Read Transcript
- Time for some email, are you ready?
- Time for some email, all right.
- Okay, Pat, this firstone comes from Sander
who says "I don't likewearing a mask, staying home,
"not seeing my family, but I do it.
"But my spiritual parentsare saying things like,
"'Wearing a face mask isakin to wearing a diaper,
"'following guidelinesis like being thrown
"'into the fiery furnace,'
"and that by followingthe laws of the land
"'I am following the devil.'
"I'm so confused.
"If I continue to wear mymask and get vaccinated,
"am I allowing Satan to take a hold?"
- Of course you're not.
I can't imagine spiritual parents saying
that wearing a mask is likethe sign of the Antichrist
and this is part of the devil.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
There are laws that have beenput in place, by the way,
reaction to this thing that are just nuts.
And I can understand people
who are seeing their businesses destroyed
by executive fiat.
But in terms of, you know,
we're supposed to obeythe laws as Christians,
as part of the biblical mandate, you know,
honor to whom honor is due,
tribute to whom tribute is due.
Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar,
et cetera, et cetera,it's all in the Bible.
And as good Christian citizens
we need to obey the law ofthe land where possible.
In when the law says you should, you know,
turn on the Lord then Peter said,
"Whether to obey God or obeyyou, you've got to choose.
"well we're going to serve the Lord."
That's a totally different matter
in which you're talking about, all right?
- This is the viewer who says
"I'm in college and I alwaysget so nervous before a test.
"What can I do to calmdown and think straight?"
- We all have been tocollege and we've all had
nervousness before tests.
The best thing to do is to makesure you know your material.
And if you know what's there
you don't have to worry so much.
And the other thing isgive it to the Lord.
I mean, when you go and you say,
"Lord, this is You, I belong to You."
You know, "Speak to meand speak to my mind,
"and as I go into that test
"I'm going to ask You totake control of my mind"
And just surrender yourself to Him
and then when you surrender to Him,
it's so much easier.
What you're trying to dois do it all yourself,
and of course you get nervous.
When the Lord is doing it
it's a totally differentmatter, all right?
- Well, here's an interesting one.
(clears throat) Excuse me.
This is from Diana who says,
"Pat, about 35 years agoI was not a Christian.
"I was fond of a manwho came into my store.
"So, I said to the devil,let me meet this man.
"You can have my soul.
"Oh, dear God,
"I met him, married himand now 35 years later,
"he just passed.
"However, I broke up ablessed family to marry him
"and now fear I have noright to enter heaven.
"Is my soul gone to thedevil, or can I still repent?
"Please ease my heart and soul."
- This is some of the classicsin literature, you know,
the person who's soldtheir soul to the devil.
Look, if you belong to Jesus
the soul doesn't belongto you, it belongs to God
and you can't give it to thedevil, even if you tried.
So, that is something youshouldn't worry about.
The big thing is, ask God to forgive you
if you broke up a family,
whatever you did wrong, say,
"I'm sorry and I renouncedthat in providence speech.
"I ask you Lord to forgive me."
And then God is abundantlyable to forgive you, all right?
- Dante says, "Hi, Pat,I'm curious to know
"can an Apostate be forgiven?
"I've heard some people can't be forgiven
"if they commit this sin."
- Well, looked the ultimatesin is rejecting Jesus.
That really is the ultimate sin
because if you don't believe in the Lord
then the salvation he offersyou will not be made available.
But, you know,
the devil can come to you and say,
"You've committed the unpardonable sin.
"You're going to hell."
I mean, he'll do that, I know it.
But, at the same time you say,
"Satan, I believe in God."
And what I think the answer to that is,
"Satan I believe in JesusChrist. I will serve Him.
"Even if it's in hell,I'll still serve Him."
And as long as you make that commitment
you don't have anyproblems, okay, what else?
- Kathy says, "Isaiah 14:12 says,
'How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer
'and Ezekiel 28:15, you wereperfect in all your ways
'till iniquity was found in you.'
"Since sin can't dwell with God,
"where did iniquity come from?
"And what is it?"
- Oh, iniquity that has come about in,
the anointed share of that covered
and he covered the very holiness of God.
And where it came from,it came from pride.
The whole idea is I can run this heaven
better than God can.
That's the root sin is I can do it my way
and that was where sin came from
and out of that came aterrible rebellion against God
and the sin that we haveseen in the world since.