You know Gizmo from Superbook, but now get a chance to hear the lovable robot’s answers to your questions.
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(upbeat music)
- Well, as advertised,
Superbook's time travelingrobot Gizmo is here today,
so Gizmo welcome to the show.
- Hi Gordon, hi Terry, thankyou so much for having me.
- Great to have you here.
Gizmo, we've receiveda few questions for you
from some of our Superbook fans,
and I have one for you from Olivia.
- Hi, Gizmo, my name's Olivia.
I have two questions for you.
Was there an Easter bunny
when Jesus died on the cross?
What's your favorite part of Easter?
Bye, thank you.
- (laughing) Hi Olivia,very good questions.
Let me run a data scan
to see if I can get your answer.
My software tells me
there were bunnies on Easter,
but I could not seem tolocate the Easter bunny.
If he was there, he wasprobably busy hiding eggs.
And to answer your second question,
my favorite part ofEaster is going to church.
Oh, and the candy.
Robots love candy.
- I didn't know robots could eat, Gizmo,
what's going on?
Are you sugar powered?
- I am 100% sugar powered, Gordon.
- All right. (laughing)
Well here's another question from Dean.
- Hi, Gizmo, my name is Dean.
Where did Jesus get his powers from?
- Hi Dean.
To answer your question,Jesus is the son of God.
We all get things from our parents,
and just like us hispower comes from his dad,
who is God.
He also got cool carpentry powers
from his earthly father, Joseph,
and his mom taught himhow to make grape juice.
- And that is so significant. (laughing)
Well those are great answers, Gizmo.
Here's another questionfor you from Faith.
- Hi, Gizmo,
my name's Faith.
I got one question for you.
What does Jesus look like on Easter?
Bye, bye.
- Hello, Faith.
Awesome name.
I am not sure what Jesuslooks like on Easter,
but I am certain he looks good'cause he rose from the dead.
So my best guess is heis shining so bright
that he outshines the sun.
- All right, Gizmo, wegot another question.
This one comes in from Ryan.
- Hi, Gizmo, my name is Ryan.
What did Jesus' crown look like?
- Hi, Ryan.
The Bible said that Jesus isking over all other kings,
so his crown has to be more awesome
than any others on Earth.
I am also certain hiscrown is made of pure gold
and gemstones that you can'tjust buy off of Amazon.
- That's the truth.
Can't be delivered in twodays, right? (laughing)
here's a question from one of
our youngest Superbook fans, Hudson.
- Hi.
Hi, Gizmo, my name's Hudson.
I really love Superbook.
Why do you love being Gizmo?
- Well hello Hudson.
Thank you so much forwatching "Superbook."
Being Gizmo is kind of great,
if I do say so myself.
I have cool jet packs that help us
travel by air or by sea.
I also like Chris and Joy
know more about Jesus.
And occasionally I even make smoothies.
- Well no wonder kids like you so much
if you can make 'em smoothies on demand.
Here's Hudson's big sister Charlotte,
she also has a question for you.
- Hi, Gizmo, my name is Charlotte.
Why do we celebrate Easter?
- That is such a greatquestion, Charlotte.
Easter is very importantbecause it is the day
Jesus rose from the dead.
If that is not something to celebrate,
I don't know what is.
I celebrated by beatingChris in a video game,
so I love celebrating resurrection Sunday.
- Well I think we havetime for one last question,
and here's one from a futureastronaut named Ethan.
- Gizmo, how did Godcreate the solar system?
- Hi, Ethan.
God created the universe with his words.
Is that not amazing?
We serve a God who can speak
and things just appear.
The only time my wordsmake anything happen
is when I ask Siri or Alexa,
"Alexa, play Superbook."
- Making it all work.
- Can we get Alexa to play Gizmo?
- That's a great question, Gordon,
make sure you make it happen.
- Okay.
I'd rather have you, Gizmo, than Alexa.
Anyway, Superbook fans,
if you can't get enough Gizmo,
make sure to check outthe Superbook Bible app,
our favorite robot answerseven more questions from you,
our viewers, just openthe Superbook Bible app
on your phone or tablet,
click on the video sectionto watch "Ask Gizmo."
Best of all, the SuperbookBible app is free
and available to download inthe app store or Google Play.
All you have to do ischeck out "Ask Gizmo,"
and we're going to be havingmore Ask Gizmo segments
on our Facebook and YouTube pages
so that you can participate
and you can ask your questions.