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The 700 Club - May 3, 2021

Imagine having thousands of dollars in medical debt that you can only pay with credit cards. That’s what happened to James and Melanie when their daughter got sick. Find out what they did to overcome it, and how to apply it to your life too. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, the womanwho gave birth to a holiday.

- Not because I love my mother,

it's because she loves me.

- [Gordon] Learn the realstory behind Mother's Day.

- It's honoring allthe women in your lives

who have mothered you in some way.

- [Gordon] Then.

- He's fighting for life.

- [Gordon] A cancer survivorhas to defy the odds again.

- He said, I'm not sureif he's going to make it.

- [Gordon] Watch a frantic rush to the ER.

- I didn't know if it was too late.

- [Gordon] And a healing inside the ICU.

On today's "700 Club".

(upbeat music)

Well, welcome to "The 700 Club"and thanks for joining us.

At home and abroad

America is facing a growingnumber of challenges.

Overseas, China, Russia and Iran

are testing the Biden administration.

Domestically, Democratsare pressing legislation

that could permanently shift

the balance of power in Washington.

- Recently, Pat talked withformer Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo here in our studioabout these multiple threats,

and what can be done to stop them.

Take a look at this CBNNews exclusive interview.

- Well, it's my distinctpleasure to have with me today

the very distinguished Secretary of State

and former head of the CIA

under president Trump, Mike Pompeo.

He's done a fantasticjob with foreign policy

and we're going to talk about

what's going on in theBiden administration,

and I might also say that

the secretary is going to begiving the graduation address

to the biggest class inRegent University's history.

So it's a pleasure to welcomehim to "The 700 Club".

- It was great to bewith you, God bless you.

It's really good to see you again.

I am so looking forward tothe commencement address,

it'll just be such fun.

- The Christian leadershiphas changed the world,

but let me ask you something.

What do you see,

I mean, the whole world is like

trying to take advantage of America.

Is China our biggestthreat now do you think?

- Yes, I think look,

the biggest threat is alwaysinside the United States,

if the Republic is to fall,

it will happen because we don'tdefend our own institutions.

But far and away, thelargest foreign adversary

is the Chinese Communist Party.

They are atheists,

they are adopting policies

that look very much like thecommunism of the Soviet Union

and the Marxist Leninist ideas.

But with 1.4 billion peopleand a massive military,

and a significant economy as well,

they present a, to those ofus who are Christian believers

and all Americans,

they present the most existential threat

to the United States that we have seen

for decades and decades.

- Do you think they're goingto make a move on Taiwan?

- I pray not.

And it will in large turn dependupon how America responds.

Do we build out allianceswith the Japanese,

and the South Koreans and the Australians,

and all the countries of the region?

Are we prepared to supportthe Taiwanese people,

where this is a Confucian placewith democracy flourishing

and an economy that is flourishing.

If we do that well,

president Trump was great

he allowed me to go do a whole lot of work

where we provided defensiveweapon systems to Taiwan,

and really empower the Taiwaneseto take care of themselves.

If we do that well,

I think Xi Jinping willhave to think twice.

- Have we got enoughfirepower, enough naval force,

in order to block them or not?

- We spent a lot of time

and frankly a lot of taxpayer money

getting ready for just this challenge

to make sure that ourmilitary was up to the fight.

You know, we spent a lot oftime countering terrorism,

these last 20 years that was appropriate,

but we are now facing asuperpower, a military of scale

and we need to make sure we have

forces and structure in the right places.

Chance are you'll appreciate this.

- Yeah.

- When we came into officethe Obama administration

had done this thing, theycalled their pivot to Asia.

If had talked to our Asian friends,

they have no earthly idea what that was.

We actually did.

We actually built alliances,

put the Pacific commandnow called IndoPaCom

in the lead in terms of resources,

we started to build inthe right direction.

I hope this administrationwill do what we did.

It should be a bipartisan issue

that shouldn't be about politics.

- Absolutely.

- I hope they'll continueto build on those,

those central underpinningsof the United States,

pushing back against theChinese Communist Party.

- What about Russia?

You know, Russia didn'thave much of anything

except a nuclear power,

and it looks like Putinis doing everything he can

to rattle the sword,especially in Ukraine,

I mean are we gonna try to stop him,

or let him just run loose?

- Peace through strength, right?

When an administration is viewed as weak,

it creates real opportunities

for these bad guys around the world.

They'll think they can push you around.

We demonstrated real resolve

and the willingness totake on our adversaries,

and that creates deterrence.

If you're strong and capableand you demonstrate resolve,

then you can stay out of wars.

You don't have to fight,

because adversaries willrecognize that you are powerful.

You use your diplomatic toolsas the first line of defense,

but diplomacy without leaderswho are prepared to actually

impose costs on their adversaries.

Well, they don't havemuch to negotiate with.

- It looks like the same thing with Iran.

They are just threateningus in the Strait of Hormuz

and these other places,

and yet are we able to take them on?

I mean, you know like going back to that

joint forces agreement withnuclear weapons, I mean,

if they get the nuclearbomb, it will be a disaster.

- Yes, it'll be a disaster for us,

it'll certainly be a total disaster

for the Jewish people in Israel,

and frankly Christians andArabs living in Israel,

but the Jewish Homeland of Israel,

where the Iranians havedemonstrated their genocidal intent

with respect to Israel.

- Exactly.

- And we can never letthem get a nuclear weapon.

I remember you'll appreciate this,

we had some Iranian Coast Guard cutters

come around one of ourships when we were first in,

President Trump said, okayif they come close again,

take whatever action you need.

We communicated that to the Iranians

that this was our policy,

and we never had that problem again.

- We had it just a few days ago.

- We just had it, they'retesting president Biden.

They're going to see ifhe has the same resolve

that president Trump hadand that our team had.

I hope and pray that they do,

because while they'rein Vienna negotiating

to hand back a whole bunchof money to the Iranians,

when the US negotiators arewilling to hand over everything,

the Iranians are flying over our ships,

approaching our cutters, enriching uranium

at levels they have never enriched before,

and our friends, our friends in Israel,

frankly our Arab state,Gulf partners as well,

who work with security issues,

they all see this,

and they will be put in anincredibly difficult position.

- Well, you know, it'samazing the Abraham Accords

that you guys put togetherwith just incredible,

you sort of bypassed the Palestinians

the Palestinians have been saying

oh no, no, no, you can't,

and then you just wentaround them and got a deal,

it was fantastic.

- The Lord was at work.

There's no doubt, 40years of failed policy

where the central premise was,

if you don't solve this problem

between the Palestinians and Israel,

then nothing can move forward.

We said, that's just crazy.

And by the way, if we're wrong, so be it,

we can't do any worse than y'all did.

and so we took a completelydifferent approach

and began to build out,

it took us almost four years

to build out the trust andconfidence of those Arab leaders

and frankly of primeminister Netanyahu as well.

But once we did that, wegot this glorious outcome,

these Abraham Accords,

which will change the nature

of how ordinary citizensin the Middle East

live for decades to come.

- It was absolutely brilliant.

Well now, do you think Saudisare going to come along

and will they sign apeace deal with Israel?

I think they probably want to, don't they?

- I think so.

- Yeah

- I think so, I think theSaudi people want to as well.

I think that's always thething that's most important,

but it's harder if the American president

isn't strong enough to stand behind

and provide support to that.

There's no doubt thatpresident Trump, as a leader,

enabled those AbrahamAccords to come together.

It took great leaders in Bahrainand Emirates and in Israel

but you needed America,

you needed America to be there working

and have confidence that theAmerican Secretary of State

would assist them in making it all go.

I'm not sure that we have thatunder president Biden today,

that may make it moredifficult for the Saudis,

but I'm confident thatthis is a one-way ratchet,

that this piece will continue to build.

- What do you think about Biden,

it looks like he's intent on undoing

almost everything Trump did.

- He's moved pretty fastin undoing an awful lot.

- It's terrible.

- It's, unfortunate because I think

some of the things that they've undone

were just spiteful.

That is, there wasn't a lot ofpolicy consideration, right?

The mess that we have at our border today,

there's no logic in having undone

these things that webuilt over four years,

these weren't partisan things,

these were just, everynation controls its border,

and what flows across its border.

And they chose to sort of

pull the pins out of the Jenga puzzle.

And of course it now hascollapsed on top of them

and with an enormous humanitarian crisis.

So I regret that.

Look, they have differentviews on some things, so be it.

But there's no need to just go undo things

for the sake of undoing them.

- Well, it looks like thatthere's a massive thrust

to push this country intosort of a socialist morass.

What can we do about that, I mean,

there's massive spending andyou know that speech he gave

just wants to put thegovernment into everything,

starting with little tiny children.

And now I understand they'repushing that 1619 Project

and these other,

they talk about a racist society.

Well, what do you thinkabout what they're doing?

- No, your question was, what can we do?

- What can we do?

- So it always starts withprayer and then it takes action.

It takes people supportingremarkable organizations

that are out there fighting on our behalf,

on the things that Christian believers

hold most dear.

It takes political leaders with backbone

who are prepared to push back against it,

where we don't have the numberstoday at the federal level,

but we do in the states.

And we may well again bythe next election cycle,

and so we need to resistall of these efforts

to put the government inevery corner of our lives.

You would have seen too,they're proposing legislation,

one of them's called the Equality Act,

it poses real risks toorganizations like "The 700 Club"

organizations thatsimply want to evangelize

and speak to their own Christian faith,

and how we as American citizensshould behave in the world.

These are dangerous ideasand our responsibility,

each of us, wherever we are,

I'm not just a private citizen today,

each of us has a responsibilityto do everything we can

to push back against it,

to do so in a way thatis faithful to our savior

and mindful of the importance of America,

not only to all of us and ourchildren and grandchildren,

but to the world as well.

- Are you working onbehalf of some of these?

It looks like a few states

and the Republicans can flip the House.

- Yeah, I'm working really hard.

- Are you really?

- So I'm going to be inPennsylvania next week,

and then up in Wisconsin,

I was out in Nebraska and Texas and Iowa,

a couple of weeks back,

trying to help candidatesall across America,

be successful come 2022.

- Have we got enough of them?

- I think we do.

I think we do.

I think we do.

But if you're out thereand you're listening,

you're watching, you're thinking about it

and you are a goodconservative, faithful believer

and you think you have a good mission,

I'd urge everybody to compete

and go make sure we havereally talented candidates.

We've got to not onlywin by a couple of seats,

we want a big enough majoritythat we never have to risk

the same thing happen again.

- I've seen the House,

but is there a possibilityof a flip in the Senate?

- There is, it's 50 50 today.

There are a lot more Republicans

that will have challengesthis time than Democrats,

but I've seen some reallytalented candidates

and some of them are in hotlycontested Republican primaries

but some really good candidates

You know, I believe and I thinkSenator McConnell believes,

I think we think we canget the majority back

and if we can,

the worst excesses ofthe Biden administration,

the things that he really wants to do

to structurally underminethe United States

can all be stopped.

- Well, I think this isvoter project he's got

that HR1 is just iniquitous.

I mean, they would federalize elections,

it would be terrible.

- No state, not the statewe're sitting in, in Virginia,

not my home state of Kansas

wants the federal government telling them

how to run elections.

It will create, therisk to voter integrity

is absolutely staggering

and I think there's enoughDemocrats who say that too.

We need to continue to make the case,

and make the argument,put pressure on them

not to let HR one ever become law.

(logo whooshing)

- [Announcer] On tomorrow "700 Club",

part two of our exclusiveinterview with Mike Pompeo.

The former Secretary ofState focuses on North Korea,

Iran and the growth ofChristianity worldwide.

And coming up next on today's show,

the woman who fought to honor her mother

and showed us how to do the same.

Stay tuned to see the surprising history

behind Mother's Day.

Plus this couple needed credit cards

just to keep the boat afloat,then they were dealt a whammy.

Their daughter had tospend days in the ICU.

Can this family stave off bankruptcy?

See for yourself, later on today's show.

- This Sunday is Mother's Day

and we can thank a WestVirginia daughter for that.

Her name was Ann Jarvis,

and you may think shewanted to honor her mother,

yet Ann's motivation wasn'tbecause she loved her mother,

it was because her mother loved her.

- [Narrator] Mother's Day.

That day, children of all ages

give cards, gifts andunique expressions of love

to show their appreciation and gratitude

to the moms in their lives.

No matter who they are,

historian and author of"Memorializing Motherhood"

Professor Katharine Lane Antolini.

- It's not just honoringyour biological mother,

it's honoring all the women in your lives

who have mothered you in some way.

I mean, that's equally as important.

- [Narrator] A casual glance at US history

tells us the Mother'sDay we celebrate today

started in 1914.

In a presidentialproclamation, Woodrow Wilson

called on governments and UScitizens to display a flag

as a public expressionof our love and reverence

for the mothers of our country

every year on the second Sunday in May.

To get to the true origins however,

one must look more closely,

at a determined West Virginiadaughter, Anna Jarvis

who wanted to answer aprayer her mother spoke

at Sunday school.

- So she gave her Sunday school lesson

on mothers of the Bible

and at the very end of that,

she said a prayer where shehoped that somebody someday

will create a day in honor of mother.

- [Narrator] Mrs. Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis

was a wife and mother whogave birth to 13 children,

only four survived childhood,

an all too common reality in the 1800s.

Bold and outspoken, shestepped into the public arena,

the sphere of men

rallying women to bring social reform.

- So she becomes active and says,

we have to do,

as mothers, what can we doto keep our children alive?

- [Narrator] Through what shecalled Mother's Work Clubs,

And Marie brought togetherwomen in her community

to educate themselves about the main cause

of infant mortality,

disease caused by poor sanitation,

and get the word out to others.

Later with the help of herbrother, Dr. James Reeves,

her cause became a public health movement

that is credited with savingthousands of infants' lives.

Then after the Civil War,Ann Marie rally mothers again

to help reconcile Unionand Confederate veterans

through Mother's Friendship days.

- She told the mothers get your sons,

no matter what side they wereon to come to the courthouse.

Mrs. Jarvis comes out andshe supposedly gives this

very touching speech.

This is a time that we need, again,

put the bitterness of the war behind us.

We need to heal, we need to come together.

- [Narrator] It was that exampleof how a mother's strength,

courage, self-sacrifice andlove can bring healing and unity

that compelled, her daughter, Anna,

to push for local stateand federal governments

to set aside a sacred day

to honor all mothers around the country.

- And so it was that notionof wanting to pay homage

to the love that hermother bestowed on her

and that all mothers give their children.

- [Narrator] With the help of friends

writing countless letters

to local, state and federal officials,

including presidentsTeddy Roosevelt and Taft

and humorist Mark Twain,

the first Mother's Dayservice was celebrated here

then Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church

on May 10th, 1908 in Anna's hometown,

Grafton, West Virginia.

On the front of the order of service,

a portrait of Anna's beloved mother.

- I always think one ofthe loveliest statements

that Anna Jarvis said, she'slike, I created Mother's Day,

not because I love my mother

but because she loves me.

- [Narrator] By the timeof president Wilson's

1914 proclamation to makeit a national holiday,

Mother's Day was already beingobserved in all 48 states

and it went on to be celebrated

all over the world in some form.

So you love the idea

that Mother's Day is still a big holiday,

that it's also celebrated internationally,

it was her day and she copyrighted it.

- [Narrator] With all the cards sent

and gifts given this year,

Anna's story and legacyleave us a reminder.

- Yeah everybody loves the little children

who celebrate Mother's Day,

but I think as adults, we reallyneed to think about the day

and what it means to our mothers.

It may be more important,

especially if you stillhave your mother with you.

It's even more importantfor us to recognize

how important our mothers are to us,

and to tell them that beforeyou regret not having done it.

- Boy, that is the truth.

What an opportunity ifyour mom is still with you

to make that day a specialhonoring one for her.

We want to invite you tojoin us at

for a celebration of moms everywhere.

I sat down with our own Abigail Robertson

to share my experienceand thoughts on motherhood

ahead of her first Mother's Day.

You'll also find some more interviews

and even a delicious brunch recipe

that you might want toincorporate into your day.


or download the CBN Familyapp to your smart TV

or your device today.

An opportunity tocelebrate moms everywhere.

- And I'm looking forwardto celebrating my mother.

- Yes, absolutely.

My mom has gone home to be with the Lord

and you know once your mom is gone,

same true for fathers, I'm sure,

you think of all the things

that you wish you'd specifically said

to let her know how muchshe impacted your life,

because moms really do.

I mean, it's.

- I wouldn't be here- And your mum's very special.

- That's number one.

Thanks for carrying meinto existence, but then

it didn't stop there.

I mean, she had to bringme through a whole bunch.

- Never stops there, yeah mother's heart.

Well, still ahead,

a home run healing.

This woman was on death's door

before getting a complete reversal.

How did it happen?

You'll find out later on today's show.

Plus, a triple threat, medicalbills, home and auto repairs

and a massive credit card debt.

This couple were stretchedthin and then the pandemic hit.

So how were they able tocrawl out of a financial hole

in just three months?

The answer's next so don't go away.

(soft music)

- A health scare landed

James and Melanie's daughter in the ICU,

an extended stay at the hospital followed,

and as the medical bills piled up

this family fell deeper in debt.

Soon, the interest payments alone

were hundreds of dollars each month.

And that's when James asked God,

how are we going to get out of this mess?

Well, here's the answer.

- We were hitting a sweetspot in our careers.

- I felt really good in terms of

you know, what we were ableto accomplish as a couple.

- [Narrator] Architects Jamesand Melanie married in 2007,

and spent the next 10 years

paying off their combinedstudent loan debt of $60,000

while growing a family,building financial freedom

and tithing obediently.

- We continue to tithe and give,

we also continue topour into our children.

My spending habitsdidn't change right away.

- And so we were spendingbeyond our means.

We were buying stuff we don't need,

we shop in Amazon,

it's easy to click a buttonand you never see the bill.

- [Narrator] And then Jamesand Melanie's daughter Emily

began experiencing medical problems.

- When Emily was sick,

she would spend days in ICU.

- She had an MRI, she had CAT scans.

- She had some migrainesand also some high anxiety.

- There was a moment where

the nurse looked at me and said,

you know, she's really sick.

- [Narrator] In 2013as their medical bills

continued to stack up,

James and Melanie's family home

and personal vehiclesall fell into disrepair.

- It was very frustratingbecause it seemed to be

one thing after another.

- I was relying on a credit card

to kind of keep the boat afloat.

- [Narrator] With themedical attention she needed

Emily was getting healthier.

However, the medical bills,home repairs, overspending

and the credit card interests

were more than the family could manage.

- The bills are piled up.

There were some serious medicalbills, probably 10, $12,000.

$18,000 of credit card debt

and at one point we're paying$200 a month in interest,

just interest.

And it felt like a weight.

You can't get out of that type of cycle.

Like I know he didn't make,

he didn't put me in that position,

but I called God up and I said,

how are we going to get out of this?

- [Narrator] Despite thetemptation to use their tithe

to pay off their debt faster,

James and Melanie remained obedient.

- Tithing was our just continual,

every two weeks statement,we trust you God.

- [Narrator] Then in 2020,

a recruiter calledMelanie with a job offer

that included a $20,000 salary increase.

- I was saying, God, you know,my current job is so secure,

it's so stable.

You know, what should I do?

And he said, very clearly in my spirit,

there is no such thing asjob security outside of me.

And I decided, okay, I'mgoing to make the job.

A couple of months later,

I start hearing rumblings from my old job.

They decided to eliminate a lotof administrative positions,

including the position that I had.

- [Narrator] James and Melaniewere able to keep their jobs

during the pandemic.

Because of Melanie's newjob and salary increase,

they paid off all theirdebt in three months.

They've also made changesto their spending habits.

When we paid off Emily's medical bill

and the credit card bills,

I was like, yes, thank you, father.

- If you are faithful over a few things,

he'll make you ruler over many things.

- He is true to his word.

He will honor his word.

- And he honors his word for you.

All you have to do isfollow the same principles.

I love what James prayed.

He called up God and he said,

how are we going to get out of this?

And in that he is saying, Iknow God didn't put me here,

a whole bunch of things happened.

Number one, we wereoverspending, and not saving.

Number two, we had some real health issues

and those medical bills canbe backbreakers to any budget.

But he's saying to God, I knowyou didn't get me into this

but how are we going to get out?

When you understand thatGod's with you on the journey,

that he's your partner,that he wants to help you,

that he wants to bring good things to you.

Well, then you can trust him.

And that's exactly what Melanie says.

Every two weeks, our tithe wasshowing that we trusted God.

And when you show that to yourselves,

you just show that to the world,

you show that to your debt,

I trust God to get me out of this.

Well, then you have the secretand it's a wonderful secret.

You find it in Malachi chapter three,

bring all the tithes into the storehouse,

that's what James and Melanie did,

every two weeks we brought

all the tithes into the storehouse,

that there may be food in my house,

and test me now in this,says the Lord of hosts.

Only time we get to test Godis with our tithe, test me now.

If I will not open for you,

the windows of heaven andpour out for you a blessing,

that there will not beroom enough to receive it.

James and Melanie were so deep into debt

they couldn't find a way out,but God found a way for them,

and provided, started openingdoors, raises, increases,

all because they said everytwo weeks, God, we trust you.

You can do the same thing.

When you know that God's your partner,

that you can cry out to him.

How are we going to get out of this?

And you show you trusthim with your tithes

every single two weeks, wonderfulthings can happen to you.

You can get out of debt,

you can have success in your life

knowing God is watching out for you.


- Well after a hurricane hit,

Kathy and Dennis tookone look at their house.

It seemed as if the walls weremelting, mold was everywhere,

the walls and ceiling had to be replaced.

Before long, their housewas torn down to the studs.

And when insurancewouldn't cover the rebuild,

Kathy and Dennis had tolive in their garage.

- [Narrator] Shortly afterDennis and Kathy Dorman

moved to Florida to retire,

category 5 Hurricane Michael

made landfall on the Florida panhandle.

They evacuated and hadno idea what to expect

when they returned home.

- The walls were, lookedlike they were melting,

just like they were just disintegrating.

- Our house was destroyed from the inside.

The walls and the ceiling,everything had come out

once we started finding mold.

We thought maybe it wouldbe isolated, it wasn't.

The more we pulled, the more we found.

It all had to come out.

- [Narrator] Insurance covered removing

some of the infected drywall,but not doing the rebuild.

Dennis had ongoing healthproblems that were getting worse.

It didn't help that they hadto move into their garage.

- We had to use the bathroomin a five gallon bucket.

I mean that was what wehad, that was our bathroom.

But at our age, you really start to think,

Lord are we going to have tospend the rest of our days

living in this garage?

And my husband was reallydepressed at that time

because he knew he couldn't do anything

because of his health.

And that took a toll on him greatly.

- [Narrator] Dennis decidedto talk to God about it.

- I said Father, I can't do this.

I can't fix this, I can't do it.

Would you please do it?

The impression that I feltin my spirit was okay,

all you had to do is ask.

- [Narrator] Kathy and Dennis didn't know

how they were going to recover,

but they continued to trust in God.

Inspired by their dedication and faith,

Pastor Cole of LighthouseChurch gave them a chance

to share their testimony.

- I heard God tellingme, trust me, trust me.

We never stopped tithing

all through the hurricane,loss of jobs, loss of health,

we never stopped, we trusted.

So that night I went online

and I posted my paymentto the church, my 10%,

and what I had left over Ipaid what bills we could.

The next morning, I get a call.

Praise God.

(audience clapping)

I get a call from Operation Blessing.

They said, we want to rebuild your house.

(audience clapping)

- All of a sudden, allthese trucks pull up

and people were working andit was just unbelievable.

- A ray of light broke through.

We were smiling and laughing.

That's something to beexcited about, we had hope.

- [Narrator] With the support of

Operation Blessing donors and volunteers,

our team removed the mold,

put in new drywall, floors,ceilings and kitchen cabinets

and refinished two bathrooms.

- Sometimes, my husband and I

just open the door andwalk in, and we just,

we just start crying.

Everything smells good.

Everything is beautiful.

You think about Heaven andwhat Heaven will be like,

and I think that God gave us

a taste of what Heaven will be like.

People loving you, working together,

wanting you to have the best.

And when you, you say thankyou, you say those words,

but thank you could never be enough,

never be enough for what was given to us.

(soft music)

- This is what the kingdomof heaven will look like,

people all working together for the good.

You know we have anopportunity, we really do,

especially here in thecountry that we live in

to reach out and make adifference with our giving.

We want to invite you today to do that

as members of "The 700 Club".

You know, we can touch families and homes

not just here in the United States,

but around the world withwhatever their need might be.

Here at home we've had alot of disaster scenario

with the weather

and Operation Blessinghas been able to be there,

on the spot, ready to go,

making a difference inthe lives of people,

just like Kathy and Dennis.

You make that possible whenyou join "The 700 Club"

but you're also making possible

medical surgeries On theother side of the world,

people who are struggling with poverty,

you're bringing food to them.

Children who don't have places to belong

or opportunities to go to school,

you're giving them education.

If you're a 700 Club member

you are doing all ofthat and so much more.

That's why today we invite you to join us.

It's 65 cents a day, $20 a month

for you to join "The 700 Club".

And I just want you to go toyour phone right now and call.

All you have to do is say, I'dlike to join "The 700 Club".

Let me show you what your options are

because that 65 cents a day $20 a month

is a general 700 Club membership.

Maybe you're already a 700 Club member.

Would you consider goingup to 700 Club Gold?

That's the gift of $40 a month.

You might join the 1000 Club.

Those are folks whojoin us at $84 a month,

or the 2,500 Club that's $209 a month.

And then we have a groupwe call The Founders,

they join us at $5,000 a year,

and that breaks down to $417 a month.

If you want to make adifference in the world today

joining "The 700 Club" is awonderful opportunity to do it.

There are thousands ofus who are a part of this

and we want to welcome youto "The 700 Club" today.

Our line's even toll free,it couldn't be easier.


Just call now, we welcome youto the family of ministries

that is touching the worldwith the love of Jesus.

So call now, Gordon.

- Mr. Guo promised his two daughters

that he'd take care of them.

Sadly, that was easierto say than it was to do.

Both of his girls hadserious heart problems

and he had no way topay for the surgeries.

- [Narrator] Mr. Guo is a singledad who loves his daughters

and calls them his two angels.

But it's been hard to raise them alone.

He's poor and his youngest daughter

was born with health problemsand ended up in a coma.

- My wife told me she was too tired

to take care of a sickchild and she divorced me.

I looked into the crying facesof my girls and told them

you lost your mother,

but you still have your fatherand I'll take care of you.

- [Narrator] He secretlywondered how he'd do it.

Especially when he found out

that XinYa had holes in her heart

and she started having heart attacks.

- She was really thin.

Sometimes she was lifeless.

And when she cried her face turned blue

and her lips turned purple.

The doctor says she needed anoperation as soon as possible,

otherwise the holes in herheart would grow bigger

and she could die of heart failure.

- [Narrator] XinRong triedto make XinYa feel better.

- She knew her sister was sick

and didn't want to leave her alone.

They picked flowers in the fields

and drew pictures together.

- [Narrator] XinRong dancedfor her sister to cheer her up.

But as she was dancing, she fainted.

- I rushed to hold her,

her face was pale andher mouth was purple.

She was covered with sweat.

- [Narrator] It turned out that XinRong

had serious heart trouble too.

- Both my daughters were very weak.

They didn't eat and had no spirit.

Sometimes when I touch theirwrist, I just felt bones.

I was helpless and hopeless.

I couldn't afford surgeryfor one of my daughters.

How could I pay for two?

- [Narrator] Then someoneat a health clinic told

him about CBN.

We partnered with a local hospital

and made it possible

for both sisters to receive free surgery.

- CBN visited us at the hospital.

They told me not to beafraid and prayed for us.

- [Narrator] Today XinYa andXinRong are healthy and happy.

- Now that they are full of energy.

They dance for me andalways go out to play

with their friends.

CBN saved my whole family.

They told me they helped us

because Jesus loves us unconditionally.

So I thank God and I'm willingto accept this great love.

Words can't describe my gratitude

- You're an answer to prayer for people

right here in the UnitedStates and the world,

an answer with tangible love.

To give people a hope,to give people a future,

to give people a hand up,

to let them know that we'rewith them, we love them.

You can be a part of all of this.

How, by joining "The 700 Club".

How much is that?

It's just $20 a month,that's 65 cents a day.

You're joining with tens ofthousands of people that say,

yes I want to make adifference in the world today.

I want to be a part of the solution

to help people very tangibly.

Now, when you call 1-800-700-7000

make sure you ask for Pledge Express,

that's electronic monthly giving.

The bank is doing all the work

and we can save so much on the processing.

We can send as our gift to you,

"Power for Life", monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those,

ask for Pledge Express when you call,

or go to, when yougive monthly on the giving page

you'll automatically signup for Pledge Express.

We have a new way of givingwhere you can text us,

text the letters CBN to 71777

and you'll sign up for Pledge Express.

Now, when you call, when you join,

I've got something for you.

It's called "God is For Us,

Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory".

And it's a wonderful thing.

This morning we've beentalking about people,

partnering with God, asking God for help,

this will give you faith.

The Bible says,

faith comes by hearing andhearing by the word of God,

and your faith will be strengthened

as you listen to the powerfulverses from the book of Romans

in this brand new CD.

- [Narrator] God is for us

verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory.

Let the word of God transformyou as you listen to.

- [Pat] There is now no condemnation

for those who are in Christ Jesus.

- [Narrator] This all new audiorecording by Pat Robertson

features powerful selectionsfrom the book of Romans.

- [Pat] Through Christ Jesus,

the law of the spirit who gives you life

has set you free fromthe law of sin and death.

- [Narrator] "God isFor Us", coming May 3rd.

CBN presents "God is For Us,

Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory",

from the book of Romans.

- [Pat] It is filledwith verses that define

our need for salvation,

God's free gift of redemption in Christ.

- [Narrator] Call now to get your audio CD

of "God is For Us, Verses ofSalvation, Peace and Victory".

Yours when you become a CBN partner.

- [Pat] Therefore,

since we have beenjustified through faith,

we have peace with Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ.

- [Narrator] These selectscriptures from the book of Romans

will lift you up

and carry you throughdifficult circumstances.

- [Pat] My hope is thatyou let these versus

fill your mind and heart.

They will change your outlookand increase your faith.

- [Narrator] Call +1 800-700-7000

or go to today.

- [Gordon] Coming up, a 3:00 AM wake up.

- She was in agony.

- [Gordon] And she'sin ICU before sunrise.

- Crying out in pain, writhing in pain.

- [Gordon] Her body was in sepsis.

- Please don't take her,please don't take her.

- Can she survive the day?

- He said, I have never seenthe extent of the damage

as I have tonight.

- [Gordon] Next, on "The 700 Club".

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to "The 700Club" for this CBN Newsbreak.

More than 103 million Americans,

nearly a third of our population

are fully vaccinated against COVID-19,

and more than half of all adults

have gotten at least one dose.

However, demand for the shot is dropping,

and some predict the US maynever reach herd immunity.

Daily vaccinations are down22% from just three weeks ago

and polls show some 30% of Americans

are weary of taking the shots.

Health experts say getting vaccines

to the most vulnerable people

can keep the virus undercontrol and prevent overwhelming

our health care system.

CBN continues to partnerwith a television network

in Guatemala to broadcast Superbook.

Based in Guatemala City,

Guatevision has beenbroadcasting Superlibro,

the Spanish version of Superbookfor more than four years.

The network's popular mourningprogram "Viva la Manana"

aired a special segment

highlighting Superbook'simpact throughout Guatemala

and sharing the storyof Superbook Academy.

The station recognizes thevalue Superbook is providing

for children and families in Guatemala.

Guatevision offerslocal programming, news,

children's content,entertainment and music shows.

You can learn more about whatCBN is doing around the world

by going to

Gordon and Terry are backwith more of today's 700 Club,

it's coming up right after this.

(upbeat music)

- A few months after she beat cancer,

Joyce was in another fight for her life.

She started crying out in painin the middle of the night.

As soon as the doctor saw her,

he knew Joyce needed emergency surgery

even though he fearedit was already too late.

- [Narrator] Lifelong friends

Joyce Partenheimer and Shari McRae

we're on a scrapbooking retreat,

celebrating Joyce's recentvictory over breast cancer

and Shari's recovery fromknee replacement surgery.

But it hadn't been thecelebration they hoped for.

All week, Joyce struggledwith stomach pain.

Then that Friday.

- Joyce woke me up at aboutthree o'clock in the morning,

she was in agony, I mean, shewas just crying out in pain,

writhing in pain.

- [Narrator] Shari rushed her to the ER

Grand Strand MedicalCenter, ten minutes away.

- I was praying aloud the whole ride

and just asking Jesus to help us.

- [Narrator] Joyce wastaken in for a CT scan,

given pain meds and keptin the ER for observation.

- When six o'clock in the morning came,

and we still were not any further

in terms of getting her relief,

I called her husband, Kim.

- She said, Kim, Joyce is not doing well,

she's got intense stomach pain,

I think you really needto come up here quick.

So I packed a bag for the weekend

not knowing what was wrong.

- [Narrator] Kim arrivedlater that morning

and Joyce was admitted that afternoon.

By then trauma surgeon, Dr. Jason Farrah

had been assigned to her case.

After taking one look at her scans,

he rushed Joyce in for emergency surgery.

- She ended up having aperforated gastric ulcer

and spilling, you know intestinalcontents into her abdomen

and having sepsis.

I didn't know if itwas too late, honestly.

- [Narrator] Making things worse,

Joyce's body was still recoveringfrom a double mastectomy

just two months earlier.

- I remember just continually praying,

God please don't take her,please don't take her.

- [Narrator] After three hours in surgery.

- Dr. Farrah came up to thehall and he looked like,

he'd lost his best friend.

He said, I have never seen

the extent of the damageas I have tonight.

He said it goes from her sternum

down to below her belly button.

- You can't survive withoutyour small intestine,

for instance, in thiscase, we were talking about

the entire length of intestine.

She was wildly unstablein the operating room.

She could only tolerate so much.

So she needed all the infectionwashed out, the hole sealed

and an assessment of what wasin the abdomen and no more.

This was a really tough spot she was in,

just fighting for her life.

- He said, I think youneed to call the family

and I'm not sure she's going to make it.

- [Narrator] Dr. Farrahset Joyce to the ICU

on antibiotics and a wound vac,

and scheduled another surgery Sunday

to remove the dead bowel.

Meanwhile, Joyce's familycontinued to gather.

As her two sons and daughters

worked to get everyone they knew praying.

- I said, Lord,

if you're gonna take Joy,

if you're going to take Joyce home,

please let me say goodbye.

- [Narrator] Sunday, gettingready for the second surgery,

Dr. Farrah wasn't optimistic.

- I thought we were going tosee an unsurvivable situation.

I really did,

I worried that there would besome recovery of the bowel,

but I thought it would be

to a point that would notsustain her life moving forward.

- [Narrator] The family askedhim for a best case scenario.

- He said, it would be,

her insides would look beautiful,

and that's specificallywhat the boys prayed,

that when he went backin Sunday afternoon,

he would find her intestineswould look beautiful.

- [Narrator] When Dr. Farrah went back in.

- Was it a home run?

(people clapping)

- There was no dead bowelthat we had to remove.

It's almost a complete reversal

of the physiologic processthat was going on there,

and I was pretty ecstatic about that.

- So I couldn't do this.

I couldn't have done this.

There's no way I coulddo anything like this.

God touched your wife and healed her.

- It's a fact that theyprayed for a specific outcome

and when I came out andgave him the report,

it was literally, and specificallywhat they had prayed for.

- [Narrator] But Joyce'sfight wasn't over.

Chemo and the ulcer hadleft her body even weaker.

Twice she coded when doctorstried to take her off the vent.

- That was a big, big problem for her.

It was a very difficult road because

she's so far behind theeight ball physiologically.

- [Narrator] For the next eight days,

her family and friends continue to pray.

Then on November 4th, Joyce woke up

and was safely taken off the ventilator.

Shari remembers talking to herfriend via FaceTime that day.

- That was one of themost joyous moments for me

of the whole thing,

just actually being able to see her face

and hear her voice and talk to her.

She looked at me and she saidour lives are so intertwined

and that was when I reallyknew she's going to be okay.

- But we were just thankful that

he was kind and generous to touch Joyce

and give her back to us.

- [Narrator] Joyce was transferred

to a regular room the next day,

and went home that weekend.

- We had Thanksgiving here,

and it was really precious.

- [Narrator] Joyce isdoing great these days.

She knows firsthand the power of prayer.

- I'm a hundred percent.

I am, I feel like I felt 20 years ago.

God can restore, God has healed.

And I believe that my desireis to make Jesus famous.

- Her outcome is amazing,

I did not think she would live,

I did not think she would make it,

then I didn't think shewould survive the surgery,

then I didn't think she survived

the physiologic assault to the intestine,

and then I didn't think she'dsurvive the aftercare needed

and she, against all odds didall those things and more.

- The importance of prayerwas demonstrated to me

in a very visual way.

You can read about, but when you live it,

that's when things really stick.

- Well, we want to pray for you

but I hope Joyce's storyencourages your faith.

I hope it encourages hopeto rise up within you.

That the impossible ispossible with prayer.

We have some other reportshere we'd like to read

to encourage your faith.

This is Alice who livesin Montclair, California.

She had severe left kneepain for five years.

She watched this show oneday and heard you Gordon say

you are laying your on your left knee

and there's tremendous paindeep within the socket.

God has heard your cry andhas restored everything

concerning that knee.

After praying with youand believing by faith,

the pain and Alice's knee completely left.

- Wow.

- That's restorative.

- It is, a creative miracle.

Here's Francisco of New York, New York.

He started having

significant problems withhis feet four years ago.

The pain and tingling kept getting worse

to the point he dreadedputting on his shoes.

While watching "The 700 Club",

he heard Terry say,

you have pains in the bones of your feet.

It's so difficult to walk andno shoe seems comfortable.

Well, as he exercised his faith,

Francisco felt the power ofGod from the top of his head

down to his toes and instantlythe foot pain was gone.

The tingling stopped.

For the first time in years,

Francisco was able to wearhis shoes without any pain.

- Wow.

Isn't that incredible?

Joyce's story, how incredible is that?

Where the doctor says

I didn't expect her to last the surgery.

I didn't expect her to last the recovery,

I didn't expect her to last the aftercare.

I can't explain any of these things,

but here's something I know

they prayed specifically foran outcome and God answered

and they got that outcome.

I can't explain it.

Here's a doctor, I can't explain it.

Now, if we could explain it,

it wouldn't be a miracle.

When God does things,

we just stand back in amazement

and go, that's God, he's at work.

He can create stars with a word.

He can heal your disease with a word.

And that's what the Bible says,

He sent his word and healed their disease.

His word says he forgivesall your iniquities

and he heals all your diseases.

Now here's a question for you,

who is God's word?

The word who dwelt with God.

The word by whom and throughwhom all things were created.

That word became fleshand his name is Jesus.

When you have him, you havethe answer to every human need.

All the promises of Godare yes and amen in him.

So let's take that promise,

that he forgives all your iniquities.

He heals all your diseases,

and let's go boldly tothe throne of grace.

Lord we come to you,

not in our own merit, notin anything that we've done.

We come to you in the name of Jesus,

our savior, our redeemer, our healer.

We come to you for you arethe answer to all our needs.

So Lord, we ask specifically for healing.

We ask specifically

that all cancers begone now in Jesus' name.

We speak to that right kneethat someone is laying hands on,

we say to that knee, be healed right now,

be every bit whole,

in Jesus' name we receive it.

Terry God's giving you something.

- Yeah there's someone,I think this is a woman.

You know this is you because

you've gone apart for this past weekend

to pray for something specific

that's on your heart and your mind,

a deep need that you havenot to be mentioned on air,

but God is already at workanswering your prayer.

Live expectantly with anticipation

for his move upon your lifeand those that you love.

- There's someone you're in a hospital,

you saw the report on sepsis,

you have sepsis,

your family is prayingfor you in Jesus' name.

Be healed, be restored now.

We receive it all in his name.


And amen.

If you've been healed, letus know, give us a call.


Here's a word from second Corinthians,

for all the promisesof God in him are yes,

and in him, amen to theglory of God through us.

(upbeat music)


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