Read Transcript
(inspiring music)
- Time for your email questions.
Pat, this first one isfrom Fredna who says,
"Pat, in 1997 I was married.
"My husband and Idivorced and I remarried.
"Since then, I divorced my second husband
"and reconciled with my first husband.
"In God's eyes, am I sinning?"
- (chuckling) You know, ifyou go back to the Bible,
we're told that if aman divorces his wife,
he can't go back to her againbecause it "humbles her,"
but you thought it was a good deal.
So you liked being marriedto the first husband
and somehow, there was a divorce
which you got back together, again.
And, hey,
I, I think that's okay.
I think you, you say am I sinning?
Well, I don't know what the reason
for the second divorce was but there needs
to be some ground.
But assuming you have Biblical grounds,
I, I would enjoy your life, okay?
- Okay, this is a viewer who says,
"I'm battling with depression and anxiety.
"I've prayed and declaredScripture over it
"but it won't go away.
"How do I know if thisis a mental illness that
"requires medication or ifit's an attack of the enemy
"and I just need to seea Christian counselor?"
- I think what you mayneed is a medical doctor.
I tell ya, depression many times has a,
a medical cause and you may need
some anti-depressant medicine to help it.
I don't know for sure whether it's some,
but you know, to ask yourself in your life
are you sinning against God.
Are you rebelling against God?
Is there something thatyou've done that's wrong?
And if it is, if that'sweighing on your heart,
well, confess that and put it away.
But, and that may alleviatesome of your problems.
But it may be that youhave a clinical problem
and it's chemical, andyou need a little help
in that depression.
And I wouldn't feelashamed to get it, okay?
- This is Marie who says,"Pat, my husband and I
"raised our children in a Christian home.
"Today's society teachesthem it's a me world
"and technology is everywhere.
"We're struggling with them about helping
"with chores and having responsibilities.
"What would the Bible haveto say to struggling parents
"up against technologyaddiction and noncooperation?"
- (chuckling) You know, youask me what the Bible says,
here's what the Bible says,"Folly is bound up in the heart
"of a child, the rod of reproofdrives it far from him."
You know, in the Old Testament, honestly,
if a kid was rebelliousafter a long period of time,
the parents would bringthe child before the judges
and say, "This child is uncontrollable.
"What can I do?"
And the judge would say,"Well, what's you're gonna do
"is execute him 'cause we don'twant to have the problem."
In all seriousness, theydidn't put up with that stuff.
And I think that today'ssociety is so permissive.
We let kids do anything they want to do.
But when a child is young, you've gotta
bring him up in the nurtureand admonition of the Lord.
And the rod of reproof, you know,
we've got these rules now,
you can't use corporalpunishment and so forth.
That's nonsense, that's not Biblical.
I think child abuse is awful.
I wanna say that clearly.
Child abuse is terrible and children
should be taken away from 'em.
But I think in terms of the correction,
children need correction.
And they know they've done something bad
and you know, if you had justa little whack on the bottom,
you say, "Okay, it's all forgiven now,"
and the stuff goes away.
You know, but they've got to know that
they've done somethingwrong because they feel it.
And if you've got guilt in your heart
you've gotta have thatguilt expunged, all right?
Next question.
- This is Fred who says, "Hi, Pat.
"Politicians and themedia call Afghanistan
"our longest war.
"I think Korea is because a peace treaty
"was never completed.
"We have been in a stateof armed truce since 1953.
"I would like to hearyour opinion on this."
- I was with the firstmarine division in Korea.
I served in a place called Chanderi.
It was around a place called North Korea,
the punch bowl, Heartbreak Ridge.
I was over there for awhile; it's mighty cold.
And the answer was whenMacArthur took over, he wanted
to go all the way to theAllub, but there's some thought
that he wanted to go andstart a war with China.
The jury's out as to whetherMacArthur was right or not,
but there's one thing for sure.
If we had sealed off Korea at the time,
we wouldn't have had the problemwe have with North Korea.
So it's still going on with the problem
with the Kim Jong-un andhis family, all right?
- Okay, this is Fred who says, "Hi Pat."
Oh, that's the one I just read, sorry.
Sharon wants to know howdoes she make a real change.
She doesn't like anythingthat's happening.
She says, "When I vote,everything I vote for fails.
"Everything I want for our country,
"which is a Biblicalreturn to God, has failed.
"It looks like the cup ofGod's wrath must be filled
"and His timing for the end is here.
"What resistance can I haveif this is God's will?"
- I, I think you'rereading too much into it.
I think what you needto do is serve the Lord
and know that your light will shine.
And do what you can to let people know
what your point of view is.
And then get out and work.
Work to knock on doorsand make telephone calls,
and get involved in the partyof politics and do something.