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The 700 Club - March 8, 2021

Best-selling author Karen Kingsbury shares the return of the beloved Baxter family as they embark on a new adventure. Plus, they’re called “green swan” events and they threaten to disrupt our way of life. CBN News has more on today’s ... ... Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up.

They're called gray swan events.

- It's out in the open

but they tend to ignore itand do nothing about it.

- [Wendy] And they threatenedto disrupt our way of life.

- [Chuck] Ultimately, we can't afford it.

- [Wendy] They're coming.

- [Chuck] Turbulent times ahead.

- [Wendy] Are we ready.

- [Chuck] Be prepared for that.

- [Wendy] Plus, the Baxters are back

and not just in the pages of a new book.

Bestselling authorKaren Kingsbury joins us

on today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Get this.

No press conferences,no oval office speech,

no State of the Union.

Is President Joe Biden hidin'?

He's the first presidentin four decades not

to have a formal questionand answer session.

By this point in hispresidency, Donald Trump

and George H.W. Bush eachhad five press conferences.

Bill Clinton had fourand on down the line.

And last week when the president offered

to take questions here's what happened.

- I'm happy to take questions.

if that's what I'm supposed to do Nance,

whatever you want me to do.

- In other news.

Well, what we've got to ask ourself, folk,

before we go to something elseis if we are looking at this,

believe me, the Chinese understand it,

the Russians understand it.

They know they're dealing with somebody

who apparently has some senile difficulty.

I don't know whether youcall it dementia or what

but they won't let him talk.

Whoever his handlers are don't trust him

to go live before a group of reporters.

And that is shocking.

What are we going to do?

Well, there's nothing we cando because somehow or other

that election put him in office

and Kamala Harris inas his vice president.

So when are they going toinvoke the 25th amendment?

36 members of the Houseof Representatives,

all Democrats, asked for aprovision that prevented him

from having his handon the nuclear trigger.

That's what happened.

The group of people around him realize

something is seriously wrong

and they don't want himexposed to the normal

give and take of apresidential news conference.

But so much.

Well, in addition to that, (chuckles)

like a stuffed sausage,the 1.9 trillion relief

COVID bill is packed with pork

that has got absolutely nothingto do with the pandemic.

$500 million for museums andnative language preservation.

1.5 billion for Amtrak.

300 million for humanitiesand the arts and more.

So who will wind uppaying for all the pork?

Dale Hurd has this alarming story.

- The House is scheduled to vote Tuesday

on the Senate version

of Joe Biden's $1.9trillion COVID relief bill.

While the Senate removessome pricey items,

critics say the billis still full of pork,

most of which hasnothing to do with COVID.

- I promised the Americanpeople help was on the way.

We've taken one more giant step forward

in delivering on that promise.

- [Dale] The Senate versionremoves the $15 minimum wage,

cuts off relief checksfor incomes above $80,000

for individuals and$160,000 for households,

and lowers the federal unemploymentboost from $400 to $300.

West Virginia Democrat JoeManchin was instrumental

in getting rid of the $15minimum wage in the bill,

something that's viewed as a job killer.

- And if everyone agreesit should be raised,

but we need to base the base of

our minimum wage should beabove the poverty guideline.

- [Dale] The final votepassed along party lines

with Republicans unitedagainst a relief plan loaded

with pork barrel spending.

- The Senate has never spent $2 trillion

in a more haphazard way orthrough a less rigorous process.

- [Dale] That spendingincludes 500 million

for museums and nativeAmerican language preservation,

1.5 billion for Amtrak,

and $50 million forenvironmental justice grants.

- Where is this money coming from now

that we've got a $28 trillion tab in debt?

- Well, it's coming from your children

and your grandchildren,it's all borrowed money.

There's $200 million for library services.

There's a over $300 million

for the National Endowmentof the Humanities and Arts.

There's $20 million fornative language studies.

These all may be good ideas,

but they've got nothing to do with COVID.

- [Dale] Mark Hamrick,Washington Bureau Chief

and Senior EconomicAnalyst at,

says the massive governmentspending will help the economy

in the coming months, butraises the threat of inflation.

- The inflation worry is going to be

with us for quite sometime, but in the near term

that's going to be morerocket fuel for the recovery.

- The bill is expected to pass this week

and checks should go outby the end of the month.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- You know, we've beenasked time and time again,

what happens if a nation goes bankrupt?

Is it possible?

The answer is yes it's possible.

Because one thing is going to happen.

Either you inflate your way out of it

so the inflation gets to be such a point

that the debt doesn't mean anything,

which of course crippleseverything else in your economy,

or you raise taxes to a point

where you can start paying it off,

and before long, as wepointed out a few days ago

on this program, the amount of interest

on the federal debt, ifit's just one or 2% a raise,

will eclipse all the other spending

of the entire federal government.

It is horrible.

And those people in Washingtonought to know better

but they don't, they don't seem to care.

It is your children and your grandchildren

who are gonna suffer because of it.

Well, in other news, China isnow the second global power

to target the US in recent months.

So what will the Bidenadministration do about it?

Well, we're not really sure.

John Jessup has more.

- Pat, hackers backed bythe Chinese government

broke into Microsoft'sbusiness email software

so far affecting atleast 60,000 customers.

Most of them medium-sizedand small businesses

but it also includes banksand electricity providers.

And the hackers are racingto infect as many more

as they can beforecompanies shut them out.

This attack coming just months

after the Russian solar winds attack

which infiltrated nineUS government agencies.

The Biden administrationis preparing retaliation

against the Russians for that attack,

including economic sanctions.

Well, the top Democrat inNew York state Senate is now

calling on Governor Cuomo to resign.

This as two more women came forward

over the weekend claiminginappropriate conduct.

Senate leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins,

one of the most powerfulDemocrats in the Empire State,

released a statement reading in part,

"We need to governwithout daily distraction.

For the good of the state,Governor Cuomo must resign."

In a hastily arranged press conference,

Cuomo said that's not going to happen.

- [Cuomo] There is no way I resign.

Let's do the attorneygeneral investigation.

Let's get the findings andthen we'll go from there.

- Allegations of impropriety are one

of two scandals engulfingCuomo at the moment.

His administration also under fire

for under-reporting COVIDrelated nursing home deaths.

Friday, the Democrat majoritylegislature voted to roll

back his emergency powersfor fighting the pandemic.

Well, former Secretary ofState Mike Pompeo is telling

CBN News Americans should be proud

of this country's JudeoChristian heritage.

Pompeo is speaking out about all issues

including his deep concernsabout the Biden administration.

CBN's David Brody spoke withhim recently and has the story.

- [David] Mike Pompeo hasalways been straight spoken.

In our one-on-one interview,

the former secretary ofstate didn't disappoint.

One of the things on his mind,

a new administrationthat he says doesn't seem

to be putting America first.

- The big picture challengeis that they just think

about America's place inthe world so differently

than the Trump administration did.

We had America first at thecenter of everything we did.

This administration seems

to have a different set of priorities.

- Among his concerns, JoeBiden's views on Iran.

Do you believe that thisBiden administration is

in the appeasement business

when it comes to dealing with Iran?

- [Mike] We saw last weekthat they gave a wink

and a nod to what appears tobe enormous financial relief

to the Iranian regime.

We put massive pressure on the regime

and it looks like they're goingto allow billions of dollars

of wealth to go fromSouth Korea and the IMF

into Iran and essentially take a foot

off the stranglehold that wehad on the Iranian regime.

This is not a good start.

- Sounds like you're concernedabout appeasement for sure.

- Yes, I am.

- And that concern ties directlyto the security of Israel,

a situation that concerns him greatly

now that the Biden team is in charge.

Are you concerned that theywill not be pro-Israel,

if you will?

- I do worry.

Historically, it's been bi-partisan.

It hasn't been a Republicandeal or a Democrat deal.

This administration was awfully slow

on the draw with respect to Israel.

- [David] Pompeo clearlydoesn't hold back on China.

Before he left his postin January, he questioned

whether COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan.

To this day, he stillthinks it's very possible.

- We don't know for sure.

But there's ample evidence and a coverup

that probably is worse than the initial

problem set inside that lab that we know.

We know these Chineselabs that we're doing this

bio research have had escapes before.

- [David] Nowadays, Pompeois getting his voice out

in different ways by joininga couple of think tanks

and also on the speaking circuit.

(crowd cheering)

At the recent CPAC Conference,

Pompeo pleased the crowd evenplacing him in the top five

of a 2024 presidential straw poll.

For now, he's focusedon helping the GOP win

back Congress in 2022.

He has stood side byside with Donald Trump

and has a message for those Trump critics.

- It was an enormous head-scratcher for me

when people waver about the legacy

of the work that PresidentTrump and our team did

for these past four years.

It's the right direction.

When I see Republicansstep away and not embrace

what it is as rightfor the American people

and for our movement, I just don't get it.

- [David] As for thoseAmericans who came to peacefully

protest the election on January6th, he stands with them.

- Those are folks who justwanted to come express

their enormous disappointmentwith the outcome

from the election and the fact that

they weren't giving up theywere still in the fight

and I want to be along side them.

I want to be with them in that fight.

- He is also taking a stand on faith,

especially America'sJudeo-Christian history.

What has happened to this country

as it relates from a spiritual standpoint?

- I know He's watching over us.

This is a very specialnation that I have been so

privileged to grow up in.

Those of us who believe that,

those of us who understand the founding

and understand the JudeoChristian traditions

of the United States of Americahave every responsibility

to be bold, to speak about this,

to be proud of this heritage,

and to continue to build on it.

- [David] David Brody,CBN News, Washington.

- Pat, a lot of these contendersappear to be eyeing 2024.

- I don't know that Mike Pompeo is looking

for anything like that.

But he was in Congress.

He's been head of the CIA.

He's been secretary of state.

He's a brilliant guy.

He's a very dedicated Christian.

I think he was first inhis class at West Point

and I might add, he hasagreed to be the commencement

speaker at the RegentUniversity commencement.

It's very good, I don't knowif we're going to have it live

or have it virtual, orhow it's going to be.

But anyhow, Mike Pompeo,

he is a terrific guy, brilliant fellow.

And what he said though, is so true.

America has a destiny.

America is a special place.

We are an exceptional nationand those who try to run it

down and act like we're somehow racist

and filled with slaveryimages and so forth,

that just isn't what America is.

America is the home of thefree and the land of the brave,

the home of the freeand we stand for liberty

and people all aroundthe world look to us.

And when we stop being thatway, then we're in trouble

and the world is in trouble.

Ronald Reagan echoedsomething that was said

by those early pilgrims in Massachusetts,

we're a shining city onthe hill, a shining city.

And America is a very important place

and we should all thank God

that we have this freedomthat has been given to us

and none of us should take it lightly.

And the last thing we should do is to

join those people that aretrying to tear it down.


- Pat, Pope Francis is back in Rome

after a whirlwind visit to Iraq.

The Pope stirring the hopesof that country's Christians

who have suffered atthe hands of terrorists

like the Islamic State for years.

- [Translator] Certainlythere will be moments

when faith can waiver when it seems that

God does not see or act.

This was true for you in thedarkest of days of the war.

And it is true too, in these days

of global health crisisand great insecurity.

At times like this, rememberthat Jesus is by your side,

do not stop dreaming,

do not give up, do not lose hope.

- Many Iraqi Christians lost homes

or fled when ISIS took over.

Since the Iraq war, their numbers dropping

from over 1 million to about 250,000.

Many hope the Pope's visit will help

preserve the church in Iraq.

And Pat, some of those images from

that trip were just remarkable.

- It's amazing.

People need hope.

They need some symbol of hope.

And the Pope could be that way.

He's sent some discordant messages

along the way, I might add.

But nevertheless, it's wonderful.

He also went to Erbil,

which is the head of the Kurdish group.

And they're trying to establish a vibrant

democracy in that area.

We haven't given them much support

and the Turks won't eliminate them,

but nevertheless, thePope did go there as well.


- Well, still ahead,terrible stomach pain,

Bending, lifting, almost any movement

put this woman in agony.

Surgery only made her suffering worse.

So how did she get healed in her own home?

You have to see it to believe it.

Plus, COVID-19, it's aonce in a century event

called a black swan.

Now get ready for what'scoming next, seven gray swans.

What are they?

And how will they upend our world?

Find out after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- A black swan.

That's a financial event that

really totally disrupts the system.

It's one that occursmaybe once in a century,

and maybe like COVID-19, butit's a financial thing usually.

And it's something youdon't quite see happening,

and then when it happens,it just destroys everything.

So what's coming next?

According to one author, seven gray swans,

not black, but gray.

And how can we get ready for them?

Are they signs of the end times?


Gary Lane brings usthis astonishing story.

- The COVID-19 crisis isregarded as a black swan,

a once in a century eventeffecting the entire world.

So what might be next?

A Christian financialexpert says get ready

for something known as gray swan events,

trends we're already experiencing.

They're likely to transcend the pandemic.

Crown Financial CEO,radio host Chuck Bentley.

- The gray swan is anevent that is obvious.

It's out in the open.

People see it.

They know that it's there.

They know it's a significant threat,

but they tend to ignore itand do nothing about it.

- [Gary] Bentley explains this further

in his new book "Seven Gray Swans:

Trends That ThreatenOur Financial Future."

Among the seven, the global move toward

digital currency and a cashless society.

Bentley says the transitionactually began years ago

and has proceeded rapidlysince COVID-19 hit.

- With the threat that our actual physical

currency may be tainted with the virus.

And over time, the Biblewarns that ultimately,

the antichrist will controlthe world through the economy.

And so I think we need to be aware

that it's moving that direction rapidly

and to do our part, tobe prepared for that.

- [Gary] Also, when Congress considered

another multi-billiondollar stimulus package,

most Americans wanted to know how much

to expect in their bankaccounts or mailboxes.

Bentley warns temporary reliefpayments could easily turn

into a permanent universalbasic income program.

- Those type of programsare very hard to stop.

But my hope is that we willnot endorse this policy

to see that continue becauseultimately we can't afford it.

It would be like eatingsugar for your diet.

It feels good for a little while,

but it doesn't do good in the longterm.

- [Gary] Bentley believes this is a result

of the US embracing modern monetary theory

that debt doesn't matter.

So the fed goes on printingdollars indefinitely.

A similar trend in Venezuelaled to hyperinflation

with an overall five-year rate

that rose a whopping 53 million percent.

Our national debt now exceeds the size

of the American economy and is expected

to total 102% of the USgross domestic product

by the end of this fiscal year.

Bentley doubts the debtwill ever be repaid.

And that would lead America's creditors

to inflict some painfuloptions on the public.

- Some sort of austerity program,

some sort of a massive tax increase,

a hyperinflation that would make it easier

for the government to repay their debt.

- [Gary] The use ofbiometrics and social scoring

also make up these gray swan trends.

Airlines are pushing forCOVID-19 contact tracing

and the use of smartphone apps

to prove travelers have beenvaccinated for the virus.

And Bentley says a number

of companies are alreadyusing social scoring.

- Right now, if I take an Uber,

not only do I evaluate the driver,

but the driver evaluates me.

And a private company couldvote me out of their system.

We're seeing that insocial media right now.

- [Gary] We see some ofthis ranging from Twitter

blue checks to Facebook likes and others.

In China, the CommunistParty uses social scoring

to rate its citizens' obedienceto government authority

and loyalty to communist ideology.

Positive scores garner favor.

Those with low scores are denied jobs,

travel benefits, and education.

Eventually, such a systemcould prove dangerous

for Americans unwilling to comply

with acceptable speechand cancel culture norms.

- Even getting things like a tax refund,

being able to travel,being able to have access

to certain propertiesor buildings or museums,

I think it's coming.

I think it's one we allneed to have a heightened

awareness of and to be very careful

about supporting the things that

allow ultimate controlover our free speech.

- [Gary] So if the birth pangs

of the seven gray swanevents are already upon us,

how can we prepare and protectour families and investments?

Bentley says we mustprudently chart a wise path

without becoming paralyzedor reacting emotionally.

- We obviously need todiversify our investments.

We need to get out of debt.

We need to increase our savings.

We need to increase ourability to persevere

through what I think are goingto be turbulent times ahead.

- [Gary] Gary Lane, CBN News.

- Well, is he right or wrong?

We're not sure.

But his book is called "Seven Gray Swans."

You can find it, it's a little tiny book,

wherever books are sold.

"Seven Gray Swans."

What do you think of that?

- Wow.

- Amazing.

I don't know.

You know, again, I want toreport what God said to me.

He said don't fear thefuture for I am the future.

When we walk out into the future,

we walk out into the Lord.

He is the future.

He holds the future.

He is the future.

And if we know the Lord,

we don't have to worryabout the other things.

But if we don't know Him,

but there's still, awise man sees the danger

and he hides himself, a foolgoes on and is punished.

That's what the Bible says.

Coming up.

- Well, coming up later, New York Times

bestselling novelist Karen Kingsbury.

What's her latest book aboutin the beloved Baxter series?

And what's coming up onthe new Baxter's TV show?

Find out when KarenKingsbury joins us live.

But first, hard, painful, and dangerous.

A woman with a herniais told to have surgery

before it becomes an emergency.

So where does she turnwhen her pain is worse

after the surgery?

See for yourself, that's up next.

(upbeat musiC)

We're about to celebrate St.Patrick's Day for this year.

And you know, so many times we do that

without any clue of who St. Patrick was

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You have an opportunity to find that out.

But trust me when I tellyou, you will be inspired.

For your gift of any dollar amount,

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You'll also get instant4K streaming access

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Plus, on St. Patrick'sDay, March the 17th,

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It includes the full documentary

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So visit or you can call

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And for your gift of any dollar amount,

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and access to the March 17th premiere.

It's a wonderful thing toadd to your video library

and I think you'llreally be inspired by it.

"I am Patrick," CBN Films production.

- Good.

Well, we'll have to wearsomething green on the 17th

and it's so nice of themto have a day just for me.

(Pat and Terry laughing)

- That is true and we willcelebrate you accordingly.

- Wear green and celebrate the Irish.

All right, constant pain.

That's what plagued Kathy Haviland 24/7.

Medication didn't ease her agony.

And when she had surgery,it only made it worse.

So how did Kathy finally get relief

right in her own recliner?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] In the summer of 2018,

Kathy Haviland underwent surgery

to remove a polyp and part of her colon.

For two years it gave her no problems

until one day in July 2020.

- All of a sudden, I was getting this,

every time I got up in the morning,

I'd have this terrible pain in my stomach.

And it would linger most of the day.

- [Narrator] The pain wasso bad Kathy often needed

her husband's assistancewith day-to-day tasks.

- My husband had to help alot because bending over hurt.

Lifting anything that waslike a gallon of water

or anything like that,it would be painful.

- [Narrator] No matterhow much help she had

or how careful she tried tobe, Kathy was in constant pain.

- I said, "There's something not right."

- [Narrator] Finally,she went to her doctor,

who told Kathy the procedure she had had

in 2018 had caused what shecalled a surgical hernia.

- A couple years later thatwhole area became hardened

and it was very painful.

- [Narrator] And dangerous.

She told Kathy she neededto see a surgeon immediately

to have it evaluated.

- They suggested that I have it repaired

before it became an emergency.

- [Narrator] Soon after, Kathy went in

for outpatient surgeryand was home the same day.

- By the next morningwhen I tried to get up,

it was very painful again.

Trying to sit up hurt a lot.

I had to hold my stomach in to be able

to sit up and stand up then.

And I stayed in therecliner most of the time.

- [Narrator] By August 4th,four days after surgery,

Kathy was still in constant pain

despite taking pain medications.

That morning, as usual, Kathystarted her daily prayer time.

- I just call on Him.

The first thing I say is Jesus.

I love being in His presence

and just hearing what He has to say.

- [Narrator] And, like she often does,

she also turned on "The 700 Club."

Pat and Wendy were givingwords of knowledge.

- There's, I think a woman,

but you've had somethingwith your abdomen.

It may have been thatyou had a birth that was,

it was surgery on your abdomen,

but there's something aboutyour abdominal muscles.

Put your hand on your abdomen right now.

In the name of Jesus, touch them.

Thank you, Lord.

- When he said that, I justfelt such a peace come over me.

And the pain startedto subside right away.

And by the next morning,it was so much better.

- [Narrator] Since then,Kathy has been pain free

and life has returned to normal.

- God is just wonderful.

It's like it just remindedme all I need is one word

from God sometimes forthe miracle to happen.

- Oh, I'm so happy for Kathy.

The Bible says He sentHis word and healed them

and delivered them from all their fears.

And here's somebody named Regina

and she was praying with Terry and me.

And Terry said "Someonewith something in your head

that's causing your brain to misfire.

God's healing you."

Regina's son had COVID-19

and has been disabled since August.

He kept telling thedoctors about the thing

in his head that was affecting him.

He listened to a later broadcast

and that word was thereand he said that's for me.

And he's been healed.

- [Terry] At a later broadcast.

- [Pat] Isn't that amazing?

What else you have?

- Well, Pat, this isGeorge who wrote by email

and said, "I had horrible back pain.

So bad it would drop me to my knees,

pulsing, awful pain thatwould come in waves.

I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't sit.

I was watching "The 700 Club"

when Pat and Terry were praying.

Pat said, 'Pray with us.

Just believe and join in.'

He was doing a prayer for pain.

And he said, 'What do you have to lose?

Pray with us.'

I prayed with Pat and Terry.

This is no lie.

The excruciating pain

that was so horrible left the next day.

It is months now and thepain has not come back.

All I can do is saythank you for bringing me

to the Lord and forallowing God to heal me."


- You know, I said it. (chuckles)

What have you got to lose?

Well, what have you got to lose?

I mean, for heaven sakes, I mean,

pray with us and believe God.

Just don't fight Him.

You say, "Oh no, it can't happen."

Well, if you keep sayingthat, it won't be.

The Bible says and where two of you agree,

you've got your spirit,

it's got to agree with the Holy Spirit.

And if you will agree with the Spirit,

we will agree with you

and we will see God doa miracle in your life.

Now Terry and I are going to pray

for you right now on this program.

And you're going to seesomething wonderful happen.

Father, I join with Terry

and we pray together in the name of Jesus.

Thank you, Lord.

Again, somebody has atumor in the abdomen.

It's a bad tumor and it's been growing

and you're saying, "Oh God,what's happening to me?"

If you'll place your handon your abdomen right now,

that tumor will dissolve.

In the name of Jesus, touch her.


- I have no idea what this means.

This is for someone who hassomething to do with a tower.

And I don't know what your situation is,

but you know who you are.

And that is the word, tower.

And God is healing whatever itis you've asked Him to heal.

Right now, just receive it in Jesus name.

- There's somebody named Uncle Charlie,

he's known as Uncle Charlieand you have a skin disease.

I don't know if it's psoriasis,

but it's some kind ofa flaky itching thing.

It's just been driving you crazy.

You've been itching.

And right now in thename of Jesus, touch him.

That itch and inflammationhas just left your body.

Thank you.

- Someone else, you have been diagnosed

as bipolar with mental issues.

But God is healing yourcondition for you right now.

All of the things that you've experienced,

the ups and downs, just the turmoil

that's caused your life to be in upheaval,

right now, just breathe in wholeness

and wellness from the powerof God in Jesus' name.

- There's somebody, thename, it must be Japanese,

Nomora, and you've gotarthritis in your hands

and your knuckles are all swelled up.

If you'll just reachout and flex your hand,

the Lord has just completelyhealed that arthritis.

Now, Father in this audience are people

who are crying out to You.

And we pray for them as they pray with us

and we pray together.

May the power of God go forth.

In Jesus' name, receive an answer.

Thank you, Lord.

Amen and amen.

Please call us.

Please call us.

We'd love to hear the reports

if you have been touched by the Lord.

If you need furtherprayer, we've got folks

on the phone who really know how to pray

and they'll pray with you.

So pick up the phone, call in,and we love to hear whatever.

And 24 hours a day, there'ssomebody who's on these phones

who will love you and pray with you,

rejoice with you, whatever you need.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

Okay, thank you.

- Well, coming up, Patreturns to the hot seat

for a Monday round ofyour email questions.

Marlene says, "Our marrieddaughter had an affair

with a married man.

Should we welcome him in our home?"

Wonder what Pat will say to that.

Stay tuned to find out.

Plus, 25 million copiesof her books in print.

Number one New YorkTimes bestselling author

Karen Kingsbury joins us live.

What's the theme of her latestBaxter's children's book?

And what's it like toco-write with her son?

That's all ahead after this.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this "CBN NewsBreak."

Jury selection begins today

in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin.

Chauvin is the Minneapolis police officer

who pressed his kneeinto George Floyd's neck

for nearly nine minutes as Floyd said,

"I can't breathe" before dying.

The event sparked a worldwide movement

and led to the officer'sarrest and indictment.

Chauvin is accused of seconddegree unintentional murder

and second degree manslaughter.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Opening statements are setto begin around March 29th.

Orphan's Promise ishelping families living

in desperate poverty across Europe

and the former Soviet Unionthrough its SEED program.

SEED, which stands forSomething to Eat Every Day,

shows entire communities howto become self-sustaining

by teaching agriculturalskills to put nutritious food

on the table and also helpslaunch small micro-enterprises

that offer hope for a brighter future.

Orphan's Promise currentlyhas SEED projects

in 24 Ukrainian villagesas well as recently

launched projects in Moldova,Romania, and Bulgaria.

You can find out moreabout Orphan's Promise

by going to

Pat and Terry will beback right after this.

(upbeat music)

- Careful what you say, itmight end up in a novel.

That message hangs on the sign

in the kitchen of Karen Kingsbury.

Her real family has been the inspiration

behind her fictional Baxter family.

And now Karen's son Tyleris his mom's co-writer.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Wildly popular novelist

Karen Kingsbury has again paired up

with her son Tyler Russellas a successful writing team.

Their latest project is book three

in the well-loved Baxterfamily children's series.

This time, two of theBaxter girls have come

to a big decision.

In "Never Grow Up," Karen and Tyler weave

their trademark themes of faith and family

into another charmingstory for young readers.

- Welcome back to "The700 Club" Karen Kingsbury

and her son Tyler Russell.

Hey, good to have thetwo of you with us today.

- We know, it's so good to be here.

- Thanks for having us, we're so excited.

- Well, Karen, I'm goingto jump for a second over

to Tyler and ask him what it'slike to work with your mom.

- It is such a blast.

I've learned so much from her

just growing up watching her work.

And so to get to work together,it feels like a dream.

I'm still learning alot, but we have a lot

of fun creating these stories together.

- Must be, and Karen, whata treat for you to know

that you have a child that wants

to carry on the Kingsbury tradition.

(Terry chuckling)

- Otherwise, we're so excitedto be able to work together.

And I had so many booksI was already working on,

that without Tyler working with me,

we brought the Baxterfamily children to life.

So pretty excited.

- You have 25 million books in print.

Where do you get your inspiration

for the next book afteryou've written so many?

- Well, it's really all God.

He gives me the storylike a movie in my head

and I just feel like the first reader

when I'm bringing it to life.

So it can be anything Icome across during the day,

it could be an interview Iwatched or conversation I have.

So it's true, be careful what you say.

(all laughing)

- Tyler, it seems like writing would be,

I know you've been a writer on your own

prior to working with your mom,

but it seems like such a personal process.

So how does the process workfor the two of you together?

- Yeah, the processes is really fun.

We get together andoutlines kind of our map

of the story where we're going to go,

and then we go to our ownseparate spots and work on it.

So I'll maybe do the first draft

and then send her that draftand she'll give me edits

or notes and we just kind of go back

and forth till it feels just right.

- Karen, "Never Grow Up"is actually the third book

in your Baxter family children's series.

What made you decide to focus on

this particular theme, never grow up?

- Well, I did get to see kids grow up

and so we thought it'd be kind of fun

if we focus this on two different issues.

We have Ashley who is doing aPeter Pan play with her class,

so the never grew up theme, she's Wendy.

And then also we have Kariwho's doing an assignment

on writing an essay on what do you want

to be when you grow up?

And that's a tough question for kids.

That's a tough question for young adults.

- Absolutely.

I immediately sent offfor book one and two

so I could be sure to read those

with my grandchildren firstbefore getting to three.

What's the latest on theupcoming Baxter family TV series?

- Well, at this point,they have 36 episodes

that are filmed, they'reedited, ready to go.

And Roma Downey is, she'splaying Elizabeth Baxter,

and she is also the producer.

So she's taking thisseries along with MGM,

they're kind of presenting it

to different channelsand different networks,

different platforms to seewhere God will have it land.

We're excited, it could beanytime, that announcement.

- Boy, I guess you should be excited.

That's a very big deal.

Tyler, what's in the works for book

four of the children's series?

Are we going to get to watchthe Baxter children grow up?

- Such a great question.

Yeah, we're actually workingon a book four and five

right now, which is very exciting.

So we feel like book four mightbe an adventure theme book

and we might see Ashleygoing to maybe science camp.

So we're kind of in the earlyprocess of coming up with that

but definitely keep youreyes peeled for book four.

It's been such a dream working on these

and I can't wait to sharemore stories with all of you.

- And I think too, thething we really love,

this is such a collaboration,

but it is also such, they'rea collection of books really.

So if somebody just wantsto pick up "Never Grow Up"

and they've never read theother ones, that'd be fine.

It's just different slices of life.

- Do you ever havedisagreements with each other

about what the next project should be?

- Sometimes.

Once in a while now, I'll be like,

"Now, wait a minute, Tyler.

we need a little more conflict."

Or he'll say, "Wait, we need more humor."

- I feel like it's just something

that I've been learning iswe want to serve the story,

serve the reader and make sure

that God is honored in the process.

So it's a lot of giveand take, which is good.

- How wonderful.

And Karen, what a treatfor you, I say again,

as a parent to see yourson grabbing the gauntlet

and continuing to carryforth the tradition

of the Kingsbury series is wonderful.

I want to mention to folkswho have enjoyed your books,

as we know that it's beenmillions and millions,

Karen and Tyler's latest book is called

"Never Grow Up" and it'savailable wherever books are sold.

So enjoy it with your childrenand your grandchildren.

Thanks for being with us today, you two.

- Thanks for having us.- Thank you so much.

- Bless you.

Well, coming up, we've got your questions

and some honest answers.

Susan asks, "Is it true thatafter you've passed away,

Jesus continues toacknowledge your prayers

and continuous working on your loved ones,

even though you're gone?"

Intriguing question.

Pat has an answer after this.

(upbeat music)

(gentle music)

- The roof collapsed and nine-year-old

Belen was hit in the head and knocked out.

She and her family survivedthe monster 8.1 earthquake

that hit Southern Mexico buttheir house was obliterated.

So where do they turn for help?

Well, you guessed it.

- [Narrator] 57,000 homes were destroyed

in Southern Mexico whenthe worst earthquake

in a century hit the region.

Nine-year-old Belen andher family lost their home

and barely escaped with their lives.

- [Translator] The roof fell.

A tile hit me in thehead and knocked me out.

A brick just missed hittingmy baby brother in the head.

- [Narrator] After the quake,

Belen's dad built them a shelter.

But it was drafty and sometime wet inside.

- [Translator] It was so cold sometimes

that I could not fall sleep.

I had bad dreams when I did sleep.

- [Translator] My kidswere sick all the time.

We didn't know what to do.

- [Narrator] As a farm hand,Belen's dad earned $5 a day.

But there was nothing leftover to rebuild their house.

Then one day, CBN'sOperation Blessing learned

about the family and decidedto build them a new house.

In just a few days, theirnew home was finished.

- [Translator] Godbless you for helping us

and for making us all so happy.

- Isn't that marvelous?

You know, the thing of it is,

you can't reach out into the world,

you can't touch everybody in Mexico

or Pakistan or India or China or wherever.

But we can.

We reach through Operation Blessing,

300 million or so people a year

and get food, clothing,medical help, something.

And of course through the gospel,

we go out to everybody to help people.

And you could be part of that.

It just costs $20 a month andyou can be a 700 Club member

and you can be part of anarmy of thousands of people

that's out to change the world.

So what do you do?

You just pick up the phone, call in,

say, "You can count on me."

It's 1-800-700-7000.

65 cents a day, that's all it takes

to be a member of a growing army

of thousands that wantsto reach out to the world.

And I've got some something,I think it'll be nice.

They said, "Okay, if you want to,

you can tell people about this book."

And it's an adventure of howthe Lord ministered with me,

through me, and through CBN

and Operation Blessing and Regent.

It's called "I Have WalkedWith the Living God."

And it's a story thatwill change your life.

We've got a lot of comments on it.

But it also has in here,a whole bunch of pictures.

We've got about 30 pages of pictures.

Some of the early, early days.

There's the first radiostation we had here, WXR.

Look at that, in a little garage.

Despise not the day of small beginnings.

And we've got things aboutvictory over demonic possession.

It's just amazing.

So we'll give this to you as our gift

when you join the 700 Club.

It's something, I think you'll be blessed.

- Well, this is Nancy.

She lives in Clearwater, Florida.

She says, "I enjoyed reading

'I Have Walked With the Living God.'

This book is the best you've written.

You, by the Holy Spirit,increased my faith

and God's leadings became so real to me."

And that really is, I think,the impact of book, isn't it?

- That's the idea,that's what I've prayed.

And I thank the Lord.

I mean, it was like He just gave it to me.

Day after day, I dictated,dictated, dictated, dictated

and the next thing youknow, here comes the book.

But it's the Lord.

- [Terry] It is the Lord.

- Tremendous, okay.

It'll be yours if you want it.

Just pick up the phone and call in.

- Okay, Pat, let's gowith some questions asked

by our viewers.

This is Marlene who says,

"Our married daughter had anaffair with a married man.

Both have divorced,continued their relationship,

and plan to marry.

She and our grandchildrenare always welcome

in our home but she will not come

unless her significant other is welcome.

Should we welcome him?

How do we forgive and continue as a family

when this adulterousrelationship persists?"

That's tough.

- You need to ask the Lord on that one.

You love your grandchild.

You love your daughter.

But you know, she justsort of flaunts convention.

"I can do what I want to do.

I'm in love and love isthe most important thing.

And you know, who cares about the fact

that adultery is a sin?"

And both of them haveleft their other spouses.

I mean, it's like there wasa single guy getting married

to a woman, but they'vebroken two families.

So there are two spousesand maybe some children

by other marriages outthere and everything.

And I, for one, don'tthink that a family needs

to welcome that kind of a deal.

She's got to understandthere's consequences

to what she has done

and she's done somethingthat's very, very wrong.

And she apparently has no intention

of asking God's forgiveness.

And unless she does,

that thing's gonna hurt her and haunt her.

So if you really loveher, I think on this case,

tough love is appropriate.

All right.

- This is Gwen who says,"Is it okay for a mother

to pray blessings over herchildren and grandchildren?"

- Absolutely.

I've got in my dressingroom, a picture of a man

who's kneeling beside his child.

And they were asking God's blessing.

That's in my dressing room.

I see it every daybefore I come on the air.

Of course it's good topray over your children.

- Absolutely.

- And ask God's blessing for them.

- This is Susan whosays, "I continue praying

for my children and myfamily for salvation.

It's something thatweighs heavy on my heart.

My question is, is it truethat after you've passed away

Jesus continues toacknowledge your prayers

and continues working on your loved ones

even though you're gone?"

- Oh, I think that's certainly true.

George Mueller, I believe itwas, who prayed for people

and after he died, some of the people

that he'd been prayingfor came to the Lord.

So those prayers, they go before the Lord

and God's everlasting.

So He will hold yourprayers and He will work.

Whatever happens to you,

you don't have to be alive tohave your prayers answered.

- Okay, this is the viewer who says,

"I suffer from narcissisticabuse and PTSD.

My abuser is my husband.

I suffer mentally,emotionally, and physically.

I do have some health concerns and fear

I won't be able to supportmyself financially.

Should I leave my husband?

What does the Bible say about narcissism?"

(Pat chuckles)

- I don't think the wordnarcissism appears in any

of the Scripture I'm familiar with.

But self love and pride are certainly

some of the terrible sins.

Look, if you trust theLord, God will make a way.

And I think you need toget out of that situation.

But look, there are laws.

You don't have to be at themercy of this horrible person.

There are laws to protect you.

And I think really in thiscase, you should get a lawyer

and the laws are there forbattered and abused women.

And you're being abused in a terrible way.

You say narcissistic, buthe's ruining your life.

So you don't have tonecessarily get a divorce

but you can get a legal separation

and he can be forced to pay to help you.

You just don't have to endure that.

- This is Zoltan who says,

"I am Christian but I have a big fear.

What if I go to hellat the end of my life?

It worries me that I could go to hell

and God already knows that.

How can I overcome this dread?"

- You can overcome thedread by reading the Bible

and seeing what the Bible saysand then doing what it says.

Except a man be born again,

he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

So I think you need to say,"God, I confess my sin.

I turn from my wicked ways

and I receive you as my Lord and Savior."

And if you mean it in your heart

and you confess to Him that He's yours,

then He will come into yourlife and you will be saved.

It's just that simple.

You need to believe the Bible.

What I see you're telling meis you don't believe the Word.

Great peace have they who love by law

and nothing shall offend them.

- This is Judy who says,

"I just lost my husband topancreatic cancer last December.

It's very tough to cope.

I keep reminding myselfhe's with our Lord Jesus

now free from any pain and suffering.

May I ask what our lovedones are doing in heaven?"

- Our loved ones are rejoicingwith the Lord in ecstasy.

It is the most glorious thing.

They're there dancing withthe angels and enjoying glory.

And you can't wait.

Paul says I'll do anything that

I may achieve theresurrection of the dead.

And when you get there, it'sgoing to be wonderful forever

and ever, and ever, and ever.

So what is your loved one doing?

He's basking in the gloryof the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today's Power Minute isfrom the Book of Proverbs.

"Fear of the Lord and depart from evil.

It will be healthy to your flesh

and strength to your bones."

Tomorrow, Marky Mark'sbrother, Jim Wahlberg

shares the jail housemessage that saved his life.

It's an amazing family.

You don't want to misshearing this testimony

from this remarkable person.

For Terry and I, this is PatRobertson, see you tomorrow.


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