Tina, host of the new Superbook GizmoGO! series, presents a special Q&A with your favorite time traveling robot Gizmo!
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- Have you ever wonderedwhat it would be like
to go back in time, toknow what the stories
in the Bible were really like?
Well, let's find out!
Hi, I'm Tina!
And welcome to Ask Gizmo,where we ask your favorite
time-traveling robot from SuperBook
the questions you've always wanted to ask.
- Ta Da!
Hello everyone!
- Hi Gizmo.
I'm so glad you made it.
- The feeling is mutual, Tina.
So, what are we doing today?
- Well, we've beengetting a lot of questions
about you and your travels.
So we thought we'd haveyou come by and answer
some of those questions.
- Me?Really?
- Plus, with all of theadventures you've been on
with Joy and Chris, you'veseen and learned so much.
I'm sure you've got a lot to share.
- Boy, I sure do.
Go ahead, ask away.
- Gizmo, that's the camera crew.
- Hey guys!
- But we do have a bunchof questions submitted
by SuperBook fans from all over the world,
right on this tablet.
- Tablet!
Did you know Moses had two tablets?
But they had commandments onthem instead of questions.
And they were way heavierthan that, way heavier!
- I'm sure they were, Gizmo.
So, here's how it works.
With your parents' permission,
go to superbook.cbn.com/askgizmo.
Follow the instructions,type in your questions,
and Gizmo will answer you.
- Easy as pie, though Idid watch Joy make pie once
and it did not appear too easy.
- And don't be afraid to askeven your hardest questions,
because Gizmo will answer all of them.
- All of them!
- Every single one.
- No problem.
I just received a processorupdate that makes me
three and a half timesfaster than any other robot
on the block.
- That sounds fast!
So, while the questions come in,
let's remind them the reasonfor this Christmas season.
- Christmas!
Jesus' birthday!
I know Him.
- So do I (laughs)
And Christmas is not onlya time for the celebration
of the birth of Jesus, it's atime to spend with your family
and even your extended family.
- Aww, family.
Sometimes we screen time each other
and talk about the latest apps.
- Oh, and speaking of apps,
check out the SuperBook Bible app.
It's filled with all sortsof Bible-based information
you and your family will love.
And when we return, we'llask Gizmo your questions.
- It's the new SuperBook Bible app!
It's packed with games,activities, and SuperBook episodes
that you can watch for free.
Oh noooo!
There's trivia, a fun daily devotional,
and answers to your Bible questions.
Plus, an easy to understand Bible
the whole family will enjoy.
You can even create yourown SuperBook character.
Ta Da!
It's the new SuperBook Bible app.
Free downloads on iTunes,Google play, and Amazon.
- And you know, withthe SuperBook Bible app,
you'll be able to watchvideos, play games,
and have daily Bible quests
that the whole family will enjoy.
Isn't that great?
- And downloaded and installed.
Oh yes, I cannot wait to check this out.
- Great!
So Gizmo, are you readyfor your first question?
- Bring it on.
- This one is from Ben.
"Hey, Gizmo, what doyou like to do for fun?"
- I like to spend time with Chris and Joy.
There is also cooking.
I absolutely love to cook.
You should try my Gizmoliciousblendastic fruit smoothie.
- Wow, that sounds delicious!
John asks, "Gizmo, do you ever rust?"
"You're always so shiny!"
- Good question, John.
My parts are speciallydesigned to withstand
all kinds of elements, so I never rust.
I can, however, getdirty and must be cleaned
on a regular basis.
- I think we all needcleaning on a regular basis.
Luis wants to know, "I gotmad at my little brother
"for breaking my video game."
"Does God still love me?"
- Oh, Jesus will always love you!
Even when you do things that are wrong.
He loves you because itis His nature to love.
The Bible says that God is love,
meaning that God has a heart full of love.
If we do something wrong, itdoes not break our relationship
with Jesus, but we shouldstill ask for forgiveness
so that we can have thepeace of God in our hearts.
- I couldn't have said it better myself.
Here's one from Aubrey.
"My dog died."
"Will I see him in heaven?"
- Hi, Aubrey.
I am so sorry about your dog.
According to my database,we do not know for certain
that animals go to heaven,but the Bible does talk
about Jesus returning fromheaven on a white horse.
So, perhaps there are animals in heaven.
- Sylvia asks, "What isyour favorite adventure?"
- Wow, there are so many!
But one of my many timetraveling adventures
was when we went back in time
to when we went back in time.
- Huh?
Oh, I remember watching that adventure.
I believe it was called"The Promise of a Child".
- That is correct.
It was actually about God's promise
of several special children.
- Oh, hold on.
I've got a clip of that right here.
Let's watch it.
- Guys!
It's us!
- Whoa!
- Too weird!
- [Narrator] I am showingyou a time when you learned
that Abraham and Sarah hada son in their old age.
Even here, God was advancing His promise.
- Isaac, what is that?
- It is called an Abacus.
My father gave it to me asa gift and told me to try
and count all the stars in the sky.
- Cool.
A computer before computers were invented.
- Com-puter?
- Never mind.
- Isaac, why does yourfather want you to know
how many stars are in the sky?
- Because, before I was born,God told him that his children
and their children for generations to come
would one day number morethan all the stars above.
- And that was not the only time God spoke
about you, my son.
For years, Sarah and I waited,
but God's promise that we would have a son
was taking much longer than we expected.
Then one day...
My Lord!
- I will return to youaccording to the time of life,
and Sarah, your wife, shall have a son.
Why did Sarah laugh?
Does she doubt that she canhave a child in her old age?
I am the Lord.
There is nothing too difficult for me.
I will come back next yearat the time I promised
and Sarah will already have a son.
- And that is why God named me Isaac.
- For Isaac means laughter.
- How cool was that?
- Yes, not only did Godpromise a child for David,
but for Adam and Eve and Mary too.
- And Gizmo, to go backin time to see yourselves
back in time?
- It was quite fascinating to see us.
- As a matter of fact, youcan see the full episode
of "The Promise of a Child"on the newly released
SuperBook Christmas Special.
Just download the SuperBookBible app and click Videos.
- Christmas!
- I have a lot more questionsthat were sent to us, Giz.
But remember, if yourquestion isn't answered here,
you can go to superbook.cbn.com/askgizmo
and ask your questiondirectly to Gizmo now.
- I love Christmas!
- Here's a question from Alexis.
"Will I be able to visit Quantum Labs?"
- Professor Quantum isreally busy developing
new technologies and,unfortunately, does not give tours.
But, you can watch us in thelab in a SuperBook episode.
- Here's one from Regina.
"Was Jesus born at midnight?"
"And can't we open presents then?"
- The birthday of Jesus istraditionally celebrated
on December 25th, but it could have been
on a different day of the year.
It is more important thatthe message of Christmas
is the birth of Jesus Christ as our Savior
and that He is the best gift of all.
- He really is.
Ethan asks, "There are alot of people in the world."
"Does God hear all of those prayers?"
- I have learned that Godcan hear you when you pray,
because he knows whatpeople are thinking, saying,
and doing on earth.
Also, when you pray, itcomes from your heart
and goes to God, who is Spirit.
- So Carl wants to know,"Why do you talk about
"modern things when you're in the past?"
- Sometimes going back in timereally confuses my sensors.
I mean, I cannot even get a 4Gsignal and there is no wifi.
Boy, do I appreciate themodern conveniences of
communication, like ChattyMessage and Pintagram.
What a great way to sharethe love of Jesus Christ!
- And especially withthe SuperBook Bible app.
It brings the Bible to life without having
to travel back in time.
There's also interactive games.
So, if you haven't gotten the app yet,
ask your parents' permission,
then see what you've been missing.
Check it out!
- It's the new SuperBook Bible app.
It's packed with games,activities, and SuperBook episodes
that you can watch for free!
Oh nooo!
There's trivia, a fun daily devotional,
and answers to your Bible questions.
Plus, an easy to understand Bible
the whole family will enjoy.
You can even create yourown SuperBook character.
Ta Da!
It's the new SuperBook Bible app.
Free downloads on iTunes,Google play and Amazon.
Wait a minute.
Why do I have to go back in time,
if I can learn all of thison the SuperBook Bible app?
- Well, thanks to you,Joy, Chris, and SuperBook,
we don't have to go back in time.
But we do get to follow your adventures.
- Hmm.
- And learning the Bibleis way more fun with you.
- Well, when you put it that way.
- So, are you ready for more questions?
- I'm ready.
- Michael wants to know,
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
- Oh, I do not have anybrothers or sisters.
I consider Chris and Joymy brother and sister
and my best friends.
Oh, wait!
I also should include Gears,Rig, Widget, and Miss Tina.
- Aw, thanks Gizmo!
I consider you to be family too.
Here's one from Tim.
"Gizmo, do you have to take naps?"
"My mom makes me take one every day."
- I do not usually take naps.
Although, some days Iwish I could power down
for a few minutes.
I usually recharge at night.
- Sometimes I'll take a nap tohelp me get through the day.
Layla wants to know,
"If God loves everyone,why do bad things happen?"
- Evil things are not part of God's will.
I understand that sometimesbad things happen to someone
because someone else chooses to sin.
God has given everyone thefreedom to choose what to do.
And He wants everyoneto choose to follow Him
and do good things.
But some people choose tosin, against God and others.
- And remember, even ifsomething bad happens to you,
God is still with you.
- He sure is.
- Miguel asks, "Is it okay ifI don't pray all the time?"
- I have learned thatprayer is talking with God
and spending time in His presence.
You can praise and worship Him.
Tell Him what you would like help with
and thank Him for the goodthings He has done in your life
and is going to do.
When you spend time with God,
it is like spending time with a friend.
If you don't spend time with your friend,
your friendship may get weaker.
- Dorothy wants to know,
"Gizmo, what was the weatherlike when Jesus was born?"
- Oh, the sky was very clear.
There was a really bright star.
Overall, for that evening,
I would say the weather was perfect.
You could say heavenly.
- That's right.
You, Chris and Joy were therefor the first Christmas.
- That is correct.
- I've got the clip right here.
Let's watch.
(sheep bleating)
- Do not be afraid.
For behold, I bring goodtidings of great joy.
For there is born to you thisday in the city of David,
a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
And this will be the sign to you.
You'll find a babe wrappedin swaddling cloths,
lying in a manger.
♪ Glory to God ♪
♪ Glory to God ♪
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth,
peace, goodwill toward men.
♪ Glory to God ♪
♪ In the highest ♪
- Do you hear that?
- Yeah, where is it?
- Come on!
Hi, we're back and we have company.
(choir humming)
- As do we.
♪ Hallelujah ♪
(choir humming)
- Don't forget, you canwatch the entire episode
of the first Christmas by goingto the SuperBook Bible app.
- I am so excited!
I cannot wait to watch it!
- Okay, but before you relive it,
let's answer a couple more questions.
- Sure thing.
- Kara asks, "Gizmo, do youplay a musical instrument?"
- I can digitally createthe sounds of all kinds
of instruments, but I cannotplay a real instrument.
Chris is an excellent guitar player
and I enjoy listening to him play.
Joy sings beautifully too.
- And one last one from Josefina.
"Can you please be my bestfriend forever, please?"
- Best friend!
I know a BFF who will never let you down.
Jesus Christ.
He is the best friend you will ever have.
- He sure is!
Wow, Gizmo, there were somany questions left to answer,
but I know you'll getto all of them, right?
As a matter of fact, I amdownloading them right now.
Thank goodness for mynew processor update.
- Great!
Gizmo, thanks for your time to be here
and for answering the viewers' questions.
- My pleasure.
- And remember, even if wedidn't get to your question,
Gizmo will still respond to you online.
So if you have a questionabout him or about
one of his adventures, besure to get your parents'
permission and log on tosuperbook.cbn.com/askgizmo.
Thanks for watching!
- Bye!
(upbeat music)