Alitheia and Quinn talk about the importance of being flexible and willing to help others even when it’s inconvenient.
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- Thanks for checkin'out The Superbook Show.
- And today, we're gonna find out how much
you really know about the Bible.
- Actually,--
(halting music chords)- What?
- Change of plans.
We got a question infrom a friend of mine.
- No, I studied for this one.
Why are we changing?
I was looking forward to this.
- Don't you think we should put the needs
of others before our own?
- Sometimes, but not now.
- But we're literallyhere to help other people
not ourselves.
- Yeah, I get it.
But we planned to do one thing
and now you're changing everything on me.
- We have to be flexible.
The Bible says we haveto be open for change.
- I've never read thatanywhere in the Bible.
- Well, in Proverbs it says,"You may make many plans
"but the Lord's purposewill still prevail."
- What?
- Yep, it's in there.
- Well I guess we know who would have won
the Bible trivia now, don't we?
- That's not important.
What's important is to beable to help other people,
even if it inconveniences us.
- If only there was aSuperbook episode about this.
I kinda feel like youcan let me off the hook
since there isn't one.
- I think there might be.
Do you remember "Josephand Pharaoh's Dream"?
- It's all right here, the perfect plan
thanks to me.
- Uh-oh, stranded car up ahead.
I'm gonna help.
- [Chris] But dad, this isn't in my plan.
- We should help those in need, Chris,
before we go to soccer matches.
- (sighs) Man, all the planning I do.
I can't believe this is happening.
- (sighing) Okay, Iguess I forgot about one.
- Chris was upset, just like you.
- Yeah, I don't even playsoccer but I understand.
- If we're too focused onour plans, we become rigid.
- Really?
Rigid things can break.
- You said it.
Being flexible allows usto bend our wills to God.
That's worship towards Him.
Plus, we can miss out onsome cool things He has
for us if we're not open.
- Well, I do want to worship
and who doesn't want cool things that
God has in store for them?
- Exactly.
- I think I'm seeing the light, here.
- Awesome.
- So what was that questionyour friend had, anyway?
- He wanted to know how to deal
with change that you don't like.
(spring boinging)
(chuckling)His word is forever alive.
Check out
to learn more about God's plans.
- Thank God for His plans.
- See ya next time.