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Israel’s 5 Key Strategies to Prevent Iran From Getting a Nuclear Bomb

Israel’s 5 Key Strategies to Prevent Iran From Getting a Nuclear Bomb Read Transcript

(radar beeping)

- [Chris] You're listening to the sound

of Israeli pilots destroyingIraq's nuclear reactor in 1981.

26 years later,

Israeli pilots destroyedthis nuclear reactor

in the Syrian desert.

Retired General Amos Yadlin took part

in both attacks.

He flew with seven other F-16 pilots

to destroy SaddamHussein's reactor in 1981.

And as chief of militaryintelligence in 2007,

helped plan the attack inside Syria.

- In a way, maybe I amthe only human being

on the globe who was involved

in destroying two-and-a-halfnuclear programs.

And I guess we arediscussing tonight the half.

- We are, exactly.

Tell us, General,

what makes Iran in 2021 different

than Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007?

- The Iranians are readyfor a possibilities

that attack will be launched

against their nuclear facilities.

So they put them under the ground

in bunkers, in tunnels, in mountains.

They disperse them.

They have a redundancy of programs

and they don't want toreach the nuclear bomb

as fast as possible.

They want to reach thebomb as safe as possible,

not to pay the price.

- [Chris] In this exclusiveCBN News interview,

General Yadlin said thatchange in US administrations

had an impact on Iran.

- [Amos] After they see the change

of administration in the US,

they lost their fear.

So they are breaching all the agreement

on what they are allowedto do in the nuclear field.

- [Chris] Yadlin still believes Israel

can stop Iran's nuclear program

and laid out five steps hebelieves could make it happen.

One is a stronger diplomatic agreement

that blocks Iran's path to a nuclear bomb.

The second is sanctions or other means

to make Iran pay a heavyprice for its nuclear program.

Third is covert, cyber andclandestine operations.

- Number four is air force taking off.

It's a military attack as itwas done in Iraq and Syria.

And number five is a regime change

because I think we can sleep good at night

if there is a regime

that's not calling forthe destruction of Israel.

- [Chris] Yadlin says over the years,

US presidents from both partiesdeclared their commitment

to the state of Israel.

Now he wants to put that in action.

- I think the wisdomthat we need in Jerusalem

is how to take this title,

we are committed to the security of Israel

and make it an operational,contingency plan agreed

by the two countries.

- [Chris] A major obstacle,

the US and Israel lookat Iran differently.

- [Amos] Iran is not anexistential threat to the US.

Iran, with nuclear weapons,

is existential threat to Israel.

- With the recent attackson Iran's nuclear program,

Yadlin puts Iran about a yearor a year and a half away

from a nuclear bomb.

He says Iran needs to enrich uranium

to weapons-grade level

and develop a nuclear warhead

to be able to build a weapon.

Now the race is on to see if diplomacy

or military action will stop this threat

to the existence of the Jewish state.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.


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