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TX Rep. Beth Van Duyne Describes Humanitarian Crisis She's Seen at the Border

TX Rep. Beth Van Duyne Describes Humanitarian Crisis She's Seen at the Border Read Transcript

- And here with us now isRepublican Congresswoman,

Beth Van Duyne of Texas.

Congresswoman, thank youso much for being with us.

I know you're down at the border right now

with more than a dozenother Republican law makers.

Tell us what you're seeing.

- It's a humanity crisis down here

is what I'm seeing.

We got to visit the Donnafacility this morning

which normally should holdno more than 250 people.

Has over 4,700 people in it now.

The facilities are cramped,

kids are on top of one another,

literally lined up onmultiple cots on the floor.

It is a crisis down here.

By law, the children are only allowed

to stay in these facilities for 72 hours.

They've been here, some of them,

for almost two weeks with no end in sight

and it is tragic what'shappening down here.

- Clearly the system is overwhelmed

and that might be the understatement.

Congresswoman Van Duyne,

have you been able to meet with

border patrol agents or otherlaw enforcement officials?

I wonder what they're telling you.

- We have, we have talked to them

and they are very directthat they feel like

they are in reactionary mode,

that, you know, underthe Trump administration

we were able to get ahandle on what was happening

by allowing people toapply for asylum in Mexico

or the first safe country they came in

instead of having thismassive surge onto our border

and what we've seen under thiscurrent Biden administration

is all of those solutions that worked

under the last administration,the Trump administration,

have been removed.

The numbers that they are seeing right now

are unlike they have ever seen before,

it's higher than they've ever seen before,

it's 350% worse than this time last year.

- You visited a housinglocation at a convention center

for immigrant teens.

What can you tell usabout that experience?

- Where I saw yesterday was at the

Dallas Convention Center,

the Kay Bailey HutchisonConvention Center,

where they had three and a half days

to prepare a facility

and within five days thefacility was at capacity

with 2,300 kids.

No TVs, no recreation, no sunlight.

They were looking, you know,

the people who are responsiblefor taking care of them,

you know, the careerworkers are doing their best

with the resources that they have,

but again, they'replaying reactionary mode

and when you talk to CBB,

when you talk to thefolks who are, you know,

in the Dallas facility,

what they tell you that we are enriching

and empowering drug cartels,

human smugglers everyday we continue with this

because they get paid for every body

they deliver live at the border.

So that's all we are wedoing with this new policy

is enriching andempowering drug smugglers,

human smugglers, and drug cartels

and it is heartbreaking to see.

- Congresswoman Van Duyne of Texas,

thank you so much for taking time

out of your schedule to be with us today.

- Thank you very much.


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