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The 700 Club - May 12, 2021

Hit hard by business failures and bankruptcy, Glenn and Regina were in such a bad place they couldn’t even afford a refrigerator for food. There didn’t seem to be a way out, until they discovered a biblical principle from Pat Robertson that ... Read Transcript

(digital music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up freespeech is being squashed

- Why bother with dissenting views

if they know what the truth is?

- [Gordon] Americans are being silenced

just for voicing their rights.

- That's the problem that'sgoing on in America today.

- [Gordon] And it's not just big tech

and big governmenthitting the block button.

- [Alan] And the students in this college

said they felt unsafe.

- [Gordon] Can anything,stop this new censorship.

- [Alan] We haven't lost this battle.

- On today's 700 Club

(upbeat music)

Welcome to the 700 Club.

Hamas has launchedunprecedented rocket attacks

against Israel's.

Israel's Iron Dome has responded

lighting up the sky over Tel Aviv

- That's right

and the leader of Hamas isnow calling for Israeli Arabs

to rise up sparking whatsome are calling a civil war

Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

is vowing the terroristswill pay a heavy price.

Chris Mitchell brings us this report

on the ground in Jerusalem.

- [Chris] In the heaviestfighting since 2014,

Hamas and other terror groupsfired more than 1000 rockets

within a day and a half.

It's the largest ever rocket fire

on South and Central Israel.

The rocket Salvos and the interceptions

by the Iron Dome anti-missile system

lit up the night sky over Tel Aviv

in what looked like a Star Wars battle.

Israel suspended flights fromBen Gurion Airport for an hour

when rocket fire hit nearby.

During the day, the skiesover Southern Israel

witnessed the aerial battle

between the rockets and the Iron Dome.

The Israel Defense Force saysthe Iron Dome has shot down

more than 90% of the rockets.

Five Israelis have beenkilled by the rocket fire.

- All of these rockets were fired

from densely populatedcivilian areas in Gaza,

by terrorists, blatantlydisregarding human life

and security of Palestinians

and aiming to kill Israeli civilians.

We are responding to Hamas's aggression

by firing rockets atIsrael at our Capital,

and by forcing

more than a million anda half Israeli civilians

into shelter

- [Chris] In a campaigncalled guardians of the wall,

Israel launched more than500 surgical airstrikes

to stop the rocket fire

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz

said they have many more targets to hit.

35 Palestinians have died in the attacks.

The IDF says most of those

were involved in the rocket attacks.

The IDF has also killedseveral leaders of Hamas

and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

They toppled this buildinghousing, Hamas offices,

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

met with Israel security cabinet.

- [Male Translator] Theconclusion of the meeting

is to increase even morethe force of the strikes

and also the rate of the strikes.

Hamas will now receiveblows that it did not expect

and I know that thisalso involves patience

and a certain sacrifice onyour part citizens of Israel.

- [Chris] On Tuesday,the US State Department

weighed in on the fighting

- Israel has the right to defend itself,

and to respond to rocket attacks.

The Palestinian people alsohave the right to safety

and security just as Israelis do.

- And the worst riotsin more than 20 years

rock the Israeli town of Lod

when Israeli Arabsrioted burned synagogues

and set fire to dozens of cars.

Israel declared a state of emergency

and the Mayor called it a civil war.

Inside Gaza, Hamas bow to keep fighting

and its leader is Ismail Haniya

said it shifted the balance of power.

The Palestinian IslamicJihad posted this video,

thanking Iran for thenew batter three missile.

It's another sign

Iran is directly involvedin this conflict.

Last year, Iran's Supreme Leader, Khamenei

admitted for the first time

his country was supplying weapons.

He said Iran realizedPalestinian fighters only problem

was a lack of access to weapons.

Chris Mitchell, CBN news, Jerusalem.

- Please be careful of whatyou're reading in the news

and this attempt to try tohave some kind of balance

and I'm just astoundedthat the State Department

would say the Palestinian people

have a right to safety and security.

Yes, they do, but at the same time,

they've elected a terroristgroup to lead them.

Hamas is designated bythat same State Department

as a terrorist group.

So you have to be consistent with this.

If they're a terrorist group,

I say they are not entitledto safety and security

and if they want to fire rocketsat a civilian population,

well then that needs tostop by any means necessary.

Keep this in mind, Hamasis a terrorist group.

They don't get safety,they don't get security.

And it's amazing thedoublespeak that's coming.

It's coming from members of Congress.

It's coming from the State Department.

It's also coming from theInternational Courts of Justice

where they're trying to claim already

that Israel has engaged in war crimes

and their response tothese terrorists acts.

We can't stand for this.

Israel has a right to be secure.

The citizens of Israel,Arab and Jew and Christian

have a right to security and safety

and freedom from terror attacks.

That's exactly what this is.

It's been named at the highestlevels of our government

as terrorism

and we need to stayconsistent in our analysis.

Well, another news are wegetting ready for more panic

at the pump?

Gas lines are forming upand down the East Coast

and four Governors have declared

a state of emergency.

So how long will it be beforethe fuel starts flowing again?

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN news Bureauin Washington, John.

- That is right Gordon

fuel shortages are hitting the East Coast

with gas stations running dry

due to that cyber attackpipeline shut down,

even though some fuel isstarting to move again,

fuel capacity could be days away.

CBN's Charlene Aaron has the story.

- Drivers in several States

report waiting in long lines for gas.

As officials work to repairthe colonial pipeline,

which has been shut down for five days

While some stations run dry

officials in Washingtonhighlight the threat

of such cyber attacks.

From the Carolinas to Florida long lines,

wrapping around gas stations

as drivers seek to fill up at the pump.

- I have been at aroundthree gas stations,

and it's the same way.

In some stations I couldnot get the gas at all.

So I have been waiting.

I don't know if I can get the gas here.

- I am almost on empty and I do childcare

for my grand kids and I'm gonna need gas

to get back to them in a couple of days,

- [Charlene] Frustration mounting

as gas outages reportedalong the East Coast,

according to GasBuddy

more than a thousand gasstations in at least seven States

from Florida to Virginiaare running out of gas.

Four Governors, declaringstates of emergency.

Officials warning against panic buying,

which threatened supplies.

- Much as there was no causefor say hoarding toilet paper

at the beginning of the pandemic,

there should be no causefor hoarding gasoline

- [Charlene] Across the Southeastdemand for gas is up 40%.

Nationwide prices atthe pump inching up too,

hitting $2.98 a gallonthe highest in six years

and it's expected to rise higher.

This after a gang of Russianhackers called Dark Side,

struck a major pipeline for ransom.

The colonial pipeline is 5,500 miles long

providing 45% of gas,

including airline fuel to theEast Coast of the country.

In a Congressional hearing Tuesday,

members of the Homeland Security

and Government Affairs Committee

highlighted the dangers of such an attack.

- This is potentially the most substantial

and damaging attack on UScritical infrastructure ever.

- Colonial hopes to restorethe pipeline network

before the end of the week,

but says it will take daysto get it back up and running

The shortages come,

as AAA expect some 37million Americans to travel

this Memorial Day weekendup 60% from last year

and experts say if the colonialpipeline is restored soon,

gas should be flowingin time for the holiday.

Charlene Aaron CBN news.

- All right, thanks Charlene.

Well in Elizabeth City, North Carolina,

the family of a man shot to death

by Sheriff's deputies three weeks ago,

viewed more body cam footageof the incident Tuesday.

Andrew Brown's family watched 20 minutes

from six different camerasallowed by court order.

One included police dashboard cam footage.

The family's attorney saysthe video does not bear out

the District Attorneys claim

that Brown struck theDeputies with his car

before they opened fire.

- We were able to see Mr.Brown sitting in his vehicle

as he was ambushed.

We did not see any actionson Mr. Brown's part,

where he made contact with them

or tried to go in their direction.

- The video has not beenreleased to the public.

Three of the deputieswho fired their weapons

remain on administrative leave

but for others who were at the scene

are now back on duty.

The FBI is pursuing acivil rights investigation

into the killing.

Well it's decision day here in Washington

as Republicans in theHouse of Representatives

are expected to remove Liz Cheney

from her leadership position today.

As of this morning,

Cheney is the number threeRepublican in the House.

She has repeatedly criticized

former President Donald Trump's

claims that the election was stolen.

House Leader Kevin McCarthy and others say

the focus should be on nextyear's Congressional elections

seizing their opportunity topotentially retake the House.

Trump and McCarthy haveendorsed New York representative

Elise Stefanik to replace Cheney.

However, some conservativeschallenged Stefanik bid

because of her moderate voting record.

Well Senate Democrats and Republicans

sparred over a controversialelection reform bill

in a nine hour debate Tuesday

though members of theSenate rules committee

deadlocked nine to nineto advance the legislation

Democrats can still maneuverto send the bill to the floor

for a full vote.

Democrats maintain the bill is necessary

to protect voting rights.

As some States tighten up the rules,

but Republicans say it'snothing more than a power grab.

The controversial legislationsparking heated debate,

even bringing both the Senate Majority

and Minority leaders to the hearings

- Here in the 21st century,

we are witnessing an attemptat the greatest contraction

of voting rights sincethe end of reconstruction

and the beginning of Jim Crow.

The bill before this committeehas a very simple premise,

make it easier, not harder to vote.

- This legislation willlet Washington Democrats

dictate the terms

of their own re election races

by rewriting all 50 States election laws.

Democrats have a narrowmajority in the House

and a 50/50 Senate,

but they wanna make themselvesthe board of elections

for every County and State in America?

- The bill which alreadypassed in the House

does away with voter ID

requires States to offer mail in ballot.

and reorganizes theFederal Election Commission

to favor the majority party

and also calls for Independent Commissions

to replace state control

in redrawing CongressionalDistricts in Gordon

even if Democrats canget around the filibuster

some don't fully support the bill

and it might not haveenough votes to pass.

- Well, it shouldn't pass.

Anytime you get rid ofa voter ID regulations,

it's an open invitation for vote fraud.

It's not an equal access issue.

Everybody can get an ID.

Everyone should be able to prove

that they live in the District

where they're voting andthey have a right to vote.

That's all part of election integrity.

It's obscure law, but theFederal Election Commission,

since its establishment after Watergate

was designed to be equal

so that both parties have an equal voice

and that if it's equal,then in questionable cases,

the commission will come to a tie

and the issue won't move ahead.

If you rearrange that.

So the majority

now controls the FederalElection Commission

then you'll havepartisanship in these reviews

and the majority party

can use the Federal Election Commission

to go after the minority.

That is an unacceptable outcome

that leads to majority'sthat stay in power forever

because they will then just say,

well under the FederalElection Commission,

you violated the law andtherefore you don't get to run.

These are big issues

and we all need to pay attention to them.

Our elections need tohave integrity to them,

particularly after whathappened last November,

we can't have questions moving forward.

We need to do everything in our power

to remove those questions

so that we can count the votes accurately.

We know exactly who voted,

and we have an election integrity

that can announce the resultsthe night of the election,

or perhaps next day,

but not weeks on end waiting for recounts

and all these other things.

Let's have that on a bipartisan basis.

What we're currently saying

is the Democrats in a power play

that needs to stop, Ashley.

- Well, still ahead,

dealing with death illness and isolation,

this healthcare worker wastraumatized by the pandemic.

So what happened when shecouldn't sleep for days?

And how was she helpedand healed in an instant?

That's coming up.

Plus shamed, censoredbanned from social media,

whatever happened tofree speech in America

Alan Dershowitz makes his caseagainst the new censorship

after this

(upbeat music)

- Well, back in the 1950s,

Senator Joseph McCarthy

held infamous Congressional hearings

trying to out communists inHollywood and the Government.

In a similar move nowunderway to silence Christian

and conservative speech

and if so, who's behindthis new censorship

and what can be done to stop it?

Here's Gary Lane

- From a sitting US presidentto average Americans

voicing their opinionsabout COVID-19 origins,

masking and vaccines.

It seems if you share an opinion

that doesn't support aprogressive narrative,

you'll be censored,

maybe even banned fromsocial media platforms.

The Nazis burned books,

Lenin, Stalin and Mousesilenced those who express views

and opposition to the government.

Is this new censorshipreminiscent of those one party,

totalitarian States,

Former Harvard LawProfessor and Legal Analyst,

Alan Dershowitz is author of the book,

"The Case Against The New Censorship:

"Protecting Free Speech From Big Tech,

"Progressives and Universities"

- Has this in common

the people who burnedthe books in Nazi Germany

were students,

the people who advocated communism

in Lenin and Stalin'sRussia were students.

So the millennials today areon the forefront of censorship

they think they have the truth

and they don't need decent,

they do not need due process.

Why bother with dissenting views

or free speech if theyknow what the truth is?

We're not in Nazi Germany,we're not in Stalin's Russia,

but we are getting close to situations

where, non-government officials.

and that's what so dangerous,

Non-government officials,Twitter, Facebook and YouTube

are determining what we canhear or what we can say.

You know, the first thingthat come is two aspects,

the right of the speaker to speak,

but the right of the audience to listen.

- Dershowitz, a constitutional law expert

says the American audience'sbeing deprived of listening

to divergent views casein points as Dershowitz,

a debate between him andCongressmen, Bobby Kennedy Jr

about COVID-19 vaccinations.

Kennedy is opposed toCOVID-19 vaccinations,

Dershowitz supports them.

Their video debate wascensored by YouTube.

Most likely YouTube took the action

because of the anti-vaccination views

of Congressman Kennedy.

YouTube says "doesn't allow content

"that spreads medical misinformation

"that contradicts local health authorities

"or the World Health Organization's

"medical information about COVID-19."

- They said vaccinationis not a debatable issue

we don't wanna hear two sides of it,

and we don't want our audienceto hear two sides of it.

So hundreds of thousands of people

were denied the right to hear me

and Bobby Kennedy debate this issue.

I won the debate by default.

I don't wanna win the debate by default.

I wanna win the debate

on the merits in the marketplace of ideas.

- And this new censorshipmay even influence elections.

Last fall, just prior tothe presidential vote,

The New York post storyabout Hunter Biden's laptop

and money transfers from China

and Ukraine was banned on social media.

It was ignored or playeddown by some members

of the mainstream media.

So how worrisome isthat type of censorship

influencing election outcomes

by preventing all factual information

from being made public?

- It's very dangerous

'cause it not only prevents that

or has interference with that,

but on so many other aspects of life,

on whether to take the vaccination or not

on other issues.

The head of the littletown of Brooklyn Center,

said that he thought thatthe woman Police Officer

who pulled out her guninstead of her taser

and thought she was firing the taser

yelling taser, taser taser,

when she was indicted for manslaughter,

the town guy said shewould be given due process

and he was immediately fired

for calling for a constitutional right

due process for every citizen.

You get fired and there were threats

and if they didn't fire him,

there would be all kinds of repercussions.

That's the problem that'sgoing on in America today.

- [Gary] And it's not only big tech

colleges and universitiesare also censoring speech.

Gershwin says he was dismayed

when Harvard University firedone of his former colleagues,

Professor Ron Sullivan wasthe first African-American

to ever be made a Deanof The Harvard College.

- He was a great Dean

and then he made the 'mistake'of defending Harvey Weinstein

for about a month on constitutional issues

and the students in hisCollege said they felt unsafe.

They didn't feel unsafewhen a year earlier

he defended somebodyaccused of a double murder,

but they felt unsafe becausehe was representing somebody

who they didn't like

and who had been accusedof sexual misconduct.

So he got fired by Harvard University,

for who he represented.

If John Adams had been aProfessor at Harvard back in 1771,

he'd been fired, I guess,

for representing theBoston Massacre soldiers.

and Abraham Lincoln would have been fired

'cause he represented somedisreputable characters

and great people in Americahave represented awful people.

- So what can be doneto reverse this trend,

is it too late?

- It's not too late.

We write books as I do.

We have talk shows like you do

and we try to appeal directlyto the American Public.

Then we go to the Supreme court,

we have legislation which could restrict

the ability of socialmedia to take advantage

of Section 230,

which exempts them from lawsuits

if they continue to censor speech.

So a lot of things we can do,

we haven't lost this battle

and is part of a bigger war,

and look, I lived through McCarthyism

as a student in College,

we overcame that.

I think we'll overcome this.

- [Gary] Gary Lane, CBN news.

- I think we'll overcome it too,

but it's in the middle of the battle

that you start to wonder what's going on.

Is this new in American history?

The answer's no and itgoes all the way back

to the Alien's edition acts of, you know

that's something in the early 1800's

that was trying to stifle free speech

and it was roundly rejected.

The dismay I have

is that the Institutesof Higher Education,

that classic liberal education,

where you get all points of view,

all points of view are being encouraged.

Now you're having studentbodies at Harvard,

Yale rise up and say, we feel unsafe

because of words that were spoken,

that is an intolerablesituation for free speech

and an intolerable situationfor liberal education.

It's in the marketplace of ideas,

it's in the competition of ideas

that the best ideas always emerge.

That's the fundamental behind free speech,

free assembly, freedom topetition your government

for a redress of grievances.

If you can't do that,

if you can't have that marketplace,

then you really don't have free speech.

Looking at big tech

What's the answer there?

Well, the answer is notrepealing Section 230.

I think they do need to beprotected from damage lawsuits,

but what about extendingfree speech rights,

that whole body of law,

to anyone that establishesa public platform for speech

and much like the standing on the soap box

in the middle of Hyde park,

you have a right to say whatever you want.

Shouldn't we have that on these platforms?

There's a whole body of jurisprudence,

so we'll go along with it.

We would know what we're getting into,

but you get rid of the censorship

and you have a free play of ideas.

Again, the marketplace of ideas,

the competition of ideas,the best ones always win.


- Well, up next,

this couple was living the high life

until they hit rock bottom.

How did they go fromliving out of a cooler

to running a multi-million dollar company?

See for yourself coming up.

Plus first, a big boom,then the lights went out.

an EF3 tornado slammeda tree into this house.

So what happened to the couple inside?

Find out right after this.

(upbeat music)

- Well, the Hendersons were so poor.

They didn't even own a refrigerator.

They were living out of a cooler.

It was a steep fall for a couple

who had once been living the high life.

So what took them from riches to rags?

And how did they come roaring back

with a multi-million dollar business?

Well see for yourself,

(lively music)

- [Narrator] Glenn Hendersonof Jacksonville, Florida

serves as a consultant forcorporations like Hobby Lobby

and the American Bible Society.

He and his wife, Regina aresuccessful entrepreneurs

who seem to have it all.

- My husband and I are type A individuals,

we're very driven, we're non-stop.

- [Narrator] When they first married,

the Hendersons starteda transport business

and initially did very well.

- We had been living very, very high

and enjoying things thatwere shiny and glitzy,

but not really focusing on the God

that we had both raised to love and know

we were more takers than givers.

We got in trouble with theInternal Revenue Service,

and we incurred a lot of debt.

- It was one blow after another

one loss after another

and then that was the timethat we just hit rock bottom.

- [Narrator] They hadto declare bankruptcy.

For the next two years,

the Henderson struggled to start over,

but all their efforts seemed fruitless.

- We were so poor that wedidn't even have a refrigerator.

We were living out of a cooler,

there was no income

and I had used to put change into a jar,

whatever lose money I had in my pocket

and so we actually lived onthat for quite some time.

- [Narrator] Then Reginastarted watching The 700 Club

and shared what she waslearning with Glenn.

- [Regina] The 700 Club

was very instrumental and encouraging us

during that time period,

- We heard about this law of reciprocity

from this guy by thename of Pat Robertson.

It was at that timethat we began to realize

that God has everythingto say about His money

and money that He affords us to manage

and that became very important to us

in honoring our Lord

and honoring God in the things that we do.

- We understood from our time of learning

that we should pray about it.

We should ask God to help us.

We should give off ourselves.

We didn't have any money to give.

So we would go to the foodbanks and we would help there.

- I delivered meals on wheels.

I remember taking care of elderly people

and just say, well, Lord,I don't have money to give,

but I will give up my time.

I will give whatever talents I have.

- [Narrator] Soon after Glen and Regina

got work as contractorsand launched AFC worldwide,

the transport companyfrom their apartment,

they started tithing from their income

gradually worked their way out of debt.

- We came to learn that you grow

as the business grows.

So when the business actuallyoutgrew the apartment

is when we subletted another location

and then once we grew too big for that,

then we got our own place.

- [Narrator] In 2008,

the company they contracted for folded.

So the Hendersons took overmany of their contracts.

The very next year, theybrought in $200,000 in revenue,

as they grew, they continue to give

soon they were servinghigh profile clients,

including Motorola, Hallmarkand The White House.

- As we were focused andcommitted to Biblical principles

and not borrowing and justdoing things little by little

as Deuteronomy has this passage

it says the Lord gave usincrease and he provided for us.

We had favor and we beganto see our lives change.

- [Narrator] By the timethey sold their company,

three years later,

sales were trending to hit $100 million.

- It just change our whole world

that the business does not belong to us.

It belongs to God.

- [Narrator] Glen now overseesand serves as a pastor

of a 100,000 square foot ministry

and commercial space.

He and Regina continuetithing from their investments

and enjoy teaching others

the principles of giving.

- We're givers now,

we enjoy the fact thatwe can not only tithe

but that we can do above.

- It's really not about the money.

It's about your heart

and it's about how youmanage God's resources.

He will provide for us ifwe've managed things His way.

Money is a cruel master,but a great servant

and if we use it to bring glory to God,

He will bless you.

- What a Wonderful story.

What a wonderful principle

when you do it, God's way

when you're not lookingfor that, get rich quick,

but you're looking on thatincrease upon increase

using well what has been given to you

realizing that God owns it all.

You're just a steward ofwhat He's provided for you

and if you put into principle,

practice the principles of the Bible

and say, I'm going to do it God's way

not my way, not what feelsgood to me in the moment,

but what is backed up by the word of God,

then you'll have the increase.

For Glen, they talk about poverty

and going down to literally nothing

he said, I'm going to startputting this into practice.

If I don't have money to tithe,

I'm gonna tithe my time.

As God gives me income, I'mgoing to give faithfully,

and through that, you see the success.

These things can happen

when you put theseprinciples into practice.

Now you have to be frugal in your living.

You can't go out and geta lot of consumer debt

and expect God to bless it.

When you live within your means,

when you save 10% of your income,

and then most importantly,

when you tithe 10% of your income,

wonderful things will happen

and this promise from Jesuswill come true for you.

"Give and it will be given to you.

"A good measure, pressed down,

"shaken together and running over

"will be poured into your lap.

"For with the measure you use

"it will be measured to you"

And it comes line upon line

when your faithful in little

then God will give the increase

you can trust Him

He stands by his word to perform it.

If you wanna start tithing, give us a call

call us now 1-800-700-7000.

Just say, I wanna join The 700 Club.

If you're interestedin preaching the gospel

around the world, a portionof every gift you give

goes into the work of CBNInternational to do just that.

If you're interested in helping people,

whether it's disasters here in America.

or water wells, or specialsurgeries or livelihood programs

or medical teams,

you're a part of all of that when you join

because a portion of every gift

goes into the work of operation blessing.

Do it now call us 1-800-700-7000.

Just say I wanna join The 700 Club.

How much is that?

Well, it's $20 a month

and that breaks out to 65 cents a day.

Some of you can give at higher levels,

we have 700 Club Goldfor you at $40 a month,

1000 Club that's $1000 a year

and that breaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level, when you call,

ask for a pledge express,

electronic monthly givingthe bank is doing it

it's automatic every single month

and we can send as our gift to you,

Power for life, monthly teaching CD.

So if you like those askfor a pledge express,

when you call or givemonthly on the internet,, when you do that,

you automatically signup for pledge express.

We also have something new

where you can text us.

Text "CBN" to 71777,

either way do it now.



- Well, Peter and Cherylstood frozen by fear.

There was nowhere to runwhen a terrifying twister

hit their home,

the couple escaped unharmed,

but their house and theirproperty were in shambles,

- [News Anchor] Fulltornadoes, roar through-

- [Narrator] Cheryl andPeter Alvarado were asleep.

When an EF3 tornado torethrough their neighborhood

Nashville, Tennessee,

- I had heard the big boom

and the lights went out on us

and they were still making it anywhere.

- It came in so quick.

We didn't have time to react

I had a big tree in the back of the house

and it fell on top of the house.

We just stood there,

and it's hopefully the housedidn't fall down on us.

- [Narrator] Insurance willcover the damage to the house,

but Peter had to clean upthe debris and fallen trees.

- There's not enough hours in the day

for me to get out and do it by myself.

People wanted to charge me 9 to $10,000

to haul this stuff off,and who's got 9 $10,000

- [Narrator 4] ThenOperation Blessing showed up

with a team of volunteers

to cut up trees and haul off debris.

- The Operation Blessing really helped us.

They came out here and did things

that nobody else would do for us.

They helped us get therubbish off our yard

and help us go and do what we had to do

to get our life going back together.

- Me doing it by myselfwith no chainsaw, no nothing

I would be here for monthstrying to pick at it every day

So with OperationBlessing, as you can see,

I mean, it took a lot of load off me.

- [Narrator] Thanks toOperation Blessing partners

and volunteers

Cheryl and Peter were able to get the help

they need it to take theirfirst steps toward recovery.

- Operation Blessingswas great making my life

and my wife's life a lot easier

to move off from this disaster.

- You don't know how much we love y'all.

I mean, if it wasn't for y'all,

we would have never gotten that far.

I mean, we were turning to everybody

and nobody was gonna help us

and I'll never forget you,

you'll always be in my prayers.

- Yeah that thank yougoes to our CBN partners.

Thank you so much for partnering with us

to help people in desperate need

like you just saw Peter and Cheryl,

their house was in shambles,they didn't have help,

but Operation Blessing was there

able to provide what they needed.

I wanna encourage you with some scripture.

This is from Galatians 6:9,

and it says, "don't growweary in doing good,

"because at the right time

"you will reap a harvest ofblessing if we don't give up".

CBN partners, I just wanna encourage you

don't give up in doing good,

because God sees your generosity.

He sees your generous heart

and He will continue tobless you because of that.

We are called to be a blessing to others.

That's God gives us resources

and it's our responsibilityand our privilege

to manage what He's givenus and to be a blessing

and if you aren't a CBN partner,

today is a great day to become one.

As you just saw,

we help people in needfrom natural disasters,

not just in the United States,

but literally around the world.

We also provide, life-changing surgeries

to children who are in poor families.

We provide food to people in need,

fresh water and so much more

and we do it all in the name of Jesus.

So if you wanna join with us today,

there's several differentways you can do that.

You can give us a call at 1-800-700-7000.

You can go to

or you can do my personalfavorite, which is text to give.

All you have to do is text "CBN" to 71777

and there are different levelsthat you can join with us at.

You can join us at $20 a month,$40 a month, $84 a month.

You can go up from there,

just do whatever the Lordis prompting you to do.

Listen to that promptingfrom the Holy Spirit.

And when you join with us today,

we're actually going togive you something in return

it's our way of saying thank you

and it's called a God Is For Us:

Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory,

because we are victorious in Jesus Christ

and this is Pat's latest recording.

He's just, recorded scriptures from Romans

that will encourage you in your faith.

So join with us today, give us a call

visit us online or text "CBN" to 7177,

and get this as our way ofsaying thank you, Gordon.

- Well, a wire sticking out from a wall,

that's what penetrated the eye

of a little girl named Annie.

Doctors said, if theydidn't operate quickly,

her eye would have to be removed

and his mom barely made enough money

for food and rent.

So how could she possibly pay for surgery

to save her daughter's sight?

- [Narrator 5] Five-year-old Annie

and her cousin were playing

when they decided to race each other.

Neither saw the wiressticking out from the wall

until it was too late andit struck Annie in the eye.

She ran to her mom crying and in pain,

- [Female Translator]She said she was running

I always know where she is.

I don't know how it could have happened.

- [Narrator] Annie's mom puta warm washcloth on the eye,

but nothing changed.

Then Annie said she could notsee through the injured eye.

That's when Yeri took her to the hospital.

- [Female Translator] It was very hard

to see my daughter in that condition.

I wonder if she would loseher sight in that eye.

- [Narrator] Yeri told us

that Annie had sustained a complex injury

to the cornea and lens of her left eye,

which caused a traumatic cataract to form

the doctor referred them to an eye clinic

since the surgery was notpossible at the hospital.

- [Female Translator] The doctor told me

the surgery was quite complicated.

He said that if we don'toperate on her quickly,

the eye would become infected

and it would have to be removed

hearing that was very hard.

- [Narrator] Yeri is a single mom.

She works on a coffee farm in Honduras

and earned enough for food and rent,

but she didn't have enoughto save her daughter's eye.

That's when the doctorat the clinic mentioned

that Operation Blessingmight be able to help.

Yeri met with us and we quickly arranged

for Annie to receive free eye surgery.

- [Female Translator] Now,my daughter's eye is fine

God heard my prayer, I thank Him.

If Operation Blessing hadn't helped me

I don't know what I would have done.

I am so grateful.

(Annie laughing)

- That gratitude goes to you.

If you're a member of The 700 Club,

you were the answer tothat mother's prayer.

If you're not a member, join with us.

Join in everything we'redoing around the world.

If you are a member consider increasing,

consider going to 700Club gold $40 a month

1000 Club $1000 a year that's $84 a month.

At whatever level do it right now.


Make sure you ask for apledge express when you call

That's electronic month of giving.

You can do that easilyby just asking for it

when you call 1-800-700-7000,

or you can go to

There's a place when yougive monthly on the internet

on the giving page on,

you automatically sign up for it.

You can also text "CBN" to 71777,

either way do it now

and when you join The 700 Club,

we have a special gift for you.

It's my father's latest recording.

It's called God Is For Us.

You can get streaming access,

we'll also send you a CD

and it's powerful verses of Scripture

from the book of Romans, take a look.

- [Advertiser] God Is ForUs: Verses of Salvation,

Peace and Victory.

Let the word of God transformyou as you listen to...

- [Pat] There is now no condemnation

for those who are in Christ Jesus,

- [Advertiser] This all newaudio recording by Pat Robertson

features powerful selectionsfrom the book of Romans.

- [Pat] Through Christ Jesus,

the law of the Spirit who gives life

has set you free fromthe law of sin and death.

- [Advertiser] God IsFor Us available now.

CBN presents,

"God Is For Us: Verses ofSalvation, Peace and Victory."

From the book of Romans,

- [Pat] It is filled with verses

that defined our need for salvation.

God's free gift of redemption in Christ.

- [Advertiser] Call nowto get your audio CD

of God Is For Us:

Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory

yours when you become a CBN partner,

- [Pat] Therefore,

since we have beenjustified through faith,

we have peace with Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ.

- [Advertiser] These select scriptures

from the book of Romans will lift you up

and carry you throughdifficult circumstances.

- [Pat] My hope is thatyou will let these versus

fill your mind and heart.

They will change your outlookand increase your faith.

- [Advertiser] Call +1-800-700-7000

or go to today.

- [Gordon] Still ahead,

isolated, lonely, and scared.

- [Jennifer] Is thisis gonna last forever.

- [Gordon] A healthcareworker starts to crumble

under the pressure of COVID.

- [Jennifer] I did get so tired

that I just couldn'tcope anymore with things.

- [Gordon] How was she curedof anxiety in an instant?

She'll tell you herself.

Coming up.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN news break.

The Vatican is urging cautionto the US Catholic bishops

who believe communion should be denied

to politicians who support abortion.

Bishops are divided over the issue

with some pressing forPresident Joe Biden,

House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi,

and other public figuresto be denied communion

because of their supportfor abortion rights.

Other bishops warn

that such a move would bepolitically polarizing.

A mother's love on fulldisplay at the Boston zoo.

The tender moment caught on camera,

capturing a gorilla,fascinated by a mother,

holding her newborn baby boy

up to the glass at Franklin Park Zoo.

- Aww, so precious

- The gorillas motherlyinstincts kicked in

as she cozied up to the glass

and appeared to try totouch the baby's hand.

The gorilla is a mama herself

and showed off her own babyto admiring spectators.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN news

by going to our

Gordon and Ashley will beback with more than 700 Club,

right after this.

(upbeat music)

- Sleepless nights, endless days,

healthcare worker, JenniferWaldo was fading fast.

Fear and anxiety consumed her.

She saw no end to the suffering.

Desperate she cried out to God.

So how did she get an answer?

Take a look.

(somber music)

- [Narrator] When certifiedmedical assistant,

Jennifer Waldo started working

with Alzheimer's anddementia patients in 2016,

she knew it was whereshe was supposed to be.

- But it was veryencouraging to go to work

and feel like you're making a difference

in the lives of people.

- [Narrator] While the job didhave its moments of stress,

COVID took it to another levelfor her and her patients.

- There were some thatwere afraid of COVID.

There were some that I saw pass away.

It made me feel

like there was just not muchI could do to help them.

- [Narrator] Like millions of people,

she felt it at home too.

- COVID was very challenging

because we were all veryisolated for a very long time

feeling very lonely.

- [Narrator] Througheven the darkest times

of the pandemic,

Jennifer was able to managethe stress and loneliness.

Then in January of 2021,it all caught up with her

as she started feeling anxious and afraid.

- The conversations I had with myself

was is this gonna last forever?

What am I gonna do?

And what would happen tome if I would get COVID?

- [Narrator] Making it worse

she started suffering from insomnia,

which affected her at work and home.

- [Jennifer] I was havingsome hard time at work,

concentrating on my work duties.

I did get so tired

that I just couldn'tcope anymore with things.

- [Narrator] Jennifer took her fears

and sleepless nights to God.

- Crying out in desperation

of Lord, let me get some sleep (chuckles)

- [Narrator] Then onJanuary 20th of that year,

Jennifer, a regular viewer of The 700 Club

tuned into the show

just as Gordon and Wendy weregiving words of knowledge

through prayer.

It was then she heard Wendy.

- Someone you're sayingyou have not slept in days

and our God is healing you right now

from that severe insomnia.

- I just felt all the anxietyand restlessness leave

all that just totally goneand then I was just laughing

and I have the joy of theLord, I became very happy.

- [Narrator] That night forthe first time in weeks...

- And I was able to rest well

and it was a very restful sleep.

- [Narrator] Jennifer isgrateful for God healing her

and restoring her joy at work and in life.

- I managed to feel very special

and loved by my Heavenly Father.

I don't struggle with fearand anxieties anymore.

My job is secure and I'm happy,not worried about the bills,

not worried about my independenceand fairly move forward

and knowing that God's goteverything under control.

- Yes and amen.

God has everything under control.

I wanna encourage you with scripture

The Bible says

that God has not givenus a spirit of fear,

but of power, love and a sound mind.

That sound mind comes from Christ Jesus.

So just receive and believethat promise from God

The key is believing.

It's believing the promise.

And we've got some answer to prayer.

Gordon this is from Ceciliaof Phoenix, Arizona.

She became increasingly alarmedby the lumps in her breast

they were very largeand extremely painful.

One day while watching The 700 Club

Cecilia heard Gordongive a word of knowledge

for complete healing

and by faith Cecilia applied the prayer

and healing to her condition.

The pain left right away, butthe lumps were still there

after two days, the lumpswere completely gone.

Praise God, praise God.

- Alright, here's Stan fromSouth Amboy, New Jersey,

he was miserable becauseof an infection in his gums

the pain was terrible.

On January 27th this year,

he was watching The 700 Club

and Ashley said, someone iswatching with tooth pain.

The Lord is healing you,that for you right now,

especially in the upperfront part of your mouth,

the Lord is healing you.

Well Stan heard that

he believed and then thepain left right away.

That is a miracle.

Miracles can happen to you.

What does it take to get a miracle?

How do you get an answer to prayer?

Well, number one,

you pray in accordancewith the will of God.

A lot of people have aquestion about the will of God,

particularly for healing miracles

and they get into somekind of weird theology

that somehow or rather God wants this

and He wants to make me sufferand all this kind of stuff.

That's not the will of God

never has been the will of God.

Don't make that some kindof theological position

that you're somehow privileged enough

that God wants to inflict pain on you.

He's a loving Heavenly Father.

Now, here's the scripture for you

you need to be grounded in scripture

for your faith to really bloom.

Jesus asks us to praya very specific prayer.

We call it the Lord's prayer

and in that prayer,there's this wonderful line

"Thy will be done onearth as it is in heaven."

Now think about heaven

is there anybody sick?

Answer clearly no,

are there any tears?

No, they're all wiped away.

Is anybody mourning?


Is anybody lonely?

Anybody anxious?

Anybody have depression?

Anybody poor?

Any of those things?

So you look at heaven

and you know that'sGod's will I want that,

I want God's will.

You're authorized as His ambassador,

as the believer in Jesus Christ

as the one that he sent

believe and the one thatHe sent and He sends you

He authorizes you to pray this

pray that God's willwould be done on earth

as it is in heaven

and when you believe thatwith all of your heart

and you do not doubt,

you have no doubt, you have no unbelief

what the Bible calls anevil heart of unbelief

don't have any of that,

you get an answer.

The apostle John said,

if we pray in accordance with His will,

we know that He hears us

and if we know that He hears,we know we have the answer,

so let's pray and let's believe,

and let's let God do all the rest.

Lord, we lift anyone with pain,

anyone who has sickness,

anyone with COVID, anyone with cancer,

anyone with a problem in their body,

anyone with infirmity,

anyone having stiffness in their knees

and their shoulder and their elbows.

We come together in agreement

and we say, and we ask and we command

that God's will would be doneon earth as it is in heaven,

by the authority given tous by Jesus of Nazareth,

who God raised from thedead by that authority,

we command sickness to leaveour bodies now in Jesus name,

you have no right,

you have no authority

Kingdom of Heaven come,

will of God be done in our bodies now

for we ask it in Jesus' name.

Amen and amen.

There's someone, you have askin disease on your face,

and it's like, it's underneath the skin

and it's causing some pain.

God is healing all of that

you just felt a tinglinggo throughout your face

God is healing you, restoring your skin

is just going to be like anewborn baby all over again.

God's healed you in Jesus name.

Just receive.

- Yeah, there's somebody watching

with a severe heart condition

you have an irregular heartbeat

you also suffer fromjust literal heart aches

and pains because of this.

God is healing that for youright now, just receive it.

You're gonna feel some warmth in that area

just receive that in Jesus name.

- There's someone you havesevere arthritis in the toes,

on the outer toes in your right foot,

very painful for you to walk,

you're in pain right now.

God's taking all that arthritis away

He's taking all the painaway from you now be healed,

be restored in Jesus' name.

- Yeah, I believe there's someone watching

suffering from gout

and it's very painful,it's in your left foot

the Lord is healing that for you right now

and I also believe someoneis watching your name is Mary

and you are actuallyhaving suicidal thoughts

God sees you and hears you and loves you

and there's purpose over your life

There is purpose.

Just receive the love ofChrist right now in Jesus name

and go forth and live life in abundance.

- Amen and amen.

If you've been touched, giveus a call 1-800-700-7000.

There's also some of themwith difficulty in swallowing,

God's just healed, you're restored.

Here's a word from Psalms,

"I sought the Lord and he heard me

"and delivered me from all my fears."

God bless.

We'll see you tomorrow.


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