The world awaits what’s next from Iran after the United States kills a top General in the rogue nation. Wildfires continue to ravish parts of Australia as calls for prayer go out. Bride killed on the way to her wedding. Memorial scheduled ... ...
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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] This is CBN NewsWatch.
- It is Friday January 3,
welcome to CBS NewsWatch,I'm Efrem Graham.
We wanna begin this halfhour with the US Air Strike
that killed an Iranian general.
CBN Dale Hurd reports hewas a key leader in Iran
who wanted to reshape theMiddle East in Iran's favor.
And now the world waits tosee what's next from Iran.
- [Dale] The airport strikekilled a total of eight people
including Iranian General Qasem Soleimani,
the head of Iran's elite Quds Force.
Soleimani was identified by his hand
and the ring he was shown in these photos.
The Pentagon said in a statement,
General Soleimani wasactively developing plans
to attack American diplomatsand service members
in Iraq and throughout the region.
General Soleimani and his Quds Force
were responsible for thedeaths of hundreds of American
and coalition service members
and the wounding of thousands more.
After the successful attack,
President Trump tweeted the American flag.
The State Departmenturged American citizens
to leave Iraq immediately.
(crowd shouting)
The news cause spontaneouscelebrations in Iraq,
with some Iraqis dancing in the streets.
This Iraqi said the USattack will eliminate
the corrupt parties whichare destroying Iraq.
Soleimani was called the single
most powerful operativein the Middle East.
He was so famous in Iran,
his image greeted passengersat Tehran airport.
At Friday prayers in Iran,
worshipers chanted death to America.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini
warned a harsh retaliationis waiting for the US,
as did this spokesman forIran's Revolutionary Guard
who cried during theinterview with state TV.
Around 5000 Americantroops are based in Iraq
where they mainly train Iraqi forces,
and help to combat the Islamic State.
Soleimani's death is being called
a significant blow to Iran.
The US knew that Soleimani was behind
this week's attack on the US embassy
and Defense Secretary Mark Esper
had issued this warning on Thursday.
- You know, enough is enough.
We have all the capabilities
inherent in the United States military
to either respond to further attacks
or to take preemptive action
if additional attacks are being prepared.
- [Dale] US officials have made it clear
they're prepared to meetany response from Iran.
Deal Hurd, CBN News.
- Thousands of tourists fled Australia
as wildfire ravaged eastern coast
as wildfire conditions thereshow no sign of letting up.
Emergency leaders say atleast eight people have died
and flames have destroyed some 381 homes.
Scripture Union Missionteam is among 4000 people
who found refuge on a beachafter being evacuated.
They actually sang worshipsongs in the midst of it all
and called for the world topray with them for the victims
and for the wildfires to end.
Many of those stranded sharedimages of the glowing red sky
that has been described as the apocalypse.
A bride and her bridal party were murdered
on the way to their wedding
in Nigeria by Boko Haram terrorist.
Father Francis Lawrenceconfirmed the deaths
and told the Catholic News Service
there had been a number of abductions
recently in the Borno state of Nigeria.
He's calling on the Nigerian government
to strengthen its securityforces in the area
to prevent more abductionsand to stop the killing.
A memorial service will be held tomorrow
to celebrate the life and the legacy
of Reverend Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke,
founder of Christ for all Nations.
Bonnke died on December 7surrounded by his family.
The renowned German born evangelist
crisscrossed the Africancontinent for decades
telling people about thelove of Jesus Christ.
Affectionately known as God's General,
Bonnke spent a remarkable60 of his 79 years
preaching the gospel.
He was well known for hismassive crusades in Africa
where an estimated 77 million people
gave their lives to Christ.
The daughter of a church deacon
who was gunned down this weekend
has chosen to forgive her father's killer.
Anthony Tony Wallace, a64 your registered nurse
was shot dead at West FreewayChurch of Christ Sunday
after an armed man enter the church
and opened fire on parishioners.
Wallace's life was cruellytaken as he served communion
to his fellow brothersand sisters in Christ.
Tiffany Wallace said that her father
was always prepared for heaven,
but never thought anythinglike this would ever happen.
The gunman was shot dead by a member
of the West Freeway Churchof Christ armed security team
and Tiffany says despitehis heinous crime,
she's chosen to forgive him.
She says quote "I forgive him,
"and it is the hardest thing to say
"because it's likesomebody killed your dad,
"but I forgive him.
"I'll never forget what hedid, but I do forgive him."
(upbeat music)
Coming up, a look at an eliteteam of first responders
who move into the mostdangerous of situations
when disaster strikes, stay with us.
(upbeat music)
(machine whirring)
- [Narrator] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect your Sleep today.
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is Studio 5.
Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things
happening in the world of music,
sports, television and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Coogler
was gonna be directing the film,
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists
at the forefront of entertainment
and explore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, well, does that mean
I'm supposed to be a preacher?
He says no, you already have a pulpit.
- [Efrem] Watch Studio 5,Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Narrator] Remember for a moment
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(soft music)
- [Caitlin] The CBN NewsDaily Rundown podcast
each weekday with me Caitlin Burke.
Click on the Show tab at
where you can listen and subscribe.
- And welcome back to CBN NewsWatch.
From terrorist attacksto natural disasters,
elite teams of first responders
stand ready to deploy in a split second,
boldly putting their lives on the line
to rescue and to treat victims.
CBS News reporter Caitlin Burke
joined one of these fearless crews
for this inside look atwhat sets them apart.
- [Caitlin] When major disaster strikes,
Miami firefighterCaptain Carlo Soldevilla.
becomes part of Florida Task Force 2,
an elite search and rescue team.
- We respond to some ofthe worst disasters, right?
The things that the smallerjurisdictions and municipalities
are unable to deal with on their own.
Our ultimate goal is to savelives that are in danger
immediately after an incident like that
and we move quickly andwe're very specialized team
where we have many disciplines,
and we're multifaceted essentially.
- We are one of 28 federaltask forces in the nation,
we can deploy locally, at a state level,
we can deploy nationally
or we can deploy internationally as well.
- The city of Miami isthe sponsoring agency
of this task force but it's made up
of 26 other firedepartments across Florida,
as well as some civilians like engineers,
canine handlers and doctors.
I got to witness this taskforce in action in 2018
when they responded to MexicoBeach after Hurricane Michael.
- We were the first task force to arrive
and put boots on theground in Mexico Beach.
They had just started clearingthe roads when we arrived.
I can't express to you thefeeling when you arrived there
and just see slabs on the ground.
We were there for about 12 days.
- When we met up with them,
they were setting up their base camp.
They found this door in a pile of debris
and put it under a tent,
put this map on it from CityHall, a map of Mexico Beach,
and started sending their guysout to do search and rescue.
- Our experiences withour fire departments
and the day to dayemergencies that we run on
help us to maintain our focus
and make sure that wecan get the job done.
At the end of the day,
there's people that needs to be rescued,
that's our primary goal.
- [Caitlin] When responding to disaster,
the teams must live in theconditions surrounding them.
After Hurricane Michael,that meant no electricity,
cell service, gasoline, food or water.
The task force had it covered,
arriving fully self sufficient.
- Operationally, we need all the tools
such as collapse shoring andwe need heavy rigging tools.
The logistics portion of it,
we need tents, sanitation, food, supplies,
everything that we needto perform and save lives.
- [Caitlin] Hurricanes areonly one type of disaster
for which the team is prepared to handle.
- We also respond to no notice events
such as terrorist threats,explosions or earthquakes
- [Caitlin] Each year, Musser and his team
determine how they can be more effective.
They recently added innew life saving tools
including this medcat builtfor emergency response
during the strongesthurricane force winds.
The task force has alsoincreased capabilities to deploy,
working with the Air Force
to ensure internationaltransport at a moment's notice.
- We're required to deploy by ground
within four hours of notice,and by air within six hours.
- Whatever you're doing, itstops right then and there.
So, you know when yourteam is up for the month
but at anytime you knowthat you can be called upon.
And if you're here working,
you're gonna stop doing thatand you're gonna go report,
if you're at home sleeping,if you're with your family
or grocery shopping, cooking dinner,
those things have to stop immediately
so that you can getyourself to the warehouse
and we can get to the people who need us.
- [Caitlin] This means apotentially grueling commitment.
The team faced back to back deployments
during the 2018 hurricane season.
- We responded to Florence,
Hurricane Florence in the Carolinas,
and that was a very longdeployment, 22 days.
Come home, 22 days later,
I think we're home formaybe five or seven days,
and it was right backto Hurricane Michael.
- [Caitlin] For thesefirst responders however,
this task force is more thana career, it's a calling,
and it's one their familiescommitted to as well.
- You know, my children want me home,
my wife wants me home,
but they know that what we'redoing is really important
and that if ever it wasus who had to endure
a tragedy like that or a natural disaster,
we know that there are otherrescuers in this country
that will come to the same thing for us
and we're here for them andmy family has that support
and we're dedicated to providingthat as a family as well.
- [Caitlin] Until thenext disaster strikes,
the men and women of these elite teams
serve their home communities,
responding daily to whatever needs arise.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News, Miami.
- [Efrem] Still ahead, NFLplayoff's college championships
and all the talk about Clemson's
Trevor Lawrence's postgame interview last week
as he puts his faith frontand center, stay with us.
(upbeat music)
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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] It's about the competition.
- I kind of put that pressure on myself
and I think People had expectations.
- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase all the time,
keep chopping, keep practicing hard.
- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.
- You know, I think as afather, it's my job to lead,
just be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Narrator] Watch Going theDistance with Shawn Brown
Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.
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(upbeat music)
(tense music)
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- [Narrator] Get the top political news
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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Young people, millennials
are flocking to church.
- [Narrator] Its not an exaggeration
to say that we love to meet them
and that we love to know their stories.
- And welcome back to CBN NewsWatch,
Shawn Brown is here to talk some football.
So between the NFL playoffsand college championship,
football fans certainly havea lot to look forward to.
Tell us how things are stackingup for the NFL playoffs.
- The NFL playoffs, man, first of all,
Happy New Year to you brother.
- [Efrem] Happy New Year to you as well.
- Happy New Year, hopefullyyour holiday was great,
had a great time,- Excellent.
and it is good to be back
and what an exciting time it is man.
Of course the collegechampionships coming up
and now we're heading into thewildcard weekend for the NFL
to see which teams are gonna progress.
But here we have, we'vegot 12 teams in the AFC,
of course the RavensChiefs one in two seed,
Bills, Texans, Patriots, Titans.
And then in the NFC, 49ers, Packers,
Seahawks, Eagles, Saints and Vikings.
Now these teams have beenscraping in the latter part
of the season to make sure thatthey can secure their spot.
- [Efrem] Yeah.
- And I've always, all season we've talked
about it's not about thestats all the time, man,
it's about who's going toshow up come game time.
Who's healthy, okay?
And who's jelling at the right time.
You got sleeper teams.
I think the sleeper team for me
would be the Texans with DeSean Jackson,
you've got J.J. Watt coming back,
they're peaking at the right time.
You can't sleep on the Titans.
And for the first time in a long time,
you've got the Patriots that aren't
a number one or number two seed,
they're a number three seed.- Yes, yes.
- And they haven'tlooked like the Patriots
of old that we're used to seeing.
And so right now, at least inthe AFC, it's anybody's game,
but again, you've got to contendwith the Ravens and Chiefs
but cutting into tomorrow,you've got the Bills,
Texans who are four or five seed
and you've got thePatriots and the Titans.
Now look here, just a few stats, okay?
Just a few stats.- Go ahead.
- Texans offense is rankedright now 13th in the league,
Bills defense is ranked 30th.
So you've got an offensethat's ranked 13th
facing a defense that 30th.
- Yeah.
- The Texans are supposed tobe able to score more points,
but then you've got penaltiesyou have to look at,
you've got interceptions, you've got...
If the Bills defense, eventhough they're ranked 30th,
can disrupt the play at anymoment and any given time
to create that one play thatcost the Texans the game,
then it could go the other way.
So that's what you're looking for
and that's what makesthe playoffs exciting.
Of course you got the Patriots, Titans,
you know a very very exciting of course,
Ryan Tannehill replacedMarcus Mariota in week six.
So that's exciting andhe's been lighting it up.
And so the Patriots haven't been the team
that we're used to seeingas I mentioned before,
so it could go to Titans way, man,
it could be very well the Titans advanced,
the Bills advance,
just depends on whoshows up come game time,
then you slide over to the NFC.
The 49ers have been lining it up.
I mean, they've been lighting it up.
If I had to call it right now I would say
either Ravens, 49ers or RavensSaints for the Super Bowl.
But again it all comes down towho shows up come game time.
Just for the NFC, alittle more stats here.
Seahawks Eagles, they play Sunday,
as well as the Saints Vikings
but the Seahawks actuallybeat the Eagles in week 12.
Offense was ranked eight,
the defense is ranked fourth I believe
and so, again, you'relooking at these match ups,
you got stats, that's whatpeople are looking for, okay?
This team is supposed to win.
I like to see, when I showup, you got all the stats,
but I like to see, okay,if you go into the game
knowing that your defensehasn't measured up
to an offense that'sranked one through five,
then what kind of scheme are you gonna run
- [Efrem] Yeah.
- to disrupt their play.
And that's what makes the game great,
and that's what builds the anticipation
and that's what's mostexciting about the NFL playoffs
and the championship for that matter.
I mean, LSU, Clemson, two tough teams,
but LSU have been killing it this season.
I mean, from going wherethey were last season
to this season,
I mean, it's like nine daysspecifically for Joe Burrell,
quarterback Heisman Trophy winner,
and so that's gonna be exciting.
So this time of year, it's exciting,
you come back from the holidays
and you've got some exciting football,
both on the college leveland also the NFL level, man,
so it's really exciting.
- We've heard lots about Clemson
but many are saying this is LSU's year,
what do you think?
- Honestly, as I just finished saying,
it could be anybody'sgame, but quite honestly,
LSU has been consistent the entire season.
I mean, Coach O, Joe Burrow,
just their whole theme that the year
is you can't stop us, man,
they're rolling on all cylinderson both sides of the ball.
And when you have a team that's like that,
that's that consistentgoing into the playoffs
and then to the national championship,
it's hard to rule against them.
It's hard to say, yeah,this team is going to,
although they've won,
you know, they're defending,- Yeah,
- and so you can't sleep on Clemson,
but it's hard to say thatClemson is gonna take out a team
that's as hot or hasbeen as hot as LSU is.
It's exciting, I can't waitto see all of these games.
The National Championships next week
so we got a wildcardweekend NFL this weekend,
so I'm looking forward to it, man,
it's gonna be great.- Nice.
- Its gonna be great.
- Well, speaking of Clemson,quarterback Trevor Lawrence
talked a lot about God doingmore than we can imagine
following Clemson's win overthe Ohio State University.
That was a challenging game for the Tigers
and he gave all the glory to God
and it always a problem to see.
- When you have a program like Clemson,
like Clemson has been the lastfew years with a head coach
and Dabo Swinney who proclaims his faith,
you know that he literally will say,
hey, this is what our program's about,
this is how I do things,
it's hard for it not torub off on the players.
- [Efrem] Yeah.
- It's hard not to rub off of the players.
And so here you have aquarterback in Trevor Lawrence
that gets that, he comes into the program,
I'm sure that was partof his consideration
to bring him to the programand he guess he goes,
this young man's faith is solid,and we can work with that,
he's coachable and sowe're gonna bring him here.
And now he's using his platform to say,
hey man, I know you seewhat I'm doing on the field,
but here's the real deal ofwhat's going on with me, man.
- [Efrem] Yeah, we've gothis quote there, right there.
- [Shawn] Yeah, yeah.
- [Efrem] On the screen.- [Shawn] Yeah.
- [Efrem] Ephesians 3:20,
"God can do immeasurablymore than any of us can
"because of Him within us,and that's just so true.
"I mean, all of us, me.
"What we did tonight, it ain't us,
"it's about this program and who we are."
- And it's that level ofhumility that I love, man.
I mean, because these guys,again, these guys are,
they're giving their all on the field.
And sometimes when you'regiving your all in the field
and everybody's watching,
you can kind of get into allthe hype, you can get into it.
And what happens, what can happen
is that will start to define you.
And if your life isdefined in wins and losses,
what happens when you lose, man?
And so if you lose and that'sall of your chips are in that,
then you're not gonnafeel good about yourself.
But if your foundation is in Christ,
as you can see with this Clemson coach
and Clemson quarterback, Trevor Lawrence,
it's a great feeling, man
to know he's got his priorities in order.
- Indeed, indeed, and wegot lots to look forward too
from you on Going theDistance this weekend as well.
- Yes, we do, man, it's anew year, we're starting.
Hey man, I've got some great things coming
so just stay tuned Saturdays at 7:30
and Sundays at 6:30Eastern and so stay tuned,
I've got some great things coming up.
- Looking forward toit, thank you so much.
Coming up, actor and comedian Tim Allen
takes on the PC Police, staywith us, we'll be right back.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
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- Actor and comedian Tim Allen
continues to blast political correctness,
he says that it singlehandedly ruining good comedy.
Appearing in an episodeof The View Monday,
the Conservative Home Improvement star
said it was utterly, utterly ridiculous
that he had to tailor his comedy routine
to fall in line with the various PC police
and woke mobs of the day.
(tense music)
- This is a thought policething and I do not like it.
But when I use these words,
this is my intent behind those words.
So as long as you understand my intent,
I still get people, but just don't say it.
And I said I'm not going to do that.
- Alan went on to say theitrining of political reckness
is an alarming thing for comedians
prompting even host Jay Bahar to agree.
She admitted PC culturemakes comedy really hard.
Time now for your Friday faith
and I'd like to leaveyou with this thought,
words have living power, theymove God to act or allow.
Speaking life and He is compelled to act.
With that word, Iencourage you to make today
a fabulous Friday andhave a wonderful weekend.
Bye Bye, everybody.