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Follower of Jesus, Former Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence Selected No.1 in NFL Draft by Jacksonville Jaguars

Follower of Jesus, Former Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence Selected No.1 in NFL Draft by Jacksonville Jaguars Read Transcript

- The NFL draft started andmany fans are anticipating

some great picks thisyear as the organization

prepares for the upcoming season.

CBN News Sports Director,my man, Shawn Brown

joins me now with more.

Shawn, so what are some takeaways

from the beginning of the NFL draft?

What are you seeing?

- Hey, good morning, George.

Look, all 32 teamsheading into a NFL draft

are tryin' to answer this one question:

what guy can we get that'sgonna make us better?

What guy can we get that'sgonna take us to the next level?

What guy can we get to help us win now

and get us to the Superbowlsooner rather than later?

Is is a quarterback?

Is it wide receiver?

Is it a pass rusher?

This year was a quarterback draft.

You're talkin' about Trevor Lawrence,

Tray Lance, Justin Fields,Mac Jones, Zach Wilson.

What guy's gonna be the fit?

Of course, withoutquestion, Trevor Lawrence

was gonna go to Jacksonville.

The guy can do it all, it was fantastic,

it was no, that wasn't a surprise.

He can make every throw.

He can run, he can lead.


What we didn't know was whowas gonna be the second pick.

The second quarterbackto go in this draft,

was it gonna be JustinFields or Mac Jones?

Because predicting going into this draft,

we thought it was gonnabe one of the three

going to the Jets or the 49ers.

We just didn't know.

Then as of late, TrayLawrence enters the picture.

And so as it fell, TrayLawrence goes to Jacksonville,

Zach Wilson goes to theJets, which was a surprise.

Not a major surprise, but a surprise.

The biggest surprise wasTray Lance going to the 49ers

because they already haveJimmy Garoppolo who can play.

So they're trying tofigure out, all right, hey,

here's a guy that we can groom right now,

maybe head into the future.

He's probably not gonna replaceJimmy Garoppolo right now

and Kyle Shanahan has already said that.

Then we got Justin Fieldsgoing to the Bears.

Mac Jones who, for a while we were tryin'

to figure out okay, what'sgoin' on with Mac Jones

because we predicted, most predicted

he was gonna go higher.

And for a moment, he waslookin' like Aaron Rogers

during his draft as he wassliding down the list there,

and he ends up gettingpicked up at number 15

by the New England Patriots

which is a good pick, in my opinion.

I think that's gonna be great.

A little bit of quarterback controversy

because they already haveCam Newton, of course

so we'll have to see how that pans out.

But, those are the picks.

I'm excited 'em, man, George, help me.

- And I was gonna say--- What do you think?

- Nonetheless, these are all fantastic,

very talented young men,

irrespective of where they end up going.

Hey, there is some mention that Tim Tebow

may be coming back to the NFL.

Could you tell us more about this?

- You know what, George?

Tim Tebow is one of themost competitive guys

I have ever met.

Look, I know you're competitive,

I've played volleyball against you.

You are competitive somethin' fierce.

I'm competitive.

Hey look, GT is competitive, everyone.

Don't let the shiny suit fool you.

He's competitive.(George chuckling)

But, Tim Tebow, 10 times that.

He's partnering with thisold coach, Urban Meyer,

and to place him with Trevor Lawrence,

he may do it man, I'm excited.

At 33, but he hasn'tplayed in a few years.

So it could be somethin'that we wanna see.

I'm excited to see how this pans out.

- Yeah, that's awesome.

Hey, real quick, whatcan we expect on the next

"Going the Distance" airing this weekend?

- You know what?

You get to see the fullstory of St. Louis Cardinals'

pitcher, Daniel Ponce de Leon.

I aired a small snippetof his interview, before.

Now you get the fullpicture of how he went

from a minor league pitcher,life-threatening injury

when he was a minor league pitcher

to making it to the majors.

It is a great story.

He has a great bookthat details everything

called "One Line Drive."

That's, it's a greatstory, great interview,

great young man who has abright future ahead of him.

- All right, terrific.

We will be joining you and watching that.

Thank you so much as always, Shawn.

You can catch "Going theDistance" with Shawn Brown

this weekend on the CBN NewsChannel, Saturday at 6:30 PM

and Sunday at 7:30 PM, both Eastern.

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