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The 700 Club - April 26, 2021

A lawn mower accident puts one family on their knees praying for their son’s life. Plus, author Sarah Bowling shares how to have authentic conversations with God. CBN’s “Week of Prayer” begins today on The 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Woman] coming up.

- I hit something andit killed the engine.

I didn't know what it was.

And I looked down and Icould see my son underneath,

underneath the lawnmower.

It just was horrific.

There's no other way to say it.

I could see his heart and his lungs

and his intestines and his ribs.

- [Woman] We begin our week of prayer.

- I said, "God, don't let my son die."

It's the first thing I said.

- [Woman] Right here on "The 700 Club".

(ethereal music)

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club".

Expanding government

and increasing spendingat an alarming rate.

That's what President Biden has done

in his near 100 days in office.

So what grade is he gettingfrom the American people?

How much has the border crisis hurt him?

And what about his inauguration promise

to unify the country?

Dale Hurd has the details.

- After almost 100 days,polling shows Joe Biden

gets a higher approvalrating than Donald Trump,

but still one of the lowest at this point

in any administration since World War II.

Biden's 52% approval ismuch higher than Trump's 42%

but he's also received muchmore positive media coverage

than Donald Trump.

His handling of the COVID pandemic

has the approval of 64% of Americans,

but his handling of the border crisis

has the disapproval of 53%.

Over 172,000 migrants werestopped at the border last month

the most in 20 years.

- I wish he talk aboutthe crisis on the border

which he created and made it as a crisis.

I've been down there withGovernor Ducey to see

that he's created this crisis.

- [Dale] Vice President,Kamala Harris claims

the crisis has no quick solution.

- It's not gonna be solvedovernight, it's a complex issue.

Listen, if this were easy

it would have been handled years ago.

If parents, and if childrencan not literally eat,

if they can not have thebasic essential things

that everyone needs to live,of course they're gonna flee,

and that's what we're seeing.

- [Dale] By a two to one margin,

Americans believe Bidenshould make major changes

to his proposals to havebipartisan Republican support.

But he passed the COVID reliefbill without GOP support

and suggested he might do the same

with his $2.3 trillioninfrastructure bill.

And he signed 40 executive orders

the highest of any recent president.

Republican Senator Rand Paul says,

he's still waiting on thepromise of unity Biden made

at his inauguration.

- I haven't seen any of that.

I think what I've seen so far is

it's Biden's way or the highway.

I don't see anything that looks like

they wanna work together.

- [Dale] Moderate democraticSenator Joe Manchin says

he doesn't support the administration's

huge infrastructure plan.

He's calling for billions innon infrastructure spending

to be taken out.

Some Democrats say he'sstanding in the way

of the president's agenda.

- I'm not a roadblock at all.

The best politics is good government.

I am not gonna be part ofblowing up this Senate of ours

or basically this democracy of ours

or the republic that we have.

- [Dale] Meanwhile, Bidenis expanding government

and increasing spending at a record pace.

The US government spent over$900 billion in March alone

more than double from one year ago.

Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says

the Biden administrationhas exceeded expectations

of so-called progressives.

- The active invitation andwillingness and collaboration

with progressive's in his first 100 days

or almost 100 days hasbeen very impressive.

- In his speech to Congress,

Biden is expected to announcea $1.8 trillion package

funding education, childcareand paid family leave

along with more tax hikes.

Dale Hurd CBN News.

- Well, a don't blame me,I didn't put him in office.

So you can, who are you gonna blame?

I mean, somebody did.

I don't know who it was,

but it was a crazy thing that went on.

And now it's like, as I said before,

it's like Charlie McCarthysitting on the egg burgers lap

somebody is calling theshots, it's not the president.

It's like, we've got anempty suit in office.

And we're wondering, where is the control?

Who is controlling?

Is it AOC?

Is it the squad in the house?

Is it Nancy Polosi?

I mean, who's doing it?

And the thing that we got to remember is

they feel clearly, the Democrats,

that they're going to lose control

of the house of representatives

and very possibly there'llbe a couple of seats

in the Senate that will shift.

So the control will leave them

and in the next presidential election,

there will be another president.

So they wanna get everythingin they possibly can and fix it

so that the conservativesdon't have a voice.

And that's what they're trying to do.

They're trying to still out your voice.

We're gonna talk more aboutwhat's being done with the IRS

before the Supreme Court,but there's something else

in the American news.

I remember, well, it's long overdue.

That's how American Armenians responded

to President Biden's historic statement

regarding Turkey's genocideagainst the Armenians

by the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

The question is how will Turkey respond?

John Jessup is there.

- That is right Pat,

for the first time an American president

officially has recognizedthe Armenian genocide

for more than a century goas Chris Mitchell reports.

While the announcementled to much jubilation.

It also sparked condemnationfrom NATO ally Turkey.

- [Chris] For years theWhite House recognized

Armenian Remembrance Day

while avoiding the term genocide,

mainly to steer clear ofpotentially alienating Turkey,

a NATO ally.

But the White House statement said,

each year on this daywe remember the lives

of all those who died in theOttoman era, Armenia genocide

and recommit ourselves topreventing such an atrocity

from ever again occurring.

American Armenians hailed the decision

they see as long overdue.

- We worked very hard tosee America recognizes

the Armenian genocide.

And so this is a new beginning for us.

I feel it's a newbeginning for my children

- On Twitter, Turkey's foreign minister

condemn the declaration writing,

words cannot change or rewrite history

and Turkey entirely rejects it.

Beginning in April, 1915,Ottoman authorities deported,

massacred or marched to death

one and a half million Armenians

in the first mass exterminationof the 20th century.

Turkey doesn't deny thedeaths from that era

yet refuses to call it genocide.

The government maintainsthe death toll is inflated

and it all resulted from civil unrest.

Here in Jerusalem's old city

the Armenian Quarter reminds us

of this community'srich Christian heritage

still constant reminders like this poster

signify the scars andmemories that genocide left

on Armenians here at Jerusalemand around the world.

During a ceremony in Armenia,

Armenia's prime ministercalled Biden's statement

a powerful step on the wayto acknowledging the truth.

The White House announcement would likely

cast a chilling impacton US Turkish relations.

Its foreign ministry saidit would open a deep wound

that undermines mutual trustand friendship in Turkey.

Some of the US ambassador to protest

President Biden's decision.

For now though Armenians worldwide

feel in historic injusticeis being righted.

- You know, when you look at Ezekiel 38,

you find that an alliancecoming against Israel

and they talk about Gog and Magog,

most of that is located in Turkey.

And I think that Erdoğan

has taken over Constantinople

and named it Istanbul whichmeans a city of Islam.

He took over the Hagia Sophia,

the great christian church

in Constantinople

and then made it into a mosque.

He is a radical, radical Muslim

and he is a danger tothose who have freedom.

Now CBN Middle East BureauChief, Chris Mitchell

is going to join us from Jerusalem.

And Chris how do feel Turkey might respond

to Biden's naming this episodein history as a genocide?

- Well, Pat, they may go ina few different directions.

They may actually go more intothe orbit of Russia and Iran

that would play into thescenario there in Ezekiel 38,

but Turkey is still a NATO ally.

And right now actually Erdoğanmight need Washington more

than Washington needs Turkey.

Obviously right now, TurkishUS relations are at a low.

You know, it took presidentBiden three months

to call Erdoğan.

That's not a very good sign for Turkey.

And then the news thathe greeted Erdoğan with

was the recognition ofthe Armenian genocide.

Obviously, that makes Erdoğan very upset

but also geopolitically theUS upset is upset at Erdoğan.

He's been fighting the Kurds in Syria.

We've talked a lot about that

about a year and a half ago.

He's bullying Greece.

He wants a greater Turkey.

He's trying to push into Northern Iraq.

So what this does, it diminishessome of Turkey's prestige

in the region.

And also, you know, onUS Turkish relations

the US is angry at Turkey for buying

Russia's S400 missile defense system.

And by the way, Pat, I wastalking to some Armenians

here at Jerusalem, and theyreally are grateful for this,

but they say it's abouttime that the US recognize

this as a genocide 106 yearslater after it started.

- Chris, there's anairbase, Incirlik in Turkey,

a USA air base.

And I also understood that they,

we have left severalintermediate nuclear weapons

in Turkey.

Have we gotten those thingsout now, do you think?

- Well, I think that was justa point of discussion actually

when Turkey invaded NorthernSyria, Northeast Syria

back in, I believe lastyear, October of 2019.

That was a really a point of contention

and really kind of leaves theUS a little bit vulnerable

to have those tactical nuclear weapons

at that airbase and remains to be seen

if they're gonna try to get them out

where some times perhapsErdoğan could use them

as leverage against the United States.

But certainly right now this puts Erdoğan

back on his heels just a bit.

And we'll just see how this plays out

geopolitically andprophetically as you mentioned.

- Chris, I have been unable to understand

what's going on in Israel.

And perhaps you can clarify it

because I am totally baffled.

What's the latest news in Jerusalem?

- Well, Pat, I'm a bit baffled too.

And I think lot of Israelis are baffled

and people that are watchingIsrael around the world.

Right now, the latest is that Netanyahu

has a given Benny Gantz anoffer that he says that,

listen, you can be prime minister first

and we'll go in a rotation deal.

You go for one year, I'll go for two.

And then you can go for the final year.

Gantz has already rejected that

but Netanyahu may actuallyoffer it to others.

He may offer it to NaftaliBennett, Gideon Sa'ar.

These are right wing parties, Pat,

that are actually in the opposition,

the naturally a right wing government

but actually they are personally not,

don't want to serve ina Netanyahu government.

He has only eight daysleft to form a mandate.

And it looks like President Rivlin

is gonna give the mandate to Yair Lapid

and he'll have 28 days tocobble together a government.

And so right now, Netanyahu,

hasn't been able to convincethose right-wing parties

to join him.

In the meantime, Naftali Bennett

is working on a unity government

with the so-called change block.

And so there's just so many machinations

going on right now, Pat, it'shard to keep up day by day

but believe it or not still possibilities

of a fifth election later this year.

- Was he gonna call it a snap election

where he might be taken out?

I mean, instead of just going through

the parliamentary system,is that on the table?

- What he wanted-- Go ahead.

- What he wanted to do, Pat was

he wanted to have electionsfor prime minister.

Now he's the most popularcandidate for prime minister.

And he said let's have a snap election

for the prime minister.

If he gets over 40% of the vote

he can serve as prime minister.

And then we can go ahead andform a coalition government.

That's gonna be very hard to do

given the current makeup of the Knesset.

So we'll see what happens,but that was one possibility.

It looks like that's reallynot gonna happen for Netanyahu.

It looks like he's not gonnabe able to form a government

but it remains to be seen

if the so-called change block

is going to be a formof government as well.

Just one more sign of instability, Pat

and certainly why people should be praying

for the peace of Jerusalem.

- I don't believe it, Chris Mitchell,

thank you from Jerusalem.

Folks, just think about it,America is divided desperately

and we have in my opinion,a very, very weak president.

It's unlikely who really isrunning the show in Washington.

And the Israelis our dear friends.

The best democracy in the Middle East

is now riven with confusion.

And the Bible says ahouse divided can't stand.

And we were both in trouble.

So who could come in,

Putin might wanna dosomething with Russia.

Erdoğan might want todo something was Turkey.

In a way we are inviting, you know,

weakness invites danger

and weakness, you know,Reagan used to talk about

peace through strength.

Neither one of us are showing strength

and especially with theChinese threatening Taiwan,

the Chinese threateningthe South China Sea,

the Chinese doing everything they,

to provide hegemony in the Far East.

And what are we going to do?

We are faced with major,major challenges, John.

- Well, Pat back here at home.

The family of a man killed by police

in Elizabeth City, North Carolina

is preparing to see policebody cam video of the incident.

County Sheriff's deputyshot and killed Andrew Brown

last Wednesday as they soughtto carry out an arrest warrant

for felony drug charges.

The chief deputy said Brown's past

indicated he posed a danger,but the family's attorney said

the Sheriff's office toldhim Brown was unarmed.

- Mr. Brown was a convicted felon

with a history of resisting arrest.

- Something was shared that

there was no drugs or a weapon involved.

- The incident sparked protests

and city and state officials

are now calling for investigations.

Pasquotank County deputiesare on administrative leave.

The sheriff, mayor and city council

as well as North CarolinaGovernor, Roy Cooper

all are calling for the releaseof the body cam footage,

which requires a judge's approval.

A family attorney expects a judge

to approve that request today.

Well a diverse collectionof interest groups

at the Supreme Court today

Christians and Muslim organizations

joining the pro gay humanrights campaign among others.

The reason, to fight a California law

demanding nonprofits disclosetheir major donor lists.

The state argues it needs the names

to determine if a charityis misusing its assets.

The nonprofits say donorsare entitled to their privacy

particularly since taking astand on issues like abortion,

religious liberties andgay and transgender rights

can bring harmful social media backlash,

including the postingof private information

like home addresses, places of business,

even children's names and images.

California says it canprotect the information

but groups argue databases can be hacked

and Pat, information can be leaked.

- There is no questionthat left-wing groups

will use it againstconservatives to silence them.

I mean, imagine if the donors

to a conservative charity

are suddenly pilloried and their names

are put out in social media,

what are they gonna do with their money?

They're not gonna give it any longer.

The same thing with left-wing groups.

If they're put out and they say,

you realize that thischarity is getting its money

from the LGBTQ organization.

Well, you're not gonnagive them money anymore.

And to cut off the source of funding

is the way they killone of these charities.

So I do hope, I do hope the Supreme Court

will come down on theside reason on that one

and say, no, you can't force charities

to give up their importantor proprietary information.

We've got a miraclecoming up for you today.

It'll shock you, it'shorrible to even contemplate.

And Terry has that.

- It's really true.

Coming up, a father hitsreverse on his lawn mower

and rides right overhis seven-year-old son

slicing his chest.

So how did that little boy survive?

Stay tuned to find out.

But first the fightagainst cancel culture.

Now being waged by a governorthe left failed to recall.

So how is Scott Walkerplaying the long game

on colleges across America?

You'll see for yourself after this.

(upbeat music)

- Swimming upstream, that'slong been Scott Walker's M.O.

First as a conservative governorin progressive Wisconsin.

And now Walker isbattling the current trend

of cancel culture through astrategy he calls the long game.

So what exactly is his game plan?

Paul Strand explains.

- Many in the left throughthis radical indoctrination

try to teach our youngpeople to hate America.

- [Paul] Scott Walkerwarns parents and others

in this Young America's Foundation video.

- America is under siege.

We see it on our campusesand in our culture.

- [Paul] That's why the former governor

was anxious to lead this group

backed long ago by thelikes of William F. Buckley

and Ronald Reagan.

- I felt now more than ever,

we needed to win not justthe battle of the day

but the war for the heart andsoul of this great republic.

- [Paul] With a dedicationto individual liberties,

free enterprise and traditional values

the foundation has what Walker calls

a long game to defeat attempts

to turn America's youngagainst their country.

- You see this with The 1619 Project,

you see this with a lot of theMark's attitudes and others.

They're petting one group ofAmericans versus the other.

And they're telling our young people

that there's somethingfundamentally wrong with America.

- How can people and organizationpushing Marxists ideas

be winning in the land of the free?

By controlling what people can hear

and even what they can say.

- This total cancel culture,this lack of free speech

and the ability for speak outand express their opinions.

- [Paul] It even includes an element

of pushing vulnerable kids

to question and dislike themselves.

- You can't just disagreeand debate the issues

that if someone doesn't fullyagree with their leftist dogma

that they're racist orsexist or transphobic

or whatever the word might be,

that there's no respect for people

who have different viewpoint.

- [Paul] Walker points the study

showing how some 80% of thestudents who don't agree

still feel compelled toin favor of the far left.

- If they don't buy into the radical dogma

you know, there'll be written up

it'll be in their permanent record.

You see this time and time and time again.

- [Paul] Numbers however

show the young victims ofpropaganda can be turned.

For instance, a YoungAmerica's Foundation poll

shows 69% of students wouldback a $15 minimum wage

after they learn it wouldkill 1.4 million jobs

that support drops to 52%.

- When we start to tell thema conservative point of view

that makes them understandthe things they're hearing

in many cases, aren't fair.

They're not right, they're not just,

they tend to gravitate moretowards our point of view,

which is exactly why theleft wants to cancel out

any conservative thought anddiscussion in the first place.

- Here's the foundation'slong game strategy.

Get their group active

on all of America's 4,000plus college campuses.

Expand their conservativeinfluence into middle schools

as well as high schools.

Sponsor a million studentsto attend YAF programs

and create a network forconservative professors

and teachers.

Walker's group is also fighting schools

that attempt to censor conservatives

as it recently took UC Berkeley to court.

- They claim they're for free speech

but we had conservative students there

who we were working with,

trying to bring in someconservative speakers.

They put up a barrier that said

you couldn't have atthe event after three,

you couldn't advertise.

The security costs were three times

what they charged left-leaning groups

to bring in a US Supreme Court justice.

- [Paul] YAF won in court.

- If we can win at UC Berkeley,

we can win anywhere inAmerica, and we will.

The constitution's on our sideand we're gonna invoke it.

Every state, every campus,every place we need to.

- Walker knows it's oftenhard to get conservatives

deeply involved with battlesover politics and power.

- We're not consumed with government.

We're not consumed with power.

We live our own lives.

- [Paul] But they needto be fighting back.

- Present arm.

- If we want to be able to support

and pass onto our children or family,

the kind of America we inherited

from our parents andgrandparents, we have to do more.

- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBS News, Washington.

- Scott Walker, a tremendous guy,

Young America's Foundation.

It used to be called YAF,Young Americans for Freedom.

Now it's the Young America's Foundation

but we need it because this cancel culture

is working so diligently in the schools.

All the way down you'vegot the racial problem.

You know, the, well, the whole idea of

we're a racist nation isbeing taught in the second

and third grades and they'reruining our children.

So we're going to see victory

and Scott Walker's leading the charge.

He's a good guy.

Well, Terry, we've got a miracle story.

- Boy, we do.

Up next, run over by a lawn mower,

the blade shredded this boy's chest

and just barely missed his heart.

How could he possiblymake a full recovery?

You have to see it tobelieve it, after this.

(ethereal music)

(upbeat music)

- Well, today we beginour spring week of prayer.

All week long, we'll be showingyou the spectacular stories

of the miraculous power of prayer

in the loves of ordinary people.

People just like Kenny Batson.

Kenny is a minister.

He was mowing his lawn,then the engine jammed.

He didn't know why until he looked down

and his seven year old son

was underneath the lawnmower

and the chest of his precious little boy

hacked open by the lawnmower blades.

- I said," God, don't let my son die."

It's first thing I said, Icould see my son laying there.

I could see his heart and his lungs

and his intestines and his ribs.

It just was horrific.

There's no other way to say it.

- [Narrator] On a summer evening in 2010,

Kenny Batson was mowing hislawn on his riding mower.

When he noticed two ofhis kids playing nearby.

- Something caught my attention

and I knew they were behind me.

I turned around and Ikinda gave them a glare

and they knew to quit, and they both quit.

- [Narrator] A moment later,his seven-year-old son, Josiah

snuck up behind himwhen he wasn't looking.

- I was hitting reverse to back up

and get closer to the tree.

And all of a sudden I hit something

and it killed the engine.

It scared me, I didn't know what it was.

And I looked down

and I could see my son underneath,

underneath the lawn mower.

- [Narrator] The mowerblades struck Josiah

on his upper body and armcutting deep into his chest.

His hand and half of his ribcage had been nearly cut off.

He clung to life as his dadrushed him to a nearby hospital.

He was then life-flighted

to Kansas City Children's Mercy Hospital.

His mom, Angie rememberswaiting for answers.

- I just wanted somebody totell me he was gonna be okay.

I just was just freaking out

'cause my baby was laying on it, you know,

laying on a table.

And I didn't know if hewas even gonna make it.

- [Narrator] Dr. CarolineDonahue was one of his physicians

at Children's and saw howcritical his condition was.

- Basically, I couldsee his heart and lungs

because of how much ofhis chest wall was missing

and a centimeter more, and it would,

his heart would have been open

and he would have nevermade it a minute after that,

he would not have survived.

- Josiah's dad, Kenny is a pastor

and the anguish of watching his son suffer

he struggled to understand God's plan.

- Is God mad at me or judgingme or am I under a curse?

Or what's the problem here?

'cause I still can't figure out how God

would permit somethinglike that to happen.

I felt like I was gonna lose my mind.

- [Narrator] As word spread,many from their church family

made the long drive to the hospital

to pray for Josiah survival and healing.

- And when I got to the waiting room

I couldn't believe allthe people that were.

There was people from church

and another church I pastored

a lot of them came up.

I could literally feel the grace of God

and I could feel prayer.

That's the only way I can explain it.

I just could tell peoplewere praying for us.

That's what got us through.

- [Narrator] By the next day

their prayers were being answered,

a surgery to reattach Josiah's hand

went beyond doctor's expectations.

- As soon as he woke up,

the very first thing he said to me,

he said, "Mama, I can,I can move my hand."

And I was like, "Sure, you can, baby."

I was just kind of likejust talking to him.

And then I looked overthere and there it was,

it was just going, just like this.

- That was a miracle becausehis hand was cut off,

all the tendons andeverything was cut off.

- There are wonderful things in medicine

that we get to witness

that don't always have a good explanation.

The fact that he had any motion at all

with everything that hadhad gone on in that arm,

I agree is really amazing.

- Josiah spent weeks in thehospital, ICU and burn unit

enduring, numeroussurgeries and skin grafts.

- He had dirt and grass in his bone,

like pounded into hisbone, segments of his bone

that we then over time have to debried

and take out and remove.

- [Narrator] Every surgery was successful

and Josiah's condition soon stabilized.

The family found hope inthe prayers of God's people

and their Lord Jesus.

- I truly know him as my Lord and savior

so that helped, didn'thelp, that was everything.

But as far as his recovery,it's been wonderful.

It's a miracle.

- There was just alwaysso much love around them

that I think that lifted him up

and helped him through all of this.

He really has an amazing spirit.

- [Narrator] After 40days in the hospital,

Josiah, returned home to continue healing.

Over the following year,

Kenny and Angie made peace with God.

- And I remember laying on my face here

just praying that morning.

And all of a sudden I found myself saying,

"God, I thank you for the accident."

I was really more thankfulthat God saved his life.

I saw it differently.

I saw it as God saved his life

rather than God let something bad happen

that he shouldn't have let happen.

He doesn't get taken by surprise.

He sovereign

and anything and everything in our life

if we're trusting in Jesus Christ

every single thing goes through him.

You know, he is good.

He doesn't just do goodthings, he is good.

- God taught me to trust him completely

and to forgive

and to realize that I need him

just as much as anybody else needs him

that I've got to leanon him in the hard times

and in the good times.

And that he's good, nomatter what's going on.

- [Narrator] It's been over10 years since the accident

and Josiah has lived ahealthy, active life,

thankful for God's goodness

and the prayers that brought him

through a terrible situation.

- Just 'cause somethingseems bad or it looks bad

it doesn't mean that Godcan't use it for good

because I believe that Godcan use anything for good.

And if I could go back and you know,

like made it where itnever happened, I wouldn't

because I feel like overall,it's just, you know,

God made it a good thing.

- I just keep on thinkingthat God is still good.

And he's, Josiah is stillhere and he's healthy

and he's honoree.

And so, and he's smart

and just God has blessed us, so.

- I like hugging him andI squeeze him real tight

all the time.

And he probably thinks,oh, my dad loves me

but he doesn't understand.

I'm so glad I get to hug him.

I just, I'm just so thankful

- That is a miracle of the first order.

I, again, I'm talking to Terry,

I don't see how it was done.

I cannot understand it, exceptto say, God did a miracle.

Now folks, this is our week of prayer.

And we have sent outletters to each of you

or most of the peoplein this audience saying

if you want prayerrequests, send them to us

we're gonna pray for you.

Now we have in frontof us here on this set

thousands and thousands of letters

that have come in with prayer requests.

People are hurting, they'recalling on the Lord.

And here's one that says, I've got,

somebody who's gotta be healedof early signs of dementia

at the age of 67.

Somebody who's got longterm COVID 19 syndrome.

Somebody is saying, well,I wanna pray that God

would send revival to the United States

and my daughter needs a job.

What do you have?

- Well, someone else sayingsuccessful surgery on April 26

I'm having my gallbladder removed

and need, and will berepairing a ventral hernia.

Someone else saying bettercommunication with my husband

so hopefully our marriage can be saved.

And then there's someone saying

that I can be deliveredfrom fear and anxiety

and better able to sleep well.

And to be healed ofpulmonary hypertension,

my blood pressure staysclose to stroke level

- Good grief.- Yeah.

- Now we're going to pray together

and I want you to pray with us.

Now that miracle aboutJosiah Batson was incredible

but God can do the same thing.

He is absolutely all powerful.

You know, if you can believeall things are possible

to him that believes.

Terry and I are gonna join hands together.

Pray with us.

Father in Jesus name.

We thank you for the power of God.

There's a child is the name of Elizabeth

who's got inguinal hernia.

And you've been looking at an operation.

God has suddenly repaired that hernia,

the intestines would gowhere it's supposed to be.

And the wall is strengthenedin the name of Jesus.

Terry what do you have.

- Yeah, someone else,this is not COVID related

but it is immune system related.

You have constant strep throat.

I mean so painful.

You can hardly eat anything,

just happens again and again and again.

Today Jesus Christ issetting you free from that.

Receive your healing.

- Lord, we praise you and wethank you and we worship you.

We thank you for the answers to prayer.

Somebody again, you've seen the testimony.

Somebody's had somethingcome over top of them

and crushed their chest.

And you've been suffering with that.

And God has just suddenlyput all those ribs together.

The, everything in yourbody is normal again.

God has just touched you.

One more, Terry, what else?

- Yes, someone else with back injury.

Some kind of an accident that you've had.

God's healing that for you right now

that chronic pain and shootingpain is just being gone

in Jesus name, receive your healing.

- Donald has what's called spinal bifida

and God has just healedDonald in the name of Jesus.

It will be like a bolt ofelectricity inside Daniel back

in the name of Jesus, touch him.

Now, Lord, for all those inthis audience who were praying

that the power of God descend on America

may we see the glory of God.

May we see miracles in Jesus name.

Amen and amen.

I want you to give us a call

if you have an answer toprayer, we'd love to get it.

And Terry's got something more.

- Well, also if youwant us to pray for you,

you know, this mailingwent out to those of you

who are 700 Club members

but maybe you watch this program

and you haven't yet joinedThe 700 Club you can call in.

We'd love to pray for you as well.

Our numbers toll free,it's 1-800-700-7000.

You can also visit

We'll be praying for you in studio

and in our chapel allthroughout this week.

And we want you to join us.

So go to our website at noon Eastern

to watch the live streamof our prayer service

and be a part of what Godis doing here this week.

Well, still ahead, areyou talking with God

or are you having a monologue?

Sarah Bowling shares conversationstarters for all seasons.

That's coming up.

(ethereal music)

- Welcome back Washingtonfor the CBS Newsbreak.

Texas congressmen, RepublicanCongressman, Dan Crenshaw says

he's gradually recovering from surgery

to correct a detachingretina in his left eye.

Crenshaw says he's hopefulhis sight will return

to what it was before.

He wrote on Twitter.

The surgery went very well

thanks to the excellentdoctors and nurses at the VA

here in Houston, but Istill have a while to go

until I'm fully recovered.

Crenshaw also thanked everyone

for their continued prayers and support.

Well, as the COVID-19 pandemic endures

CBN continues to provide resources online

and on the ground forchildren in the Middle East

through "Superbook".

Recently the team revampedits YouTube strategy

by posting weekly "Superbook" episodes

in both classical Arabicand Egyptian Arabic.

The channel has already received

over 45,000 views this month.

Additionally CBNs Cairo team

has visited rural areas of Egypt

to provide food and resources

to families strugglingthrough the pandemic.

They're also hosting afterschool events

for local children and orphans.

Well, to learn more about whatCBN is doing around the world

go to

Pat and Terry will beback right after this.

(ethereal music)

- At times God may seem distant

and our prayers may seem one sided.

Sarah Bowling says a conversation with God

can feel as foreign astalking to an alien.

So how do we have a meaningful talk

with someone we can't see

and don't always hear?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Like her mom, Marilyn Hickey

Sarah Bowling is an author and pastor.

She's also passionate aboutgenuinely connecting with God

and helping others do the same.

- When I'm a complete messand I'm trying to pretend

that I have everything working together

and nothing's falling apart in my life.

What does that conversationlook like with God?

- [Narrator] With biblical examples

and conversation starters.

Sarah takes the mysteryout of connecting with God

in her new book, "Hey God, Can We Talk?"

- Well, Sarah Bowlingjoins us now via Skype

and Sarah we welcome youback to "The 700 Club".

- Hey Terry, totally greatto hang out with you.

Thank you so much and lovegetting to be with you.

- You are always welcome here.

Talk to us a little bit about

what a real conversationwith God looks like.

Lots of people, I think,feel that disconnect

you talk about.

- Yeah, I think conversationsare back and forth with God

and those can be really raw and authentic.

They don't have to be likea formula or religiousize.

And sometimes we treatGod like a shopping list,

you know, like go down ourlittle bucket checklist.

But I think conversationis when God communicate us

we listen, we go back,we go back and forth.

And I think it's a reallyfantastic way to think

that God wants to communicate with us

and have conversations

to increase our connectionrelationship with God.

- So you're right.

Lots of people when theypray, it's a one-sided deal.

You know, we're just shootingwhat we wanna say toward God.

How does a person actually hear from God

and how do they know it'struly him speaking to them?

- Yeah, I think it's helpful to think

that God does wanna communicate.

And a lot of times God cantalk to us in a variety of ways

obviously through the Bible,that's the best and safest bet.

But also there are waysthat God talks with us.

Sometimes I'll take a walk

and just have some conversation with God

and I'll sense God leavingan impression in me

or showing me something throughlike a bird or whatever.

And sometimes I haveconversations with God

when I'm exercising, you know

and I'm kinda swimming or whatever.

There's a lot of ways and opportunities.

Sometimes I have conversations with God.

I've done this a lot withmy kids and, you know,

in the car or waiting in a carpool line

just back and forth expressing things

but also receiving from Godpeace or help or strengths

or sometimes it's a feeling.

Sometimes I get a direction to where.

So I think just being aware

that God does talk in alot of different ways.

- You say that askingGod questions helps us

but then there'd be people who'd say,

"Well, isn't it wrong to question God?"

- The, I think it's good to question God.

And if you look at theconversation between Moses and God

in Exodus chapter three, you'regonna see some questions.

You're gonna see Mosessaying, what about this?

What about that?

Who am I?

So I think you can have alot of biblical precedents

to ask God questions.

- You list severalconversations starters with God.

One of which is called,am I saying this right?

The Examen, what is that?

- Yes, yes, that's the Jesuit.

It comes out of the Jesuit tradition

and it's a really powerful conversation.

And you know, you kinda gothrough some steps with it.

But one of the thingsthat I do it every day is

one of the pieces of it as you review

and look at back at the preceding day

and find God's fingerprintsthroughout that day.

And when I do that, it trainsme to look also real time

and not just in the rear view window.

So is a really rear view mirror.

It's really helpful tool todo conversations with God.

- You know, Sarah, sometimesyou'll hear people say

I have prayed and I prayed

and I didn't hear anything from God.

What do we do in those timeswhere God is sometimes silent?

- Yeah, I think that'sreally, really appropriate.

And you see some of thesekinds of conversations

with God in the Bible where it's like

hey, I need you to talk to me.

And I do believe that sometimes

there's this sense of waiting on God.

It says it in Psalms 40:1

I waited on the Lord, I waited patiently.

He inclined to me and Iheard, he heard my prayer.

And so sometimes I think it'sjust a sense of presence.

Jesus said it to his three disciples

Matthew or sorry, Luke, sorry,

John, Peter and James.

He said, "Keep company with me"

in the garden of Gethsemane.

And sometimes I thinkthere's a lot to be said

for just keeping company.

And I think sometimes wehave our agenda with God

but we have to appreciateGod also has an agenda.

It's a relationship, soit's two ways, two sides.

Sometimes we keep company.

Sometimes God speaks inways we don't anticipate.

Sometimes it's like, hey, God train me,

help me to understand here

what you wanna share with me.

- What's the most common mistake we make

in how we pray, Sarah.

- I think a really common oneis that kind of grocery list.

And I think there's biblical precedence.

You know, Paul tells us, makea request made known to God.

So there's precedents for that.

But on the other side

I think sometimes we justdo this fire hydrant one way

and we don't pause andgive opportunity for God

to participate otherthan answer my prayer.

And I think relationshipshave to be dialogue

and not just command and requests.

- Yeah, and there's a trustfactor involved in it all too.

When the answer isn'twhat you expect or want.

- Yeah, that's true.

And that conversation helpsdevelop and deepen that trust

and that's tricky forpretty much all of us.

It's hard to trust

but conversations helpus to grow in that trust.

- Yeah, I wanna say yourbook, "Hey God, Can We Talk?"

is one that is so helpful

in helping us to pray positively,

pray with power, pray with expectancy.

It's all about getting closer

to the one who loves us and who we love.

And so thank you so much, Sarah.

Can't let you leave withoutasking, how is your mom?

- She's doing really good.

I'm gonna go see her herein just a couple minutes

about an hour I'm gonna hang out

and have a littleconnecting time with her.

So thank you for asking.

- Give her our best.

I want all of you to know Sarahis also the featured speaker

at today's the week of prayer chapel.

You'll love hearing from her.

So be sure to head at noon Eastern

to join us live, bless youtoday, Sarah, thank you.

- Thank you, Terry, God bless you.

- Pat.

- Wonderful, wonderful advice.

Angela Perkins had no idea

where her next meal was coming from.

Her daycare business had dwindled

and she had two young boys to feed.

So where did Angela turn for help?

You are about to find out.

- [Narrator] AngelaPerkins is a single mom

who loves spending time with her boys.

- My kids are four and six.

We do a lot of activities together.

One of them is like myscience guy, Bryson.

He loved doing like experiments.

- [Narrator] A couple years ago,

Angela started her own in-home daycare.

But when enrollment numbersdwindle bills piled up.

- It's been very difficult financially.

I didn't know where we wouldhave our next complete meal.

To have to be in a position like that

and have children tosupport at the same time.

That made me feel bad as a single mom.

- [Narrator] When afriend told Angela about

Operation Blessingpartner, Warehouse Of Hope,

she was astounded by what she discovered.

- My first time coming I was amazed

by the amount of food that they gave me.

I was just like, whoa.

They get things, namedbrand things in bulk.

It was mind blowing.

And just to be able toput a whole meal together

and not break the bank to do it,

it's a blessing, it's a blessing.

- [Narrator] Now Angela has astable job working remotely.

She says she's grateful tooperation blessing partners

for helping her get back on her feet.

- I appreciate everythingthat you all are doing.

It's such a blessing.

You never know how youaffect other people lives.

And for me to have somebody support me

and my family and my children

and other people's children

there's no words that can express

how I truly feel about that.

- It breaks your heartto think in a country

as wealthy as America that there,

have been thousandsand thousands of people

who are going hungry,

don't have enough food to eat,

here in the United States of America.

That's what's happened wherewe shut the economy down

and the avenues of commerceweren't flowing properly.

And many, many, manypeople don't have food.

And so Operation Blessinghas been out there

to help people likeAngela and others like her

because we care and we'reyour ambassadors, if you will,

to the hungry, the hurting and the needy.

Now you say, "Well, I'd liketo get involved in that."

Well, of course you would.

Well, how do you do it?

Well, it's a membership of "The 700 Club"

is $20 a month.

It's real easy to do, 65 cents a day.

And I'll ask you, just pickup your phone and call in

or dial in or whatever

and say, "You can counton me, I'll be a member."

65 cents a day, $20 a month

and you can be a 700 Club member.

And I've also wanted to tell you

I've done a special treatfor each one of you.

When you join and we receiveyour first contribution

I'm going to send you a copy of my book.

"I Have Walked With the Living God",

a story of miracles, a story of triumph,

a story of the leading, of God almighty,

and it's all here

and it will be available to you

when you join The 700 Club, Terry.

- When we talk about hearing from God

that's a good lesson in that book.

- It is.- It is.

This is Mildred, Pat.

She lives in Ocala, Florida, and she says

thank you so much for "I HaveWalked With the Living God."

It held my interest.

Your honesty was refreshing and uplifting

especially to those of us who have strayed

and then realized life is so much better

when we follow God's will.

- Amen.

Well, it's brutally honest

and it's more than all

but it's filled with triumphand it's available to you.

And also if people want more of them

they're available where books are sold,

Amazon et cetera, youcan get it, all right.

- Time for some questions, you ready?

Okay, this is from Cynthia who says.

Hi, Pat, I've always beentold that the only word

that every nation in theworld speaks the same

is hallelujah.

That brings a question to my mind.

If we're all from different nations

and all speak different languages

how do we communicate in heaven?

- Well, we communicate in hell or heaven

it's deep cause underdeep and I think we think

and God can translatethe authority in action.

So, you know, when you'retalking about space travel

the fastest way of getting some place to,

from one place to theother is to think about it.

And we can think it in the presence of God

you don't need any other language

but halal means praise and Yahweh

or Yahuwah is the name for God.

And halal is praise to God, hallelujah.

I'm not sure everybody all overthe world speaks hallelujah

but it's a nice thing to think of.

I know, don't know whereyou got that information

but I've never heard itexactly in those terms

but we communicate deep calls under deep,

that's how you communicatein the spirit, all right.

- So Annie asks is the HolySpirit a person like Jesus was?

- Well, I've written a book,

a whole book on the Holy Spirit.

That's about, that be gonna be released

that coming out in the fall by Regnery

and also with the other Salem.

And I, you know, theHoly Spirit is a person,

it's a creative being

but I can't go into all of that right now.

But I believe that the

Yahweh or Yahuwah the Old Testament

was actually the Holy Spirit.

I go through the whole Bible to talk about

what the Holy Spirit does,but yes, he is a person

and there's the father, theson and the Holy Spirit.

- And that book's coming in the fall,

so watch for it, it will be great.

This is Alexis who says mymom passed away when I was 10

from an overdose.

I'm 25 now and havebeen in and out of jail

and using drugs for the past few years.

I've always had issuesbelieving in God 100%.

But I gave it a try andtried to call out to him

but I never felt anything.

What do I have to do to getthat feeling everyone gets

and have a relationship with God?

- The question you'relooking at is your own life

and you say, God, Iasked you to forgive me

and look, go through the list of staff.

You're talking aboutdrugs, you're talking about

all the things you andyour mother have done.

You think about animosityyou have in your heart.

When you start praying

if you have all againstthem and you forgive.

And so that's what you needto do is clear the deck.

And then, you know, ask God to fill you.

You know, just like you empty yourself

of the stuff that's there.

Then you open yourself and say,

God, come into my heartand fill me, all right.

- This is Donna who says ifour first sins are forgiven,

why do we suffer the consequences of sins

committed by ancestors threeand four generations past?

- Well, that's true, yes and no.

But what do we have gotten it recently

is something calledepigenetics and what is done,

you could affect thelife of your unborn child

by the way you live.

So that's not a sinfrom God is what you do.

And that's just theway the world's set up.

If I have righteous parents

and they leave an inheritanceto me, I inherit that.

If you have a bunch of criminalsas you in your background,

you're gonna inherit that like it or not,

that isn't God, that's just the way it is.

We leave it with thispower minutes from Jeremiah

call to me and I will answer you

and show you great and mightythings, which you do not know.

See you tomorrow, bye bye.


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