Best of: Ireland forgets religious roots, these Christians bringing it back; The hidden Nazi & the untold story of America’s deal with devil; From queer to Christ. A former gay’s journey into light;†Death to America†death for elderly ...
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(dramatic music)
- Today, some of our bestsegments from "The Global Lane."
Ireland was once a nation
where almost everyone went to church.
Now, in parts of thecountry, almost no one does.
So what happened?
Dale Hurd reports from Dublinon Ireland's Christian legacy
and why it isn't over yet.
- If there's a symbol of whathappened to faith in Ireland,
it might be this, TheChurch of the Annunciation
just outside of Dublin.
It's one of the largestchurch buildings in Ireland
and it's about to be knocked down
because so few people attend services.
Anyone in Ireland over 50can still remember a nation
where almost everyone went to church,
but today live in a nationwhere, in some areas,
almost no one goes to church.
The Christian faith thathas dominated Ireland
for centuries died with surprising speed.
And as one leader putit, today, for the Irish,
God has become irrelevant.
They not only walked away from the church,
they legalized same-sexmarriage, abortion,
and elected an openly gay prime minister.
Nick Park heads Ireland'sEvangelical Alliance.
- It was very much a cultural religion.
They were Catholicbecause they were Irish,
and the two were seen as synonymous.
- We were very arrogant as a church.
- [Dale] Paddy Monaghan helps
lead the Evangelical Catholic Initiative.
- Sadly, it's taken the two referendums
that we fought that lost,one on same-sex marriage,
one on abortion, to bringhome to the Catholic church
in Ireland that they'renow a minority church.
- [Dale] Church buildings abandoned,
some Catholic seminaries almost empty.
One clergyman wrote that the battle
for faith in Ireland has been lost.
But a new church is rising.
(singing in foreign language)
This is the largest church in Ireland
and it is Romanian Pentecostal.
The worshipers at Betania,or Bethany, Church came
to Ireland to find work but now realize
they were sent to Ireland as missionaries.
Betania Church is exploding.
It's building a new five
and a half milliondollar facility on faith.
One that will accommodate 1500 worshipers.
I met two of its pastorsat the construction site.
- We are praying for this country.
We are fasting for this country.
And I think God has a planwith us to be a blessing
for this country and themore people to know God
and to be saved in this country'cause God loves Ireland.
- We realize God has a greater plan,
a bigger purpose for ourlives to deliver His message
and His kingdom works for this country.
- [Dale] In fact, thesecond largest church
in Ireland is also Romanian Pentecostal.
Betania Pastor Jurjearemembers when nations
like Ireland sent Biblesto communist Romania.
- And those Bibles are coming back now.
- [Dale] African churchesare also growing.
The Nigerian Redeemed ChristianChurch of God has grown
to more than 100 churches in Ireland
with several thousand members.
And even though most
Irish have rejected theinstitutional church,
polls show many still believethe core of the gospel.
- Among Irish youth, I thinkit's something like 70%
of them said they really believeJesus rose from the dead.
They really believed in heaven and hell.
They really believed
that Jesus was the incarnate Son of God.
So you've still got these very high rates
of belief in the facts of the gospel.
- When we were choked byreligion and institutionalism,
there wasn't much life.
But now that we have thoseinstitutions crumbling,
I think that we're inthe land of opportunity.
- Monaghan says the spirit is moving
in some Catholic churches as well.
- There's a spiritual awakeninghappening in this country.
And some parish priests arereally becoming born again,
filled with the Holy Spirit,
and getting a vision for what's possible.
There's that spiritualheritage within this nation
that I believe the enemySatan wants to destroy
but I believe it's going to happen again.
- [Dale] Ireland, once a mission field
then a base for missions hasbecome a mission field again.
- Dale Hurd joins usnow via Skype with more.
Dale, how did Irelandleave the faith so quickly?
- Well, they did studiesback when Ireland was very
religious and it showed thatthe faith wasn't very deep.
The Irish are aboutrelationship and community.
And I think the Catholicchurch was a part of that.
And then when these scandalsjust rocked the nation,
terrible scandals involving children,
that there was nothingto hold the Irish there.
They were through.
- Many debate whether Europeis really post-Christian
because we're seeing greatmoves of God in many places.
Is it post-Christian?
- Oh, get a room of aChristian leaders from Europe
together and that'll start a fight.
There are great thingsare happening, as you say,
but the culture has been lost.
We're talking about nationsthat were completely Christian,
more or less, and now in many cases,
almost no one goes to church.
And so, while God is moving,they've lost the culture.
We have instances in nations like Britain
that are officially Christianpersecuting Christians.
And it's the only group thatthey pick on are Christians.
And they're a Christian nation.
And we have this all across Europe.
This story of the Finnishmember of Parliament
who faces prison forsimply tweeting verses
from Romans condemning homosexuality.
- And do you think thiswas going to worse, Dale?
What's the future ofChristianity in Europe?
- I think persecution will get worse.
There's nothing to keep Europefrom persecuting Christians
because it's unmoored fromtraditional standards of law.
It's whatever makes itfeel better, it does.
And right now it seesChristianity as oppressive.
But I believe in the Great Commission.
I believe in the irrevocable calls of God
on Europe and on many of these nations
and Europeans are empty spiritually.
And so there's the turf there
for a major mass revivaland many are praying for it.
- And what really stoodout to me in your piece,
many things, but the factthat Bibles were sent
from Ireland to Romaniaduring the Cold War
and now those Bibles are coming back.
Not just the Bibles, but the missionaries.
- It's called the great reflex.
And this was the prayerof early missionaries
like William Carey and David Livingstone
that the people of Africa and Asia from
these mission fields would one day
carry the gospel back to Europe.
- Well, it seems like now'sthe time and now's the day.
Dale, another excellent report.
Thank you for joining us today.
- Thank you, Gary.
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- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."
- Israeli archeologists aretaking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief
Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline"
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- VE Day.
75 years have now passed sincethe surrender of Nazi Germany
and the end of the secondworld war in Europe.
Adolf Hitler murdered 6 million Jews
and the war just in Europealone claimed 20 million lives.
That was double the number
of European deaths from World War I.
Here with us to provide someinsights is Mr. Dean Reuter.
He's a fellow at theNational Security Institute
at George Mason University'sAntonin Scalia Law School,
also general counsel ofthe Federalist Society
for Law and Public Policy, and co-author
of the book "The Hidden Nazi:
The Untold Story of America'sDeal with the Devil."
Dean, thank you for being with us.
We'll talk about yourbook in a few minutes.
But 75 years have now passed since VE Day.
So what lasting lessons have we learned
from that devastating conflict?
- For me, the biggest lessonis that the Americans along
with the Western alliescan accomplish anything,
which seems like a poignantand relevant message
in today's era where we're battling
yet another worldwideenemy, the coronavirus,
this one not manmade,we think at this point.
But there are lots ofsimilarities and contrasts.
But I would say the big lesson is that
good triumphs over evil.
- And not many World War IIveterans are still with us now.
So why is it importantfor us to honor them,
those who fought, those who died,
and what do you want youngpeople to know about it?
- Well, I do think there's some truth
in the notion that history repeats itself,
especially if we don't learn from it.
And it's appalling.
We recently had the 75th anniversary
of the liberation of Auschwitz.
It's appalling how people 40 years
or younger don't know whatthe Holocaust was by and large
and they certainly don'tknow what Auschwitz is.
And that's tragic for the loss itself,
but also for the for the notion
that bad could arise again,evil could arise again.
And we need to be perfectly informed
about what man is capableof doing to fellow man,
not just on a one-on-one basis,
but on an institutionalgovernment wide basis.
- And I know a lot of youngpeople aren't even aware
of who fought againstwhom in World War II.
Germany and Japan, when was that?
But anyway, your bookabout the hidden Nazi,
General Hans Kammler, who was he?
Why did the United Statesprotect him after the war?
- That's a great questionwhy they protected him.
He was the most powerful Nazi,
as we say in the book,that you've never heard of.
He was integral to the Holocaust
meaning the Holocaust couldnot have happened without him.
He was an architect and an engineer.
He helped identify Auschwitzas the main killing camp,
identified other sites for camps,
then built them out,designed the gas chambers,
installed the gas chambers and the ovens,
literally made the Holocaust possible.
From there though, he went on to rule all
of Germany's secret weapons.
And as we knew, Germanywas going to lose the war.
In the final year we wantedthose secret weapons.
The Western allies did, the Americans did,
including the vengeanceweapons, the V1 and V2 rockets.
And indeed we got the rocket team
that made the supersonic V2 rocket,
helped put us on the moon,
helped us win the Cold War with the ICBM.
But everybody assumeswe just sort of stumbled
upon the rocket team through good fortune,
found them in Germany.
But as we prove in "The Hidden Nazi,"
Hans Kammler is the generalwho delivered the rocket team
to the United States andchanged the course of history.
- And of course, manypeople are horrified by that
to think that the United Statesprotected such an evil man.
So is there a dilemma here?
Do we always have to make these choices
between the lesser of two evils, maybe?
- Well, Gary, there's certainly a dilemma.
We talk about it at length in the book.
The conclusion I can only come to is that
it's hard for me to secondguess the decisions made
on the ground as the war was winding down.
Everybody knew what theNazis had been up to.
Maybe not the extent of it,
but they knew they were evil incarnate.
Yet everyone knew thatthe Soviet Union was going
to be the next threat, agodless existential threat
to the United States.
Their way of life was incompatible
with that of the United States.
So we began to recruitNazis as intelligence assets
but also as technicians and experts,
not just to get them for ourselves,
but to keep them out ofthe hands of the Soviets.
So there's absolutelya moral question there.
The answers don't come easy.
But we pose a lot of those questions
in the book "The Hidden Nazi."
- And of course, followingvictory in Europe,
we saw the rise of theCold War as you mentioned,
and finally in 1989, thefall of the Berlin Wall,
and the Soviet Union, eventually the fall
of communism in Eastern Europe.
So right now, like the United States,
we know that Europe isbattling this unseen enemy,
COVID-19 that you mentioned.
But how likely are we to seeanother great war in Europe?
What do you think willhappen in the years ahead?
- Boy, I hope not.
The leap from World War I to World War II
in terms of munitions andkilling capacity was enormous.
And the technology, the killing capacity
from World War II to thepresent is a greater leap still.
So our ability to inflict harmand devastation on another,
not just on soldiers, butalso on civilian populations,
it has just been dramatically increased.
And so that means thestakes are enormously high.
So I don't think it'slikely, but having said that,
World War I was thought to be the last
great war of world history.
And a mere 20 years later,they're all at it again.
- And we still have manyenemies out there, don't we?
- We do, there are alot of governments that,
I mean, America, God bless America,
it's a freedom-lovingliberty-loving country.
There are a lot of dictators left,
a lot of tyrannical governments,
a lot of fascist socialistbased governments
and they're not compatiblewith our way of life.
- Not to mention some Islamic ones
that chant death to America.
Dean Reuter of the Federalist Society
and George Mason University,
and author of the book "The Hidden Nazi:
The Untold Story of America'sDeal with the Devil."
Sounds like an excellent book.
Thank you for that and thankyou for your insights today.
- Great to be with you, Gary.
Thanks for having me on.
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(dramatic music)
- American popular cultureis steadily being inundated
with pro LGBTQ messages.
AOC, the New York congresswoman,
pledged allegiance to the drag
on "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" show.
- I'm Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
and I pledge allegiance to the drag.
- Here to set us straighton cultural influences
from the LGBTQ communityis George Carneal.
Raised by a Southern Baptist minister,
Mr. Carneal spent 25 years immersed
in the homosexual lifestyle.
He is author of the new book
"From Queer to Christ: MyJourney Into the Light."
So George, tell us why is this onslaught
from the LGBTQ community occurring
in our culture at this time?
It seems they've gone from fighting
for societal tolerance toindoctrination demanding
that our culture embracea minority lifestyle.
- I think it's going tocontinue to get worse.
I knew when they opened the floodgates,
it's never going to beenough really until we look
at the bigger picture of whatthe agenda is really about.
And that is silencing Christians
and all opposition tothis agenda and anything
that is pro-family, pro-Christian,pro-life, pro-America.
It's just an agendathat's going to keep going
until they can silence everyone.
- Explain to us then how is it that you,
raised by a SouthernBaptist minister father,
came to embrace a gay lifestyle?
- I really struggled witha lot of the bullying.
When I was a kid, there was a disconnect
with my male peers andbecause of the demands
of my father's ministryand he wasn't around a lot.
I think there was something in me
that was missing maleaffection and male bonding.
And I went through a lot of bullying
so when I first steppedinto a gay bar at 18,
it was the first timethat men were looking
at me differently andtreating me differently.
I wasn't getting the negative attention
but it was a positive attention.
And it really became addicting because
for someone who really didn't have that
for 18 years of their life,
I just quickly becameaddicted to that life
and it just descended within three years.
By that point, I wasalready battling drugs
and alcohol, depression.
I had a sex addiction.
I was a prostitute andI attempted suicide,
and it would still be 22 more years
before God would finallyget me out of that life.
- There's a growing effortin states around the nation
right now to adopt legislationprohibiting counseling
that attempts to bring gays and lesbians
out of the homosexual lifestyle.
Your thoughts on that?
Should we have lawsbanning conversion therapy?
- Absolutely not.
The way they tell it, they act as if
every counselor out there is doing harm
to an LGBT individual.
And it's not the case.
I've worked with both secularand Christian counselors
and everyone has beenrespectful of my journey,
what I've been struggling with,
even my faith, I havenot had anyone harm me.
And I've been through lots
of therapy with lots of therapists.
What they need to understandis there are LGBT individuals
who do not want these feelingsand they want help getting
that healing and wholeness that they want
so they can have a family and children,
that is their desire.
And they have every right to seek out
whatever kind of counseling they need
to get that healing and wholeness.
The LGBT activists and even government,
the government does not have the right
to step in and mandate and dictate
that we have to be saddledwith these feelings.
- And I'm sure just likeyou, many gays, George,
you at one time viewedChristians as intolerant enemies.
So how should churches andChristians respond then
to gay members in their congregations?
- For me, I really hated Christians.
I had such a negative view of them
and I had really been hurt by them
because a lot of them give the narrative
that God created AIDS to kill the fags,
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
to get rid of the homosexuals.
You hear all of the perverted stuff.
And then they'll say allfags are going to hell.
And this really stole anyhope that I had in my own life
of trying to think or believethat God was really an ally.
And it was really God slowly immersing me
back into the church, but with Christians
who truly had the heart of Christ
that allowed me a safeplace to go and just sit
with them and I wasn't harassedor bullied or mistreated.
But it was sitting under the power
of the conviction of the Holy Spirit,
of pastors who had the guts to
speak the truth of God's Word.
And I knew that by theChristians in my own life
who were loving andwho invested time in me
and poured love into me
that really gave me alot of food for thought.
And God started to expose thelies of the LGBT activists,
including the liberal theologians
who pushed the gay is okay narrative.
And after I had to work through the lies
and God deprogrammed me of those lies
and gave me the healing that I needed,
it gave me the strengthto walk out of that life.
- The Episcopal church just ordained
its first lesbian Bishop Bonnie Perry.
Should people who are openly homosexual be
in leadership positions in churches?
- Absolutely not.
And that goes for heterosexuals
who are sleeping outside of marriage
or they're living withsomeone and they're unmarried.
No, there's a way that we'resupposed to live our lives
that God calls us to do in His Word.
And unless we are meeting those standards,
not that anyone's perfect,
but we should really be doing our best
to live a godly life becausewe are an influence on others.
And not only that we are representing God.
So no, they should not be allowed.
- And finally, George, howshould Christians then respond
to these LGBTQ influencesthat we're now seeing
in movies, films, politics, culture?
What's your advice?
- My advice is, is I knowHollywood is glamorizing it
and they are giving asanitized version of what is.
But until you sit down andlisten to the testimonies
of every gay, lesbian,and transgender individual
who has come out ofthat life and you listen
to the horror stories ofwhat we've been through
and the reality of that lifewhich I share in my book,
it's not X-rated but I don't sugarcoat it.
But the life is so different from what
Hollywood and what the media portray.
And so when a Christian affirms this,
they think that they'redoing the most loving thing,
but you're not.
You're not only hurting that individual,
and you're pushing theminto a life of where
they're not going to findany peace, happiness,
or contentment, but you are pushing them
into further rebellion against God.
And I've seen the casualties of that life.
And I'm warning Christiansto stop affirming this.
Tell them the truth in love.
And just so you'll know,in the back of my book
I put all of the talkingpoints that the LGBT activists
and the Christian liberal theologian Jews
and I debunked that with Scripture.
So if you have individuals in your life
who are not willing to listen to this,
give them the book or at least get it
and familiarize yourselfwith those talking points
so when they do come at you and say,
"No, no, no, no, it's okay,"you can give them Scripture
because they are not going to sit down
and study God's Word to getthe truth for themselves.
- Okay, the book is "From Queer to Christ:
My Journey Into the Light."
- [Announcer] Christiansaround the world are standing
with the Israelis.
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you'll discover whyChristians are supporting
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(upbeat music)
- Heavenly Father, we do thank You
for the work of Your Spirit, Lord God,
with this movement of getting the Bible,
Lord, into public schools.
- [Announcer] Watch the "PrayerLink"
Tuesday morning at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.
(uplifting upbeat music)
♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ But with a little more satisfaction ♪
♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪
♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
(dramatic music)
- A cult of death anddestruction is rising
from the far reaches of theworld to right here in the USA.
- [Rioters] Death toAmerica, death to America.
- Death to America, death topolice, death to the unborn.
Disregard for human lifemetastasizes like cancer.
- There are more abortionson black children
than black children being born alive.
- Let's keep in mind that
we've lost 60 millionAmericans to abortion.
We're in a spiritual battle here.
- It begins with children in the womb.
Then spreads to children outside the womb.
Children are traded like property,
enslaved, and/or sexually abused.
You see, if you don't protect the unborn
and value the sanctity of life,
then all lives are no longer relevant.
Life is cheapened.
It's an attitude of no lives matter
and eventually evolves into disregard
for the lives of the elderly.
How many of them needlesslyperished from COVID-19
in New York and New Jerseynursing homes and elsewhere?
Celebrating life, honoring God,
and treating all livesas sacred is the key
to creating a morevirtuous and just America.
Well, that's it todayfrom "The Global Lane."
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, iTunes,
SoundCloud, YouTube, Parler, and Twitter.
And until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)