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Pro Rodeo’s Anthony Thomas Rides Life and Profession by Bareback!

Pro Rodeo’s Anthony Thomas is among the world’s best-15 bareback riders. Hear his amazing story where wild things form trusting relationships. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Anthony Thomas has lived life

much like how he rides a horse,

some by saddle, some by bareback.

- I was a troubled kidthat ran away from home

that had a dream to be a cowboy.

God definitely placed horsesin my life and in my heart.

I was able to connect witha horse as a young kid.

I've chased wild horsesall over the world.

They're definitely a soulfulcreature that comes from God

and it saved my life.

- [Narrator] The rodeo cowboy

and professional bareback competitor

left home in Australia at 12 years old,

surviving an abusive family life.

- I had a pretty traumatic childhood.

My parents had me doped up pretty bad

on several different types of drugs.

I knew that I was troubled and confused

and I woulda ended up in organized crime

or in jail or dead if I hadstayed there in that situation.

Probably better off for me to stay away.

And being with the horsesand the cows and the sheep,

I knew that that's what gaveme a sense of belonging.

- [Narrator] Thatbelonging came at a ranch,

a cattle station near theboarding school where he was sent.

Young Anthony found stability,

identifying with the unbroken horses.

- I think the immediate connection

that I had with those wild horses

that God placed me in front of,

like me, they were confused

and they had used their defense mechanisms

to protect themselves and Icould definitely relate to 'em

in every way just becauseof the similarities

in the way that we thoughtand the circumstances

that were brought to us.

- [Narrator] Working longhours, seven days a week,

Anthony learned theart of breaking horses.

- Establishing full trustbetween man versus beast.

The horse has got to be in the mindset

that he trusts you enoughto want to do that for you.

You can make these bigcreatures do things,

but they're only are gonnagive you probably 70%

of what they can do.

And when you can gain that full trust

and have a full sense ofunderstanding with the horse,

then you'll get close to 100%out of your horse every time.

- [Narrator] The connection to horses

provided Anthony opportunities on them.

His learned instinctsand neglected upbringing

prepared him as a bareback rider.

- They say barebackriding is taking control

of a completely uncontrollable situation.

You know, the horse bucks,jumps in the air, is wild,

changes directions, and wejust have to react and respond.

And I think God prepared me

to be a professional bareback rider

because I need to trust the Lord

and the Holy Spirit's plan100%, surrendering to the Lord.

Then it's not up to me what happens.

- [Narrator] As a teen,Anthony looked forward

to the occasional weekend rodeosin the Australian outback.

- All the crews and all ofthe keen young cattle hands,

we call 'em ringers,would enter the rodeos

and use their skills that they would use

at their job every day,like riding bucking horses

and catching bulls andshowcase their talents.

And I would go to those local rodeos.

I ended up doing really well

in all the events that I entered

and I caught the rodeo bug.

- [Narrator] In 2011,

Anthony won the Australian Bareback Title.

The following year, he moved to Canada,

aiming for a North American title.

- The horses are somuch bigger and stronger

and more athletic.

The bucking horses in Canada

and in the US are second to none.

You know, the brightlights and the big stadiums

and the huge crowds.

Everything was just so much different

and, obviously, itpushed you to be far more

of a professional athlete.

- [Narrator] Injuriesand surgeries mounted.

So did distractions that camewith the touring territory.

- You're in a differentcity and a different town,

and there's always a bar,there's always womanizing

and partying and making bad decisions.

And for probably a good10 years of my life,

I was as guilty as any man on earth,

fighting and drinking andjust all of the debauchery

that comes with being in aparty scene all the time.

I remember being down in thedumps, at the lowest of lows.

- [Narrator] In 2018,Anthony worked his way up,

among the world's best 15 bareback riders.

But his life felt meaningless.

On a second date, at therequest of his now wife Amanda,

they visited a church serviceat Hope City in Houston.

- The presence of the Holy Spirit

just almost knocked me off my feet.

I started crying, didn'tknow where it come from.

And God was just speaking to me.

It was an undeniable sense ofconviction, hope, and renewal,

a transformation of my life tobecome an actual kingdom man,

realizing how much of arelationship that I have with Jesus,

that a can talk to Him as a friend,

that He's always gonna be there for me,

He's always gonna provide for me.

- [Narrator] While thepandemic shut down rodeos,

Anthony opened a farm-to-tablenatural beef business.

The past year also broughthim a new perspective

with empathetic strength.

- 2020 really opened my eyesto some underlying racism.

I think empathy is so important.

The Western industry is apredominantly white culture.

It's not judgmental to anybody;it's just the way it is.

Even though I am a differentcolor to everybody else

in the bareback riding sport,

you would hope thatthe judges in the sport

have everybody in their best interest.

But it's not somethingthat I can allow myself

to think about.

And I do believe thatGod's put me in rodeo,

showing that people ofall different colors

can get along and be brothersand sisters and be family.

- [Narrator] The rodeo bareback cowboy,

ranched in Humble, Texas,

embraces his storiedjourney with humility.

- Be loyal to Him andshow Him all the glory

for everything He's done for me.

God has placed me in every situation,

and I can't even explainhow that happened.

God is true and God isreal and He's a real savior

and He saved my lifeand He's provided for me

in every situation.

Every one of us has aplatform right where they are

and teach them about the love of Jesus.

No matter what, that there's a God

that's always there foryou, that has more for you

than you could ever imagine.

(inspirational music)


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