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The 700 Club - March 4, 2021

A woman tries to keep a forbidden romance secret, but what is she hiding from herself? Plus, meteorologist Janice Dean wants justice for her loved ones and she has Governor Cuomo in her sights. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up, themeteorologist on a mission.

- I wasn't seeing thenews stories out there.

- [Wendy] Janice Dean wantsjustice for her loved ones

and she has Governor Cuomo in her sights.

- I felt like it wasn't being covered.

- [Wendy] Then a forbidden romance.

- What I had tried, I liked.

- [Wendy] She tried to keep it secret.

- But I lived a double life.

- [Wendy] What was shehiding from herself?

- I was absolutely terrified.

- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

On today's program,

we're gonna tell you abouta nutty conspiracy theory

that the House of Representatives

literally is not in session

because they're afraid ofsome riot taking place.

Well, we'll talk about that later

but the question is

when will American life return to normal?

Well, the answer is as soon

as the vast majority of us get vaccinated.

So which of the three availablevaccines should you take

and why is one under fire?

Medical reporter, Lorie Johnson,

brings us to an exclusive interview.

- Now that three vaccinesare available in the U.S.,

President Biden and health experts believe

there will be enough tovaccinate the adult population

by Memorial Day.

The key will be getting shots in arms.

- For me as a scientist,who's also a Christian,

this an answer to a lot ofprayers and it feels as if

this is the way in which Godis helping us get through this.

- [Lorie] NIH Director Dr.Francis Collins tells CBN News

people should take

whichever vaccine isfirst offered to them.

- The vaccines, which I've had a big part

in helping get developed,

have been tested in the mostrigorous imaginable trials.

They've been shown safe and effective.

- [Lorie] That includes avaccine from Johnson and Johnson

which is under fire for using a cell line

from a decades-oldabortion in its creation.

- And certainly the Catholic Church,

as represented by theVatican, has said it is moral

for individuals to takeadvantage of such vaccines

if in so doing, they maybe helping save lives.

And we do believe all ofthese vaccines can save lives.

- [Lorie] He explained thecells from the original abortion

have been continuously replicated in a lab

to the point where they're now thousands

of generations removed.

- Some people are, I think,

troubled by the idea that the vaccine

that's going into theirarm had that history.

It does not have any of those cells in it,

but it has that history ofhaving been used in that way.

And I understand therefore,

why some will look at theJohnson and Johnson vaccine

and think maybe that's notthe one I would prefer to get.

- [Lorie] For now, however,people cannot choose

which vaccine they get.

- I would be reluctant to suggest

that anybody should just wait

until they get the one they like

'cause that might be waiting a while.

In the meantime, peoplecan still get sick.

- [Lorie] Collins seespeople taking the shot

as a way to love thy neighbor,

especially those with medicalconditions preventing them

from getting or fullybenefiting from the vaccine.

- This is not just aboutsort of self-serving,

"I want to be sure I don't get sick."

It really does come down to,

are we going to take part in something

that will help others around us?

- [Lorie] He calls the coronavirusvaccines a gift from God.

- We humans, as God's children,

have been given the tools ofscience to kind of come up

with our own way towork through God's grace

to provide an opportunityto prevent suffering

and I think that's what vaccines are

and have been all along.

- [Lorie] So while we now know

America will have an amplesupply sooner than expected,

it's unclear how many willchoose to get the vaccine.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Well, you can watch the entireinterview with Dr. Collins

at our website,

And I might say when I was a little kid,

everybody got vaccinated against smallpox.

It was just a standard thing.

We've all got littlescars, right? (laughs)

- Well it was done,

at least when I was growing up, in school.

- You had to have it.- Class-by-class.

The full shot-- But I mean,

smallpox was so virulent and so horrible.

But they wiped it out essentially

because of these vaccinations.

And the term, vaca, comesfrom cow, by the way,

and that's Spanish for cow.- Speaking Spanish for us.

- Yes, Spanish.

You gotta give 'em Spanish lessons.

- Every day we get a lesson. (laughs)

- All right, (laughs) vaca, vaccines,

that's where these things come from.

But anyhow, I totally recommendthat everybody get it.

I'm waiting myself forthe Johnson and Johnson

because it's one shot rather than two.

My wife is on the other one.

She's got one and one more coming up

and she's had no ill effects.

A little soreness in the arm,

but other than that,there's been no problem.

And as Dr. Collins said,

these things have been rigorously tested.

But boy, COVID is just deadly.

It is the most horrible thing,what it does to your brain,

what it does to your muscles,what it does to your lungs.

- And the residual, thereseems to be a residual-

- Exactly-- Effects, yeah.

- I mean, it could leadto Alzheimer's, bad stuff.

So get the vaccine.

Well, in other news, the Senate is racing

to pass President Biden'sCOVID relief bill.

So who will be getting these $1,400 checks

and why is the presidentaccusing four governors

of acting like "cavemen," "neanderthals"?

John Jessup has more.

- That's right, Pat.

President Biden is blasting governors

for lifting mask mandates.

So far four states making that move.

The president calling it,"neanderthal thinking."

Meanwhile, not as manyAmericans will be getting

those $1,400 checks if theCOVID relief bill passes.

The Biden administrationagreeing to a proposal

to lower the income cutoff.

Now individuals makingmore than $80,000 a year

and households more than 160,000

won't be getting the addedboost to their bank accounts.

And, Pat, a vote is notexpected on the bill

before the weekend.

- Well, I hope they don't putthat Christmas tree in there

with all those other provisions.

I mean, it was just awishlist for the Left

and they want to givemoney to failing schools.

They want to give money to doing research.

They want to give moneyoverseas to companies

that were studying genetics.

The amount of stuff that's in there,

so much for PlannedParenthood or whatever,

million, billions,

and the question is a wholetrillions dollars going out

that's gotta be repaid.

The thing was just a monstrosity.

In terms of the minimum wage,it has to be area-by-area

because a lot of small businessescan't pay the minimum wage

and that means millions ofpeople might lose their jobs

if that is put in effect.

And so it's not a good thing.

It's nice to say let'spay our workers more

and if you can afford it, by all means.

If you want to hire teenagers

and pay them good wages,well, be my guest.

But at the same time,

don't put a federal mandateacross the entire nation.

A big mistake.


- Pat, the FBI is warningof another possible plot

to breach the United States Capitol.

Security officials and Houseleadership taking no chances

after the January 6 catastrophe.

This as lawmakers are still investigating

what went wrong that day.

CBN's George Thomas has more.

- After the securityfailures on January 6th,

authorities are taking threats

of another Capitol breach seriously.

This new one reportedlyfrom a militia group

inspired by a conspiracy theory predicting

that former PresidentTrump would return to power

on March 4th, the day U.S. presidents

used to be inaugurated on before 1933.

The intel alert describing aplot by violent extremists,

"To take control of the U.S. Capitol

and remove Democratic lawmakers."

- We issued a bulletin lastnight, coauthored with the FBI

about extremists discussingMarch 4th and March 6th.

- [George] House Democratsconcerned about safety

canceled today's session.

The Senate plans to convene at noon.

U.S. Capitol Police takingthe intelligence seriously.

- We have enhanced our security posture.

We've taken immediate stepsto let the National Guard

as well as our workforceknow what to expect.

- [George] One Republican lawmaker

urging the former president

to send a message to his supporters.

- President Trump has a responsibility

to tell them to stand down.

This threat is credible and it's real.

- [George] The threat comingas lawmakers are investigating

the January 6th Capitol attack.

Democrats wanting to knowwhy it took the Pentagon

more than three hours todeploy the National Guard

after getting frantic requestsfrom Capitol Hill Police.

D.C. National Guard ChiefWilliam Walker told senators

that top Army leadersdelayed over concerns

about the image of guardsmansurrounding the Capitol.

- The Army senior leaders didnot think that it looked good,

it would be a good optic.

They further stated thatit could incite the crowds.

I was frustrated.

I was just as stunned aseverybody else on the call.

- [George] And yet a few monthsbefore the Capitol attack,

during protests afterGeorge Floyd's murder,

General Walker testifiedthat optics weren't an issue

in deploying D.C.'s National Guard.

- Was the issue of optics ever brought up

by Army leadership when theD.C. National Guard was deployed

during the summer of 2020?

- It was never discussed.

- [George] 26,000 guardmembers were initially deployed

after the Capitol attack.

Some 5,200 troops nowremain in Washington.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- All right, thank you, George.

The White House is warning Iran

it's considering a military response

to the attack on an Iraqi air base

where U.S. troops are stationed.

An American contractordied from a heart attack

during Tuesday's nighttime rocket attack.

It all comes as Iran

and the United States arenegotiating a return to talks

over the regime's nuclear program.

Former Secretary of State MikePompeo told CBNs David Brody

that the Biden White House is giving up

significant advantages wonby the Trump administration.

- You just mentioned theword appeasement to a degree

when it comes to Iran, would you believe

this Biden administration isin the appeasement business

when it comes to dealing with Iran?

- So far, they have takena terrorist organization

that is underwrittenand sponsored by Iran,

the Houthis that exist in Yemen.

Iranian backed to be sure.

No one disputes that they're terrorists,

no one disputes that andyet they de-designated them.

We saw last week thatthey gave a wink and a nod

to what appears to be anenormous financial relief

to the Iranian regime.

We put massive pressure on the regime

and it looks like they'regonna allow billions of dollars

in wealth to go from SouthKorea and the IMF into Iran

and essentially take afoot off the stranglehold

that we had on the Iranian regime.

This is not a good start.

- Last week, the United States struck

at Iranian-backed militia in Syria

in response to a previous attack.

Well, the International CriminalCourt is launching a probe

against Israel and Hamasfor alleged war crimes

by both sides during the 2014 Gaza War.

The move drew sharp criticism from Israel

and praise from Hamas.

- It's undiluted antisemitismand the height of hypocrisy.

Without any jurisdiction, itdecided that our brave soldiers

who take every precautionto avoid civilian casualties

against the worst terrorists in the world,

would deliberately target civilians.

It's our soldiers who are war criminals.

(Hazem speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Hamaswelcomes the decision

to open an investigationinto the Israeli war crimes

against our Palestinian people.

- [John] The ICC prosecutor believes Hamas

attacked Israeli civilians,

used its own people as human shields

and tortured political rivals.

She also believes, Pat,

Israel responded withdisproportionate force

against Palestinian civilians.

- Look, I want to say something.

You know,

our head of our AmericanCenter for Law and Justice

was actually in court

because the United Statesrefuses to be subject

to that International Criminal Court.

We just say, "No, you have nojurisdiction over us period."

And I think Israel is the same way,

but Israel is unfortunately too small.

But I think this CriminalCourt is just a joke.


we have said, "No way,

you're not gonna come after our soldiers.

You're not gonna blame them for war crimes

in the middle of some combat operation.

You're not gonna do it.

We will not submit to you."

And I wish Israel will do the same thing.


- Pat, Kentucky residents aredealing with the devastation

of historic flooding this week.

Rivers rising to heightsnot seen for decades

after getting four to seven inches of rain

over several days.

At least 49 counties haveissued disaster declarations.

Now as the waters began to recede,

homeowners face thedifficult task of cleaning up

and repairing their homes.

CBN's Operation Blessing isresponding to the need though,

today delivering sevenpallets of food, water

and cleaning supplies for victims

in the town of Beattyville.

Pat, back to you.

- I want to say Operation Blessing,

it would deliver seven palletsof desperately needed food,

water, and cleaning suppliesto our ministry partner

in Beattyville, Kentucky.

And if you want to help ourdear friends in Kentucky

suffering on account ofthese flood conditions,

you can just call 1-800-700-7000


It's Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund

and we're there whenever possible

to help those who are suffering.


- Well, coming up, theFox News meteorologist

who's on a personal crusadeagainst Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Janice Dean talks about the terrible loss

of both her in-laws to COVID-19,her own struggles with MS

and tells how she keeps her sunny side up,

even in the darkest of times.

Plus, a wife makes a shockingconfession to her husband.

She admits to an adulterousaffair with another woman.

So what happens next?

Stay tuned to find out.

(dramatic music)

(determined orchestral music)

- Warm and friendly,

Janice Dean delivers herweather forecast on Fox News

with a sunny smile.

But now she's in the mediaspotlight for a serious reason,

her personal crusade.

Guess what?

Against the New York Stategovernor, Andrew Cuomo.

Janice lost both ofher in-laws to COVID-19

in New York nursing homes.

CBN's Jenna Browder talked

with Janice about finding thelight during very dark times.

- There's no way JaniceDean could have forecast

the dark times aheadin 2020 for her family.

She lost both of her in-laws to COVID-19

and there were other ups and downs too,

but still, she managed to findand is finding the sunshine.

- And I'm glad you're leading with weather

because this is a huge story.

- [Jenna] The warm and wittyFox News meteorologist writes

about all of it in her newbook, "Make Your Own Sunshine,

Inspiring Stories of PeopleWho Know How to Find Light

in Dark Times."

And dark times she certainly knows.

- One of the terribletragedies that happened

during this past year is welost my husband's parents.

Both died of COVID in separateelder care facilities.

Never in a million years,would I have thought

that something like that couldtake their lives so quickly.

And it was terrible,

there's no way to describeit any better than that.

- [Jenna] Since their passing,

Janice has been usingher platform to speak out

against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo,

who's under federal investigation

for his handling of thevirus in nursing homes.

The scrutiny growing by the day

and now reaching a boiling point.

- The truth is everybodydid everything they could.

- I never wanted to be a political person.

I'm the meteorologist on Fox.

No one knows who I voted for,

I don't comment on politicalmatters on television.

But I started learning more

about Governor Cuomo's executive order

to put COVID-positivepatients into nursing homes

for 46 days, and we arefinding out more information

that it was over 9,000 ofthose infected patients

that went into nursing homes.

And I wasn't seeing thecoverage on television,

I was learning this after my in-laws died.

We had no idea that there wasthis executive order in place

and I wasn't seeing thenews stories out there.

I felt like it wasn't being covered.

- [Jenna] Janice wantsanswers for her family

and all of the others who lost loved ones.

In the book, she writesabout finding the light

in life's hardest moments.

Janice features everyday heroes,

from the teacher whocut her student's hair

to the Uber driver who helpeda new mom buy baby clothes.

- Every chapter is basicallyabout a story about somebody

who did something kind for someone else

and many of them pass it along.

- [Jenna] That's whather husband did for her

when COVID nearly squashedher 50th birthday.

- Yes, I was going tocelebrate my 50th birthday

in Las Vegas.

I had planned, you know,dinners and outings and dancing

with my closest girlfriends.

And it came to ascreeching halt obviously,

we couldn't do that.

So my husband planned

this wonderful birthday for me


I never expected it.

- [Jenna] She describeshow he decorated their home

like a casino, arranged a car parade

and even set up Zoom dateswith her coworkers and friends.

- [Janice] And I wrote about it

because it was somethingwe were all going through

and it was a moment where myhusband went outside of the box

and did something so special.

And to me, it was probablythe best celebration

of my 50th year on this planet

and it happened to begoing on during a pandemic.

- I know you talk aboutyour own battle with MS

and you feature some other people

who are also struggling with it,

couple of questions,one, how are you doing?

And two, on this topic of sunshine,

how do you cope with that onsome of your tougher days?

- It's a good question

and I did write about twowonderful ladies in the book

about having MS and andhaving a chronic illness.

We don't have a cure for it.

I'm doing well.

You know, I've beendiagnosed now for 16 years

and, you know, I've had bumps in the road,

but I'm, knock wood, relatively well.

I mean, I have a great neurologist.

I'm on a new therapy

that I've been on fora couple of years now,

which has been working well for me.

I just actually had a newround of MRIs done on my brain,

which is something thatwill tell my neurologist

if there's any new lesions on my brain.

And I am clear, so that that's great news.

But I think something like that,

being diagnosed with a chronic illness

or going through challenges,their health challenges,

it does make you appreciateevery single day.

I know that every day that I wake up

and I put my feet onthe floor and I get up,

I mean, I'm grateful for that.

- [Jenna] Janice says writing this book

was actually healing for her in many ways.

- Well, just the fact

that we were goingthrough such a dark moment

and it made me appreciate the kindness

that was happening duringthat terrible time,

from the school principalcalling us and checking in

to see how we were doing,

to the local firefighterwho brought us a meal

and left it on the doorstep,

to strangers,

strangers who sent me cardsand, you know, prayers.

- And she hopes it will behealing for readers too,

who maybe need a little encouragement

or that extra shot of sunshine.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Thanks, Jenna.

Janice's book, by the way,

is called "Make Your Own Sunshine."

She has some tremendousendorsements here from Ginger Zee,

Jake Tapper, Martha MacCallum,

Kathy Lee Gifford and Lou Holtz.

- [Terry] Wonderful.

- If you got to get some endorsements,

there's some pretty good ones.

All right, wherever books are sold.

Very good.

We got an incredible story coming up now.

You wouldn't believe it,but it really is true.


- Well, she cheated on herhusband with another woman.

So what happened to her

when her girlfriend then cheated on her?

And what was the wake-upcall that set her straight?

See for yourself, it'sall right after this.

(somber orchestral music)

(hopeful orchestral music)

A raw craving for intimacy,passion, total fulfillment.

When Kim Zember didn'tfind that in her marriage,

she left her husband for another woman.

So did that quenchKim's insatiable desire?

No way.

Just watch.

- I just knew what I had tried I liked

and so it had created almosta craving now within me.

- [Reporter] Ever since middle school,

California girl KimZember had felt different

than other girls.

Growing up in a loving Catholichome with two older brothers

she preferred sports to makeup.

Then, in high school,

she heard a rumor that afriend of hers was gay,

which brought otherfeelings to the surface.

- I started for the firsttime thinking maybe I was gay.

I was drawn to this girl

and yet I knew that what God said,

the scriptures were clear that, you know,

acting on homosexualdesires was not in His will.

And so it was a wrestle for me

but it didn't stop the feelings I had.

- [Reporter] So one nightat a party her senior year,

Kim kissed her friend.

Turns out the girl wasn'tgay and ended the friendship.

For Kim, however-

- I just knew what I had tried, I liked.

And so it had created almosta craving now within me

and I felt like from that momenton, saw women differently.

- [Reporter] So after high school,

on her own and building asuccessful career in real estate,

Kim started having secretrelationships with women

even while dating men and going to church.

- I really was cravingsomeone to be intimate with,

that would love me, care for me

and that I could love and care for too.

So I lived a double life for years.

- [Reporter] Confused and ashamed.

Kim turned to a Christiancounselor for help.

- I was told that that's kind of who I am,

that I shouldn't fightit and that God loves me.

- [Reporter] Then at 21, Kimstarted dating a Christian man

who inspired her to live out her faith.

- It didn't take away my desires for women

but I did love who he was.

I saw Christ in him.

I could see Jesusliterally within this man

and I loved him.

- [Reporter] Kim says itwas then God led her to move

to Ethiopia with her boyfriendwhere she taught English

and started a nonprofit.

- It was in Ethiopia thatmy heart started opening,

that I started seeing pastmyself and into other people.

I didn't really have a desire for women

when I was walking in purposeon purpose and for a purpose,

there was very few distractions

- [Reporter] That changed very quickly

after they returned to the States

and her boyfriend proposed.

- I was absolutely terrified.

I knew that I was using this man.

I knew that I was stayingwith him to not be alone.

I loved who he was, but I was not in love.

I didn't know what todo 'cause I didn't know

what my life would look like without him.

- [Reporter] In 2009, they married

but Kim still struggled withher attraction to women.

A year later, she had an affair.

- I had promised God,the night I got married

that I would never cheaton him with a woman.

I made a promise to God, butI didn't ask God for help.

And I broke that promise'cause it's one I couldn't make

and I couldn't fulfill on my own.

- [Reporter] Kim admitted toher affair and they divorced.

She also went back to counseling.

- The advice that I got was,"This is who you are, live it.

God loves you."

And I heard so much abouthow much God loves me

that I thought, "Well, whyam I not loving myself?"

And so I embraced the lifestyle.

- [Reporter] No longer in the closet,

Kim spent the next few years bouncing

from girlfriend togirlfriend, afraid to be alone

and still searchingfor intimacy and peace.

- Everybody told me that onceI would openly date women

and stop hiding and stop cheating

that I would finally findfreedom and I didn't.

I think it honestly was worse for me

because now I was livinga lifestyle openly

that I knew was not right.

In the depths of my being, I knew.

- [Reporter] Then, in the fall of 2014,

Kim discovered her girlfriendhad cheated on her.

That pain was the wake up call she needed.

- I realized not onlywas I hurting myself,

I was hurting so many people.

My family, the people I was dating,

my ex-husband and I was done.

I knew, I knew that God did not create me

to go around hurting people like this.

And so the only option Ihad, in my heart and my mind.

was to surrender.

And I said, "I'm done, God, I surrender.

I give up.

And I just, I want you to be God.

I want you to be Lord over my life,

Lord, over my desires,Lord over everything I got

because I can't do this anymore."

- [Reporter] Kim invitedGod to help her deal

with her struggles, not justin that moment, but daily.

- I started to encounter Himin this real tangible way

that I never knew.

I knew a lot about Him, butI didn't know him personally.

And when I asked Him to beLord of my life on my own,

I started to experience Him.

I felt this intimacy that Iwas craving in the physical

or in the deepest part of me,

was now actually being fulfilled

in a way I never heard about.

And so it was absolutelylife-changing for me.

- [Reporter] Kim continuesrunning her ministry in Africa

and is now what shenever thought possible,

a happy single woman

who has found truecompanionship in Christ.

- Jesus Christ himself wastempted and never fell.

And so for me,

I'm not looking for alife free of temptation.

I'm just thankful that I have a savior

that is greater thanany temptation I face.

And that's why He wants meto journey with Him every day

because I don't know whattemptations are ahead of me.

God created happiness.

He created fullness and Hecreated us to live in that,

but we cannot find it without Him.

We cannot find it separatedfrom Him in any way.

- Boy, what Kim says is reallyfor all of us, isn't it?

I mean, it's what surrender is all about.

When we call God, Lord of our lives,

when we say, "Jesus, I wantyou to come into my life

and be Lord," we'regiving ourselves to Him.

And what we're saying inthat moment of surrender is,

"Not my way, but your way."

You know, it's an acknowledgement

that God created us aspecific way intentionally,

purposefully, and we're saying,

"I accept that.

I accept who you are.

I accept the majesty of who you are.

I accept the wisdom of who you are

and I'm gonna take myfeelings, my emotions

and I'm gonna subjugate everythingthat I am and have to you

because you are Lord.

Lord of my life, Lord of all."

There's a knowingnessof who God is in that,

that we don't get

when we're just beingreligious or spiritual.

It's a relationship, soit's coming close to Him.

Close, close, close to Himand saying, "I surrender."

And you know, you're saying you surrender

to someone who knew you,according to His word

before you were ever formedin your mother's womb,

who understood who you would be.

Someone who understands our struggles,

somebody who understands our willfulness

somebody who understands our selfishness,

understands all of those things

that we struggle within ourselves every day.

I find it so interesting in Kim's story

that in all of what she shared

about the early part of her life,

one of her great fears was being alone.

You know, you can be withpeople and still feel so alone.

Here she is, a single woman today,

fulfilled in a way that she'snever been fulfilled before

and she's not alone

because she walks everysecond of every day

with the Lord of her life,the savior of her soul,

the one who loves herwith an everlasting love.

You can't replace thatwith something else.

There isn't anything that compares to it.

So if you're listeningto Kim's story today,

I hope you heard clearlyhow changed her life was.

Her heart, her mind, herunderstanding of who she is

and who the God is who loves her.

And walking with Jesusis an everyday adventure.

Oh my goodness, life can be so difficult,

so challenging, so painful,

but when you're walkingwith Him, it's an adventure.

Every day is fresh and an opportunity.

Every time we have an issue where we fall,

or we make a mistake

or we aren't surrenderedto Him in the moment

because we are flesh, He gets that.

He loves us anyway, but we geta new beginning, a restart.

You know, we're coming up on Easter.

It's all about resurrection.

Yes, Jesus died for our sins.

Yes, He suffered unimaginably for us,

but on Sunday morning, on Sunday morning,

new life for every one ofus, for all of our days,

for all eternity withHim if we'll receive it.

If you haven't asked Jesusinto your heart and your life,

ask Him today.

Not just a perfunctory prayer, surrender.

Just say, "Jesus, I know you're it.

I want you.

I want more of you.

I want everything you have to give.

I want my sin to be forgivenso I can have a fresh start."

Ask Him now, "Whosoever will may come."

You know, it doesn'tmatter where you've been,

what you've done, Hisarms are open to you.

Invite Him into your heart today.

If you do that and you wantto know how to walk with Him,

Pat's prepared this greatlittle packet for you.

It's filled with wonderful information.

It's called "A New Day, What Now?"

After you invite Jesus into your life

how do you begin this relationship,this journey with Him?

This is free,

so is the phone call toget it, 1-800-700-7000.

Just call and say, "I'dlike the "New Day" packet.

We'll send it out to you right away.


- Marvelous.

Well still ahead, we've got your email.

John says, "For the past two years,

I have been experiencing haunted dreams.

How can I get rid ofthis demonic oppression?"

Well, I've got your questions

and, I hope, honest answers coming up.

Plus, a job promotion anda 50% salary increase.

Does that sound good?

Well, you'll find out

how this couple'smoney-making strategy worked.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this "CBN Newsbreak."

The House passed H.R.1, a massive voting bill

that touches on nearly everypart of the electoral process.

The measure aims to createa nationalized voting system

requiring uniform rules for all states.

For example, requiring early voting

and same day registration

while also outlawing voter ID requirements

and allowing ballot harvesting.

Republicans say the bill makes it easier

to manipulate elections anddifficult to detect fraud.

It now heads to the Senatewhere it needs 60 votes to pass.

Well, the Islamic terroristgroup, Boko Haram,

has released Christian pastor,Bulus Yikura, on Wednesday

after holding him captivefor nearly three months.

Bulus pleaded with Christian leaders

and government officialsto negotiate a release

by meeting the terrorist ransom demand.

Residents, family and churchmembers raised the money.

After his release, PastorBulus gave God thanks.

You can now start your day

by just subscribing toCBN News QuickStart.

You get the latestnational, international,

and faith-based news delivered

to your email each weekday morning.

You'll also see a previewof stories in the works

and find topics ofinterest from overnight.

You can subscribe toQuickStart at

(dramatic music)

- Get exclusive access today

to "Written In Stone, House of David,"

with instant streaming in4K on the CBN Family App.

A copy of the DVD can also be yours

for a gift of any dollar amount.

Visit,or call 1-800-700-7000.

Or you can simply text kingdavid,all one word, to 51555.

A great addition to your video library.

- It's really fascinating.- It is fascinating.

- People ought to geta copy of that, really.

Fascinating.- Absolutely.

- All right.

Well, Daniel Hoyos thought he knew

how to manage money the right way.

His wife, Jacqueline said,"No, there's another way."

So what happened when Danieltried it his wife's way?

You're about to find out.

(soft music)

- [Reporter] Daniel and JacquelineHoyos love spending time

with their three children.

- I love my family.

They are a top priority in my life.

- My kids have given usa whole different way

of looking at life and the world.

- [Reporter] Daniel grewup in Queens, New York

where he learned how to manage money.

When he got a job in digital media,

he put that knowledge to use.

- When I received apaycheck, I would save it.

And I would also invest instocks, mainly through 401k

because I was afraid to lose my money.

- [Reporter] Jacqueline,on the other hand,

had a different idea about money.

She had tithed all her life

and encouraged Daniel to do the same.

- When I heard about tithing,giving 10% of my income,

I just thought it was excessiveand I refused to do it.

- And he had a reallyhard time with that 10%.

He was like, "10%, thatseems significant."

I prayed that the Lordwould truly show him

that He was the one that wasgiving us all of the things

that we were surrounded by.

- [Reporter] Meanwhile,Jacqueline was expecting

their first child.

Daniel was in the processof looking for a new job.

Then one Sunday, Danielheard a message about giving

and Jacqueline's prayers were answered.

- And I decided I was gonna tithe.

All of it really belongs to God.

It's amazing that He entrusts us with 90%,

but I realized, "Wow, like10% actually is not a lot."

- [Reporter] Just one weeklater, Daniel got a new job,

one that came with a promotionand a 50% salary increase.

- So when I gave 10% of my salary,

I knew that God had blessedme with this job offer.

And I knew that He wassaying, "Trust me, son.

Trust me with your finances

because I'm gonna providefor you no matter what."

- I absolutely think that him tithing

was one of the main things

that led the Lord toblessing him in that way.

And I honestly think it'sbecause he needed it.

He needed the Lord to showhim that He had his back

and that all blessingstruly come from Him.

- [Reporter] Daniel andJacqueline continue to tithe

and God continued to bless them.

- The Lord opened every door.

I mean, immediately, it was just easy.

- [Reporter] Daniel and Jacqueline credit

their success to giving.

One ministry they supportis the Superbook Club.

They love how it helpstheir children learn

about God and the Bible.

- I actually really enjoy it as well.

It's just a fun way to share the gospel

and make the word ofGod exciting to my kids.

- [Reporter] The Hoyos familysay they've been blessed

and it's all becausethey made the decision

to manage money the right way.

- He's been so faithful to us.

I mean, we've seen it over and over again.

He comes in and justcompletely blows us away

with His blessings.

- What I've realized about God

is that you can't out give God.

The more you give of your finances,

the more He's gonna provide.

To trust God with moneyis really to trust God.

- Well, what do they say?

You take a teaspoon and ladle it out,

God takes a shovel and throws it back in.

You can't out give God.

Just try it sometime, seeif you can out give Him.

There's no way.

He said, "The gold is mine.

The silver is mine.

The cattle on a thousandhills, it's all mine.

And prove me with yourtithes and offerings,

if I won't open the windows of heaven

and pour you out such ablessing you can't contain."

Daniel found that that was true.

And for your own life, just give it a try.

You know, the one time,the one time in the Bible

we're told to test God, tempt God,

you're not supposed totempt God, it's a sin.

But the one way, the one time God says,

"Prove me with tithes andofferings if I won't do something.

I want to open the windows of heaven

and pour you out such ablessing you cannot contain it."

So God is offering you, tryit and see what happens.

And by the way, we're here asa recipient of God's grace.

We do what He wants us to do at CBN.

We feed the poor, we clothe the naked

and we take care of medical problems

and we take the gospel around the world.

And it's so important, soif you want to participate,

we have Operation Blessing, we have CBN,

we have a lot of other things we do.

So pick up the phone, call in

and say, "You can count on me."

And here's, "I want to joinThe 700 Club with $20 a month,"

or, "I want to do something a lot more."

You know, "He who givesgenerously will reap generously."

- [Terry] Absolutely,

and you've got a special gift.- And when you do, by the way,

now when you join The 700 club,

we're going to give you this.

And this is my book, it's called,

"I Walk With The Living God."

It's stories in here ofmiracles that have taken place.

It's stories of overcoming demonic power.

It's stories of healing.

It's stories of miracles.

And in addition to that, thereare all kinds of pictures.

We've got a number of pagesof very interesting pictures.

And you know, I think you'll like it.

- Can I tell you Marie liked it? (laughs)

- What does Marie say?- Marie says,

"I just read 'I've WalkedWith The Living God,'

excellent book.

Been blessed so many ways

since becoming a 700Club member decades ago."

And you know, that's thesame response we're getting

from everybody who reads it.

- Everybody.- Yeah.

- Well look, this book is brutally honest.

I mean, I'm not holding back anything

and trying to sugarcoat stuff.

I mean, it's out there, brutal.

But we also talk about thepresidential elections,

we talk about all kinds of things.

I mean, it's a compendium ofhow we used to do television

and what happened in the early days

and Ted Turner and JimBakker and all that stuff.

It's all in here.

It's amazing what theLord brought to my mind

when I was writing this book.

- That is absolutely true.

So join The 700 Club, get your copy.

- Okay, all right.

- Up next, what will Patsay to this question?

Amy asks, "My teenage son isrude to me, insulting me often.

My husband never stands up for me.

What should I do?"

Pat will have an honestanswer to that and more

when we come back.(uplifting music)

(upbeat music)

Okay, time for your email questions.

Pat, this is from John who says,

"For the past two years,

I've been experiencing haunted dreams.

How can I get rid ofthis demonic oppression?"

- All right, first of all, John,

you are recognizing that it's demonic.

That's a big start first,you know that it's demonic.

Well, what does theBible say about demons?

Jesus gave his disciples authority

over the demons to cast them out.

They went out and they healed people

and they cast out demons.

So the Lord has given you theauthority to cast out demons.

He is more powerfulthan all demonic forces.

Now, if you need help, thenget a few people together

who really believe in the Lord.

Don't don't get somebody around you

who doesn't believe in anything

because it'll do you more harm than good.

But in terms of demonic power,

you have in your mouth the power.

If you speak the word, "Satan, I bind you

and the forces of evil andI command you to leave me,"

that is what you can say.


bind you

in the name of Jesus Christ

and I command you to leave me alone.

Satan, I bind you and the forces of evil."

All right?

- Okay, this is Amy who says,"My teenage son is rude to me.

He does things like dumpingdirty sponge water on my head

and insulting me often,but nothing violent.

My husband never stands up for me.

He often makes fun of me

and doesn't view me as worthy of respect.

I pray about this often.

We've been married 20 years.

What should I do?"

- Well, I tell you, if he was my kid,

I'd knock the daylights out ofhim, that's what I would do.

Do you say well, physical-- Not violent.

- He isn't, but that kid,you ought to smack his face.

You ought to get him punished.

And if your husband won't stand up,

you say, "Look, you take careof me or I'm leaving you."

I mean, this is outrageous.

- Yeah, it's pretty-- Well, you know what they did

in the Old Testament whensome kid was that bad?

Do you know what they did?

They took him out and stoned him to death.

I mean, that was the punishment.

- Disrespect of parents.

- I mean, throwing dirtydishwater on his mother's head,

are you kidding me?- But the father kind of-

sets the precedent.- Well, I mean,

if the father doesn't do it.

That child, whoever's big enough,

oughta just lay it to him hard.

I mean, obviously when hewas growing up, you know,

"Bring up a child in the way he should go

when he's old, he won't depart."

You spare the rod and you spoil the child.

"The rod of reproof drivesfoolishness far from them."

I mean, we say we shouldn'tuse physical punishment.

Yes, you should.

But in this case he needs it badly, okay?

- That's pretty amazing.

Okay, this is the viewer who says,

"Could you explain whenbaptism first originated?

I know the Jews did it, but wasthere another race of people

before them that did it?

Was there another reasonthe baptism was done

and what purpose did it serve?"

- Well, they had one of those religions

where they put somebodyunderneath a platform

and they had a bull and theykilled the bull over the top

and they let the blood flow-- Let the blood

flow over them.- Yeah.

I mean, the whole ideaof you being immersed

in something else has goneon for quite some while.

But I know John the Baptist was baptizing,

and where did he find out about it?

There's something aboutthe symbolism of baptism

that you're immersed in somethingand then you rose again.

But there was I thinkthe mystery religions

did do that sort of thing,

but that's the only one I'm familiar with.

I'm sure there areothers that did as well,

but the whole idea isit's kind of a burial.

I mean, the whole idea ofbaptism is you're buried

and then you were raisedto get a newness of life.

That's what the symbolis so it's easy to do it.

All right, what's next?

- This is Harry, who says,

"What do you do when thegovernment forces you to sin?"

- Well, I don't know that the, you know,

the Apostle Peter made it clear.

He said, "Where there'sright in the sight of God

to obey you than to obey God, you decide.

But as for us, we canonly serve the Lord."

I really believe that you just, I mean,

I don't know what thegovernment is forcing you to do.

I think you're overstatingit, frankly, all right?

- This is Kevin, who says,

"What is the meaning of Matthew 13:12

in the new King James version?

'For whoever has, tohim more will be given

and he will have abundance.

But whoever does not have,

even what he has will betaken away from him.'"

- If you have read my"10 Laws of Prosperity,"

you find the Law of Use,which is so important.

If you use what you have,you will have more of it.

If you exercise yourmuscles, you will have more.

If you invest your money,you will have more.

If you do not, if youdig a hole in the ground

and put it in there, you willlose what you think you have.

And, I mean, I'll give you an example.

If I work my hand like this and I exercise

and my biceps will grow.

But if I bind my hand to my chest,

in a matter of maybe five or six months,

I won't be able to even raise a tea cup

because I'll be way weight.

That's what it's talking about.

Whoever has more will be given.

It's a fundamental law of theLaw of Use, the Law of Growth.

It's absolutely fundamental.

Well, today's PowerMinute is from Psalm 37,

"Delight yourself in the Lord,

and He shall give you thedesires of your heart."

Well tomorrow, in and outof 20 different psych wards,

a young woman is miraculously delivered

from bipolar orschizophrenia, in an instant.

You don't want to miss it.

We'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye

(uplifting music)


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