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The 700 Club - March 22, 2021

Celebrate the life of a man who made history and the legacy that has brought the gospel to the ends of the earth. It’s Pat Robertson’s birthday on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up-

- We've got a wonderful audience.

- [Wendy] Happy birthdayto a broadcast legend.

- I felt this is what He wanted me to do.

- [Wendy] Celebrate the lifeof a man who made history.

- [T.D.] For the first time,

the world had to takethe church seriously.

- [Wendy] And the legacythat has brought the gospel

to the ends of the earth.

- [Franklin] Pat's life hastouched so many millions

of people with this power of God.

- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Welcome, folks, to thisedition of "The 700 Club."

Apparently, they've got something special.

- Listen, I just haveto stop you right here

so we can all say, wewelcome you to join us,

happy 91st birthday, Pat, wow.

What a hallmark.

- That's another 29 years ago.

(Pat and Terry laughing)

I'm going strong, ladies and gentlemen,

I thank God for His goodness.

- Amen, well, we've got lotshappening on our program today.

- I look forward to it.

- We're going to hearfrom lots of your friends

over the course of the show.

- I like all that, too.

- Well, in the news, the border is closed.

That's a quote from theHomeland security secretary.

The reality, thousands, thousands

of immigrants are steamrollinginto the US every day.

So what's the price tag to house them?

An unbelievable $86 million.

And what's going to make thiscatastrophe grow even worse?

Dale Hurd explains.

- The crisis on theSouthern border is worsening

with more than 15,000 migrant children now

in US custody and a new report the Biden

administration is spending $86 million

to house migrants in hotel rooms.

Homeland Security SecretaryAlejandro Mayorkas continued

to call the border situationa challenge and not a crisis

and blamed the Trumpadministration for it.

- The border is secure.

The border is closed.

It takes time because theentire system was dismantled.

- [Dale] But Senator Tom Cotton said

it's the Biden administrationthat's done the dismantling

and called their borderpolicy recruit and release.

- He's basically saying

that the United Stateswill not secure our border.

And that is a big welcome sign

to migrants from across the world.

- [Dale] And the media and lawmakers

from both parties havecriticized the White House

for restricting news coverage.

- This is the latest partof a pattern the Biden

administration restrictingmedia access at the border.

- [Dale] What the press is not allowed

to see are overcrowded facilities

housing unaccompanied migrant children.

- Children standing upwith nowhere to sit down.

Children who can't alllay down at the same time

or can't lay down at all.

- [Dale] Biden said Sunday he intends

to travel to the southern border

at some point but said he's in no rush

because he knows what's going on there.

Donald Trump releaseda statement in response

to Biden's remarks on Sunday saying,

"We proudly handed the Bidenadministration the most

secure border in history,"and that it is turned

"a national triumph intoa national disaster."

This migrant from Hondurastraveling through Mexico

to the US border said hewanted to thank Joe Biden

from the bottom of our heartsfor opening the border.

When this migrant whocrossed the border was asked

if he would have tried it whenDonald Trump was president

he responded definitely not.

Texas Congressman Michael McCaul says

with the spring weather the situation

on the border is only going to get worse.

- The message is coming back that,

"Hey, we got a new president, come on in,

we're open for businessto the traffickers."

And I predict a millionpeople trying to get

into this country by the summertime.

- This has also createda crisis for Mexico

which has had to send many more officers

to its southern border.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Thanks, Dale.

In other news, mayhem in Miami.

Spring breakers take to the streets

in what could become a super-spreader.

Police are fighting toprotect not only public health

but to keep public order.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News bureau in Washington.

Here's John.

- That's right, Pat.

And if I may join inthe fun, happy birthday.

Growing concerns aboutrising infection rates

again as more states are reopening.

Police in Miami using pepper balls

over the weekend to disperse large crowns

of rowdy spring breakersviolating an 8:00 p.m. curfew.

The partiers with no masksand no social distancing.

Police arrested more than 50 people Sunday

and seized at least eight guns.

A state of emergency is an effect

with more than 1,000 peoplearrested since February.

The highly contagious UK

and Brazilian variantsare predominant in Miami.

Florida reporting nearly 4,000new cases overall on Sunday.

Meanwhile, a US studyfinds the AstraZeneca

vaccine is 79% effective instopping symptomatic COVID

and prevents severe forms of the disease

and hospitalization all together.

These early findings are partof AstraZeneca submission

for approval in the United States.

It is already approved in Europe

but many nations temporarily suspended it

due to concerns over blood clots.

Most resumed use after theEuropean Medicines Agency said

it is safe and effective.

The US is now averaging 2.5 million shots

with the other vaccines a day.

As cities deal with peoplereleasing pent up frustrations

from months long lockdowns,

social service agenciesare reporting an increase

in domestic violencewith stay-at-home orders

and school closures takinga drastic toll on families.

Counselors are callingthis trend a pandemic

within a pandemic.

CBN's Charlene Aaron explains why.

- While COVID casessurged across the nation,

the call to stay inside awakened a monster

and the number of domesticviolence cases took off.

A sad result as measures meant

to protect put thevulnerable in harm's way.

- We received about a thousand more calls

into our hotline in 2020 over 2019.

So there definitely is arise in domestic violence.

People are home from work.

Abusers are often home fromwork now in the quarantine.

Money's a little bit tighter.

That often leads to somedomestic violence issues.

So all of those things have added to

sometimes already precarioussituations that women are in.

- [Charlene] Red flags went up almost

from the pandemics beginning.

Then police departmentsnationwide reported

on the numbers of domestic violence cases.

An 18% spike in San Antonio,22% in Portland, Oregon,

and a 10% increase in New York City.

Deborah Apperson of theHelp and Emergency Response

shelter in Portsmouth, Virginia says

COVID restrictions have prevented victims

from getting necessary help.

- They have been secluded

from their family and their friends.

An abuser will keep them

from making those phone calls.

They can't visit so theycan't seek any help.

- [Charlene] TikaWashington of Spokane knows

this situation all too well.

She endured years ofphysical and emotional abuse

at the hands of her now ex-husband.

- I can remember when I first left him,

I came back several timesbecause I was homeless

with my kids outsidesleeping at bus stops.

He choked me until like I almost died.

My son had to pull himby his hair off of me.

- [Charlene] The mother oftwo once had a gun placed

in her mouth, experienceda broken eardrum,

and spent two months in the hospital

while pregnant with her second child.

She says childhood abuseleft her vulnerable

and unable to break free.

- Leaving that situation andnot having a father there,

having that family feeling,

you're going to go back to what you know.

- [Charlene] Appersoncalls it a common problem.

- The hardest step toleave but it's nothing

that you will ever regretleaving and starting fresh

especially if you havechildren in your family.

- [Charlene] After desperate prayer,

Washington began her journeyto freedom three years ago.

- I literally remembersitting on the bed crying.

I was like, "Jesus, please help me."

And I've never ever donethat until that point.

I was like, "Please, God,take care of the situation."

- [Charlene] A weeklater, it came an offer

for housing through aChristian residential program.

Since relocating, she isinvolved in a local church

where she and her two childrenhave found fellowship,

hope, and healing.

- That whole church has like loved on me

and my children and helped us.

And God every day carries me.

And when I sit back nowand look at my life,

I still have a long wayto go, but I can imagine

where I was like four years ago.

Every time I need something,every need is met.

I really just wish peoplewould understand like

how much Jesus loves us.

Jesus is never changing.

He's always there.

- [Charlene] Her message to those trapped

in abusive relationships.

- And that fear that you're holding onto,

Jesus is the only answerto give you that peace.

Just take the jump just to leave.

- If you or someone you know needs help,

call the NationalDomestic Violence Hotline

at 1-800-799-SAFE.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- An important story to tell.

Thanks, Charlene.

Pat, back to you.

- I'll tell you, it makesme sick to even contemplate

such a thing but it happens.

It happens.

I think a lot of theseabusers hate themselves.

They are failures in business.

They are failures in lifeand they hate themselves.

So instead of taking it out on themselves,

they blame the spouse andthen they begin beating

up the spouse and thisgets to be very serious.

And it's life-threateningfor so many of these women.

And I don't know what to do about it

except just to ask God to deliver people.

But it's just terrible.

That's what is going on.

And so you, folks, whoare not married yet,

please accept my counsel,make sure you know who it is

that you're getting ready tomarry and know their family

and know their history andknow what they're doing

in life and see ifthey're really failures.

Because I think a lotof that anger is because

these men particularly can't make it

and they've got to blame somebody,

but instead of blaming themselves,

which is what they should do,

they begin to blame their innocent spouse

and then comes the beating

and the choking and the terrible abuse.

And it's just a shocking thing.

I cannot see that because you'resupposed to love your wife,

love your wife as theLord loves His church.

And the husband is supposed

to protect the wife as his own body.

That's what the Biblesays we're supposed to do.

And if we follow the Lord's teaching,

we won't have any of that stuff.

But most people don'tknow the Lord about that

or they wouldn't be abusers.


- Pat, former PresidentDonald Trump is starting

his own social media platform soon.

Trump advisor, Jason Miller told Fox News'

"Media Buzz" show on Sunday that,

"This new platform is going to be big,"

saying it will quote,"Completely redefine the game"

and attract "tens of millions of people."

The move is expected tohappen in two to three months.

Twitter kicked Mr. Trump offits platform earlier this year

for quote, "Violations over its policy"

while he was still in office.

Well, many Americans areconcerned about election

integrity following the2020 presidential election.

That's why the RobertsonSchool of Government

at Regent University ishosting a first of its kind

virtual conference on the topic this week

with broad array ofnationally known speakers

including former Housing andUrban Development Secretary

Ben Carson, New York Timesbestselling author Mark Steyn,

author and radio host EricMetaxas, and many more.

Michele Bachmann, Deanof the Robertson school

told CBN News the conferencewill focus on issues

like HR-1, a democraticbacked election reform bill

that's already passed in the House.

- Essentially, a bill thatwould give one party rule

into the future would take away our right

to have a secure voteand secure elections.

That is not good

because we would be acompletely different nation.

We would be ruled by one political party

and we would not affectivelyhave a choice in the future.

- [John] The virtualconference takes place

tomorrow from noon to 6:00 p.m.

It is free and open to all

and you can sign up


- Michele Bachmann isdoing a fabulous job.

Regent is so fortunate tohave her as dean of the school

that bares, actually,the name of my father

and I'm just delighted.

This election integrityconference has got some

of the finest speakers in the country.

And I suggested to themthat they have a journal

and they indeed are going to do that.

They're going to have ageneral of the proceedings

that I think will be very significant.

One more good thing going.

- Isn't that great?

- Isn't that wonderful?

- Really exciting.

- It really is.

She's terrific.

- She is.

- Well, also exciting, andstill ahead, let the party begin

because we're celebratingPat's life today.

91 years young and still going strong.

Join us for a look at his ongoing legacy.

All of that is coming up.

But first, today's notonly Pat's birthday,

it's also World Water Day.

So what exactly does that mean?

Find out right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- March 22nd was designatedWorld Water Day in 1993.

It focuses on the crucialneed for fresh water

in many parts of the world.

At CBN, we've been providingpeople with clean water

for decades all around the globe.

So let's look at how OperationBlessing brought clean water

to an entire village in Peru.

- [Narrator] Sida and hermom have come to depend

on this small collectingpond at the end of the path.

It's far from their home inthe mountains of Honduras.

- [Translator] We walkedmore than one hour each way

to get just a few gallons of water.

Then we had to do itagain later in the day.

- [Narrator] The water is dirty

and filled with e-coli and other bacteria.

- [Translator] We haveto change the dirty water

because there was no other water near us.

- [Narrator] One day Sidaand her mom found a possum

that had died in the water.

- [Translator] When I saw it, I said,

"Mom, you have to getit out of the water."

- [Translator] Even though I took it out,

I didn't feel comfortablecollecting any water that day.

We knew it was already contaminated.

- [Translator] We didn'tdrink any water all day

because of the dead animal.

- [Narrator] The next daythey collected water again.

This time Sida got reallysick from drinking it.

- [Translator] I thoughtI was going to die.

I felt so sick.

- [Translator] My daughter was really bad,

but then I have to leave her

to go collect water from the pump.

- [Narrator] WhenOperation Blessing learned

about Sonia and Sidaand how all the people

in the community were suffering

from the bad water, we offered to help.

First, we built a new water storage tank

that is not exposed to the elements.

Then we piped water from anotherlocation to fill the tank.

Finally, we purified it

so everyone had clean water to drink.

- [Translator] Thatday, I was really happy

because we all have clean water.

- [Translator] Now wedon't have to go far away

to collect water.

God used Operation Blessingto bring water to us.

- Clean water is delicious.

Thanks, Operation Blessing.

- We don't realize howblessed we are to live

in an area where thewater we get is clean.

You walk into the kitchenor into your bathroom,

turn on the spigot, outcomes fresh clean water.

We expect that but it's nottrue all around the world.

Now Operation Blessing, listen,

we have solar powered water wells,

we have rain catchment systems,

and chlorination anddesalinization systems.

We've been making all kinds of chlorine.

We actually have made thestuff to put into the water.

So it's purified when people can drink it.

And today on World Water Day,

you can change people's lifeby giving them something

that we take for granted, clean water.

Operation Blessing, it'sCBN, Virginia Beach, 23463.

Or you can text Give Clean Water.

And if you want to do somethingto really help people,

I can't think of anything better

than to keep people fromgetting intestinal parasites,

to keep from getting allthe things that they get,

and the suffering as they do.

And we're out there giving them,

we also have pills that takeout intestinal parasites.

We've been looking after the little people

all around the world.

I've been out to some of those countries,

we were giving out thenecessary medication

and it's so important.

So there's the number, 1-800-700-7000.

Clean water, this is water day.

- [Terry] It is clean water day.

- [Pat] Clean water day.

- A perfect day to shareyour birthday with.

(Pat and Terry laughing)

- Go for it.

- Well, up next, she's 81 years old

and she remembers meeting Patin 1988 like it was yesterday.

This civil rights crusaderhas spent five decades

serving her native city of New Orleans.

So how did Pat make a lastingimpression on her life?

She's going to tell usherself, that's coming up.

Plus, he owned a TV stationbefore he owned a TV set.

So how on earth did Pat Robertson

build a worldwide television network?

We're going to break it all down for you

as we celebrate pastlife and ongoing legacy

today on his 91st birthday.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Hey, Pat Robertson's 91 years young.

And Pat, he's doing pretty well, Dad.

That's something tolive up to right there.

Happy birthday from the Robertson crew,

The other Robertsons, waydown here in Louisiana.

Wish you all the best, bud.

- We love the other Robertsons. (laughing)

We welcome all of youback to "The 700 Club."

Today, we are celebratingPat's 91st birthday

and his ongoing legacy.

And right now, we're goingto take you back to 1961.

At three o'clock on a Sundayafternoon on October the first,

Pat made his first appearanceever on television.

And from that initial broadcastin Portsmouth, Virginia,

the gospel has gone to theuttermost parts of the earth.

- [Narrator] The year was 1960.

With little money and no experience,

Pat Robertson bought avacant television station

with one goal in mind, tofulfill a vision from God

to reach the world withthe gospel of Jesus Christ.

A vision that began with a signal

that barely made it around the block.

- I don't know if I was tenacious

or didn't have any bettersense or I trusted God,

but I felt this is whathe wanted me to do.

- [Narrator] From thatbroadcast came "The 700 Club,"

a program that wouldshape Christian television

for the next half century.

- Thank you.(audience applauding)

We've got a wonderful audienceand a wonderful program.

- [Narrator] Today, "The 700 Club" stands

as one of the longest runningprograms in TV history.

- Pat's life has touchedso many millions of people

with this power of God, thegospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

that has transformed andchanged lives by the millions.

- [Narrator] As Pat's audiencegrew across the country,

he emerged as an influentialvoice for Christian values

and the ever-changing moral, cultural,

and political landscapesin America and abroad.

But it was his bid forthe Republican nomination

for president in 1988 thatbrought Christian conservatives

out of their pews and changedthe face of American politics.

- For the first time, theworld had to take the church

seriously in a way thatbefore they had relegated us

over the stained glass window,

the padded pews to just stay in your

little corner and go no further

- [Narrator] Pat's work andinfluence has been felt beyond

television ministry and politics.

- Would you like me to pray for you?

- [Narrator] Inspired by God's Word,

Pat founded a humanitarianarm of CBN known today

as Operation Blessing International.

- Thank you so much foreverything you're doing.

- Oh, bless your heart.

It's my privilege and joy.

- [Narrator] Since its inception in 1978,

Operation Blessing has provided food,

medical care, disaster relief, safe water,

and many other services tomore than 246 million people

in the US and around the world.

That same year, Pat opened the doors

to Regent University to 70 students.

Now a global center forChristian thought and action,

the university offers morethan 100 degree programs

to over 10,000 students.

Pat has written more than 20 books,

won several prestigiousawards, and has been featured

on the New York Times bestsellers list.

But more than the institutionsand accomplishments,

Pat Robertson's profoundongoing legacy is the hundreds

of millions of lives thathave changed through them.

- We have probably seenmore people come to the Lord

through CBN than any otherorganization in the world.

But it wasn't me, it was God.

- Well, some of thestories that you're going

to hear as we celebratetoday are included,

most of them are includedin Pat's latest book,

"I Have Walked With the Living God."

And we're going to tellyou in just a little bit

how you can get your copy of the book

because we've had such wonderful comments

from people who've already read it.

But we were talking thereat the end of that video

about people whoselives have been touched.

So I want to introduce you to Marie Ortiz.

For more than 50 years,she has marched and prayed

with many famous leaders ofthe civil rights movement.

At 81 years young, she's stillpromoting social justice.

In 1988, Marie met Pat.

So what impact did he make on Marie?

Well, she's going to tellyou herself, just watch.

- [Narrator] For more than five decades,

Marie Ortiz has been aguardian for the underserved

in her native city of New Orleans

as a respected civil rightsand community activist.

- I've given my all.

And being honest, I reallydid serve New Orleans well.

This is another march,we had a big turnout.

We was proud because the paper

here didn't cover nothing positive

for black people in those days.

- [Narrator] The 81-year-oldstill confronts injustice

with conviction.

- That's what's gonna change everything.

Love and forgivenessis a moral excellence.

And if we get that in usto love and stop hating,

we're gonna be a better people

and God will bless us marvelously.

- [Narrator] Those samedistinct principles

that would serve Marie for a lifetime

shaped her during childhood.

- I watched my family do thatwhen I was a little girl.

Love and forgiveness.

It was instilled in me in that loving home

that I was raised in.

They fed the hungry.

They housed people.

I was brought up with that.

It's still with me andI'll never give it up.

- [Narrator] Marie walked,prayed, and marched

with many renowned leadersof the civil rights movement,

a few joining family asher greatest influences.

- First of all, mymother and Coretta King.

They believed things the wayI did about the character,

the personality, and the love for mankind.

- [Narrator] The local civil rights icon

and pastor remains hopeful and available

to further social justice.

- I'm so encouraged.

Even though you see protestersand all that going on,

black and whites justcoming together in love.

People loving one another more than

I ever seen when I was a child.

Walk in faith because without faith,

it is impossible to please God.

- [Narrator] Marie'sfaith and activism brought

her unique opportunities.

- This is Pat and he was aspiring

to be president of the United States.

- [Narrator] In 1988,Marie met Pat Robertson

when their political contactsintersected in New Orleans.

- John Rondino was over Pat's election

and he called me upknowing I was very popular

in the city and asked me wouldI be the woman coordinator?

I was elated because Pat was a Christian

and he was speaking God stuff.

They asked me to greet Pat and escort him

into the luncheon they were having.

And all of the othercandidates were there.

Pat Robertson, a presidential candidate.

I said, "Pat Robinson is with God."

I said, "He's already awinner, he's with Jesus.

He's just getting the message out."

I got my button.

- [Narrator] It got Marie even more.

Introduced to CBN, she identified

with their mission and message.

- Oh, I love "The 700 Club."

They take care of the poor.

They do mission work.

CBN is one of my homes, that's my home,

that's a part of me.

- [Narrator] She partnerswith CBN extending

her life's work in reachingthe needs of others.

- Why not support something like that?

Doing wonderful work.

And they love Jesus.

Helping people building houses and all.

Makes me feel good 'causewhen I see it on the TV,

I say, "Got my little dollar in there."

It just blesses me.

- What a lovely woman.

- Isn't she wonderful?

- She really is, she's beautiful.

- The big thing is we'rebrothers and sisters.

All this racial stuff,it doesn't matter if

you're black, white,brown, pink, whatever.

We're all made in the image of God

and we gotta love each other.

And that's what she knew andwhat I have always taught.

I just think Protestants andCatholics oughta get together,

we oughta love each other.

And if we love each other,

it'll overcome a whole lot of barriers.

But that's a beautiful testimony.

- It's the only solution.

- It is and can we ever come together?

- I love that Marie loves "The 700 Club."

And one of the reasons

that she does is the reason that I do too.

Because when you join "The 700 Club,"

you have an opportunity tobegin building your own legacy

by touching lives at homeand around the world.

65 cents a day, $30 a month.

That's all it takes tobecome a 700 Club member.

So we want to invite you to do that today

if you haven't already done it.

Our number is toll free.

It's on your screen there, 1-800-700-7000.

Just call and say you want to join.

When you do, we have a great gift for you.

It is Pat's latest book thatwe've been talking about,

"I Have Walked With the Living God."

This is Jacqueline wholives in Decatur, Georgia.

She's read it.

She says, "It's a blessingto have Pat Robertson

to bless the world with 'I HaveWalked with the Living God.'

I thank God for him and "The 700 Club."

The legacy that Pat has here is more than

just endurance over a window of time.

It really is changing lives.

And it's alive and well andcontinuing on around the world.

You don't want to missbeing a part of that.

So call us today.

And if you're already a 700 Club member,

as you see all thethings that God is doing,

and you know the day that we live in,

if you can increase your membership,

it makes the big difference

and it helps us to touch even more lives.

We'll get your book out to you right away.

Well, coming up, like ahammer smashing his heel

day after day, night after night.

That's how this man describeda searing bone spur.

He resigned himself to living in pain.

So how was he healed in an instant?

He'll tell you himself right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Pat Robertson, you'll neverknow until you get heaven

how many lives have beentouched because of your life.

But I know one young Jewishman who was searching

for God who began listening to you

on "The 700 Club" and found his Messiah.

I know it because I wasthat young Jewish man.

And whatever God's donethrough my life is part

of what God has done through yours.

I thank God for you, Pat.

Happy birthday, my friend,and may God bless you always.

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to Washingtonfor the "CBN NewsBreak."

Prayer and faith areobliterating NCAA brackets

across the nation.

This as Oral Roberts University becomes

just the second number 15 seed to advance

to the Sweet 16 upsettingthe Florida Gators 80 to 78.

Loyola Chicago's secretweapon, 101-year-old

Sister Jean DoloresSchmidt who prayed her team

to a Sweet 16 spothandily beating top-seeded

Illinois by 13 points.

Many attribute SisterJean's pre-game prayers

for the team's success.

During the global pandemic, CBN continues

to create content online for children

in Indonesia through Superbook.

After producing the SundaySchool at Home series,

the team created the SuperbookClub series on YouTube.

The short drama highlightschallenges children face daily

and provides Bible-based solutions.

The program also inspireschildren and families

to share God's love andhelp others in need.

So far it has received over 200,000 views.

Well, you can find out moreabout what CBN is doing

around the world by loggingon to

Pat and Terry will beback right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Good for you, 91 yearsof age, I can't believe it.

God bless you, Pat.

Happy birthday to you.

- Hello, Pat Robertson.

This is Darryl and Tracy Strawberry.

We just want to wish youa happy, happy birthday,

your 91st birthday.

Thank you for all that youhave done for the kingdom.

Thank you for "The 700 Club"

and everything that you guysdo for the kingdom of God.

Happy birthday, Pat Robertson.

- Pat Robertson, I love you.

I love this whole family.

91 years old, I'm still chasingyou, brother, praise God.

- The Lord's gonna hold himfor 30 more years of me too

so we're both going out together.

That's beautiful.

And Darryl Strawberry's is a terrific man,

what a ball player hewas and that's so nice.

Unrelenting pain 24/7.

Lee Tingler felt as ifsomebody had hit the back

of his right heel with a hammer.

His doctor said surgery might help

but it could also bringon even more problems.

That's when Lee resigned himselfto living in constant pain.

So how did his everydaymorning routine end

up bringing him instant relief?

Take a look.

- Hi, my name is Lee.

I used to work at a big box store

and the floors were hardas you can well imagine

and my right heel, inthe back of the heel,

it started hurting more and more.

The pain in my heel was as if

somebody had taken a small hammer

and hit my heel in the back.

It was constant and it was dayafter day, night after night.

I went to my doctor and he said,

"You have a bone spur."

The idea of doing any kindof operation would probably

cause more problems than it would solve

so I figured I justhave to live with this.

I felt compromised.

I couldn't go hiking.

I couldn't do standing a long time

because it would bother me.

I think I've been watching "The 700 Club,"

I guess about 15 years and I think

that Pat has been doing a wonderful job

over these last many decades.

And to see him go from a tinylittle television station

up to where they are now, is just amazing.

It's basically my morningthing and I sit down

and get comfortable andwatch "The 700 Club."

On this particular day,it was in November,

when Pat and Terry started to pray,

I bowed my head and I waspraying along with them

that the Lord would actuallytouch me and heal my heel.

And I said, "I'm justgonna claim this for me."

- Somebody else, you've got a bone spur.

You heard that testimony.

You have a bone spur in yourright heel, I believe it is

and it has been so painful

every time you step down on it, it hurts.

You just got healed in the name of Jesus.

Bone spur dissolve.

- By the end of the program,it did feel less painful.

By day three, I felt thatthe Lord had actually touched

my foot and healed it.

You think, "Oh you haveto be a football player

or you have to be a business man

or you have to be this or that."

No, no, no, no.

He takes care of us little people too.

So I'm actually more comfortable walking

around outside than I was before.

I have no more issues with my heel.

God is good.

He has taken very good care of me.

- Praise God.

We've got some other things.

We want to pray for you because

that's all we do on this program.

This is a program of prayer.

We pray for you because we care about you

and God's graciously been touching lives

and He's going to touch somepeople today, I promise you.

Now here's Richard who'slives in Breckenridge, Texas.

He started having sharp pain

in his rotator cuff gettingprogressively worse.

On March the 11th of this year,

that's just a few days ago, Terry said,

"Somebody with a rotator cuff issue,

I don't think it's completely torn,

it is torn, very painful.

God's healing you."

And Richard put his hands on his shoulders

and he can lift up hisarm without any pain.

- [Terry] Amazing.

Pat, this is Deborah.

She lives in Bangor, Pennsylvania.

She gave birth to her sonafter intestinal bleeding.

The birth caused a tumor-likegrowth that never went away.

She was watching this programon March 8th of this year

when she heard you, Pat,say, "Somebody has a tumor

in the abdomen, it's really a bad tumor.

It's been growing andyou're saying, 'Oh God,

what's happening to me?'

If you place your hand on your tumor,

that tumor will dissolve."

By faith, Deborahbelieved this was for her.

About an hour later,

she noticed the growthwas completely gone.

- Isn't God good?

We were talking today about Moses,

I was reading in Deuteronomyover the weekend,

and God said to Moses,"Speak to the rock."

And Moses was angry with the people

and so instead of speakingto the rock, he hit it.

And God said, "No, no.

It's the word thatbrought the world to you."

It was brought by a word of God.

And the Bible says it's byyour mouth you're justified

that a man shall eat goodby the fruit of his lips.

Now we're going to praytogether right now for you.

And you've heard these testimonies,

you've heard these wonderful things,

and you said, "How come it's not me?"

And as that other gentleman said

I thought it had to be an athlete.

No, it doesn't.

Just people because God loves you.

Now Terry and I are going to join hands.

We're going to believe God.

Father, thank You.

Thank You for Your blessing.

Thank You in my life for so many years

and so many blessings and thank You

for the wonderful people who work here

and surround us with their love

and those who help supportCBN and all the rest.

Now Father, in the name of Jesus,

there are people in this audience

who are suffering andYou know who they are.

You've heard their cry

and You've come down to set them free.

You've got a lesion in your lungs.

It's not COVID but it'sa lesion in your lungs

and you're having aterrible time breathing.

Put your hand on your chest right now.

Is it Deborah?

In the name of Jesus, touch him.

Thank You, Lord.


- There's someone, you have sinus issues.

It's more than justyou have a sniffly nose

and you're dreadingthis season of the year.

All kinds of headaches and pain.

Your doctors even suggested

that you have surgery to correct it.

You won't need it becauseGod is healing you right now.

Just put your hand over your face

on your sinuses and bemade whole in Jesus name.

- It may be a follow up ofwhat Terry was talking about.

There's somebody, you've gota terrible nasal discharge

and it's just kind of keeps discharging

and it's an infection in there.

God is just burning that infection out

and you're going to becompletely healed in your nose

and in your lungs and inyour respiratory system,

Charlie, I believe it is, take it.

- Someone else, you havea twist in your spine

and you've known it for a long time

but it's just gettingmore and more unbearable.

You can't stand for long periods of time.

Just stand up now straightand receive the healing

of Jesus as He makes thatall straight and well.

- And Lord, we pray now for this nation.

Oh God, it needs You so badly.

We asked for the power ofGod to come into our country

and Lord, bring forth righteousness

that our people might bepleasing in Your sight.

In the name of Jesus, we ask it.

Thank You, Lord.

Amen and amen.

- We want you to know ifyou have a need for prayer,

you can call our prayer line anytime.

It's always open, 1-800-700-7000.

But coming up, the birthday boy is going

to take the hot seat for a special edition

of Your Questions and Honest Answers.

Stephen says, "Hi, Pat.

Absolutely love watching your show.

What's been your mostprofound encounter with God?"

Well, a special birthday edition

of Your Questions and HonestAnswers right after this.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Happy birthday, Pat Robertson,from the Behnam Brothers.

We are so thankful for your legacy.

- The first time we ever heard you speak,

we were students at Liberty University.

We were 18 years old andyou put a fire inside of us.

And then 30 years later,actually 20 years later,

we're on your show andwe're just so thankful

for the example that you'veleft for young guys like us.

- Happy birthday, 91.

(upbeat music)

- Well, it's time forthese email questions,

birthday email questions.

Pat, this is Stephen who says, "Hi, Pat.

Absolutely love watching your show.

What has been your mostprofound encounter with God?"

- Tell you what, I've gota whole book of reveals.

But I want to tell you one time.

We had a ceremony at Cape Henry

and we had people bringa cross out of the water

and put it in the ground at that place

where the early settlers landedon the shores of America.

I had the names of ourpartners on a microfiche.

And I had that I want toput them in the cross.

They wanted to take the crossdown to our headquarters.

And when I laid my hands on that,

the power of God cameon me like I have seldom

ever experienced in my life.

And what the Lord was saying to me,

"We are transferring or I amtransferring the anointing

that was there at Cape Henrywith those early settlers

to you and it's goingover to CBN and Regent."

And we carried that cross down,it's here on our property.

But it was so powerfulI could hardly stand up.

I've had many, many otherexperiences with the Lord

I could go into but you asked me

what is one of the most and that was it.

- Understandably.

Pat, this is Lori who says,

"Please tell us your tips for longevity."

(Pat chuckles)

- It's it was said Ichose my ancestors wisely.

(Terry laughing)

I've outlived my mother byabout, she was 70 I think,

so I've outlived her by 20 years.

I've outlived my father and my brothers.

I tell you what, I'm a bug on nutrition

and exercise and all those things.

I'm very careful about what I eat.

And I go through all thesethings with vitamins and stuff.

You ought to see theamount of vitamins I take.

It's enough to stagger anybody.

- And you exercise regularly.

- I exercise.

I have a Total Gym.

I do leg exercises oneday, then I skip a day,

then I do upper body exercises.

And so I'm working out all the time.

But more than anything,a merry heart doeth good,

and I just have a positive attitude.

I just praise God.

Whatever happens, I praise the Lord.

This is something.

I cannot, literally, can't hold a grudge.

I can't do it.

I'd like to hold some grudges.

I have plenty of opportunity.

But I can't hold a grudge.(Terry laughing)

I just can't do it.

And so the Bible sayswhen you stand praying,

forgive ye have ought against.

And I forgive and it just seems to work.

- The burden lifts.

Well, this is an interesting name.

Daudaamina wants to know how old you were

when you started your ministry.

Well, actually, when I camedown here and began CBN

I had just turned 30 years old.

I came to the Lord, I waslittle younger than that.

But it was almost likein the Old Testament,

the priests began theirservice when they were 30

and I was almost 30.

- Wow, that's that seemsvery young to me. (laughs)

- That was a long time ago, wasn't it?

- Angela wants to know how many children

and grandchildren do you have.

- Including those that are in the womb,

I'm coming up on 21 great grandchildren.

- [Terry] Great grandchildren.

- I have 14 grandchildren.

And now I have, well,including those that are about

to be born, I have either 20or 21 great grandchildren.

And they're all healthyand they love the Lord.

And it's just beautiful to see.

- I think your quiveris full, can I just say.

It's remarkable.- I've been blessed.

- Pat, a few more friendshave some birthday wishes

that they want to extend to you.

Let's take a look.

(upbeat music)

- I want to wish PatRobertson happy birthday.

And I have to give you my applause

for your faithfulnessand your fruitfulness.

I pray God will bless you andgive you many more birthdays.

- You were always like a father to me.

And I'm just very very thrilled

to add my voice to the thousands, millions

across the world whoare so grateful for you.

Happy birthday.

- Hey Pat, this is Ricky Skaggs.

And I just want to wish you abig ol' happy 91st birthday.

Your heart is to get the gospel out

to as many people aroundthe world as you can.

And you've done that.

Sharon and I both love youso much and we appreciate

all that you've donefor the body of Christ.

God bless you.

- When I was campaigning andhe was on my bus and singing-

- How wonderful, thathad to be a lot of fun.

- It cost him.

He lost a lot ofsponsorships by endorsing me.

He traveled around with me on my bus

when we'd do a campaign whenI was running for president.

- [Terry] True friend.

- He's a great guy.- A true friend.

You have so many true friends.

Look behind us.

In true COVID fashion today,

people are joining us fromall their separate locations.

- Look at all that.

- That's our staff.- We've have the most

wonderful staff.

And the people here, ourassociates, our friends,

you look to me, but it'snot me, it's everybody.

There's Terry and Wendy and look at that.

There's our brother inthe news department.

- [Terry] Oh my goodness, yes.

- They're just great people.

- [Terry] From all over the world.

- And what I've been so blessed.

So I just thank God for every one of you.

And thank you so much.

This is a cake that looks like-

- I said I feel like I should be singing

"Rock of Ages" with this,but really I think more

that you've laid a path before us

for the rest of us to follow.

- [Pat] Oh, is that what it is?

- I don't know, but I know we all want

to sing "Happy Birthday to you."

- Okay but I think you'resupposed to cut something.

- I am, but first,you're not gonna get away

without the song.

Are you ready, everybody?

Here we go.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Pat ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

(Terry clapping)

- Woo, 91 big ones.

- What a wonderful birthday.

- I think I am supposed to cut the cake.

- This looks like I'velaid the foundation.

- There you go, generations to come.

- You're gonna cut one piece of that.

It's like a wall.

(Terry laughing)

Well, that's all thetime we've got I think.

But thank you all for being with us.

And again, I just thank God for you

and for what the Lord has done.

And as I say I give Him the glory.

The good stuff I give Him credit for,

the bad stuff I take the blame for it.

But God is faithful.

And 91 years.

But if I'm reading it right,I've got another 29 to go.

(Pat laughing)

- This cake is gonna help you.

- I'm just warming up.

Let me taste the, that'sthe building block.

Delicious, thank you.


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