that you should,

you get away from that.

At the same time, you know,when you stay and pray,

if you have fought against any forgive,

and how many times did you forgive?

Seven times, 70, so you should have

a spirit of forgiveness and, you know,

I've said in my own life, it's almost,

I almost can't hold agrudge against somebody,

I just can't do it.

You know, it's amazing.

You think we ought tobe able to hold grudges,

I don't, I can't because thelord just took that away.

So, I think, you know, God forgets

and the sea of his forgetfulness,

he can remember your sins no more

and I think you are the same way.

All right, Kenneth?

- This is Kenneth, who says,

"What is the abomination of desolation?"

- Well, it talks about, spokenof by Daniel the Prophet

when he stands in the, I don't know

if that's the anti-Christ or what it was,

and you know, but oneof the Roman generals

went into the Temple of God

and he was proclaiminghimself as he was God

and when you see theabomination of desolation

spoken about Daniel the Prophetstanding in the holy place,

I think, as far as I can tell,

this looks to be somebodywho is claiming to be God,

and the anti-Christ,and has the anti-Christ

come on the Earth already?

We're not sure.

Or was there somebody who was

a type of anti-Christ who's come?

But I think we're talking about

the man of sin who willcome and speak blasphemies

against the holy one of God.

Has that come, has the anti-Christ come?

I'm not sure.

I mean, there's something in Revelations

that says he's already comeas far as the Roman Empire.

I don't have a definitive answer to that,

I really don't know, all right?

- Well, thanks.

Thank you.- Thank you.

Thank you very much.- Thank all of you

for your questions.

Still ahead, he couldn'tbreathe and was turning blue.

This Love It or List It starwas in a fight for his life.

How did his miraculous survival

become a beacon of hope for others?

Find out.

That's coming up.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN news break.

With more than half the population

now vaccinated against COVID-19,

some states are amping up the push

to entice everyone to get the shot,

including holding lotteries.

In Ohio, a woman near Cincinnati

is the state's first one million dollar

vaccine lottery winner.

Governor Mike Dewine tweetingthis picture last night,

showing the first teenager in the state

to win a full ride scholarshipfor being vaccinated.

Today, Minnesota's governor announcing

the possibility of winningfree state park passes,

fishing licenses and fair tickets.

Well, students going tocollege for the first time

may find it a challenge to connect

with a Christian community.

That's why Campus Renewal Ministry

started Every Student Sent, a platform

to help them pursue missionthrough relationships.

Founder Jeremy Story says the key

to helping students keep their faith

is a sense of purpose.

- If we can find Christiansdeveloping friendships

with other Christians and thenworking with those believers

to not just hide off insome corner somewhere,

that's not the goal here.

It isn't just to, quote, protect at all,

it's to send them on mission,

and so that as theyconnect with each other,

other believers.

And they work together to bring Jesus

to those around them inthe context where they are,

that is the, if you wantto call it, secret sauce,

to seeing people preserve their faith.

- The Sent 2021 event istonight at eight Eastern time,

you can join online by goingto

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of The 700 Club

right after this.

(upbeat music)

- No money and her familywas running out of food.

Merna was desperate after hurricane rains

flooded her home and crops.

Her little childrenwere constantly asking,

"What's going to happen to us?"

"Are we going to die?"

Take a look.

- [Reporter] Merna liveswith her family on a farm

in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Last year, near hurricane winds and rain

from the Gulf of Mexico causedtheir land and home to flood.

- [Translator] My kidscould not stop crying.

They said, "What isgoing to happen to us?"

"Are we going to die?"

I didn't know what to do,so I asked God for help.

- [Reporter] The floodwaters also destroyed

most of their crops thatthey had been growing.

They'd planned to usethose for food and income.

- [Translator] The rainhad washed away our crops.

All the corn we had planted was gone.

- [Reporter] Merna said they had no money

to buy new seeds and that the family

was now running out of food.

- [Translator] After a weekof eating only tortillas,

I knew my kids neededsomething else for food.

- [Reporter] When Operation Blessing

learned about the family,we delivered a truckload

filled with sacks of food and seeds.

We gave several hundred poundsof food staples and seeds

to Merna and 26 otherfamilies in her community.

- [Translator] Now that wehave seeds for our fields,

God willing, we'll harvest a lot of food.

Thanks to everyone that donated.

This has been a blessingand it's been possible

because of you.

- Isn't that great?

What is, "Are we going to die?"

Well, the answer was nobecause God loves you

and somehow we are God's hand extended

to help poor people likeMerna and her family.

Now, if you want to participate,

we help through Operation Blessing

somewhere in the neighborhoodof 300 million people

around the world every year.

We feed them, clothe them, house them,

give them medical attention,

do all kinds of things to help.

And if you want to participate

as a member of Operation Blessing,

all you have to do is, well, give a,

become a 700 Club member at CBN.

Now, what is it?

$20 a month, 65 cents a day,

and part of what we take ingoes to Operation Blessing,

which, in turn, feeds peoplelike Merna and her family.

And we have a hunger strike force,

we have trucks that go out and gather food

around the country to helppeople here in the States,

all kinds of things.

And there's so much available,

if we can get our handson it and distribute it.

So, if you want to helpthose less fortunate,

I just ask you, pick up the telephone

and say, "You can count on me."

Just call 1-800-700-7000.


And say, "I will be, I'd like to be

a member of The 700 Club."

It's just 65 cents a day, $20 a month.


- Well, up next, he was at death's door.

So, how did thousands offans, family and friends

help bring him back from the brink?

And what sign let him knowhe was going to make it?

HGTV's Eric Eremita talks about

his miraculous survival, after this.

(upbeat music)

- [Reporter] Mary worked as a recycler,

collecting plastics to sellto buy food for her children.

- [Translator] Sometimes mychildren would not eat all day

until I came home from selling.

I also worried everydaythat at any moment,

my house would fall down.

- [Reporter] Finally, it happened.

When Operation Blessinglearned about her situation,

we partnered with the local government

to build Mary and herchildren a new house.

Operation Blessing gavethem new furniture,

we gave her what she needed to start

a mobile food business near her home.

- [Translator] God is so good.

I am very grateful for a plate of food

and for the business I now have.

- People around the world need your help.

When you partner with CBN,you rescue children and adults

from despair and you givethem a promising future.

Please watch for this mailing

and remember to send in your pledge.

When we all come togetherto help, miracles happen.

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have been saving moneywith the Avia dental plan.

- For as little as 8.25 a month,

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- Go to getlowcostdental.comor call 1-888-431-2273.

Smile, you're with people who care.

- Resolving problems, that'sEric Eremita's specialty

as a contractor onHGTV's Love It or List It

and Brother Vs. Brother.

But last spring, Eric camedown with flu-like symptoms.

In no time at all, he wasstruggling to breathe,

put on a ventilator andnot expected to survive.

So, why is Eric alive today?

You're about to find out.

- What's wrong with a man cave?

What, are you speechless all of a sudden?

- [Reporter] Long beforereality TV star Eric Eremita

appeared on set for HGTV, hissignature style set him apart.

- I appreciate the wow factor

and when I do work for my clients

and my clients become friendsand they come into a space,

they'll turn around and say,"Eric did this, I can tell."

"I know how he puts a job together,

I know how he puts a space together."

- [Reporter] Appearing on HGTV shows

like Love It or List Itand Brother Vs. Brother,

the contractor and designerhas always pushed through

even the toughest jobs.

- I try to run a smooth ship,

but there's always awave that's gonna come

that's gonna knock youaround a little bit.

You have to learn howto ride over those waves

and get through it and make adjustments.

- [Reporter] But in March of this year,

the 52 year old father of three

would face a battle hecouldn't fight on his own.

With COVID-19 reachingpandemic proportions,

Eric says he kept losing his focus.

- Then the second thing was the,

a flu-like symptom started coming on.

Fevers and things of that nature,

thinking that I had the flu.

At the same time, mywife started to get it.

- [Reporter] Immediately,Eric and his wife, Joanne,

went into quarantine intheir Staten Island home.

He went upstairs while Joannestayed on the first floor.

Their three kids camped outin the finished basement.

- I started getting high fevers

and my wife says my feverwent up to over 104.

You know, we left it in God's hands.

- [Reporter] One day, a week later,

Joanne came to check on her husband.

This time, he was havingdifficulty breathing

and was turning blue.

- She came upstairs 'causeshe didn't really know

what was happening and she turned around

and she says, "You don'tlook good, can you breathe?"

- [Reporter] That's thelast thing he remembers.

(monitor beeping)

(slow music)

Two weeks later, Eric wastaken off the ventilator.

- The first thing wakingup in the hospital

is that the nurses brought over an iPad

and my family was on the other side of it.

They were shocked and amazedthat I pulled through.

- [Reporter] It was then Eric learned

he'd been in the hospital for three weeks

and wasn't expected to make it.

- You know, it's life altering.

But I couldn't wait toget home and see my kids

and my wife and just hugthem and squeeze them.

- [Reporter] Eric also learnedwhat he and many others

believed brought him from death's door.

Thousands of peoplelifting him up in prayer.

- It's overwhelming, man.

It's really, really overwhelming.

You know, you're talking about fans,

you're talking about friends,

you're talking about family,

you're talking about somany different people

who were looking out for me.

The power of prayer, brother.

That's all I can say.

- [Reporter] And Eric saysGod gave him another sign

that he was the one whobrought him through.

- 13.

13 has a history with mein the Italian heritage.

13 is a lucky number, butthat's not where it starts.

I got married on February 13th,

the day before Valentine's Day.

And I'm starting aclothing line called 13.

And now I'm fast forwarded to the day

I got off the ventilator.

The day I got off theventilator was April 13th.

Waking up off the ventilatoron 4/13 means a lot.

You know, "I can do allthings through Christ

who strengthens me," Philippians 4:13.

- [Reporter] 10 days later,Eric was well enough to go home.

His story of healing inspireda very special sendoff.

- They got everybody together.

ICU, the emergency room,anybody who worked on me

or anybody that knew me.

And it wasn't from being on television,

they did it because Iwas a miracle to them.

I was the first person toleave off a ventilator.

It was very uplifting to them,

it gave them signs ofhope and it gave people

who got caught up in thispandemic signs of hope, as well.

(people clapping)

- [Reporter] Eric reunited with his family

and started regaining his strength.

By then, his wife had also fully recovered

from the virus at home and hischildren were not infected.

Eric is excited to get back to work

with renewed faith that God is in control.

- You start to look atlife a little differently.

You know, don't sweat all that stuff,

it's gonna happen anyway.

Don't, you know, don't worry about

what needs to be done next.

God's got a plan, okay?

It's going to happen.

So, if you put all thattogether and you leave it

in his hands, you'll be in good shape.

- Because you can trust him.

You know, we are supposedto do today with God.

He's already in our tomorrow.

But many of us have issues today

that are challenging before us.

You know, health issues, financial issues,

all kinds of things, and so,we want to take some time

- Amen.- to pray for people,

pray for you today, aswe hear Eric's story.

Pat, this story is, this is Tamika,

this came in by email, she said,

"I was suffering from Crohn's disease,

I was in the hospital bedwatching The 700 Club."

"Pat said that there was someonelying in the hospital bed

with a ruptured bowel."

"The Lord says, 'You arecured in the name of Jesus.'"

"I called my stepmother to tell her."

"She told me to claim it."

"When my doctor came inthe room the next morning

with my x-rays, he said,'Wow, no more Crohn's disease

in your body.'"

"I haven't had a flare up since."

- [Pat] I like it.

- That's a miracle, yes.- I like it, praise the lord.

Here's one from Nigeria.

They sent an email, "Ihad an ear disturbance

and I kept applying anointing oil,

but it kept disturbing me."

"On the first week of May of this year,

Terry said a word thatsomebody with an ear infection

that's really disturbingyou, God has decided

to heal it permanently."

He said, "My son was watchingit and claimed it for me,

he told me about it, I claimedit and that ear has ended."

Isn't that amazing?- Praise the lord.

- The person saw it, then told the mother,

the mother got healedbecause of his second hand.

Isn't that amazing?

All right, folks, God is able.

When we saw Eric Eremita and others,

God is able, nothing's impossible.

Now, Terry and I are gonna pray for you

and all I ask you to dois just open your heart

and receive what God's gonna do.

Father, in Jesus' name, we thank you.

Oh, God, we thank youfor the power of God,

we thank you for the anointing,

we thank you for thepower of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Lord.

Somebody, is it Miguel,you've got night sweats

and there's a virus in your system

and that virus is being justburned out of your system

and those night sweats will cease.


- Yeah, there's a man, youhave been in the military

in areas of conflict and you have,

you suffer from PTSD.

You almost feel likeit's just not possible

for anything to help you.

God is healing you right now.

Lift up your hands, begin to praise him

and receive it.

Receive it in your mind andyour heart and in your body.

- Thomas, I believe you felland cracked your knee cap,

I mean, you really brokeit up and God's gonna do

a creative miracle rightnow, just put your hand

on that knee and those bonesare gonna knit together

in the name of Jesus.

And, Lord, for all thosein this audience right now

praying with us, let theanointing of the Holy Spirit

rest upon them in Jesus' name.

- [Terry] Amen.

- Well, today's Power Minuteis from the third book of John.

"Beloved, I pray that youmay prosper in all things

and be in health, justas your soul prospers.

From Terry and all of us,this is Pat Robertson,

thank you so much, seeyou tomorrow, bye bye.


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