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The 700 Club - April 21, 2021

Author Amy Ford’s new book empowers the church to help women with unplanned pregnancies choose life for their unborn babies. Plus, corporations have taken a far-left turn. Is this just the new cost of business? CBN News has more on today’s ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up, bigbusiness has gone woke.

- [Stephen] An eliteruling class that believes

that they're sort of thebenevolent guardians.

- [Wendy] Corporationshave taken a far left turn.

- They're taking care of thepoor, stupid American people,

who don't understandwhat they really need.

- [Wendy] Is this justthe new cost of business?

- They're boycotting a Georgia state law,

and yet they do business with China.

- [Wendy] And a sneakpreview of things to come.

- They're going to usethe power that they have

to persecute the church.

- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."

(wind whooshing)(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome folks, to thisedition of "The 700 Club."

Thunderous applause, deafeningcheers, and tears of joy,

that's how the crowdin George Floyd Square

reacted to the verdict inthe Derek Chauvin case,

guilty on all three counts.

The entire countrybreathed a sigh of relief.

So what happens next?George Thomas brings that.

(wind whooshing)

- George Floyd's family celebrated

the three guilty verdictsfor Derek Chauvin,

calling the outcome, "An answer to prayer,

and a pivotal moment forracial justice in America."

- We, the jury, in theabove entitled matter

as to count one, unintentionalsecond degree murder

while committing a felony,find the defendant guilty.

- It hurts me to breathe.

- My family is a family thatwill not back down from prayer.

- Yes, come on.

- And I believe because of prayer,

we got the verdict we wanted.

- Amen, amen.- Amen.

- Amen.- We got on our knees.

Some of us stood up, butwe asked the right person,

we asked the right one.- Yeah, come on God.

- We said, "God, we needjustice, we need it now."

And he answered

- [George] President Bidencalling Floyd's family

after the verdict came down,in the May, 2020 killing.

The prosecution, basingits case on the video

of the white officerkneeling on Floyd's neck

for nine and 1/2 minutes.

The case sparked demonstrationsacross the globe.

President Biden and Vice PresidentKamala Harris responding.

- No one should be above the law,

and today's verdict sends thatmessage, but it's not enough.

- Today, we feel a sigh of relief.

Still, it cannot take away the pain.

A measure of justice isn'tthe same as equal justice.

- [George] More than 30 witnesses,

including the police chief andothers from law enforcement,

testifying for the prosecutionin the three week trial.

The defense hoping tocreate a reasonable doubt

that Chauvin's actions didnot cause Floyd's death.

The jury of four Blacks, six whites,

and two mixed-race Americans

deliberated for just 10 and 1/2 hours.

(crowd cheering)

Cheers erupting outside the courthouse

at the news of the conviction.

On social media,evangelist Franklin Graham

posting that it's amoment to foster change,

"Our legal system has worked,and justice is being served.

I hope all of Americaand our law enforcement

will learn from this tragedy,

and that we'll become a better nation."

Bishop T.D. Jakesgratified by the verdict,

but pointing out that Black people

are disproportionatelyvictims of police brutality,

"My prayer is that thiswill ignite a safer society,

where justice is equallyallocated to absolutely everyone,

irrespective of socioeconomics,race, religion, or gender.

Thank you to the many officers

who do not stoop to such atrocities,

and honestly work towardprotecting us every day."

Atlanta pastor, Garland Hunt,

calling on the church tobring a prophetic voice

to address America'sspiritual and racial crisis.

- How does the church respond,

and what's a Christian response in this?

And one is prayer, numbertwo, there's a demonstration.

The church must demonstrate racial unity,

racial oneness, racial healing.

If the church leads the way,the country will follow.

- The sentencing for Derek Chauvin

expected in about eight weeks.

The most serious chargecarrying a maximum sentence

of 40 years behind bars.

George Thomas, "CBN News."

- Chauvin has cost thenation millions of dollars,

terrible unrest, anddivision of Black and white

that perhaps we haven't seen before.

It's just horrible.

It all played out ontelevision, we all watched it.

And there was no questionof where the verdict

was gonna come down, andI applaud the verdict.

It was necessary, but Ido hope that the outbreak

by Maxine Waters won't cause a mistrial.

It's very possible, because they paid

the family of the deceased

a large sum of money indamages before the trial.

And of course, talk about prejudicial,

there are so many thingsthat could cause a mistrial,

and we just hope it won't,

because it was the right verdict,

and we applaud the verdict.

Well, in other news,mislabeled, "Jim Crow 2021,"

that's the latest assaulton the right to vote.

Here's how Tuesday's Senate hearings

were titled on a billthat federalizes election.

I warned you it was coming,

and it's coming.

That was the first thing they put in,

the first is H.R.1 the first thing

in the so-called Voting RightsAct, and it is devastating.

It's the first opening shot in the plan

to federalize and socializethe United States of America.

John Jessup has more.

(wind whooshing)

- Pat, the nationwidedebate over voting laws,

including as you were mentioning, H.R.1,

a bill that federalizes elections,

took center stage in the Senate.

Republicans and Democrats both say

voting is a fundamental American right

that needs protection,

but there's little agreement beyond that.

Case and point, Tuesday'sSenate judiciary committee

hearing title Jim Crow 2021,

the latest assault on the right to vote.

- The title of this hearing is offensive,

and as a student of history,

this title diminishesthe very real challenges

and unfairness that minorities endured

in the Jim Crow South, at thehands of Southern Democrats.

- Just this year, more than 360 bills

with restrictive voting provisions

have been introduced in 47 states.

These new pieces of legislation

may not involve literacy tests,

or counting the numberof jelly beans in a jar,

like the original JimCrow, but make no mistake,

they are a deliberate effortto suppress voters of color.

- Voter ID laws are frontand center in the debate.

Some Democrats consider them a tool

to hinder minority voters.

But a recent Rasmussen pollshows 62% of African-Americans

don't believe ID requirementsare discriminatory.

Also at issue is thefederal Voting Rights Act,

which faces opposition in the Senate.

Critics say it takes awaypower from state legislatures,

permits unsupervised andunlimited mail-in ballots,

and Pat, they also say itallows ballot harvesting.

- As I pointed out, that'sexactly what that law will do.

The greatest opportunity for fraud

is found in the ideaof sending out ballots

to a wide variety of people,

and then receiving thoseballots without appropriate ID.

That is a case of fraud.

The bipartisan commissionpointed to the fact

some years ago, thatwas the source of fraud,

and this voting rights bill will say

it wants to take away Jim Crow laws.

What it wants to do

is take power away fromstate legislatures,

give it to the federal government,

and then open the doors to unlimited fraud

at the ballot box.

And that is the Democrats plan

to take control of your country, John.

- Pat, the nation'sleading abortion provider

is trying to cut ties withits founder's racist legacy.

Planned Parenthood's president admitting

that the organization must reckon

with Margaret Sanger'sconnection to eugenics

and white supremacist groups.

But as CBNs Charlene Aaron shows us,

critics say those words mean nothing

if not backed up with change.

(wind whooshing)

- Pro-lifers are responding to the effort,

calling the leader's wordsabout Margaret Sanger, "Empty,"

pointing out that many

of the abortion providers'current practices remain racist.

The head of the nation'slargest abortion provider

used "The New York Times" as the forum

to admit the racism of its founder.

In this weekend's op-ed,Alexis McGill Johnson wrote,

"We must reckon withMargaret Sanger's association

with white supremacistgroups and eugenics."

Acknowledging failure to own the impact

of their founder's actions,Johnson went on to say,

"Whether our founder was a racist

is not a simple yes or no question."

Yet in her own words,Sanger strived for a society

that limited births toonly those she deemed fit

to have children.

Many cite a 1923 "NewYork Times" interview,

in which she called some groupsof people, "Human weeds,"

as proof of her racist motives.

"Birth control is not contraception

indiscriminately andthoughtlessly practiced,"

she said in the article.

"It means the release and cultivation

of the better racialelements in our society,

and the gradual suppression, elimination,

and eventual extirpationof defective stocks,

those human weeds whichthreaten the blooming

of the finest flowers ofAmerican civilization."

- If they wanna do something different,

they can stop killing our children.

- [Charlene] Benjamin Watson,

vice president of the pro-life group

Human Coalition, maintainsPlanned Parenthood's admission

about Sanger does not absolve them

from the blood on their hands,

as they take advantage of victims

of the very racism they decry.

- I find it hollow for themto call out Margaret Sanger,

and talk about her associationwith white supremacist groups

and talk about her connection to eugenics,

and try to distance themselves from her,

while they are stillperpetuating her mission.

That is systematically targeting a young,

largely African-American, largely poor,

women, and families, and children.

- [Charlene] According to CDC data,

Black women make up 14% ofthe childbearing population,

yet had 36% of abortions.

And a survey by Protecting Black Life

found 79% of PlannedParenthood's facilities

are located in communities of color.

Alveda King, niece of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.,

and president of Priests for Life,

calls Johnson's words misleading.

- She's trying to walk back the truth

about who and what PlannedParenthood is today.

Ask Lila Rose, who did anexpose in this century,

with people admittingthey were donating money

to Planned Parenthood, tospecifically abort Black babies.

- [Charlene] Watson saysif Planned Parenthood

really wants to change, itshould take the next step.

- If they wanna do something different,

they can use the billionsof dollars that they've had

to walk with these mothers in crisis,

and these families in crisis,

and provide for them longpast the decision to abort,

but push them towardsa decision to parent.

- [Charlene] A move Kingadds is not likely to happen.

- They're not about tostop aborting babies.

They don't intend to stopkilling human beings in the womb.

- [Charlene] "CBN News" reachedout to Planned Parenthood,

so we could speak withAlexis McGill Johnson

about this stance, and so farwe have received no response.

Charlene Aaron, "CBN News."

- A revealing report, thanks Charlene.

Pat, back to you.

- When I was involvedin the political scene,

and I said very clearlythat Planned Parenthood

was based on eugenics,

and I quoted Margaret Sanger's monograph,

called, "Breeding the Thoroughbred."

Faye Wattleton, who happened to be Black,

and was head of Planned Parenthood,

publicly denied me, said,"She said no such thing."

And of course I didn't have the resources

to counter everything that she said.

So she just down phrased me,and said, "It wasn't true."

Well, it was true, Margaret Sanger

said that Blacks were defective,

that Southern Europeans were defective,

that Jews were defective,

that a number of othergroups were defective.

And of course the large class of people

that were already havingmental difficulties,

that they should be sterilized.

Her views on eugenics didn'tcome from Adolf Hitler.

They were the source of many of the things

that Adolph Hitler put intoeffect during the Holocaust.

I mean, Margaret Sanger was horrible.

And if you read her writings,

and see what they down faced me,

and they said, "Oh no, no, no."

Well, finally PlannedParenthood is coming clean.

But Planned Parenthood getsan enormous amount of money

from the federal budget.

And if you'll recall, backduring one of those debates,

when we had another presidentin charge in those days,

he said, "I will shut the government down,

rather than take away thefunding for Planned Parenthood."

They have an enormous amount of money

out of various segmentsof of the federal budget,

and that they are very highly funded.

And you know, like it or not,

it's still a large portion of our budget.

And it should, we shouldturn the taps off,

because Planned Parenthood,they're still aborting babies.

We've killed at least 60million unborn children

in this country, it's a tragedy.

That's a stain on our national conscience.

- And the fact thatthey're still predominantly

in Black neighborhoods,and like the gentleman

in Charlene's piece said,

I mean, they need to dosomething about that.

- Well, they're tryingto distance themselves

from their founder, but you see,

a lot of these corporations,the big corporations

thought we don't want awhole lot of these Black kids

taking welfare, and taking away our money.

So they pumped large amounts of money

into Margaret Sanger'sefforts in the early days.

I mean, it's one of those things now,

it's a different situation.

But she was horrible.

You read some of her writings,

you'll be horrified ofwhat she advised people.

But in any event, finally, finally,

after all these years, Planned Parenthood

is at least on that issue,is turning to some honesty,

and that we should rejoice, John.

- Pat, turning overseas to Israel,

where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

has ruled out forming a new government.

He wants to avoid a coalition

that would rely on theIslamist Ra'am party.

Instead, Netanyahu isangling for a direct route

to the prime minister'spost, bypassing Parliament,

and calling for a one-time snap election.

In that scenario,

whoever gets more than40% of the vote would win.

Netanyahu's critics say Israel

does not need another election.

And Pat, that would be afifth election in two years.

- As I was talking with Chris yesterday,

I said, "I don't understandwhat in the world,

please tell me what's going on."

But the truth is thissmall Arab party, Ra'am,

is now going to be controlling things,

and they will havedelegates who hate Israel,

wanna do the destruction of Israel,

and they will be in the Parliament.

And so now, rather thanhaving another election,

Netanyahu says, "Let's go to the country,

and stop the Parliamentary system."

And again, I don't understandwhat they're doing,

but the thing that we'vegot to be concerned about,

the United States isin a crisis right now.

We are, we have very weak leadership,

and we are a divided country,

"A house divided can't stand."

Now the strongest democracyin the Middle East

is having the same problem.

And it's an open invitation

for the dictators like, Erdogan in Turkey,

and Ahmadinejad, or whoever's in charge

of the Mullahs in Iran,to come against Israel,

and to come against the U.S.

So that's what's happened,

and it's a very, veryfrightening scenario.

"A house divided can't stand,"

and we're torn apart here in America.

And now our dear friendsin Israel are torn apart,

'cause they don't knowwhat's happening, Wendy.

- Wow, frightening.

Well, still ahead,jumping out of airplanes,

this Desert Storm vet hitthe ground at high speeds.

So what toll did it take on her body?

Plus, the makers of Vaseline,

fighting for equity in skincare.

Oreo cookies now insupport of the gay agenda.

Corporate America is shockingly woke,

so what can we do to stop it?

That's the question, coming up.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- You know, the best social action

that a corporation cantake is to make profit.

And if they make profit,

they pay dividends to their shareholders,

and they give people meaningful work,

and they add to the employment,

and they bring prosperity to their nation.

That's what they're supposed to do.

Then of course, they shouldn'tpollute the atmosphere.

They shouldn't foul up the waters.

They shouldn't destroy theplanet we live in, obviously.

There were laws against that,

but what we're seeing iswhat happened in the Nazis.

When the Nazi party tookover with Adolf Hitler,

Krupp was a great steel company.

IG Farben was the great chemical company,

and other of the businesses,

so you figure Messerschmitt,who made the planes,

and Volkswagen probablymade some of the cars,

and there were a whole lotof other businesses in Europe

that joined in the work of Adolf Hitler.

So what are our corporationsin America doing?

They're turning against their nation,

or at least the prevailingethic, and their so-called woke.

That's the name of it, but I'm not sure

if we have a meaning for it,

but it means addition topitching their products to you,

they're going to tellyou about their politics.

And you guessed it, it's gonnabe far left liberal politics.

So what are the serious consequences

of this woke attitude ofcorporations for Christians?

It wasn't good during the Nazis,

and it's probably not good now for us.

(wind whooshing)

- [Announcer] Ready to Change the Whirled?

- [Dale] Corporate America is woke.

Woke means being aware ofalleged social injustice.

So instead of justpitching their products,

companies today arepitching political causes,

liberal political causes.

Shampoo makers used to runcommercials about shampoo.

Now they're showing lesbian parents

helping a biological boy become a girl.

Dove is celebrating women'sdifferent body types.

Vaseline is fightingfor equity in skin care.

The gay agenda now has thesupport of the Oreo cookie.

And Burger King is warningthat bovine flatulence

from the cows it depends on for sales

is causing climate change.

Stephen Soukup, the author of

"The Dictatorship of Woke Capital,"

says big business believesyou need to be trained

on how to think correctlyabout social issues.

- This is a continuation ofa trend in American history,

of an elite ruling class that believes

that they're sort ofthe benevolent guardians

who are taking care of thepoor, stupid American people

who don't understandwhat they really need,

and what they really want, andwhat's really best for them.

- [Dale] After a major league baseball

yanked the All-Star game from Atlanta,

to punish Georgia over itsnew Election Integrity law,

and then more than 120CEOs and business leaders

held a conference call todiscuss punishing more states,

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

warned corporate Americato stay out of politics.

And Republican Senator Rand Paul

called for a conservativeboycott of woke companies,

saying they're hypocritesfor doing business in China,

which uses Muslim slave labor,

and persecutes pro-democracy dissidents.

- They're boycottingthe Georgia state law,

and yet they do business with China.

China's never seen a free election.

China's now putting people in jail

for over a year at a time,for speech violations.

- [Dale] The GOP now finds itself

fighting corporate America,

something that would havebeen unheard of years ago.

The American Conservative Union

has threatened toretaliate against companies

pushing liberal agendas.

And Soukup has founded a new coalition

of conservative groups calledStop Corporate Tyranny.

The question is why are corporations

willing to take political stands

that could cost them business?

Because many companiesclearly don't believe it will,

even some of the largestasset management companies

in the world are acting woke.

On the BlackRock website, CEO Larry Fink

urges companies to adoptsustainable business models

to fight climate change.

Together, they have enormous leverage

on the U.S. economy, byvirtue of all the shares

they own in American companies.

And now employees arebeing subjected to training

in diversity and inclusion,

but there's a phrase thatsays, "Go woke, go broke."

And when hundreds ofcompanies signed a statement

against election integrity laws,

conspicuously absent from the list

were Delta Airlines and Coca Cola,

companies that have beenthreatened with either boycotts

or new legislation by Republicans.

Soukup believes market forces

will eventually end the wokemovement in corporate America.

- Markets have a pretty proven ability

to sniff out misallocation of capital.

And I believe that they will, in time,

they will punish the corporations,

and the managers who have pushed this.

- [Dale] But journalist Rod Dreher,

author of, "Live Not By Lies,"

which warns that America isheaded toward totalitarianism,

believes the woke movementin corporate America

is not going away,

and could lead a new socialcredit system, like China's,

one that sounds a lotlike the mark of the beast

in the book of Revelation,

that punishes people for holdingthe wrong political views.

- And this is not paranoia.

These are things thatare being talked about

right now in Silicon Valley,

as something that wouldbe good for America.

- [Dale] Left-wing groupsare already pressuring

credit card and online payment companies

to ban conservatives.

- Corporations, likeWalmart, Apple, and others,

are richer and morepowerful than some countries

in this world.

They're going to usethe power that they have

within the corporations,and every other institution

to persecute the church.

People think I'm radical forsaying this sort of thing,

but I'm telling you, it's coming.

- [Dale] Soukup says it's timefor conservatives to engage,

and tell corporationsto get out of politics.

Dale Hurd, "CBN News."

- Thanks Dale, well still ahead,

she passed out before shecould get an abortion.

So what happened next,

and why did it lead to unbearable shame?

Pro-lifer Amy Ford tells howshe learned to embrace grace.

But first, "Suck it up,and be all you can be."

That was this soldier's motto

throughout her 20 year military career.

So what happened when shewas hit with paralyzing pain?

See for yourself after this.

(gentle music)

We invite you to join us for our annual

Spring Week of Prayer,from Monday, April 26

through Friday, April 30th.

We will be praying for your needs

each and every day on "The 700 Club."

So please look for thisenvelope in your mailbox.

It contains a brochure,"The Answer to Anxiety,"

and this beautiful scripture card.

Just take a moment and sendus your prayer requests,

so we can begin praying for you.

This is what the prayer card looks like.

You can also call us withyour prayer requests,

at 1-800-700-7000, or visit us at

Plus, you can write usat CBN's Week of Prayer,

CBN Center, VirginiaBeach, Virginia, 23463,

and we will send you the free brochure

and scripture card as well.

So please just do it right now, Pat.

- Wonderful, well,jumping out of airplanes,

this Desert Storm vetwas one fierce soldier.

And then 20 years of hard military service

took its paralyzing on her hip,

the pain was ruining her life.

So what does she do to kick the pain?

Look at this.

- I went to Airborne School,I jumped out of airplanes.

I don't really believethat hitting the ground

(laughing) at a great speed

is great for your hips.

- [Reporter] Janice Brownalways led an active life,

from her days playinghigh school basketball,

to her nearly 20 yearcareer in the military,

including serving in Desert Storm.

- I just was under the attitude of,

"Suck it up and be all you can be."

That really was my motto.

I didn't want to complain.

I didn't want to show defeat.

- [Reporter] After a lifetime of activity,

she began experiencing severe hip pain.

- When it became hard forme to really do the things

I wanted to do, was probablyonly about 10 years ago.

My father had a stroke,

and I brought him hometo take care of him.

He had a trach in histhroat, a feeding tube.

I had to turn him every two hours.

Emotionally and physically,

and even spiritually I was spent.

- [Reporter] After her father passed away,

she began seeking chiropractic care.

- I believe God gave usscience, he gave us doctors,

he gave us medicine, and I use it.

I was believing for good health.

I confess the Word overmyself, and I stood for health.

- [Reporter] This brought some relief.

However, the pain would often return.

Then in early 2021, Janicewas watching, "The 700 Club."

- I was praying along with Pat and Wendy,

and it was towards theend of their prayers.

So Wendy had a word of knowledge

that a lady had pain in herright hip, and was being healed.

- A lady you've got hippain in your right hip.

Put your hand on your right hip,

God is touching you right now.

Be healed in the name of Jesus.

- And I just remember saying, "What?"

And I thought, "Could it be?"

And I rubbed my hip, there was no pain.

I stood up, there was no pain.

- [Reporter] Over thefollowing days and weeks,

Janice continued to claim her healing.

- I've learned that the enemywill want to put that pain,

or that medical condition back on you.

And you need to refuse that.

And I just thanked God for my healing.

- [Reporter] Janice is leadingan active life once again.

She occasionally even plays basketball.

(gentle music)

- This experience hasreally revived my faith.

It's reminded me toget back in the saddle.

It's reminded me thatGod does want me healed.

You can know the Word intellectually,

but to know it in your heart,

and to live it from your heart

is an entirely different thing.

I believe his intent is foreveryone to receive healing,

because the price that Jesus paid

was just so much greaterthan words can describe.

And by his stripes, we are healed.

- What a marvelous testimony.

Here's another one, Shelleywho lives in Kingman, Arizona,

started smoking 50 years ago.

She was trying to quit, andshe was watching our program

on April the 7th, and Wendy said,

"The Lord is saying to a number of people,

'Lay down your poison, so I can heal you.

You know what your poison is.'"

Well, Shelly knew God was speaking to her,

and she's been smokefree every morning since.

That is a super miracle.- That's a miracle.

Praise God, that's a hard addiction.

All right, here's one Debbyof Springfield, Illinois

started having troublewith labored breathing.

So she was tested for COVID-19.

During her time at home on March 22nd,

she was watching, "The Club."

She heard you say, Pat, "Youhave a lesion in your lungs.

It's not COVID, it's a lesion.

You're having a terrible time breathing.

Put your hand on your chestright now, is it Deborah?"

You got her name, "Touch!"

By faith, Debby believedGod for complete healing.

Just two days later, she was healthy,

cleared of COVID, back to work, amen.

- Praise God, folks I believe

that God is going to grantmiracles today, for you.

This can be the day.

So we're gonna join hands,and Father we praise you,

and thank you.

We worship you Lord, andpraise you for your goodness.

We thank you for these answers to prayer.

And we thank you for the anointing.

Thank you, Lord.

There's a hole in somebody's heart.

The name is Michael, there'sa hole in your heart.

or you're having trouble,you feel weak all the time.

And right now God is repairing your heart,

in the name of Jesus, touch him.

Wendy.- There's a gentleman,

and you have gone to the doctor,

and been diagnosed with dementia.

But God says, "You do not have dementia.

You will be in your right mind

until you go home to be with the Lord.

You do not have dementia.

So just don't even receive it."

Praise God, in Jesus' name.

Thank you God.

- Somebody else has got Parkinson's,

you're having, you're trembling,

and you're having a hard timestanding, and you're shaking.

Right now, God has justtouched your brain,

and all the way through your body.

You're gonna find power coming through.

And from this moment on,you are completely healed.


- There's a woman and you'rewatching us right now,

and you're saying, "Call on me."

In fact, the Lord sometimes,you'll know this is for you,

because the Lord sometimescalls you his favorite.

And you're actually in the hospital,

and you've been told thisis where you're gonna die.

But the Lord says thatis not going to happen.

You're going to walk out of that hospital

in perfect health, claim this word,

it's for you, in Jesus' name.

- Well, there's a woman, Ibelieve the name is Daisy,

and you have some rash or pimplesor something on your face,

it worries you, it's aterrible thing that you've had.

Just wipe your face,

wipe your hand across your face right now,

in the name of Jesus, you're healed.

- Thank you Lord.- And Lord,

for all those in this audiencewho are crying out to you,

answer their prayer,meet their needs we pray,

in Jesus name, amen.

- Amen, awesome.- Amen, give us a call.

We'd love to hear fromyou, it's 1-800-700-7000.

If you need further prayer,somebody is here for you.

So pick up the phone, okay?

- All right, well still to come,

we've got your email questions.

Brad says, "I haven'tgotten the COVID vaccine

because I'm afraid of it.

What will be the long-termeffects of the vaccine on me?

Does God give us an answer about this?"

Stay tuned for Pat'sanswer, plus consider this,

if abortion became illegal today,

the church would not be ready, why not?

That answer is coming up, stay tuned.

(happy music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this "CBN Newsbreak."

A gospel event broadcastworldwide on Good Friday

is reaping fruit across the globe.

Pulse, the millennial evangelism movement

reports more than 1.3 million responses

to the gospel messagepresented by its broadcast.

The event translated into 39 languages,

reached a projected 200 million people

in 186 countries and 24 territories.

Pulse founder, Nick Hall says,

"We're living in one of the most exciting

evangelistic moments in recent memory."

Well, Prison Fellowship is teaming up

with Christian rapper Lecrae,

to observe Second ChanceMonth in a big way this year.

A Prison Fellowship Senior VicePresident Heather Rice-Minus

told, "The Christian Post,"

"The initiative helpspeople learn about barriers

former prisoners face

when trying to turn their lives around."

Prison Fellowship is working with churches

across the country.

Lecrae says he lovesto connect with people

that society has forgotten.

Well, you can always getthe latest from "CBN News,"

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be back with more

of, "The 700 Club," right after this.

(wind whooshing)(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

- 19, that's how old Amy Ford was

When she found out she was pregnant.

Amy was active in her church,and staunchly pro-life.

So how does she wind up in a clinic,

about to have an abortion?

Take a look.

(wind whooshing)

- [Reporter] Amy Ford was19, pregnant, and afraid,

when she went to have an abortion.

Just before the procedure, she passed out,

and was sent home.

She and her boyfrienddecided to keep their baby,

married, and in time,had four more children.

Amy later founded thenonprofit, Embrace Grace,

to help churches meet theneeds of young women in crisis.

A speaker, podcast host, andauthor of, "Help Her Be Brave,"

Amy believes we all have aplace in the pro-life movement.

- And please welcome to,"The 700 Club," Amy Ford.

Amy, it's great to have you with us.

- Thank you guys for having me on.

- Well Amy, you had protestedoutside abortion clinics.

How did you end up inside a clinic,

about to have an abortion?

- Well, when I was young,we didn't really protest,

we just kind of prayedoutside the clinics,

and you know I thoughta lot about the babies,

but I never really thought about the mom.

And so when I ended up finding myself

in an unplanned pregnancy myself,

I didn't really have arelationship with the Lord.

I went to church my entire life,

went to a Christian private school,

but I didn't haverelationship with the Lord.

Found myself pregnant, totally scared.

Fear makes you do crazy things.

And to me, and the father ofthe baby, we were terrified.

We were scared of telling our parents.

We were scared that we be homeless.

You know, the enemy liesto you in that situation,

and you think of the worst case scenarios.

We thought our life was over.

And so we went to theabortion clinic, scheduled it,

paid for it, and went to have it done,

and I ended up hyperventilatingand passing out

in the abortion room.

And when I came to, thenurses were fanning me,

trying to give me a drink of water.

And they, one of the nurses said,

"You're too emotionally distraught

to make this decision today.

You can come back another day,

but today you're not getting an abortion."

And so I went back outin the waiting room,

and told the father of the babythat we were still pregnant.

And we just kind of decidedin that moment, okay.

Like if our life is over,we'll figure it out together.

And we ended up getting married,

'cause we had been kindahigh school sweethearts.

We weren't planning thetiming to be like that,

but we ended up gettingmarried and we had a son, Jess,

and now we just can'timagine our life without him.

He's 23, and he just graduatedfrom Oral Roberts University,

with a degree in theology,now he's getting his masters.

And he's just amazing,and I say I raised a kid,

but a kid raised me,

and we can't imagine our life without him.

- Well let me ask you, what happened

when your boyfriend asked his friend,

who was a pastor, to marry you?

Were you ready for that step?

- Yeah, no, we asked him,

it was the guy that hadled my husband to the Lord

years before we askedhim if he would marry us.

And he said, "No, I'm sorry.

I can't marry you because you've sinned.

And I won't bless this marriage."

And we were just like, "Oh my goodness,

we are such horrible people,

like we can't even get married right."

We ended up finding someoneelse that would marry us,

but it definitely felt like

it was a scarlet letteron our wedding day.

But one thing that'sreally cool is that pastor

that wouldn't marry us,

two years later heactually called my husband

out of the blue, and he said he felt like

it was his worst mistakein pastoring history,

and ask Ryan if he would forgive him.

And Ryan was like, "Yes, of course,"

and they're still suchgreat friends to this day.

And even when my son was16, and Embrace Grace,

our ministry started,

he asked me to come speak at his church.

And so I did and, andtalked about pro-love,

and then the ministry I started.

And so after I was done,

he asked me to come back on the platform,

and he asked my son, Jess,to come on the platform.

And he said, "Amy, years ago,

I asked your husband for forgiveness,

but I never really askedyou, will you forgive me?"

And I was like, "Yes, ofcourse, that was 16 years ago.

Like I forgave you a long time ago."

Well then he looked at my son, 16,

in front of the whole church,

and he said, "Jess, will you forgive me

for planting seeds ofrejection in your heart

before you were ever even born?

And while you were in yourmother's womb, I rejected you,

will you forgive me?"

And my son's 16, in frontof the whole church says,

"I forgive you."

And it was such a powerfulmoment in that room.

You could feel church wounds being lifted.

Like it was just amazing to see

that the pastor wouldhumble himself in that way.

And it was a really healingmoment for my son as well.

It was just amazing.

So all of that just made us realize

the power that the church has,and helping women be brave.

It would have felt a lot different

if I would have found myself pregnant,

and thought, "You know what?"

I don't know what todo, I'm really scared.

But maybe if I went to the church,

and asked them for prayer, or for wisdom,

or for guidance in this situation.

Unfortunately it was thelast place I wanted to go to.

And so that's why westarted Embrace Grace,

'cause we wanna change that.

- You say that if abortionbecame illegal today,

that the church wouldnot be ready, why not?

- Well, we're working on changing that.

I think there are somethat would be ready,

but you know, if a girl is pregnant,

and she doesn't haveaccess to an abortion,

and you know, maybeshe's gonna be homeless,

'cause she can barely affordthe kid that she already has,

and we can't just as achurch say, "Good luck,

hope it works out for you."

And a girl was telling me the other day

that she called threechurches one Friday night,

the night she found out she was pregnant.

She left messages with all of them saying,

"I'm scared, I don't know what to do."

She was crying on the voicemail,

"Please, I need prayer and support."

And only one church called her back.

And that church happenedto have an Embrace Grace.

Like if we can't evencall these girls back,

we're not ready.

Like we have to be readyphysically, spiritually,

and emotionally to walkalongside these moms,

and help them in all three of those ways,

and to empower them to be the moms

that God created them to be,

whether they place foradoption, or choose to parent.

- 'Cause just like you,

I mean the church shouldbe the first place you go

if you have a situation like that,

but for you, you didn't wanna go there.

And a lot of girls don't wanna go there.

Your book, by the way,"Help Her Be Brave,"

is full of practical wayswe can help support mothers

to choose life.

Just give us a couple of real quick.

- Oh my gosh, there's so many.

There's actually over 320in that book, of ideas.

But it can be as simpleas helping a single mom

take out the trash.

One mom was saying thatshe has an apartment,

she lives on the second floor,

and she has a babycarrier, and she has trash,

and she just physically couldn't do it,

unless she left the babyalone in the apartment.

And there was alwayssomeone, one of her neighbors

that she never knew, who wouldalways take out her trash.

And she always said, "Ifelt like that was Jesus

that would take out the trash for me."

Or maybe you're buyinga car for a single mom,

or maybe you're mentoring her,and walking alongside her,

or helping serve at a maternity home,

or start an Embrace Grace group,

the ministry that I started.

You can start a supportgroup at your church

for single and pregnant young women,

in any church around the nation.

- Amazing, well yourbook is so needed, Amy.

Amy's book is called, "Help Her Be Brave,"

it's available wherever books are sold.

Thank you so much for writing it,

and thanks for being on, "The 700 Club."

- Yeah, thanks for having me.

- Alrighty, well comingup, your questions,

and Pat's honest answers.

Renee wants to know, "Do demonsdo what Satan tells them,

or do they act on their own will?

Do they take orders from Satan?"

Pat tells it like it is after this.

(happy music)

(happy music)

- Sleepless nights,worrying about tomorrow,

drawn out days wondering what to eat,

COVID shutdowns that put millionsof Americans out of work.

So how can families who are struggling

to get what they need,when they need it most?

Just watch.

- [Reporter] With foodfrom Operation Blessing,

Eastern Star Church hasbeen meeting people's needs

in Elizabeth City, for more than 15 years.

Now there's an even greaterneed due to COVID-19.

Pastor Elder Bracket.

- So a lot of people have lost their job,

due to the coronavirus.

People who wakes up in the morning,

wondering, "What am I gonna eat today?"

Or go to sleep at night wondering,

"What's gonna happen tomorrow?"

- Latoya Armstrong workstwo jobs to provide

for a daughter, Zachia,who's an honor roll student.

- Well being a single mom, it's very hard.

But at State University,

I used to work like four days out a week,

now I only work two.

When it got cut, I did cry,

because I didn't know what to do

- [Reporter] Right now,these food distributions

are helping the Armstrongs,and many other families

fill the gap to keep everyone safe.

Volunteers place groceriesdirectly into people's cars,

as both a volunteer, and a recipient,

Khoza knows what it's liketo both give and receive.

- It's money that I don'thave to spend on food.

God has blessed me tremendously.

I help pack the food.

I'll take the food to the cars

because I know thatwhat they're doing here

is impacting so many lives.

So I want to be a blessing to others.

And that's why I come here.

- There's times we have like 150 families

come through here, withinthe hour or two hours

that we serve.

- [Reporter] Thanks toOperation Blessing partners,

parents like Latoya areable to feed their families.

- It makes me feel happythat there's people out here

that wants to help us.

We needed help and we finally got it.

- The Lord, he gives me what I need,

when I need it the most.

I just wanna say thank youfrom the bottom of my heart,

because what you do, you are giving life.

- You know, people are hungry.

"I was hungry, I wasnaked, you clothed me."

And we believe in doing that.

And in Operation Blessing,

we help hundreds of millionsof people all around the world.

But this is one church here in America

that Operation Blessingis bringing in food,

so that they in turncan feed hungry people

in their congregation.

Now, if you wanna participate,and we do hope you will,

I'm gonna ask you tobe a "700 Club" member.

Well, what does that take?

It's $20 a month, 65 cents a day.

You know, it's less than a can of soda pop

in a vending machine.

We're not asking a lot of money,

but if everybody participates,

we can see a huge amount going to help

the needs of those in thisworld that we live in.

We are the hand of Jesus extended.

1-800-700-7000, and when you join,

it's my delight to give you,with your first contribution,

a copy of my book,

"I Have Walked With The Living God."

And this is touched,

I've got something about The Beatles,

the Ron S, and Northeast Radio.

I've got something about China,

I have got how Operation Blessing started.

I've got education,

attorney throwing down the gauntlet

for John Dewey's failure to education.

It's a lot of stuff in thisbook, and I hope you enjoy it,

'cause we'll give it to youwhen you join, "The 700 Club."

- Well, a lot of people enjoy it,

like Pastor D. from Richmond, Virginia.

He says, "Dear Dr. Robertson,

after reading, 'I HaveWalked With The Living God,'

I found myself with a fresh wind

into the purpose of my own life.

It was very inspiring and uplifting."

Thank you, Pastor D.

- I'm glad that-- We appreciate the feedback.

- Pick up your telephone,call in, somebody's here

who will be delighted that you have called

to be a "700 Club" member, okay, question?

- We got some questions.

We're gonna start with Brad.

He says, "I'm 63 years old,

and I have not gottenthe COVID 19 vaccine,

because I'm afraid of it.

They made the vaccine lightning quick.

There are multiple vaccines,

which apparently work differently.

What would be the long-termeffects of the vaccine on me?

As far as I know theanswer to that question is,

'We don't know,' andthat's what I'm afraid of.

My question is does God giveus an answer about this," Pat?

- Well, I think if you pray,

I tell you what, I knewthe effects of COVID,

it's just devastating,

and I didn't particularly want it,

but I didn't wanna takethat two shot deal.

So I waited until they brought up

the Johnson & Johnson one shot,

and I went down to a clinic

sponsored by the health department

of the city of Chesapeake.

And it was a model ofefficiency, and I went in,

and they gave me the shot,and I waited 15 minutes,

went home and I haven'thad one iota of difficulty,

not even no pain and their arm, nothing.

I mean, there's beenno problems, so anyhow.

Others have had, the ladyhere who does makeup,

has had a terriblereaction to one of them.

But nevertheless, I think the COVID thing

is really horrible.

So you balance off one versus the other.

I, if I were you,wouldn't be afraid of it.

But you say, "What does God say?"

Well, (laughing) it'snot really in the Bible,

'cause they didn't have vaccinesin those days, all right.

- I think if you just ask him,

"What do you want me to do, Lord?"

I think you'll hear an answer.

- Let the peace of God bean umpire in your heart,

is what the Bible tells us,

that if you have peace, go for it.

I just, I wasn't about totake the two shot deal.

I waited for the last one to come out,

and I'm very happy.

Even though they have someblood clots on that one,

but anyhow, okay go ahead.

- At least you're done, right?

All right, here's Renee, and she says,

"Do demons, do what Satan tells them,

or do they act on their own will?

Do they have to take orders from Satan?"

- The prayer that I haveoffered people to pray,

"I bind you Satan and the forces of evil."

I think demons have acertain amount of will,

they do what they wanna do.

It's not in the Bible who controls who,

but there is a hierarchy,or a low-archy, if you will,

of demonic power.

And I think that he controls them.

He brought the fallen angelsout of heaven with him

when they revolted against God.

But you know, you asked me,

"Do they follow his instructions?"

I'm really not privy to thatparticularly information.

I don't know anybody that is.

- But you can bind 'em.

- Well, I bind them in the name of Jesus.

Jesus is more powerfulthan all the devils.

That's the thing yougotta know, all right.

- Amen, amen, all right.

Marie says, "Dear Pat, Ihave contacted our senators

and representatives here in Virginia

about the Iran NuclearDeal, and the Equality Act.

I told them we feel thatit is not the people's will

for us to enter into these.

But the response that I get back

is that they feel it's good,so they are voting for it.

How do we stop them?

It seems like a wasteof time to contact them

because they just do what'sgood for their agenda."

- I recommend that you getsomebody to go after them

on a primary and you know,vote and let them know

that you have a lot of people with you,

and you're gonna,

and they're voting formatters you don't like,

and you're gonna vote against them.

That's your privilege as afree American, all right.

- Vote them out, vote them out of office.

All right, here's Janice.

She says, "If you miss the rapture,

can you still be born again?

After the rapture, can you accept Jesus?

And will you still goto heaven when you die?

I'm concerned aboutunsaved family members."

- Well look, there'ssome real false theology

that's been going on.

This pre-tribulation rapture

that somehow the Lord's gonna come,

and he's going to catch people up.

And then there's gonna be seven years,

and they're gonna be left behind,

and there're gonna be airplanes

where the pilots are caught out,

and the airplane is gonna crash.

It's a lot of nonsense, it's bad theology.

When the Lord comes,

he's gonna come with a shout of command,

with the trump of God.

And the angels, he'll send his angels,

and gather his elect from thefour corners of the Earth.

That's going to be what'scalled the second coming.

And we will be caught up to him.

Now, either you're gonnamake it, or you're not.

I wouldn't worry about thisother thing, it's bad theology.

But what you need to do is knowif you continue in my Word,

then you are not gonna comeinto the judgment, all right.

- Okay, good word.

Here's Johnny, he says, "Myfamily members think I'm crazy

for loving the Lord like I do.

I love writing Christianlyrics that the Lord gives me.

And I wanna be a professionalsinger and songwriter.

Is it right for my familyand friends to be this way?"

- Well, was it right?

Jesus' family thought he was crazy.

They came, they said,"He's not of his mind."

And they came to take him,because they thought he was nuts.

So don't feel that your family-

- You're in good company.- Is so unusual.

But you do what Godshowed you to do in love.

Well, Today's Power Minute'sfrom the book of John,

"Ask and you receive, thatyour joy may be full."

See you tomorrow, God bless you.

(gentle music)


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