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The 700 Club - April 27, 2021

A boater slips off a ladder and lands right on a spinning propeller. Trapped underwater, can she make it to the surface? CBN’s “Week of Prayer” continues on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] - The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Announcer] Coming up,

a boater slips off a ladder

and lands right on a spinning propeller.

- Basically impaled into the blade.

- [Announcer] Now she'strapped under water.

- I realized she was drowning.

- [Announcer] Can shemake it to the surface?

- We've taken too long.

- [Announcer] And stitch her up in time.

- There's nothing we cando for your wife right now.

- [Announcer] Our weekof prayer continues.

- You just witnessed a miracle.

- [Announcer] On today's "700 Club".

(upbeat music)

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club".

A seismic shift in congressional politics.

Look what the latest census shows.

States in the Republicandominated South and West

are seeing population growth,

while those in the moredemocratic North and Midwest

are falling off,

and that could swing the Houseof Representatives next year.

Here's how it shapes up.

Texas will gain two seats

while Colorado, Florida, Montana,North Carolina and Oregon

will each gain one.

The states losing one seat are Illinois,

Michigan, New York Ohio, Pennsylvania,

West Virginia, and California.

And the amazing thing isthat these state legislatures

in most of these states arecontrolled by the Republicans,

and it means the Republicanlegislatures will determine

the election,

which may we'll flip theHouse of Representatives,

and may spare us moresocialism in our country.

Well, in other news,

this is a shocking thing had happened

just slightly south ofus in North Carolina,

in a town called ElizabethCity, it's close by.

Shot in the back ofthe head multiple times

while both his hands wereon the steering wheel.

That's what 20 seconds of police video

reveal about the death of Andrew Brown.

His family, his attorneyis calling it an execution

and in the city of Elizabeth City

it's now under a state of emergency.

Charlene Aaron is on theground with this report.

(logo whooshing)

- After hours of anticipation,the family of Andrew Brown

was shown just 20 seconds offootage from one body cam,

leaving them infuriated withmore questions than answers.

- It's ridiculous, and it's outrageous

and so disrespectful to the family

to have waited so long,not only to mourn the death

of how it happened, but to wait this long

to get disappointed likethat, it's ridiculous.

- [Charlene] Brown died last Wednesday

when deputies opened fire

while serving multiple warrantson him for drug charges.

Witnesses had previouslysaid deputies opened fire

when Brown tried to drive away,

but a family attorney saysshort clip shown Monday,

begins with police firingtheir weapons at Brown

sitting in his car,

which was blocked by lawenforcement officials,

making it impossible for him to escape.

- We do not feel that we got transparency.

We only saw a snippet.

- Let's be clear.

This was an execution.

Andrew had his handson his steering wheel.

He was not reaching for anything.

- [Charlene] Calls are growingfor authorities to release

unredacted footage from other body cameras

and any police dashboard cameras

which requires a court order.

- The taxpayers pay a lot ofmoney for these video cameras

to be retrofitted for police uniforms

for this specific purpose.

So why is it when it's socritical that we have transparency

that they're denying thepublic from seeing this video.

- That's above us now.

We need everybody to put pressure on them

to show the world what happened.

- No justice, no peace.

- [Charlene] The city is nowunder a state of emergency

and some fear that peacefulprotests will now escalate.

Monday night protestors marched

to County attorney Michael Cox's home

calling on him to resign.

- They're gonna make people do things like

start being more negative.

Everybody's been trying tobe positive and be peaceful

but they're making it hard at this point.

I just don't want to see, you know

the city have to go out in a riot.

- [Charlene] Many alsocalling for County sheriff,

Tommy Wooten to step down.

- I think the sheriff hasfailed us as community members

I support his resignation.

- [Charlene] Local pastorsare praying for peace.

- Right now we have manyhearts that are hurting

and especially from what was heard today,

you can feel it in the atmosphere,

and so now more than ever,

my first prayer is that God's presence

would be in this city in such a great way

because in his presence, there'shealing, there's comfort,

there's strength, there's peace.

And so my first prayer is God,we need your presence here.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Brown'sfamily is seeking justice.

- I want to see justice for my cousin.

I don't care about, excuse me,

I don't care about nothing else.

I just want to see justice for my cousin.

- Charlene Aaron, CBN News,Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

- You know, the thingyou have to ask yourself,

why are they holding the video,

they ought to release that immediately,

I know that you have togo through some processes,

but that video needs to come immediately

to see if there's any justification,

if it wasn't,

you need to bring closureand discipline the police.

If on the other hand they werejustified in what they did,

then the community in Elizabeth City

will know the difference.

But we need to get that stuff out fast.

I don't know why it's always these delays,

you have to wait andyou wait and you wait,

and then finally you get an answer.

It needs to be done instantly because

the mobs are coming instantly.

Also in the news, stunning allegations

against the former Secretary of State,

what did Iran's foreignminister say about John Kerry

in a leaked audio recording,

and why are Republicans andIsraelis both up in arms?

John Jessup has more.

- Thanks Pat, Republicans arecalling for an investigation

into ambassador John Kerry.

Some are demanding rather

for him to resign fromthe Biden administration.

This after leaked audio reveals

Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif

saying the former Secretary of State

told him about more than

200 Israeli operationsagainst Iranians in Syria.

The New York Times reportsZarif makes that claim

in a three-hour recording.

Kerry served as presidentObama's Secretary of State

holding in-depth negotiationswith Iranian leaders

in pursuit of the 2015 nuclear deal.

In a tweet Kerry denied the allegations,

calling them quote, unequivocally false.

He is now serving as presidentBiden's climates Czar.

President Trump's Secretaryof State, Mike Pompeo

and other Republicans Pat,

are calling for acongressional investigation.

- Of course, John Kerryis being laughed at now

he was riding like amotor scooter supposedly,

he wanted to save on climate change

yet he flies around in privatejets that eats up more fuel

and pollutes more in the atmosphere

than any scooter will possibly alleviate.


- Pat we're learning moreabout a tense encounter

between American and Iranian warships

in the Persian Gulf earlier this month.

Footage released fromthe US Navy shows a ship

commanded by Iran's Revolutionary Guard

cutting in front of the USCoast Guard vessel Monomoy,

causing the ship to come to an abrupt stop

with its engine smoking.

The Navy reports Iranprovoking a similar incident

with another ship in the region.

Well, here at home,

California is facing apolitical shakeup this year,

a vote to recall Democraticgovernor Gavin Newsom

will be on the ballot in the fall.

State officials verified

more than the one and a half million

petition signatures needed.

The recall's driven by Republicans

angry over Newsom's decision

to close large parts of the economy

during the pandemic.

Well, turning to economic news,

Bitcoin's been aroundfor more than a decade,

but the word's being tossedaround a lot more lately.

So what exactly is it?

And why are so many

major financial institutions adopting it?

CBN's Dale Hurd has this look.

- Just a decade ago, hardlyanyone had heard of Bitcoin

outside of some technology circles.

Today it's gained widespreadbuzz and acceptance

from some big businessesand major investors.

Though Bitcoin has a logo,

it's actually a purelyonline digital currency

using computer code,

acting as real money forpeople to make their purchases.

It was born after the crash of 2008.

Although there had beendigital currencies before

none of them ever really gained traction.

But over the years Bitcoingradually caught on.

In 2010, it was worth less than a penny,

but in early April itpeaked at nearly $65,000

before falling back.

The explosion in Bitcoin'sprice since last fall

has come as major financial institutions

are offering it to clients.

And electric vehicle builder Tesla

made a splash in February

buying $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin.

Not only that.

- They intend to startaccepting Bitcoin for payment

when they sell Tesla cars in the future.

- [Dale] Richard Lyons of theBerkeley School of Business

also said, that's the wave of the future.

- The trend is inexorable,

I think that not just with Bitcoin

but other cryptocurrencies

those will become a transactablecurrencies increasingly

over the next five years,

it's not going to happen overnight.

- [Dale] But even ascryptocurrencies gain acceptance

governments like China, theEuropean Union, the US and more

are moving toward digitalcurrencies as well,

possibly leading tocompetition for Bitcoin.

Regardless of the futureof Bitcoin itself,

it's clear that it's openedthe door for a revolution

in digital finance.

A revolution that islikely to change the world.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- I'm sure a lot of peoplewish they got in early.

For more on the story,let's go back to Pat.

- If you're as baffledas I am about Bitcoin

and I understand if you lose your code

you might be wiped out, youwouldn't have any money left

and it's not there in the bank.

You've got to have yourcode in order to get it.

But CBN News financialeditor, Drew Parkhill,

Drew what in the world, whatis going on with Bitcoin,

and why does it has the potential to

change our financial world?

- Pat, it really does have the potential

to change our financial world.

It's not going to happen overnight

as the professor from UC Berkeley said,

you know it's going to take time,

but more and more peopleare using Bitcoin as

basically an alternative money.

And it's also, and we don'thave time to go into all this

but it has also opened up

all kinds of new typesof buying and selling

and digital artwork and so forth,

it goes for a lot ofmoney, it's just amazing.

This has opened up a whole new world.

It's gradually filtering down to

quote unquote main street, so to speak.

Most people are interested in it,

because it's had sucha huge run-up in price

as Dale showed in his story.

The reason it's had such a hugerun up is people recognize,

this is an idea whose time has come,

it's got longterm implications.

I'll just point out Pat,

back in 1995, you and Idemonstrated the internet

here on 'The 700 Club"

for one of the very firstdemonstrations ever,

at the time you asked me,

how's this going to affect television?

I said, it will replace television.

Now at the time, I didn'tknow that something called

cutting the cord was coming, but it did.

But this week at the Oscars, Netflix,

which didn't exist andcouldn't have existed

before the internet won seven Oscars,

I think Facebook won an Oscar,

well, they did win anOscar for something rather.

And so we couldn't have foreseen that,

we can't foresee whatBitcoin's going to lead to

but we know this will change everything,

no question about it.

- All right, well look, thething is, it's totally mined and

it's all done with computers.

Tell me how the stuff works.

- Well miners get paid ina certain amount of Bitcoin

as they bring moreBitcoins into existence.

The majority of them havealready been brought in.

But the important thing is that

this is a purely online currency

and the idea is for privacy, you know,

so that people won't know what's going on,

that they can do justyou to me transactions,

peer to peer and so forth.

The important thing, andthis is very important,

is that governments arelooking to get into the act,

as Dale pointed out in his story,

now I want to show you a soundbite,

now this is from, this isnot from just some analysts,

this is not from some Wall Street type.

This is from Mark Carney,who was at the time,

the Governor of the Bank of England,

the Bank of England wasbuilt, or not built,

but brought into being in 1694,

it's basically the model forcentral banks around the world,

like the Federal Reserve

it's their version of the Federal Reserve.

He said this in 2019,

talking about analternative to the dollar,

this was at Jackson Hole,Wyoming in August of 2019,

he said this in an interviewon CNBC, let's take a look.

- You don't just jump tosomething new overnight

and the what we wantin a multipolar world,

I think we'd agree thatwe've got European engine,

we've got the Chinese engine,

we've got the US engine ofthis economy, multipolar world.

You need a multipolar currency.

The question is, how do you get there?

And I laid out some ideasof how you would get there.

- So this is the Governorof the Bank of England, Pat

laying out ideas for analternative to the dollar,

we've often talked about

what's going to happen to thedollar if problems with it,

this is a possibility,again, not overnight,

but this has beendiscussed for a while now.

So this has seriousimplications for the US dollar

as well as the rest of the world.

- You know, we are thereserve currency of the world

and everybody plays off the dollar.

So the dollar is the means of exchange,

the Chinese are trying tointroduce the renminbi,

and it's not really taking hold

because there aren'tenough people that want it.

Now, these things, tellme how you get a Bitcoin,

you mine it?


How do you get one of them?

It's getting easier andeasier and easier to do that.

It used to be really pretty difficult,

like you were talking about earlier,

you had to get a wallet

and you had to make sure you had the code

and there's one fellow

who had enormous amounts of money in it

because he made so much,

but he lost the code andhe couldn't figure it out.

So, but it's getting easierand easier to do that.

The major financial institutions,

JP Morgan Chase is now moving to open up

a Bitcoin managed accountfor wealthier clients

and so forth.

You are going to be ableto do it through Venmo,

but you know, I mean likeyou can use a MasterCard

and pay it through withBitcoin and so forth,

so there are very importantthings about this,

but the most importantlong-term implication,

there are a couple of them.

Number one, if you dohave national currencies

that are digital, like a digital dollar,

government could eventuallybe able to track everything,

that raises huge privacy implications.

The other thing, and thisis extremely important is

if and when, and let's faceit, it's going to be when,

when you have a globalelectronic digital system,

that's all electronic,

that means all buying andselling is done that way,

you can be shut out ofthat system at some point.

In other words, you wouldnot be able to buy or sell

without permission.

I think we've read that somewhere Pat.

- Something like that in thebook of Revelation last time,

you really think that could be,

that could usher in,

actually takeover of the world currency,

if everybody's in Bitcoin

and it can be withdrawnby the governments,

and that means all the moneyyou've got can be taken

unless you had the mark of the beast,

is that what you're saying?

- It probably won't be Bitcoin,

what Bitcoin did was open the door

for global digital currencies plural,

but will be interchangeable.

There may be one eventually again,

we've just started down the road.

We don't know how it's going to get there,

we don't know how long it's going to take,

it will probably take decades,

it's not next week,

but we've opened the doornow for the first time.

- That's true.

Amazing stuff,

I mean, if you're likeme, you, you sort of,

but think of having allthat money in Bitcoin,

and losing the code

and the suddenly you didn't have your code

and they couldn't get it,you couldn't access it.

Oh my goodness well, I wishif I'm like you, you say

I wish I'd gotten in when itwas selling for a dollar or two

before it went to 59,000.

All right, Terry, what do we have next?

- Well, so I got diagnosedwith prostate cancer

and plunged into a deep depression.

How did the pastor of one ofAmerica's largest churches

face his greatest fear?

Jack Graham will tell youhimself, that's coming up.

But first, disemboweledby a boat propeller.

How did a day on the open waterturn deadly for this woman?

You have to see it to believe it.

After this.

(upbeat music)

Disemboweled, a beautifulday of boating turned deadly

in an instant for Lee Ann Dorn.

She was impaled by the boat's propeller

in front of her husband and daughter.

Doctors said there wasnothing they could do for her.

So how did she not only survive,

but also leave the hospitalafter only 16 days?

Nothing short of a miracle.

- I thought her bathingsuit had gotten caught

and entangled into the prop,

and in that moment I wastrying to just help her up,

I was like, oh, maybe that's what it is.

And then I realized she was drowning.

- [Reporter] Memorial Day weekend, 2019.

Phil Dorn, along with his wife, Lee Ann

and daughter, Chelsea

enjoyed a day of boating withfriends in Destin, Florida.

- Eight of us set out

for a little bit of timein the Destin Harbor

and Crab Island

and some of the fun spots on the water

here in the Destin area.

- [Reporter] Towards the end of the day

Lee Ann and Chelsea wentswimming one last time.

Moments later, Chelseanoticed her mom under water

and began screaming for help.

- I wasn't real sure what had happened

until I got to the back of the boat

and saw Lee Ann basically impaled

up against the back of the boat,

into the blades of the motor.

- [Reporter] Lee Ann hadslipped off the ladder,

and fallen onto the propeller,which was still spinning.

They struggled to separateher from the prop,

before finally getting herback on the boat minutes later.

- And all I could thinkabout at that moment was

that we've taken too long.

This is too long of a rescue too much,

you know and it just hit meright then, it wasn't happening.

- My mom was not breathing at all.

I gave her two rescue breathsand in those rescue breaths

she did cough and open her eyes.

I felt a slight sense of hopeand relief in that moment.

And immediately justgrabbed onto her organs,

'cause I knew that we had to keep them in

and close to her body as we could.

- [Reporter] Heartbroken and overwhelmed,

Phil turned to God for help.

- I started praying on theboat when I was holding her up

by her shoulders.

I knew we were in a verydifficult time and moment.

So many thoughts are going through you,

but and I was praying for my wife,

and I was praying for mydaughter and my son too because

you just don't know what'sgoing on at that moment.

- [Reporter] They rushed Lee Ann to shore

where they were met byemergency responders.

Chelsea called her brother Carl

and told him to get to the scene.

- I blocked off a huge area,

and then when I sawthe helicopter come in,

that's when I kind of realizedhow serious it actually was.

- [Reporter] when theyarrived at the hospital,

they were told theseverity of her injuries.

- And she said, Mr. Dorn,I need to tell you that

there's nothing we can dofor your wife right now.

And she said, she's too unstable,

and all we can do is tryto keep her comfortable.

At that moment all we could do,

and I told them all wecould do is start to pray

and to get as many peopleto pray with us as we could.

That was the only resourcewe had to help my wife.

- I was texting my really close friends,

and we contacted family members,

they started to pray.

And at that point, they reachedout to their church groups

who started to pray.

There were thousands ofprayers from all over the world

that started to come in for my mom.

It was beautiful.

- [Reporter] Lee Ann clung to life.

She had a collapsed lung from drowning

and her kidneys had shut down.

Doctors were able toperform emergency surgery,

then a second surgery followed

that flushed the saltwater from her abdomen.

Thankfully her kidneys quickly revived.

- And we saw firsthand the waythat those prayers helped us

and I'm beyond grateful.

- Before bringing her out ofthe medically-induced coma,

doctors did an EEG anddiscovered burst suppressions,

a condition that causes brain damage,

and eventually leads to death.

The family's prayers intensified.

- As you remember we'vebeen just begging God,

that I would do anything if she'd be okay.

It was just weird,

It was just like all of a sudden,

like everything that I was worried about

just kind of went away,

and that was like thefirst time in my life

I actually ever felt morethan just saying stuff,

like I actually ever felt God.

- [Reporter] The next day,

a second EEG provided a miraculous report.

- The neurosurgeon cameback in the room and said

this is unbelievable, but wefound no burst suppressions,

and we can see no damage at this time.

And she said, you have to understand

this just doesn't happen.

- Our family doctor told us

there's no medical explanation to this,

absolutely none.

You just witnessed a miracle,were his exact words.

- [Reporter] Lee Ann soon stabilized.

She spent 12 days in the ICUand was discharged on day 16.

Her journey hasn't been easy,

but all involved experiencedthe power of prayer

and God's goodness duringtheir time of need.

- I truly know that it wasprayer and God who saved me.


I believe it was thefaith behind the prayers

that God heard and God saved me,

and I'm a million percenthappy that I'm still here, yes.

- Now she gets to meet her granddaughter

and gets to be here for weddings

and gets to be a partof things that I thought

I wasn't going to get to have my mom for.

- When you asked me, how is she today?

I think she's fantastic,because I remember that moment,

I remember those moments.

For me it's miraculous tosee where she's come from,

from that moment inICU, to what I see now,

we all realized that

it was God that performedall these things,

and we were fortunate to bea part of it and to see it

- Nothing is impossible for God.

What an incredible story.

- No medical explanation.

Listen folks, today is theday of prayer that we have,

we have a week of prayer,

and you have sent us thousandsof your prayer requests,

and we're surrounded bypeople who are praying.

Somebody has got Lyme disease,

they've had it for 30 years

and they asked for prayer.

Somebody has a healing of aninoperable stage 4 brain cancer

which is called glioblastoma.

And God is able.

Somebody wants the whole family,

children, grandchildrenand great grandchildren

to find the Lord.

Somebody says,

I want to pray for peacein Jerusalem in Israel.

- This is a person sayingI need a full-time job.

I was laid off in April of 2020.

Someone else's saying

please pray that I wouldbreak free from pornography

and my marriage would be saved.

Someone else saying,

I need deliverance from methand marijuana addiction.

And here's one for healingof glaucoma that's causing me

to lose my eyesight.

- We, as I've said, aresurrounded by prayer,

we have a whole tray of these things

if we can get them up closer.

All right, here you go.

I can't, I can grab hold, all right

there they all are.

Now we're going to lay handson your prayer requests,

and we're going to ask God

to do something forthe audience right now.

So Terry and I are goingto join hands together,

Father in Jesus' name,

we ask for the anointingof the Holy Spirit.

We praise you Lord foreverything you've been doing.

We thank you for the answers to prayer.

We thank you for themiracle we just heard about,

no medical explanation,

but you are all powerful,and we acknowledge Lord

and we praise you and we worship you.

Somebody is having grandmal seizures, epilepsy

and God is just heals you,

the name is,

I don't want to say Jehosha Fabulous,

now there's certainlyJehovah or something,

I can't think of exactly what your name is

but you're being healedright now in Jesus name.


- Someone else, you have a condition that,

a really unusual condition

that's causing you to lose your hearing

just a little bit at a time

but now you've had significant loss.

God is restoring your hearing to you,

put your hands on bothof your ears right now

and be healed in Jesus' name.

Thank you God.

- Father we praise and we worship

and we adore you right now.

We thank you that Jesus lives,

we thank you for the powerof the Holy Spirit of God.

And we pray now,

thank you, Lord.

We thank you.

So somebody's got a muscle weaknesses,

there's something in your chest,

whether it's yourmuscles across your chest

or when you were crushed in some fashion,

but just put your hand there,

in the name of Jesus touch them, Terry.

- People with deteriorating diseases,

like the muscle scenariothat Pat talked about,

but other things as well,

God is just healingthose diseases right now.

Put your hands up and beginto thank him and praise him,

and then walk in thathealing in Jesus name

- Again somebody we've got epilepsy,

and God is just touching and healing you,

you'll find the power of Godgoing all through your body.

Now, father, we pray for America.

We pray for what we're talking about,

we see a cry of this nation for freedom

and we pray that you will set us free

and keep at bay the forces of evil

that want to destroy this nation,

we pray for America Lord,we pray for this country

and we thank you,

this belongs to you andwe give you the praise

and assert your authority overthe United States of America.

It's still your country,take it back, Lord,

take it for yours in Jesus name.

- Amen.- Amen.

- And Amen.

Okay, Terry.

- Well, we're going to be praying

for the request that yousent us all week long,

and we want you to knowthere's still time to call us

if you have prayer requestsyou'd like us to pray for,

our number as you know is toll free,

it's 1-800-70-7000, oryou can visit

and send your request in that way.

Plus, we invite you to join us

for our Week of Prayer Chapel,

Jack Graham, the Senior Pastorof Prestonwood Baptist Church

in Plano, Texas is ourfeatured speaker today.

All you have to do islog on to at noon

for the live stream, andI know you'll enjoy that.

Coming up later, we've got your questions

and Pat's honest answers,

Fredna says, I divorced my second husband

and reconciled with my first husband.

Ii God's eyes am I sinning?

What will Pat say to that?

Stay tuned to find out.

Plus, a dead man walking,

that's how pastor JackGraham described himself

after being diagnosedwith prostate cancer.

What rope did he use to climbout of the pit of depression?

Find out after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN NewsBreak.

President Biden is supportingthe push for DC statehood

and critics say it's partof a power grab by Democrats

since it almost certainly would mean

adding two Democrats to the Senate.

- Even though the constitution

puts the district undercongressional rule,

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said

Biden endorses the change

so DC residents will have representation

when it comes to taxationand other issues.

Well the right to carry a gun

is in the cross hairsof the Supreme Court.

The nation's highestcourt now set to consider

a major gun rights case overthe right to carry a firearm

in public for self-defense.

This case involves theupholding of New York's

restrictive gun permit law.

The timing of this decision

comes after a string of mass shootings,

and will be the first gunrights ruling from the court

since justice Amy ConeyBarrett joined the 6-3

conservative majority bench.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of "The 700 Club"

right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Severe depression and anxiety.

That's how the pastor of oneof America's megachurches

responded to prostate cancer.

And no one was more shockedat his response than he was.

Jack Graham says he feltlike a dead man walking.

So what did he do to reignite his life?

Take a look.

- [Reporter] Dr. Jack Grahamhas long been the pastor

of the megachurch PrestonwoodBaptist in Plano, Texas.

While dealing withprostate cancer in 2009,

pastor Graham slipped intosevere depression and anxiety.

He describes himself thenas a dead man walking.

With so many people

suffering from depressionduring the pandemic,

pastor Graham shares how he and we

can be fully restored inhis new book "Reignite".

- Please welcome to "The 700Club" pastor Jack Graham.

It's nice to have you with us today.

- Good morning.

- Tell us what it was likefor you at the very beginning

when you heard that you had cancer.

- Well, I was confidentactually, we caught it early,

and I was believing God for the best,

went into the surgery expectinga quick recovery in fact,

I pushed myself rightback into the pulpit,

which was a mistake a coupleof weeks after surgery

and felt I was doing fineon my way to recovery

and then the sleeplessness hit,

the anxiety and resultof depression that came,

and it truly took me down ina way that I'd never expected.

I'm a confident guy filled with faith

and I'd never been sick in my life,

I'm talking about really never been sick,

the next thing you know,I have this cancer,

then there were questions as to

whether we got it all or not,

and it just threw me into a place

that I've never been before,

and so I described someof that in the book,

and how God brought methrough and reignited my life

and you know, today hereI am these years later,

just excited about life, full of energy,

you know, one of the thingsdepression lies to you about

is to tell you you're nevergoing to be okay again.

I'm really probablytalking to a lot of people

who think I'm stuck like this,

it's never going to change.

I'm going to be likethis, the rest of my life

and certainly there are peoplewho deal with depression

for a long, long time, but there's hope.

- You actually got worsebefore you got better,

which took a full year.

What was, what you call the rope you used

to climb out of that depression?

- Truth, truth.

The truth of God's word because

clearly this is not onlya disease of the brain,

it's a disease of thebody, that's why I said,

I felt like a dead man walking,it just slows you down.

And in some way, that's a blessing

if you're revving and you'restressing and there's pressure

and the anxiety, your body, your brain

has a way of shuttingdown to keep you from,

let's say, running off the road.

But I hung on to the truth of God's word.

And I don't just mean contemplating,

you know, getting better,

I mean contemplating Godand giving thanks to God,

and in the midst of days whenI could barely concentrate

reading and meditating uponGod's word, giving thanks

even in the midst of this darkness,

and it is a severe darkness

and ultimately becamea severe mercy to me.

- Oh, you have a friend that suggested

that you see someone professionally.

You know, I think for alot of people, pastor Jack

that says there's something wrong with me

and it pushes them away from help.

And for men, especially, that seems hard.

What was that experience like for you?

- Humbling because yes,

I'm the kind of guy thatthinks I can fix most anything,

that's what a lot of us menwe see ourselves and so,

to admit this kind of weakness,it felt like in some ways

I was not strong enoughspiritually or mentally

to deal with this but I wouldreally encourage everyone

who's facing a mental crisis

and we have this goingon in America right now,

this is, I'm callingthis now my COVID book

because it was written inthe middle of this crisis

and know we not only havehad a medical crisis,

but a mental health crisis

and so many people are struggling

and the struggle is very real

and I really urge everyoneto find professional counsel.

I went to a therapist

and talking with this manwho, strong believer himself

but yet someone versed inhow to get through the day,

how to get through the depression,

it was extremely helpful to me.

- Talk a little bit, if you will,

you write about it so well in your book,

what it means to meditate on scripture,

because I think as believers, we all know

that truth is in the word of God

that we need to go to the word of God,

but the way you meditatedon the word of God

really had a powerful impact.

- Yes.

Very important to memorize scripture.

But beyond memorizingverses to think deeply,

to cogitate, if you will upon God's word

to turn it over and over in your mind.

And you know, one of the things is

we were saying earlierthat depression does,

I mean, it clouds your thinking,

you can't concentrate as well,

but the one thing I could do

was to meditate upon

scriptures that I'vememorized a long time ago,

or just to open my Bible,

of course, in the Psalms,

David was often disturbed,troubled and even depressed,

and so many of these Psalmsare written right to us

in a condition like I was experiencing.

And so I just lived in God's word

and that means to meditate,to turn it over and over,

to concentrate and to focuson Christ and his word.

- You talk about some of the swaps

that we can make in our lives

when these unexpected challenges hit us,

that will reignite,

share that a little.

- Yeah, that's the bulk of the book.

You know, I spent the firstI don't know, 50, 60 pages,

you know talking about my experience

of how we got through it.

But the book is really aboutenduring faith and persevering

and yes, making decisions

to choose truth over lies for example.

One of the lies I kepthearing in my head is

you're never going to get over this,

you're never going to get through this,

you're stuck like this,

but when you meditate on God's word,

when you concentrate on God's truth,

you begin exchanging truths for the lives.

I talk about changing faith for fear.

I mean, ultimately my problem was fear.

It was anxiety, I didn't knowif I was going to get well,

if I was ever going to be the same,

I didn't know if the cancerwas going to kill me.

So I had to swap faith, fear and faith,

and in other words, tobelieve and trust in God.

I was just preaching thisSunday on this subject.

I mean, the one thing, the one thing

that God asked of us is our faith,

to believe him and trust him,

and so peace for worry,

and so that's the bulk of the book.

We just talk about how to get help

from God's word in times like these.

- And today you're healthy, yes?

- Absolutely, cancer-free and you know,

our church is responding so well

to the coming out of the pandemic

and I'm just full of God, fullof the spirit, full of joy,

and that's the promise there is,

as the Psalms says, spring for today

and bright hope for tomorrow.

- Amen.

The book is called "Reignite" friends.

It's available wherever books are sold.

Pastor Jack is alsotoday's featured speaker

at our Week of Prayer Chapel,so be sure to join us,

just go to, that'sat noon Eastern time.

Pastor, thank you somuch for being with us.

Great message.

- Very welcome, thank you.

- Well, coming up, we've got your email.

A viewer says I'm battlingwith depression and anxiety,

how do I know if this is a mental illness

that requires medication, orif it's an attack of the enemy?

Pat's going to tell itlike it is after this.

Plus, devastation everywhere,downed trees and debris.

How did this family escape the rubble

to rebuild their lives?

You're going to see foryourself after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Deadly and destructive,

Hurricane Laura wrecked havoc

when it made landfall inLouisiana last August.

Before the storm hit,

the Ardoin family evacuatedto save their lives.

But what happened to thehome they left behind?

Take a look.

- [Reporter] HurricaneLaura was a Category 4

when it struck Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Many people's lives werespared because they evacuated.

But when they returned home,

they found themselves inanother type of storm.

Georgiana Ardoin's home washeavily damaged inside and out.

- There was trees everywhere.

There was devastation everywhere.

It was horrible, it looked horrible.

- [Reporter] The family'sinsurance took care of their home,

but with limited income,

they had no idea howthey were going to remove

all the downed trees and other debris.

Then Operation Blessing arrived.

- First of all, Icouldn't even believe it.

And then it was such awarm, welcoming feeling.

It was so many of you andyou came prepared to work,

you had your own wheelbarrows,

you had you on saws, youhad your own everything,

rakes, and y'all just got after it,

you just started working.

- [Reporter] Volunteersremoved all the downed trees,

shingles and other debrisin a matter of hours,

something that could havetaken Georgiana and her family

months to do on their own.

- I want to thank everyone

who has given to Operation Blessing.

I'm so very grateful for you.

Thank you so very much.

You know, I don't want to cry,

but that's how I feel,

I'm just that grateful.

- One life at a time.

Can you imagine what it'd be like though

as you're living in a housethat's just devastated

by a terrible hurricane,

and you've got debris all over your house,

all over you yard, yourtrees are down and you say,

how am I ever going to get it?

How am I going to take this stuff away?

And the answer was, you call on God

and God talks to hispeople and says, okay,

Operation Blessing, getin gear and go get 'em.

And so we are helping,we're helping and helping.

And that's the joy of, you know,

it's more blessed to give than to receive.

And we are able to give help of people

like the ones in the Ardoinfamily and down in Lake Charles

but people all over the country,

they're starving, they'rehurting, they're in trouble

and we're there for them.

So if you want to be part ofan army of thousands of people

that makes a difference in this world,

I ask you to join "The 700 Club".

It's easy, it's $20 amonth, 65 cents a day.

We're not talking abouthuge amounts of money,

but if everybody gets together,

then it becomes huge amounts of money.

So I ask you right now,pick up the telephone,

call in 1-800-700-7000.

And when you call,

it's going to be my joy togive you a copy of my book

called, "I Have WalkedWith the Living God".

And the comments tothis are just fantastic.

It's a book of faith,it's a book of triumph,

it's a book of overcoming problems.

It's a book of insightsand it's brutally frank

and some terrific pictures,

here I am with my friend Ben Kinchlow

and this early "700 Club".

And here I am with RichardNixon and, and Yechiel Eckstein

and here I am talkingto president George Bush

in the oval office,

and we just had all kinds of time.

- I've got another greatcompliment for you.

This is Melva who livesin Veradale, Washington

who says, thank you for writing

"I Have Walked with the Living God",

it's truly inspiring,informative, and educational.

I loved your simple honesty.

It was difficult to put down.

It was that good.

- I like those comments.

All right, it's available to you

when you join "The 700 club"

and also you can getthese things on Amazon

or wherever books are sold.

So they're available in the marketplace

and I'm very very pleased

that many, many people were buying them.

They were out of stock

and now they've replenished it

and now they're fillingthe pipeline and so there,

it's available in Walmart,

and all kinds of placesthat have books, okay?

- The best way to get itto join "The 700 Club".

- "The 700 Club".

If you want extra copies.

- That's right.

Up next, you emailed your questions

and Pat's about to answer them.

Marie says my husband and I arestruggling with our children

regarding helping with choresand having responsibilities.

What would the Biblehave to say about this?

Stay tuned for Pat's answer,

it's coming up.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Time for your email questions.

Pat, this first one isfrom Fredna who says Pat,

in 1997, I was married.

My husband and I divorced and I remarried.

Since then, I divorced my second husband

and reconciled with my first husband.

In God's eyes am I sinning?

- You know, if you go back to the Bible,

we're told that if aman divorces his wife,

he can't go back to her againbecause he quote, humbles her.

But you, you thought it was a good deal,

you liked being marriedto the first husband

and somehow there was a divorce

but you got back together again.

And hey, I think it's okay,

I think you say am I sinning?

Well I don't know what thereason for the second divorce was

but there needs to be some ground,

but assuming you have biblical grounds,

I would enjoy your life, okay?

- Okay this is a viewer

who says I'm battling withdepression and anxiety.

I've prayed and declared scripture over it

but it won't go away.

How do I know if this is a mental illness

that requires medication,

or if it's an attack of the enemy

and I just need to seea Christian counselor?

- I think what you mayneed as a medical doctor.

I tell you depression manytimes has a medical cause,

and you may need someantidepressant medicines to help it.

I don't know for sure whether it's some,

but ask yourself in your life,

are you sinning against God?

Are you rebelling against God?

Is there somethingyou've done that's wrong?

And if it is, if that'sweighing on your heart,

well, confess that and put it away.

But, and that may alleviatesome of your problems.

But it may be that youhave a clinical problem

and it's chemical andyou need a little help

in that depression and Iwouldn't feel ashamed to get it,


- This is Marie who says, Pat,

my husband and I raised ourchildren in a Christian home.

Today's society teachesthem it's a me world

and technology is everywhere.

We're struggling with themabout helping with chores

and having responsibilities.

What would the Bible haveto say to struggling parents

up against technologyaddiction and non-cooperation?

- You know, he askedme what the Bible says,

here's what the Bible says,

folly is bound up in the heart of a child,

the rod of reproof drives it far from him.

You know, in the Old Testament honestly,

if a kid was rebelliousafter a long period of time,

the parents would bring thechild before the judges and say,

this child is uncontrollable,what can I do?

And the judge would say,well what are you going to do

is execute him 'cause we don'twant to have the problem.

In all seriousness, theydidn't put up with that stuff.

And I think that today'ssociety is so permissive,

we let kids do anything they want to do,

but when a child is young,

you've got to bring him up

in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,

and the rod of reproof

you know, we we've got these rules now,

you can't use corporalpunishment and so forth,

that's nonsense, that's not biblical.

I think child abuse is awful,I want to say that clearly.

Child abuse is terrible

and children shouldn't be taken away from,

but I think in terms of the correction,

children need correction,

and they know they've done something bad

and you know, if you had justa little whack on the bottom,

you say, okay, it's all forgiven now,

and this stuff goes away, you know,

but they've got to know thatthey've done something wrong

because they feel it.

And if you've got guilt in your heart,

you've got to have that guilt expunged.

All right, next question.

- This is Fred who says, hi Pat,

politicians and the media callAfghanistan our longest war.

I think Korea is,

because the peace treatywas never completed.

We have been in a stateof armed truce since 1953,

I would like to hear your opinion on this.

- I was with the firstMarine division in Korea.,

I served in a place called Chando Ray,

and it was around a place called

the Punchbowl, Heartbreak Ridge.

I was over there for a while,

it's mighty cold,

and the answer was whenMacArthur took over,

he wanted to go all the way to the Yellow,

but there's some thoughtthat he wanted to go

and start a war with China.

The jury is out as to whetherMacArthur was right or not.

But there's one thing for sure,

if we had sealed off Korea at the time,

we wouldn't have the problemwe have with North Korea,

so it's still going on with the problem

with Kim Jong Un andhis family, all right?

- Yeah, this is Fred who says, hi Pat,

oh, that's the one I just read, sorry.

Sharon wants to know howdoes she make a real change?

She doesn't like anythingthat's happening.

She says, when I vote,everything I vote for fails.

Everything I want for our country

which is a biblicalreturn to God has failed.

It looks like the cup ofGod's wrath must be filled

and his timing for the end is here.

What resistance can I haveif this is God's will?

- I think you reading too much into it.

I think what you needto do is serve the Lord

and know that your light willshine and do what you can

to let people know whatyour point of view is,

and then get out and work,

work can knock on doorsand make telephone calls,

and get involved in partypolitics and do something.

Well, thank you so muchfor those questions.

I think that's all the time we've got,

and for Terry and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson,

and God willing, we'll see you tomorrow.

Bye bye.

(upbeat music)


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