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2020 Lessons Learned Part 2 - The Superbook Show

More Superbook Show hosts share what they learned during the quarantine. Read Transcript

- Hello again.

And welcome to anotherepisode of the Superbook Show.

Not long ago, one of ourSuperbook Show fans asked

if we would share anylessons we have learned

during quarantine.

And since we have so manylessons to share and not

enough time to share it,we decide to have not one

but two whole episodesdedicated to this question.

We know it has been reallydifficult for many of you.

And we want you to knowthat we are here for you.

So please email us

for prayer requests, praise reports,

and of course, any questions you may have.

Oh, and we would love

to hear what you have learnedduring this quarantine.

So please do not hesitate to reach out.

Now, here are a few of

our Superbook Showhosts, sharing what they

have learned through 2020.

(upbeat music)

- What's up guys.

So, something that Ilearned this quarantine was

do not waste your time.

I spend a lot of hoursjust sitting on the couch

and watching TV, but thatwasn't really productive.

And there was definitely a bunch

of better things I couldhave been doing with my time.

Sometimes the easieroption, sitting around

and doing nothing all dayis not the best option.

If you want to be great,you got to work hard.

- Hey. One thing that Ilearned during quarantine

is time management andalso how to be my own boss.

It's a super weird time right now

because we still haveall the things to do.

And we still have all of the deadlines,

but we don't really have aschedule or structure anymore.

And for me, that's really good

because I have a lot of free time

to myself and I have timeto choose what I want to do.

But it's also kind of bad

because that leaves timefor procrastination.

And that leaves time to not do the things

that I need to be doing.

And for me, that reallyhas taught me discipline.

Teaching myself that I have to do the work

and how to follow my own rules.

And it also taught me time management.

Cause I know I need to keep a schedule

to keep myself ordered.

For example, if I wanna workout this day

or if I want to learn this day,

I know you have to setaside time to do that.

And you need to make surethat you're doing that.

And all of those things combined

have taught me how to manage my time.

- Hi, I'm Molly Jean.

And what quarantine hastaught me is to slow down

and appreciate the little things.

Like going for a walk on the beach

or seeing your grandma orseeing your friends at school

because you might now beable to do those things.

- Hey, super fans.

It's Josh.

And I think the most importantthing that I've learned

during this quarantine isthe importance of prayer.

I get really anxious withall the things going around

in the world and especiallywith the coronavirus.

It doesn't really help that I'm stuck

in my house really fearful.

And so what i like to dois, I like to pray to God.

And i like to not only prayfor the safety of the family

and the friends around me,but I also love to pray

for just the situation and just give it up

to God knowing that he'sgoing to take care of it all.

- The Lord has taught me manythings during this quarantine.

But the most important thingis that all I need is Him.

During this quarantine, Iwas away from my friends,

from my schoolwork

and everything that I'veworked so hard to get to.

And I got sad, but I realizedthat God is there for me.

He's always there for me.

And that's all I need.

That's all I need to know is

that God is there with me inevery situation every time.

- Hey, Superbook Show.

Something that I've been learning

to do more so than I ever have

during quarantine is to be compassionate

and to show compassion to others.

It's really easy to wannabe better when people hurt

your feelings or do thingsthat you don't understand

or circumstances seem beyond your control.

But the Lord has been working steadily

on my heart to showcompassion when I'm confused,

when I'm hurting.

and when I don'tunderstand what's going on.

I hope that you all canshow some compassion today

and a new way to thosearound you have a good day.

(upbeat music)

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