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The Origins of Mother's Day Trace Back to a Mother’s Prayer

Anna Jarvis fulfilled her mother's prayer for a day dedicated to honoring mothers. Anna explained, "I created Mother's Day, not because I love my mother, it's because she loves me." Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Mother's Day,that day children of all ages

give cards, gifts andunique expressions of love

to show their appreciation and gratitude

to the moms in their lives,no matter who they are.

Historian and author ofMemorializing Motherhood,

Professor Katherine Lane Antolini.

- It's not just honoringyour biological mother.

It's honoring all the women in your lives

who have mothered you in some way.

I mean, that's equally as important.

- [Narrator] A casual glanceat US history tells us

the Mother's Day we celebratetoday started in 1914.

In a presidentialproclamation, Woodrow Wilson

called on governments and US citizens

to display a flag as a public expression

of our love and reverence forthe mothers of our country

every year on the second Sunday in May.

To get to the true origins, however,

one must look more closely

at a determined West Virginia daughter,

Anna Jarvis, who wanted to answer a prayer

her mother spoke at Sunday school.

- So she gave her Sunday school lesson

on mothers of the Bible,and at the very end of that

she said a prayer where she hoped

that somebody someday willcreate a day in honor of mother.

- [Narrator] Mrs. Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis

was a wife and mother whogave birth to 13 children.

Only four survived childhood,

an all too common reality in the 1800s.

Bold and outspoken, shestepped into the public arena,

the sphere of men, rallyingwomen to bring social reform.

- So she becomes active andsays, we have to do some.

As mothers, what can we doto keep our children alive?

- [Narrator] Through what shecalled mother's work clubs,

Ann Marie brought togetherwomen in her community

to educate themselves about the main cause

of infant mortality, diseasecaused by poor sanitation,

and get the word out to others.

Later, with the help of herbrother, Dr. James Reeves,

her cause became a public health movement

that is credited with savingthousands of infants' lives.

Then after the Civil War,Ann Marie rally mothers again

to help reconcile Unionand Confederate veterans

through mother's friendship days.

- She told the mothers get your sons,

no matter what side they wereon, to come to the courthouse.

Mrs. Jarvis comes outand she supposedly gives

this very touching speech.

This is a time that we need again

put the bitterness of the war behind us.

We need to heal.

We need to come together.

- [Narrator] It was that exampleof how a mother's strength,

courage, self-sacrifice and love can bring

healing and unity thatcompelled her daughter, Anna,

to push for local, stateand federal governments

to set aside a sacred day to honor

all mothers around the country.

- And so it was that notionof wanting to pay homage

to the love that hermother bestowed on her

and that all mothers give their children.

- [Narrator] With thehelp of friends writing

countless letters to local,state and federal officials,

including presidentsTeddy Roosevelt and Taft

and humorist Mark Twain,

the first Mother's Dayservice was celebrated here,

then Andrews Methodist EpiscopalChurch on May 10th, 1908

in Anna's hometown Grafton, West Virginia.

On the front of the order of service,

a portrait of Anna's beloved mother.

- I always think one ofthe loveliest statements

that Anna Jarvis said, she'slike, I created Mother's Day,

not because I loved mymother, because she loves me.

- [Narrator] By the timeof President Wilson's

1914 proclamation to makeit a national holiday,

Mother's Day was already beingobserved in all 48 States.

And it went on to be celebrated

all over the world in some form.

- She would love the idea

that Mother's Day is still a big holiday,

that it's also celebrated internationally.

It was her day and she copyrighted it.

- [Narrator] With all thecards sent and gifts given

this year, Anna's story andlegacy leave us a reminder.

- Everybody loves the little children

who celebrate Mother's Day,

but I think as adults, we really need

to think about the day andwhat it means to our mothers.

It may be more important,

especially if you're you stillhave your mother with you.

It's even more important for us

to recognize how importantour mothers are to us

and to tell them that beforeyou regret not having done it.


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